Dissertation presentation

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COP3: (Something to do with child psychology and art) Sorry for lack of pictures in the first half of this presenta?on

Poten?al Ques?ons: -­‐

What are the fundamental reasons as to why children feel the need to draw?


Why do certain crea?ve methods help to create beFer levels of communica?on with children than others?


How do children interpret their environment through crea?ve processes?

Why do certain crea?ve methods help to create beFer levels of communica?on with children than others?

What I want to focus on: -­‐  How illustra?on for children has changed over ?me, are there any paFerns? -­‐  Does artwork made by children influence this and vise versa? -­‐  How can everyday subjects/situa?ons be translated visually for children, (in the most engaging way).

Original (and partly s?ll) plan for prac?cal:

Go to places, make reportage journal, see how everyday things can form stories. Inves?gate how they can be translated into images that are engaging to children. Maybe take the stories into my mum’s school to see how they’re received. Just have fun with shape, colour story-­‐telling etc.

Understanding Children’s Drawings – Cathy A Malchiodi “She spoke poignantly through her drawings, depic?ng what she could not verbalise because of depression, fear and lack of self-­‐esteem” -­‐ Talking about a child she befriended at a Summer recrea?on camp.

Use personal life experiences and try and try and create a picture book/way or transla?ng them ar?s?cally for children to understand. Remain sensi?ve to children and their mentali?es, but also remember that anyone can go through something at any age and not to patronise readers.

Learning from last year

Fully enjoyed my final project last year, and it made me realise what kind of work I want to be crea?ng, and who my target audience is. My interests lie within the field of illustra?ng for children, and my research so far has also only increased my want to become an art therapist, working with children.

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