2 minute read
from Four skills Magazine
by Jenny Minera
Be technological
participate and express their ideas, it should not be a and this is how students will enhance their speaking skills. Teachers need to let students speak in the class where he can correct mistakes, pronunciation, word outside of it. At these times technology has been developed rapidly, providing a wide range of online resources for teaching languages. Teachers need to adapt to these technologies and start implementing them in their classes. Using technology makes classes and exercise more interactive and it calls student’s

Make students speak
4Teachers should give the opportunity to students to teacher-centered-class when the only person who speaks is the teacher. It is a student-centered class, stress, etc. if students feel confident and comfortable speaking inside the classroom, they will speak attention.
Long story Techniques

This is an interactive and enjoyable activity. Students make a circle. First, the teacher gives an initial sentence. The first student must repeat what the teacher said and continue the sentence. The second student must repeat what his previous classmate has said and continue with the sentence. The third student must repeat what his two previous classmates said and continue whit the sentence. And so on.
Example: Teacher: Yesterday I was… 1st student: Yesterday I was + Playing outside. 2nd student: Yesterday I was + Playing outside + with my new friend 3rd student: Yesterday I was + Playing outside + with my new friend when I saw……. And so on.

Show and tell
1The teacher asks students to bring their favorite object to class. In the class, they must show what they have brought and describe the object, its use, how they got it, etc. Example Object: smartphone This is my favorite object because when I get bored I play videogames on it. I also get calls from my parents. Etc.
2Debate The teacher will make two groups, give one relevant option to each group (mostly something they like the most). groups have to debate why their option is better for them. Students should give important facts, support their answers, etc. Example: Group 1: iOS Group 2: Android Which one is better? Why? Support your answers.

Tell me what you 3 know first! Students get in pairs; the teacher gives a list of five different topics to each pair. Each pair must share eight facts or details of what they know about each topic. the pair who finishes the five topics before the rest of the class wins.
