COD Library ESL/ABE/GED Faculty Newsletter: 02/12

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c.o.d. library esl/abe/ged faculty newsletter february 2011

looking ahead to august resource of the month

library renovation As many of you may already know, the Library is scheduled to undergo a major renovation during the 2012-2013 academic year. During this time, the Library will be open, but our space will be severely constrained.

There is no denying that Wikipedia is a popular and useful resource. For those of us who spend time on computers, using Wikipedia for quick reference becomes second nature- often replacing the use of print encyclopedias for fact-checking and fact-finding. Simple English Wikipedia’s 76,000+ articles are primarily written in Basic English and Special English. The homepage offers an About Wikipedia section, a regularlychanging Selected Article, a “Did You Know...” fact box with links to articles, and “Knowledge Groups” an index of article categories which includes “Applied Science”, “People and Anthropology”, “Daily Life, Art and Culture” as well as others. In addition to Simple English Wikipedia’s usefulness as a reference source for basic research and a tool for reading skills, the online encyclopedia can also be used as a writing tool. As with the full edition of Wikipedia, Simple English Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at

Construction in the upper-level of the Library will begin in August 2012 and everything up there (offices, Technical Services, the entire General Collection) will have to find new space somewhere else. We will move some items downstairs where they will share floorspace with a selected Reference Collection, study space, computers and service desks. Much more (70-80%) will move to the OCC where we will maintain closed stacks. These items will be available by request within 24 hours. August is a long way off yet (and feels even further than that!) but I’m giving you all this advanced warning in hopes that this will provide you with some time to think about materials that you can’t do without. Are there Library videos that you always show in class? Are there books that your students must be able to check out? Does your syllabus include recommended reading or required texts? Please take some time this semester to think about the Library items to which you and your students will need ready access next year. Bring those items to my attention-- send me a list of titles or call numbers, pull the items from the shelves and hand them to me in my office, call me up and describe what you need-- and I’ll make sure these items are included in our temporary collection or put on reserve. If you have any questions about this upcoming renovation project, what it means for materials access, library instruction or any other implications, do not hesitate to get in touch.

library cards Did you know that your students don’t need to come to the Library to get a Library card? Of course students can get cards at any of our Centers for Independent Learning, but you can also arrange for your entire class to receive Library cards. Just download a Library Card application from the Library’s website, copy and distribute to your students. Send the completed applications along with a copy of your class roster to the Library’s Circulation Desk via campus mail, and within a week, we’ll send you your students Library cards!

any time. A Schools Gateway makes the editing process even easier for students, with a tutorial, help center and sandbox, where students can practice editing without going into actual articles. Using Simple English Wikipedia in a classroom setting can provide students with valuable information seeking skills as well as an understanding of the organization and origins of information and the Web.

Found a resource you’d love to have in the Library? Request it for the collection!

It’s an easy way to make sure your students have access to the Library’s many ESL, ABE and GED resources.

new in the library Academic English Vocabulary for International Students: The Key to Success in College by Bill Walker - PE1449 .W354 2010 Maximum English - Kit includes 7 CDs and three books: Advanced Grammar by Barbara Raifsnider, Idioms by Rachel Varra and Verbs written by Louise Stracke - PE1128 .M3975 2008 What to Do For Health, Easy to Read, Easy to Use series ● What to Do When Your Child Is Heavy - PE1127.H98 M38 2011 ● What to Do When You’re Having a Baby - PE1127.H98 M383 2011 ● What to Do for Health Teeth - PE1127.H98 M478 2011 ● What to Do for Kids with Asthma - PE1127.H98 G353 2011 ● What to Do for Teen Health - PE1127.H98 M384 2010

Schedule a Library tour, orientation, activity or librarian visit for your class-- just contact Jenn

Visit the ESL and ABE/ GED Research Guides for student and faculty resources

Jennifer Kelley, ESL/ABE/GED Librarian * * SRC 3043A * 630.942.2383

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