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Insight From The Future If you look into the Earth’s future you will find spiritually advanced communities with their own schools and colleges with spiritual development and technology on the curriculum. Whilst in the early part of the 21st century, people were luck to find anyone who could teach them basic skills such as breathing properly and Astral Projection. Going forward you will find schools where such rudimentary skills are taught to infants. For completeness, you will also find parallel communities where such things are not taught, but right now you will have little interest in them because that is where you have come from. Instead you will look to the future and draw guidance about what is both possible and will be achieved. PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!
" I originally consulted David to get some Healing. During
Strategic Advancement Education is one of the key advances that makes modern societies flourish and advance. We recognise that it is essential for everyone to be able to read, write and perform mathematical computations. It is also clear that a global common language assist the communication of advances; hence everyone is progressively adopting English words and Islamic numerals. Similarly, there is obvious advantage in learning the universal language of telepathy. When you communicate with other beings in non-human form this is what you primarily use. So if you and your children wish to be properly educated, this must form part of the curriculum. Advanced beings can do it, and it is time for most human beings to make this advance.
the course of our work he showed me how to connect with the Astral World. This has been a life changing experience as I now have an easy connection to kind and loving guiding spirits. I have also made a new friend who I meet with on the Astral. We both have fun looking on and helping each other. Everyone should try learn
this skill."
Astral Academies Not Physically Present
Wenda Ramsamy
On Earth, you can go to a building, such as a collage, to learn and practice skills. You can also probably learn the same things if a teacher set up a classroom in the middle of a field. All that is important is that some type of training forum is arranged. However, such training forums are physical Earht Plane (deliberate spelling) arrangements. Whereas, Astral Academies are actually located in the Astral World. To attend such academies obviously requires being able to reach them. So whist you could affix a placard saying "Astral Academy� upon the outside of any Earth building, or field, the real training does not occur upon the physical level. The spiritual advancement you are seeking is substantially delivered in the Astral World. Any Earthly outpost of an Astral Academy is merely a training centre through which you get access to the Astral World’s academes. -
Better Astral Projection PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete st website to PDF automatically!
At the beginning of the 21st century the vast majority of Astral Projection training used the ‘heavy’ approach (see main menu). The fundamental handicap of heavy projection is that getting it to work relies on sending the physical body to sleep whilst keeping the mind awake. The result is that most people attempting this approach fall asleep or get lost in a lucid dream. Furthermore, a heavy astral body is happiest in the world of dreams and earthly gravity. So whilst it can ‘fly’ it tends to return to Earth. If you want to visit higher dimensions, a heavy astral body has to be jettisoned. You can jettison a heavy astral body from a lucid dream and go ‘up’. Useful places to visit like the human heavens are beyond the world of lucid dreams, but accessible from it. But in a lucid dream state, remembering to jettison anything is inherently difficult. Would it not be far simpler to simply leave a heavy astral vehicle behind in the first place ? Would it not also be more interesting to initiate Astral journeys whilst fully awake ?
"This is a really big
Would you learn and remember more if you were fully awake ?
breakthrough for me,
The approach we want to share with you is how to do Astral Projection in a way that gives you immediate access to higher levels and locations such as Astral Academy’s. Put it this way; our first job is to get you onto the bus that takes you to school. -
Attending College David McCready was trained Astrally. The McCready & Associates team were trained Astrally. Your destiny has a similar path. Once you are given basic training, an amazing duality exists. From any physical location, you just ‘park’ your human body, let the energy state rise to a ‘normal’ level (not the low Earth level one), and you can immediately be with your Astral teachers. To attend college, you need to learn how to get there. PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!
Thanks David, Thanks Guides :-) " Zoltan Miklos -----------
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Astral Academy Courses Depending on how you perceive the situation, there is one academy split into many branches, or just many academies. Regardless, you will initially be directed towards an academy dealing with matters relating to human consciousness and the Earht Plane. For simplicity, you could say that courses fall into 2 overlapping categories; physical and spiritual advancement. Physical advancement includes; art, music, literature, engineering, science, medicine, and any physical activity. Spiritual advancement includes; the human energy system, Astral energies and beings, meeting alien beings. See the Astral ‘notice board’ for further details. -
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