differ depending on those who are in upper management and the mission of the company. In many cases, there can fear or mistrust in the workplace due to a lack of ethical standards or care. If you want to create a compassionate workplace culture, there are a few tips to follow.
PRACTICE KINDNESS You’ll need to set the example in the office by practicing kindness when interacting with different people. Make it a point to greet everyone that you see and take an interest in their lives. Use your manners, remain positive, and put others first instead of only looking out for yourself. You can practice random acts of kindness that are intentional by getting coffee for the employees or leaving a kind note on someone’s desk.
POST MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES Creating a compassionate workplace will require posting motivational quotes throughout the office or in your emails to set the tone of the setting. You can also encourage your employees individual with meetings that are scheduled to help them feel empowered by your words of affirmation.
PLAN TEAMBUILDING ACTIVITIES Consider planning team-building activities that allow everyone to work together and get to know each other more on a consistent basis. The activities can be performed in the office or off-site to allow everyone to have a break with a fun activity that will create closer bonds within the company. Allow your employees to have input on the type of activities that they’d like to participate in to ensure that everyone has input.
OFFER A HELPING HAND Practicing compassion in the workplace means lending a helping hand to someone who may need it when they’re feeling overwhelmed and are on a deadline. Help them with their work and ask what you can do to make it an easier process. Showing that you care will motivate other people to do the same in the office.
WELCOME NEW EMPLOYEES Take new employees under your wing to help them feel welcome and at ease as they first start working for the company. Take them out to lunch, show them around the building, and ask them if they have any questions to ensure that they can settle in easier and feel more at home as they’re starting out.