Design a castle
D ESIGN A CASTLE Have a go at designing your own castle from cardboard boxes, loo roll or anything you’ve got around the house. Make it as big or as small as you want and don’t forget to decorate it. There’s some ideas in the next pages to get you started. Remember, it’s your castle, you design it however you want Send in photos of your castle creations to
Heritage at Home
Design a castle
Heritage at Home
Watch our video about Mont Orgueil Castle to find out about different areas of a castle.
Design a castle
D ESIGN A CASTLE Do you remember the ‘Build a Castle’ Discovery Day at Mont Orgueil? We had so much fun working together to create amazing structures from boxes and tapes. How big can you go? Here are some pictures to inspire you.
Heritage at Home
Design a castle
D ESIGN A CASTLE MOAT OR DITCH Protect your castle with a moat filled with water, or dig a ditch around your castle.
GUARD TOWER Make sure you add some holes in the wall for soldiers to fire arrows or cannons.
Heritage at Home
Design a castle
D ESIGN A CASTLE GATES People and supplies needed access to the castle on a daily basis, but building a road with a door leading into the castle made a weak spot in the castle’s defense. Design a gate and gate house to stop this problem. Build a fortified entrance (very strong walls and doors), with lots of different obstacles like a portcullis or a drawbridge .
Heritage at Home
Design a castle
D ESIGN A CASTLE CURTAIN WALL The curtain wall was the huge stone wall which wrapped around the outside of a castle. A curtain wall had to be incredibly strong to withstand battering rams and missiles. LOWER WARD The area at the bottom of castle, like Mont Orgueil Castle, is called the lower ward, ordinary working people such as blacksmiths would have lived down there along with animals kept at the castle.
Heritage at Home
Design a castle
D ESIGN A CASTLE MIDDLE WARD This area is called the middle ward because it’s in the middle of the three sections of the castle, more important people such as priests and soldiers would have lived here. THE KEEP The Keep was the highest, strongest and most secure place within a castle, it was built in the centre or at the very top of the castle. LIVING QUARTERS This will be right at top of your castle. The most important people would have stayed here such as visiting Lords, Ladies, Kings and Queens.
Heritage at Home