Jerry Ding's 2014 design portfolio

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Jerry Ding Design Portfolio 2010-2014


Jerry Ding 丁 亦樵

From /

Hsinchu, Taiwan

Birth /

1991.4.18, USA

Mobile / Mail / Edu /


886 975 277 079 Bachelor of Industrial Design National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


experiences 2013 - 2014 // National Immigration Agency - (Military Service) - Graphic Art designer

skills Adobe Photoshop

2013 // NCKU Industrial Design Camp - Lecturer of Design Method

Adobe Illustrator

2012 // NCKU Industrial Design Camp - Director of Curriculum Planning


2011 // NCKU Design Week - Director of Souvenir Design & Marketing


2012 - 2013 // YODEX Exhibition “For Good& All” - Director

Adobe Indesign

2011 // AimCulture Co. Ltd - Intern of Product & Exhibition design



2014 // Cross-Strait (Xiamen) Cultural Industries Fair - Exhibitor 2014 // Taiwan Designers’ Week of Rising Star - Exhibitor

2012 // NCKU x NTU “Perception Enlargement Experiment” Workshop - Participant 2012 // Cross-Strait Tourism Souvenir Design Workshop - Participant 2011 // Taipei World Design Expo - Voluntary Staff

2011 // STU x NCKU DoubleD Design Workshop - Participant

other specialties

2014 // Teaching Assistant of English Speaking in SK2 Consultant Group

Hands Sketching Marker Rendering Tablet Sketching Mandarin(native) English(ibtTOEFL 96)

hobbies Jogging, Reading, Drawing

2014 // Finished the First Marathon in Taiwan (42.2km)

2011 // Swam across the Biggest Lake in Taiwan (3.3km)

2009 // Rode bicycle to travel around the Taiwan Island in 12 days

2009 // Served as a Voluntary worker in Hsinchu Zoological Gardens



“Worthship” worship appliances for Taiwanese In the graduation project of college, we connected our design to the cultural level by taking into consideration of differences in culture adoption and lifestyles between generations in Taiwan. Two major challenges in this project are: 1) identify the key issues in Taiwan society regarding to the worship process and 2) design a product to address key issues for young generations to adopt the tradition into modern lifestyle without conflicts. After intensive field research and interviews, we understood difficulties young generations encounter in the worship process and we refined our product design to address them. As a result, we earned an invitation to exhibit our design in the Taiwan Designer’s Week.

Completed: Sep 2012-May 2013, for 9 months

Course: Graduate design project

Supervisor: Shu Wei, Hsu

Co-designers: Yun Fu, Hsieh // Chen Ting, Chung





Background Ancestor worship is an important ceremony in Taiwan. In Chinese New Year, every Taiwanese family will prepare bountiful dishes to worship their ancestors. It’s a great tradition to show respect and love to their ancestors. As Taiwanese youngsters, my team members and I really cherish this ceremony. However, after several interviews, we found that most of young people (including us) couldn’t hold a complete worshiping ritual by themselves. Even our parents might not understand the meaning of complex process. In order to pass down the meaningful ritual, we started our research to find out WHAT made Taiwanese young people gradually give up this beautiful and meaningful tradition.

Love and respect


Worship ritual

Bountiful dishes


Outdoor worship

Fruit // Three-Fresh // Wine cup

Indoor worship

Why it should be passed down? In fact, the ancestor worship in Taiwan served as a valuable occasion for family members to chat about family stories, and get closer with one another. If young people don’t worship anymore, they might lose the opportunity to get deeper understanding of their families’ history.



Problems and Solutions We found out the obstacles that came from change of living style. In the future, small family will gradually replace the big family. Change of living style for young generations causes conflicts as adopting some good traditions.


Future Me

We figured out three main reasons for young people who hardly do ancestor worship: 1) Don’t understand the meaning of complex process, 2) Need to prepare too much dishes that can’t be cleaned up easily and 3) Suffer the difficulties to transport lots of dishes to destination.


By designing a set of worship appliances to resolve these problems, we hoped that all wonderful moments of family reunion can be passed down generation by generation through worship process.

Don’t understand the meaning

Too much dishes

In the worship process, every dish has its meaning to

Taiwanese people like to prepare abundant dishes

Many Taiwanese ancestral graves are distant from

be prepared and to be positioned on the table. Once

to show their respect and love to ancestors. Three-

home. Therefore, carrying lots of dishes (including

young people understand the meaning and follow

Fresh (including pork, chicken and fish on separate

soup) to the ancestral grave is a big issue. Nowadays

the simple instruction to prepare and position the

plate) is a specially required dish for worship pro-

people use large carton boxes to transport dishes,

dishes, the process will be easier to be conducted

cess. It is not only difficult for small family to pre-

but it’s very difficult to hold during transportation.

and tradition can be passed down.

pare all dishes and Three-Fresh but also troublesome for most family to finish them timely.


Difficult to carry


Design Process Upper part (for food), ABS Using painting ABS to imitate porcelain’s quality.


Cover lid, translucent acrylic


Lower part (for hands), teakwood


The warm feeling of wood is suited 3

for hand holding. The teakwood is a harder material that tolerates better from external damages.

Tablecloth, cloth 5


The special red color shows a different tradition from the past. The elastic feature of the fabrics can be used for carrying the dishes.

7 1) Create design guidelines 2) Discuss with professional cultural worker 3) Concept of too much dishes 4) Concept of instructional cup 5) Concept of not knowing the meaning 6) Concept of portability 7) Rough form test 8


8) Material test 9) Discuss image with our supervisor



Final Design Tablecloth Info on the tablecloth The patterns on the tablecloth show the representative dishes in worship process. The innovative Chinese poetries next to the patterns tell people meanings of dishes.

三牲 Three Fresh

粿類 Dessert

菜餚 Dishes

四果 Fruit

金紙 Paper money




甜粿過黏,發粿發錢, 菜包包金,菜頭粿吃點心。 壽桃長壽,水圓紅圓, 圓圓滿滿,紅龜粿過好節。 長年菜,長命百歲;食蘿蔔,有好彩頭; 吃韭菜,年歲長久;夾菠菜,飛黃騰達; 下餃子,招財進寶;煮髮菜,恭喜發財; 喫芹菜,勤勞持檢;炸丸子,旺丁旺財; 有福菜,福如東海;添竹笙,竹報平安; 佐點蔥,聰明伶俐;拜拜菜,闔家團圓。 子孫綿延似瓜果,大吉大利如桔橘; 蘋果平安暖祖宗,鳳梨好運旺旺來; 香蕉相招如意事,逃離厄運吃桃梨; 春暖秋冬四果滿,家庭和樂慶豐收。

飯碗 Bowl

酒壺 湯餚 Soup


酒杯 Cup

米飯 Rice


筷子 Chopsticks

-----------------------------------------------------How to use the patterns

''Clear guidelines, participation together.'' In the worship, every dish has to be put on the correct position and direction. Therefore, adults seldom let kids join the complex process.

Guidance of worship process

The patterns and interesting text tips can help users to know what items they should prepare and place on the right position. As a result, even children can join their parents to conduct the worship.

''Simplify Moderately, operate easily.'' We refined and simplified the worship process to satisfy the living pace in nowadays. People can follow their own families’ rules, but if they have no idea about worship process. The tablecloth can guide users to hold the worship without difficulties. Step by step, users can realize the meanings behind the entire worship process.



Final Design Worship dishes Flagon




3rd 2nd 1st

All cups can be stored into the wooden handle of flagon.

Three-layer shape can clearly guide users to divide pouring wine in three times.

Three-Fresh Plate 20*20*4 cm

People can put on their favorite dishes in the outline of Three-Fresh Plate. So they can still create traditional image without preparing a complete chicken or fish.

Fruit plate 20*20*4 cm

The shape of the plate and the protrusions on it help users to fix the spherical fruits. When carrying, it can also be used as the lid of Three-Fresh Plate.


-----------------------------------------------------Plate (two types) | Soup and Rice bowl 15*15*4 cm | 15*15*7 cm

The vertical shape of plates can make small amounts of dishes still looking full.



same fullness

Dessert /Paper money plate 15*15*4 cm

Apart from being used as plate, it serves as the lid of the dish.

How to storage

Fruit plate Three-Fresh Plates

Godpaper plate Plates Soup lid Soup bowl

Dessert plate Plates Rice bowl

Cups Flagon



Using Process Video frame Prepare dishes, pack the dishes

Pack the dishes, carry to outdoors


-----------------------------------------------------Watch full video:

Set the tablecloth and dishes

Set the flagon and wine cups

Pour the wine


Burn incense


Burn paper money




Design Features

So convenient!

事事如意 “Shih Shih Ru Yi” is a Chinese idiom to bless other people that everything goes well with them.

ˋ Shih

ˋ Shih

ˊ Ru

ˋ Yi

Every step in the worship process will be conducted smoothly according to people’s wishes.




The Chinese word for “worship”(Shih祀) is pronounced the same as “everything”(Shih事).



Prepare dishes

Worship ancestors





It' s awesome that I can hold a delicate worship ritual at home!

The plates have to be taken by both hands, which can unintentionally teach children to behave sincerely for worship ritual.

Dishes look more delicious and bountiful with designed plates.

Providing a wonderful meal for our ancestors makes people feel really good.

Pour wine Joe

The design of three layers inside the cup provides people a standard when they pour wine into it.

Pack the dishes

Carry to outdoors


This series of product can be stored by piling them up, which makes it not only to maintain the beautiful appearance but to keep food clean.


It's really convenient to bring all the foods and plates to the ancestral grave!


Flagon and cups look very easy to put together without any effort!



Vocal Family a coffee maker for home This project of appliances gave me a deeper insight of product language; as one of home appliances, how should a coffee maker look and work? I combined emotional elements with the American coffee maker’s form and function. By designing its function, form, color and material, the product could reflect true emotional expectation of user. We did product research as a team, then developed problem and designed individually. During the research process, we disassembled a coffee maker to find any possibility to combine with user’s emotion and atmosphere of home.

Completed: Sep-Nov 2011, for 7 weeks

Course: Industrial design(I)

Supervisor: Yi Shin, Deng

Project type: Study as a team, develop problem and design individually





Project Research We bought an old American coffee maker from an used goods store. In order to understand all details, we disassembled the coffee maker and copied every part of machine in the computer. Through observing the coffee maker, we also learnt the manufacturing process. I found that this type of coffee maker has very simple structure and it is easy to be used by everybody. After collecting data from library, the Internet and coffee shop, I had a preliminary understanding about coffee maker and people who like drinking coffee.



Features: 1) One button, very Easy to operate 2) Simple structure, so I could re-order them !

American coffee maker is the most common type of coffee maker at home.


-------------------------------------------------------------Persona helped me to build an outline of target user. In designing phase, I could examine that if my design meets the user’s expectation. I understood that improving function is NOT a prime goal of this project.


woman, 33 years old, senior high school teacher // Married (because she

eagerly desires to form a

family of her own ) // Her husband is a college professor. They have no kids, but they plan to have one as soon as possible. // She has a regular life. Every morning, she wakes up early and makes breakfast (including coffee). She enjoys having breakfast with families everyday. she

believes that family members are the most important element of a family.

// She can be back home on time, but her husband usually be

the breakfast time would be the only family time between them. // For her, drinking coffee is a hobbit to start an energetic day everyday. But she won’t judge the quality or back late from work. In this case,

the taste of coffee strictly.



Problem and solutions I noticed that like family members, every part of coffee maker has its own functionality. When they get together, all parts work as unity, like a family. Therefore, I focused on how to blend two similar images into one, allowing a coherent existence of the coffee maker at home.



Ideation I had two ideas to fulfill target user’s expectation: 1) If I could combine its form with family member’s image. 2) The voice is also an identification of different members.


-----------------------------------------------------water boiler

coffee pot filter

Form Develeopment To be consistent with American coffee maker’s easyoperating steps, it should be simple, but still clearly represent its characteristic.



Detail Refinement When shaping the mock-up, I found that the

After finishing form and function arrangement on paper, I built a digital CAD model to refine my design in SolidWorks. I could compare different proportion and adjust it quickly on the computer. In order to confirm its size in the real world, I made mocksup to examine if my design fits its surroundings.


size of coffee maker set in the computer was much bigger than I thought.

-----------------------------------------------------I received useful feedbacks from classmates and professors during the presentation, and I modified the shape of my design.



Final Design Exterior

Boiler DAD (boil water) :

I used classical responsibilities of family members and their distinctive clothes to present each member’s character. Bright colors make the coffee maker happy and lively.

Heater HOUSE: A foundation of a house, a reflection of a lovely family.


I am strong, dependable and upright. I wear a suit to work and make money to support my family. I love my family very much!


Filter MOM (water+powder-->coffee) : I am kind, tender and slender. I cook for my husband and children, so I usually wear my apron. I love my family very much!

Coffee pot SON (coffee) : I am cute, energetic and chubby. I have to wear a bib in breakfast time. My parents raise me. I love them very much!



voice frequency

Final Design Interior


thick and deep


spry and brisk SON

light and sharp

Boiler DAD (boil water) :

Filter MOM (water+powder-->coffee) :

Coffee pot SON (coffee) :

The interior of the water container doesn’t directly contact the exterior (like a vacuum bottle). As water is poured in the container, special form and metal material make the falling water produce continuous sounds.

Before boiled water flow into the coffee filter, it will flow through a little flute which is set in tube. Therefore, it will produce elegant sound like a bird.

The interior of this pot has set a stainless inclined plane. When coffee drips from the filter and falls into the pot, it will knock the plane and produce sound.


-----------------------------------------------------Vision: I expect that this coffee maker could convey a great image of happy family and spread warm atmosphere in the breakfast time. Every morning, people can hear happy sounds while making coffee, which brings them an energetic start of every day.



Clean Step a public trash can in night market The goal in this project was to find the problem through careful observation on human’s unconscious behavior. As noticing some repetitious patterns, I conducted series of interview with the users to figure out their problem. Henry Ford once said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” People hardly realize their REAL problems. Through this project, I learned the importance of observing and interviewing.

Completed: Dec 2011-Jan 2012, for 7 weeks

Course: Industrial design(I)

Supervisor: Yi Shin, Deng

Project type: Study as a team, develop problem and design individually





Project Research

We observed people throwing trash in various places.

We chose throwing trash as topic because people don’t pay much attention when they throw trash. We were looking forward to finding something special that people showed it unconsciously. The most interesting aspect for me was that I didn’t know what I would find out. I had to pay attention in every detail and zoom into people’s action.

Night market

We found a notable pattern appearing frequently after people throw trash: they would rub their fingers. So we conducted the first interview to understand why they did it.




Topic selection

1st observation (patterns)

throwing trash

look for notable patterns

-----------------------------------------------------People repeatedly rubbed their fingers or clothes, but they didn’t seem to know it.

We found it happened most commonly in the night market, but we didn’t know why they did it. Therefore, We interviewed several people to ask their feelings. Through the interviews, we realized that people did this gesture because they thought trash is dirty, and their hands would get dirty when holding it. The unpleasant feelings pushed them to rub fingers to clean them up.

1st interview (feelings)

2nd observation (environment)

1st ideation

2nd interview

find out human’s feelings

observe environment’s influence

create scenarios

correct design direction

2nd ideation


-------------------------------------------------------------Trash in the night market: I collected all types of trash in the night market. Lots of sauces and food remains adhered to the plastic packing, making trash greasy and oily. “It is hard for me to keep my hands clean during eating in the night market, and there is no fountain or tissue for cleaning my hands, so I rub fingers to make sure there is no sauce on my hands.” interviewee, 20 years old, student

“This DIRTY HIGH trash can really stresses me out... I have to stay away from it.”


-----------------------------------------------------2nd observation: In order to realize why people rub fingers frequently in the night market, I went back to the place to watch the environment, trash and the trash can. It really sur-


prised me that how many problems I could find by just

In such a noisy and crowded environment, people just wanted to


dispose of dirty trash as soon as possible, so they wouldn’t compress trash. Although there were lots of trash cans, they still failed to contain all trash. As a result, much trash fell on the ground surrounding the trash can.



Problem and solutions

2nd interview

There are two key points: 1) The greasy feeling on people’s hands makes them unpleasant. 2) Trash on the ground makes dirty environment surrounding the trash can. In fact, it is a vicious circle; people wouldn’t waste time to compress trash because of the dirty environment, which made trash all over the place. Consequently, the environment became dirtier. I wondered if I could fix the unfavorable situation in the night market. In the early process of conceptual development, I conducted the second interview. I drew six scenarios and discussed with two prototypes of persona on the Skype. Through the discussion I understood their preferences and requirements, which helped me to correct my design direction.

don’t dispose of trash carefully



makes people uncomfortable


“I don’t like to be forced to compress trash. I love feedback, and I think that concrete feedback is more useful than mental one.”


Ideation Based on personas’ feedback, I wanted to use water as incentive to encourage people to compress their trash, and the pump hand’s mechanism inspired me to combine two things into one action.

The form of Clean Step was derived from water erosion. When water flows through the rock for long time, it scours out a beautiful cambered surface on the rock. The distinctive form not only provides large area for receiving rainfall, but also reminds people the power of nature.



Final Design

Inside circulation: Through



process, water can be repeatedly used for weeks.

1) filter screen: collect food waste

When the cleaner comes to clean the space, he can also exchange the filter

2) carbon filter

and water.

3) oil-water seperator

water container

3.1 Wash hands

good mood

outlet 1. Throw trash

3.2 Compress trash

clean environment

2. Step pedal

(compress trash & pump water)

filter water

(for repeatedly using)

store water


-----------------------------------------------------Vision: With Clean Step’s participation in the trash-throwing circulation, I want to change the relationship between people and environment. Nevertheless, I understand that there are still several problems when putting Clean Step in the real world. Therefore, in the future, I expect myself to make a working model to examine its’ utilization and effect. help people compress trash


Clean Step


provide water for washing hand

Water outlet




“Fined” a seat-finding system in the library In this teamwork project, we used abundant design methodologies to conduct research and understand the interaction between user and environment. We designed both product and new interface to improve the relationship of user and environment. Utilizing design methodology correctly helped us to create clear design guidelines in a large-scale issue. In design process, we could focus on design and didn’t worry about wandering off the topic. I learned the manufacture process of CNC and tube bending during making a full size mock-up.

Completed: Mar-Jun 2012, for 13 weeks

Course: Industrial design(II)

Supervisor: Yuan Chi, Tseng

Co-designers: Yun Fu, Hsieh // Chen Ting, Chung



Fined Find a fine seat



Project Research

“The NCKU library includes 7 floors with more than 2000 seats for people. However, they still wasted time in finding available seats.�

Interview STEPS: 1) Follow users in entering the library and observe how do they find seats. 2) Interview the users to understand their experiences of finding seats.


-----------------------------------------------------In fact, there are always available seats for people in library. People couldn’t find a seat because they had more specific preference. For example, every person likes different light and table type. We found that library users usually choose the floor at first. This habit affected our design in the future.

Problem(re-defined): “Students wasted time at finding seats.”

“Library users waste time in finding the seats THEY LIKE” Objective: Develop an interface for library users to help them to quickly find the seats they are looking for.



Data Analysis There are several factors that affect people’s decision to choose a seat. In order to help them to find the seats they would be satisfied, we need to do much more researches to figure out the factors. The methodology is not a perfect formula to produce the best solution. It’s a tool that helps us to get a deeper understanding of the context of issue. It helps us to design a product that correctly satisfied user’s needs.

Affinity Diagram Based on the first interview, we organized interviewees’ answers and crystallized the elements to specific categories. Affinity diagram helped us to eliminate several individual cases and summarize 9 main factors.

10:45 pm, 2012.3.21





window 13.44%

Data Evaluation

Experience Attribute

In order to compare importance of each factor, we conducted the second interview. After interviewing with 32 library users, we quantified data and made a radar chart.

This methodology helped us to make an agreement with design imagination. In the ideation phase, it enhanced our efficiency.

We discarded “emotion” (combine with other factors) and “air conditioning” (too individually). Besides, we found that “sunlight” is one of important reasons users would care about “window”.

handwriting data, interviewee #26

Imagining our design’s style and expected value, we proposed 41 terms to draw an outline of our design. Through discussion, we made every confusing word clear and identical to us. In the end, we classified all terms to 4 groups and chose the most representative terms in every group.


Figurative, not specific


Amiable, not enthusiastic


For people, not for person


Operate easily, not just simple form





We seperated our solution to two stages:

Idea Sketching

Stage1 Library users can get a general understanding of each floor at the entrance of library. They will realize which floors have greater opportunity to find seats. Stage2 In every floor, users can choose the factors they care about, and the interface will help them to find the right seats easily.

We expected it clearly understand and non-disturbed. People can feel free to get useful information from the interface. It should serve as a public art device in the library.

General indication library entrance

Specific indication 11 vacant tables left. no vacant table now on this floor.

building entrance

pond and fish, leisurely, peaceful Refined

people, leisurely, peaceful, easy to understand.

floor‘s entrance



vacant seats

Many seats,

Few seats,

Many seats,

many vacant seats.

few vacant seats.

few vacant seats.


STAGE2 Idea Sketching

Prototype Evaluation

Final Form

Paper model

Digital model

Topple over easily !!

v isu a l ly

We followed the consequence of experience attribute

We made a 1:1 prototype to examine its function and form.

to design an elegant, light and simple form, which

As a result, the prototype toppled over easily when using

could perfectly blend into the library’s atmosphere.

interface. Its form also made it hard to fit all places in the

l i g ht

le tab es or m

library. According to the defects, we re-designed the form.



Final Mock-up STAGE2

The form was inspired by scroll.

The wood material can blend into the library’s environment.

Physical buttons reduce unsure feelings when users press buttons for multiple factors.


ABS for book shelves.

Deep grey’s iron tube provides open space.





1) Final mock-up in the library. 2) The white book shelves can protect interface. 3) Interface on the wall of floor’s entrance. 4) Iron stand provides relatively light visual weight.



5) The curve for shelving books.



Final Interface STAGE1



Final Interface STAGE2



Using Process We made a video to show the scenario of using process.


1 1) Enter the building.

2 2) Get ready entering the library.

3 3) Watch the interface on the ground.

Go to STAGE2 4 4) The 4th floor looks the most empty.


5 5) Enter the library and go to the 4th floor !

-----------------------------------------------------Scenario 1/ floor entrance


Scenario 2/ atrium space


Press ”window”

”vacant table”

to see sunlight

Find the seat I LIKE !!




a screwdriver for all types of screw

Background and Concept I always keep myself sensitive to any potential problem encountered in daily lives, and try to come up with a design to fix them. The idea of Anyscrew came from unpleasant experiences in using multi-heads screwdriver. Instead of looking for the right heads fitting to required screw type, an all-purpose screwdriver is the easiest tool that we designed.

Completed: Dec 2012, for 2 weeks

Co-designers: Chen Ting, Chung // Chao Jan, Hsu





The head with special structure can be applied to different forms of screws.




Collaboration Experiment Marketing Internship Workshop Sketch board




a lamp for recording message to families

Background The course provided us a great opportunity to collaborate with the biggest 3C Consumer Electronic Store in Taiwan. We were asked to design the mood lighting. It was my first time to lead a group and discuss our ideas with a client.

Leave a light


& your voices for families

Inspired by “the letter in a bottle�, the recording lamp provides a media to leave the verbal messages for the family members who get home late from work. We visualized the sound by lights to let people to show their love and warmth to their families.

Completed: May-Jun 2011, for 5 weeks

Course: product design(II)

Supervisor: Fang Chuan, Lin

Co-designers: Po Cheng, Hou // Yu Wen, Shih // Kuan Yen, Chen

In collaboration with: Tsannkuen Enterprise CO., LTD

Recording mode/

Playing mode/

The flowing light will fill up the bottle

The colorful light will

gradually, like the sound message is

flow and change with

putting in the bottle.

voice volume and frequency.




a light pattern experiment

Background In this project, we made used of different materials and forms to complete every week’s task. IceFire is my work for the lighting topic.

Concept I utilized a special structure with the feature of acrylic to create the image of snowflakes. I tried various manufacturing processes in every unit to make it seen unique in different views.

Completed: Jun 2010, for 1 week 1st year of my BA program in Taiwan

Course: basic design(II)

Supervisor: Jia Yung, Hung

Project type: individual work



WindBox x Marketing Background During my sophomore year, I took the director position of souvenir design and marketing in the NCKU Design Week. As a leader of team, in spite of design part, I was also responsible for whole manufacturing and commercialized process.

Open the Window x WINDBOX

Achievement We sold 600 units in five days and made revenue of over 100 thousand NT dollars.

What I learned This event gave me a great opportunity to learn cost control and marketing related knowledge. I spent two months to negotiate with factories and organized the sales process flow. Through this event, I also realized the importance of resources planning.

To answer to that year’s theme, “ Open the Window”, our team designed a distinctive gift for boys to show their love to girls. As the wind blows into the window box, the spinning windmill in the box sends the boy’s adoring message to his true love.

Limited edition



Chinese paper cutting

We designed various types of paper-cut window decoration and colors to attract different customers. Every day we prepared limited edition to keep high attention and interest from customers.



AimCulture x Internship Background AimCulture is an exhibition design company. I learned basic skills of exhibition design in the first month. In the second month, I started to work with other intern partners (I served as a team leader) and made two proposals for the company.

What I learned The exhibition design provided me a different view on the space allocation. When designing for the large-scale exhibition, high quality of proportional space arrangement is the most important element.



ATTECH x public art workshop Background I am always fascinated with how public art affects people relationship. So I participated in the 3-day workshop and worked with cross-disciplinary teams from NTU. The ideas from different fields really stimulated my mind and enriched my point of view.

Concept When people are gradually immersing themselves in social networking, they ignore real people close to them. ATTECH breaks the 2D world and builds the bridge of encounter for people. When you look up, you may see another real person be also looking at you from ATTECH.



Sketch board I love drawing because not only I like to observe the world surrounding me and put it on my drawings but also I can convey my imagination to the world through it. Ever since I was a child, I never stop training my drawing skills.

2 1 3

1) morph sketch// 2012, pen 2) telescope camera // 2013, photoshop, pen tablet 3) curved coffee maker // 2013, photoshop, pen tablet


-----------------------------------------------------5 4


4) E-3LUE Cobra JR // 2013, pencil, photoshop, pen tablet 5) dessert plane // 2014, photoshop, pen tablet 6) automobile practice // 2011, pen, color pencil, marker



Steampunk x coffee maker x pencil sketchs


-----------------------------------------------------steampunk coffee makers // 2014, pencil, brown paper



FactorX Jogging Jogging is my favorite exercise. I like it because the sense of persistence inspires me instead of the speed or distance that I can run.

The price to be persistent in jogging is to always be able to find more beautiful sceneries in the next mile. Persistence and the spirit of never-give-up help me to stay confront of every challenge without fear and to overcome every hurdle in my life.

“Keep running, keep learning.�



Jerry Ding 886 975 277 079


Keep running, keep learning

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