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Insider ««« July/August 2018 ««« Meet the 2018-2019 City Council Members story on pages 2-3

Are You Prepared For Hurricane Season?

Hurricane season whirled into town on June 1 and will last until November 30, 2018. This is the time of year that storms have the potential to produce devastating winds and rains that can quickly reach flood levels. What are you doing to prepare yourself, your family, and your home? Start now by developing an evacuation plan and a place to reconnect with family members. The TxDOT website will help coastal residents determine the best evacuation route. Planning ahead is the best defense against unexpected disasters and a visit to www.txdot.gov can help. More weather ready tips are online at the National Weather Service website: www.nws.noaa.gov/com/weatherreadynation/hurricane_preparedness.

What About That Weather? When the weather turns ugly, there’s a lot of information that’s thrown around. Make sure the news works for you and learn the terms you may hear during a weather event. Tropical Depression: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 38 miles per hour or less. Tropical Storm: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 73 miles per hour or less. Hurricane: An intense tropical cyclone with sustained winds of 74 miles per hour or higher. Tropical Cyclone: An organized weather system with a closed circulation that forms over warm, tropical waters. These systems rotate counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. Hurricane/Tropical Storm Watch: Hurricane or Tropical Storm conditions are possible in the watch area within 48 hours. Hurricane/Tropical Storm Warning: Hurricane or Tropical Storm conditions are expected in the warning area within 36 hours. Visit http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutsshws.shtml for more information

July/August 2018


Meet Your 2018-2019 C

Our Government The City of Rosenberg operates in a Council-Manager form of government in which the City Council sets the policy and overall direction for the City, and appoints a professional City Manager and other key officials to oversee the City’s daily operations.


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The Rosenberg City Council serves stagger and 4 are elected in even-numbered years numbered years. Representatives are limi Charter. Rosenberg’s 2018-2019 City Coun

William T. Bent on

Mayor William T. “Bill” Be

Large, Position 1, elected in June 2011, an Mayor Benton serves on the Rosenberg Im the Rosenberg Development Corporation,

City Council Mayor: At Large 1: At Large 2: District 1: District 2: District 3: District 4:

William T. Benton Jacob E. Balderas Amanda J. Barta Isaac Davila Steve M. DeGregorio Lisa M. Wallingford Richard Olson

Councilor Jacob E. Balderas was

on the Rosenberg Image Committee, Anim Commission, the Professional Services/En Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Evaluation Com Councilor Amanda J. Barta was e Councilor, District 4, starting in June 2013 serves on several committees including: th Review Committee. Councilor Isaac Davila was elected Control Advisory Board, the Main Street A

City Manager

Councilor Steve M. DeGregorio Animal Control Advisory Board.

John Maresh

Councilor Lisa M. Wallingford w

previously served in 2016. She is a memb Services/Engineering Project Review Com Corporation, and the Hotel Occupancy Tax Councilor Richard Olson was elec May 2018 and serves on the Employee Be Engineering Project Review Committee, an

deras, Council l a or B E. at b

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City Council meets regularly in public session the first, third, and fourth Tuesday of each month. Check the website for times, agendas, etc. Council meetings may also be viewed live on Comcast 16 or at: www.CityofRosenberg.com/TV

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To anticipate community needs and deliver exceptional service; and to cultivate an enhanced quality of life through leadership, innovation, and cooperative partnerships.

Housing Development Through May 2018 Second Quarter 2018: Estimated Population: 39,348 Housing Starts: 105 / 251 YTD City - 64.5% / ETJ - 35.5% Lots Platted: 333/ 339 YTD

Rosenberg Insider




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City Mission Statement

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July/August 2018



red two year terms of office. Districts 1, 2, 3, s, and Mayor, At-Large 1, and At-Large 2 in oddited to three consecutive terms of office by City ncil was ceremonially sworn in on June 5, 2018.


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City Council

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enton was elected as mayor in May, 2018. He served previously as Councilor At

nd re-elected in May 2013, and May 2015. mage Committee, the Finance/Audit Committee, the Charter Review Committee, , and the Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council.

d to the office of City Councilor, District 1, in May 2018. He serves on the Animal Advisory Board, and the Parks and Recreation Board. was elected to the office of City Councilor, District 2, in May 2018 and serves on the

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was elected to the office of City Councilor, District 3, in May 2018, where she ber of the Employee Benefits Committee, the Planning Commission, the Professional mmittee, the Rosenberg Development x (HOT) Evaluation Committee. . DeGreg cted to the office of City Councilor, District 4, in ve M ori e t S o, enefits Committee, the Professional Services/ r lo nd the Rosenberg Development Corporation.

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elected as Councilor At Large, Position 1, in May 2017. Councior Balderas serves mal Control and Shelter Advisory Board, the Finance/Audit Committee, the Planning ngineering Project Review Committee, the Charter Review Committee, and the mmittee. elected as Councilor At Large, Position 2, in May 2015. Previously, she served as 3. Councilor Barta was elected Mayor Pro Tem by a unanimous Council vote. She he Employee Benefits Committee, the Finance/Audit Committee, and the Charter

Melinda Cave, ner RTown Trivia Win Last month, we invited you to visit our website to try your hand at some Rosenberg trivia. We received several entries in the contest, but there could only be one winner! Melinda Cave, answering all the trivia questions correctly, was then entered into a raffle to win a Rosenberg prize pack complete with T-shirts, key chains, restaurant gift cards, and more! The trivia was sponsored by Bob’s Tacos, Fort Bend Art Center, and Another Time Soda Fountain and Cafe. Follow us on Facebook (@Rbergtx) for our next prize-pack give-away!

NUMBERS TO KNOW Animal Control 832.595.3490 Citizen Relations 832.595.3301

Mosquito Control is Underway Fight the Bite! Stay Safe this Summer are encouraged to remember the four “D”s: • DRAIN any standing water in your yard • DRESS in long sleeves and pants if you are outside and mosquitoes are active. • DUSK/DAWN is when mosquitoes are most active. Try your best to stay indoors! • DEET is an ingredient to look for when you’re buying insect repellent. Always wear repellent when you are outside and follow label instructions. Visit www.cdc.gov for additional information on the prevention of the West Nile Virus and other mosquito-borne illnesses. General questions about larvicide dunk distribution should be directed to Citizen Relations at (832) 595-3301.

As part of the mosquito abatement efforts, the City is spraying for mosquitoes once a week (more if it becomes necessary) and is offering larvicide dunks to residents at no cost in an attempt to reduce mosquitos in Rosenberg. The City will provide up to two (2) dunks per address. Dunks can be broken into halves and quarters to treat smaller areas of standing water. Residents may acquire dunks by coming to City Hall and bringing along a valid form of identification. The City will record the name, phone number and address of the requester to track the geographic distribution of the larvicide. In addition to the City’s efforts, residents


Customer Service - Utilities 832.595.3400 Police Dispatch - Non-Emergency 832.595.3700


Republic Services - Solid Waste 713.726.7300


Visit www.cityofrosenberg.com to confirm meetings and events, as well as public notices and meeting agendas.

8/07/2018 7:00pm

Regular City Council Meeting

Rosenberg City Hall


8/18/2018 9:00am

Monthly Adoption Event

Rosenberg Animal Control and Shelter at TSC in Rosenberg


8/21/2018 7:00pm

Regular City Council Meeting

Rosenberg City Hall

8/28/2018 6:00pm

City Council Workshop Rosenberg City Hall


Labor Day



Publication comments are welcome email: communications@rosenbergtx.gov Phone: 832.595.3301 (ask for Communications) Rosenberg Insider



Holiday Municipal Facilities Closed «

July/August 2018

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