1 minute read
from Four skills Magazine
by Jenny Minera
By: Christopher Lopez
Reading ability refers to the ability to comprehend or understand a written text, combining comprehension with prior knowledge that naturally promotes cognitive development. Instilling the habit of reading is the best way to get students to develop the skill of analysis. There are multiple methods that teachers can employ to keep this habit going since nowadays reading goes unnoticed. Even the teacher can merge part of the teaching of writing with it to achieve better comprehension and writing. In today's world, reading is 'basic' to everyday life. As children, we learn to read, and as adults, we read to learn.
Adequate progress in learning to read in English goes beyond an initial level since it depends on how sounds are represented alphabetically, how much fluency can be achieved in the texts, previous knowledge, and vocabulary to make written texts meaningful. Finally, a procedure that monitors comprehension and repairs misunderstandings that bring with them a variety of purposes. The universality of the act of reading comes from the fact that every individual is intrinsically capable of it. Through the stimuli of society and the validity of codes are transmitted preferably through an alphabet. This practice plays an imminent role in education because once the student learns to read and does not lose this ability, the student may or may not become a reader, since it is defined, in principle, by the assiduity to an institution: literature. Under these contradictory aspects, it is not only a matter of emphasizing the value of reading as a procedure of appropriation of reality but also of delimiting the meaning of the object through which it is concretized: a universal communication and selfcritical thinking. Reading can become a part of the learning process if the teacher can create strategies that generate feelings of expectation in students to encourage them to read.