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Looking forwards, not back… The over-arching principle behind the creation of the new versions was to get the apps into a sentence, a mission statement if you will, something to compare every part of the app too – our user experience statement: “Locally accessible information based on my current location” Every part of the app that can be uses location information to help the user make informed decisions about the data they wish to view. Of course the app can be used without the location information to just view lists of data from the websites, there are many users that like to flick through category lists. These applications are highly user-targeted, they are engineered to be easy to use for your customers but, more importantly for you, easy to customize. Every piece of the interface has been thought out and tested to destruction with a variety of users from across the world. We didn’t build one application, we built two. Even through they both use the same eDirectory API, they are different beasts with each playing to the strength of the platform it reside on. We know Android users want an Android experience (Think back buttons, contextual menus etc.), and vice a versa for iOS users, each apps was designed separately with the individual platforms in mind. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder we’ll let you be the judge of their aesthetics, we don’t think you’ll find a better looking local app with this level of polish anywhere.
iOS - iOS 5 & 6 Support, works on all iPhones - 3GS / 4 / 4S / 5 Android - 2.3.3 and upwards.
Find everything, easily… Nearby
With nearly every mobile handset sold these days having some form of built in GPS functionality we wanted to get the very best out of the maps, primarily concentrating on mobile’s biggest feature - location services.
• The ability to search any module that contains location data (Businesses / Events / Classifieds & Deals) and show them on the map.
• Draw-able Search Areas - Is there a specific part of the map
you wish to search, hit the draw icon and draw directly onto the map to only search within your defined area - awesome.
• All results can be ordered by ‘proximity to user’, if the cell phone has a GPS fix, you can simply toggle between near and far now.
• A new location switcher (No more map scrolling), if you want to get results from say ‘London’ just tap it in and the map will instantly re-center at your chosen location.
• Moved? No problems, hit the ‘Locate Me’ button for an instant GPS re-fix.
• View as a list, display every result on the map as a very handy list.
Business Listings
Everything is here… • Searchable via location on the nearby screen (and then orderable by proximity)
• Complete Listings (Every piece of data from your site is here)
• Updates based in sitemgr settings (Change a setting on the sitemgr and have it instantly removed from the app)
• 4 Display Levels (Site customers paying the top band are going to be getting the best exposure in the app)
Offers everywhere… Deals
A brand new design on top of a new set of a data, what could be better. We’ve made the deal pages simple, easy to understand and above all pretty stunning.
• Clean new UI, sleek, simple and easy to understand. • New redeem page (Ability for users to email the coupon to themselves)
• Searchable via location on the nearby screen (and then orderable by proximity)
• Searchable via module from the nearby screen. • Searchable via category from the ‘Sections’ page.
What’s going on… Events
With a unique 3 pane view into all events it’s never been easier to find some thing to attend.
• Calendar View – View all the site events on a calendar for ease of reference
• List View – View everything chronologically • Category View – Pick your events based on the event type from the category view.
Some light reading… Articles
Vastly simplified layout containing everything you would need to know about an article.
• Who authored it • When it was published • Any associated images • Simple text view of site content
Buying and Selling… • A complete update to the classifieds module, with a heavy focus on location and layout.
• Searchable via location from the nearby screen (and the orderable by proximity to user)
• Brand new design with huge imagery • Multiple contact information points.
Never lose a thing‌ Favorites
We know people need to keep track of masses of data on a daily basis, why should the mobile app be any different, every single view in the application is savable as a favorites. We cache the top level data and put in a data request via our API when someone hits a data view from within the favorites screen. It’s a super simple system and it works beautifully.
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API Beauty is more than skin deep We’re really excited about what’s under the hood. The mobile apps are built using a new API that makes modifications faster and more cost effective. Personalization to match your directory site is included, and customizations can be done faster than ever before.
I fy ouwoul dl i k et ol ear nmor ewes ugges ty ou v i s i twww. l j c l gr oup. c om f ormor ei nf or mat i onon t heappl i c at i onsandt hei rf unc t i onal i t i es . Whi l ey ou’ r et her ewhyc ompl et eourmobi l e ques t i onnai r es owec anl ear nmor eabouty our goal sands c hedul eademo.Weof f era c ompr ehens i v edemons t r at i onappl i c at i onf or bot hi OSandAndr oi dwhi c hs howsal lt he av ai l abl ef eat ur esf oreac hpl at f or m. Cont ac tI nf or mat i on i nf o@l j c l gr oup. c om ( 888)41 1 1 894