2017 Christmas Message of Cardinal Patrick D'Rozario of Dhaka, Bangladesh

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cÖfz whïi Rb¥w`bt Avb›`gq eow`b wLªóel© 2017 Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q K‡Zv Avb›`gq wQj| eow`‡bi Avb›` wb‡q eQiwU m~Pbv K‡iwQjvg, Zvui cwimgvw߇Z G‡m AveviI e‡ov Avb›`, eow`‡bi Avb›`gq Drme| cÖfz whï‡K wb‡q †hb GKwU eQ‡ii eow`b| cÖfz whï wb‡RB †h ïfmsev`, wb‡RB †h eow`b| whïi Rb¥msev` Avgiv ï‡bwQ, Zvu‡K wb‡q Rxeb hvcb K‡iwQ, AbyMÖn †c‡qwQ AmsL¨, †NvlYv K‡iwQ ïfmgvPvi| †mB Avb‡›` Avevi Avcbv‡`i mevB‡K RvbvB eow`‡bi Avb›`gq ï‡f”Qv| eow`‡bi Zvrch© K‡Zv Mfxifv‡e dy‡U D‡V‡Q, cÖKvk †c‡q‡Q Ges Dcjwä n‡q‡Q cyY¨wcZv †cvc g‡nv`‡qi AvMg‡b| †cvc g‡nv`q ÿz`ª evsjv‡`‡k G‡mwQ‡jb, Avgv‡`i‡K fvj‡e‡m wZwb G‡mwQ‡jb, Avgv‡`i mv‡_ wZwb wKQzmgq KvwU‡q‡Qb| Avgiv Zvu‡K †`‡LwQ, Zvui K_v ï‡bwQ, Zvui mvwbœa¨ Abyfe K‡iwQ, GK‡Î Ck¦‡ii Dcvmbv K‡iwQ| Zvui AvMg‡bi msev` evsjv‡`‡ki gvby‡li Kv‡Q †cuŠ‡Q †M‡Q, evsjv‡`‡ki ms¯‹…wZ, ag© I `xbRb‡`i m‡½ n‡q‡Q msjvc, m¤úK© I kvwšÍi Rb¨ cÖv_©bv, m¤úªPvwiZ n‡q‡Q AbyM„nxZ mKj gvby‡li AšÍ‡i m¤úªxwZ I kvwšÍi evZ©v, ÿy`ª evsjv‡`‡ki K_v we‡k¦ Qwo‡q †M‡Q| †cvc g‡nv`‡qi GB AvMg‡bi †cÖÿvc‡U Avgiv Gev‡i AviI Mfxifv‡e Dcjwä Ki‡Z cvwi whïi AvMg‡bi ïfmsev` Avgv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Rxeb‡Mvkvjvq| eow`b, Zzwg KZ Awfbe, KZ wewPÎ Zvi cÖKvk, wPišÍb Zvi msev`, gnv Avb‡›`i †mB msev`| eQ‡ii †klv‡šÍ Dcw¯’Z n‡q Avgiv Dcjwä Kwi Òcwiev‡i fvjevmv t gÐjxi Avb›`Ó wk‡ivbvgK cvjKxq g~jfv‡ei GK we‡kl Zvrch©| ag©cÖ‡`kxq cvjKxq m‡¤§jb-2017 wLª÷e‡l© Rb¨ g~jmyi wn‡m‡e †e‡Q †bIqv n‡q‡Q: Òcwiev‡i wgjb: cwiev‡ii g‡a¨, cwi‡e‡ki mv‡_ Ges `qvi Kv‡RÓ| GB cvjKxq fve‡K wfwË K‡i Avgiv ag©cÖ‡`‡ki Rb¨ 2018 wLª÷e‡l©i ‡h-cvjKxq cwiKíbv Avgiv MÖnY K‡iwQ Zv ev¯Íevq‡b Avgiv m‡Pó _vKe| GiB mv‡_ AvMvgx eQ‡i Avgiv ch©v‡jvPbv Kie: XvKv gnvag©cÖ‡`‡k weMZ wÎk `k‡K Avgiv †Kv_vq wQjvg, eZ©gv‡b †Kv_vq AvwQ, Avi AvMvgx `k‡K Avgiv †Kvb j‡ÿ¨ c_ Pje| eow`b Dcj‡ÿ I eQ‡ii †klv‡šÍ, Avwg Avgvi AšÍ‡ii fvjevmv I K…ZÁZv RvbvB cÖwZRb I mevi Kv‡Q mewKQzi Rb¨: `qv I fvjevmv, mvnvh¨ I mn‡hvwMZv, mg‡SvZv I mngg©xZv Ges cÖv_©bv I Z¨vM¯^xKvi| In an amazing way, we have experienced the Joy of Christmas throughout the year just ending. The climax and the summit of our Joy was the Visit of the Holy Father Pope Francis, the visible sign of Christ the Good Shepherd, who have come to visit us, to be with us, to celebrate the harmony and peace that dwell in us, in our cultures, religions and among the poor and the sufferings. The Holy Father has joined and prayed with the people of other religions for continuous growth of harmony, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace. With this joyful experience of the Papal Visit, we can so spontaneously wish everyone the Joy of Christmas with its amazing manifestations. We all wish that this Joy of Christmas, the Joy of the Gospel, will unfold in the years to come as we continue our journey of life. At this occasion of Christmas and the New Year, I express my love and gratitude to each and everyone for everything: mercy and love, assistance and cooperation, understanding and compassion and prayers and sacrifices.

Cardinal Patrick D’Rozario, csc. Archbishop of Dhaka

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