Seven tips to reduce plastic pollution

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Say no to plastic straws. Paper straws are offered as an alternative in most cafes now, but you could buy your own made from bamboo or metal. They’ll last you for a long time if you take care of them

Use a reusable water bottle. Nearly one million plastic drink bottles are sold around the world every minute! Instead of buying a bottle of water, fill up your reusable flask before you go out – you’ll produce less plastic waste and save some money, too!

Avoid plastic carrier bags. No thank you

Did you know it takes more than 20 years for a plastic bag to decompose? Make sure you and your family take reusable bags with you on your next trip to the shops

Snack on fruit instead of crisps or sweets. Fruit fills you up in a healthy way, and there’s no extra plastic packaging. Switching your snack to fruit means you’ll be looking after your body as well as the environment

Buy an ice cream with a cone. You’ll reduce your plastic wrapper waste – and you’ll get to enjoy a crunchy, tasty treat, too!

Never litter! Sometimes you have to use plastic – and that’s okay. But you should always reuse and recycle whenever you can, and never leave plastic in the environment. Rubbish left on the ground often blows into ponds and rivers, eventually making its way to the ocean.

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