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Jeremi Earvin

Columbus, United States

I'm definition of a [[ CANCER ]]. I can be a little emotional, Sensitive, Moody, Protective, Unpredictable, Fun To Be Around, and I love attention! Man... This list could go on-and-on. So, yeah... I'm just going to stop right there! ❒Single by choice ❒Taken by money. ☆Married to the game لا نخشى أحدا هناك اخطاء - don't fear mistakes there are none ☜☆☞☜☆☞☜ <3 ☞☜☆☞☜☆☞ | family first. | ☮ ♥ :) yim = jey_kardashian Follow me on Twitter "foreverjeremi" Skype Me : OovoO : jey_blanco ☜☆☞☜☆☞☜ <3 ☞☜☆☞☜☆☞ mind urs . n Kiss My Swag <3 *calm down its supposed to be a joke* لله أنا أعيش من أجل الله أموت - For God I Live For God I Die
