COD Library ESL/ABE/GED Faculty Newsletter: 04/09

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C.O.D. Library ESL/ABE/GED Faculty Newsletter April 2009

Resource of the Month ELLLO stands for English Language Learning Lab Online, an interactive website where students can hone their skills by listening to natural conversations spoken with a wide variety of accents-American and international. Audio files are accompanied by images, an interactive quiz, transcripts and downloadable MP3. In addition to the over 900 (and growing) interviewconversations, ELLLO features regular updates of at least 5 new activities a week, listening games which "help students listen for gist", a Newscenter which "can help students

Speaking of Speaking March was clearly pronunciation month and I celebrated by compiling quite a few lists of Library materials that we have, that I recommend, that I wonder why we have, and that I wonder why we don't have. I had several requests from instructors for phonics resources, speaking skills books, A/V materials for pronunciation, and the like. Unfortunately, a lot of what we have are in formats that a lot of our students look at and say "what is this?" That might be an exaggeration-- students do know what audio cassettes and VHS tapes are, but chances are they don't have the tape players and VCRs to use them (although, in one instance, I was with a student when we found a slide carousel in a box on the shelf and she literally had no idea what it was!). With budget constraints the way they are, I don't have much hope of updating our A/V materials this semester, but I am keeping a running list of replacements and wish list items for next year! While pronunciation materials might be the focus of our ESL students, speaking skills resources might be of interest to some of our adult learners. Speaking skills books and videos hit on everything from overcoming shyness and insecurity to organizing speeches and wowing your audience with captivating presentations. Returning students can use these resources to help gain the confidence they need to succeed in the classroom as well as in real life situations.

ESL/ABE/GED Speaking Skills & Pronunciation Resources Conquering Communication Anxiety (DVD) Author: Jessica Stowell Call #: PN4088 .S833 no.2 2005 10 simple solutions to shyness : How to overcome shyness, social anxiety & fear of public speaking Author: Martin M. Antony Call #: BF575.B3 A577 2004 Speaking to be understood : English as a first or second language Author: Lillian Brown

learn academic English and develop test taking skills for standardized listening tests", and songs with lyrics by independent artists.

Call #: PN4129.15 .B76 2003

Elllo is fun, easy to use and contemporary-- the activities, images and topics are geared toward college-aged students. The site is the work of a fulltime English teacher in Japan and clearly reflects his dedication to developing listening and comprehension skills in students.

Public speaking in a second language : Fear not (DVD) Author: Susan Steinbach Call #: PN4129.15 .P83 2006

Presentation skills : The essential guide for students Author: Patsy McCarthy and Caroline Hatcher Call#: PN4121 .M22 2002

Sounds and rhythm : a pronunciation course (book w. cassettes) Author: W.D. Sheeler, R.W. Markley Call #: PE1137 .S37 1991 Perfect English pronunciation (VHS) Author: produced by Donald W. Novey and Eilleen Call #: PE1137 .P4 1991 Pronunciation power (book w. CD-ROM) Call #: PE1137 .P76 2000

Your Librarian Jenn Kelley Reference Librarian Office: SRC 3043A Phone: (630) 942-2383 E-mail: Library Website: Find me on Facebook

Pronounce it perfectly in English (CD) Author: Jean Yates Call #: PE1137 .Y384 2005 English pronunciation made simple Author: Paulette Dale, Lillian Poms Call #: PE1137 .D34 2005 Pronunciation plus (CD) Author: Martin Hewings, Sharon Goldstein Call #: PE1137 .H44 2001 Clear speech from the start : basic pronunciation and listen (CD) Judy B. Gilbert PE1128 .G5183 2001

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