November 2014

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OUR TEAM Editor in Chief


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Writers: Jen, Maddie Jane, Lenore, Luke, Marly, Leeann, Kailia, Sinja, Rossi, Sian, Sonia, Kelly, Maria, Eleanor, Rose, Nathaniel, Damla, Sophie, Jelena, Brett, Vitoria, Emelie, Josselyn, Gemma, Freda, Bree

c j ramone

little sea

Contributors: @SimpleplanDrug Photographers: Belinda Glass Reedy, e, Got Image LLC, Ashley Osbourne Photography. Natalie Bisignano


Think a photo is yours? Let us know and we will credit you

Simple Plan Space is in no way affiliated with Simple Plan, Warner Music, Atlantic Records or Coalition Entertainment. This is a magazine made entirely by fans for fans. Simple Plan Space is only available online and always for free. All contents belong to their respective writers. 2


goodnight gravity

FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK... Can’t believe another month has flown by! We are hearing more and more updates about album number 5 being written! We are all looking forward to that being released. This month we cover the news as well as more personal news as the guys are sharing more to us through twitter. Congrats to Seb for becoming a father, we are very happy for him and wish him all the best. Pierre is tweeting about his cute girls and sharing some pics with us. We also have many interviews this month, including CJ Ramone who, as we know The Ramones were huge inspirations to SP. CJ has released new music that is real pop punk! I have a chat with Little Sea who just spent some time with Pierre and Chuck writing music. I hope you enjoy reading about all the other bands that I have had the opportunity to interview this month thanks to Nuclear Blast Records. Thanks John! You can see these and more at Music Injection here. Thanks to all the bands I interviewed and the photographers that allow me to use their pics. Thanks also, to the team of writers that work hard to bring you this magazine once a month. If you are keen to join, let me know, we are interviewing people over the next month. Till next month, Jen @justjenrees

CONTENTS 4 little sea 10 “as long as new bands start appearing...” 12 sp news: what have the guys been up to lately? 14 sp news: jeff at tout le monde en parle 15 sp news: song writing news 16 cj ramone 22 say anything 30 accept 36 emigrate 43 aversions crown 48 chiodos 56 the treatment 61 teen death 64 the madden brothers 65 fresh fruit: goodnight gravity 70 pledge music 72 maroon 5 74 album review: patent pending 76 sp news: calendar 78 sp news: twitter talk 81 quiz 82 song of the month 84 fan of the month 86 aussie band news 88 international band news 90 november birthdays 92 a writer’s best friend


little sea Band members (from left to right): Dylan Clark (bass guitar and piano) Andrew Butler (vocals and guitar) Oliver Kirby (guitar) Leighton Cauchi (drums) Little Sea is a pop-rock band from Sydney, Australia. Its forming started in early 2014, when Oliver Kirby and Andrew Butler started posting their covers of popular songs on Youtube. They were joined by Leighton Cauchi and then, in February 2014, by Dylan Clark. Little Sea’s first single „Thank You“ was released in May. Shortly after, in July, they released their EP „Wake the Sun“. It’s got 5 songs: The Lucky Ones, Thank You, The Way That You Move, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Careless. You could see this band alongside 5 Seconds of Summer.


Written by Mária @MariamAstronaut

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On September 27th were the guys from Little Sea co-writting with Pierre and Chuck and they posted this photo on their Instagram :)

A not-so-professional note from the writer: You see the T-shirt with anchor that Leighton Cauchi wears here? Doesn’t it remind you of one piece from Simple Plan merch? Sorry, I just love anchors :D I did a little research and found out there’s one T-shirt from Little Sea’s official mechandise, and you can get it here :)



i n t e rv i e w


little sea By Jen @justjenrees

After hearing that an Australian band had spent some time writing with Pierre and Chuck I contact their manager to see if I could find out how that session went. If you have not already,check them out! Hi Guys, you have just had a writing session with Pierre and Chuck, so I thought it would be great to hear about your experience doing that. First of all I would like to ask some background questions so our readers can get to know you. You are from Sydney, Australia, how did you guys all meet and form Little Sea? The four of us had been playing in local bands for a while, and once Andy and Ollie started putting covers up on Youtube it soon became clear that this was something more than covers so they needed a full band. Leighton and Dylan were the perfect fit as musicians as well as songwriters so they were asked to join soon after! You have an EP called Wake the Sun that you have released that readers can purchase here for $5. How does your writing process usually go? Is it a whole band approach? The EP was written with just the four of us jamming out in Leightons bedroom,


we always work together when writing! It’s an extremely collaborative process, most of the time one of us will come in with a simple lyric or melody that we will expand on during our rehearsal. Did you record the EP by yourself or have someone record and produce it for you? We recorded the EP at Electric Sun Studios in Sydney with our good friend and producer Stevie Knight. You have done a few Official Music videos: The Lucky Ones Thank You How much fun do you have doing these? The music video for “Thank You” looked like you had a blast. They are always a fun experience, especially our first few as we shot them all with the help from our friends! On your YouTube channel there are many covers that you have done that our readers would love to watch, my favourite would be Naïve by The Kooks, or Can we Dance by the Vamps, or maybe The 1975’s Chocolate. Do you take requests from fans for your covers? Probably our readers would like a Simple Plan one! We had been taking requests for covers back before we started to release original

music, so who knows! Could happen again… Have you done many Australian Tours? I can see that you have included Perth in one tour, that is unusual for an East Coast band. We have been up the East Coast a couple of times both acoustic and full band set, including a support slot with 5 Seconds of Summer. We decided to head over to Adelaide and Perth for some acoustic performances as well, before we left for America. As I have been listening to your EP and watching your videos, it amuses me that you have a song titled ‘Thank You” as well as a song called ‘The Lucky Ones”

did Pierre and Chuck comment on that as they have songs titled the same? That is a funny coincidence! I’m not sure whether they put that together, if they did they never mentioned it to us! How did you get the chance to write with Pierre and Chuck? We met them through some friends at a concert and got along really well. They showed us some of their demos for the new record and we showed them ours, and thought it would be fun to write together. So we ended up finding a day in both of our schedules in LA to jam out. To work with two of the worlds best writers (yeah I am a little biased…..haha) must have been a dream for you. Did it feel a little surreal for you?


little sea Interview It was great working with them, especially LA? You had a meet and great growing up listening to their songs. Was in a park? very cool! Yeah we decided to do a quick acoustic pop up near Can you please tell us about the writing Santa Monica Pier! Was a session? How long did it go for, how great experience, we expected many songs did you write and are their maybe 20 people to come but any funny stories that happened? to have over 100 just from a We just worked over one day at Chuck’s few days of tweeting was nuts. house, it was loads of fun! We managed Especially considering we were to finish a track that we were both really on the otherside of the planet! happy with, before chuck had to leave for a wedding. Being an extremely hot What is next for Little Sea? LA day, it was quite funny to write with Can you share your plans for chuck in full wedding attire (suit, tie and the future with us? all haha)! At the moment we are just finishing up our work on the The songs that you were writing with album and getting the songs them are they for you to release or did to be best quality possible. you do a song for Simple Plan to use? We have a single releasing We are not sure! I think we will probably coming up really soon and end up releasing the track but at this some touring plans in the stage we haven’t locked anything in. works. Lots of things to look forward to! Do you think that you learnt from Pierre and Chuck in regards to your process of writing songs? If so, what in particular? They were a really good duo in the way that Chuck came up with awesome lyrical ideas and concepts for the song, and Pierre had an awesome ear for melodies. They really work well off each other. Is there any time frame for you to release the songs that you wrote? SP fans will love to hear what the outcome was of your day. Unfortunately at this stage we are not sure when it will be released! Hopefully soon. What other things did you get up to in


Little Sea cele

ebrating getting into the Top 30 of the Channel V Artists of the year.

The day after I interviewed Little Sea they made this great announcement on their Facebook page. Hi everyone! Excited to announce that we have officially signed with Sony Music Entertainment joining a roster of incredible artists including Tonight Alive, One Direction and The 1975! We are really excited to be a part of such a strong team who understand what we are trying to do as a band. With their help, we are working towards the release of our debut album as well as our new single (more information on that coming soon). We are really excited to share new music with you guys through Sony and know that we are doing our best to make you guys proud! Massive end of the year ahead and we are already planning for 2015. Thank you for your constant support! Without you these opportunities wouldn’t be possible, epic to share this journey with you all‌. We still have a long way to go! #LittleSeaSony Over and out, Andy, Dylan, Leighton and Ollie


Written by Vitória @dearvitt

As long as new bands start appearing the old ones start being ‘left aside’, as my point of view, is the natural cycle of life. That doesn’t mean that the bands will “end” and “never be successful again”, they’ll stay in stand by until the launching of their next hit. But, wanting or not, news bands as much as 5 Seconds Of Summer, with its pop punk style, helps bands like Simple Plan to have recognition again. The music they play are very alike, so the styles match. Besides this, the guys from 5SOS already posted videos on social networks that show they listening to Simple Plan before getting on stage, also there are photos of both bands together, what may seem that they’re working together. According to Kevin Lyman, “(...) with 5 Seconds Of Summer a lot of people in traditional punk rock would have been like and you hear it, this whole backlash to it. And any time something like that happens it usually benefits the history of where it came from. And I got home from summer and you know, I saw 5 Seconds Of Summer open for One Direction 2 years ago. And I just watched that moment in time when girls they were watching guys play guitars for the first time and


they were wearing Green Day shirts and they were out there. And then there was this whole talk about them being on the cover of AP, what was that and I go yeah they’re on the cover and they open that magazine and got turned on to all these bands we worked with around Warped Tour. What’s wrong with that? And those bands love that music. Now you’re right, bands like Simple Plan and New Found Glory, they’re getting recognition to where that’s what they listen to when they were really young.” But that doesn’t happened only with SP, when the band was beginning, they “helped” out Blink 182, and that continues until now, even because Mark Hoppus still write songs with the guys. Also, the guys do covers of Blink, as you can check here. ps: sorry for the quality! You can check here the video of 5SOS on their ritual pre-show where it’s playing “When I’m Gone”.


 Simple Plan NEWS 

What have the guys been up to lately? Wh at h ave Simple Pl an b e en up to l ately? Here’s a short summ ery with the help of simplepl an .cz


Pierre Instagram as well as tweeted about being with Chuck at his song-writing studio in his backyard. Adam Elmakias – photographer – did a photo session with the two gentlemen and ended up with these lovely picture: On October 7th, Pierre and Chuck both attended the launch event for a brand new LA-based art company Art Angels which has been co-founded by Chuck’s wife Jacquelin and her business partner Kat Emery. Chuck posted a picture on Instagram of Pierre working on the fifth album:


Chuck and Pierre performed alongside musicians and back up vocalists on Lakeside Golf Club in Burbank, CA in the United States on October 11th. The other members where all home in Canada at the time of the event. Simple Plan are working hard on their fifth studio album coming up. Front man and songwriter Josh Ramsey from Marianas Trench are working alongside the guys in Vancouver. This picture was posted of the three handsome


He was on the radio talking about Simple Plan’s success and in one quote he mentions: “The more Simple Plan have been successful, the more it has attracted the critics. I do not know the recipe for success: it comes and goes, it is very unstable and we know that anything can stop overnight.” Jeff attended a 5-à-7 event (basically a “happy hour” type of event in Montreal) in his restaurant Laurea last month.


was last online on Twitter on October 3rd when he posted a picture of a deer. Isn’t he just adorable? Wondering what he’s up to…


Became a father! Congrats to him and Laurence. Yesterday, Sebastien Lefebvre attended the taping of the TVA program called “Accès Illimité”, alongside the Canadian singer Andee Leclerc, whose new album Sebastien helped to record. Check out a picture from the taping, which the show’s host Anouk Meunier posted on Twitter:


 Simple Plan NEWS 

Jeff at Tout Le Monde En Parle On Sund ay, Septemb er 28th , Jeff Stinco app e are d on the show calle d “Tout Le Monde En Parle” th at airs on Radio- Can ad a . Written by Mária @MariamAstronaut Tout Le Monde En Parle is a Canadian talk show, which name could be translated as “Everyone Is Talking About It“. It’s hosted and co-produced by Guy A. Lepage. The show welcomes personalities, mostly Quebeckers, that are somehow involved in the news of that week or those, that have something to say about it. They then discuss the topic. Jeff was there with Alexandre Da Costa, Canadian concert violonist, and they were discussing the future of music conservatories. They defended these educational institutions, five of which are currently threatened with closure in Canada. Also, the lead guitarist of Simple Plan shall perform on the Fondation du Conservatoire de musique de Montréal’s charitable event on October 15th. Here you can watch Jeff at Tout Le Monde En Parle. For all the news, check out :)


simple plan song writing news Written by Luke Clarke @lukeryanclarke

Recently thanks to our friends over at we have learned

that Simple Plan have a few new things going on in the area of song writing! Firstly, Pierre posted a selfie to his instagram with the caption “Loving this new jacket hoddie combo I brought for this Vancouver writing trip. Perfect for the fall weather” from this we can gather that him (and presumably Chuck) are either permanently or temporally (Chuck’s post hints they are there for a week) heading off to Vancouver for a writing trip, we can only speculate but it looks like this could be for the new Simple Plan album in the works! We also know thanks to an instagram post by Chuck, that they are currently writing with Josh Ramsay from Marianas Trench. The post casually adds the hashtag #spalbum5 which confirms that atleast some of the writing done in Vancouver is for the next album!


NE W M US I C F R O M The team at Fat Wreck Chords is

about them, or I’ve had friends like, ‘Are you trying to say that to me?’ It’s nice to put it out there without explanation and let people take it however they want.”

September marks the 25th anniversary of CJ’s initiation into punk rock’s royal “family,” and to celebrate, on October 14th Fat will release the single “Understand Me?,” a head-bopping melodic garage-punk screed addressed to an unnamed listener who really doesn’t seem to understand him.

Backing Ramone on the single (and the upcoming full-length Last Chance To Dance) is the same all-star unit he pulled together for his 2012 solo debut: Dan Root and Steve Soto from The Adolescents and David Hidalgo Jr. of Social Distortion. Packing in even more punk rock star power, the single’s non-album b-side is a cover of Black Flag’s “Rise Above,” featuring guitar and background vocals by Dez Cadena of Black Flag and the Misfits.

excited to say “Gabba Gabba, we accept you, we accept you, one of us” to punk rock icon CJ Ramone!

Was it actually written with someone in mind? CJ laughs and says, “Every girl I’ve ever dated thought I wrote hateful songs

While not strictly making music in the vein of his former band, Ramone doesn’t shy away from writing songs that hark back to the golden age of punk. “I was lucky enough to spend seven years in a band that I was already a huge fan of—arguably one of the greatest rock and roll bands of all time,” he says. “I want to do everything I can to keep that spirit alive as long as I can and get it to a couple more generations.” You can purchase the single here. CJ Ramone - Vocals & Bass
 Dan Root – Guitar Steve Soto – Guitar David Hidalgo Jr. - Drums



By Jen @justjenrees Hi CJ, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Firstly it is hard to believe that it has been 25 years since you joined The Ramones, can you believe that? I can’t believe that it is that long ago. THAT WAS TWO MARRIAGES AND THREE KIDS AGO!!!! When you released ‘Reconquista’ your first album, you used Pledge Music, a Fan Funding Project, but this time you have joined Fat Wreck Chords, can you tell us your experience with the Fan Funding Project and how you came to join Fat Wreck Chords? I REALLY ENJOYED THE PLEDGE MUSIC CAMPAIGN FOR RECONQUISTA. THE PERSONAL CONTACT WITH THE FANS AND THE THINGS I COULD OFFER WAS GREAT, BUT IT WAS A LOT OF WORK. JUST ME AND A FRIEND HAD ALL THE PRODUCTS MADE AND WE HAND STUFFED EVERY PACKAGE. PLUS ALL THE PERSONALIZED ITEMS. OVERALL, A GOOD EXPERIENCE. I WAS READY TO PUT MY NEW RECORD “LAST CHANCE TO DANCE” OUT MY SELF WHEN I WAS INTRODUCED TO THE FOLKS AT FAT THROUGH A FRIEND. I SENT THEM THE RECORDING,WHICH THEY LIKED, AND AFTER SEEING US AT PUNK ROCK BOWLING IN LAS VEGAS THEY TOOK US ON.


Is it easier for you to have representation? Does it give you more time to write music for example or spend time with your family? BEING ON A LABEL AND HAVING MANAGEMENT AND A BOOKING AGENT LETS ME DO WHAT I’M GOOD AT, MUSIC. I’M NOT A BUSINESS MAN AND I DON’T WANT TO BE. Your Art work for the cover for the single is amazing It seems to be packed full of objects that seem to define you as a person, your life as a Marine, motorbikes and you must like Fords. How did this concept come about? Got to be a story behind that! I JUST GRABBED A BUNCH OF THINGS FROM MY DRESSER, MY POCKETS AND MY PICKUP TRUCK (’78 FORD F250), AND PLACED THEM ON THE MEXICAN BLANKET THAT WAS MY BED ROLL WHEN I RODE ACROSS THE US ON MY BIKE (LOLLA PALOOZA ’96) AND TOOK A PICTURE. I LIKED THE SIMPLICITY OF IT SO I USED IT. It seems to be clear that you are a Tom Waits fan? Was the concert in 1999 a special one for you? THE ONE AND ONLY TIME I EVER GOT TO SEE HIM. VERY SPECIAL. Can you pick a few more objects and

explain their meaning for us? THERES A SKULL RING ON THERE THAT DEEDEE GAVE ME. MY DOG TAGS FROM MY TIME IN THE MARINES. A PICTURE OF ME WITH MY MOM AND DAD 1967. FAMILY, RAMONES, MARINES. Punk Fans will be delighted to hear your new song ‘Understand Me’ as it does have that garage punk sound to it, was this song always going to be the lead single off the album?? IN MY MIND IT WAS. IT’S ONE OF THE BEST SONGS I’VE EVER WRITTEN. Listeners can relate to the message in “Understand me” as I think we all can understand the meaning, and probably picture someone in our head as we sing it. Did you have this in mind or just for people in general to take it anyway they wanted to? SOME SONGS ARE LYRICALLY AMBIGUOUS AND I’VE ALWAYS DUG THAT. OTH-



CONQUISTA BUT NOT USED. I CHOSE IT BECAUSE IT FIT WITH THE THEME OF THAT RECORD. RECONQUISTA WAS ABOUT THE YEARS BETWEEN WHEN THE RAMONES RETIRED AND MY RETURN TO DOING MUSIC. THERE WERE SOME ROUGH YEARS, BUT I DIDN’T LET IT KEEP ME DOWN. RISE ABOVE WAS MY STATEMENT ON THAT. Is ‘Understand me’ the sound we can expect from your new album? Your last album ‘Reconquista’ was perhaps darker with the exception of some songs; does this album take a different path from that? ABSOLOUTELY IS. MORE FUN, BUT ROCKS JUST AS HARD! You worked with Steve Soto and Dan Root from The Adolescents and David Hidalgo, Jr. from Social Distortion, did they contribute to the writing process of Last Chance To Dance. STEVE AND DAN EACH CO-WROTE A SONG ON THIS ONE. STEVE WROTE THE MUSIC FOR “WON’T STOP SWINGING”, AND DAN WROTE THE MUSIC FOR CLUSTERFUCK. IT’S GREAT WORKING WITH PROFESSIONALS! In your 2015 Tour will they be your musicians that tour with you?



Thanks CJ for your time, as a huge Ramones fan it was a pleasure to interview you. The Ramones have influenced so many of my favourite bands and I am glad that you have decided to release another album.

Last Chance to Dance was recorded with the backing band of :Steve Soto (Adolescents), :Dan Root (Adolescents), :David Hidalgo, Jr. (Social Distortion).


SAY ANYTHING are headed back to our shores this October, their first

headline tour in over 2 years with the news that Chris Conley from SAVES THE DAY will be playing guitar and singing for SAY ANYTHING. Melbourne lads CERES joining the bill as direct support. CERES have crafted an ideological throwback to the days when music was charged with hope and contained a much- needed brand of sincerity. CERES play anthemic, beautifully con-


structed pop with a dark edge. This is a new band, new sound, whilst simultaneously feeling like an old friend. A host of locals have been added in each city to round out the bill. Tickets on sale now. A band that defies categorisation and one of the most innovative indie bands, SAY ANYTHING are heading back to Australia this October for a series of headline shows.

SAy Anything Australian tour WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15TH –AMPLIFIER BAR, PERTH 18+ With Guest Dan Cribb & The Isolated THURSDAY OCTOBER 16TH –FOWLERS LIVE, ADELAIDE LIC/AA // With Guest The Hard Aches FRIDAY OCTOBER 17TH –THE CORNER HOTEL, MELBOURNE – 18+ // With Guest My Echo SATURDAY OCTOBER 18TH –MANNING BAR, SYDNEY – 18+ With Guest Drawing North SUNDAY OCTOBER 19th –THE HI FI, BRISBANE 18+ With Guest Inside The Whale


Forming in 2000, SAY ANYTHING has built a formidable and fiercely loyal fan base with their quirky, honest and eclectic take on rock. Since the release of their seminal album ‘ …Is A Real Boy’, SAY ANYTHING have been pushing musical boundaries with each of their records. SAY ANYTHING’S latest offering is no different, ‘Hebrews’ showcases Max Bemis at his ambitious best with the band opting to replace traditional guitar riffs with orchestral string arrangements.

Critics and fans alike praised the album “undoubtedly the most chaotic and passionate release in SAY ANYTHING’S history” – Absolutepunk, with Killyourstereo declaring “Hebrews is experimentation done right, SAY ANYTHING’S most unique sounding record - 90/100”. Armed with an eccentric and energetic live show and an extensive discography SAY ANYTHING’S Australian tour is not to be missed.


EXCLUSIVE INTERvIEW By Jen Rees | Photos by Neil Visel & Chris Phelps | Live photos by Natalie Bisignano Great to hear that you are heading to Australia in October! I know, it’s great! You start in Perth, did you know that’s pretty unique for bands to go to Perth? Is that true? Yeah, most bands don’t go there as it is so far away from the other major cities on the east coast. Really? In the couple of times that we have been over, I think we’ve played there before. Oh ok. Well, that’s awesome that we are playing there. How many times have you been to Australia now? I believe this will be our third trip. Do you have a fav city to play at? You know, I have not spent enough time in Australia to really distinguish... I remember Sydney being great, obviously, but the whole country is amazing and maybe this time I will be able to decide. There is a lot of rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne as to who are the best crowds. Oh really, that is good to know! And yeah Melbourne is better… just saying, as that is where I am from. (Laughing) I will be there at your Melbourne Show. Well, I will make sure that I will do a better job there then! Is this a world-wind tour or will you have time to take in some sights and get


some relaxation? You know it is a pretty rushed trip I think. We have like no days off, possibly one day at the beginning when we are all jetlagged and crazy. Although I guess if we get up earlier enough in the day we will be able to walk around and see some of the sites, as the shows are at night. That sounds good. You have also toured with Saves The Day, Manchester Orchestra and Thrice. What would be your fav past tour and any funny stories you can tell us? Man, it is really hard to pick just one tour. I don’t think I actually have a favourite, but there have been highlights and when we play with Saves The Day the shows are incredible, same with Manchester Orchestra. The last shows we played were incredible, it has been fun playing by myself on the acoustic tour, I got to play songs that I liked. So I got to play with a hero of mine and that was great. You know after every tour I say that was the best tour. Ha yeah, I say that after every concert I go to! Yeah it is really hard to make that call, isn’t it. I am really hoping that your set list includes Walk for Hell and my favourite song Alive With the Glory of Love. Any chance of that? Yeah definitely at least one of those. Great! So your new album is called Hebrews…


interesting title. Is there a story behind that? Yeah I mean that I think that the record is an examination of why we keep tradition. I particularly come from a Jewish upbringing and background so I kind of fashioned not only the damnation of myself but the damnation of what it is like to be of part of a culture, part of a race, part of an agenda, and sort of a scribe or identity that society places upon you and all the burdens. Yeah, like I come from all that. So Hebrews is a reference to my particular upbringing, I don’t think the record is specific to being Jewish. Yeah, no I did not think so.

they are the ones that triangulated the part so I think due to that the songs are generally pretty aggressive, you don’t really lose any of the attitude going either way. They pretty much sound the same either way, maybe a little bit louder with guitars although it is a pretty loud and heavy record to begin with. I have not felt that it was a sacrifice, if anything it brings something new to the show.

You don’t hold anything back when you write your lyrics as demonstrated in Six Six Six. Haha. Can you tell us what was going through your head while writing that song and I have to ask, what made you decide not give our readers some idea of the meaning? to use any guitars at all on the album? It was not a decision not to use them but Sure, I don’t think that I was at any particular low or depressed point, the songs more of a decision of what I wanted to do. I wanted to make an orchestral record have a lot of energy to them, it is not a depressive song, it just is dark. I am the so I wanted to bring strings in and still be very up-tempo. So I don’t think I really kind of guy at this point that self preserthought about not recording with guitars, vates even when I am in a bad place I just thought that if I did incorporate gui- mentally even for like 5 minutes. I find tars, it is going to have a particular sound some way to find some energy or inspirawhich I am not actually the biggest fan of, tion in that and I think Six Six Six is born out of not necessarily the most healthiest guitar music with strings, it seems realemotion because it is all about glorifying ly heavy sounding not to mention that it impends having guitars, I think it is more self pitying and self sacrificing and substance abuse and fear of the darkness powerful that the lack of guitars does inside of you. I think that you know if you not show. It was more of a decision to don’t own it you never really get passed make an orchestral record than to make it. The whole record is about trying to a record with a bunch of guitars fiddling move past something like that. I think if around, and then strip it down till I knew you just retreat into full on depression what was good. Even without the use of guitars, the lyr- about it that you can’t really begin to understand and identify what the things ics of the songs and the use of strings in your life that you need to conquer are. makes a very interesting and enjoyable I think that is where the momentum of listening. the song comes from. But in terms of Thank you! what was going on in my life it is sort of what is going on in my life still, life is like Will you be using guitars for your tour? a constant series of rigmaroles and reYeah it is just guitar, no strings on this births, at that time we were expecting our tour. The guitar players are so talented,



daughter, Lucy, and I was questioning if I had what it takes to be a father, a husband, a person and at that point I thought “No I won’t!” It is like a feeling that you get in two seconds and it goes away or for an hour that goes away, the feelings that you can latch on to and write whole songs about. Well, your emotions drip through the whole album. Yeah! Is there a song that means the most to you? Oh, that is a hard call again. I think probably ‘Lost My Touch’ for me as it carries a lot of weight for me, which is probably one of the less emotional songs on the record. I am trying to make a mission statement for myself and our fans and other musicians in my position. I think it is one of those songs that tries to be an anthem but probably fails but I think I actually did OK with that one. It says a lot about my ideals that if something happens to me God forbid a lot of what I have taken out of my life choices would pretty accurately be represented in that song. You have a huge amount of guest vocals in the album including Tom DeLonge. First of all, why so many? It started to build up out of nowhere. I was really only planning on having a couple of people but then when ever I heard the songs I just I started to love the idea of the different texture that you bring to a song when you bring someone else to work on it. That was already happening with the guest drummers, string players, the record was really turning into a giant collaboration. So I really thought that it matched the intensity and the variation by bringing in different voices and instruments. You know I like my voice but I am not in love it. (Jen laughs) I think textually


every person has a difference voice that can add to music not necessarily viewed in the punk rock music as much. And how was it working with all those artists? Did you actually physically work with them or did they send you their work? I did not physically work with anyone except for the people in my family or lives here. All of the other guest vocals were recorded at studios across the country and in people’s home set-ups so basically I send a version with me singing it to the person, who will take it and mould it and make it their own thing and send it back. How long did it take to record the album? It was a few months, probably three to four months because I was producing it out of my own studio and the only constant member of the recording team was me and my cousin who lives a few hours away and we both have really flexible time so we take breaks, life events and tours and we would take it easy. Well I hope that your tour goes well, I look forward to catching your concert in Melbourne.


accept ACCEPT are… Wolf Hoffmann - Guitar Peter Baltes - Bass Mark Tornillo - Vocals Herman Frank - Guitar Stefan Schwarzmann - Drums

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Since their highly anticipated shows

for the 80,000 metal heads in WACKEN,Germany and the 750,000 festival fans in WOODSTOCK, Poland in August it can be said, that the European media has picked up on the impressive, convincing, powerful and very energetic performance of ACCEPT. They nailed it and the buzz is out! The band is on a run and they can proudly claim they are going somewhere: Sold out shows either way before or at the day of the show. Sold out shows on the 2014 BLIND RAGE World Tour include: MELBOURNE (AUS), NEW YORK (US), COPENHAGEN (DEN), LINKOEPING (SE), TORNIO (FIN), TAMPERE (FIN), PAMPLONA (ESP), STOCKHOLM (SE), HAMBURG (DE) and ERFURT (DE)

in GERMANY and FINLAND to top 100 in 25 countries around the globe ACCEPT celebrate the most dramatic success of their career. ACCEPT’s place as one of the historic bands who have inspired generations of musicians and as one of the well deserved and proven TOP LIVE ACTS in recent times. You can take them to the bank and you can be sure they will not show any signs of slowing down as Wolf Hoffmann and Peter Baltes, crowned by their mighty vocalist Mark Tornillo, are bringing their powerful performance to the max, leaving exhausted, but very happy fans behind and off to the next show. Concert goers reviews are pouring in such as: Tom Jubb – Fantastic! Awesome! Epic! Glad to see heavy rock is still alive! Jim Hauger – It was PERFECT… Their Heavy & Melodic RIFF HEAVY MONSTERS!!!! Claudio Aguilera – Best Accept concert I’ve seen in my life. Both guitars sounding Amazing. Tornillo’s voice is Superb.

Mike McQuerter – It’s obvious you guys are not just going through the motions to earn a paycheck. The band sounds like a And more to come! PARIS, MUNICH, BER- freight train crashing through a wall. The LIN, COLOGNE & FILDERSTADT all need music is the tight and sounds dead on. to be watched, if you want to go get your I dare to say Accept is at a level it’s nevtickets NOW! er been before and this is a good thing. Listening and watching Accept live really With their BLIND RAGE album released in pumps you up and makes you feel alive. August 2014 and chart entries from #1 Well done guys.



accept By Jen @justjenrees


I had a chat with Wolf about ‘Blind Rage’ and the World Tour. Congratulations on your 14th album that has taken your fans back to the old days. I’ve listened to Blind Rage now a few times, did you set out to return to your former more Metal days or did it just flow that way? WOLF: Well said just came out this way. We just followed our instincts and the feel we had at that time.


How does your writing process go? Is it a whole band approach? It never was. Peter and I have been a writer team for over 30 years - in earlier days we had Stefan Kaufmann in the team and Deaffy. I guess we have been the guarantee that what ever ACCEPT is writing - you’ll find the same dynamics. We are joint at the hips - on stage and in the writing process. But, what has changed is - that we have Mark Tornillo now who fits like a glove. He inspires me to push the envelope and we are on a roll right now. His lyrics are a bit different than the ones we had with Deaffy (ACCEPT’s manager for 35 years and Wolf’s wife) and she loves the way he uses words and so do we. His voice his lyrics we could not have it any better.

Is there one song in particular that you can relate to on Blind Rage the most? Too early to say. I know only one thing, every album we write is the best we can do at that moment. BLIND RAGE is pretty much the result of a look into my visions. With Peter at my side - we can play blind & deaf together we know always where the other want’s to go! Andy Sneap and I have grown even closer. He is there, when I need him and is stepping back, when I don’t. Was Stampede written to be the lead song on the album? It is certainly a brilliant way of beginning an album and I believe that it is the opener for you shows? We just thought it makes a strong statement and has a cool drive. Your song Dying Breed, is that a message to the world that you think Metal is dying? Are we not living proof that Metal is nowadays ... nearly Mainstream? We are on top of our game and I believe it is, because we represent a certain life style and looking in to what we stand for - old fashion values - who are than as of today - the rules we and many live by.

The song that I can relate to the most and reflect on my life is Dark Side of My Heart, can you explain the meaning behind that song? You know this is Mark’s - it is a personal reflection of the 2 powers in each of us - and the never ending struggle to not dwell in Darkness... One day we will tlk about that song a bit more. It is interesting that you picked that song! Your current tour has had rave reviews! You have mixed old songs and new songs to the delight of your fans. On your Facebook page you asked your fans to review each concert, were you pleased with the reviews? The first shows we just did have been warm up shows and it was crazy like nev-

er before. New York, where we had our very first show ever - with Mark, May 8th 2010 was sold out and totally shocked us. We returned to the same venue September 15th and the place was sold out again, except that this time a huge crowd was outside still trying to get in, when we started. It blew us away. We love the gigs, where the water is dripping off the ceiling. One of the hottest shows ever. We are totally depending on our fans - if they go off - we go off. It was a good day for us anyway, because we got the news that AUSTRALIA called in THE FIRST SOLD OUT SHOW in MELBOURNE! 2 DAYS even before New York! And we are on our way to Denmark to the 3rd sold out show on this tour: COPENHAGEN! We are on fire... believe me!


Was there a crowd in particular that you thought rocked out the best in the US? I got that asked often. There is no best in a certain country. At that day, that show - with THAT CROWD - they make us feel that they are the best and than we respond and become the best. Next you are off to Europe for many shows that you have lined up. Are you having anytime at all to stop and sight see and take a breather? I wish we would. No, we are on the run as far as I have heard until 2016 but I know we will be off the road in between. Then off to Japan and then for the first time ever to Australia. Can’t believe it myself...yes we will see you soon! Why do you think that you have waited for so long to come Down under for a tour? When we stopped in 1996 not many bands where going to Australia. When we returned in 2010 - bands did tour Australia. But our schedule did not really let us do it. You are kind of very far away :-) But compared to earlier times - you have been on our radar now and - here we are!


Your Australian fans are stoked you are coming here, and in particular in Melbourne where you have have one sold out show and have been kind enough to add one on. Did you have to rearranged your touring plans to fit this one in? Of curse we have, just as I say - this time we would not go home without AUSTRALIA!!! Melbourne is the Capital of Music in Australia (although the rivalry between Melbourne and Sydney is strong FYI!) Will you have some time to see some of the sights that Melbourne has to offer? No - unfortunately not. But - the next time we hope to get the chance to stay for a while. Perhaps wishful thinking, but we hope, it will work out. Any message that you have for Aussie fans that are counting down the days until they see you? Hold your horses - we are coming and know, that we cannot do it without you! Only together, we can bring the house down! Thanks for your time; I wish all the best for your tour. See you in Melbourne! We are looking forward! See you there!!! And thanx for having me!

ACCEPT released an official live video-clip for their hit ‘’Teutonic Terror’’, taken from the bonus DVD, which is part of the limited edition of ‘Blind Rage’.

ACCEPT have just released their new album ‘Blind Rage’, via Nuclear Blast and they have just released the second track called ‘Final Journey’ out of the new record.

Watch it here.

Enjoy a lyric video for the song here.


EMIGRATE EMIGRATE ARE: Richard Z. Kruspe Olsen Involtini Arnaud Giroux Mikko Sirén Joe Letz Margaux Bossieux

turbed, etc.) – features 11 brand new recordings, with a lead single / video to be announced shortly…

As with the debut, Kruspe adds to his guitar playing / song-writing duties by stepping up to the mic, only this time he’s joined by a number of guest singers; there’s Lemmy from Motörhead, Korn’s EMIGRATE to release new album ‘Silent Jonathan Davis, Marilyn Manson, CanaSo Long’ via Universal Music / Caroline dian born Berlin-dweller, Peaches, plus Australia. Frank Dellé from chart-topping German Formed by Rammstein’s Richard Kruspe, collective Seeed. EMIGRATE have now set the release date “I didn’t write the songs with specific for their new studio album – the follow up to the 2007 self-titled debut, a Top 10 guests in mind,” explains Kruspe, “I just thought who would do the best job on German chart entry. The album will hit the shelves late October / Early Novemthis or that track, and the final performances were everything I was hoping ber, the exact date is TBC. for. You know, I’ve had about five moments in my music career when I’ve been Titled ‘Silent So Long’, this sophomore left smiling like a child – one was when outing – produced by EMIGRATE themRammstein sold out New York’s Madiselves and mixed in Los Angeles by Ben Grosse (Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Disson Square Garden in 20 minutes (2010),


but the last one was hearing Lemmy on tape. It just sounds f**king great! I wrote him a really long message and he came back “alright!” Fantastic!” With sold-out global tours, headline festival appearances and a succession of platinum albums marking his career with Rammstein, Kruspe could easily opt for a less pressured existence, but ‘resting on laurels’, or the German equivalent, isn’t within his immediate frame of reference…



i n t e rv i e w


emigrate By Jen @justjenrees

Hi Richard, how are you going? I am pretty good, how are you? Great thanks. Thanks so much for the chance to interview you. I have really enjoyed listening to the album. I’ve read up on your Facebook page and there are so many fans super keen for it’s release, the anticipation is building. Thank you very much. You wrote 21 tracks for the album and had to cut it down to down to 11. How difficult was that for you and did you change your mind many times? Yeah! It was quite difficult. Normally what we do is record 16 or 17 tracks and get rid of 4 or 5. This time I had all 21 songs that I felt really confident about and for me it was a choose of what fit in the album more than which song is individually better. So by doing that I realized that I could have a follow up record, a part two, a couple of months and record 3 or 4 more songs and I am in the middle of doing that right now actually. Excellent! That is great news. In the end you were happy with the album as stated on your Facebook page “For the first time, I don’t want to change a damn thing about a record.” That would feel pretty good! It is always good to get something done but my past album, I wished I had


changed things, on this record i can honestly say that I did not really know what I would do different. I am quite excited as I saw the future for Emigrant, I always said that I would do two records but after saying I was not sure about doing that and where the whole band would go. But now doing that and this record and the collaboration that I was so looking forward doing I think I see a future in something that we will continue doing. Is the artwork for the album, significant to the broken Star of David or just a really cool design? Interesting you should say that, it has nothing to do with that, but two other Australian music journalists have asked the same question. When we created the logo it was more for me at least, a symbol of the circle being the circle of life and the E stands for getting out of the circle of life. One of the most important things in my life was to get out of my comfort zone, I think if you’re an artist, in whatever you do, at least in my life, the best creations came out when I wasn’t so comfortable in situations. That means that to immigrate from a small city in east Berlin to West Berlin then to New York back to Berlin. I always try to live my life to it’s full intent and Emigrant stands for this kind of idea and when I first saw the logo it reminded me of more of a pentagram than the Star of David. There was no observation to the Star of

David it was out of the question. Great. Thanks for clearing that up I was really unsure whether it was the star of David. Is this really the first time that you have recorded singing in English? You sound amazing, like you have always sang in English. While this is the second time, the first time was the other record was also in English. but for the first album I was just so busy and to be quite honest I was really frustrated as a songwriter and a musician and I felt that I was quite advanced by doing all my work with Rammstein over the years but when it came down to my vocals I was like a baby in a Ferrari and I didn’t know how to drive or use the gears. I was frustrated because in my mind I had are certain

sound in me that wasn’t quite right, with my German accent and memorizing the lyrics I was so busy and I didn’t really have fun doing it I was really frustrated and I needed to find the mental switch because I do believe trying to sing is not about how many hours you have vocal lessons it is finding the mental switch that says I’m a singer. And if you find the switch and switch it on all of a sudden everything works and honestly and seven years to find that switch. When I found it that things were so more pleasant and I was also confident enough to reach out to other singers because I was thinking about how would sound if I had all these great singers and then Richard comes in but I became more confident and the way things went together it kind of worked out great but it did take seven years to find it honestly.


emigrant Interview I think that as ‘Rainbow’ is written about your daughter this song would be the one that you are most emotionally connected to, is this correct? Actually the most personal song I would say would be Born On My Own. it is an interesting story my whole life I have this image in my head I don’t know where this image belongs but we do have those things that I have an image of a king without his people somehow. That’s how I felt in a long time in my life okay? I was doing reincarnation therapy and that was one of the most interesting things I’ve done in my life. Doing that I was inspired to write this song. So this is the most personable song. With Rainbow you know I had just become a father again and that changes a lot of things in life you know. It’s one of the biggest creations you can do as a human being is creating another human being and this inspired me to write this song. It was interesting because somehow I could never nail the vocals of this song I almost gave up and I said it just doesn’t work like that was just not there it sound so weird and then one day my daughter who is three right now shows up in the studio and somehow I felt like let’s do it right now while she was there and while I was singing it, it worked in the first take so why was glad she came by. (Laughing) I’m just so glad it worked out. That’s amazing. (Laughing) My daughter is so funny, you know she is the opposite of what the German is like, like we are seen as cold but she is half American when she sees people on the street she says good morning to everybody and people think she’s crazy. She is such a beautiful girl that like yeah I could talk about her all day, let’s talk about music. (Laughing)


You have a few guest vocalists on the album, firstly Frank Dellé. I had not heard of him before, can you tell us how you met and asked him to sing on ‘Eat You Alive’? This is my favourite song of the album. Yeah, he plays in a band is the German band that is quite successful. It’s a band called Seeed. They do kind of reggae you know like reggae house kind of music, but he is a guy that likes rock music. He has always asked me if I do something can I join and one of my friends is also in Emigrant produces Seeeds music so he knows them. So he came up with this part and he sang it in to his iPhone and then came into the studio to record and that’s basically it. Was this always going to be the lead song or was that something that you had to juggle around? Well the thing about this song it wasn’t going to be the first song but then every time I heard the sequence and when those drums kick in I thought man to be a great lead song. I did change my mind as I thought it was too strong but then I went back to my first instinct and became number one again. Get Down featuring Peaches, the second track of the album you wanted a sensual sound to it, which indeed it did. This song was inspired by sitting in stripy clubs which I rarely do when your rockstar, I never really understood the concept of stripy clubs I don’t drink

so I was quite bored and I felt I wanted to write a song for stripy clubs. So that was the idea and the motivation in the beginning. Then I wrote something sexy and groovy and then my bass player suggested that we do a duet and it will become more erotic. He mentioned her, I knew who she was but I’ve never heard her work and she was living in Berlin. she wasn’t so much interested in the music I was interested in meeting us and that was really important to her. We then talked about an hour, about smoothies, raw food and “she said you guys are healthy so let’s do the song!” She was very cool, very cool lady. you should check out her work.

I will do thanks. Tell us about the story of you throwing a guitar at Lemmy and he agreed to be a guest vocalist on the album? Well you know sometimes you get angry on stage especially when things don’t work out and normally I hate that it is just so stupid that sometimes you just can’t control your emotions I think what happened was he was watching us on the side and my guitar guy gave me about five times the wrong tuning and after that I was just so frustrated and I threw the guitar and I didn’t see Lemmy until the guitar had left the stage. And the thing was Lemmy was not on my list of


emigrant Interview people I wanted to work with. What we did is we would listen to tracks and how they sounded would basically dictate the singer. So I had this little pop song and I said to the guys what do you think of this one? The drummer doubled the tempo and it became a cross between motor head and Depeche Mode. And I was like which singer should we ask? Dave or Lemmy? so I went for Lemmy but I heard that he was canceling shows because he was very sick and the people really worried about him. So I said to the guys I don’t think it’ll work out. Funnily enough three days later I got an email out of nowhere with no explanation just the song with his vocals on it, no drama, he just delivered the goods. I was like a little child jumping on my bed when I heard the track. It was just one of those moments you know where things come together and if you like man it was so worth it. Getting all those singers together was one of the most pleasurable things. I love it more than being on stage when everything comes together you know I was surprised that he had time to do it but he is such a great guy I have a lot of respect for him. It was cool. The operator interrupted us to say time was up but Richard asked for more time and for a one more question. Silent So Long featuring Jonathan Davis from Korn, is totally different from what I expected from a song that featured Jonathon’s vocals, how was it working with him on this song, was it a smooth process? It was a little bit more complicated because he was really interested in what I was doing but somehow he did not have email or a cell phone but he was really keen to do it. And after a while I


thought you know what just f&*k it I will just sing it myself. So I did it then I was in the studio mixing the song and I got an email back from him that he was in the studio right now and let’s do this song and I thought it’s a little late right now but let’s wait for two hours and he delivered the song. There was something missing in the chorus there was like this high note that I was missing and I asked him Jonathan can you sing my high note and he said no way and I thought shit, I really need that high note, Jonathan take your hands and grab your balls and squeeze and he did it. (Laughing) The first song that I actually had a guest singer on was Hypothetical, I know you have not asked me about working with Marilyn Manson was filled with drama. (both laughing) Well Richard, I’m really pleased I got to chat with you. All right it was cool, thank you. Good luck with the album. Say hello to Australia from Berlin. Where are you located right now? Sydney? No I’m in Melbourne. My favorite city is Melbourne! Say hello to everyone for me. Will do thanks! Bye. Bye.


aversions crown

t’s not often a band come out and just smashes you right between the eyes with a brutal aural assault that leaves you stunned and muttering ‘’WTF was that’’? This is one band that will do just that….

Following in the footsteps of their contemporaries THY ART IS MURDER, comes Brisbane’s....
AVERSIONS CROWN and their Nuclear Blast debut album ‘TYRANT’. The Six-headed hydra of death AVERSIONS CROWN have signed a worldwide deal with Nuclear Blast Entertainment for the release of their new slab of astral punishment, ‘Tyrant’. Hailing from the same sunny stretch of Australian coastline as Portal and The Amity Affliction, ‘Tyrant’ will follow the viral success of ‘Hollow Planet’ and the group’s debut album, ‘Servitude’, with November 07, 2014 release.
Formed in 2010 in Queensland’s Brisbane, AVERSIONS CROWN developed their pummelling blend of mechanized death and haunting atmospherics by

utilizing three guitarists brandishing 8 string guitars. Appearing live as a wall of muscle, guitars and flailing hair, the band have logged serious road miles across Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom with acts like THY ART IS MURDER, THE ACACIA STRAIN, OCEANO, ALL SHALL PERISH, CATTLE DECAPITATION and appearances at Warped Tour.
‘Tyrant’ was created in the oppressive heat of Brisbane’s summer with THY ART IS MURDER’s Andy Marsh producing and Mark Lewis (CARNIFEX, WHITECHAPEL) of Audio Hammer mixing the ten track effort. With a thematic fixation on dystopian nightmares and hostile extra-terrestrial encounters, the relentless barrage AVERSIONS CROWN churn out will soundtrack either a solid Halo session or the coming invasion.
Commented guitarist Chris Cougan on the band’s union with Nuclear Blast Entertainment, “a nuclear blast is pretty much what happened to my mind when I found out the label was interested in AVERSIONS CROWN. Nuclear Blast are the pinnacle for metal labels. We couldn’t be more stoked.”



i n t e rv i e w


aversions crown By Jen @justjenrees

Hi Colin, I interviewed you last year after Warped Tour, you won’t remember…. for Simple Plan Space…We have both come along way since then! I remember doing some interviews at Warped but I was pretty drunk. HaHa! How are you now? I am pretty sober now. (Laughing)

Yeah definitely. I think everyone thought that. It took a lot out of us, I think it took a lot more than we thought it was going to. There were times when I thought this thing is never coming out, like it is just not going to happen. But no it’s here today, in its final form, I have heard it so it exist! (Laughing) Yeah we have a lot of setbacks. We were recording with a guy that was part of a touring band and we I am so glad to hear that you have are a touring band ourselves and there been signed to Nuclear Blast Records! were commitments all over the place. So Watching you at Warped I thought you that was why we were unable to finish it. would go far. Congratulations for that! Then we went overseas halfway through How stoked are you? recording it and their band went overseas Thank so much. Yeah we are very stoked. halfway through recording it, so there It is still hard to believe that we are part was just constant emails back and forth of a record label with so many of my sending files and trying to record with favourite bands. It is a total honour to different people. It was just like this big be part of this label. One of the very first jigsaw puzzle and I was taking one piece proper heavy bands that I got into was of the jigsaw at a time and it was just Mussagah, so it kind of blows my mind, really a lot more time and a lot more so many of the great bands are part of effort than we thought it was going to be. that label. When you start a band with But you know it exists and is coming out your friends, you don’t expect that one and we couldn’t be happier. It was hard day you’ll be signed to one of the biggest work. labels in the world. Yeah I’m sure it was and am glad that it’s Yeah it’s pretty great! ready to go. Yeah it sure is. How are the presales for your album It has been a while since you released going? Got some great packages for an album, 2011 (Servitude), 2 years ago that! Overseer was released….. did you ever I don’t know, I’m not sure how they are feel that you were not going to get to going, the last I heard they had been up release Tyrant? for a couple of days are now doing really


well. They have sold a lot more than I thought they would in a couple days and that was a few weeks ago so I hope that fashion continues and we keep selling more. So I can’t tell you, I haven’t wanted to email, I just thought, you know what I’ll just wait to find out how they going. I’m going to leave that in the hands of the powers to be.

I was in a band that the only people that would like or comment on our page would be our friends and so they had to be excited for us because they were our friends (laughing) but now there are people excited on the page that I don’t know. I feel like we have come a long way, for our little band that we started doing, this is actually a really big step for us. I have seen fans from all over the world I have been reading your Facebook page posting on your page asking you to go to and there are so many people that are their country. keen for the release. How good does Yeah, the Internet makes the world a that feel as an artist that you have so very small place. You can get access to many fans just hanging out for it? anyone’s music in two seconds and still Yeah it’s pretty overwhelming to be awesome that some people still want us honest when I look at our Facebook page, to come and play for them. we are relatively a small band, and a look at the Facebook page and see kids that Who does the designs for your tshirts? are really keen for our album to come out, They are pretty cool. it is sort of like a little bit mind blowing I personally do a lot of them actually, I that there are so many people taking that do a lot of the street type designs, so if much interest in our band. People posting you see anything that looks like a little on our page, such as have you got our bit like street wear that’s probably me. preorders ready? I remember ages ago If you say anything that is an illustration


aversions crown Interview like crazy artwork that is a guy Róbert Borbás AKA Grindesign , he does a lot of our designs, he is really in tune to the sort of ideas and themes that we are trying for. He is a really cool guy as well which is awesome. We have used a heap of other designers but I can’t think of them at the top of my head. Brook from Melbourne has done some stuff is a great designer and a good mate. I’ll try and do as much as I can, I have not done that much but I have a little bit of an eye for strict design and cool simple stuff like that, I like to do it because I get really bored. You get bored? So you have spare time? What’s that like? Yeah I get some spare time, I make spare time, sometimes I just say don’t talk to me or anyone and my girlfriend will watch a TV show, I will just tinker away on photo shop that sort of thing. Listening to Tyrant I was blown away, seriously. I know that I had heard Overseer and Hollow Planet before, pretty sure you played them at Warped? Is that right? Yeah we did. Thought so. Well I loved the rest of the album as well, and know many people who are desperately waiting to hear the whole album. Your upcoming Australian Tour, will that include most of the album? I’m not sure, we are definitely playing Overseer and Hollow Planet. We have been playing them for a little while now and I think we are playing another three or four songs so will be playing a total of six songs of the album out of a set list of 10. So yeah we are playing over half the


album live on this tour. You are touring with Molotov Solution, how did that come about? Are they good friends of yours? I wouldn’t say they’re really good friends but are being pals with their singer Nick for a couple of years now we have been chatting, I like the band so we have been trying to get them out here for a little while. Even when we were smaller we want to get them over to tour with them, they were busy then we were busy. So to now get them to come out on our album tour is fantastic. I am super excited to hear that band play change and to hang out with and to show them a little bit about Australia. We just got talking over the Internet and that’s pretty much how it came about, pretty much how most things come about in the modern world! I will see you at Wrangler Studios. I’ve never played there before. Someone told me it was like a large lounge room. Yeah, I go there a lot and friends with Jayden Roy and all the bands that I like tend to play there. Although the stage isn’t very high. I like that! I like little short stages where there is intimate crowd interaction. I like playing on the floor, on the same level use in getting people’s faces. You will certainly get that there, it’s a great venue. Awesome! You are off to the UK and Europe again next year can tell us about that? Yeah we are touring with a band called I Declare War and band called With in the Ruins and it kicks off mid-January and finishes up mid-February so we

are going to be super super cold over there. It is going to be -15° or something. We are really excited to be going back next year it seems to becoming a bit of a thing. It was great, the response we got last time was insane so we were blown away by how many people knew our band over there. Going back there is awesome hopefully people will come out again and will have a great time again. I have not played shows with those bands before but I have listened since I was pretty young so it is a privilege to be touring with a couple of bigger bands and kicking overseas! Getting personal…..Your vocals are amazing, I don’t know how you do it. Have you been singing since you were young? Yeah I have been but not in this particular style. Ha ha! Yeah I guess you would not! I have been in bands when I was in high school and been doing heavy vocals for long time now but we were doing more high vocals are higher screams so the newest thing for me are the more growly death metal vocals. It’s sort of a new thing for me, it is out of my comfort zone like I have not done a lot of that over the years. It’s been different for me. It is all practice. I think I have abused my voice enough over the years to put out some weird sounds it just has built up resistance to the abuse I’ve being giving it over the years. The low vocals were just the next thing.

Any other news you have to share with our readers? Although what other possible news, new record label, new album, Aussie tour and UK/Europe tour…. What more can you say? (laughing) Well…….. I think you’ve covered all bases really but to your readers just go and buy a music or downloaded illegally but if you do that buy T-shirt as well to support the band. Come to our shows, share our videos and just show it some support if you downloaded from a torrent website burn it onto a CD, give it to your friend and hopefully he’ll buy it. Just try and support some way because we really need the support. We are broke and we want to keep doing this because we keep doing this, we are broke. Thanks very much for your time! Thanks Jen.


The long wait is over as Michigan’s CHIODOS are returning to our shores this January / February 2015 for their first visit in over 5 years and in support of their stunning 4th full length album ‘Devil’. ‘Devil’ marks the return of founding members Craig Owens and drummer Derrick Frost and their first to feature new recruit Thomas Erak (Guitar - The Fall Of Troy) along with Matt Goddard (Bass), Pat McManaman (Guitars) and Bradley Bell (Keyboards) and the results are spectacular! The title of the album itself reflects Owens, and inevitably the band’s daily struggle to stay the course in living a productive life amidst the adversities of each day. ‘’Devil is assuredly the most daring, exhilarating, and personal work of Chiodos’ career, reigniting the band to continue on’’ – Absolute Punk

their explosive live show for Australian Audiences in January 2015. ‘’It’s safe to say that fans will not only come, they will be banging the bloody door down for those shows. And too right, as there’s no rock show, like a Chiodos rock show’’ - Bring The Noise UK Now you can finally get to see the ‘Devil’ down under….. ‘Devil’ is out now via Faction / Sony Tickets available www.taperjeanmusic. com

PRESENTED BY TAPERJEAN TOURING, Craig Owens enthuses “Devil isn’t SELECT TOURING, HYSTERIA MAGAZINE something I thought long and hard about. It is something that hit me, and hard. I asked myself if I was brave enough to stand behind such a strong, emotionally evoking word and I knew right then, that was it.


One of the most unpredictable live acts CHIODOS are set to do deliver



You can watch their music video for 3am here



i n t e rv i e w


chiodos By Jen @justjenrees

Hi Craig, it’s Jen from Music Injection. How are you going? Hi, I’m doing well thank you.

balloon represents beauty and I think that it’s important to stay focused on that no matter what you surrounded by. Yeah it’s important to hold onto. It’s great that you’re coming back to Australia after five years. I think my fav song off the album is Yeah! ‘Under Your Halo’. Or ‘3 AM’, that changes each time I listen….. It depends You are releasing your fourth full-length on what time of day… (both laughing) album this year, the title “Devil” reflects Is there one track in particular on the yours and the bands daily struggle to album that you can relate to? stay the course in living a productive You know it’s hard, all of them came life amidst the adversatives of each day from my heart and my head. So would which is something that most people depend on the time of day from me as can relate to, can you tell us some of the well (laughing) but specifically I would struggles you deal with? say ‘3 AM’ the most likely, just because Sure, I struggle with depression that that is about chasing your dreams and I’ve struggled with my whole life, I’ve sacrifices that you have to make doing been diagnosed with bipolar about eight that. As a musician I know that there is 1 years ago and so that’s a start and just million other people that would love to be being a human being. It’s just not very in my position. And how I separate myself easy in this day and age. I don’t even from them by about how much work I know if being fully happy is part of life. put in. I do have to sacrifice a lot so does It’s about all the things I’ve struggle with anyone whose job is goal orientated and throughout the last few years. are chasing their dreams. You have to sacrifice a lot including relationships. I I love the artwork for the album, been am not coldhearted like it seems. And thinking about what it could represent, when that workday ends and it does can you tell us? end, you’re lying in bed in the middle of Sure, it’s basically learning to balance, I the night and staring at the ceiling and think life is like balance and its balancing wondering how the hell did I do that. I had in the storm and the beauty and no the chance of real happiness but this goal matter what it is that you’re surrounded and dream sidetracked me again. And with. It’s about the climb, it’s like climbing that is what the song ‘3 AM’ is about. a ladder you know and I think the red Well Craig that’s a really powerful



Chiodos Interview message. Well it’s just so true. Yeah it’s really got me thinking. Your song called Ole Fishlips is Dead now, there has got to be story behind that song, can you tell us about that? Yeah of course. It’s most relatable, and it’s funny that the movie just come out. I’m going to see the movie tomorrow. I am a big Jillian Flynn fan, I have read her book gone girl three years ago and I love how the ending wait, a spoiler alert, but you learn to accept love, is not perfect, love is pain it’s agony, its happiness, it’s joy, it’s everything and that was kind of my interpretation of it. This song is a love song about hating love but loving it as well it’s my interpretation of feelings that I have is a human being. It hurts, love is what makes you most vulnerable and hurts the most. But it also makes you the most happiest. Love can be beautiful. So I guess the lineup now is almost the same as 2005 (with the exception of Thomas Erak replacing Jason and Thomas. After working together all these years do you think your friendships and communication has been the key to the reforming? I think friendship is a big part of it and communication is even bigger you know, if you don’t communicate you don’t have a friendship. But at the same time I think that you will have to want to be there and when it comes down to it we just human beings doing what we love. Like the typical rockstar cliches of hating each other, with just a bunch of people playing music and not everyone wants to do that, people change.


Yeah I guess being on the road was you with annoyed each other. Oh no it’s worse than annoyed, (both laughing!) You’re basically married to a people in the tour bus and we usually have eight or nine people. And you are married to that many people, you see them day in and day out your living together. And you see all of their bad habits, let’s not say annoyed let’s say lothe! Let’s be real about it (both laughing) that’s okay you just have to accept them for who they are. You have to create certain boundaries for yourself and really focus on your own health and do things for yourself. I have to work out every day I just have to when I’m on the road. I had to find a coffee shop to get away. Everyone has to find the right balance. You have just finished up your The Parks and Devastation Tour with Bring Me The Horizon and A Day to Remember. How much fun was that? Can you tell us any funny stories that you can share. It was great, they are amazing musicians that maintain integrity while also pushing the limits of their music genre. I love all of them as human beings and musicians. So that was an honour and I really enjoyed myself. It’s always a party with a day to remember like they put on throw toilet paper at the crowd, and destroying their stage every night, they put on the funniest live shows I have ever seen. Every night was just a blast, every night was a party it was just so much fun. There wasn’t really any specific funny thing that stands out to me though

during my day I would have a different view of it that other people would have it. How did the crowds there like hearing songs off Devil being played there? Oh they loved it. It was great. In the States it was really really well accepted so I’m hoping it is the same in Australia. In the States it’s gone over really well besides the few online warriors it’s been done pretty great. (Laughing) Ah that leaves it in to my next question. I was looking at your Facebook page last night. A show was cancelled not due to any fault of your own, some of your fans on facebook were a bit rough on your guys, how do you handle fans like that? How

do you handle it personally? Personally it’s really difficult you know as a band you just keep moving forward but personally I resent the hell out of them for that. We’re the opener and just because we’re the only one that said anything about it doesn’t mean you hang the messenger. I mean we had nothing to do with that and I understand as a fan you want to lash out. But as a fan I would never go on a Facebook page, no matter how much I was looking forward to that I would not speak negatively like that. I think that it shows that they have a lot of growing up to do and I definitely resent the hell out of them for that, it really bums me out. I really think it’s not fair any sense of the word. I accept that as a fan


Chiodos Interview they are bummed but we as a band are legitimately bummed as well. We want to play as many shows as we could. I mean that’s what we do! That’s what we love to do and people thinking that it was cancelled out of spite are immature and uncalled for. Facebook is like the safe haven for all negative comments to come out so at this point I’m probably one of the most engaged musicians as far as social media goes, I love hearing other people’s opinions because I like to hear the other side before I form an opinion. But I have to tell you they have turned me off reading the comments or even wanting to be involved in the comments because they are so crass and negative and I can’t let that sink into my head. Because then I started here going around in my head and life is not the Internet and the negativity reigns out so much louder than the thousands of people that are positive about it and just didn’t say anything. It is hard we have to find the right balance of staying engaged and caring about what they say and able to detach yourself really. At the end of the day as long as you have tried your hardest and have the best intentions there is nothing more you can do. I can’t give any more of myself to my fans. I literally share pieces of my soul in my music I have kind of sacrificed my life and my relationships to tour and all of my time and thoughts go into being creative so I can share that with other people. While it may seem like a selfish endeavour you know I have to believe it has helped a lot of people. A lot of people come along for the ride so the thought that I am completely self-seeking and do it on purpose is really insulting because


of all the sacrifices that we have made. Craig, even when I was reading some of the comments last night I was getting frustrated so I don’t know how you do it. Yeah it’s really hard. You have to take into account that they may not know the music industry. They might have just been having a bad day. You know I don’t even know some of those fans were even planning on going they just used it as a way to project the negativity. So that makes them feel better, okay but I can’t let it bleed into my head and heart. The last thing I want to is be jaded. I mean I share my deep secrets through my music with strangers and if they make me feel isolated from them then that’s really hard and I can’t do that for my heart sake. You are going to Mexico next, how many shows do you have there? Going three absolutely awesome. We love Mexico, they are the most gracious culture, the fans are amazing and besides the bootleg merchandise that’s brilliant. I can’t wait, I love the Mexican food, I live in South California but I’m originally Michigan so I am spoilt with Mexican food, I can’t wait. We’re just going to have fun, got some friends that are going to be joining us. Then coming Down under, unique that every capital city is being played. I know some people in Perth and very happy that you are going there. Was it your plan to cover all capital cities or was it your management that booked it? Oh right, we have been to Perth now a few times and I love it there ends I think it’s a great. Other than doing soundwave we haven’t spent too much time in

Photo: Ashley Osborn Photography Australia, we have done three or four tours, throughout my career so I think it’s the awesome record label that were signed up for and I said this is what you should do, and they obviously know the Australian culture saying they tell us what shows to do when we trust them. And we said yeah of course so I get to spend time in cities that I haven’t before so it is going to be great! Well that is good so on your Facebook page you won’t be bombarded with negative comments! (laughing) Ha! All of a sudden our Kiwi fans are going to come out and say why you not coming to New Zealand? I am sure people find something to complain about. (Laughing) Will you have some time to take in the sights down here? Well we don’t have that many days off

and we are doing some tours around it that we have not announced yet, I think we might be doing possibly Thailand, Singapore or after so we wont be getting much site seeing time in. Last time I was there with my other band because the Soundwave was messed up we had a show then three days off, then a show then two days off, so I spent a lot of time specifically in Sydney and it was great! Really awesome. Thanks for your time today, better wrap this up or we will go over time. Look forward to you coming down here next year. Absolutely Jen, thanks your time, see you then.


The Treatment are: Matt Jones - Vocals Dee Dammers - Guitar Tagore Grey - Guitar Dhani Mansworth - Drums Rick ‘Swoggle’ Newman - Bass


K hard rockers The Treatment are playing Soundwave Festival run in February / March 2015 – this will be the first time The Treatment have visited Australia. But first they are doing another tour of Europe and the UK. The band have released a new single / video, ‘The Outlaw’; taken from ‘Running With The Dogs’, this live fave has been remixed by US producer Bob Marlette (Rob Zombie, Airbourne, Black Stone Cherry, etc.) and comes with a previously unreleased version of the track. Purchase the single via iTunes: HERE


Treatment frontman Matt Jones. “The first leg of the tour in February was so much fun that we thought we should do it all again! Opening for the likes of Aerosmith & ZZ Top has been amazing, but we now have a full set planned for October – and rest assured, we’ll be taking things up another gear… with one or two surprises! We’re delighted that Buffalo Summer and Massive can join us, because we want each of the shows to be a full-on experience from beginning to end. A proper night of rock ‘n’ roll, no half-measures!” And he continues, “We are ecstatic to be performing at this year’s Soundwave Festival and cannot wait to unleash our very own brand of rock ‘n’ roll on all our friends in Australia - it’s going to be a blast!

Check out the video clip for ‘’THE OUTLAW’’

‘Running With The Dogs’, the album, is available now through Spinefarm Records / Caroline Australia at the following links:

“We’re absolutely stoked to be heading out again in the UK and Europe,” says

iTunes Facebook Twitter


exclusive interview with... By Jen @justjenrees Hi Matt, it is Jen, how are you going? Great! So let’s begin with a few background questions. The band took a while to come together, and you were the last addition, can you tell us the process of the band forming? Yeah, Dhani had been playing drums for a couple of years, I think he was about 14 and 15 and his dad was a band manager and had been in the music business for years and years. Dhani went to his dad and said I want to put a band together and he found us from different parts of the country. I am originally from the east of England and Tag and Rick are from the South, and Dee from Germany. So Dhani got the group together and we started writing music together and we started playing gigs together and here we are! So you guys are pretty young? Yeah we are, I am the oldest, I’m 23 now and Dhani is the youngest, he is 21. Your name, The Treatment, is there a story about how that name came about? Yeah we love a band called Dr Feelgood, a rhythm and blues band from England and we have always liked their name and we wanted to have a name like that and we were throwing around ideas and someone said The Treatment and that stuck a chord and we all said yeah that sounds good! So it kinda stuck and we are known as The Treatment.


You all lived together in a house for 12 months and lived and breathed music. What was that experience like? Did you drive each other mad?

We still live together now so it must of been alright! Haha! Yeah we are all really good friends, we play music together, we live together and we have a good time. We don’t really argue, there are some things that we don’t really get on about, but not important things. If someone irritates someone, we ask them to stop and they say OK and we move on. There have never been any major arguments. As we live together 24/7 we’re very lucky! That is awesome! Very mature! You have supported some of the biggest names in the rock genre, which band did you enjoy supporting the most? For example, Motley Crue, Alice Cooper, Slash, Status Quo, Motorhead, Thin Lizzy and Steel Panther. I think the best one we have done is the Kiss and Motley Crue one, purely for the size of it. It was the first time we had been to America and the two bands have been massive influences on us, I mean they are two of my favorite bands and to tour with them was great. So the tour with them was the best tour. Any cool or funny stories you can share? Um I don’t know how much I can say! (Laughing) I had my 21st birthday on that tour which was a bit crazy, they decided it would be a great idea to get me two strippers and I don’t know how they found out that I am terrified of clowns so they dressed them up as clowns so I did not know whether to be turned on or turned off, I was literally sitting there like this is amazing but terrifing at the same time and they had them pour vodka down my neck and it all got a bit crazy so that was

funny. Yeah that sounds like it! A good story! You are heading to Australia next year for Soundwave ,how stoked are you to come to our country? We can not wait. Literally can not wait. I mean England and Australia have such a close relationship, we hear a lot about Australia and how beautiful it is in your country. We have always got on well with Australians. We are absolutely so excited to come over, we can’t wait.

heard what they are like? Yeah we have heard that Australian crowds are pretty much like English crowds, they come down and get involved and have a good time, so we are expecting a good rock and roll crowd. Which will be perfect for us as that is what we are all about. it should be a perfect match. I love Soundwave, it is my favorite time of the year, my favorite festival. Yeah festivals have a great vibe to them.

What city are you looking forward to play the most? How did you get added to the bill at I think Melbourne will be cool as we will Soundwave? do the ACDC tourist stuff, you know the I don’t really know to be honest, I think ACDC street. We are all massive ACDC it is one of those things that Laurie our fans so I think we are looking forward to manager is amazing in what he does, and Melbourne. I mean we are looking forwe also have another manager called ward to the whole tour but Melbourne the Larry who also manages Lamb of God most due to the ACDC stuff. and people like that and they are on the Perfect answer! I am from Melbourne. bill as well, so it might be to do with that There is huge rivalry between Sydney and maybe. Melbourne so I am glad that you did not say Sydney. What are you expecting from the AusOk I won’t be saying that in Melbourne tralian crowds at Soundwave? Have you then!


Do you think that you will do a Sidewave with another band? I don’t know yet, I don’t know what the plans are. We would be happy to do anything, play with any band so we will see what happens. What would be your pick for that band? I think for me it would probably be Faith No More purely because well, me and Rick, our bass player, are huge fans and Mike Pattonis an amazing singer and it would be cool to watch him. I have read “The Treatment are indeed tender in years, but you’d never guess that from the quality of their song-writing or the confident swagger of their live show.” Do you think your age has an effect on how others in the music industry treat you? I think back when were started when we were younger, it was harder to get a gig as we were not old enough to get into places, but now we have grown up a bit and we are onto our second album, I think we are taken more seriously as we are not kids anymore, we are adults now. I think back in the early days a bit but I don’t think we see it at all now as people realize we are a legit band and we are not little kids anymore.


You have two versions of Outlaw, which I like both, what was the reasoning behind having two different versions? I think we just wanted to do something a bit different, we have always been a band that never wants to do the same thing twice you know, obviously we don’t want to move away from our sound or anything but we can kind of experiment a little bit within ourselves. So when our label said they wanted us to have a bonus track with the single we thought what can we do. We thought we don’t want to do something predictable so why not do a rockabilly version of the same song. So we experimented with it and tried it out

and it ended up sounding really good, I am pretty proud of that, I think it sounds great. Yeah I really like it. Where have you toured so far? I think I saw you went to Japan and the US? The closest we have been to Australia is Japan, in that general area of the world I think for us, it has mainly been UK, Europe and we did the US which was amazing. I saw a few comments on your Facebook page about coming back to the US. Yeah we get a lot of that. What countries would you like to go to the most on tour? For us I think the next place to experience is South America, we see lots of DVD’s with bands playing in Buenos Aires that look unbelievable so I think that would be really really cool. What is next for the band? We have a UK tour and a European Tour coming up, then we will have Christmas off and start working to coming to you guys then after that working on the next album and more tours and keeping busy really. Do you have anything that you would like to say to our readers? If you have never heard of our band try listening to us, watching YouTube and stuff and get in touch with us via Facebook and Twitter as we run that so that is a good way of getting in touch with us. So yeah check us out and come down to the show and have a good time! Sounds good! Thanks for your time tonight Matt! I look forward to you coming down here for Soundwave! Me too it will be cool. Thanks Matt! Thanks, Bye!

teen death exclusive interview By Jen @justjenrees | Photos by Jake Cunningham


Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions about your EP and upcoming tour. How did you guys all meet and form Teen Death? Eric and I have been friends since elementary school, we met Zach about six years ago and have been buds ever since. Teen Death started because Eric, Zach, and I were all playing in other bands, and we wanted to have some fun playing a different instrument than usual. For a while we didn’t take Teen Death very seriously at all, and we barely ever played shows, but since we’ve been lucky enough to work with 6131 we’ve started trying to get our act together and be more of a “real” band. Any story behind your name? We get asked that a lot, which is funny considering how little thought we actually put into it… We started out as kind of a Ramones worship band, and we wanted a name that was adolescent, but also dark. We kept tossing around names with “teenage” in them, but we didn’t want to copy Teenage Bottlerocket too hard, so we settled on Teen Death. We thought about it two ways; on the serious side, it’s the death of youth, and on the not-so-serious side, it’s a teenage Grim Reaper running around shooting off fireworks with his buddies. Your first EP dropped today (16th Sept), it is available from 6131 Records, what was the initial response from your fans?


We’re a super new band so this EP is most people’s first time ever hearing of us. We’re just really excited and thankful that we got to make the record and have a cool label like 6131 put it out. The folks that have heard it definitely seem to like it and get what we were going for. I’ve heard several people say that even though our influences are super obvious, we still sound fresh, so that really means a lot to me. What track means the most to you personally, I know all artists put their heart and soul into each track but is there a stand out on for you? It’s hard to say. All of the songs on the EP come from the same place and time, so it’s sort of a little time capsule of bad times. I think maybe “Friends” means the most to me because it sort of sums up the whole EP’s themes of isolation and self-loathing. Plus, it’s a ripper live. I think Poison is my favourite, totally relatable lyrics and catching guitar riffs, was this written from personal experience? Thanks, I’m glad you like it! Yeah, all of the songs on the EP are from personal experience, I’ve never been very good at writing any other way. That song specifically is about wrestling with that instinct to blame other people for your problems, and then actively choosing to make everything worse. Sometimes I would get a little nervous that the lyrics on the EP are too dark, but I’ve always loved bands that have catchy, energetic music com-

bined with really dark lyrics. I just decided to really run with that.

as enthusiastic about me being neurotic as hell…

Although Friends is a great song, I think it will appeal to teenagers all over the world, was that written about following your dreams to be a musician and not listen to your so-called friends? Yeah, I think I’ve retained the angst of a teen, well into my 20s! “Friends” is actually about how easy it is to feel completely paranoid and alienated, even from the people you’re closest to. My friends are actually really supportive of me being a musician, but probably not

You have an action packed tour for the rest of September, by the time this magazine is released it will be over, I wish you well for it and look forward to hearing what it was like. Thanks so much for the interview! Thanks for your time, Jen


from greetings california What do you get when you meld 70s classic rock and Californian poprock and the two craziest but most wonderful twins in the music industry? Greetings From California is what.

The Madden Brothers are two of the most recognisable twins in the music industry. For over a decade they fronted the successful band, Good Charlotte with such hits as Girls and Boys, The Young and the Hopeless, The Chronicles of Life and Death, The River, just to name a few. But, now after many years of fronting the band, they have decided to branch out and to write music that speaks to them where they are now, and from where they have come. Greetings From California is what they have to offer us as The Madden Brothers. And it makes so much sense. Joel Madden said in an interview that they wanted to go back to where it all started, two young boys with guitars and creating music. Benji says in their bio on their website, “The idea was to not hide behind a band name or a genre, write some songs, and … deliver the truest picture of who we are musically.” [] I have to admit what sold me most on this album was the fact that Benji would be lead vocals on half the tracks. I’m a self-confessed Benji girl, but I digress. The album is split into two sides. The first ‘side’ is a nod to classic pop rock in the vein of the artists of the sixties and seventies. It opens with the catchy track “Dear Jane” which is led by Benji, whose voice is softer than Joel’s, who we are more used to hearing. It is a feel good track that I can envision being cranked up with the car windows wound down, hair streaming… you get the picture.


The duos’ first single, We Are Done, is featured on this ‘side’ but it isn’t the highlight. The sim-

ply titled ‘U R’, which Joel has stated is about his family, is my favourite on this side. With its funky grooves and simple harmonies it has a positive vibe to it. The other tracks on the first side are similarly funky and laidback. Then they shift gears on the second half of the album. California Rain opens up with an Eagle-esque lyric driven track. Then what follows is my favourite track on the album, Brother. The keys and harmonica before the final chorus, along with the famous Madden Brother harmonies, gives the song a haunting folk quality that I can’t really describe. To be honest, I love every track on the album and my words don’t really do it justice. Definitely an album one should at least listen to once just to get a taste of what the twins have to offer. I cannot wait to hear these songs live in November. For fans of: Classic 70s poprock Best: Dear Jane, U R, Brother and Empty Spirits We Are Done is the first single and the music video can be viewed on YouTUbe And prior to release of this issue of SPSpace, the guys were filming the music video for Dear Jane.

GOODNIGHT GRAVITY Biography quoted from Facebook:

High energy pop punk/hardcore forming in the great state of Col-

orado. Finding a balance between brutal hardcore and high energy/positive pop punk, Goodnight Gravity is dishing out a tasty dish best heard on their sophomore EP; “All In Is All We Know�. You can purchase their EP All in Is All We Know here.

website facebook


thi s m onth ’ s

Fresh Fruit

Interview by Jen @justjenrees

goodnight gravity


I listened to Goodnight Gravity as they followed Music Injection. I liked what I heard so I contacted them. They have a really cool sound. I encourage you to check them out! Here is my interview with Josh.

high school and then college tore our group apart in 2013. Due to this we had to find new members in order to continue and so we recently installed Dylan Neise and Jake Westerman, who play guitar and drums, respectively.

How long have you guys been working together and how did the band all come together to make it like it is today? We began in 2010 when we all met in

Your EP ‘All in Is All We Know’ released in January last year has some real pop punk sounds. I really like the lead track ‘Girls Tease with Chance, Boys Tease with Diamonds’. Was this written specif-

ically to be the lead track? It was not actually. Chemical Roulette was written to be the lead track and it was released as a single before the record release but then Girls Tease with Chance, Boys Tease with Diamonds ended up drawing quite a bit of attention after the release and we were excited about it.

CRETS, and Real Friends. All of which are inspirational to our music!

What is your writing process? It is a whole band process or more of an individual thing? Our writing process begins with an initial idea brought to the table by a band member and then that idea potentially works its way into a song after being heard and edited by the rest of the band. So essentially, we all bring many ideas to the table and only a select few of them go through.

You are playing an acoustic concert that all the proceeds go to Second Wind, can you explain what that charity is? The second wind fund is a charity for suicide prevention. We were happy to set

I saw you went to Warped to promote your band, how was that day for you? Do you think it was worthwhile promotion wise? Do you have any other ways of promoting yourself that you find is worthwhile? It most definitely was. Anything we can do to reach out to new fans is worthwhile to us as well as lots of fun. We enjoy promoting because we enjoy meeting new people and getting people excited. Aside from the promotion we do in person, we have a street team that promotes GG for us and they make a considerable dent in our promotional work. Did you get to meet any of the bands that were an inspiration for your band or anyone that you just wanted to meet? Yes we did! We got to meet Chunk! No Captain Chunk!, Mayday Parade, SE-

You play quite a few local concerts, have you done any other tours with bands or is that yet to come? That will be coming in the near future! We plan to be touring regularly within the next year and are excited to do so.

“Anything we can do to reach out to new fans is worthwhile to us as well as lots of fun� this show up because its always nice to do something helpful for the community if we can. I noticed that one of your gigs was a blackout! How frustrating! This happened to a stage at Warped (Australian Warped) and some bands missed their set. You said that you would make it up for fans, how did you do this? To make up for this, we gave free tickets to our next concert to every fan that was at that show. What has been the highlight for you in


your music career so far? Producing the All In Is All We Know record was a really prideful moment for us as a band and we were extremely happy with it’s release. We also have had highlights downtown with our larger shows at the Gothic and Marquis theatre. Any funny stories that you can share when playing live? One time the crowd kept chanting for our guitarist to take his shirt off and he really didn’t want to but he eventually gave in and that was hilarious because everyone was laughing and whistling but he was really embarrassed. How often do you rehearse and where do you rehearse? We rehearse at Dog House Music Studios every week. We will be renting out a new space with other bands here in the near future and we will begin practicing three times a week every week. Can you share with us what is next for Goodnight Gravity? Any tour news or are you taking some time to do some writing? Goodnight Gravity will be releasing an Acoustic EP here in the near future, our first music video will be coming out a few months from now, and we will be playing many local shows here shortly!





Written by Jen @justjenrees

What is it? Pledge Music is a project that allows you to support bands while they are in the process of their projects. Check out the website to see if your favourite bands have a project going here.

Jen’s picks of the current Pledge Projects:

zebrahead way more beer - live in germany It’s a DVD for Zebrahead! Preorder the Live DVD and be a part of all the behind the scenes extras! #WAYMOREBEER Currently at 173 % and still more time to Pledge!


the getaway plan dark horses Join us on the journey of creating and releasing our first ever independent full length record, ‘Dark Horses’. 75% of its goal and over a month to go!

divides debut album Take a listen to this new band that we are interviewing next edition. Divides from the UK. They have a pledge running for their debut album that is already at 105% and still over a month to run as well. Well worth a listen!


maroon 5 Written by Vitória @dearvitt Launched on September 2nd, the new album of this great band comes with several awesome songs that people already love. Songs like “Maps” and “Animals” are the most known by the public, but there are other great songs like “Lost Stars”. That, by the way is in the new movie Adam Levine, the singer of Maroon 5, is starring in, “Begin Again.” Watch the trailer here. The album is considered an extension of “Overexposed”. It seeks to join the current pop worked by the band with ancient musical influences, striving the balance.


To this work, the band created a contest and asked their fans to create an alternative cover for the disc, seeking the illustration. This was the chosen one: Before the official launch, the band released three singles: “Maps”, “Animals” and “It Was Always You”. Check out a video of Maroon 5 playing live the song “It Was Always You” here. Maroon is now on a tour with the album. Check here where they’re passing by.


album review patent pending “brighter” Released 2013

9/10 I was first introduced to this band via Zebrahead’s manager Marc who is Patent Pending’s guitarist. I was instantly a fan. I think this album is a pop punk classic that any Simple Plan/Fall Out Boy/Bowling for Soup fan will love. This is a feel good album that makes me smile. I have had it in the CD player of my car on repeat now for along time! Track one ‘There was a Time’ demonstrates the talents of the vocalist as we are treated to a long Acapella interlude that sets the tone for the album. ‘Shut it Down’ is sure to be a brilliant song to hear


Written by Jen @justjenrees

live, imagine fist pumping to “Coz It’s the last call, it’s on tonight, its either Fly or Fall, Do or Die, we will take them one by one till we run this town. Flying with the lights out Shut it Down” ‘Let Go’ is a track that will have you singing along. This is a song that anyone that has been lied to by someone that they love can relate to. It is a song that allows us to say Let Go to that person. I certainly enjoy the sentiment in the song and sing it loud. Watch the music video here. The stand out track that is the most amusing has to be “Hey Mario” This concept is hilarious. With parts of the theme tune in the song and the lyrics that make you smile. “I know you think you love her, but dude

it’s such a bummer how you chase That girl around You’ve been fighting all her battles, if she’s really worth the hassle You’d be living in the castle by now.” Lyrics that only people that know the game would know and I think that is everyone! This song is sure to be a favourite when played live. Watch the lyric video here.

“this album is creative genius that taps into people’s real emotions while also making us laugh” It seems these days that a pop punk album is not a pop punk album without some collaboration with bands that are mates. For this album Bowling for Soup Jaret Reddick sings ‘Classic You’ not that I am complaining, I love this song! Certainly is in the same style as old school Bowling for Soup.

all got scars The broken we were becoming who we are The proof that it doesn’t matter how we start We can be more than a spark.” Watch the lyric video here. The bonus song ‘Spin me Around’ is a perfect love song that was previously released on Second Family. The music video for this was actual wedding footage from Joe’s wedding. Watch that here. For me this album is creative genius that taps into people’s real emotions while also making us laugh. Bring on Soundwave so I can see them play some tracks off it live. Watch their Mario and the Brick Breakers Movie here for some laughs.

facebook twitter

‘Brighter’ is for me the highlight of this album. The lyrics are inspiring for all those people that need to see light at the end of the tunnel. For me this is an inspiration uplifting song. For example. “You don’t have to hide, you know we’ve


October 201 1

By Leeann @adnaxar

Pierre announced to us all today that work on the upcoming 5th SP album has moved to Vancouver.


Another wellknown name has joined Chuck and Pierre’s song writing team working on the new album. Josh Ramsay from Marianas Trench joined the guys today at the Umbrella Factory Studio in Vancouver.

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Chuck and Pierre attended the launch of the new LA based art company Art Angels which is co-founded by Chucks wife Jacquelin and her business partner Kat Emery.


Today the Simple Plan Foundation announced this year’s charity event, to be held on the 23rd November at the Virgin Mobile Corona Theatre in Montreal.


Jeff dropped by his restaurant Laurea for 5-à-7 (happy hour)


Jeff repreChuck and Pierre were back in California today for a special even at Lakeside Golf Course in Burbank. Even though the rest of the guys weren’t there, that didn’t stop Pierre and Chuck taking to the stage to perform.

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Seb was at the taping of TVA’s Accès Illimité today with fellow Canadian singer Andee Leclerc whose album Seb helped record.


It’s a girl!!! It was announced today on Idobi Radio’s Moth program, hosted by Sebastien and Pat, that Seb and his wife have welcomed another Simple Plan fan into the world. Congratulations to the pair of you.


Today marks the 10th anniversary of the second studio album, “Still Not Getting Any”.


As of November, beverages made by the company West Shefford which is co-owned by Jeff will be partnering with Brasseurs du Nord to see their products available in selected grocery stores.


Jeff appeared on ICI Radio-Canada’s Culture Club program today where he talked about the success of Simple Plan. During the interview Jeff stated -

“I always thought it was very Quebecois to be afraid of success, but I realize now working around the world that it is a very delicate topic to many people. The more Simple Plan have been successful, the more it has attracted the critics. I do not know the recipe for success: it comes and goes, it is very unstable and we know that anything can stop overnight.”


Twitter talk Written by Leeann @adnaxar


I’m going to break with tradition, and start David’s tweets from the 30th of September, and why not? What an awesome shot this was of him, all dapper on the distinguished gentleman’s ride. But he was right in saying, “Don’t try this at home kids.” David surprised fans again when he started doing Q&A’s while waiting for his ‘wings’. Before getting back on his bike, David said he’d try to snap some pics for all of us, as well as saying he might do another Q&A some other time. Fingers crossed David keeps up his return to twitter.

chuck Back in Vancouver for the week, Chuck was having fun in the studio, not only with Pierre, but with his friend Josh Ramsay. He made sure to take a little time out from the recording process, but checking out Ben Affleck’s new movie Gone Girl, which he said was amazing, as well as the opening game of the 2014/2015 NHL season. He was asking why he hadn’t received any hugs on Hug A Drummer Day (is this a real thing?) Proving again how strong his and Pierre’s friendship is, Chuck posted that even though they are working and writing 5 days a week, they still hang out on the weekends too. His thoughts were with the people of Ottawa after the tragic events that unfolded there this month. Having made a new friend in Adam Elmakias, the guys invited him along to not only have a listen to the progress of album #5, but also take some snaps of Pierre’s home studio while he was there.



Pierre needed some new attire, before heading to Vancouver for a little writing trip, and boy, wasn’t it fun to be back in a real studio again? Showing us more about his personal life, Pierre’s video of he and his daughter on the inflatable slide posted on his Instagram was truly priceless. Having finished up a couple of songs, Pierre predicted that the new album ‘will slay!” Proving there is no rest for the wicked. Sunday brought more practice and having worked long and hard, Pierre was ready to eat anything and when you turn up just as the sushi bar is closing, sometimes you just have to take what you can get. Rounding out the month, it was time to celebrate his little girl’s 3rd birthday. What a cutie she is too. Happy birthday little one.


A little quieter than usual Jeff kicked off the month thanking fans who had voted for them in the Best World Stage category at this year’s MTV EMA awards. He was having a hard time thinking about my island record (cause that one was hard) while taping ‘On The Record’ with Jason Rockman. But the good karma continues in Jeff’s life right now, especially after his little key mishap.

Sébastien on next page...


Twitter Talk


I only wish I could say the same when Seb tweeted that he had been wearing the same belt for the past 5 years. He was looking for suggestions for iPhone games to help pass the time (but they had to be easy ones). I’m not sure if he was just getting up, or just getting home, but either way, he was just in time for sunrise. Maybe it was the hunt for a new game still keeping him up. The sunrise might have been a good one, but he wasn’t having the same luck when it came to the blood moon, with cloud cover spoiling his view. He was very excited about his trip to the grocery store, but not so much about the reaction he got from the cashier. Whether it was filling us in on what was filling him up (a ham wrap sandwich) or confusing twitter and google, Seb shared it all. Especially the pleasure he gets in neatly folded clothes, his love of 4.43 am or the raging Friday night lego parties he holds. But that’s what you get for growing up. When afternoon scotch turns to hot water and lemon (grandma would be proud) and no matter how hard you look, you can’t find Velcro shoes it your size. With the month coming to a close, it was also time to bid farewell to season 15 of MOTH. With over 150,000 tuning in, I’m sure it won’t be long before it returns for season 16.


Written by Jelena Avramelovic @jelenaSP96

1. Continue the lyrics: “Sometimes I wonder if you know me or if you just pretend to care…” 2. Guess the song: “I try to brush it off, keep calm and collected but it just won’t work …” 3. What’s the name of Simple Plan’s EP ? 4. Simple Plan is writing their 4th or 5th album ? 5. Guess the song: _ _ a _ h / _ n _ / _ u r _ 6. Who wrote “Twitter Song” for his followers on Twitter? 7. Who in the band likes to wear hats? 9. Who is DJ Funky C ?

8. Who likes Lego? 10. Does Jeff have any tattoos?


Answers 1) “So tell me are you on a mission to bring me down?”; 2) Outta My System; 3) Get Your Heart On - The Second Coming!; 4) 5th; 5) Crash And Burn; 6) Pierre; 7) David; 8) Seb; 9) Chuck; 10) Yes

g n offt th o o h ssong Written by Sophie Carlbrant @sophiecarlbrant

gone too soon Title: Gone Too Soon Length: 3:16 Album: Get Your Heart On! (GYHO) Genre: Pop-punk Label: Lava, Atlantic

“Gone Too Soon” is track number nine on the fourth studio album “Get Your Heart On!” (GYHO) that was released in the middle of June 2011. The album has a good mix of up-tempo songs as well as slower, deeper songs like this one. Gone Too Soon begins with - what to me is - a beautiful melody by guitar. The lead singer Pierre starts off by singing softly. His voice and the lyrics really come forward in this song. The instruments are in the background and don’t take over. The song is about losing someone close to you way too soon. “Shine on, shine on” is a part of the song that I personally like. You’ve lost someone and you’re left alone, you didn’t have the chance to say goodbye but in all this you can still manage to see that the person you lost left for something better. And to me, that is love.


The song starts off slowly and gains a tempo as the instruments are added with more power along the 3 minutes and 16 seconds we enjoy this tune. The harmonies are showing their musical talent and nothing takes away the focus from the song and what it’s about. Since it’s not a single it doesn’t have a music video, however there are plenty of Youtube-videos made by fans. Unfortunately, it’s a relevant song for many of us or will be one day. For me, it feels safe to have a song to turn to in moments of sadness and grief.

h t n e he month h mo fan comments:

The song is really emotionally deep and I think it can speak to a lot of people because of that, it’s one of my favourites. – Luke, Australia I love this song but it pulls at my heart strings and makes me think of people that I only want to think about when I am by myself. Makes me want to cry. It has such a powerful meaning and I think it is one of the best songs that they have written to tap into someones emotions. - Jen, Downunder I think this song comes to comfort people who lost someone they loved. It makes me sad and happy at the same time, because even though I think of the ones that are now in another sphere, I realize they are still with me, no matter what happens. It makes me cry, but I really love this song! - Vitoria, Brazil It’s the perfect song when someone leaves this planet. It’s the perfect song when you feel sad about it. - @SimpleplanDrug For me, it is a song with a powerful meaning that reminds me of my grandma, that died three years ago (I guess it was about half year before I got to know Simple Plan and this song). For me it’s about really missing someone, but also knowing that I will meet them once again on a better place. - Mária, Slovakia

It’s a perfect song that makes you feel sad all of a sudden. Especially, if you lost someone you love, this song is more meaningful for you. Whenever i listen to this song, it reminds me my grandma. This song is like the words that i never said to my grandma and that’s why, it’s so special for me:) - Damla, Turkey This song reminds me of my Grandpa. I miss him. I also had a funny thought. This song is the perfect anthem for Harry Potter and Sirius Black. The song itself is a beautiful ballad and really showcases Pierre’s softer vocal side well. The emotion in the words and invoked by the melody…woo…I don’t really know what else to say. This is number 2 in my top 20 SP songs. – Marly Walker I really love this song, it well written the music in the song is what makes me like it so much it fits perfectly with the lyrics that pull on your heart strings and makes me feel better about things. Definitely one of the more emotional simple plan songs. - Nathaniel, Australia

“gone too soon” Hey there now Where’d you go You left me here so unexpected You changed my life I hope you know cause now I’m lost So unprotected In a blink of an eye I never got to say goodbye Like a shooting star Flyin’ across the room So fast so far You were gone too soon You’re part of me And I’ll never be The same here without you You were gone too soon

You were always there and like shining light on my darkest days you were there to guide me Oh I miss you now I wish you could see Just how much your memory Will always mean to me [Chorus] Shine on! Shine on! To a better place Shine on! Shine on! Will never be the same [Chorus]



MONTH Alexandra Where do you live? Lisbon, Portugal When was the first time you heard about Simple Plan? It was in 2003. Someone told me about a new band that had some cool songs and I listened to Addicted.


How many times have you seen them live? 3! After the show in Portugal, I decided I had to see them again because I didn’t know if they could come back here. So, in the same year, 2012, I went to Spain and last year I travelled to Austria.

When was your first SP show? It was when they came here for the first time, In Lisbon. It happened in 2012. Still don’t understand why they didn’t come before.

What do you like the most about SP? The way I can easily relate myself to their lyrics. Sometimes it seems they write for me. Maybe because of that I’ve never felt so alive in a concert as I feel in a Simple Plan show!

How long have you been an SP fan? Since 2003.. so 11 years!

what’s your favorite posession of simple plan and why?

The DvD ABPFY. Everytime I watch it I feel full of energy! I feel I’m closer to them, to the real people they are. Say what Simple Plan means to you. They’re an inspiration for me. They’re like big friends to me! When I’m down, I turn up their music and I feel such a big connection with them! Then, magic happens… I feel better and with more energy! Describe each member with one word. Dave - Craziness Jeff – Serious-Man Pierre - Friend Seb - Brother Chuck – Cool-guy

Of course! Thanks to Twitter I have friends all over the world! Favorite SP quote(s)? “It’s ok to be myself.” “Maybe one day I’ll be back on my feet (…) and maybe it won’t be so hard to be me and I’ll find out just where I belong” “I don’t wanna wake up with my best years behind me. I think I better wake up before my life’s behind me.” Favorite Simple plan video? I’d Do Anything What song would you like simple plan to cover? After you my friend by Lagwagon

Favorite simple plan song and why? I’d do anything. I love the rhythm, the lyric and the fact that Mark Hoppus is there! And it’s the first song we hear in the first album!

Apart from SP, which other bands do you like? Bad Religion, Lagwagon, Mad Caddies, Me First And The Gimme Gimmes, Millencolin…

Do you have any tattoo related to SP? Would you like to have one? No. But maybe one day I’ll do it. I’d love to have a tattoo saying “It’s ok to be myself”.

If you could say anything to simple plan right now, what would you tell them? Please, never stop doing what you do! And never change who you are! You mean so much for lots of people all over the world!

What’s your favorite part of A Big Package For You (ABPFY)? It’s hard to choose just one… I love the beginning, when they’re recording the album and the tour in EU. If you could spend a day with SP, what would you do? Ha! That would be a dream! I’d show them every beautiful parts of this city. There are always activities to do, places to visit and lots of food to eat! And at night I’d took them to have some drinks. Party in Lisbon! Best simple plan memory? Just one? I would never forget when I saw them on stage here. I was like “Wow… Am I seeing them? After all these years they’re here!” The other memory was in Austria, when I could give a big hug to Piérre. Have you made friends thanks to simple plan?

Now pick an SP song that means the most to you and try to explain why. This question is really hard… I could pick right now “Ordinary Life”! Last year I was feeling terrible at work. I was depressed and too tired. I wanted to quit everything. Then, this song came out and I cried when I listened to it for the first time. It was exactly what I was feeling and thinking… Then I realize that I have more important things that I don’t wanna lose, like the best years of my life! Last but not least, what is your wish you want to do with Simple Plan? I wish they can come back to Portugal during the next tour! I wanna hang out with them! And, who knows, have a chance to sing with them “Jet Lag”!haha I’m dreaming about this last topic.


Aussie Band News

Written by @MaddieBirkett

For all of the For Our Hero fans who were horrified when they heard the band would be ending, this is for you! The band decided to release one last album for us! ‘The Final Curtain Call’ is available on iTunes here and features their most popular songs as well as a couple of unreleased songs! You can check out one of their new songs ‘No Guts, No Glory’ here.

Masketta Fall are in the November edition of Dolly, so make sure you grab yourself a copy!


Call The Shots have released a brand new song and music video to go with it! Grab it on iTunes here and check out the video here!

Something To Rescue have released a new song and music video! Check out ‘Dreamer’ here!

Day Break are having an exciting single launch for their new song ‘Fireworks’ in Brisbane and Sydney! Details are on the photo!

Forever Ends Here have been talking about ‘Ocean’s Away’ for a while, but it’s finally been released! Grab it on iTunes here and check out the lyric video here!

It’s that time of year again! Vote for your favourite Aussie artist for Channel V’s OZ Artist of the year! Details can be found here.


International Band News Written by @MaddieBirkett

Well, it was pretty epic when we got to see SP in New York Minute, but it looks like their good friends All Time Low might be doing the same! The new movie ‘Fan Girl’ is rumoured to have ATL appear in it! It’s not confirmed yet, but it still sounds pretty epic! ATL will also be a part of the soundtrack!

We all know that All Time Low have been in the studio a lot lately, but Mark Hoppus from Blink-182 has gotten us slightly more excited now, after posting a pic of a microphone and tagging members of ATL. Do I hear a collaboration?


Fall Out Boy fans have been waiting impatiently for the ‘Centuries’ music video and it’s finally here! Watch it here!

Also, on the note of FOB, Ellen Degeneres announced to the world (even before the FOB band account) that Patrick Stump was now a parent (with his wife Elisa)! Welcome to the world little Declan!

But wait, there’s more Fall Out Boy news! The guys released the track known as ‘Immortals’ which will be on the Disney film, ‘Big Hero 6’! Check out the song here!

For Cassadee Pope fans, it looks like Cassadee is ready to get on with some new songs, recording demos whilst she’s on tour! We can’t wait to hear them!


november b November 6

November 2

John Hume (Evermore)

Greg Bergdorf (Zebrahead)


November 10

November 14

Coley O’Toole (We the Kings)

Travis Barker


November 13 Alana Miller (Lani) (the never ever)

November 15 Mike Cahill (call the shots)

November 19 Justin Hills (sleeping with sirens)

November 30

November 20 Oliver Sykes (Bring Me the Horizon)

Beau Bokan (blessthefall)


r e it r w t a e r g y r e v Behind e m a e t t r o p p u s a is e r e th with four legs.

Jessie 6 weeks old


Max wearing a The Never Ever beanie

Writer in Focus: Jen Rees, Australia Pet’s name(s): Max and Jessie Nicknames: Max: ‘Maxy Moo Moo’ or just ‘Moo’. Jessie: Jessie Jess’ or ‘You crazy dog you‘ Age: Max: 8 Jessie:1 Sex: Max: Male Jessie: Female Breed: Black Labradors How you met: Max: We bought Max from a work mate’s daughter, he was the pick of the litter and they were going to keep him. We had bought his sister Abby from the same litter as our other dog Lucky had to be put down. Then the breeder got pregnant and they decided to give up Max and offered him to us. We said yes! Sadly Abby had to be put down due to being born with a small liver. She was an amazing dog and is missed. Jessie: We bought from a breeder off the internet and she was available straight away as she is a rare brindle lab that can not breed or be a show dog. She has bits of chocolate and golden hair. It is cute! Most adorable habit: Max: When we throw a ball for the dogs to chase at the beach, Max sits there and his look says “You threw it, you get it.” Max loves to stand on a paddle board and surf at the beach. Jessie: She throws herself down when she lays on the floor rather than just laying down. She also lays with her head on someone’s feet, usually the person that she spent the day with. Most annoying habit: Max: His snoring that sounds like an old man. Jessie: When the fire siren goes off she howls like a wolf.

Weirdest stunt: Max does not bark or make any noise (other than when he is asleep). He and Abby got out from our yard and got stuck under our neighbours house. We were out looking for him and Abby for hours, then when we had nearly given up as it was so late, our neighbour rang to say she heard some whining noises and we found them trapped. All they had to do was bark! If Max gets accidently locked in a room he will stay there all day waiting for the door to open. He also loves to listen to my music but as soon as Good Charlotte comes on, no matter what song he runs out the dog door. Strange! Jessie: Running away when I call her to come “up” on the bed when I go to bed. I say I am going to bed, she puts her head down and runs out the door. We only need to say the word UP and she runs out the dog door. Jessie: Running away when I call her to come “up” on the bed when I go to bed. I say I am going to bed, she puts her head down and runs out the door. We only need to say the word UP and she runs out the dog door. Usually found: Max: In his kennel or at the end of my bed. Jessie: under a table outside or on the dog couch inside. Favourite Food: Well as they are Labs, anything. Jessie hovers up anything even veggies that I drop when cooking. Max likes crusts off toast but probably pigs ears for both dogs. The most embarrassing thing you do to your pet: I talk to them all the time. While cooking they sit and watch me hoping for some scraps and I sing to them. We sing to Jessie “Who’s that Girl? It’s Jess.” From that TV show.


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