Textile Shell

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Graduate Second Year - Sep 10/ Jan 12 Studio Theory History Project

Textile Shell

Graduate Second Year Studio Theory History Project 2010/2011

«Find an itself free structure system, extensive, and practical to any program, alllowing to suit any material, endowing as most vast as most simple combinations; covering this structure in the way of the system expression itself, decorate this form in its own shape, but rather by showing it, explaining it by combinations of profiles drawn from a geometric method, which is a corollary of that applied overall conception ; provide the architecture, that is to say, the structure coated with an art form, proportions

Coll. Louis Destombes

established on the simplest and most principles of stability understandable to the eye.»

Viollet-le-Duc, Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe siècle au XVIe siècle, 1869

Teachers :

Philippe Morel Christian Girard LĂŠa Sattler

This project questions our understanding of traditional tectonics, moreover Gothic tectonics as theorized by Violletle-Duc. But the project uses digital technologies to derive a direct impact on design and fabrication. The aim is to apply Viollet le Duc’s system to our digital approach in order to rethink the components that define architecture, and the way they articulate each other. We use a differentiation process of matter organised into the geometry, as opposed to an aggregation process dedicated to fight gravity. The constructive thought resulting from the operative system is

1/ Rout of formal research

interwoven with geometrical choices. Parametric modelling allows the mutual adjustment of spatial geometry and constructive shape. As in Gothic architecture, shape is the very expression of the construction.

2/ Tectonic

1.1 Deformable layer space

2.1 Construction of geometric model

1.2 Adapated framework according

2.2 From digital to production

1.3 Vertical and horizontal deformation

2.3 Structure of form

1.4 Subdivision surface algorithm : Catmull

2.4 Steps of assemblage

to skew surface

according to curvature


Experimental rout and formal research

Perspective view

1.1 Deformable layer space Regular framework distortion with projection – parametric surfaces and width

Orthogonal framework : length and angle constraints

Distorted framework : length and offset constraints

1.2 Adapated framework according to skew surface

Principle of framework distortion according to surface curvature in a point

Model of pipe and wire The distorted framework is the projection of the orthogonal framework : production of parametric surfaces with a width system

1.3 Vertical and horizontal deformation according to curvature

Let i (integer) Let j (integer) Let F(Feature) i=1 for i while i<=u_list ->Size() { j=1 for j while j<=v_list ->Size() { F=InstantiateTemplate(«PWC_HAUTEUR_ ELEMENT_UNIQUE», PWC_HAUTEUR\INST_HAUTEUR_ ELEMENT_UNIQUE ) F->SetAttributeObject («U2», u_list->GetItem (i) ) F->SetAttributeObject («U3», u_list->GetItem (i+1) ) F->SetAttributeObject («U4», u_list->GetItem (i+2) ) F->SetAttributeObject («V1»,v_list ->GetItem (j) ) F->SetAttributeObject («V2», v_list ->GetItem (j+1) ) F->SetAttributeObject («V3», v_list ->GetItem (j+2) ) EndModifyTemplate(F) } } Let i (Integer) Let F(Feature) i=1 for i while i<= PWC_LIST -> Size() { F=PWC_LIST ->GetItem(i) F->SetAttributeReal («HAUTEUR_MULTIPLICATEUR»,1.075) F->SetAttributeReal («HAUTEUR_ADDITION», 0.0836) }

1.4 Subdivision surface algorithm : Catmull Clark

1. Face Point : the centroid of all original points for the respective face

2. All Face Points on the model

3. Edge Point : the average of the two neighbouring Face Points and its two original endpoints

4. For each Face Point, add an edge for every edge of the face, connecting the Face Point to each Edge Point for the face

5. Barycentre Point, Let P each original point, Let F barycentre of Face Points for faces touching P, Let R barycentre the average of all n edge midpoints for edges touching P Move each original point to the point braycentre : { (P;n-3),(F;1),(R;2) } / n

6. Result of the first instantiation of the algorithm. The model can get all instantiation required in order to get the correct geometric precision

Geometric model after 2 instantiations of the algorithm

2. Tectonic

«Textile Tectonics, I call this the Semperian reversal : the reversal of the order of the four elements. Instead of starting with earth and a wooden frame to support the weaker textile fibers, I reason the other way around : weak threads move, find each other, and lock into each other, building structure and rigidity. So instead of adding the soft to the rigid, as Semper did, we see a transformation of soft into rigid. This is nothing more or less than the application of the

concepts of constructivism to architecture, meaning that the mobility of agency is transferred into structure. While form is being generated, it necessarily becomes structured, because if it didn’t, it wouldn’t hold. It is all (a process of ) constructivism.»

Lars Spuybroek, The Architecture of Continuity, Essays and Conversations, V2_Publishing, Rotterdam, 2008

2.1 Construction of geometric model

Production of the surface by iso-curves

Definition of points on the surface One instantiation of Catmull-Clark algorithm

Instantiation of vertical and horizontal distortion algorithm according to curvature

2.2 From digital to production

Wood structure model

Completed model with wood structure and cardboard

2.3 Structure of Form

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