ALGEBRA Getting ready for...
Math Menu This math menu supports the Mathematics strand: Pattern and Function. It has been designed for Grade 6 students at CDNIS.
Are you ready to venture into the unknown?
Patterns can often be generalized using algebraic expressions, equations or functions. Exponential notation is a powerful way to express repeated products of the same number. Understanding how to solve problems using algebra requires a solid footing in a number of skills. The activities in this math menu are presented in a sequential order. It is important that you work through these in order. If you understand the ideas in stage 1, move on to the next stage. You do not need to completed all of the activities in each stage. However, you must have evidence of your proficiency in stage before moving on to the next. You may work on these activities individually, with a partner or in a small group. The evidence of your understanding though must be an individual effort. If you are not sure about anything in this menu, please remember to see Ms Fenton for assistance.After
each math class record your work on the Google form for our class.
x=? After completing this unit you will: ✴Understand that patterns can be generalized by a rule. ✴Understand that patterns can be represented, analyzed and generalized using tables, graphs and words and symbolic rules ✴Understand exponents as repeated multiplication ✴Understand the inverse relationship between exponents and roots ✴Use functions to solve problem ✴Select appropriate methods to analyze patterns and identify rules
Are you a risk-taker in math? There will always be an unknown, or a variable, in algebraic expressions. Develop your confidence in solving these types of problems by working through the activities in this menu. Be a mathematical risk-taker!
EXPLORE Patterns •Explore number patterns at Math Frog* •Number patterns interactive from BBC Bitesize •Take it further with terms and ‘nth’
Functions •Explore functions and patterns using Math Playground’s online function machine or NLVM* •BrainPop video explains graphing linear functions (log in required) •Explore the relationship between functions, patterns and graphs at NLVM. •Explore coordinates Expressions & Equations •Explore algebraic expressions •Explore the idea of ‘balance’ or equalities at NLVM. •Does it balance? Match it •Watch the interactive tutorial from BBC Bitesize •And another Equations 2
PRACTICE Patterns •Practice completing number patterns at Fun Brain. •Play It’s Nutty at Math Interactives •Complete patterns tasks in Mathletics.
Functions •Revision and practice with graphing equations at BBC Bitesize. After working through the tutorial pages, practice with the activity •Practice linear functions •Practice coordinates (includes negative numbers) Expressions & Equations •Practice writing Expressions •Solve one variable equations with addition & Subtraction* and multiplication and division* at Math Frog. •More algebraic equations* •Jeopardy style practice •Complete the equations tasks in Mathletics.
Exponents •Watch BrainPop’s video as an introduction (log in required) •Read about exponents at Cool Math. •Watch Level 1 Exponents on Khan Academy
Exponents •Practice recognizing exponents in Alien Powers. •Complete the Exponents Task in Mathletics. •Practice Level 1 Exponents on Khan Academy
Order of Operations •What is this and why is it important? Watch this video. •BrainPop’s video explains this concept. (log-in required) •Explore the order of operations at Math Interactives
Order of Operations •Practice at Math Frog* •Practice the order of operations at Math Interactives.
APPLY Patterns Create a picture book with a number pattern as a part of the story, such as One Grain of Rice or Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar OR Make a game that requires participants to find number patterns Functions Create a problem that requires the use of a function table as a part of the solution. Represent the answer key as a graph. OR Complete the ‘Painting Between the Lines’ activity from NRICH.
Expressions & Equations Create a practice worksheet for this concept and have a friend complete it (remember to correct it). OR Create a game that would allow someone to practice this skill.
Exponents Create a poster (digital or on paper) to explain exponents. OR Make a podcast to explain exponents. Whichever you choose, be sure to define terms, explain rules and include examples. Order of Operations Create a music video to explain the order of operations. (examples) OR Create a tutorial to explain the order of Any operations. (examples) item with
an asterisk (*) has an accompanying activity in the math centre.