Thermal filling Saving Energy and the Environment | Jeremy Feakins
With winter right around the corner, insulation is on everyone's mind for obvious reasons. Aluminum and stainless steel foils can help block warm air from escaping. In large structures, where heating bills can be astronomical, preventing moisture from seeping in is an essential money saving endeavor. While keeping pipes insulated to prevent freezing is a key factor in the insulation of any structure.
A new report that has just been published suggests that the thermal insulation market will be driven by the need for energy optimization. Much of this growth is fueled by this insulation's versatility, which "finds extensive application in not just conventional power generation plants; but also in alternative energy plants such as nuclear and solar power.
But what exactly is thermal insulation? Webster’s dictionary defines the concept as: a material of relatively low heat conductivity used to shield a volume against loss or entrance of heat by radiation, convection, or conduction. Due to the fact that these materials have differing temperatures, these objects allow for the production of heat. Another important factor involved in this equation is insulation capability, which has an inverse relationship with thermal conductivity.
The Pennsylvania Department of Consumer Affairs explains how it goes hand in hand with energy efficiency. Thermal insulation aids in the conservation of energy, thus it attracts the interest of federal governments and massive energy providers all the way down to the individual consumer. This interest extends far beyond the cost savings associated with properly installed material. This insulation has the capability to lower utility costs, cut down on energy consumption; thermal insulation also improves energy efficiency, which (in turn) reduces greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change." That's right, that thermal insulation you installed because you thought it would help keep you warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer is actually an environmentally friendly product. To cite an eyeopening statistic, the United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 26 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from energy supply. In fact, "the burning of coal, natural gas, and oil for electricity and heat is the largest single source of global greenhouse gas emissions" worldwide.
Natural light is one of the key ways of saving energy. Day illumination minimizes the amount of artificial light and reduces electrical energy and HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning costs. Electrical lighting produces a lot of heat, whereas natural lighting generates hardly any heat if it is properly controlled. Making use of natural light can save up to 75 percent of the energy used for lighting buildings and reduce cooling costs. It also helps individual consumers to use less energy. Bet you never thought that the simple act of using thermal insulation would reduce your carbon footprint, but it actually does. Imagine the positive economic impacts that could come of every small business, large firm and Mega Corporation beginning to use it. Specialty systems can be designed for commercial and industrial applications around the world. Some of those applications include: buildings that can maintain acceptable temperatures, reduce noise and vibration; as well as insulating mechanical systems, pipes and ductwork. Specialty thermal insulation can also be used in automobiles to relieve stress and reduce internal combustion on the engines.
Jeremy Feakins is the Chairman of the Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation which located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania who specializes in impact Investing, Environment, and Socially Responsible Investing, Seawater Air Conditioning, SWAC and water production.