22 avril 2020
Longing : A Perspective By GĂŠrard Derminasyan Longing is usually referred to a state of separateness , longing for someone separated in time and distance , longing for a way of being or longing for a love in its outmost 1
22 avril 2020
imaginary form of highest sentimentality and depth either past or future . Longing is expressed deepest in states of solitude and loneliness , especially now at times of social and individual isolation . I believe that longing needs to also exist in states of bliss & connection when we are surrounded by true friends and lovers , states when longing is 2
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traditionally not considered . It is crucial to consider longing especially now as some of us are more privileged than others in their degree of solitude as they may be surrounded by family and/ or lovers , never to be taken for granted , since life is so fragile in our present situation of humanity . I say to those who are well surrounded and connected by true love whether family , friends or 3
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lovers : Reach out and long for them even if they are near and beside you , express your love and aection in many forms , so not to lose perspective of their precious value they represent in your life .