Rural NV EMS Conference 2016

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EMS Conference RU R A L N EVADA


2016 September 22ND - 24TH Elko Convention Center Elko, Nevada

Faculty Barrick Cortez Mine Rescue Team Barrick Goldstrike Mine Rescue Team Patty Browning Co-owner/Operator Safetee Connections Tonopah, NV

Ron Browning Co-owner/Operator Safetee Connections Tonopah, NV

Elko Fire Department Robert W. Elliott Emergency Response Team Tonopah Test Range Tonopah, Nevada

Fidel Garcia – EMT-P Professional EMS Education, President Grand Junction, CO

Scott Huntley District Fire Chief North Lyon County Fire Protection District Fernley, NV

Daniel Limmer – EMT-P Co- Founder & Chief Pass-ologist Limmer Creative Ventures, LLC Kennebunkport, ME

Annette Matherly – RN, CCRN Community Outreach/Burn Disaster Coordinator University of Utah Burn Center Salt Lake City, UT

Joseph J. Mistovich Chair and Professor Department of Health and Human Services Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio

John C-H. Mittelman – B.S., NRP Mt Nebo Training and Paramedic Lead Instructor/Coordinator Payson, UT

Kirk Mittelman NREMT-P Paramedic Program Director Mt. Nebo Paramedic, LLC Salt Lake City, Utah

Margaret Mittelman, M.Ed NREMT-P Associate Professor Utah Valley University Provo, UT

John Mohler – RN, BSN, CFRN, CCRN ITLS of Nevada Sparks, NV

Monica Myles Donation Services Coordinator Nevada Donor Network Reno, NV

Newmont Mine Rescue Team Frank Poliafico – RN SCA Response Team Specialist Magician Media, PA

Bobbie Sullivan, Education Coordinator Division of Public and Behavioral Health Emergency Medical Systems Elko, Nevada

Bill Webb – EMT-I Elko County Coroner Elko, NV

The University of Nevada School of Medicine proudly invites you to join us for the

25th Anniversary of the Rural EMS Conference.

This year’s conference is going to be exceptional. We will be joined by Joe Mistovich, Dan Limmer and Frank Poliafico. There will be magic in the air! Those folks who have been an EMT for 25 years or more will be recognized. A slide show of the past 25 years will run throughout the conference. Come see yourself age gracefully! Join us in making memories for the next 25 years! The pre-conference classes are not to be missed! They include fire, swimming, extrication from heavy mining equipment, bandaging and splinting, medical skills relays, magic, One Stop Shopping for CPR recertification and EMT skills check off and Doing It In the Dark. Classes start at 8:00 am and end at 9:00 pm. An EMS “Face Off” will take place on Friday. This competition will put your moulage skills to the test!! Competitors will be given a scenario and will create injuries appropriate to the scenario. The moulage will be judged and prizes will be awarded. There are many changes taking place in EMS, but the one thing that remains a constant is that our EMS family has stuck together. Come join us for the 25th family reunion. Don’t miss out on great classes, lots of food and tons of fun. The University of Nevada, Reno is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, creed, national origin, veteran status, physical or mental disability, and in accordance with university policy, sexual orientation, in any program or activity it operates. The University of Nevada employs only U.S. citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States. This publication was supported by the Nevada State Health Division through General Funding from the Emergency Medical Services Section. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of the Nevada State Health Division or Emergency Medical Services Section.

Pre-Conference One Stop Shopping Part 1 – CPR Recertification Barrick Goldstrike Mine Rescue Team   ✱  (Limit 25) Imagine this - getting your EMS recertification paper work in on time!! This class is the first step in accomplishing that. At the end of this 4-hour class, you will be good to go on CPR for two more years.

One Stop Shopping Part 2 – EMT Skills Check Off Barrick Goldstrike Mine Rescue Team   ✱  (Limit 20) Step 2 – EMTs can have their skills checked off. Now how cool is that?

Bandaging and Splinting by Bill Bill Webb   ✱  (Limit 30) Bill is adding some great splinting techniques to his as always great bandaging techniques. As an added bonus, Bill will share some of his special stretcher building techniques A limit of 30 students has been set, so sign up NOW!!

Extrication for Heavy Equipment Newmont Mine Rescue Team   ✱  (Limit 40) You wanted hands on and treatment of mining injuries – You’ve Got It! The title says it all. Participants will learn about heavy equipment used at the mines and the injuries that can come with it. The hands on will consist of extricating victims from heavy equipment and treating the injuries appropriately. Another one you just can’t miss. Sign up now as there is a limit of 40 students.

Fireground EMS Elko Fire Department Personnel   ✱  (Limit 30) This is Great! The first part of the class will discuss common injuries and illness that occur on the fireground to firefighters. Injuries such as CO poisoning, Cyanide poisoning, soft tissue injuries and even CPR. Learn how to get firefighters out of their turnouts in an organized way. The second part of the class consists of a live drill with fire engines and fire! Students will treat a firefighter that is hurt or ill. There will be a limit of 30 students so get on it and register NOW!

Classes Medical Skills Relay Barrick Cortez Mine Rescue Team   ✱  (Limit 30) You are going to love this! Teams of EMTs and AEMTs will respond to a patient with an illness or injury and treat that patient from arrival on the scene to transporting the patient in the ambulance to a medical facility. Teams will have specific skills to perform and will be timed on completing those skills. Skills include patient assessment, packaging, medication administration and maybe even an IV. There will be a limit of 30 students in this class so you know the drill, SIGN UP NOW!

Using Magic in the EMS Classroom Frank Poliafico   ✱   (Limit 20 - $20 fee) How much fun is this! From the dawn of man, acts of illusion have fascinated just about everyone. Magic can be a wonderful tool to enhance emergency care learning and emergency patient care. In this special workshop, EMS and CPR/ AED instructors/educators will actually learn to do more than 10 simple but effective tricks. The cost of this magical learning experience ($20) includes several “tools of the trade” that each participant will get to keep. Limit 20 students. Get signed up now!

Basic Water Rescue Kirk and John Mittelman   ✱  (Limit 20) Get your swimsuits on for this one! In this 4 hour – hands on – in the pool - session, Kirk and John will cover safety tips, rescue, packaging and resuscitation methods that may not only save the patient’s life but keep you the rescuer safe as well. This class will be in and out of the water, so please plan to get wet and get out of your comfort zone. Bring your suit, suntan lotion and a towel for a fun session that will leave you deep in the pool of learning! Limit 20 students. Get on it now!

Doing It in the Dark Patty & Ron Browning & Rob Elliott This class is about knowing your EMS skills and equipment no matter what. Students will be blindfolded using only your right hand or left hand and perform skills such as assembling an O2 tank, putting in adjuncts (OPA/NPA), and who knows what else?! What a great way to practice your skills!



Pre-Conference Registration: 7:00 am

8:00 am - 12:00 pm   One Stop Shopping Part 1 – CPR Recertification

(Limit 25)

✱✱Barrick Goldstrike Mine Rescue Team

Bandaging and Splinting by Bill

(Limit 30)

✱✱Bill Webb

8:00 am - 1:00 pm  Extrication from Heavy Equipment (Limit 40)

✱✱Newmont Mine Rescue Team

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm  Fireground EMS

(Limit 30)

✱✱Elko Fire Department

One Stop Shopping Part 2 – EMT Skills Sign Off

(Limit 20)

✱✱Barrick Goldstrike Mine Rescue Team

Medical Skills Relay

(Limit 30)

✱✱Barrick Cortez Mine Rescue Team

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm  Basic Water Rescue

(Limit 20)

✱✱Kirk & John Mittelman

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm  Using Magic in the EMS Classroom (Limit 20 — $20 fee)

✱✱Frank Poliafico

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm  Doing It in the Dark

✱✱Patty & Ron Browning, Rob Elliott

VENDOR RECEPTION Friday night you will have extra time to visit with the vendors. The No Host bar will be open at 5:00 pm and the BBQ will start serving at 6:00 pm. Come and say “hello” and “thank you” to the people who help make the conference happen.

Friday Conference Registration / Continental Breakfast: 7:00 am

OPENING CEREMONIES: 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Opening Address

✱✱Gerald Ackerman

GENERAL SESSION: 9:00 am – 10:00 am

✱✱Daniel Limmer & Joe Mistovich

GENERAL SESSION: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Luck is Not a Strategy for Success - Improving Onsite Response to Sudden Cardiac Arrest

✱✱Frank Poliafico

GENERAL SESSION: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Staying Cool in a Heated Situation— Burn Core Concepts

✱✱Annette Matherly

Lunch On Your Own: 12:30 – 1:30 pm

BREAKOUT SESSIONS: 1:45 pm – 3:15 pm

Lifting and Moving

✱✱Rob Elliott

It’s Only a Flesh Wound: Or is it?

✱✱Annette Matherly

BLS Airway Management

✱✱John Mohler

It Only Takes 8 Seconds

✱✱Rick Howard

Sweet Kids, Diabetes — More Than What Your Book Told You

✱✱Scott Huntley

EMS “Face Off” Part 1

✱✱Patty & Company

BREAKOUT SESSIONS: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

“Touch Me Feel Me” – A Hands on Approach to Trauma Assessment

✱✱Fidel Garcia

Newborn Care and Resuscitation

✱✱Joe Mistovich

“Tis But a Scratch”

✱✱Rick Howard

Pregnancy is Not an Accident – Trauma in Pregnancy

✱✱Margaret Mittelman

Fast and Furious: 75 Facts in 75 Minutes

✱✱Dan Limmer

EMS “Face Off” Part 2

✱✱Patty & Company

Patient Charting

✱✱Bobbie Sullivan and Intermedix Vendor Reception: 5:00 pm BBQ: 6:00 pm


The Long Haul: Reflections of 25 Years of Service, Satisfaction and Sanity in EMS

Saturday Conference Registration / Continental Breakfast: 7:00 am

GENERAL SESSION: 8:00 am – 9:00 am


Clinical Insights: Making Your Assessment More Accurate

✱✱Joe Mistovich

BREAKOUT SESSIONS 9:15 am – 10:45 am

Misconceptions, Misperceptions and Misadventures in EMS

✱✱Dan Limmer

ALS Airway Management

✱✱John Mohler

The 7-Cs of Emergency Medical Training

✱✱Frank Poliafico

So You think You Are a Space Monkey

✱✱Rick Howard

“What Happened to the Guy?” – a look at MOI

✱✱Fidel Garcia

GENERAL SESSION: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

What Were You Thinking?

LUNCH: 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm

State of the State

✱✱State EMS

GENERAL SESSION: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Home, Home on the Range

✱✱Kirk Mittelman

✱✱Rick Howard

BREAKOUT SESSIONS: 2:45 pm –3:45 pm

Now That’s Shocking

✱✱Kirk Mittelman

Providing Care to the Dead and Changing Lives

✱✱Scott Huntley & Monica Myles

Sounds and Smells and Colors

✱✱Fidel Garcia

Surprise, Surprise – Respond to ABC Industrial Park

✱✱Ron Browning

Diabetic Emergencies: Pathophysiology, Assessment and Management

✱✱Joe Mistovich

GENERAL SESSION: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Building the Perfect EMT Wrap Up and Door Prizes: 5:00 pm

✱✱Daniel Limmer

Registration 25th Anniversary Nevada State EMS Conference 2016 Registration Form Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________State:__________ Zip:_____________________ Daytime Phone:_____________________________ Fax:_________________________________ E-mail Address:___________________________________________________________________ Organization/Service Representing:__________________________________________________ EMS Level: ______________________

EMS #:________________________________



The following information is strictly voluntary but will aid in obtaining grant funds for EMS services in the future:

Age Group:

_____ 19 & under

_____ 40 – 49

_____ 20 – 29

_____ 50 – 59

_____ 30 – 39

_____ 60 & Over




Ethnicity: ______ American Indian/Alaska Native

______ White

______ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

______ African American

______ Asian

______ Other


Nevada State EMS Conference 2016 Registration Form CONTINUED You will automatically be registered for meals (meals are included in the conference fee). Your badge will be used as your meal ticket. Guests are welcome - prices are provided below, children under 10 – ½ price. Please enter number of guests that will attend and include additional money when paying for the conference. Tickets for your guest(s) will be given to you at registration.

#___________ Friday BBQ #___________ Saturday Lunch ($17.00/guest) ($13.00/guest)

Pre-conference session(s) on Thursday I will attend): 8:00 am – 12:00 noon ��� Bandaging and Splinting by Bill (Limit 30)

��� One Stop Shopping #1 – CPR Recertification (Limit 25)

8:00 am – 1:00 pm ��� Extrication from Heavy Equipment (Limit 40) 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ��� Fireground EMS (Limit 30) ��� Medical Skills Relay (Limit 30)

��� One Stop Shopping #2 – EMT Skills Sign-off (Limit 20)

3:00 pm – 7:00 pm ��� Basic Water Rescue (Limit 20) 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm ��� Using Magic in the EMS Classroom (Limit 20) $20 fee

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm ��� Doing It in the Dark

Fee Schedule (Fill in all that apply): Attendee $180.00 Guest Meals $____________ Pre-Conference Fee ($20 for Magic Class) $____________

Total amount due $____________

Please complete both sides of this registration form and mail along with check (made payable to Board of Regents) or purchase order to: UNSOM Outreach Center, 701 Walnut Street, Elko, NV 89801. **Sorry no credit cards accepted**



Conference Registration ............................. $180.00


Conference registration includes snacks, Friday night BBQ, Saturday lunch and continuing education credits. A limited number of individual conference scholarships are available through UNSOM. For more information call 775–738–3828 x20

1785 Idaho St.

Pre-conference.................(See Session Descriptions)


Refunds will be given to those who have prepaid. All refunds must be requested in writing no later than September 2, 2016.

775-738-8488 Single - $40.00 plus tax Double - $48.00 plus tax Ask for “EMS Conference”

✱ Gold Country Inn & Casino


The conference will be held at the Elko Convention Center located at 700 Moren Way (just off Idaho Street) in Elko, NV. For more information on Elko, you can visit Many heartfelt thanks to the Elko Convention Center for their continued support of the EMS Conference for all of these years. It wouldn’t have happened without them. Please take the time to thank them

2050 Idaho St. 775-738-8421 or 800-621-1332 Single - $77.00 plus tax Double - $77.00 plus tax Ask for “EMS Conference”


The conference is sponsored by the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Northeastern Area Health Education Center, which is an approved provider by the Nevada State Emergency Medical Services Section. The two day conference has been submitted for up to 23.5 CEUs for EMS providers. The University of Nevada School of Medicine has submitted for up to 7 of nursing education credit.

Ledgestone Hotel 2585 East Jennings Way 775-738-2200 Single Queen Suite $79.00 plus tax Double Queen Suite $79.00 plus tax Ask for “EMS Conference”

Register Now!




EMS Conference



Northeastern Nevada Area Health Education Center 701 Walnut Street Elko, NV 89801

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