30TH ANNUAL RURAL NEVADA Elko Convention Center Elko, Nevada
FACULTY Lee Cabaniss Elko County Emergency Manager
John Mohler — RN, BSN, CFRN, CCRN John Mohler & Co
Rob Carter – AEMT
Carlin, NV
Nevada Gold Mines
Monica Myles Elko County Ambulance Service Elko Fire Department Robert Elliott – AEMT Tonapah Test Range Nye County SAR & EMS Instructor Tonopah, Nevada
Brandon Howard – Paramedic / FP-C Medical Training Captain West Valley Fire Department
Nevada Donor Network
Steve Murphy – EMT-P Retired Division Chief Training & Education Orange Beach, AL
Nevada Gold Mines Mine Rescue Small Mines Development (SMD) Southern Nevada Health District
West Valley, Utah
Rick Howard Retired Battalion Chief Lehi, Utah
State of Nevada EMS Kerry Tuckett – EMT Rocky Canyon Rescue Battle Mountain, NV
Kirk E. Mittelman – M.ED., NRP Reach Air Medical/CCFPD Founder, Mt Nebo Training Retired Captain, EMFD Provo, UT
William Z. Webb – AEMT Elko County Coroners Division Elko, NV
Jerry Yeager – EMT
Professor, Utah Valley University Founder, Mt Nebo Training
Tonopah Volunteer Fire Rescue Captain Nye County SAR Commander EMT/EMS Instructor Goldfield Volunteer Ambulance
Provo, UT
Tonopah, NV
Margaret A. Mittelman – M.ED., NRP
WE ARE BACK! The University of Nevada Reno School of Medicine invites you to join us for the 30th annual 2021 Rural Nevada EMS Conference. The conference will be held September 23-25, 2021 at the Elko Convention Center in Elko, Nevada. YOU JUST CAN’T MISS THIS ONE! It has been a long year for all of us. We are so excited to see your shining faces. As always, there will be excellent instructors. Check out the classes they are doing for pre-conference and conference. A lot of learning and fun will be had by everyone. PARAMEDICS, ALS classes are available this year! FOOD, FOOD, & FOOD — A continental breakfast will be available every morning, and lunch will be served on Saturday. Yes there will be SNACKS! FRIDAY EVENING FUN — Cornhole Tournament and Pizza Party! YES, there will be raffle prizes! Any Elko County and Nevada State COVID mandates in place at that time will need to be followed.
REGISTER ONLINE: elkoems21.eventbrite.com
Extrication ELKO FIRE DEPARTMENT — Limit 20 —
Don’t Miss Out! This course will consist of 30-45 minutes of classtime at the convention center and hands-on at Pacific Steel. Participants will learn the tools and their uses, vehicle stabilization, different ways to extricate a patient from a vehicle and patient packaging. Participants will be able to perform evolutions from start to finish demonstrating all that has been learned. Participants must wear steel-toed boots, gloves, leg and arm protection (turnouts, wildland fire gear, long sleeve shirts and pants), safety glasses and a helmet. Bring a lunch as well.
How Far from the Patient? Uphill Both Ways! KERRY TUCKETT Wilderness Medicine at its best! This class will cover the acronym LAST (Locate Access Stablize Transport). Kerry will discuss ABCDE and how that affects transport. SOAP notes, bleeding control, splinting and spinal considerations will also be discussed
One Stop Shopping – CPR/Skills Sign-Offs NEVADA GOLD MINES MINE RESCUE — Limit 20 — ONE STOP SHOPPING AT IT’S BEST. This class is for all of you that need to renew your CPR cards and/or get your AEMT/EMT skills signed off. CPR will take place in the morning and skills signoffs in the afternoon.
IV & IO Access – Tricks Of The Trade STEVE MURPHY AEMTS/PARAMEDICS THIS ONE’S FOR YOU. This presentation wll present a variety of techniques used to gain access to the venous system, particularly in those patients who present in circulatory collapse for whatever reason. It will review the procedures, indications and contraindications for IO access in three of the most common locations.
Paramedic - Pediatric Potpourri KIRK and MARGARET MITTELMAN Few calls cause great anxiety than caring for a sick or injured child. Pre-hospital care providers must be prepared for the challenges of a pediatric emergency. Prompt recognition and treatment of potentially life-threatening diseases or injuries may have a significant impact on the outcome of the patient. Kirk and Margaret will provide participants with information to assess and treat a variety of pediatric patients.
If It Sounds Like A Duck (Improving What We Do and How We Do It As Instructors) ROB ELLIOTT and JERRY YEAGER Is a picture worth a thousand words? Absolutely! Your student’s mental record of experiences begins in your classroom. Incidents present CUES that when recognized by your students will elicit a response that has been captured or played out in their training experiences. Key to this process is the ability to recognize a situation and its CUES. This type of decision-making is called Recognition Primed Decision Making or RPDM. RPMD has serves us well…..IF IT Sounds Like a Duck, it most likely is a duck! Training, ride alongs, hospital time, and hands-on help to imprint mental experiences in your students of EMS.
End Tidal and 12-Lead Training RICK HOWARD and BRANDON HOWARD Paramedics, this is a great one! This class is the best pre-hospital 12- lead training around! By the time participants are done, they can read some of the most dangerous 12-leads they will come in contact with during their careers. As a bonus, participants will learn to be able to understand and utilize End Tidal Readings.
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND – The goal of this training is to increase first responder readiness to triage, treat and transport patients from a multiple patient or mass casualty incident. The purpose of this training is to introduce responders to the S.T.A.R.T (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) method of triage. BEST OF ALL, responders will have an opportunity to demonstrate their skills during a simulated multi-patient scenario.
FEES Pre-conference....................................... Free Conference ......................................$200.00 Conference registration includes snacks, Saturday lunch and continuing education credits. REGISTER AND PAY ONLINE: elkoems21.eventbrite.com A limited number of individual conference scholarships are available through UNSOM.
SPONSORSHIP & ACCREDITATION The conference is sponsored by the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, Frontier Area Health Education Center, which is an approved provider by the Nevada State Emergency Medical Services Section. The three-day conference has been submitted for up to 23.5 CEUs for EMS providers. Not all classes are eligible for Nursing credits. Nursing credits will be applied for those who request them.
8:00 am _ 4:00 pm Extrication (LIMIT 20)
Elko Fire Department
8:00 am _ 12:00 pm How Far From the Patient? Uphill both ways!! Wilderness Medicine If It Sounds Like a Duck… Instructor Class Paramedic - End Tidal and 12-Lead Training One Stop Shopping – CPR (LIMIT 20)
Kerry Tuckett Rob Elliot / Jerry Yeager Rick Howard Nevada Gold Mines
1:00 pm _ 5:00 pm Triage
Nevada Gold Mines Mine Rescue
Paramedic - Pediatric Potpourri
Kirk Mittelman
One Stop Shopping – EMT & AEMT Skills Sign Off (LIMIT 20)
Nevada Gold Mines
3:00 pm _ 5:00 pm IV & IO Access – Tricks of the Trade
Steve Murphy
The University of Nevada, Reno is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, creed, national origin, veteran status, physical or mental disability, and in accordance with university policy, sexual orientation, in any program or activity it operates. The University of Nevada employs only U.S. citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States. This publication was supported by the Nevada State Health Division through General Funding from the Emergency Medical Services Section. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of the Nevada State Health Division or Emergency Medical Services Section.
8:00 am _ 8:30 am ✱ OPENING CEREMONIES
Opening Address
Gerald Ackerman
8:30 am _ 9:30 am ✱ GENERAL SESSION
Why Do We Do What We Do?
Kirk Mittelman
9:45 am _ 11:45 am Paramedic Assist
Lee Cabaniss
Your Role Is Vital: EMS and Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
Monica Myles
Home on the Range
Rick Howard
The Golden Years
John Mohler
EMS Leadership and Serving Hearts. Getting Back to the Beginning
Rob Carter
Paramedic- SHOCK YOU
Brandon Howard
11:45 am _ 1:00 pm ✱ LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 1:00 pm _ 2:30 pm ✱ GENERAL SESSION
Tales From the Crypt
Kirk & Margaret Mittlelman
2:45 pm _ 4:15 pm Narcan
Southern Nevada Health Division
Double Trouble
John Mohler
EMS Toys
Elko Fire Department
Snake Safety, Relocation and Patient Treatment
Rob Elliot / Jerry Yeager
It Only Takes 8 Seconds Paramedic – Medication Delivery
Rick Howard Kirk & Margaret Mittelman
4:30 pm _ 5:30 pm ✱ GENERAL SESSION EMS – The Primary Care Substitute
Steve Murphy
8:00 am _ 9:00 am ✱ GENERAL SESSION
Nasal Cannulas Are Not Just For a Bump In Your O2 Anymore
Rick Howard
9:15 am _ 10:45 am Narcan
Southern Nevada Health Division
EMS Toys
Recreational Pharmaceuticals
Steve Murphy
Paramedic Assist
Lee Cabaniss
Improving CPR in your Community
Brandon Howard
Paramedic-Excited Delirium
John Mohler
11:00 am _ 12:00 pm ✱ GENERAL SESSION There’s No Place Like Home
Rick Howard
12:00 pm _ 1:30 pm ✱ LUNCH State of the State
State EMS
1:45 pm _ 2:45 pm ✱ GENERAL SESSION
The Best Is Yet To Come
Steve Murphy
3:00 pm _ 5:00 pm Bandaging by Bill (LIMIT 30)
Bill Webb
EMS Toys
Elko Ambulance
Pediatric Development Implications Snake Safety, Relocation and Patient Treatment START Triage Paramedic – Advanced Airway
John Mohler Rob Elliot / Jerry Yeager Brandon Howard Steve Murphy
LOCATION The conference will be held at the Elko Convention Center located at 700 Moren Way (just off Idaho Street) in Elko, NV. For more information on Elko, you can visit www.elkocva.com. Many thanks to the Elko Convention Center for their continued support of the EMS Conference for all of these years. It wouldn’t have happened without them. Please take the time to thank them.
LODGING Gold Country Inn (Maverick)
Travelodge 1785 Idaho St. • 775-753-7477 Single - $40.00 plus tax Double - $45.00 plus tax Mention “School of Medicine”
2050 Idaho St. • 775-738-8421 Single - $59.00 plus tax Double - $69.00 plus tax Ask for “EMS Conference Rates”
Super 8 Motel Elko 1755 Idaho St. • 775-738-8488 Single - $50.00 plus tax Double - $55.00 plus tax Ask for “School of Medicine”
Red Lion (Maverick) 2065 Idaho St • 775-738-2111 Double - $79.00 plus tax Ask for “EMS Conference Rates”
REGISTRATION NEVADA STATE EMS CONFERENCE 2021 Register Online – elkoems21.eventbrite.com
Name:_______________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________State:_________ Zip:__________________ Daytime Phone:__________________________ Fax:____________________________ E-mail Address:__________________________________________________________ Organization/Service Representing:______________________________________________ EMS Level: ____________________
EMS #:___________________________
The following information is strictly voluntary but will aid in obtaining grant funds for EMS services in the future: AGE GROUP:
_____ 19 & under
_____ 40 – 49
_____ 20 – 29
_____ 50 – 59
_____ 30 – 39
_____ 60 & Over
____ Male
___ Female
ETHNICITY: _____American Indian/Alaska Native
_____Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
_____African American
Pre-conference session(s) on Thursday I will attend): 8:00 am – 4:00 pm ���
Extrication (Limit 20)
8:00 am – 12:00 noon ��� Wilderness Medicine
��� One Stop Shopping #1 – CPR Recertification (Limit 20)
��� Instructor Class
��� Paramedic – End Tidal & 12 Lead
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ��� Triage
��� One Stop Shopping #2 – EMT and AEMT Skills Sign-off (Limit 20)
��� Paramedic – Pediatric Potpourri
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm ��� IV & IO Access – Tricks of the Trade
Fee Schedule:
Attendee - Full Conference
Friday Only or Saturday Only
Total amount due
____ Fri.
____ Sat.
(Check One)
Please complete both sides of this registration form and mail along with check or purchase order (made payable to Board of Regents) to: UNR School of Medicine, 701 Walnut Street, Elko, NV 89801
✱ Sorry, no credit cards accepted with mail-in registrations. To pay with credit card, please register and pay online at https://elkoems21.eventbrite.com
Questions: call Terri—775-738-3828 x20