MATH MENU Fractions, Decimals & Percent
O U E AT ? H O W M U C H W%I L L 0Y. 3 0 1/6
2.0 r C C- BY -S A Te d Ma jo r on Fl ick
Con c e ptu a l U n d e r s t a n d i ng s
• Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages are ways of representing whole-part relationships. • For fractional and decimal computation, the ideas developed for whole-number computation can apply. After the pre-assessment, we will have whole class lessons depending on the needs of the class. The remainder of the time will be devoted to guided practice groups and Math Menu time.
Due: May 13, 2011
un F r o F Just Model What is a fraction? Using any of the manipulatives, build models of proper and improper fractions. Take photos and upload these to your blog along with descriptions of your discoveries.
Simplify Fractions
Each activity will help you explore the concepts we are investigating independently, with a partner, or in a small group.
hrough the investigations in this stand alone unit in Math, you will be exploring and developing your understanding of the following concepts:
Math Choices for 6E
GUIDELINES •Read the descriptions of the activities before you select.
Reduce Fractions Shoot This is a fast paced game with three levels of difficulty by produced by Sheppard Software.
Dealing Up Play cards Download the cards and directions for three different games exploring fractions.
•Once you choose an activity, you must try to complete it.
•You do not need to complete all of the menu options.
Play Fraction Jeopardy
•You must stay on task and allow others to complete their work. •You must record how you spent your time on the Google Form. When you complete your activities, you may the challenge project or go to Mathletics.
The Quia math site has a fun version of Jeopardy that allows you to practice adding fractions and mixed numbers. You may play alone or with a friend. Try this second version to practice converting fractions, decimals and percents.
Practice! Play Fraction Four This is a game by Shodor for 2 players that lets you select the skills you want to review as well as the level of difficulty.