7th Grade Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Introduction to Life Science
Name: ________________________________ Period: ___
7th Grade Chapter 1
Section 1: What is science?
•Life Science is ______________________________ –It is also known as _____________________________ –Bio means _________________ –Logy means _________________ •Science is a way of _______________________________________________________ •Scientists use _________________, _________________, _________________, _________________and _________________to learn more about the world
•Observing means using ______________________________ to gather information –Your senses are: _______________________________________________________ –Sample observation: _________________________________________________ Inferences
•Inferring means to _________________________________ the things that _____________________________________
•Inferences are based on reasoning of
1. Example: You see a broken egg on the floor by the table, therefore you infer that ________________________________________________________________ 2. Another example:_________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
7th Grade Chapter 1
•Predicting is ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 1. Example: You see an egg rolling toward the edge of a table, you can predict that _______________________________________________________ 2. Example: _______________________________________________________
•Classifying is the process of _______________________________________________ •This process helps you to ___________________________ 1. Example: Separating your shirts, pants & socks in your dresser at home. 2. Example: __________________________________________________________
Making Models
•Models are _____________________________________________________________ •They help people _______________________________ that can’t be _____________ ________________ or are too _____________________________________________. 1. Examples: the globe, ________________, __________________.
Section 2: Scientific Inquiry
•Scientific Inquiry: Refers to the __________________________
in which
scientists study the ___________________________ and offer __________________ based on _________________________________________
7th Grade Chapter 1
Scientific Method
•1. __________________________________ •2. __________________________________ •3. __________________________________ •4. __________________________________ •5. __________________________________ •6. __________________________________ 1. Asking a question •The question must be _____________________________ •For example: –Does my dog eat more food than my cat? –Which makes a better pet –a dog or a cat? •The first Q can be __________ whereas the second Q is an ______________
•Another Example: Does the air temperature affect the chirping of crickets? •Can you TEST this question or is it OPINION? ___________ •Why? ______________________________________________ 2. What is a hypothesis?
•A Hypothesis is a _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
•IN OTHER WORDS IT IS: ___________________________________ •This must be ________________________ •Example: Cricket chirping increases at higher air temperatures. 4
7th Grade Chapter 1
3. Design an Experiment
•Must include _____________________ which are ______________ that can change in an experiment
•There are two types of variables –__________________________________ –this is the variable that ____________ Example: ___________________________, ________________________________
–__________________________________ –this is the variable ________________ _____________________________________________. Example: cricket chirping
•In a controlled experiment, _______________________ is changed at a time. •Why is that? ____________________________________________________________ 4. Collecting and Interpret Data
•Data are the ____________________________________________________________ •Graphs and charts help you to ___________________________________ 5. Drawing Conclusions/Results
•Conclusion is a summary of what your have learned from an experiment •For example: You conclude that cricket chirping does increase with temperature based on the data you gathered.
•Communicating is the __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
•This is very important so that others may give you __________ on your findings 6. Repeat your Experiment
•Repeating your experiment several times allows you to _____________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5
7th Grade Chapter 1
Section 3: Technology
•Technology: It is how people _______________________________________ to meet their ____________________________________________________
•The goal of technology is to: ________________________________________ What is the difference between science and technology?
•Science is the study of the ____________________ to understand _______________________________
•Technology ____________________ the natural world to meet _________________ _____________________________________________________
Technology and Society
•Technology has both ___________________________________________________ •Society is any group of people who _______________________________________ •Example is pesticides: •Positive: •Negative: