About the Author: Key Moments Jenny Bewick
Reading and interpre<ng research.
I’ve found this a rewarding process, and one I think I’ve done well. Thinking conceptually has been a well-‐welcomed challenge.
PuGng ideas to paper I’ve never been very good at making roughs, but throughout this project I’ve come to appreciate how useful it is to prac<ce composi<on over and over again to achieve the best final result.
Learning the Process of Print. I already knew about these and had prac<ced them, however I’ve never had such an opportunity to use them so much, or produce so many prints. I’ve found it rewarding to educate myself.
Bringing roughs to life.
Combining Analogue and Digital. I’ve found this to be an interes<ng process, and one that’s allowed to see many poten<al final outcomes for my prints, e.g. playing around with different colours and paNern.
Exploring paNern and texture. It’s been so great geGng back to the kind of work I was producing at the end of first year, Using paNern, texture and shape to create final pieces of work.
Prin<ng my finals. So sa<sfying to have a final outcome to hold in my hand!
PuGng prints in mo<on. For me this might be the most rewarding part of the whole project. I’ve learnt how to use an en<re new program, and now feel confident in areas of anima<on, something I never thought I’d achieve.
Learning new things!