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Simplastic Simplastic project | reusing plastic bag

Simplastic brings not only a "simple use" scenario, but a motivation for people to reuse and reduce the plastic bags.

Chou Po Yeh

Chen Tzu An


Design Motive

As result of the looming policy, cotton-made shopping bag , for example, blew up our lives, and became a pop culture phenomenon. However, studies revealed that these plastic bag alternatives cost more resources than the plastic bags. However, the issue of the plastic bags is the usage habit. Mostly, people dispose of plastic bag that they used only once. Therefore, Simplastic_project focus on how to change and keep people's behavior for reusing the plastic bags, and decrease the plastic consumption.Simplastic ceates a positive cycle between stakeholders via service science and ICT system. In our service, stakeholders, such as vendors and customers, can establish mutually beneficial relationship and co-create a sustainable service ecology.

Design Process Research & Definition

Trading area near university was chosen as the experimental field for the following reasons: huge crowd, loyal customer base, and mostly take-out.



Small size, half catty commonly. Prepare 2-3 kinds of size Size

Vendors perspective: The main reason why vendors tend to use conventional plastic bag is cost and the knowledge. Most vendors believe they have only conventional plastic bag to choose from. Although some vendors know the biodegradable plastic bag, they feel this material is fragile, expensive, and hard to buy. These reasons cause the biodegradable plastic bag rarely to be an option to vendors.

Oder from material suppliers. Design and pattern on the bag is useless. Availability

Load capacity & Heat resistance Usability

$0.3/ per bag (0.5 catty size). A $30 pack of plastic bags made up of 80 pics. Cost

131 Customer perspective: Low motivation to reuse the plastic bag, is the mainly issue for customers. Low motivation may lead people to forget to bring plastic bag. In addition, the common cognition of the plastice bag is cheap, using once, and not fashion, which cause people unwilling to reuse their plastic bags.



A cotton-made bag will emit 131 times of Co2 than a plastic bag.

Within 12 month, biodegradable plastic bag will decompose into our environment.

Toxin will not emitted, only a few heat will be released while burning biodegradable plastic bag. Carbon footprint of biodegradable plastic bag is less than conventional plastic bag.


Final Design Design Concept

Simplastic provides a mutually beneficial platform between vendors and customers. Vendors can promote their products through customers take and reuse Simplastic bag. And, customers can receive benefit and rewards by using Simplastic. Therefore, in our service, stakeholders, such as vendors and customers, can establish mutually beneficial relationship and co-create a sustainable service ecology.

Business model

Simplastic ceates a positive cycle between stakeholders via service science and ICT system. In our service, stakeholders, such as vendors and customers, can establish mutually beneficial relationship and co-create a sustainable service ecology.


Combining the concept of royalty card with the plastic bag in advertising way, customers are able to get venders' information clearly when they hold the bag. Also, our advertisement can deliver to the target user effectively and precisely in the trading area near university. In Simplastic service, customers can get benefit via promotion activities held by vendors in their later shopping journey, and the vendors can promote their product and reputation in our service.

Package Design

After several times of discussion with vendors, we adjust our design of Simplastic bag. The foremost part is the loyalty card mechanism. Based on different needs, we planned 3 types of package.

Premium | Provide the most shop's

Basic | This package provide certain

Easy | Easy package planned for low-

info on each bag.However, due to the

advertising effectness by printing

budget vendors. It allow vendors

space limition, low-budget vendors

the shop's name on each bag.

stamp their identification on the bags

may not afford this package.

Vendors need to marker their name

p e r s o n a l l y. T h i s p a c k a g e r e m a i n

when the first use.

extremely freedom for vendors.


Shop Owner Income Simulation

These simulation charts help shop owners understand the expected result of Simplastic_project, including cost and income in the future.


Via variable reward and loyalty card mechanism, Simplastic increases people's motivation to reuse the bag.




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Reward system

Via variable reward and loyalty card mechanism, Simplastic increases people's motivation to reuse the bag. The advertising revenue and cooperation relationship between vendors and Simplastic, sustain our system to provide these reward.

Behavior report | For tracing to the reusing times and the using scenario, we held the "Behavior report" actitivy to encourage people to report their using footages. When customers reuse their Simplastic bag in any stiuation, they can record and report their scenario footages via Simplastic Report System. Every week,

Record behavior

Upload footages

Win the lottery

we will draw someone to win vouchers.

R e u s e b e h a v i o r | Motivating people to reuse their plastic bag is the core value of Simplastic_project. The loyalty card mechanism provide the visualized data, which shows people how many times they reuse their Simplastic bag, it also allow people to redeem products from these data. Based on these reasons above, Simplastic can increase people's motivation to reuse their plastic bag, and eventually, change people's behavior.

Reuse Simplastic

Loyalty card

Exchange products


More than pro-environment

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