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W hi f f l et r ee Far m 8717 Spr i ngs Rd.| |W ar r ent on,VA www. whi f f l et r eef ar m va. com

Whi ffl et ree Apprent i ceshi p

Farm Descri pt i on Wer ai sepast ur edchi ckens,t ur keys,eggs,por k,andbeef .Ver ymuchi nspi r edandmodel ed af t erJoel Sal at i n' s Pol yf ace.1 00% gr assf ed beef .Ev er yt hi ngonf r eshpast ur e.Nodr ugs, chemi cal s,orGMO f eeds,et c.Wepr ocessal lourownpoul t r y.Lastyearwer ai sedar ound 6000chi ckens,keptaf l ockof500l ayi nghens,1 3headofbeefcat t l e,80pi gs,500t ur keys f orThanksgi v i ng. Asf arasabr i efdescr i pt i onofmyf ami l yandme,wear eki nd,har dwor ki ng,hav ev er yhi gh st andar dsf orex cel l entwor kandex cel l entbehav i or ,andar e ent husi ast i cal l y Cat hol i c. We hav e4chi l dr enundert heageof5. Asf arasamor alet hi cgoes,weex pectnot hi ngt hat woul dscandal i zeachi l dnof oull anguage,nodr unkenness,nodr ugs,nopr omi scui t y.Al l i nt egr i t yand upst andi ngness. Appr ent i ces notonl yr epr esentourbusi ness,t heyl i v eand wor ki ncl osepr ox i mi t yt oourwhol ef ami l y.






M eetyourfarmer Whati syourbestchi l dhoodmemory? Bui l di ngandcampi ngi nani ncr edi bl ef ori n t hewoodswi t hmyf r i ends .

Whati sthebestgi f tyou’ verecei ved? Acouponf r om myf i v eyearol ddaught ert o dancewi t hherandt akehert ot hes t r eam.

Whatwoul dyoubuyi fyouwonthel ottery? Mor ecat t l eandawal ki nf r eez er .

Whati syourf avori tel ocalrestaurant? For l ano’ s ,I r on Br i dge,Bl ack BearBi s t r o, As hby I nn,Hi dden J ul l es ,and The Whol e Ox .

Whati syourf avori tebreakf asti tem? St eakandEggs .

Whati syourf avori tesummertreat? Coconutmi l kpops ci cl es .

Whati syourf avori tesummerpasti me? Swi mmi ngi nours t r eam

Whatwoul dyoubedoi ngi fyoudi dn’ t ownaf arm? Car pent r y. Iwor ked [ f ora f r i end]f ora coupl e year sbui l di ng hous es . Il i ke doi ng phys i calwor k,bei ng out s i de and s eei ng s at i s f yi ngr es ul t s .

Doyoucol l ectanythi ng? Goodbooksandmus i conv i nyl r ecor ds .I n t er ms ofbooks ,ev er yt hi ng f r om Wendel l Ber r yand J oesSal at i n,and cl as s i cf i ct i on andt heol ogy. Recent l yIhav ebeenonan Engl i s h Vi ct or i an ki ck - Aus t i n,Br ont e’ s , El i ot ,et c. Bef or et hati twasanAmer i can r un-Twai n,St ei nbeck,O’ Connor ,et c. I n t er msofmus i c,mos t l yt hi ngsl i ke60’ sf ol k r ock,youknow,BobDyl an,TheBand,Nei l Youngandt hi ngsl i ket hat .

Whereareyouori gi nal l yf rom? I gr ew upher ei nWar r ent on.

What’ syourgreatestachi evement? Fi ndi ngmywi f e,hav i ngourki ds ,andr ai s i ng ourheal t hyf ood.

Appl i cat i on Quest i ons

Pl easecompl et et hesequest i onsand emai lt hem:j essi est r ai ght @gmai l . com

1.I ngener al ,whatdo yout hi nk aboutt hi soppor t uni t y? 2.Woul d youant i ci pat ehavi ng anypr obl emsget t i ng al ong wi t ha ki nd,t houghf ei st yconser vat i ve Cat hol i c? Whataboutourmor al expect at i onsofno dr ugs,dr unkenness,f oull anguage,pr omi scui t y, et c. ? 3.Do youhaveanydi et ar yr est r i ct i ons? 4.Do youhavea dr i ver sl i cense?Whati syourdr i vi ng r ecor dl i ke? Do youhaveyourowncarand i nsur ance? 5.Whenwoul d youbeabl et o st ar t ?And whenwoul d youwantt o f i ni sh? 6.Anyvacat i ont i meyouwoul d hopet ot ake? Fami l yweddi ngs, ect . ? 7.Pl easepr ovi de2 r ef er encesand t hei rcont acti nf or mat i on. 8.Do youhavea cr i mi nalr ecor d? “ Whydof ar mer sf ar m,gi vent hei reconomi c adver s i t i esont opoft hemanyf r us t r at i onsand di f f i cul t i esnor malt of ar mi ng?Andal wayst he ans weri s : " Love. Theymus tdoi tf orl ove. "Far mer s f ar mf ort hel oveoff ar mi ng. Theyl ovet owat ch andnur t ur et hegr owt hofpl ant s . Theyl ovet ol i ve i nt hepr es enceofani mal s . Theyl ovet owor k out door s . Theyl ovet heweat her ,maybeevenwhen i ti smaki ngt hem mi s er abl e. Theyl ovet ol i vewher e t heywor kandt owor kwher et heyl i ve. I ft hes cal e oft hei rf ar mi ngi ss mal lenough,t heyl i ket owor k i nt hecompanyoft hei rchi l dr enandwi t ht hehel p oft hei rchi l dr en. Theyl ovet hemeas ur eof i ndependencet hatf ar ml i f ecans t i l lpr ovi de. ” Wendel lBer r y ,Br i ngi ngi tt ot heTabl e:Wr i t i ngsonFar mi ngandFood

9.Woul d youhavea cel lphonet o use? 10.Woul d youhaveheal t hi nsur ance? 11.Whencoul d youcomef ora wor kt r i al ? 12.Pl easeat t achyourr esume. 13.Yourage? 14.Habi t ualsmoker ?


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