2010 IMBA Summer MP

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Volume 20 Number 2 Summer 2010

The Official Magazine of the Historic Morab Horse

Jericho Creek Farms Present some of the Finest Morab, Morgan and Arabian Stallions







WWA KURAFI Design your own foal $1000 - $1500 for an In-Utero foal sired by a Jericho Creek stallion and out of a Jericho Creek owned mare. JERICHO CREEK FARMS I & II Linda & Norm Konichek Wendy Konichek S.101 W.34628 Hwy LO Eagle, WI 53119 262-594-3667 Linda 262-470-3299 Wendy Email: morabrep@yahoo.com All Breed Training, Showing & Lessons

STUD FEES: $450 (If booked by April 1st) $650 (After April 1st) Stud Fee Includes $100 booking fee and first shipment of semen. Live Foal Guarantee Mare Care: $8 per day Multiple Mare Discounts


Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘Morgans Guide Page 2and Morabs,

Arabians For Sale

Volume 20 Number 1 Breeders’ Guide 2010

The Official Magazine of the Historic Morab Horse


4 Editor‘s Report …………………………..…….5 4 On the Front Cover.……………………….……4 Registry Report……………………………... 5 55 View from the Chair……………….………….. 6-7 Riding the Trails with Judi………………………..6 7 Annual Meeting Agenda……………………………… Farm News…………………………………. 8-15 Book Review: Breed Standards…………. 17-19 19 Region News…………….……………………….21 20 Region Map…………………….……………..22 21 Youth Programs………………………………...32 22 Lifetime Achievement Award Program …...…34 22 Breeders‘ Trust Fund…………………………...34 Horse Power Healing Center……………... 23-24 24 E-Newsletter Editor Report……..………………….. Online Show Information………………….. 25 26 Online Shows Results…………...……………..39 27 Online Show Sponsors Applying What I Learned…………………... 28-29 30 Morab Perspective Advertising rates…………40 31 Membership Application …………………...…..41

CHAIRMAN Ingrid Buchmeier PO Box 1148 Lander, WY 82520 (307)332-4629 redrockarabians@yahoo.com VICE CHAIRMAN Karen Petersen 850 Rt. 537 Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 609-758-1776 kittyeagle@aol.com SECRETARY Dan Smith 3765 Mt. Carmel Rd. Clever, MO 65631 smith3999@sbcglobal.net TREASURER Jane Licht 2964 County Rd. AB McFarland WI 53558 (608)838-8178 jlicht@sprynet.com REGISTRAR/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Karen Smith 24 Bauneg Beg Road Sanford, ME 04073 1-866-667-2246 imbamorab@yahoo.com DIRECTOR Denise Schneider 468 Tip Lane Brookneal, VA 24528 (434)376-9738 denise@timberroseranch.com DIRECTOR Michelle Feder 1725 Cardinal Dr. Cumming, GA 30041 (770)889-8441 frenchiefryfeder@gmail.com

REMEMBER You can pay for any IMBA services using Pay pal.

The IMBA account is: imba@Morab-imba.com


ADVERTISERS Jericho Creek Farms……………………….……Inside Front Cover Half Moon Farm…………………………………. 9 Rocking L Acres Farm…………………………..12 Freedom Farm..................................................14 Excalibur Legend..............................................16 Photo Classifieds………………………………...32 & Inside Back Cover

The Morab Perspective Deadlines and Features are: Foals & Events July 31 Breeders Guide January 31 For More information about Article submission and Advertising go to page 29. The IMBA E-News is published to members online throughout the year.

IMBA WEBSITE www.Morab.com INTERNATIONAL MORAB REGISTRY & The Half Morab Registry 24 Bauneg Beg Road Sanford, ME 04073 1-866-667-2246 imba@Morab-imba.com

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 3

AWARDS - LAAP Denise Schneider (Use IMBA/IMR postal address) Cell 262-594-3667 awardsimba@yahoo.com

From The MP Editor Jane Licht This issue of the Morab Perspective is being printed by the online company www.docucopies.com Email address for the MP editor: morabperspective@yahoo.com

Change seems to be the only constant in our lives. Long-time Morab supporters Ingrid Buchmeier, Karen Petersen, and Michelle Feder will be retiring from the IMBA Board of Directors. Ingrid has served ably as Chairperson of the IMBA Board, certainly a very challenging and time-consuming position. We hope that she will continue to chair the popular Online Morab Show that she and DJ Sproat initiated a couple years ago. Ingrid has an active breeding program that has produced many fine horses that have been sold to owners across the USA. She has encouraged and inspired the folks on the Morab lists for years now. Ingrid will be missed and we hope she enjoys this breather to renew and refresh. Karen Petersen has served as Vice-chair, Chairperson, Regions Chair and Marketing Director. Karen is also an active breeder and good promoter of Morabs. She supervises a busy boarding stable on her farm and always has lots on her plate. We appreciate all the good ideas this creative woman has contributed and we also hope she will use her bit of extra time for ―R and R‖ (rest and relaxation) that she certainly deserves. Michelle has served on the IMBA Board for several terms over many years. Always very young-looking, to see her you would never imagine that she has been active in the equine world for so long. Michelle agreed to fill the term of DJ Sproat (who was forced to leave for health reasons) and she also agreed to be our new E-Newsletter Editor. After soul-searching, Michelle decided not to continue on the board but we are so grateful that she decided to continue on producing her interesting newsletters for IMBA. Please be sure to give her information and photos about your farm and horses when she calls on you. As Nominating Chair, I have been encouraging some of you Morab folks to run for the IMBA Board for 2011. It is a great opportunity to work with other fine people to promote Morabs and encourage Morab breeders and owners. As of this writing we do have 3 great candidates pledged to fill the 3 board vacancies: Lani Olson, Linda Konichek and Kerry Greear. Thanks so much to them for volunteering. Speaking of fine people, I want to take this opportunity to thank our Registrar and Executive Director, Karen Smith, our Secretary Dan Smith (no relation), our LAAP chair Denise Schneider, our Webmaster and Youth chair Wendy Konichek, and our Futurity and National Promotions Chair Linda Konichek. These folks have displayed real dedication over the years of their service and I am so glad they will continue on next year. Thanks to those of you who contributed very interesting articles, lovely photographs, and advertisements. We feature foals and activities with Morabs in this edition and there are plenty of both! There is no charge to send articles and Farm News along with pictures. But of course, we always greatly appreciate your cover photos, full page ads and classified ads. The next Deadline is January 31, 2011. For more Information and Advertising Rates go to page 30.

On the Front Cover: Foals and Events Top Left: LM Sky King, Morab gelding, Denise Schneider, Timber Rose Ranch, Phone 434-376-9738, denise@timberroseranch.com, www.timberroseranch.com Sky King won the 2010 IMBA Online Show for Overall High Point and Overall Morab High Point. Congratulations to a talented horse and rider (Denise)! Top Right: Half Moons Chasing Orion (Trey), 2010 Morab colt, (Night Chase on Broadway x LM Red Flair ). Jim and Ronna Messier, Half Moon Farm, 446 Messier Rd, Franklin VT 05457, Phone 802-285-2202, hmfarm@franklinvt.net Despite their busy schedules, Jim and Ronna will make sure Trey gets his chance to show his stuff in future years. Bottom Left: Katy Elder, 2008 Morab filly (Halfmoon's Zadok Shammah X Halfmoon's Avalon), Rick and Kathryn Lawrence, Righteous Oaks Morabs, Pawlet , 1871 VT RT 133, VT 05761, Phone 802-324-3400, rknelaw@vermontel.net Katy (named after a character in a John Wayne movie) foaled two years ago and has lots of potential for future eventing. Bottom Right: RL Rosali and RL Amazing Gracie, 2003 and 1998 palomino mares both by Windmere Royal Topaz, Wes and Jane Licht, Rocking L Acres, 2964 County Rd AB, McFarland WI 53558, Phone 608-838-1878, jlicht@sprynet.com, www.rockingLacres.com The event is special carriage ride for Bob and Charlotte Edwards who celebrated their 67th anniversary. The photo was taken in front of the Larson House that was built in 1898 in McFarland, Wisconsin, for Bob‘s grandfather.

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REGISTRY REPORT Karen Smith, Registrar

Hi, hope everyone is enjoying their horses this summer. Aside from a few major storms we have had great weather here in Maine. I hope all is well with everyone who has not been as fortunate. The registry has been busy this spring with owners taking advantage of our spring specials. In the past few years as registrar, I have realized that papers are as important to document ownership as much as pedigree. I have had many, many inquiries from people who have acquired a Morab from various situations. Most of these conversations end with my telling them that I can‘t help them. Most reasons are that the horse was never registered as a foal and the information and/or breeders are no longer available or transfers were never recorded. It is generally impossible to find a horse via the limited information that is available to the new owner. I was very pleased this spring to have a happier ending. I had an inquiry for a Morab that they were sure was registered. Thankfully, the barn name was part of the registered name and the horse had unusual markings and was easy to identify. Sadly, the breeder was still listed as the owner and had moved without any forwarding information. I thought it was another dead end, but with the help of the Internet, I was able to locate the breeder. I contacted them and they were very glad to have an update on the horse and were also able to verify to whom they had sold the horse so many years earlier. They had signed the papers, but gave them to the new owner to send in. Thankfully the names and stories are linking together, but may have ended differently, as so many do. IMBA strives to make if affordable to help ensure that Morabs will not be separated from their papers in these hard times. We have specials throughout the year for various registrations and transfers. Please contact the office for options if you are selling, buying or registering. It is up to the seller and buyer to make sure that the transfer is not only signed, but sent to the IMBA office for ownership change. I cannot stress enough the importance of sending in the transfer when you sell your Morab. The IMBA online show has recently ended. So many great photos were entered, if you haven‘t visited the show you should check it out at www.IMBAonlineshow.com It is a great way to earn points in our LAAP awards program too. The show is open to all, so please pass the word. Reminders: (1) Anyone interested in attending the Annual meeting in person or via phone conference, please contact the IMBA office or Ingrid directly. (2) If you own an IMR registered Morab and would like to cast your vote at this years annual meeting, send your membership to the IMBA office by September 15 th. (3) Meritorious Service Award and Morab Horse of the Year Awards are due October 1st. Please contact the IMBA office if you have any questions or nominations on these awards. They will be voted on at the annual meeting.


VIEW FROM THE CHAIR Ingrid Buchmeier, Chairman

Howdy all, I hope your summer went well with lots of time spent on activities with your Morabs. They are such great horses and it's always a thrill to spend time with one. The outlook for the horse business is looking up as the economy recovers. There has been less breeding and people are using their horses more for inexpensive activities. The endurance world is growing and the show world is shrinking. There is a relatively inexpensive outlet for you to show in with the online photo show that IMBA puts on. All proceeds go to IMBA. So, this is a way to not only support IMBA and have fun, it's a great way to get some ribbons and exposure for your horses without the costs normally associated with traveling. It's even "International" competition too! I look forward to "seeing" you at the Annual meeting on November 6th. The meeting will once again be held via phone conference and will be based from Lander, WY again. This year is my last to serve IMBA until I would decide if and when to run for office again. I am looking forward to the progress a new board will make in promoting the magnificent Morab horse. Thanks for the support of all the members who gave me the chance to serve the organization. Take care and happy trails.


Red Rock Horses Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 5


Editor’s note: Judi has written a book and many stories about trail rides with her beloved Crusier, a Morab gelding. After her second horse Mingo died, she purchased another Morab gelding named Cole. A New Adventure Begins… In April, I lost my solid Paint, Mingo, to a long and unknown illness. I was devastated. There are only two things that seem to help me when I lose one of my beloved animals. The first is time, and the second is getting another animal to distract me. I decided I didn‘t want to wait for time, I would get another horse, instead. Nothing can take away the loss of my Mingo, but a new Judi & project would get my mind off Crusier those last horrible months. Just looking for a horse helped me stop looking at the past and got me pointed toward the future. I wanted another Morab, like Cruiser, and I wanted a gelding because he would fit in better with the rest of the family. So, a few weeks ago, I found myself heading out to Indiana with Kevin at the wheel. We were going to look at a 4-year-old Morab stallion at a breeder. Smokin Cole Train was black, 14.2 hands and never been ridden. When I am bored at work, I have been known to look at Morab breeders‘ websites just for fun and to give me fodder for my daydreams. I have been looking at Tamar‘s Ventures for years. I remember when she posted pictures of Cole when he was just a baby, and I watched him grow up. I never imagined I would be going to go see him.

lowed her to saddle him, but I could see the wind was making him nervous. The wind was making me nervous, too. She let him loose and he went straight up in the air like a bucking bronco—twice. Wow. The wind had caught the saddle blanket and flapped it around on his back. Cruise would have been startled by that, too, but I don‘t think he would have jumped that high. No, Cruiser would have dashed forward at top speed. Cole He acted rather disturbed about the wind and the blanket for a couple minutes as he danced about the round pen, but then I saw him gradually relax and start to work. He trotted and cantered very nicely. I really liked his trot. He is 75% Morgan and 25% Arabian, yet he looked more Morgan than most Morgans. At 14.2 hands, he was as big as can be. It wasn‘t just because he was overweight; it was because he had that Morgan big-horse look. I started thinking to myself, ―Am I going to buy a draft pony? I can‘t believe I am buying a draft pony?‖ I started to wonder if his father really was a Morgan or if one of those Amish horses got loose one night… I remember when I got my first horse, Brandy, a Morgan. When we backed him off the trailer, a bystander exclaimed, ―Wow. What a big horse.‖ He was just over 14.2 hands, himself. I was going back to my roots. Tamara gave me the rope so I could lead him. As I walked him about the round pen, I could see he was looking at me—watching me—paying attention. It took me years before Cruise would pay attention. Half the time, he still isn‘t. Cole would stop, I don‘t know why, and refuse to go. I would just step him slightly sideways to the outside, and he would proceed. I‘m not sure if he was testing me or if he was just unsure of himself. Either way, we worked it out easily. My gut feeling said that not only did he pay attention, but he was a thinker. Yes, there was a little Mingo in him, and that isn‘t a bad thing.

The trip took us three hours. We only got a little lost, but with the help of my cell phone, we arrived safely. (Just over 20 years ago, the same thing happened when we went to go see Cruiser, but we I asked her to hold him while I lifted his feet. Not only did I want to didn‘t have cell phones back then. What a nightmare looking for a take a look at them, I wanted to see how he acted. Of course, he payphone out in the middle of nowhere!) wasn‘t like Cruise who lifts his feet like a dream—but we have been doing it for years and have a routine. He wasn‘t like Mingo, I was determined to go with an open mind and not just buy on either, who always pulled his back feet away and you had to wait impulse. That is how I ended up with Cruiser just over a week for them to come down. I‘m glad to say he wasn‘t how Ranger after my first horse, Brandy, died. No, this time, I would look with can be, making evil faces and acting like you are going to kill him. a critical eye. When I got out of the car, looked across to where I Though Cole wasn‘t quick about it, he did fine with only slight saw a black horse, my heart skipped a beat and jumped into my coaxing. In time, I could see him being like Cruiser. throat all at once. I told it to get back where it belonged. I was going to be objective. Besides, I knew she had other black horsKevin wanted to Tamara to lead him on a straight line, so she took es. At this distance, it might not have been him. him out and led him down the driveway and back. I took him and did the same thing. He led fine and traveled well. Kevin wanted Tamara came out of the house and took us right over to him. to try. I told Tamara this would be a good test because horses That was Cole, my new horse Cole. No, I was going to be objecdidn‘t listen to Kevin. Mingo never did. Kevin got him to the end, tive… He had had a saddle on a few times, so she suggested we turned him around and Cole refused to move. We all started to try, again and see how he was. I thought it was a great idea. laugh. Kevin yelled over, ―What is it about black horses. Why With that and the very, very strong wind, I would be able to see won‘t they listen to me?‖ He swung the rope to Cole‘s side, and how he acts under adverse conditions. That is one way to see the he dance away in shock. I saw that Tamara never had to use any true character of a horse. serious pressure with him—a good sign. Kevin got him moving and brought him back. She caught him and brought him over to the round pen. He alMorab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 6



Call to Order To tell you the truth, I was not sure what to do. He was a good horse that was just a bit chunky and needed his feet trimmed, but I couldn‘t find anything glaringly wrong with him. He had a terrific temperament that made you forget he was a stallion. Yet, it was such a big decision that would affect me for years to come. What to do? Tamara put him back in his pen, and she took us on a tour. Wow, she has a nice barn, but all the horses lived outside in paddocks and pastures. I saw lots of beautiful horses, and most were related to Cole. She had one black stallion whose face reminded me so much of Mingo, it was uncanny, since they were of such different breeding. He also moved like Mingo—like a horse who didn‘t have to be anywhere. It was surreal. I still didn‘t know what to do, so I decided to call Ellen. I told her all about him, but she didn‘t know what advice to give. Then she confessed that even if she was there, she wouldn‘t tell me what to do, either. I sighed. In the end, I followed my heart. The negotiation was simple and painless, and it didn‘t end with a handshake but with a hug. I believe Cole is going to make a fine trail horse, and now he‘s mine. I think Tamara might have figured out what a good home he is getting, too. Tamara agreed to take care of gelding him. Just going to a new home is stressful enough, he didn‘t need to have an operation when he got there. So, now I wait…

Take Attendance and Determine Quorum Chairperson calls the meeting to order Minutes of the Previous Meeting 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes read by Secretary Dan Smith Officer and Committee Reports Treasurer‘s Report given by Jane Licht Registrar‘s Report given by Karen E Smith Webmasters report given by Wendy Konichek Committee Reports Nominating Committee - Jane Licht Futurity Committee - Linda Konichek Youth Committee - Wendy Konichek Awards Committee - Denise Schneider By laws and Rules Committee - Jane Licht Regions – Karen Petersen National Promotions - Linda Konichek Morab Perspective – Jane Licht Online Newsletter – Michelle Feder Online Show – Ingrid Buchmeier . Old Business Registry projects: Update to database to better reflect blood percentages Other breed initials in the database Online pedigree database Audit

IMBA ANNUAL MEETING November 6, 2010

New Business IMBA 2010 ANNUAL MEETING TENTATIVE AGENDA November 6, 2010 7 AM Pacific Time 8 AM Mountain Time 9 AM Central Time 10 AM Eastern Time

Meritorious Service Award: candidates to be announced at meeting, deadline October 1st Morab Horse of the Year Award: candidates to be announced at meeting, deadline October 1st, Proposed bylaw changes:

Lander, Wyoming Home of Chairperson Ingrid Buchmeier If you are interested in joining the IMBA Annual Meeting by conference call, please contact IMBA Executive Director Karen Smith imba@Morab-imba.com or 866-667-2246.

Committee Chairs are asked to present their reports to Ingrid in writing by October 1st.

The Bylaws and Rules Committee proposes changes to the Bylaws that would be voted on and go into effect at the 2011 Annual Meeting. Other Business Establish committee for counting ballots Counting of bylaw ballots and director ballots Adjourn

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 7

FARM NEWS Timber Rose Ranch Brookneal, Virginia By Denise Schneider Seems like it was only yesterday that we were chipping the ice out of the water troughs. Now it‘s July, and the average temperature the past couple of months here in Southern Virginia has been between 90 and 100 degrees, with anywhere from 60 to 80 percent humidity. UGH! When I go out in the paddocks with a lead rope, the horses give me the look that says ‗Are you crazy? It‘s too hot to work!‖ As it happens, I am sympathetic and in complete agreement. We usually only work in the mornings before it gets too hot, or in the evenings when it‘s cooling down, though we will sometimes ride after dark (since we do have lights on our riding arena). Things have been pretty much status quo with our horses. With the economy and the weather (and myself working a lot of overtime), we have not gotten to any live shows so far this year. We did, however, participate in the IMBA photo show this time around. It was a really good way to still show off our horses and we had a lot of fun doing it, with the added benefit of it counting toward the horses‘ LAAP point totals. First time under saddle for Kind of a win/win situation. Stardoum.

We have done some trail riding this season, when the weather cooperated, and have started working with Star (the filly‘s mother) to get her going under saddle. Jasmine (the filly) is a yearling now, and growing like a weed. She‘s already nearly as big as her mother, and will likely mature around 15 hands. We still continue to handle her regularly, and she‘s quite the social butterfly. She just LOVES attention. You couldn‘t ask for a better personality than this baby has. We can do just about anything with her … as long as she thinks it‘s all her idea!

Half Moon Farm Franklin, Vermont By Ronna Messier


It took eleven years but our long awaited 50/50, third generation Morab arrived on March 7th, 2010 at about 12:30 am.. This was a goal of ours, one that has turned out to have a blessing at the end of the wait. We would like to introduce everyone to Half Moons Chasing Orion/ Trey. We are calling him Trey . He is out of Night Chase on Broadway x LM Red Flair. He is such

a nice boy. Now at four-months old he still lays his head in Jim's lap and goes to sleep. Looking at his size now everyone agrees he should be 15 to 16 hands when grown up. From the first time he stood up he has held his head well, and has nice straight legs. His time with Jim to begin training is moving along well also. Right now we are planning on keeping him a stallion . We'll see how things go as time goes on, of course. We also had another foal born, Half Moons Chisholm ( Charlie ). What a cutie! He is out of LM Black Powder x Gentelmen's Devoted Dixie . She is a gaited Morgan. Charlie came on May 10th, again we were blessed with a great delivery. I was desperately hoping for a filly but .. God knows better than we do. (We are not absolutely sure yet if he is gaited, but Jill thought that she saw him running differently than the others last week ?:) Jill's mare , Izzy , had a beautiful filly in April. She was born on a Sunday morning while Jill was at her second job. So Jim and I had the honor of going in to clean the stall and finding "Georgie " there. Georgie is a Quarter horse and a very sweet one. She, along with her dam, have been nice additions to our herd. We have not bred anyone for next year. A hard choice to make as we are used to having a baby (or 2 or 3 . :) every year. But, we decided that it is now time to cut back . Jim will be having his other shoulder replaced within the next year, along with teaching and me working full time again . That being said, we are offering horses on a free lease basis with opportunity to buy. (Plus, as we always, we will consider taking payments). The website is being updated so that everyone for sale will be listed. So, please check it out. We have several beautiful brood mares and geldings that need wonderful families. Jim and I look forward to watching the new foals grow up and the training go on with them. School will start up again in about one month and I'm sure we will have horses at the school barn again this year. So far that has been a great experience for the horses and the students. Jim has spent part of his summer clearing some land at school , so they can put up a round pen there as well. The horses that we had at school, Indy and Sunny, have done extremely well. They have gained a wealth of knowledge (as well as sharing some of theirs with the students). Looking forward to our yearly visit with Karen Smith and her daughter Alex. They should be here sometime in August for a few days. We have been so grateful for the wonderful friendships that have developed over the years because of the horses. Also, for having the privilege of being a part of the growing years of so many teenagers that have been here. Several of them have become a part of our family. What a gift they have been. Have a good summer everyone.....

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ARABIAN MARE FOR SALE Forever Sunset, 11 Years Old , 14.2 HH (Forever Knight x PK Black Satin) Broke to walk/trot/canter. Uses a bit but was trained with a gentle hackamore , which is what she prefers. Been ridden on trail and on the road safely Started showing this season. Did very well. She looks beautiful out there showing. She is coming along very nicely . MORAB GELDING FOR SALE Baths , trailers, ties. All shots , worming Freedoms Independence Spark and hoof care are up to date. 7 years old , Black Bay, 14.2 plus (Washita Spitfire x Two "C" Steel Magnolia) 3/4 Morgan , 1/4 Arabian Broke to walk/trot/canter. On the bit on his own , great dressage horse prospect. Leg yields, ridden on trail and on the road safely. Loves to show. Been showing since 2007 with many ribbons. Bathes, trailers, ties. Very good boy. All shots, worming and hoof care are up to date. Contact us for price.

Contact us about our Morabs and Arabians For Sale of all ages.

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 9

FARM NEWS Righteous Oak Morabs

NOTE: Directors meeting will begin immediately following Pawlet, Vermont member meeting. By Directors will assign new officers and conRick & Kathryn Lawrence duct any board business at that time. Oh- How one Morab leads to another, or is it four? Hello from Southwestern Vermont and a belated introduction to our little horse world. A gift horse to a reluctant recipient, which turned out to be a beautiful bay Morab gelding, was our introduction to this breed. Rajah, as he was known, blessed our family and particularly Kathryn for twelve years which put him near thirty years old when a sudden colic took him from us. A new home with horse facilities and no horse led Kathryn to murmur, ―I sure miss my horse. I think we should get another one.‖ The Internet introduced us to a couple of breeders and a trip to Northern Vermont yielded a beautiful Chestnut Morgan mare and an equally beautiful bay Morab mare from half Moon Farm and Jim and Ronna Messier. This meeting has developed into a genuinely warm friendship and certainly Avalon had a lot to do with that. But that is only part of the story. While purchasing Avalon, Redwing and Avalon. Rick just happened to notice a yearling black stallion that the Messier‘s had for sale, referred to as Sam. We just had to have this guy and in November of 2006 Zadok Shammah joined our herd in Pawlet. Well, two mares and a stallion? At this point we have a two year old ¾ Morgan gelding and a Morab filly, both of course sired by Sam. Hours of extensive ground work have developed trust and respect and have Sam well started under saddle. Chance the gelding out of Triple S Redwing is a legitimate 15 hands at two years old, very strong and correct and shows much promise. Ground work with him continues regularly with the goal of developing trust and respect in him.

We have included pictures of this joyous journey (does everyone else have a thousand plus digital snaps in their computer) please enjoy them, and we would look forward to visiting with fellow ―Morabians‖. We sure do love our ―Halfbreeds‖!

Sam under saddle.

Rainbows Gait Ranch Eugene, Oregon By Sue Schaenzer

Well I had two new Morabs foaled this year, both are rare silver dapples! The first is a brown silver dapple filly 50/50 Morab foaled April 19th. She is a doll, we just love her. The second was just foaled July 7th, He is a bay silver dapple and is 75/25 Morgan/Arab and Honor VERY GAITED. He is for sale but I wouldn't mind retaining a few breedings! We hope to name him RGR Badge Of Honor and the filly RGR Mercy Me. We must get all the vet work back proving the color. Right now there is no place on the papers for silver dapple, and they are not chestnut based. We wonder who will want to own a very rare gaited silver dapple Morab! You can see more photos on our website, www.rainbowsgaitranch.com

Katy, a delightful, ―floats on air‖ athlete, promises to combine the beautiful mind and willingness to please that are exhibited in Sam and Avalon.


Now we face the challenge of offering these animals for others to enjoy – but boy are responsible, suitable owners difficult for us to choose. With no arrogance intended, I hope that we are conKaty, inquisitive at birth. veying the responsibility that we feel every breeder should have before any mating is ever planned. That being said, Zadok Shammah is available for natural service for approved mating opportunities.

REMEMBER TO TAKE PHOTOS NOW For your Breeder’s Guide Farm News And the IMBA Online Show in 2011. Take lots of digital photos and a few will likely be especially good ones. Any time you ride, drive, or stand a horse at halter may be an occasion for a photo op.

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FARM NEWS Rocking L Acres McFarland, Wisconsin By Jane Licht My mother used to say that we should ―share the wealth‖ and according to her understanding of Biblical teachings, to whom much is given, much is expected. Wes and I started our careers in teaching and assumed we would never be wealthy but we managed to start a horse farm over 30 years ago that has been wonderful for raising children and hosting grandchildren, family and friends. So far in 2010, there has been lots of giving and a great deal of satisfaction in doing so. We were fortunate to have good sleighing weather all through February and into March. Sometimes we had too much of the white stuff and had to shovel the drifts off the trail but we managed to accommodate many families who really enjoyed the experience of an old-fashioned sleigh ride. Wes has been very busy giving riding lessons to elementary and middle school-aged children. Some of the older girls are leasing our horses and often work off part of their leases which suits Wes just fine. Wes continues to give driving lessons to adults, trains a few horses to drive, and provides clinics for several clubs. Sunday is about the only day he takes a break from horse stuff except when he just drives a pair for pleasure when we have company. Last Sunday, for example, we gave a carriage ride to Wes‘s niece and nephew from Illinois who brought eleven- year-old Jayden to stay with us for a week. His mother had fond Jayden is showing off his riding skills by hav- memories of ing Lady stand on the platform. when, at the age of twelve, she stayed with us for a week and spent much time working with our horses. And so, we entertained the next generation. I remember earlier this summer when we gave a carriage ride to a couple who celebrated their 67th anniversary. It was inspiring to see that they were still spry enough to climb aboard the carriage. Then in late June, Wes brought a bride and her parents to the location of the wedding ceremony on a lovely property near Janesville, Wisconsin, that was formerly owned by her grandparents. To see the bride re-create the way her parents were married was very moving and Wes was happy to be part of it. Lena and Lady plus Wes in his tuxedo all looked smart in their black coats that complimented our burgundy wagonette.

Wes leads Jayden’s little sister and brother while his mother, Jacobi Winter, walks behind. The children are riding Gracie.

One of Wes‘s riding students, a 13 year-old girl named Alaina Gavin, used Gracie as her 4-H project and showed her in the hunt seat and driving classes at the Dane County Fair in July. Alaina and her mother really enjoyed the experience.

The parents and bride are exiting the carriage for the wedding ceremony. Wes is driving Lena and Lady.

This year Wes has been using Ranger for distance driving competitions and our good friend Kristi Slovik has been using Annie. Wes got Kristi going with Annie at the Iron Oak Novice Ride/ Drive in April and they just completed their second competition. For all of these activities we use our Morabs. We sold two of them this year and so we are down to nine. Robin Song is the youngest at two and the next youngest (Banner) is learning to ride. All the rest ride and drive, provide sleigh and carriage service, are used as lesson horses and do various competitions. The Region 4 IMBA show at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds will be held soon – August 21 and 22 - so we will need to decide who to take. In addition to showing our horses, Wes will be setting up and judging the four fun driving classes at this event and I assume there will be some of our young ―horse daughters‖ participating too. We hope that you have also been enjoying sharing the wealth of good horses with your family and friends.

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FARM NEWS Red Rock Arabians Lander, Wyoming By Ingrid Buchmeier Hello everyone, hope your spring and summer are filled with many happy Morab memories. This is the time of year we all live for: winter, we just tolerate to get to the next summer. We had two foals here at Red Rock Horses. The first was a Half-Morab filly out of a Half-Arab mare. Her name is Red Rock Paisley. She is a flaxen chestnut and has already found her new home with a friend of mine. She will stay with her dam until next spring so she can continue to have the mentorship of her momma. She leads and ties and has that great Morab temperament. Her human mom is very smitten with her.

Morab next year to realize the next step in my program. Anyone want a Morab baby in 2012? Then there are the three two-year-old fillies, Sierra, a black turning grey, Carissa, a bay who is owned by Michelle Feder in Georgia and Treasure, a bay who is for sale, but I won't be heartbroken if she doesn't sell. When they are a bit older they may be bred to Ike for Morab foals. I have a three year-old Morab gelding for sale as well. He is the last of the Morab geldings I have to sell. He is bay in color and will make an awesome horse. He inherited his cute tippy ears from his dam, the beautiful black bay mare Redroc Jamala. He will be continuing his ground work this fall and perhaps a little saddle work, if he is ready. Otherwise, all is about the same here, never enough time to ride, always fixing fence, putting up hay or irrigating. We would love to have you come visit us here in Wyoming. We are not fancy, but we can show you a good time. Until later, happy trails and give your Morabs a hug for me.


The second foal is a purebred Arabian colt. I bought the mare back from the lady I sold her to a few years ago and she was bred to a black Arabian stallion. I would have liked a black filly the most, followed by a black colt, then a bay filly and what I got was a bay colt. Of course, when you want a certain color of horse you should buy it and not breed for it. Mickey is his short name, he will be named Mashallyn Jamal after his sire and dam. He has a neat white spot over one eye that is disconnected from his blaze, three high white socks for extra chrome. The Morabs are growing into great horses. I have the five-year old mare, Dazzelina, who will be started under saddle this fall. She has had a lot of groundwork and is getting more independent, so under saddle work should be relatively easy. Then, there is her three-year-old little sister Harmony who amazes me with her laid back disposition. She was not worked with as much as her big sister, but is still a doll to work with. The fouryear-old stallion, KCs I-Kinn Do It ,also known as Ike, has bred his first mare. He will produce a Half-Arab in 2011 if all goes well. I was sorely tempted to breed him to my Morgan mare this summer, but withstood the temptation until I find homes for a few more horses. He is awesome and I am impressed with him more and more as he matures. He is beautifully built with his pretty head, laid back shoulder and great strong hip. He moves freely and is a real athlete. I am hoping we can breed him to a Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 13


KCs I-Kinn Do It (Ike)

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FARM NEWS Jericho Creek Farms Eagle, Wisconsin By Linda Konichek 2010 MIDWEST HORSE FAIR This year, as always, we had excellent help in getting booth, horses and stalls ready on Stallion Row and with the IMBA Morab breed demonstration. I think the photos of the horses and our friends and family show the happy, relaxed feeling we had this year (except for those times when Wendy had to rush back and exchange one horse for another, in order to make it to the coliseum for her scheduled times.)

helped get horses ready and did regular chores, and Gary handled Danny in the Morgan demo. Our neighbor, Debbie Bacon, was there to help and also to cheer on her mare‘s sire, the Egyptian Arabian,WWA Kurafi. Brenda De Broux, Eddie and Mitchell were there to help, and finally, my greatniece, Callie Tuchel, from Burlington , was there to braid and assist in any way she could. Everyone was very tired by Sunday night, but it was a very good Horse Fair, and all the horses did an exceptional job. Plus, Callie Tuchel and Wendy Konichek we saw so many friends with Morgan stallion Danny. from the past that we only see at the Midwest Horse Fair, and that is always so much fun. One older gentleman always makes a point of finding Wendy and telling her he‘s still alive, and he comes to the show every year, just to see her. Those are the type of comments that make it all worthwhile. Hope to see everyone again next year!

The Morabs we brought were Montego‘s Thunder, owned by Wendy Konichek and Susan and Ken Kromrie of Missouri, and Desert Elegance ASF, owned by Jodi Olenski; the Morgans we brought were JCW Rev‘s Cajun Sundancer, owned by Carolyn Harris of Lincoln, California, and THI Cherokee, owned by Paula Neice of Shakespeare, Canada; the Arabian we brought was WWA Kurafi, owned by Jericho Creek Farms.

Jodi Oenski with Morab stallion Thunder.

The horses appeared in Debbie Bacon and Arab stud Kurafi. the Morab, Morgan and Arabian breed demonstrations. Kurafi, Thunder and Cherokee all performed in Liberty, and they really entertained the crowd. These three ―guys‖ truly love getting out into that big arena and showing off, especially since they are in stalls most of the weekend, and are used to being outside each day. They also love all the attention of the people going through the barns, and actually sulk if they don‘t get a pat when people pass their stalls. Thunder was especially happy to be performing at Liberty on Friday night, and he didn‘t want to leave the coliseum or the crowd, when they opened the catch-pen, but he stood quietly for Wendy to halter him, as soon as Wayne turned the music off; he knew then that all the fun was over. His liberty tapes always remind me of ballet, as he has all four feet off the ground most of the time, especially when he‘s trotting, with that wonderful impulsion and extra-lift of his. Some of our great helpers were not photographed, but were so appreciated. Jamie Grund, Wendy‘s boyfriend, and good friends, Jim, Lynn and Ashleigh Bernt, from Merrill, were especially helpful in getting the paneling and booth set up and helping with horses all weekend. Jodi Olenski, and her boyfriend, Larry Johnson were there for the Morab demo and to help us the rest of the time. Diane and Gary Lemberger and their grandson, Sebastian, also Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 15

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The Official Horse Breeds Standards Guide A book by Fran Lynghaug Wisconsin author Fran Lynghaug spent considerable time researching, conducting interviews and gathering material for an in-depth review of horse breeds. Her Horse Breeds Standards Guide may be become the seminal publication on this topic for years to come. IMBA member Linda Konichek contributed information about the Morab breed that was included in the book. About the Making of the Book I got the idea to do a horse book that would include breed standards when I used to show my collies and shelties. Every dog person I knew had The Complete AKC Book on dogs. It was the ―bible‖ that all dog show people referred to. I used mine for years. The success I had in the show ring (my collie was the number 1 bitch in the nation, plus she earned a Utility Degree in obedience), I attributed to the knowledge I got using the AKC Book. When I got involved in horses again (when I was younger, I owned a couple of horses and competed with them), I was surprised at the very generic books on horse breeds. After attending the annual Minnesota Horse Expo for a few years, I was even more interested because there were so many knowledgeable horse people there presenting their breeds with a quantity of good information and breed brochures for handouts. I wanted to take the Horse Expo people home with me! The differences between the breeds were fascinating and the public loved it. The Expo was always crowded and everyone took the brochures.

As I started working with the various equine registries, the overwhelming majority indicated that no one had ever approached them before to get their material, insights, or standards for any work, other than an occasional magazine article. Also, most of them were upset with the misrepresentation the media had done with their information. They welcomed a book with breed facts that weren‘t changed during editing. They were highly in favor of a book that had accurate portrayals of the breeds. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the registries and without their help, this book would not have happened. Q & A with author Fran Lynghaug 1. What did you discover in researching this book that readers will be excited to learn? Registry professionals shared their considerable knowledge with me, which had been generally untapped until they were contacted for this book. They had material on their breeds that couldn‘t be found anywhere else and they passed on fascinating and enlightening facts, such as: There is an original American war horse that is unsurpassed when it comes to navigating water. It can literally roll out of quicksand. It is the Marsh Tacky. It fought the American Revolution by forays in the swamps. Now it is a rare breed. Buffalo Bill Cody, famous for his cowboy adventures and Wild West Show, loved and rode an English horse breed, not an American one. It was the ancient Cleveland Bay.

I thought that a book similar to the AKC book on dog Fran Lynghaug (left) asked Linda Konichek to autograph the Morab breeds would be greatly appre- section of her book at the 2010 Minnesota Horse Fair while a Morab ciated in the horse realm. The horse named Greta looks on. The elegant Irish Draught surdog book was doable for AKC vived winters by eating gorse because it regulates and approves all the dog breeds and conbushes, boiled turnips, and bran. signs the shows. Horse breeds have no such organization to oversee them. (Equine organizations are somewhat more The classic white Lipizzaner is born either a dark black-brown, ―official‖ in Canada because it only allows one organization per brown, or mouse-grey. breed, not like here in America, where there can be competing organizations for the same breeds.) The Shire often sports a moustache. I wanted to ―test the waters‖ before I jumped in, so I contacted four large registries to see how difficult it would be to get information from them. One replied by asking if I would pay them for their information, while another asked if they could pay me. One replied that they didn‘t give out any information about their breed, and particularly not to anyone in America (this was an American registry). The last one replied with lots of information, photos and offers to help. It was enough to carry my interest in the project.

The ―wooly mammoth‖ of the horse world is the Brabant, a massive breed. The ―poodle‖ of the horse world is the Bashkir Curly. People with allergies to animal hair can safely ride a Curly without experiencing allergic reactions. The first equine ever to be cloned was a mule. Mules can do a

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(Continued on page 18)

high jump from a standing position in front of a jump that is higher than their ear tips. The best original Shetland ponies were not ridden: they spent their lives in coal mines and never left there, once they were lowered into the mine shafts. Their eyes were removed and their eyelids sewn shut to keep out coal dust. Horses that pull a sulky in pace races, don‘t normally pace. Only one breed can handle this – the Standardbred. When allowed to move freely, they will usually trot. Standardbreds also compete in trotting races. The founding horse of the Morgan breed, known as Figure, had a mysterious past that has been questioned for centuries, with other breeds speculating that they had played a part in his ancestry. Now his ancestors and complete adult life are revealed. The Caspian is the 5,000 year old lost Royal Horse of Persia and probably the most ancient domestic breed of horse in existence. It is an ancestor to most other breeds. Its skull bones are completely different than any other breed. The ―greyhound‖ of the horse world, the Akhal-Teke, has an unusual, shimmering, metallic-like coat that literally glows.

America to get the best horses and the best breeds.

Particularly our range breeds are now getting recognition as purebreds and their inherent qualities are becoming more desirable. North America is respected for its horses and their registries, and this book organizes that concept into the best referral on the subject. There is nowhere else to go for better understanding of North American breeds and registries, particularly when it comes to registering and showing equines, than The Official Horse Breeds Standards Guide. 4. Tell me about the photography in the book. The first thing most people notice are the many beautiful photos. I believe there are more than 400 full color photos. I requested that each registry/organization send photos that best depicted their breed. I didn‘t want anything generic or images of poor quality horses. What they sent included a wide variety of shots, from gun shooting competitions on horseback, to horses swimming the tides of their island habitats, as well as beautiful conformation shots. Examples of coat patterns, color variations, and diverse body types were included. All different kinds of equines are shown performing various tasks. Also included are a number of illustrations to better explain ideal conformation and the differences in coat colors and markings. 6. What is your personal involvement with the subject? Since I was little, I loved horses. I was 18 before I got my first horse, after which I became the representative ―Queen‖ in one of the state‘s breed organizations. Since then, I have had many different horses and ponies. I competed with them, bred them, and trained them. I am now retired and my grandkids carry on the craze for horses.

Abaco Barbs have a unique five lumbar vertebrae (instead of six) and the fuller structure of the Wing of Atlas (the first cervical vertebra behind the skull). This diversity is found only in ancient Spanish types, but Abaco Barbs are on the edge of extinction. 2. What differentiates this book from any other book on this subject? It is the only multi-breed book that has breed standards and also the verification, endorsement, and support of North American breed registries. It is the only book that includes all of the American equine breeds (that have a viable representative, national organization or registry). It is the ―bible to the breeds‖, when it comes to facts about North American equines: a definitive reference for avid horse enthusiasts. 3. What is the thing that the media will find most interesting about the book? All the different and fascinating breeds found in North America and the amazing facts about them.

There are some very unique breeds that most people have never heard of, including breeds that have died out in their native countries and can‘t be found anywhere else but North America.

The most popular horse in the world is the American Quarter Horse, a breed which originated here.

America hosts the largest population of Arabian horses and our Arabian bloodlines are respected worldwide. (There are more living Arabian horses in the United States than in all the other countries combined!) Other countries come to

7. What is your favorite part of the book? The historical accounts, insights, and tidbits collected from the registries. Stuff I never heard before or stories that were amusing, interesting, or surprising. I liked working with the registries and ―picking their brains‖. I pushed them to give me more than what they had on their websites. I wanted everything they had, and they were happy to give it. Repeatedly, they told me no else had ever approached them for all their material. Many were disgruntled with the misinformation that had been previously published about their breeds and, generally speaking, they appreciated a chance to tell the truth about their breed, which sometimes wasn‘t so rosy. It was important to them to have an accurate portrayal of their breeds. The registries were fun. Many re-evaluated their standards just for the book: they wanted their standards to be perfect. Many did more research on their breed just for the book. Some went out and bought professional cameras so they could get good photos of their horses to send. They took the whole endeavor very seriously and related to it as ―their book‖, which indeed it is.

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In general, the personality of each registry was similar to the type of equine they had, and this atmosphere came through in their copy: some were extremely practical and serious, others were out riding most of the time and I had to catch them when Horse Breeds Standards Guide continued from page they were in, while others just liked ―talking horses‖. Their diversity was enlightening and fascinating, and so were their breeds. I got a kick out of it. I liked explaining the role of registries and standards to the reader. I think the importance of the registries in regard to purebreds has been unrecognized in the public media. It‘s not possible to have purebreds without registries. The two can‘t be separated. Supportive breed organizations play the same role and are also important. 8. Is there anything else you would like to add about the subject or the book? It took a while to earn the trust of the registries (six years in the making of this book!). The reason I was able to do this book at all was that I was able to reassure the registries that this would be an accurate account of their breeds and none of their facts would be changed. For national North American registries to collaborate on one book is nothing short of a miracle! Experts said it would be impossible, but we did it! This is the book the registries want everyone to have. It‘s their standards, their histories, and their stories, as complete as possible. What a joy and privilege it was to work with them! The Official Horse Breeds Standards Guide The Complete Guide to the Standards of All North American Equine Breed Associations By: Fran Lynghaug ISBN: 978-0-7603-3499-7 Retail: $40.00 US £24.99 UK $49.99 CAN Pub Date: October 2009 Hardcover / 7 x 9 / 672 pages / 420 color photos Imprint: Voyageur Press Available in bookstores and online booksellers or from www.voyageurpress.com. For trade inquiries, contact us at trade@mbipublishing.com or (800) 458 -0454.

REGION NEWS By Karen Petersen

Thanks to those who are serving as Region Leaders. Some of you have been very active in promoting Morabs in your area and others may feel things are pretty quiet. Just learning more about Morabs and putting them to work on your farm, in your boarding stable and in your neighborhood are also important ways to promote the breed. I would again like to ask those who are interested in participating in Regions to please step up and just ask. Don‘t be shy, we really need you! Region Leaders are the contacts in their respective geographical areas for the Morab horse enthusiast. We would like to see more activities in each region, but understand the complexities of the economic times we live in now. So, while having shows, and events are nice, we really just would like representation from someone in each region who can help those looking for more information about Morab horses and/or IMBA. If you need help in forming an event in your region, please feel free to contact any member of the board. There are likely more Morabs in every state in the country than what we know. So please don‘t be a stranger, please keep in touch and let us know who you are. If you know of other Morab owners yourself, please encourage them to contact us for more information on becoming a member, or getting their Morab registered with us. It‘s each of you, one member at a time, who make this organization work. And again, if you‘d like to fill a position as a Region Leader, or help the Leader from your region, please be sure to contact a director, or your respective Region Leader. Notice the map of the Regions on page 20 to determine which IMBA Region you are living in. Be sure to check our website for specific news about activities in the Regions: www.Morab.com

Important Dates:

Did you know that you may link from our Farm Tours page to your website for FREE?

September 15, 2010 Must be an IMBA member by then in order to vote for the board of directors.

Please notify the IMBA office if you would like to become a part of the IMBA Farm Tours and our Registrar (Karen Smith) will forward your information to our webmaster (Wendy Konichek.)

October 1, 2010 Must have nominations in for IMBA Horse of the Year, IMBA Meritorious Service Award, and IMBA Youth Program Creative Arts Division projects submitted.


January 31, 2011 Deadline for LAAP materials, and for the MP Breeders‘ Guide

imba@morab-imba.com www.morab.com

February 1, 2011 IMBA Online Show opens. June 30, 2011 IMBA Online Show closes.

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IMBA REGIONS Region 1, Jim & Ronna Messier, 446 Messier Road Franklin, VT 054557, 802-285-2202, hmfarm@franklinvt.net Region 2, Karen Petersen, 850 Rt. 537 Cream Ridge NJ 08514, 609-758-1776, kittyeagle@aol.com Region 3, Judi Struble, 11250 East V Ave., Vicksburg MI 49097, 269-778-3237, horses@triton.net Region 4, Linda Konichek, S101 W34628 St. Rd LO, Eagle WI 54487, 262-594-3667 jc1morab@hotmail.com Region 5, Denise Scheider, 468 Tip Lane, Brookneal VA 24528, 434-376-9738 denise@timberroseranch.com Region 6, Michelle Feder, 1725 Cardinal Dr., Cummings, GA 30041 (770)889-8441 frenchiefryfeder@gmail.com Region 7, Kym Cooper, 362 CR 481, Stephenville TX 76401, 254-965-4634, cooper@our-town.com

Region 10, AZ, CO, NM, UT... Vacant... Region 11, Carolyn Harris, 2350 Lakewoodhills Lane, Lincoln CA 95648, 916-645-9223, jerichocreekwest@msn.com Region 12, WA, ID, OR Vacant The foreign country regions are: CN1: MN, ON, QU, NB, NF, NS (East Canada) CN2: YK, NWT, BC, AB, SK and US-AK (West Canada) CA: Central America SP: Spain AU1: Austrailia E AU2: Austrailia W EU: Europe

Region 8, MO, KS, OK, AR, Vacant Region 9, Ingrid Buchmeier, PO Box 1148, Lander WY 82520, 307-332-4629, redrockarabians@yahoo.com

What are the duties of a Region Leader? See Karen Petersen’s article on page 19.

GB: England

We are looking for region leaders in Alaska, and Hawaii, Canada and other foreign countries. Every current region leader will appreciate meeting you and gaining your help with region activities. For more information about becoming a Region Leader contact: Karen Petersen 609-758-1776, kittyeagle@aol.com IMBA Office 1-866-MORABGO, imba@morab-imba.com

Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland


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IMBA YOUTH PROGRAMS The Youth Programs are open to any youth 18 years old or younger, age as of January first. The International Morab Breeders‘ Association would like to recognize areas of participation of youth and their Morabs. We also recognize their efforts with Morgans and Arabians as these are our parent breeds and can lead to future ownership of a Morab. (Note: Horses used in the Youth program do not need to be owned by the Youth.) We want to support our youth as they are the future of the Morab breed. REQUIREMENTS: Youth must be a current member of IMBA either through Individual Youth Membership ($15.00) or a Family Youth Membership ($15.00 includes all of the family members under age 18. The parents are not included.) or a Voting Family Membership ($45.00) FEES: Creative Arts Division – No Fee. The areas are: Photography, Artwork and Essay Show, Leadline and Recreational/Saddle Log Divisions -Yearly Fee $5.00 per Horse/Rider combination. DEADLINES: Photography, Artwork and Essay – Entries should be mailed or emailed by October 15th.. Show, Leadline and Recreational/Saddle Log – Forms must be submitted by January 31st. FORMS and INFORMATION: Forms are available online at www.Morab.com/forms.htm Complete information: www.Morab.com/youth.htm HORSE PROGRAM CATEGORY AND AGE DIVISIONS: Morab Show Ages 3 –10, Ages 11-15, Ages 16-18 Morab Saddle Log Ages 3 –10, Ages 11-15, Ages 16-18 Morab Leadline Ages 3-10

Arabian Show Ages 3 –10, Ages 11-15, Ages 16-18 Arabian Saddle Log Ages 3 –10, Ages 11-15, Ages 16-18 Arabian Leadline Ages 3-10 Morgan Show Ages 3 –10, Ages 11-15, Ages 16-18 Morgan Saddle Log Ages 3 –10, Ages 11-15, Ages 16-18 Morgan Leadline Ages 3-10

CREATIVE ARTS DIVISIONS PHOTOGRAPHY The Youth age divisions are: Preschool through 2nd Grade 3rd through 5th Grade 6th through 8th Grade 9th through 12th Grade Photos may be horse related or not, no computer enhanced images, photo sizes 3x5 or 4x6 or 8x10. Photos may be matted, not framed. Non-matted photos are also accepted. Youth may enter up to three photos.

ARTWORK The Youth age divisions are: Preschool through 2nd Grade 3rd through 5th Grade 6th through 8th Grade 9th through 12th Grade Artwork must be horse related. Any format is acceptable: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, etc. Youth may enter up to three Artwork pieces.

ESSAY The Youth age divisions are: Preschool through 2nd Grade Essay judged on Originality and Content. 3rd through 5th Grade 6th through 8th Grade 9th through 12th Grade Essay judged on Content, Grammar and Punctuation.

The 2010 Essay theme is: “A fun thing I do with a horse…” See the website for the 2009 IMBA Youth winners.

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 21



This past year has been a time of positive changes for the Lifetime Achievement Awards Program. The addition of IMBA‘s online photo show (which has just successfully concluded its 2010 show) and the inclusion of the Half Morabs into the program have allowed more people than ever before to participate and be a part of things and share in the fun. I am happy to announce that the following horses achieved awards for 2009: Bronze Award Winner

Miller Hall of Fame Winner

RL Royal Ranger owned by Wes and Jane Licht (photo #6)

Travelons Times Two owned by Marcy Gamester (photo #1)

Silver Award Winners

Golddust Award Winner

RL Raindrops on Roses owned by Sara Licht (photo #3)

Jericho‘s Mr. Chauvanist owned by Wendy Konichek (photo #2)

RL Rosali owned by Wes and Jane Licht (photo #5)

Hearst Memorial Award Winner Gold Award Winner

Summerwood Silverhawk owned by Kerry Greear (photo #4)

RL Amazing Grace owned by Wes and Jane Licht (photo #7)

Congratulations to all of these wonderful horses and their owners on their achievements! Your horses are pictured on the back cover of this Morab Perspective.

Are you participating in the Lifetime Achievement Award Program and would like to earn some money? Enroll your Morab horse in the Morab Breeders‘ Trust Fund and receive payouts for the points your horse earns in the L.A.A.P. program for the life of your horse. Morab Rates (One time only fee for the life of the horse) - Birth to 6 months $25.00 (If MBTF Enrolled sire) $40.00 (If not sired by MBTF stallion) 6 months to 1 year $50.00 (If MBTF Enrolled sire) $65.00 (If not sired by MBTF stallion) 2 years and older $75.00 Morab, Morgan and Arabian Stallion Owners Enroll your stallion yearly and receive 10% of the payouts for the points that Morabs sired by your stallion earn. Plus a free Stallion listing in the Morab Perspective and on the website. Stallion Enrollment Rates are based on the number of mares bred and start at $10.00 For more information visit: www.Morab.com/mbtf.htm

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Wendy and Linda Konichek have established a new therapeutic riding center in Eagle, Wisconsin, using their Jericho Creek farm and their Morab horses. Here is a recent update on the progress of this new entity. It is hard to believe that we are already over halfway through our first summer session of lessons at HPHC. The second session starts in August. What an incredible journey it has been! In less than six months we became a Wisconsin Non-Profit Corporation, built a new riding arena, desensitized the lesson horses, held a barn open house, and trained a truly wonderful group of volunteers to help the first seven students in our program of Equine-Assisted Therapeutic Riding.

horses. They are both totally committed to the program and such an important part of everything. Thanks hardly seem enough for our multi-talented Therapeutic Riding Director/Instructor, Liz Eaton Partridge, who has taught us all so much and worked so hard, along with Wendy, to launch HPHC. I have always been interested in this type of therapeutic riding, but had never attended seminars, and I can‘t believe all I have learned from Liz, not only during lessons, but during the training sessions. Her love and patience with the students is endless, and she is a born teacher whether the group is large or small; we at HPHC are so blessed to have her.

We are using six of our older Morabs for lessons, and Our profound thanks to the Wendy and Liz had a great local newspapers and busitime de-sensitizing them with nesses who helped us a ball, bubbles, swim noospread the word with wonderdles, walkers, noises, plastic ful articles and free space for and other things. Liz was our flyers, and those who surprised at how easy donated to our first Silent HPHC owner Wendy Konichek and volunteers give a ride to Brindly Martin. Morabs were to train, and she Auction: Chiropractic Care is definitely a fan of the Center of Hartland, Tracie breed, but her favorite horse Berndt, Louise Barthel, Deb is Dylan, a ThoroughbredKincaid, Hickory Hollow Oldenburg cross, who is Framing, Jericho Creek retired from Dressage and Farm, Deb Bacon, Drs Foswas donated to the proter & Smith, Papa Steinke‘s gram. Liz worked for many Greenhouse, Tom Shropyears as a Dressage trainer, shire, and Michelle Baumbefore her accident and still gartner, HPHC is well on has her own retired warmthe way to becoming an blood, so she was happy to important community asset. have a chance to work with We were thrilled with the Dylan. weather and the large attendance at the Open Barn Truthfully, all of us have in May; all of us working fallen in love with Dylan; he with the program have been is about 16.3 hands, which blessed with increased makes him the biggest horse Some of the folks who attended the Open Barn Day at HPHC. knowledge and true affection here, but he is just like a giant for all the wonderful people puppy, comes when called involved. and loves all the people and attention. Dylan seems to think about what we want, and then works to please. Liz reports that Special thanks to our Executive Director, Jodi Olenski and her he was the only horse whose eyes widened when he saw the boyfriend, Larry, who have made the long trip from Rhinelander bubbles from the bubble wand, and then tracked them as they to Eagle, many weekends and have worked every step of the floated away, by moving his head, so he wouldn‘t miss anyway to establish HPHC. Both Jodi and Larry are trained volunthing. He will be great for larger, heavier riders as they proteers and have helped with lessons, as well as all the maintegress, and for anyone who wants to pet or groom a really big, nance work around here, and all the work before the Open sweet horse. Barn, everything from painting to building fences to bathing

(Continued on page 24)

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(Continued from page 23)

Wendy Konichek continues to amaze with all the work she does, from barn work and building fences, to designing and creating flyers and websites, to training and walking horses and directing volunteers.

Our next fundraiser for HPHC will be the All Breed Open Pleasure Horse Show at the Jefferson Fairgrounds on August 21 st and 22nd, with many classes for Morabs, Morgans and Arabians. A portion of the proceeds and money from the silent auction will go the general fund at HPHC. By the time you read this, the show will be over, but watch for photos and an overall report on the show in the spring issue of the MP.

Our incredible special students are Brindley Martin, Lori Manke, Kelsey Messner, Alex Krysiak, Amelia Tadysak, Taylor Dings, and Matthew Woyahn-Henke; every week we are impressed by their hard work and progress, in so many ways. Besides our truly courageous students and their wonderful families, our team of volunteers continue to amaze us with their dependability and dedication. Special thanks to our farm carpenter, Jamie Grund, whose barrel- horse has been so helpful in assessments (and for kids to play on), and who built such terrific mounting platforms for everyone. Lots of thanks to Tracie Berndt of Eagle, who has been tireless in handing out pamphlets and information all over the area, and is here for lessons or anything else we need, whenever we need her; Louise Barthel of Hartland, who is, not only a side-walker, but who also helps with the flower beds and this year‘s abundant crop of weeds; seventeen-year-old, Whitney Krestan of Eagle, who not only helps with lessons, but shows up most days to help with chores and play with the cats; our neighbor, Jill Natrop, who works part-time at the farm and loves to clean stalls just to be around the horses, and also does a great job side-walking; Liz‘s neighbor, Cheryl Koepke, of Sullivan, who once knew nothing about horses, but is learning quickly, and is always willing to help wherever she can; Alli Chase, director of the Eagle Library, who continues to do everything she can to spread the word about HPHC, who was once afraid of horses, and is now taking lessons and trained as a walker; and of course, Robert Kokan, Brindley‘s stepdad, who is always available for lessons, and his mother, Anjie Kokan, who has helped so much in spreading the word about HPHC and brought great cookies to the Open Barn event; also to Anne Roemke, our consulting physical therapist, who helped with the demonstrations at the Open Barn and will be working with Liz on those riders who may need physical therapy for riding. Other trained volunteers are Betty Pecha of Waukesha, Debbie Bacon of Eagle, fifteenyear-old Callie Tuchel of Burlington, and thanks to our two photographers, Tyler and Gina Tuchel, also Kathy Lundy, of Waukesha, Jamie Berndt, Lin and Jim Berndt, of Merrill, Dave Partridge, of Sullivan, Lester Grund of Merrill and Matthew and Norm Konichek, who helped with the parking, setting up chairs, and other chores at the Open Barn. I can‘t help smiling, as I write about these new and old friends and family, who are already such an important part of HPHC and so supportive and important in helping us meet our goals. Instructor Liz Eaton Partridge.

Message from the IMBA E-Newsletter Editor Michelle Feder Hello! I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! We‘ve been really busy in the Feder house since school started on the 9th of August; Kayleigh is a high school senior this year. Looking at colleges has taken up a huge part of our already short summer. Added to the chaos, Bill had a nasty car accident a couple of weeks ago that totaled his car; he is very lucky that he walked away from it with minor injuries. Because he travels so much we have not had much opportunity to car shop, leaving us with only my truck to get four people to where they need to go. On the horsey side of things, I had a great (yet unexpected) opportunity to purchase a lovely four-year-old, black Arabian mare. She arrived in mid-April and has been a real delight. Her groundwork was started immediately, and we are now working under saddle at the walk and trot, both in the arena and on the trails. She has shown what a great brain she has, a real want to please attitude and gives 120% in what she does. She has been crossing streams, rivers and walking over downed trees. I am really excited about her. Gabrielle has been doing really well with her horse, Memphis. They have done very well in their shows together. It‘s fun to see how much Memphis enjoys showing off. It is with great regret that I inform you that my term on the Board is done in November, and I will not be running again. It was a very difficult decision for me. I will, however, continue to put out the bi-monthly e-newsletter. I have really enjoyed doing this, and appreciate your support and contributions. Blessings to you. Michelle.


Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 24

International Morab Breeders' Association Online Show

2011 Photo Contest Participate in the fun of On-line showing! Enter a Horse Show without leaving your home. Open to ALL BREEDS and animal friends. High Point awards and rosette ribbons to 4th place. IMR registered Morab horses can earn points for the L.A.A.P program.

Entry Fees: $5.00 per class IMBA Members $7.00 per class Non-members

Submit your entries from February 1st to June 30, 2011 Results will be posted August 1st

www.onlineMorabshow.com Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 25

IMBA ONLINE SHOW For complete results, visit http://www.onlineMorabshow.com/

The results of our 2010 IMBA Online Show have been posted to our website www.onlineMorabshow.com Thanks to our judge Stephanie Schneider, a senior at the University of Wyoming majoring in Animal Science and Pre-Veterinary Medicine, who has racked up many wins in various horse judging contests. We also wish to thank the sponsors who so generously contributed to show expenses as a way to honor the special equines in their lives. And of course, we wish to thank the many participants in the shows. Their photographs were often magnificent, interesting, and sometimes downright humorous. The 2010 IMBA Online Show opened February 1st and closed on June 30, 2010 with the same dates planned for 2011. A total of 65 different classes are offered, including a few unusual ones that you won‘t find in a traditional horse show! A few of the photos submitted were done by professional photographers but the majority were not. To give our readers an idea of the types of classes and quality of photographs, we are reproducing of few of them here. We encourage you to view for yourself online and consider collecting photos now for next year‘s show. With so many different classes, you are sure to find some that suit you and your equines, and a few other animal pets as well!

Ranger & Windmere Lady Omega Wes & Jane Licht Al Nebu Fahil Amber Curtin

Windmere Royal Topaz Wes & Jane Licht

Dose Denise Schneider

2010 IMBA Online Show Overall Open High Point And Overall Morab High Point

Red Rock Sierra Ingrid Buchmeier

Raindrops on Roses Sara Licht

LM Sky King Morab Gelding owned by Denise Schneider

Overall Morab Reserve High Point

Raz Michelle Feder

Gronk (Palomino Hobby Horse) DJ Sproat

LR Royal Ranger Morab gelding owned by Wes & Jane Licht


Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 26

RL Amazing Grace Wes & Jane Licht

Love-L Texas Tornado Denise Schneider

Thanks to All Our Online IMBA Show Sponsors! www.onlinemorabshow.com Silver level

Bronze level Dan and Maggie Smith Circle S

Bronze level Wes Licht, Rocking L Acres Driving Clinics, Training & Lessons, Carriage & Sleigh Service, Driving Horses for Sale , Windmere Royal Topaz standing at stud.

McFarland WI 608-838-8178 www.rockingLacres.com

Silver level

Wendy Konichek Jericho Creek Farms, home of Healing Power Horse Center Eagle WI 262-594-3667 www.jerichocreekfarms.com

Silver level

Linda Konichek Jericho Creek Farms, home of Healing Power Horse Center Eagle WI 262-594-3667 www.jerichocreekfarms.com

Jericho Creek Farm Honoring Bridget Lockridge, photographer www.imagesbylockridge.com

Gold level Lani is an Avon Representative LMOLSON90@msn.com 605-923-4437 Rapid City SD

Silver level Lani Olson Honoring first Morabs Nikki & Morab Annie Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 27

Yvett Mann Honoring Red Rock Horses Lander WY

APPLYING WHAT I LEARNED At the Midwest Horse Fair By Sara Licht Sara Licht enjoys starting horses using gentle and sound methods to ride and drive. She has competed in the Villa Louis and the Columbus Carriage Classic, done a few Combined Driving Events, and placed second in a “Ride and Tie” trail running and riding relay, which she said was especially grueling between miles three and six. She won “High Point Morab” and “High Point Show” at the IMBA Region 4 show in 2008 and 2009 with her mare RL Raindrops on Roses, whom she trained to ride, drive, and do various tricks. This article is meant to be a glimpse into a few of the insights I gained from clinicians at the 2010 Midwest Horse Fair, and how I have begun to apply what I learned from them. One of the first clinicians I saw was Tommy Garland, who was giving a clinic about getting your horse to listen to you. I had done some reading in advance about him (I am without RFDTV so he was unknown to me) and at first his words sounded intriguing. He was speaking about doing things very differently – NOT disengaging the horse‘s rear end, and getting the respect of the horse by controlling his front end. When I saw his groundwork methods in action on this particular horse, I was uncomfortable. After several minutes using his method of jerking on the horse‘s face to teach him ―whoa‖, the horse was nearly starting to understand that he should stop moving his feet, but only in one spot – believing that the location was more important than to do with Tommy‘s vocal command. The horse was confused, even with much repetition, and was as anxious and just as emotionally charged or more than when they began their session. In some cases having some emotion present can make a learning event ―stick‖ more deeply into a horse‘s psyche. (We must be careful that the impression that sticks isn‘t unwanted, such as in a cart wreck.) In other cases a horse just can‘t think very well when he‘s unsettled. The information just doesn‘t go in, he‘s preoccupied with survival. During Tommy‘s session, the horse continued to look confused and unsettled and did not want much to do with Tommy. This expression of anxiety by the horse lasted much longer than I would have hoped. If I‘m training a horse and not making reasonable progress using a certain method, I‘ll try another approach. Horses are like people in that we learn in different ways. Some methods work like a charm for certain horses but make no sense to others. After he advocated using a chain over the horse‘s nose if the horse just wasn‘t getting it, I decided to leave. I don‘t think that increased force helps a confused horse. This horse was trying, but the method was not making sense. Maybe Tommy‘s method will come in handy for me on a horse down the road, however I will try the other methods up my sleeve first and put this one further down the list. On my way out I recalled that I had learned a similar tactic with a couple of very large and wild Belgians who thought I was an unimportant fly trying to teach them to understand ―Whoa‖ and ―Stop running off!!‖ In that case, Pat Fitzgerald had helped me with a phone consult (I was in Arkansas) and told me how to fashion a war bridle with a lariat (or a longe line made of climbing rope) to help get their attention when I said whoa.

My biceps got so huge in the process, but the Belgians did learn to turn and stop thanks to Pat‘s suggestion. One other important thing I learned from Tommy‘s clinic was to watch the horses, not just listen to the words the clinician is telling us. Sometimes the words sound so convincing. Is the horse getting it? Do they look happy? Are they improving? How‘s the timing and awareness of the trainer? Do the words he/she is telling us match up with what I see? I‘m sure had I stayed longer I could have learned more from Tommy, however I felt compelled to seek out what Richard Winters was doing in the Purina Round Pen. When I arrived, Richard was just beginning his clinic on colt starting. His horse was anxious, looking for a way out. Richard spent the first 5 or so minutes telling the horse to just move forward on the end of his long lead rope (almost to the edge of the round pen.) While he moved the horse forward, he talked to us about his background and why he was doing this. He did some reversing directions, as much with his body language as by ―tipping the horse‘s nose towards me‖ and kept the horse busy. Later in the session, the horse knew how to move forward with confidence and had the idea easily about reversing. After all of that forward motion, his horse was now ready to stop, and stood calmly as Richard did some desensitizing and finding out about how the horse feels about things. It was a great contrast from what I had previously seen in the Coliseum, to see Richard‘s horse very happy to stand next to him quietly. One of the first things Richard said as the horse was relaxing with him was that he was not an advocate of using a chain over the nose; that trying to control the horse with his nose is not the answer. Controlling the feet is the key. This felt right to me, and I thought I’m so glad to be watching this demo. From observing Richard‘s method, I realized that I can spend more time right off the bat letting the horse move around, and making him move around, before I begin the things where I would like him to stand still. If standing still is a struggle, maybe it can become more of a reward instead. I could apply this with my groundwork, riding and driving. Watching Richard‘s body language with the horse and the way he handled the rope also made a good impression. He never mentioned it, but I could see his soft feel with the rope and how he combined it with the same inviting body language we use in join up. This made sense to his horse. In a later clinic in the Nutrena Arena, Richard rode his own horse around and around at a steady canter during his introduction. He did this to let the horse get accustomed to the place and to get settled. I realized I need to let my horses run and just ride them, not micro-manage their every bend and turn. It was the same principle as in the round pen – starting the horse off by moving his feet. There is value in what I‘ve been doing, but I can see that I need to give them a chance to just ride it out and figure out their balance and rhythm on their own a bit. It also looked like fun. Since his clinic, I have let my horses run (for a while) unhampered, with minimal guidance while I ride, for

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 28


conditioning and for the enjoyment of it. When I remember to look up at the horizon, I can also feel my horse better, and notice that she more easily responds to my thought about where I would like us to go. Seeing Richard Winters ride like this was a good reminder of something I could apply to my training. Nancy Stevens Brown gave some wonderful vaulting demonstrations in her clinics, with the very steady and beautiful warmblood ―Mike‖, who neighed a chuckle at the audience whenever his name was mentioned. She is clearly a person who enjoys teaching, and appreciates her students and the horses she works with. She shared interesting facts about the history of vaulting and engaged the audience with questions. Besides showing an example of what a person who loves their work looks like, to see what the vaulting students could do was inspiring as well. I got the idea to investigate vaulting lessons for myself, and to see how many of these fun things I could learn on my own horse. Can I get on and also dismount at the trot and canter? I began teaching my own riding students the emergency dismount (beginning at the stand still) after being inspired by Nancy‘s visit to the Midwest Horse Fair. Steffen Peters was captivating and also very real. He gave clinics on dressage in various levels, from the basics for the beginning dressage horse to the advanced level. Steffen‘s manner with his students and his horses is an excellent role model for us. He shared his practical knowledge and advanced skill without the big ego. Students in his clinics got specific help and he was very patient, asking in small steps and getting beautiful results. Horses and riders were at ease with him and gave their best. His dressage demonstrations were packed, Sara and Rowdy. and his lectures as well, were standing room only – interesting to note since not too long ago the Midwest Horse Fair catered to the western disciplines. Thanks to the Wisconsin Horse Council for inviting Steffen Peters to the Midwest Horse Fair. I hope that we get to see more of him. I was inspired by his quiet riding and patience, and decided to purchase more riding lessons for myself. One clinician whom I was slow to find out about (and then realized I wanted to hear everything she said) was Sandy Collier. This accomplished Reining Cow Horse trainer could be spotted in the stands with the rest of us, attending clinics in between her own demonstrations and lectures! She says that she is always learning more. At a competition, she will go to the warm-up area, to study what the best people are doing, what methods they are using. Sandy mentioned how at some point back in her career she realized it would be better training and more fun if she could figure out how to get the horse to want to do what they were working on. For example, spinning is a lot of hard work. But after going in circles counter bent, spinning is relief. I really appreciated her specific examples of applied methods to help the horse improve more willingly and learn faster. I had the opportunity to apply some of Sandy‘s insights with my miniature horse, ―Rowdy‖ about a week after the horse fair.

Rowdy does a remarkable job in the cart. He is not one of those quiet miniature horses – he lives up to his name at times, however loud trucks can zoom right by us on the road and he doesn‘t even flinch. The thing that Rowdy has expressed to me is his extreme fear of crossing the railroad tracks. Each time I had tried with different methods of coercion, but in the end someone would have to get out and show him that it was okay to cross. I decided to apply part of what I got from Richard Winters‘ clinic and also what Sandy Collier left me with, combined with the incentive of trick training. First I put Rowdy in full harness but did not hitch him to the cart. I line-drove him to the tracks nearby and did my best to get him to cross the tracks. After considerable struggle and redirection to keep his head pointing in the direction of the tracks I led him across the tracks. Then I gave him his favorite command, ―Rowdy, eat!‖ and he obediently put his face in the tall grass and took some big mouthfuls. Then after only about 5 seconds of grass eating time I line-drove him across the tracks. (In the direction of home he crosses without much trouble). Now it was time to build the inspiration for Rowdy to really want to cross the tracks. He got to do beautiful trotting circles and figure eights, working on gently giving to the rein, flexing, and moving forward. And he kept moving forward on these circles, trotting at a good clip. Lots of trotting! He was getting conditioning while learning to love crossing the tracks. When he wanted to stop trotting, I made him trot a little more, and then immediately line-drove him to the tracks. I had to encourage him firmly, but he crossed without having to be led over. On the other side I said ―Rowdy, eat!‖ Then we crossed back and did more circles and eights at the trot. On the third try, Rowdy crossed the tracks without hardly any hesitation. Crossing the tracks now meant resting and getting a yummy snack instead of fear of certain death. The next day I put him directly to the cart, did some conditioning work and then invited him to trot across the tracks where he got to relax. Since the horse fair I have seen these changes in my training and lessons: I‘ve been inspired to add more conditioning to my horses and to ask more of them. The ―Wind Rider Challenge‖ was great to observe and I went home to see how many of those things my own horse could do. We have been carrying flags, dragging objects, turning on the forehand and rear, and backing in any direction desired. I‘ve been inspired to take more lessons to improve my riding, which also improves the lessons that I give others. For my horses in training, I ask: How can I best help this horse today? And since there are so many great resources out there available for us, I don‘t limit myself to what I‘ve already learned. Picking up the phone to get an insight from another trainer, or reading books and watching videos to see how others have approached the issue helps me to grow as a trainer and offer more to my horses. Plus, as the many clinicians at the Midwest Horse Fair demonstrated, learning is fun!

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 29

ADVERTISING RATES All fees are to be paid in U.S. currency. Fees are subject to change without notice. Morab Perspective, News magazine Rates Color Full page ad Includes a copy of the ad on the IMBA website Color Half page ad Includes a copy of the ad on the IMBA website. Announcement / Greeting ad 1/8 page Includes a Thank-you on the IMBA website Business Card ad Color Front Cover Spot Morabs only Available only for IMBA members. (1 Large, 5 Small spots) Includes horse/owner name and short description Color Back Cover Spots Available only for IMBA members. (12 small spots) Includes horse/owner name. Color Photo Classified / Marketplace Listing Includes one color photo and short description. Print ad in the Morab Perspective and Marketplace ad on the IMBA website for a year. IMBA Website www.Morab.com Advertising Color Photo Classified / Marketplace Listing Includes one color photo and short description. Print ad in the Morab Perspective and Marketplace ad on the IMBA website for a year. Farm Link on IMBA Website Includes photo and short description and direct link to your personal website. Farm Tour on IMBA Website Your own personal website hosted by IMBA. Includes information about your farm and multiple photos. Set up and design included. Free updates. Morab Stallion Photo and listing on IMBA Website Available only for IMBA members. Includes photo and contact information. Morgan or Arabian Stallion listing on IMBA Website Available only for IMBA members. Includes contact information. Morgan or Arabian Stallion Photo on IMBA Website Available only for IMBA members. Includes photo and contact information.

$40.00 $45.00 Non-Member $20.00 $25.00 Non-Member $5.00 $10.00 Non-Member $10.00 year $15.00 year Non-Member $30.00 Large Spot $20.00 Small Spot $10.00 $25.00 year $30.00 year Non-Member

$25.00 year $30.00 year Non-Member FREE for members $15.00 year Non-Member $75.00 year $50.00 year Renewal FREE FREE $10.00 year

Some Technical Guidelines for Morab Perspective Submissions   

Send articles, ads, photos and any questions you may have to morabperspective@yahoo.com Put ―MP‖ in the subject line.

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Please type normally, and let the computer handle the end of the line formatting.

When designing your ads, keep a 1‖ border at the bottom and at least 1/2 inch on the top and sides. Put your full page ad in pdf format , but if you cannot, please lock all the boxes and photos to each other to prevent them from becoming misaligned. We will do the set up for your classified ads—just send the info and a photo.

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Get the payments in to our Registrar before printing

We are using Arial 9 as our primary font for all documents. Send photos in JPEG format. Make sure they are good quality. Digital cameras are inexpensive and allow you to take many photos until you get a few really good ones. Get things in on time! If you have a full page ad or something that you need to send by post office, let me know in an email that it is coming so I leave room for it.

Pictures for Farm News are limited to three photos per farm or individual. Farm News and other articles may be submitted for free but there is no advertising allowed. There are many other advertising options available. (See above.)

The Deadlines and Features are: Foals & Events July 31 Breeders Guide January 31

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 30

International Morab Breeders’ Association Membership Application Join from September 16 - January 31 and receive $5.00 off your membership. Membership Year ______________ New Membership________ Renewal Membership #_____________

___ Individual Breeder or Owner Membership $35 (1 vote)

___ Three-year Individual Breeder or Owner Membership $80, After 1-31 $90 (1 vote) ___ Lifetime Membership $400 paid within the year (1 vote) ___ Family Membership $45 (2 votes, Includes all youth 18 years old and under.) ___ Three-year Family Membership $100, After 1-31 $120 (2 votes, Includes all youth 18 years old and under.) ___ Associate Membership Individual $30 (No vote) ___ Youth Individual $15 (No vote) ___ Youth Family $15 Includes all youth in a family 18 years old and under. (No vote) Name(s)_______________________________________________________________________________________ Youth Name(s)__________________________________________________________________________________ Address, City, State, Zip___________________________________________________________________________ Farm Name____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone___________________________________ Email:___________________________________ Website:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ___Please do not include my information in any IMBA publications **If you have 2 or more Morab Perspective magazines being mailed to the same address and you wish to only receive one magazine Check here ____ You will receive $5.00 off your additional membership. I would be glad to support IMBA with helping the environment, conserving resources and controlling costs. Please check one: ____ Please do not send me the print version of the Morab Perspective magazine. Send it to me by email (as an Adobe PDF file) ____Please do not send, Morab Perspective. Notify me by email when it is ready and I will go to the IMBA website to read. ____I would like to continue to receive my mailed copy of the Morab Perspective magazine. Voting Applicants Please Complete This! A Morab you own: Reg.# _________Name __________________________________ Do you have a Morab stallion? ______ # _______ Do you have a Morab mare? ________ # _______ Have you produced Morab foals? ____ # _______ What will your Morab breeding objectives be? _____________________________________________________________________ Signed _________________________________________Date____________

Payable in US Funds or with PayPal account imba@Morab-imba.com Return to: IMBA 24 Bauneg Beg Road Sanford, ME 04073

Other IMBA Member Services: ___Farm Link on the IMBA website FREE for members; $15 year Non-members Includes your information, short description and photo as a direct link to your personal website . ___ Farm Tour Webpage on the IMBA website $75 year (New) $50 year (Renewal) For people who don‘t have their own website. Your own personal webpage hosted by IMBA. Includes information about your farm with multiple photos. Set-up and design included in price. No charge for updates. ___ Morab Stallion at Stud listing on the IMBA website with photo. No Charge for members. ___ Morgan or Arabian Stallion at Stud listing on the IMBA website $10 with photo ___ Morgan or Arabian Stallion at Stud listing on the IMBA website without photo No Charge for members. ___ Photo Classified / Marketplace Listing $25 year one color photo and short description. Includes both, print ad in the Morab Perspective and Marketplace ad on the IMBA website for one year. ___ Color Full page ad in Morab Perspective $40 Also, includes a copy of the ad on the IMBA website. ___ Color Half-page ad in Morab Perspective $20 Also, includes a copy of the ad on the IMBA website. ___ Announcement/ Greeting ad 1/8 page in Morab Perspective $5 Also, includes a Thank-you listing on the IMBA website. Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 31

BLT Windstar

Freedom’s Independence Spark

(Gentle Ben x )

15+HH Morab Mare For Sale Broke for the trails and will go anywhere you point her, including through streams. 3 months professional training. She needs more saddle time with a confident , experienced rider. Proven broodmare. $2500.00 includes a breeding to Windmere Royal Topaz. Contact: Windmere Farm, Carol King Phone: 920-738-7577 Email: ctopaz3@yahoo.com JCW Rev’s Cajun Sundancer (LJ Morning Reveille x Clonmel Cajun Caress)

15 HH Palomino Morgan Stallion Stud Fee: $650 He is a Multi-Champion show horse. 2005 USDF Morgan All Breed winner. He is a proven color producer. See his Liberty video on our website. Contact: Jericho Creek West, Carolyn and Ridge Harris 2350 Lakewood Hills Ln. Lincoln, CA 95648 Phone: 916-645-9223 Email: jerichocreekwest@msn.com www.jerichocreekfarms.com

(Washita Spitfire x Two ―C‖ Magnolia)

7-31-02 Bay Morab Gelding 14.3 HH He has begun his show season this year bringing home ribbons from each show. He is broke to ride, leg yield and collects. He has been ridden on trails and the road with big trucks with no problems. $3500.00 Contact: Half Moon Farm, Jim and Ronna Messier 446 Messier Rd. Franklin, VT 05457 Phone: 802-285-2202 Email: hmfarm@franklinvt.net www.halfmoonfarmvt.com Mary Mel’s Mystery (WNS Widenstone x Mary Mel‘s Glo-girl) 15.2 HH Flaxen/Chestnut Morgan Stallion For Sale: $4200.00 Mystery is a gaited Morgan. He has over forty foals on the ground with more than half that are also gaited. He is broke to ride but hasn‘t been ridden lately. Owned by Mary Ballard. Standing at: Jericho Creek Farm II Wendy Konichek S.101 W.34628 Hwy LO Eagle, WI 53119 Phone: 262-594-3667 Email: morabrep@yahoo.com www.jerichocreekfarms.com

Montego’s Thunder

TRAIN YOUR HORSE TO DRIVE Clinician and trainer Wes Licht specializes in teaching horses to drive and people to drive them. * Clinics on driving * Private lessons * Horse training * Weekend lesson packages * Carriage & sleigh service * Driving horses for sale

(Dreamweaver Montego x CCS Comma)

15.3 HH Bay Morab Stallion Stud Fee: $650 Thunder has excelled in the show ring and was the 2005 Res. National Champion Sport Horse in Hand. His foals all his wonderful movement and attitude. See his Liberty video on our website. Contact: Jericho Creek Farms Linda and Wendy Konichek S.101 W.34628 Hwy LO Eagle, WI 53119 Phone: 262-594-3667 Email: morabrep@yahoo.com www.jerichocreekfarms.com

Your ad could be here for only $25 with a photo Non-members $30 That price includes one year on the IMBA website www.morab.com and one year of print advertising in the Morab Perspective.

Contact: Rocking L Acres, Wes and Jane Licht 2964 County Rd. AB Mc Farland, WI 53558 Phone: 608-838-8178 Email: jlicht@sprynet.com www.rockingLacres.com Forever Sunset (Forever Knight x PK Black Satin) 10 yr old Chestnut Arabian Mare Broke to ride. Trained with a hackamore but accepts a bit. Ridden on the road and trails. Started showing this year. She bathes, ties, trailers, hoof care, shots and worming are up to date. $3000.00 Contact: Half Moon Farm, Jim and Ronna Messier 446 Messier Rd. Franklin, VT 05457 Phone: 802-285-2202 Email: hmfarm@franklinvt.net www.halfmoonfarmvt.com

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 32

Windmere Royal Topaz (Sir RAF Royale x Windmere Ambrosia)

15.1 HH Palomino Morab Stallion Stud Fee: $650 LFG He is a Champion performance horse as well as a proven breeding stallion. He has produced many healthy, happy foals for satisfied owners. Contact: Rocking L Acres, Wes and Jane Licht 2964 County Rd. AB Mc Farland, WI 53558 Phone: 608-838-8178 Email: jlicht@sprynet.com www.rockingLacres.com Morabs, Morgans and Arabians For Sale Mares, Stallions and Geldings of all ages and colors. Breeding Morabs, Morgans and Arabians of Distinction for over 25 years. Contact: Jericho Creek Farms Linda and Wendy Konichek S.101 W.34628 Hwy LO Eagle, WI 53119 Phone: 262-594-3667 Email: jcmorabs@centurytel.net www.jerichocreekfarms.com

Freedom’s Patriot in Blue (Twilight Champion x Amberfields Goldlace) Cremello Morab Stallion Stud Fee: $400 plus A.I. collection fee

Contact: Freedom Farm, Karen Petersen 850 Rt. 537 Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 Phone: 609-758-1776 Email: kittyeagle@aol.com www.freedomfarm.com LVA Miska Shatan (Focus Sable x O‘ Nadira) 15 HH Bay Arabian Stallion Stud Fee: $650 Arabians, $400 Others He has won many halter and Sport horse in hand classes. He throws his classic head on all of his foals. Contact: Lake Vioux Arabians, Brenda DeBroux W.11328 Spring Rd. Antigo, WI 54409 Phone: 715-623-5171 Email: lakeviouxarabians@yahoo.com www.jerichocreekfarms.com/stallions_shatan.htm

WWA Kurafi (WP Akeem x Flabys Saari) 15.3 HH Grey Straight Egyptian Arabian Stud Fee: $650 Kurafi is a Champion in the show ring in Halter Western, Huntseat, Dressage and Liberty. 2009 Reg. 10 Top Five Sport Horse in Hand. His foals have his sweet disposition. See his Stallion Revue and Liberty videos on our website. Contact: Jericho Creek Farm II Wendy Konichek S.101 W.34628 Hwy LO Eagle, WI 53119 Phone: 262-594-3667 Email: morabrep@yahoo.com www.jerichocreekfarms.com

Your ad could be here with a photo for only $25 Non-members $30

That price includes one year on the IMBA website www.morab.com and one year of print advertising in the Morab Perspective.

Morab Perspective 2010 Breeders‘ Guide Page 33

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Congratulations to all of these horses and their owners!


See page 22 for names of these LAAP winners! 6


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