Name: Jennifer Cox
Liverpool John Moore’s University
Calderpeel Architects (Altrincham)
Date of Birth: 20/01/1997
MArch (Hons) Master of Architecture: 2019-2020
Part 1 Architectural Assistant
(Awaiting final grade)
September 2018-September 2019
University of Huddersfield
During my time at Calderpeel I gained
BA (hons) Architecture: 2015-2018 (First Class)
invaluable experience in the architectural
Mobile: 07863942052 PERSONAL STATEMENT
industry. It developed my confidence in design Thank you for taking the time to look at my
portfolio. My name is Jenny, I am 24 years
but also my communication skills. I was given responsibility for liasing with a range of different
old and come from South Manchester; I
Sale Grammar School Sixth Form: 2013-2015
people including clients and planning officers.
am currently living in Altrincham and have
Product Design A-Level (A)
As a result of this experience, I now have a
previously lived in Huddersfield.
Mathematics A-Level (B)
clearer understanding of the team work that is
Physics A-Level (B)
required to run a successful business and will
Chemistry AS-Level (B)
utilise this in future roles.
now actively pursuing a career in the profession
Sale Grammar School: 2008-2013
I was selected to work alongside the managing
that I love.
10 GCSEs (A*-A)
director on a number of residential and luxury
I am a hardworking person with a wide skill set
Having recently completed the Masters in Architecture at Liverpool John Moore’s, I am
private projects. This developed my confidence who is able to adapt to different situations. My
in preparing drawings for planning applications and also communicating with private clients in
creativity and passion for design have shone
Whilst at university I have developed many
meetings. I was fortunate enough to be given
through the range of projects I’ve worked on,
skills that will be invaluable when working
the responsibilty to oversee the submission of
and I enjoy taking a project from the initial
in a professional practice. Particularly during
a planning application for one of the private
concept stage through to the technical design
the MArch course, my passion for architecture
clients, this application was approved in the final
both as part of a team and individually.
has increased. I love exploring the physical
weeks of my placement, and construction has
constraints and opportunities of a site and
since began on site.
designing proposals that respond to the surrounding context. Learning about the work
There is a team of architects at Calderpeel that
Grade 8 Violin
of famous architects, design theories and design
focus on the healthcare sector and providing
Grade 8 Vocals
movements has underpinned the projects
assisted living developments across the country.
Grade 6 Bassoon
completed in the design modules. My CAD skills, I was able to work alongside the project
Member of Halle Youth Orchestra 2011-2016
presentation techniques and team working skills architects to prepare the drawing packages for have all developed throughout the masters.
Jennifer Cox 2021 Portfolio
planning, I enjoyed working for this team as it