The Newsletter of Jersey City Museum • Volume 14 • Fall 2008
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Fall 2008 edition of re:view, the museum’s online newsletter. Fall is a season of transition, and as the trees change their leaves and the days grow shorter, here at Jersey City Museum, we change each of our nine galleries and fill them with new exhibitions. Be sure to see the long awaited retrospective, “Deliverance” THE ART OF BEN JONES 1970 – 2008, which spans Jones's career as an artist, professor, mentor and community activist, and be sure to check out the beautiful hardcover exhibition catalog as well as an in-depth documentary DVD. Both were created exclusively for “Deliverance” and are available for purchase at the museum store. Ben Jones is a dear friend of the museum and we are proud to present this monumental exhibition in celebration of his achievements.
collection. We remain grateful to Bank of America for their generous support of A Community Collects. We are also delighted to inaugurate the museum ninth exhibition space: The García Gallery. Thanks to a generous gift from Trustee, Ofelia García, the space was transformed from an underused reading room to a gallery devoted to the exhibition of works on paper. Currently on view is The Gift, which features a small selection of works donated to the museum by Ms. García.
In the Project Gallery, you’ll find RoCa: Jersey Style, by the wonderful New Jersey artist Rodriguez Calero, whose cast of collaged characters are made from a variety of borrowed images that move, challenge and disturb. And be sure to check out our new 1x1s, whose diverse works can be spotted throughout the museum. Please visit us soon to take in these exciting changes for yourself!
Marion Grzesiak Executive Director
Also on view is A Community Collects, an exhibition featuring artworks loaned by art collectors from throughout New Jersey. A highlight of the exhibition the masterwork, Still Life with Fruit, by the noted American still-life painter, Severin Roesen. The painting was brought to the museum’s attention in early 2008 by a New Jersey collector, who was unaware of the work’s importance. After being conserved and cleaned, it is now, for the very first time, being publicly displayed in our galleries. Be sure to visit, The Boudoir, a fanciful recreation of an early twentieth century bedroom as it might have appeared in a Jersey City home, which features objects from the museum’s Severin Roesen, Still Life with Fruit, c. 1860s, (before and after restoration) Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 in., Private collection