Women in Finance: Advice on Making it to the Top

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Jeremy Cole

Women in Finance:


Women in Finance:

ADVICE ON MAKING IT TO THE TOP In the global financial sector, there is a relatively even gender divide when it comes to entry level positions. However, the closer to the top of the sector you look, the more male-dominated it becomes. Things are changing slowly but women are still under-represented in senior roles in finance. There are several things that women who have forged a successful career in finance can recommend to women who are working their way up the ladder.

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity It may seem frustrating to put in the legwork and assume responsibility for tasks above your paygrade. However, there is nothing more valuable than on-the-job experience, so tackling tasks and succeeding can be worthwhile financially in the long run to gain experience.

Share Knowledge Women who work together to help each other are more likely to gain opportunities for progression in the workplace. Rather than competing with female colleagues, share experience and knowledge to give each other a helping hand.

Utilise Your Unique Position Many women feel like they have to act like men to succeed in the workplace. Women who embrace their own unique perspectives can have more to offer and approach problems from a different angle.

JEREMY COLE You can learn more about women in finance by visiting the blog of Jeremy Cole, Red Rose co-founder.

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