Aversions crown interview

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aversions crown

t’s not often a band come out and just smashes you right between the eyes with a brutal aural assault that leaves you stunned and muttering ‘’WTF was that’’? This is one band that will do just that….

Following in the footsteps of their contemporaries THY ART IS MURDER, comes Brisbane’s....
AVERSIONS CROWN and their Nuclear Blast debut album ‘TYRANT’. The Six-headed hydra of death AVERSIONS CROWN have signed a worldwide deal with Nuclear Blast Entertainment for the release of their new slab of astral punishment, ‘Tyrant’. Hailing from the same sunny stretch of Australian coastline as Portal and The Amity Affliction, ‘Tyrant’ will follow the viral success of ‘Hollow Planet’ and the group’s debut album, ‘Servitude’, with November 07, 2014 release.
Formed in 2010 in Queensland’s Brisbane, AVERSIONS CROWN developed their pummelling blend of mechanized death and haunting atmospherics by

utilizing three guitarists brandishing 8 string guitars. Appearing live as a wall of muscle, guitars and flailing hair, the band have logged serious road miles across Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom with acts like THY ART IS MURDER, THE ACACIA STRAIN, OCEANO, ALL SHALL PERISH, CATTLE DECAPITATION and appearances at Warped Tour.
‘Tyrant’ was created in the oppressive heat of Brisbane’s summer with THY ART IS MURDER’s Andy Marsh producing and Mark Lewis (CARNIFEX, WHITECHAPEL) of Audio Hammer mixing the ten track effort. With a thematic fixation on dystopian nightmares and hostile extra-terrestrial encounters, the relentless barrage AVERSIONS CROWN churn out will soundtrack either a solid Halo session or the coming invasion.
Commented guitarist Chris Cougan on the band’s union with Nuclear Blast Entertainment, “a nuclear blast is pretty much what happened to my mind when I found out the label was interested in AVERSIONS CROWN. Nuclear Blast are the pinnacle for metal labels. We couldn’t be more stoked.”


i n t e rv i e w


aversions crown By Jen @justjenrees

Hi Colin, I interviewed you last year after Warped Tour, you won’t remember…. for Simple Plan Space…We have both come along way since then! I remember doing some interviews at Warped but I was pretty drunk. HaHa! How are you now? I am pretty sober now. (Laughing)

Yeah definitely. I think everyone thought that. It took a lot out of us, I think it took a lot more than we thought it was going to. There were times when I thought this thing is never coming out, like it is just not going to happen. But no it’s here today, in its final form, I have heard it so it exist! (Laughing) yeah we have a lot of setbacks we were recording with a guy that was part of a touring band and we I am so glad to hear that you have are touring band ourselves and there been signed to Nuclear Blast Records! were commitments all over the place. Watching you at Warped I thought you So that was why we were unable to would go far. Congratulations for that! finish it. Then we went overseas halfway How stoked are you? through recording at and their band went Thank so much. Yeah we are very stoked. overseas halfway through recording it, so It is still hard to believe that we are part there was just constant emails back and of a record label with so many of my forth sending files and trying to record favourite bands. It is a total honour to with different people. It was just like this be part of this label. One of the very first big jigsaw puzzle and I were taking one proper heavy bands that I got into was piece of the jigsaw at a time and it was Mussagah, so it kind of blows my mind, just really a lot more time and a lot more so many of the great bands are part of effort than we thought it was going to be. that label. When you start a band with But you know it exists and is coming out your friends, you don’t expect that one and we couldn’t be happier. It was hard day you’ll be signed to one of the biggest work. labels in the world. Yeah I’m sure it was and am glad that it’s Yeah it’s pretty great! ready to go. Yeah it sure is. How are the presales for your album It has been a while since you released going? Got some great packages for an album, 2011 (Servitude), 2 years ago that! Overseer was released….. did you ever I don’t know, I’m not sure how they are feel that you were not going to get to going, the last I heard they had been up release Tyrant? for a couple of days are now doing really

well. They have sold a lot more than I thought they would in a couple days and that was a few weeks ago so I hope that fashion continues and we keep selling is a more. So I can’t tell you, I haven’t wanted to email, I just thought, you know what I’ll just wait to find out how they going. I’m going to leave that in the hands of the powers to be.

ago I was in a band that the only people that would like or comment on our page would be our friends and so they had to be excited for us because they were our friends (laughing) but now there are people excited on the page that I don’t know. I feel like we have come a long way, for our little band that we started doing, this is actually a really big step for us. I have seen fans from all over the world I have been reading your Facebook page posting on your page asking you to go to and there are so many people that are their country. keen for the release. How good does Yeah, the Internet makes the world a that feel as an artist that you have so very small place. You can get access to many fans just hanging out for it? anyone’s music in two seconds and still Yeah it’s pretty overwhelming to be awesome that some people still want us honest when I look at our Facebook page, to come and play for them. we are relatively a small band, and a look at the Facebook page and see kids that Who does the designs for your tshirts? are really keen for our album to come out, They are pretty cool. it is sort of like a little bit mind blowing I personally do a lot of them actually, I that there are so many people taking that do a lot of the street type designs, so if much interest in our band. People posting you see anything that looks like a little on our page, such as have you got a bit like street wear that’s probably me. whole preorders ready? I remember ages If you say anything that is an illustration

aversions crown Interview like crazy artwork that is a guy Róbert Borbás AKA Grindesign , he does a lot of our designs, he is really in tune to the sort of ideas and themes that we are trying for. He is a really cool guy as well which is awesome. We have used a heap of other designers but I can’t think of them at the top of my head. Brook from Melbourne has done some stuff is a great designer and a good mate. I’ll try and do as much as I can, I have not done that much but I have a little bit of an eye for strict design and cool simple stuff like that, I like to do it because I get really bored. You get bored? So you have spare time? What’s that like? Yeah I get some spare time, I make spare time, sometimes I just say don’t talk to me or anyone and my girlfriend will watch a TV show, I will just tinker away on photo shop that sort of thing. Listening to Tyrant I was blown away, seriously. I know that I had heard Overseer and Hollow Planet before, pretty sure you played them at Warped? Is that right? Yeah we did. Thought so. Well I loved the rest of the album as well, and know many people who are desperately waiting to hear the whole album. Your upcoming Australian Tour, will that include most of the album? I’m not sure, we are definitely playing Overseer and Hollow Planet. We have been playing them for a little while now and I think we are playing another three or four songs so will be playing a total of six songs of the album out of a set list of 10. So yeah we are playing over half the

album live on this tour. You are touring with Molotov Solution, how did that come about? Are they good friends of yours? I wouldn’t say they’re really good friends but are being pals with their singer Nick for a couple of years now we have been chatting, I like the band so we have been trying to get them out here for a little while. Even when we were smaller we want to get them over to tour with then they were busy then we were busy. So to now get them to come out on our album tour is fantastic. I am super excited to hear that band play change and to hang out with and to show them a little bit about Australia. We just got talking over the Internet and that’s pretty much how it came about, pretty much how most things come about in the modern world! I will see you at Wrangler Studios. I’ve never played there before someone told me it was like a large lounge room. Yeah, I go there a lot and friends with Jayden Roy and all the bands that I like tend to play there. Although the stage isn’t very high. I like that! I like little short stages where there is intimate crowd interaction. I like playing on the floor, on the same level use in getting people’s faces. You will certainly get that there, it’s a great venue. Awesome! You are off to the UK and Europe again next year can tell us about that? Yeah we are touring with a band called I Declare War and band called With in the Ruins and it kicks off mid-January and finishes up mid-February so we

are going to be super super cold over there. It is going to be -15° or something. We are really excited to be going back next year it seems to becoming a bit of a thing. It was great, the response we got last time was insane so we were blown away by how many people knew our band over there. Going back there is awesome hopefully people will come out again and will have a great time again. I have not played shows with those bands before but I have listened since I was pretty young so it is a privilege to be touring with a couple of bigger bands and kicking overseas! Getting personal…..Your vocals are amazing, I don’t know how you do it. Have you been singing since you were young? Yeah I have been but not in this particular style. Ha ha! Yeah I guess you would not! I have been in bands when I was in high school and been doing heavy vocals for long time now but we were doing more high vocals are higher screens so the newest thing for me are the more growly death metal vocals. It’s sort of a new things for me, it is out of my comfort zone like I have not done a lot of that over the years. It’s been different for me. It is all practice. I think I have abused my voice enough over the years to put out some weird sounds it just has built up resistance to the abuse of being giving it over the years. The low vocals were just the next thing.

Any other news you have to share with our readers? Although what other possible news, new record label, new album, Aussie tour and UK/Europe tour…. What more can you say? (laughing) Well…….. I think you’ve covered all bases really but to your readers just go and buy a music or downloaded illegally but if you do that buy T-shirt as well to support the band. Come to our shows, share our videos and just show it some support if you downloaded from a torrent website burn it onto a CD, give it to your friend and hopefully he’ll buy it. Just try and support are some way because we really need the support. We are broke and we want to keep doing this because we keep doing this, we are broke. Thanks very much for time! Thanks Jen.

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