Great Nonprofit Podcasts To Check Out In 2022

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6/15/22, 10:30 AM

Great Nonprofit Podcasts To Check Out In 2022 – Jennifer Powers Blog

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Great Nonprofit Podcasts To Check Out In 2022  jenniferpowersnyc

 jennifer powers nyc, Lifestyle, philanthropy

 June 15, 2022


Minutes We live busy lives, which can sometimes make learning new information difficult. It often feels like we’re constantly on the go, so how do we learn more about different subjects? Well, a great way to do so would be to listen to podcasts. You can listen to podcasts while you’re driving, while you’re cleaning the house, and while you’re working. You can listen to them practically wherever. The nonprofit sector in particular has a lot of great podcasts available ( which can help you learn more about philanthropy, charity, and everything that encompasses the nonprofit subject. Here are a few of the best nonprofit podcasts worth checking out in 2022. The Business Of Giving The Business of Giving is a weekly program hosted by Denver Frederick, who is a veteran of the philanthropy world. He talks about the various solutions that can be found to today’s social problems, such as global poverty, clean drinking water, and affordable housing. Each week, Frederick interviews prominent individuals and organizations. The program has a total of 378 episodes, and the latest one was released in February 2022. In one of the recent interviews, Denver was able to connect with the CEO of LavaMaeX, Kris Kepler, who discussed how the organization is helping the homeless. Nonprofits can also benefit from these discussions as they can learn more about other great platforms that can help them reach their goals. First Day Podcast The First Day Podcast from The Fund Raising School is a weekly program that focuses on the advancement of ethical fundraising. It features a variety of topics that are related to this subject. Some of the topics that are frequently discussed on the program include major-donor fundraising, self-care for a fundraiser, and how to manage your funds. The Fund Raising School currently has a total of over 200 episodes. None of these are more than 20 minutes long, and they cover the latest developments in fundraising and technology. One of the episodes that they released recently hit over 19k plays on SoundCloud. If you’re interested in getting the latest updates about nonprofits, follow this channel. Nonprofits Are Messy


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