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Jerry Teo
Find me at jerry@jrtsports.sg Jerry - Form of GERALD. Spear Warrior... A daredevil who shows opinion or even argue abt certain subject even knowing that problem may arise it might bring him. An individual who think if it is black - It's black. No 2 way about it.. Of course when I decide to do something, I will put my mind & energy in it.Always try my best to excel into everything i do. but of coz, certain things are within my mean, then too bad :) To me new does not always mean better and I see no reason to skip from one fad to the next. I value things that have stood the test of time, things that have proved themselves. I hate to kill time because it would be cruel, and after all, every moment is precious. life is a one lap race and we shall enjoy every moment, getting lots out of life, because we had put lots in. I love to be right, and take great pains to avoid ever being wrong. I can be compulsively rational and some see me as a perfectionist. Tend to listen to "inner critic", inner set of sta