access:library Public libraries were built around the central idea of access. Access to information, literature, knowledge, people. This project intends to keep in line with these ideals, respecting and providing better access to the existing library and the remarkable features of the site. The addition shall be a fluid public building whose sole purpose is to provide access to all aspects of the library, its patrons and the site.
learning zone subject cafes administration news zone depository restaurant
city rail
car bus car
current and proposed site access
access:space By concentrating the resources for the subject areas with the wall of books the total quantity of the space needed would be much less. The money saved can be put towards providing the best quality of space by extending a spine along the observatory hill. This will also help reactivate Asplunds plan and concentrate more attention on the reflecting pool and the natural features of the site. As proposed, the total MUA for the building including the Asplund library is 23,600 sq.m.
Stockholm Central Library
formal analysis of current access
touch screen
Valkommen Hanna Brinker
Stockholm Central Library
Main Menu
Your Librarians Today
Items available Items due Friends at the SCL Group Meetings Directions Stockholm Library Suggests Get a Library Card
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Stockholm Library Suggests Based on your recent checkouts, you might enjoy.
The Hobbbit, JRR Tolkien Umbrella Balooning, TW Elliott La Banda Familia, John and Paul Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star
main menu
Stockholm Central Library
reactivating and respecting Asplund
Your friends at the SCL
Stockholm Central Library
Your friends at the SCL status busy available
2hot4U2 Gavin Normalm Guy Olga Petersen
Normalm Guy
available location
main menu
Stockholm Central Library
main menu
Items Available Lost in Antartica, JW, Scott Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien
Stockholm Central Library
Items Checked Out The Family Band, John and Paul -DUE 18-11-06 Japan, Mexico and USA, The FB -OVERDUE Re-checkout?
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main menu
natural site assets
access:knowledge As opposed to isolating each subject in the library the media is arranged by subject in six walls of books concentrated in the center of the new extension library. The subject materials will be arranged vertically by media type subsequently the subjects will share resources for combined benefit. For instance the digital media is located at the top of the wall,, therefore the fourth floor of the library will have media rooms, listening booths and computers to accomodate this media.
At each entrance to the library there would be placed a touch screen system which would make facilitate library operations. The software would also have a voluntary friends networking system similar to myspace. Youth would be able to use the library as an actual space to meet as people from the virtual.
access radmansgatan
3 2
city rail
car bus car
current site access
site assets 1
3 2
3 2
local universities
existing path network 2
odenplan 2006 passenger increase 20 1 7
access experience learn
aa a
learning zone learning 24 hour zone 24 hour
bb b
learning zone 24 hour
dvds dvds dvds dvds dvds dvds dvds
cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds cds microform microform microform microform e-books e-books e-books e-books e-books e-books
compute read
books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books
books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books books
L 06
periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals periodicals
aa a
L 05 L 06
the arts
watch zone / dvds
L 04 L L L 03 L L L 02 L L L 01 L L L -1 L L L -2 L L L L
the arts the arts
watch zone / dvds listen zone / cds
05 06 04 05 03 04 02 03 01 02 -1 01 -2 -1
L -2
the arts people and countries the arts
entry admin
people and countries new entry people and countries
learning zone
reading area / books transient area / periodicals reading area / books
new entry
reading area / books reading area / books listen zone / cds
learning zone
new entry entry new entry sorting people and countries
circulation restaurant
listen zone / cds reading area / books watch zone / dvds
people and countries admin people and countries the arts
transient area / periodicals reference admin reading area / books
learning zone
cafe and internet zone circulation
new entry
logistics reference admin admin sorting transient area / periodicals
cafe and internet zone
new entry
COMBINED SUBJECTS fiction foreign languages COMBINED SUBJECTS aesthetics fiction technology/nature foreign languages
cafe and internet zone
sorting logistics
L 06 L 05 L 06
bb b hill in a hill
L 04 L L L 03 L L L 02 L L L 01 L L L -1 L L L -2 L L L L
05 06 04 05 03 04 02 03 01 02 -1 01 -2 -1
L -2
administration administration civic studies children’s fiction
civic studies new entry children’s fiction entry administration
new entry children’s fiction children’s fiction fiction entry children’s new entry civic studies book store
children’s fiction children’s fiction
new entry computers new entry children’s fiction
children’s fiction book store
program sections
new entry
subway auditorium news
learning rarezone books
news auditorium
book store
learning zone
rare books learning zone rare books
auditorium subway
admin admin admin
admin sorting admin
sorting admin
aesthetics technology/nature COMBINED SUBJECTS fiction foreign languages aesthetics technology/nature
access : nature
a 3
access : view
access : flows 7
5 2 6
Entry Entry Entry
Hanna Brinker
access access access
Stockholm Central Library Stockholm StockholmCentral CentralLibrary Library
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Entry Entry Entry 4
Entry Entry Entry
access : asplund Stockholm Central Library Stockholm StockholmCentral CentralLibrary Library
access : interface
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access access access
Your Librarians Today YourYour Librarians Today Librarians Today
Items available Items Itemsavailable available Items due Items Itemsdue due Friends the SCL Friends Friendsatatatthe theSCL SCL Group Meetings Group GroupMeetings Meetings Directions Directions Directions Stockholm Library Suggests Stockholm StockholmLibrary LibrarySuggests Suggests Get Library Card Get Geta aaLibrary LibraryCard Card
Bart Bart Bart
Johann Johann Johann
Gertie Gertie Gertie
Stockholm Central Library Stockholm StockholmCentral CentralLibrary Library Stockholm Central Library
access access access access
Your friends the SCL Your friends atatatthe Your friends theSCL SCL Your Librarians Today Main Menu Stockholm Central Library access status status statusToday Items available Your Librarians busy Main Menu 2hot4U2 busy busy Bart 2hot4U2 Items due 2hot4U2 available Gavin Items available available available Gavin Friends Gavin at the SCL Bart Normalm Guy Items dueGuy Normalm Group Meetings Normalm Guy Johann Rannug Friends atDnulpsa the SCL Rannug Directions RannugDnulpsa Dnulpsa Group Meetings Stockholm Library Suggests Johann Directions Get a Library Card Gertie Stockholm Library Suggests main menu main menu main Get amenu Library Card Gertie
Your Your Librarians Today Librarians Today
Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central access Stockholm CentralLibrary Library access Items Itemsavailable available Your Librarians Today Bart Main Menu Items due Bart Stockholm Items dueLibrary Suggests Friends the Items available Basedat onat your recent Friends theSCL SCL checkouts, you might enjoy. Bart Group Meetings Items due Group Meetings touch screen Johann Johann Directions Friends at the SCL Directions The Hobbbit, JRR Tolkien Stockholm Library Suggests Group Meetings Stockholm Library Suggests Umbrella Balooning, TW Elliott Johann touch screen touch screen Valkommen Get a Library Card Directions Get a Library Card La Banda Familia, John and Gertie Paul Gertie Hanna Brinker Stockholm CampingLibrary on theSuggests Fjords, Jack Star Valkommen Valkommen Get a Library Card Gertie
main menuEntry Entry 5
Hanna Hanna Brinker Brinker
Stockholm Central Library access Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access sStockholm s e c c a y r a r b i L l a r t n e C mlohkcotS Stockholm Central Library access Your Librarians Today
Main Menu Stockholm LibrarySuggests Suggests Stockholm Library
Stockholm Library Suggests Items available Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access Based on your recent checkouts, Stockholm Library Stockholm Central Library access Based onCentral your recent checkouts, Based on your recent checkouts,access Your you might enjoy. Your Librarians Librarians Today Bart Today Items due Main Menu Main Menu you might enjoy. you might enjoy. Your friends at the SCL Friends at the JRR SCL Tolkien The Hobbbit, Items Items available The Hobbbit, Theavailable Hobbbit,JRR JRRTolkien Tolkien status Group Meetings Umbrella Balooning, TW Elliott Bart Bart Items due Items due Umbrella Balooning, TW Elliott Umbrella Balooning, TW Elliott busy Johann 2hot4U2 Directions John and Paul nLa eeLaLa rcBanda sBanda hcthe uthe oFamilia, tFamilia, Friends at SCL Friends at SCL touch screen available John and Paul Banda Familia, John and Paul Gavin Stockholm Library Suggests Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star Group Meetings Group Meetings Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star Normalm GuyCard Johann Johann Get a Library touch Gertie screen Directions Directions n e m m o k l a V Rannug Valkommen Dnulpsa Stockholm Stockholm Library Library Suggests Suggests rBrinker eknirB annaH main menu Hanna main menu main menu Get a Library Card Get a Library Card Valkommen Gertie Gertie
Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library s s e c c a y r a r b i L l a r t n e C maccess lohkcotS Stockholm Central Library access
Your friends attat the SCL Your friends the SCL s s e g g u S ySCL rarbiLaccess mlohkcotS Your friends at the SCL Your friends at the Stockholm Library Suggests Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access status , s t u o k c e h c t n e c e r r u o y n o Based on your recent checkouts, desaB 2hot4U2 .yojne thgimbusy uoy Your friends at the SCL Normalm Guy Stockholm Library Suggests Items Available Your friends at the SCL you might enjoy. Normalm NormalmGuyGuy available Gavin on your Based recent checkouts, neikloJRR T RRTolkien J ,tibbbostatus Hstatus ehT The Hobbbit, Lost in Antartica, JW, Scott you might enjoy. Normalm 2hot4U2 2hot4U2 ttoillE Guy WT ,gninooTW laB Elliott allebusy rbusy bmU Umbrella Balooning, Lord ofHobbbit, the Rings, JRR Tolkienavailable Rannug Dnulpsa available The JRR Tolkien available Gavin Gavin l u a P d n a n h o J , a i l i m a F a d n a B La Banda Familia, John and PaulaL available available Umbrella Balooning, Elliott Normalm Normalm raCamping tS kcaGuy JGuy ,sdrthe ojF Fjords, ehtTW nolocation gnipmStar aC on Jack location location La Banda Familia, John and Paul Rannug Dnulpsa Rannug Dnulpsa Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star main menu main menu main mainmenu menu unem niam main menu
main menu main menu main menu
Stockholm Library Suggests Stockholm Library Suggests access Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Library access Based on Central your recent checkouts, Based on your recent checkouts, youyou might enjoy. might enjoy. Suggests Stockholm Library Based onHobbbit, your JRR recent checkouts, The TheHobbbit, JRRTolkien Tolkien youUmbrella might Balooning, enjoy. Umbrella Balooning,TWTWElliott Elliott
touch screen
LaThe Familia, Hobbbit, JRRJohn Tolkien LaBanda Banda Familia, JohnandandPaulPaul Camping Umbrella TWJack Elliott CampingonBalooning, onthetheFjords, Fjords, JackStar Star touch screen Valkommen La Banda Familia, John and Paul Hanna Brinker Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star
main mainmenu menu Valkommen
Hanna Brinker
6 access access access access
Your Librarians Today Main Menu Library Suggests YourStockholm friends at the SCL
Your friends atLibrary the SCL Items available Stockholm Central access Stockholm Central Library access Based on your recent checkouts, Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access status status Your Librarians you might enjoy. Bart Today Items due Main Menu Stockholm Library Suggests Stockholm Library Suggests busybusy Your friends atatthethe SCL 2hot4U2 Your friends SCL 2hot4U2 Friends atyour therecent SCL Theavailable JRR checkouts, Tolkien available Items Based ononHobbbit, Based your recent checkouts, available Gavin status Gavin Group Meetings you might enjoy. Balooning, TW Elliott Bart youUmbrella might enjoy. Items due busy Johann Normalm GuyGuy 2hot4U2 Normalm Normalm Guy Directions La Hobbbit, Banda Familia, John and Paul Friends at the SCL The JRR Tolkien The Hobbbit, JRR Tolkien available Rannug Dnulpsa Gavin Rannug Dnulpsa Stockholm Library Camping on theSuggests Fjords, Jack Star Group Meetings Umbrella Balooning, TW Elliott Umbrella Balooning, TW Elliott Normalm GuyCard Johann Get a Library Directions LaLa Banda Familia, Gertie BandaDnulpsa Familia, John John and and Paul Paul Rannug available Stockholm Library Suggests Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star main menu main menu Card Getmain amenu Library location Gertie
Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access access Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library access ssecca yrarbiL lartneC mlohkcotS yYour adYour oT snfriends airafriends rbiL ruoYatatthe theSCL SCL uneM niaM Items Available Items Available Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library access Stockholm Central Library elbaliavaccess astatus smetI LostLost in Antartica, JW, Scott in Antartica, JW, Scotteud busy 2hot4U2 t r a B Your friends at the SCL Normalm Guy Items Available smetI Your friends atat the SCL Your friends the SCL Items Checked Out Lord of ofthetheRings, Tolkien available Lord Rings,JRR JRR Tolkien Gavin LCS eht tastatus sdneirF Lost Antartica, Scott Thein Family Band,JW, John and Paul Normalm Guy busy s g n i t e e M puorG 2hot4U2 Normalm Guy Normalm Guy nnahoof J 18-11-06 Lord the Rings, JRR Tolkien available -DUE Rannug Dnulpsa available snoitceriD Gavin Japan, Guy Mexico stsegguand S yrUSA, arbiL The mlohFB kcotS Normalm location -OVERDUE Re-checkout? Rannug Dnulpsa draC yrarbiL a teG eiavailable travailable eG main menu main menu main menu main menu
location location+ + tack sa mycket
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access access access
access : underground
Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library
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Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library
main menu
access : interface
Hanna Brinker main menu
Entry Entry
Main MainMenu Menu
Your Librarians Today
Items available Bart Items due touch screen touch screen touch screen Friends at the SCL Group Meetings Johann Valkommen Valkommen Directions Valkommen Hanna Brinker Stockholm Library Suggests Hanna Brinker Hanna Brinker Get a Library Card Gertie
access access access
Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library
Stockholm Central Library
Hanna Brinker
Stockholm Central Central Library Library Stockholm Stockholm Central Library
access access access
Stockholm Library Suggests YourYour friends at at thetheSCL friends SCL access Stockholm Central Library Based on your recent checkouts, Stockholm Central Library access you might enjoy. Stockholm Library Suggests Your friends at the SCL Normalm Guy Normalm Guy The Hobbbit, JRR Tolkien Based on your recent checkouts, youUmbrella might enjoy. Balooning, TW Elliott Normalm Guy John and Paul La Banda Familia, The Hobbbit, JRR Tolkien available available Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star Umbrella Balooning, TW Elliott La Banda Familia, John location and Paul location available Camping on the Fjords, Jack Star main menu menu main main menu location
main mainmenu menu
Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library Stockholm Central Library
access access access
Your Checked friends at the SCL Items OutOut Items Checked Stockholm Stockholm Central Central Library Library
access access TheNormalm Family Band, John andandPaulPaul The Family Band, John Guy Your at the Itemsfriends Checked Out SCL -DUE -DUE18-11-06 18-11-06 Japan, Mexico andand USA, TheThe FB FB The Family Band, John and Paul Japan, Mexico USA, Normalm Guy -OVERDUE Re-checkout? -DUE 18-11-06 -OVERDUE Re-checkout? available Japan, Mexico and USA, The FB location -OVERDUE Re-checkout? + tack sa mycket +
+ tack available
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