LESS Lifestyle Property Magazine

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Issue 1

Welcome LESS is a brand new publication from Thompson Estates. Less is produced in Jersey and is about Jersey. It focuses on the influences that make the island unique and the lifestyles that we find here. It is for people who appreciate the finer things in life. People like you. Aspire to LESS.

Published by: The Partnership, 6 Vine Street, Royal Square, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4WB (Tel: 01534 728527) Editor: Kiri Turpin Copy Editor: Rob Jefferson-Brown Contributors: Kirsten Morel, Louise Nibbs, Rob Jefferson-Brown, Chris Morvan Designed by: Phil Regan Photographers: Peter Trenchard, Corey Littlefair www.lessmagazine.info All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited.


issue 1

5H igh Rankin’

57 P oor little rich kids

Restaurateur Shaun Rankin invites Less to join him while he throws his own dinner party

12 R elaxing rituals Dr Kerur gives us a guided tour of the Hotel De France Ayush Spa

19 A rt attack Less casts a critical eye over the philosophy behind some of Jersey’s public sculptures

24 L ouisa Humphrey Jersey based Louisa designs bespoke interiors to make people’s dreams come true

31 T he finest, not fastest Speed is not always the essence as Less looks at three different ways of reaching your destination

38 T he finer things Antique dealer David Hick offers 10 tips on how to make your home breathtaking, unique and striking

45 S pend, spend, spend Three memorable ways to spend anything up to £1,000,000 on unusual gifts

52 T he entrepreneur game What makes an entrepreneur tick? Less finds out

What your wealth could mean to your children

64 L esley Wickings

The personal dresser and owner of Marc Cain and Renaissance tells LESS about her success

72 T he promoter

Less talks to Nigel Philpott, the man who promotes Jersey to potential 1(1)ks

78 P roperty introduction A keyhole look at some of the exclusive properties available on the Jersey market

80 V illa des Pas Green Street, St Helier

84 C hateau Royale Le Chemin Au Greves, Grouville

88 L a Hougue

La Grande Route de St Pierre, St Peter

94 B lue Vista

La Rue de La Vista, St Lawrence

98 C hateau Le Rocque

La Grande Route des Sablons, Grouville

104 T he Grange Route des Landes, St Ouen

110 K eeping it confidential An important year for Thompson Estates

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igh Rankin’

haun Rankin is arguably one of Jersey’s best known and talented chefs. He opened the St Helier based Bohemia restaurant as executive chef four and a half years ago, and one Michelin star later, thanks to his hard work and dedication, Bohemia is going from strength to strength. But the taste of success comes at a price - Chefs are not renowned for having reams of time free to socialise with friends. Sheer hard work has got the restaurant the reputation it now has, and for Shaun and his team at Bohemia, that means hours of long shifts in order to keep Bohemia - and its reputation at the top of its game. >>

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haun began cooking when he was 16, and now 35 has built a career as someone with a flair for savouring and delivering that something a little bit different. It is perhaps that ability to combine good food and great people which, on a rare day off, brings Shaun and six of his close friends - plus partner Cheryl - together for a rare evening meal behind Bohemia’s closed doors. ‘I work every day apart from Sunday,’ said Shaun with a smile, weighing up which bottle of wine to choose for the dinner party. ‘I’m at work at 9 am, then spend all day in the kitchens, perhaps leaving at four. Then I’m back at five, and that’s it for the rest of the night.’

It isn’t rare for Shaun to finish a shift in Bohemia’s kitchens at 1 am. Partner Cheryl, who is the manager of the neighbouring Club and Spa is understanding about the long hours. It is clear that Shaun relishes his job and the challenges it presents, but he is also looking forward to an opportunity to entertain people that he rarely gets to see. ‘What I’m looking forward to is actually being able to talk to my guests,’ he says. ‘That doesn’t happen in the restaurant after a long shift. I’m not a table surfer. But I love being able to entertain like this.’ For the dinner party menu, Shaun has drawn inspiration from fresh, tasty produce. The menu begins with simple, fresh hand dived scallops. ‘These are beautiful, and are picked by hand, not by dredger,’ he explains. ‘A diver can get closer to the rocks that the biggest, best scallops are on. Local fare is the best which is why I’m using them. They take a day to prepare but the taste is worth it. You can get scallops every week of the year but the divers will only go for them in the summer because of the weather.’ The dish is complemented with truffles, artichokes and a bottle of Pinot Grigio. ‘What I’ve chosen for the meal are some nice vinos,’ says Shaun. ‘After this, we’re having a red Lebanese wine to accompany the lamb. You don’t need to spend £100 a bottle.’ >>

‘ I’m not a table surfer. But I love being able to entertain like this.’

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‘ What can I say? It’s just wonderful to have a chef personally prepare you a meal’

The guests arrive to enjoy a glass of champagne and are greeted by Shaun dressed in a blue striped apron, with time for a chat before the starters are served. Eagerly looking forward to the meal are two of Bohemia’s regular customers, Dr Andrew and Mrs Helen Borthwick-Clark, who are both radiographers at the Hospital. ‘We love this place,’ enthuses Andrew. ‘When Bohemia first opened we came here all the time, because we weren’t sure if Jersey would support it. But it has, and we are so pleased. It’s a wonderful place. Shaun is in my opinion, the island’s best chef. I used to eat in another restaurant he cooked in, Charlie Trotter’s in Chicago.’ Andrew and Helen enjoy watching Shaun cook first-hand when they dine at Bohemia; the couple will often enjoy canapés and champagne in the kitchen before they sit down to eat. ‘It’s a great opportunity for us to catch up with Shaun,’ says friend Andy du Val, a financial adviser for Moore Stephens, who is relaxing before dinner with his wife Ann. ‘Otherwise we might not see him! He’s good fun. What can I say? It’s just wonderful to have a chef personally prepare you a meal.’ Empty wine glasses and empty plates are always a sign of a good meal, and both are in evidence as they are cleared away to make way for the next course. ‘This is new seasonal lamb which has been milk-fed, served with a local honeycomb and goat’s cheese,’ said Shaun. ‘Accompanied by new season peas and Jersey Royals which are also in season.’

As the attractively laid out plates are brought out to the table from the kitchen, Shaun gives more detail about the dish. ‘I’ve cooked the lamb as an assiette,’ he explains. ‘The best bits of the lamb, all cooked differently. The neck, the loin and the shoulder have all been used.’ ‘The tastes are exquisite,’ announces Angela Berry, the business development manager and group marketing director for David Hick Interiors. ‘Shaun is a clever chef. This all tastes wonderful, a very considered dish.’

Words: Louise Nibbs, images: Peter Trenchard

All around the table, the compliments are coming as fast as Shaun is bringing food out of the kitchens. ‘It’s great to actually be able to sit down and eat with him,’ says JEP advertising executive Lorenzo Nardoni, who is at the dinner party with wife Ailish. ‘I did see him recently at his stag party, but he’s busy. He works so hard. We don’t get a chance to see him much so this is a real treat.’ With a pause before dessert is served, the guests take time to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of Bohemia, before tucking into delicious vanilla pannacotta with gingerbread, caramel ice cream and crumbly cookies. The different tastes and textures appear to be a hit with the guests. And Shaun’s verdict? ‘I’ve had a great time,’ he says, looking round the table, not at all fazed or flustered by cooking, eating and entertaining at the same time. ‘For me, this is an ideal day.’

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Relaxing Rituals


magine working in an environment so natural and relaxing that the outdoors comes to you no matter where you are in your office For Dr Prasanna Kerur, an Ayur vedic consultant, his ‘office’ is Jersey’s only Ayush spa, a working environment far removed from an open-plan office. Pools of calm water flow outside his consulting room at the Hotel de France, and wooden blinds cool the large, air y room where he meets with his patients. On the

floor below, swimming pools in a large, white space flood the spirit with peace while light dances on the water. In the distance, even busy St Helier seems silent and still. His appointment marks the seriousness with which the Hotel de France treats its newest investment, the Ayush Wellness Spa, and Dr Kerur’s own journey is as fascinating as the treatments and philosophy on offer to both Islanders and visitors alike. ‘The people of Jersey are not new to Ayurveda, but the Ayush Wellness Spa is new to Jersey,’ he said. ‘People here are open-minded and well travelled. They like new things, yet they seemed to already know a lot about the concept of Ayurveda.’

LESS talks to Dr Prasanna Kerur, Ayurvedic consultant of the Ayush Wellness Spa, Hotel De France, Jersey

Dr Kerur began his studies as a Sanskrit student in Southern India,

architect involved in the project to influence the fabric of the building,

yet he was also interested in medicine.

as well as the treatments and the Ayur vedic menu on offer.

‘As time went on Ayurvedic medicine was something I wanted to study

‘There are five basic elements,’ he explained, ‘and we have tried to bring these

more and more,’ he said. He did so for six years and then became a doctor

in. We have space, air, fire, water and earth. If you can bring these inside

of medicine, working as an assistant professor and consultant in Southern

you can create a good space which nourishes human beings. So, your fire

India, before hearing about an Ayur vedic programme at Thames Valley

comes from proper lighting, and your urban environment can be made up

University in the UK.

of natural fabrics such as stones and wood. You can bring the outside in.’

Eventually, his work brought him to the UK, via both Thames Valley

It is a philosophy which has been carried through to ever y corner of the

University and Middlesex University, which offered both an undergraduate

wing dedicated to the Wellness Spa. Light floods a well placed yoga studio,

course and a postgraduate course in Ayur vedic medicine.

while a dark ‘quiet room’ on the same floor contains a calming water

‘I enjoyed teaching both in India and England,’ he said. He heard about Jersey through one of his students, a local woman who is an Ayur vedic practitioner. ‘She has inspired me, and suggested I come and practice in Jersey,’ he said. ‘What attracted me about the Hotel de France was a willingness to of fer authentic Ayurvedic treatments. There was a clear vision of the island as an Ayurvedic destination.’ From an early stage in the project, Dr Kerur was able to speak to the

feature. In the treatment rooms, bamboo strips hang over head, separating the treatment beds from the ceiling, creating light and space in a private cocoon. ‘This is a place to re-connect and re-balance the body, mind and spirit,’ he said. ‘We obtain our energy from three dif ferent places; from air, from heat and water. This is known as the three energy principle. Air, heat and water are our basic energy forms. If one of these things is not present, or is dominant, then life cannot be sustained. If we have a gap with nature, that can lead >>

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‘ Wellness should be a continual feeling and something we aim for.’

to problems, and our ‘doshas’ suf fer. These are Vata, Pita and Kapha which represent air, fire and water. When all three of these are in balance, that is when we get the right connection and wellness. Wellness should be a continual feeling and something we aim for.’ Perhaps unsurprisingly, the treatments on offer are aimed at balancing the ‘dosha’ or constitution, which can be diagnosed for a client via a consultation. ‘Each one of us can be given a special blend of oils or herbs, and we can strike a balance with treatments depending on someone’s constitution,’ he said. ‘Our interest lies in what the client requires. Problems as diverse as sleep issues, digestive problems and stress can

explains, is crucial to this. ‘The materials we have used are all linking to create beautiful areas which are not clinical,’ he said. ‘This is not a conveyor belt. We would like to of fer people a complete experience.’ That experience begins with a consultation, perhaps over a cup of herbal tea. It is refreshing and sweet, still satisfying with no caffeine ‘high’ to reach. ‘We don’t of fer caf feinated drinks,’ Dr Kerur said with a smile. ‘We of fer what the body requires, and that applies to our menu too. This is not a mere

all be aided by the treatments on of fer here.’

pampering spa, it is a wellness place with a luxury element also there.

The break from the world for clients can be as long as they choose;

recuperating and for people who suf fer emotional or physical problems.

with some people opting for specially prepared long-stay packages in the dedicated spa bedrooms. Or, you can opt for a half day treat with a

It is beneficial for everyone; for people who want to relax, for people We are of fering not only a treatment, but a ritual.’

unique massage. The choice is yours. The aim is to give clients treatments which not only relax them, but which work to improve health and ‘ground’ them so they feel physically reconnected to nature. The ambience of the Ayush Wellness Spa, Dr Kerur

Words: Louise Nibbs, images: Peter Trenchard

Contact information: Ayush Wellness Spa Hotel de France St Saviour’s Road Tel: 01534 614172 www.ayushspa.com

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Ancient Indian principles of Ayurveda meet 21st century sophistication at Ayush Wellness Spa, the UK’s first Ayurvedic Destination Spa. Located in Jersey’s stylish St Helier, this magnificent new rooftop spa promises to bring body and soul back into balance through authentic disciplines that originate from 5,000 yearold Sanskrit teachings. Housed within the acclaimed Hotel de France, Ayush is a haven for stressed souls where time stops and gives way to those looking for balance amidst today’s fast paced lifestyle. Awaken your senses to the wonders of Ayush. For enquiries or further information call 01534 614172 or visit our website: www.ayushspa.com

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expect p the unexpected

St Helier’s public sculptures may be loved and hated in equal measure but Kirsten Morel discovers that they may tell us more about the island and its priorities than first meets the eye.


nyone thinking of even suggesting a new idea for a public sculpture should be warned in advance that they are entering a minefield of conflicting opinion in which it is the negative view that often gets shouted out the loudest. The criticism can stop after the unveiling of the finished article but only for the few sculptures that find their way into the public heart. There are usually two arguments used against new sculpture, the first and most often used is of course, money. To some, decorating the streets and squares is a waste of resources that could be put to better use in our schools and hospitals. Others, though, simply dislike the look of a particular sculpture and no amount of justification is going to change their minds. Then again, one of the biggest sculptural controversies of recent times focused on the Liberation sculpture that stands outside the tourism office. This particular sculpture saw both the money and aesthetics arguments thrown its way before it eventually saw the light of day in time for an unveiling by Prince Charles to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the occupation. >>

La Vaque dé Jèrri (Cows) | 19

It is hard to imagine such difficult origins for what is now a much loved artwork but the controversy surrounding it was caused by politicians acting on their own initiative, without thinking about the public’s needs. The Occupation and Liberation Committee was eventually overruled by a public outcry and the design maquette that was intended to symbolise peace ultimately became a statue representing liberation.

A long history Although recent years have seen a boom in the amount of sculpture around St Helier, it is by no means a new concept to the town. Since the town’s first sculpture, that of King George II, was erected in the Royal Square in 1751, scores more have come to decorate our streets and squares.

“ the underlying theme is one of economic development, prosperity & progress”

The town’s early sculptures were usually statues of notable individuals or monuments to their memory, something which stands in contrast to their more symbolic modern cousins which are used to represent a perceived variety of subjects. According to one local expert, these seemingly different trends in the types of sculpture over the ages are not as diverse as they initially seem. Geraint Jennings is a local historian who has compiled a catalogue of the island’s sculptures for the Société Jersiaise. His research has led him to develop a theory about the motivation behind many of St Helier’s sculptures. From the very first publicly placed sculpture of King George II in the Royal Square to the latest ones of cows and toads, he believes that the main underlying theme in the town’s sculptures is one of economic development, prosperity and progress. Something that is in contrast to other countries which often erect statues to military heroes and renowned leaders.

The Don Memorial

Even the Don memorial in Parade Gardens, which to be honest looks at first glance to be as military as they come and is after all a memorial to an army general surrounded by five cannons, has a history that suggests otherwise. What many of us lack in this day and age, is a full understanding of the history behind the older sculptures.

The Croix Reine

The Jersey Crapaud in Charing Cross

King George II in Royal Square


Geraint Jennings explains, ‘General Don was in charge of overseeing the fortification of the island and to achieve this he constructed a road network that linked St Helier with the rural parishes. The Napoleonic wars never arrived in Jersey but his road network was of great commercial value to the local farmers who, for the first time, had easy access routes to the port of St Helier. This enabled them to get their early produce to the markets in London and Paris before the English and French farmers, themselves. The imagery of the memorial is commercial rather than military. It’s known that the papers in Don’s hand represent his road plans and of the two figures either side of him, Mercury is the god of trade, communication and commerce, whilst Ceres is the goddess of agriculture. The cannons have nothing to do with the original sculpture, they were added in the twentieth century!’ Once you start looking at St Helier’s sculptures with this theory in mind, it becomes easy to see the theme that Jennings has developed. The much loved cows (La Vaque dé Jèrri) in West’s Centre are, as their sculptor John McKenna points out, a statement about history and progress: ‘The cows are an important historical reminder of where Jersey came from and how Jersey is viewed and renowned around the world. In 500 years when the Jersey breed may have died out, this bronze sculpture will serve as an anatomical record for the future.’ Even the toad at Charing Cross, squatting on its pole whilst surrounded by shops, is an implied reminder of the progress we have made since the island’s prison stood there and Islanders were subjected to draconian punishments for their crimes. The obelisk in Broad Street is another memorial to a local man who encouraged progress. Among other things, Constable Le Sueur was instrumental in developing the water and sewerage networks in town. The much maligned steam clock at the harbour also has a clear place in this theory, with its acknowledgement of Jersey’s ship building and commercial maritime past.

Public sculptures, public spaces If the point of many of St Helier’s sculptures, both old and new, is to remind us of the progress we have made and to commemorate our own prosperity, then one thing that has changed is the way sculptures are sited in the public arena. McKenna and Jennings are unanimous in the view that sculptures should be made and sited in ways that allow the public to interact with them. McKenna explains that, ‘I had to carefully design the cows to limit the danger to the public. The horns and tails were sculpted specially to work with them.’ He is also insistent that sculpture is not about fine art. ‘The essential elements of good sculpture are that it should be a work to be enjoyed and appreciated by the public. It should include high quality craftsmanship and should be popular and accessible. I’m not going to win the Turner Prize but my sculptures will hopefully be enjoyed by many. The cows have already been adopted by the local community.’

Le Jongleurs

Jennings points out that, ‘sculptures should be designed for people in the island, successful sculptures need to be interactive. La Vaque dé Jèrri couldn’t have been designed to sit on a plinth without losing the aspect of public interaction and one reason the Liberation statue is so popular is that people can become one of the group holding the flag, like an actor on the stage.’ However, some sculpture seems to be more about helping property developers attract investors than actually engaging the public. The often ignored Jubilee Crown sculpture at the town end of Victoria Avenue was originally intended to form part of a grand archway into St Helier, something that the latest town development vision seems to be drawing on with the idea of a gateway sculpture on the way into town. Geraint Jennings is scathing in his criticism: ‘It’s just sculpture for motorists. These sorts of things, often too big to be enjoyed on a human scale aren’t designed for people but for development brochures. They just don’t function in the social space.’ Whether or not St Helier’s sculptures are linked to the island’s economic progress, those that ultimately win affection in the public heart are those that people can easily access and interact with. If all sculptures were designed to these simple concepts, then it’s possible that public sculpture could, ever so slowly, become something that people enjoy the idea of rather than treat with the scathing scepticism of the unconvinced.

Words: Kirsten Morel, images: Corey Littlefair | 21


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For Jersey-based designer Louisa Humphrey, designing bespoke interiors to make people’s dreams come true is a way of life.

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Using techniques such as trompe l’oeil and detailed painting, she has helped to transform rooms into environments with a unique and personal feel.

‘I search everywhere for inspiration,’ says Louisa, who went to college and trained in fashion design and clothing production. After working as a designer in Leicester she moved to Jersey. ‘I’ve always been creative, and now I have my perfect job,’ she enthused. Louisa has recently completed a five month long, intensive project where she worked as part of a team undertaking the complete restoration of St Thomas’ Church. The striking St Helier landmark now has a vivid and breathtaking interior, which is largely down to Louisa’s design skills. ‘It took my work to a new level,’ she explains, leafing through ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos of the church. Her enthusiasm is palpable. The plain grey ceilings and modest decorations are now lavishly picked out in gold, with striking touches such as a rich dark blue ceiling covered with stars and painstakingly restored tiles. But it is not normally in the public eye in which Louisa undertakes the main bulk of her work. Her commissions are usually for private projects both large and small. But they all have one thing in common - to add the ‘wow’ factor to any space and leave a mark which is utterly different, often with designs that have a personal meaning to the client. She is one half of the company Artizen Design, whose purpose is to provide inspirational interiors. Together with partner Michael Loughlin, a talented cabinet maker who also offers antique restoration and French polishing, ceilings have been transformed, pool houses have been made vivid with depictions of sea life, fireplaces have been marbleized, children’s bedrooms have taken on a new look, and even enamel baths have been given a quirky touch with the patient touches of a brush stroke. >>

Above and previous page: Commissioned murals for individual hotel bedrooms.

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Louisa’s enthusiasm about her work is obvious as she explains her projects. ‘It is wonderful to be able to transform something,’ she says, looking at sketches nearby. ‘I think people like the idea of having something unique in their home. It is so interesting, and no two projects are the same. People want something that is designed specifically for them. Recently, for example, I covered a table with fabric for a client and painted it with all the flags of the countries which take part in the Eurovision song contest.’ Another commission, also for a table, will eventually feature what looks like an aged map, but with scenes and memories that are pertinent to the owners. ‘The wonderful thing is having ideas and storing them in my head,’ she says. ‘Sometimes I see a room and I know instantly what would work on the walls. I have a vision in my mind of the finished product and it’s very exciting to see it come to reality,’ she explains. ‘The wonderful thing is having ideas and storing them up. Sometimes I see a wall or someone asks me for something and I just know what would work on it.’ A recent success story was transforming a children’s attic playroom into a room like no other with a bold Red Arrows design.

Some of Louisa’s private commissioned work. 1: The handpainted Lily table. 2: Red Arrows wall painting detail.

‘It worked really well and the two boys were delighted with the result,’ says Louisa. ‘Every day they came in and saw something different, first the clouds being painted, then the planes. The design totally suited the room and will last them for many years. ‘When you start work on something you take into account all the different factors you can. No two clients are the same, for example, and no two designs are the same. But you take everything into account, and that is what makes something work. There is nowhere you can’t decorate - the list is endless.’ To see more of Louisa’s work visit www.artizendesign.co.uk Louisa can be contacted on 07797 745793

Words: Louise Nibbs, images: Peter Trenchard

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Beaumont Home Centre

Louisa at work in Westmount studios.

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the finest, not fastest,

Image © Jet Airways

It’s a sad reality but the rise of low-cost airlines, budget cars and over-priced trains has changed the face of travel forever, draining the experience of every last ounce of glamour and replacing it with the functional comfort of speeding cattle trucks, concerned only with getting to their destination as quickly as possible.

LESS looks at three of the finer ways to reach your destination. As the author Louis L’Amour pointed out, even in the Wild West of yore, it was understood that travel itself was an experience worth appreciating and whilst comfort may have been at a premium, this didn’t get in the way of enjoying a unique journey. ‘Travel too fast and you miss all that you are travelling for’, he wrote and although he probably had horse-borne cowboys in mind when he penned these words, they are as true today as much as they were in the 19th century American west. >>

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Of course, from time to time, we all fall foul of speed’s temptation, whether it’s taking the motorway instead of the ‘A’ roads, or flying when a train would have sufficed, necessity, at times, overrides comfort and enjoyment. But for all those other journeys, whether it’s to holiday on the Côte d’Azur or heading out to the country for a weekend with friends, there are ways to put the sophistication back into travel. It will come as a relief to anyone who likes to enjoy the finer side of life to know that there are still people out there who care about making your journey into an experience worth remembering.

flying Take flying. Of course, there’s first or business class to take your mind off the mundanity and discomfort of cruising at 40,000 feet but be aware, not all first class cabins are the same. The service might be fantastic, the seating exceedingly comfortable but privacy is still at a premium. At least this was the case until Jet Airways came along. This Indian airline with a worldwide network and grand aspirations has solved the problem by providing its first class passengers with their own private cabin. Admittedly, at 26 square feet, they aren’t the most airy of rooms but with enough space to entertain a friend over a bottle of claret or to stretch out on your own seven foot long bed, these first class cabins have really stolen a march on their competitors. Just to rub it in, Jet Airways has even priced one of these colonial-style cabins at less than a British Airways first class ticket, providing a rare element of value in the first class world. However, there’s more to it than just privacy, Jet Airways Chairman Naresh Goyal, is quite clear about the service he’s trying to provide: ‘Our new first class cabins are evocative of those great days of luxury travel, such as on the Orient Express and the luxury liners of yesteryear.’ With colonial styling, meals served on hand-painted Bernardaud porcelain dinnerware, the full range of office facilities and even a full-length wardrobe, Jet has really managed to capture the magic of a previous age of travel and brought it into the 21st century.

Image © Jet Airways

While the first class option allows the more discerning traveller to choose both fine and fast, there are, happily, still opportunities out there for those of us to whom travelling finer is more important that travelling faster.

“ Our new first class cabins are evocative of those great days of luxury travel, such as on the Orient Express and the luxury liners of yesteryear.”

marine Putting to sea instead of the air offers a wide range of opportunities to recapture the elegance and style that travel once offered. A variety of cruise ships ply their trade offering luxury voyages to all four corners of the globe, but if you really want to stand apart from the crowd then chartering your own sailing yacht offers unrivalled opportunities for sophisticated travelling. There are very few vessels that surpass the Athena, a truly beautiful yacht that immediately evokes the golden age of sailing. Although she was built only three years ago, this 90 metre three masted schooner looks as though she could have been plying her trade a century ago. Built by the Dutch royal boat builders, Royal Huismann, designed by Pieter Beeldsnijder with interior designing by Rebecca Bradley, sophistication is firmly at the heart of Athena’s styling. Beeldsnijder has selected a lightly stained mahogany to give the interior a classic feel but this old world atmosphere is complemented by modern day luxuries and entertainments: a media room, Jacuzzi, two nine metre RIBs, as well as an array of wake boards, knee boards and ringos for splashing about closer to the water. More importantly, there are five cabins: one master, three queen size and one twin, as well as a stunningly designed formal dining area, open air lounges and bars. Based in the Indian Ocean, Athena is the perfect complement to a tropical island holiday. The Athena can meet you at your own privately rented island in the Seychelles, sitting offshore until you are ready to take to the seas. However, at £250,000 per week, you won’t want to wait too long to make sure you get the most out of her on the Ocean’s famed turquoise waters. >>

Athena exterior image © Franco Pace Athena interior images © Hans Westerink

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The opportunities to travel in style, to discover the elegance, romance and glamour of great journeys are still there.

on rails Looking a little closer to home, not withstanding the frustrations and lack of service that characterise the public rail network, one of the finest ways to travel is still by train. The Orient Express is well known for linking London with the rest of Europe, but if you want to stay in the UK, the Royal Scotsman will carry you and your party in copious luxury. Although it is in fact a modern creation, the Royal Scotsman has been designed to transport its passengers into the past. The styling which, for some, may border on the nostalgic, is heavily Edwardian, something which is reinforced by the requirement to wear formal dress at certain dinners. The two mahogany-panelled restaurant cars serve up sumptuous meals based on available Scottish ingredients and focusing in particular on the varied local seafood. Salmon and halibut share the menu with langoustine and scallops, all brought to you by the most attentive of service. After dinner, it’s time to retire to the observation carriage to contemplate the pine covered mountains and the still, dramatic lochs. If, for some, this sounds a bit too sedate, you can always liven it up a bit and ensure good company at the same time by chartering the Royal Scotsman for your own group. The quality and service will still be the same but, with a choice of itineraries and nobody else to bother, it’s the perfect option for a party with a difference.

Royal Scotsman images Š Orient-Express Hotels, Trains & Cruises

In this day and age, the discomfort of the Wild West may well have been replaced with the bare basics of budget travel but the opportunities to travel in style, to discover the elegance, romance and glamour of great journeys are still there. So, take a break from the relentless, ever increasing speed of the modern world and enjoy the pleasure of travelling fine, and for once, not necessarily fast.

Words: Kirsten Morel 34 |

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ometimes all you need are the finer things in life. As he embarks on his own new project, well-known local antique dealer David Hick explains his philosophy and elaborates on why less is more, and what you really need to make your home breathtaking, unique and striking. The key to the success of any business is knowing what a customer really wants, and nothing is more subjective than furniture and the fascinating arena of interior design. For David Hick and his team, the secret to their success lies in knowing what each customer wants, and finding dream pieces and concepts to work effortlessly for everyone’s unique taste. ‘We have had 30 years in the business and we’re now about to embark on our biggest ever project; 12,000 square feet of showroom, galleried over three floors to incorporate a design studio and kitchen studio,’ explained David. ‘We think what has got us here is a combination of vision and flair and an appreciation of quality. 2007 is an important year for us. On 6 July, we are opening our link building, the kitchen studio and the new lifestyle sofa showrooms. We are very excited and want to give discerning buyers more choice than ever before. >>

David Hick surveys the progress of the new 12,000 square foot showroom. | 39

Part of the new bespoke kitchen studio.

It’s essential to have an innate ability to be innovative, flexible and creative within a changing market place. Fashion and tastes for furniture changes, and one has to be flexible and client led,’ added David. ‘We live in a time where lifestyle plays an ever important and increasing role in our busy lives and we are looking for more comfort and more guidance in the selection of our interiors.’ Angela Berry is the business development manager and group marketing director for David Hick. ‘We want to offer a new design experience,’ explained Angela. ‘The new showrooms will be very design led and will include a design gallery, contemporary floor and a bespoke kitchen studio, which will encompass the whole interior concept for homes.’ So, if you are at a loss as to where to start, what should you be thinking about? ‘Furniture should create a certain atmosphere, communicating a feeling that blends and flows with the rest of the décor throughout the home,’ said David. ‘You have to complement furniture, and that’s what we have tried to provide with everything we offer. You can help a client by thinking of everything; decorative accessories, lighting, rugs, textiles and occasional items are all keys. We always have a goal; to create an interior that works well within each home and to accomplish each purpose of a brief. We pay attention to every step in the furniture selection. Our home design service provides our clients with an interior decorating service that will guide their selection, providing a scheme and product that will maximise the potential of the home they have chosen.’ Now turn over for David and LESS Magazine’s Top Ten Must-Haves for your home. >>

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One of the new showrooms.

‘ Furniture should create a certain atmosphere, communicating a feeling that blends and flows with the rest of the décor throughout the home.’


David Hick and LESS Magazine present you the

must-haves for your home for the next decade 1 2

For comfort, luxury and elegance, a wonderful sofa is a must. ‘A Parker & Farr sofa is at the Rolls-Royce end of the market,’ advises David. ‘This brand of sofa is hand made by traditional craftsman and completely flexible in its design, colour and size. Parker & Farr cannot be beaten on comfort for living.’ Your kitchen should be the heart of the home, with a wonderful range cooker as a beautiful focal point. ‘I’d recommend La Cornue, made in Paris,’ says David. ‘La Cornue is exclusive to David Hick Interiors and is the master of all range cookers. When you buy one of these, you buy the dedicated service and experience of the La Cornue chef who comes once a year to cook for you and your friends. You buy into a lifestyle, synonymous with entertaining and being entertained. It’s not for the faint of heart,’ he warns ‘but is a must have for the serious cook or if you are serious about entertaining.’

‘ When you buy a La Cornue range cooker, you buy the dedicated service and experience of a La Cornue chef who comes once a year to cook for you and your friends.’


Choose a bespoke kitchen. ‘You can have a kitchen hand made to your exact specification and design,’ says David. ‘Don’t be afraid to explore different finishes. Look for hand painted, drag painted units or natural solid wood. Osborne of Ilkeston kitchens show natural wood and paint finishes at their very finest.’

4 Look for furniture which is made to last. ‘Wenge furniture with high gloss

finishes from Germany, or solid wood contemporary furniture from Selva with black and gold edging is really striking,’ says David. ‘For entertaining and for every day comfort, the German and Italian markets lead the way in design and manufacture of quality furniture. We have exclusive ranges to suit every style of home.’


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T iles can make a room striking and provide that perfect finishing touch. ‘Hand made Fired Earth tiles, and natural stone floors with underfloor heating are luxurious in bathrooms, kitchens or living areas,’ says David. ‘Fired Earth offers the finest limestone, travertine and marble. They are famous for hand made tiles such as Haute Provence and Terracotta and the range has expanded to include iridescent glasses and fine Italian porcelain.’

6 If you are looking for an unusual gift, or just an accessory with the

‘wow’ factor, invest in a Wolf Sub-Zero wine cooler, which is practical, sexy and will give any kitchen an instant lift.

7 8

T radition never dates, and the best of these is a warming Aga. ‘You can’t get better than an Aga for baking cakes and breads and warming a traditional Jersey granite home in winter,’ says David. T o truly make your home your own, invest in antiques, and take the time to choose something beautiful which you will truly appreciate for years to come. ‘No home is complete without an awesome piece of fine antique furniture, and we can hand pick it for you,’ says David. ‘Strive for an eclectic mix and don’t be afraid to show that your home is loved and lived in.’

9 ‘I predict that we are never going to tire of our homes. But like fashion,

tastes and trends in interior design move on quickly. But whatever you choose, just be sure that good taste never dates. I think that later in the year, fabulous fabrics will be in demand. Colour and texture is all important. You might not think we would ever see it again, but my hottest tip for Autumn is flock wallpaper. It is back. Be open minded. It offers glitz and glamour for walls. Complement it with soft luxurious wool and silk carpets. Look for lasting quality and beautiful texture.’

10 Learn to love modern furniture. ‘Why not consider high gloss cabinetry,

deco and modern fitted furniture for a minimal look in living areas bedrooms and studies?’ says David. ‘It can give a room such a different look and feel.’ And finally, visit the new David Hick Contemporary showroom when it opens this Autumn. Not technically a must-have, but definitely a must-do!

Words: Louise Nibbs, images: Peter Trenchard


n our world of mass consumerism, finding that unique gift, whether it be for a loved one or a treat for oneself, is becoming ever more difficult. There is always someone else who has been there or done that, only they stayed for longer, did it first or even just turned it down.

So on your behalf, LESS has scoured the world and found 3 memorable ways to‌


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Titanic journey

If you’re looking for adventure, inspired by tales of Cousteau-esque daring and discovery then it’s difficult to beat a day trip to the wreck of the RMS Titanic. Admittedly, the journey to the wreck site lasts a bit longer than a day but once you arrive, just 12,500 feet above the wreck of the grandest ship to ever sail, it takes just 12 hours to complete the most unusual journey you will ever embark on. Starting from St John’s in Newfoundland, you sail out to the wreck site onboard the Russian research vessel Akademik Keldysh. The Keldysh is the mother ship for the two MIR submersibles which will take you down to the wreck site and is said, by its operators the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology to be the world’s best deep dive support vessel. With such reassurance in the back of your mind, on the dive day you will join a scientific research team for the journey to Titanic and back. Each MIR vessel has just enough room for three people in its habitat compartment of just seven feet wide. It goes without saying of course, that this trip is not for the claustrophobic. The dive is basically a three hour descent into the cold and dark. By 1000ft down, there are no remnants of sunlight left and in order to conserve power, MIR descends without its lights, the pilot only switching them on if a particularly interesting example of marine life swims past. Otherwise, the only light you will see outside the submersible will be from the odd phosphorescent creature floating by. It does get a bit chilly as the vessel descends, so you are advised to take a jumper or two to keep you warm but make sure you do not drink too much tea as the toilet facilities leave a little to be desired. As you reach the wreck, the floodlights will be switched on and one of the two separate wreck sections will appear before you. To make sure you do not miss anything, the whole experience will be video taped for you to take home later. The MIR spends two to three hours exploring the wreck and continuing the research before heading back up to the Keldysh where a hot sauna will await. At £20,000 for the trip, a sauna seems like the least you could be offered after spending 12 hours in the cold and damp but life on board the Keldysh also offers three square meals a day and even the odd party to keep everyone’s spirits up as the North Atlantic weather sets in. Visiting the wreck of the Titanic may not be the most comfortable way to spend your time but it will certainly be one of the most poignant and unforgettable experiences you will ever undertake. For more information visit www.deepoceanexpeditions.com

Images © www.deepoceanexpeditions.com


A celebration

This is one for the cigar aficionados among us. The limited edition Cohiba Behike cigar has been especially developed to celebrate 40 years of Cohiba, the famed Cuban cigar manufacturer. Just 4,000 Behikes have been produced and each one was hand rolled by Norma Fernandez, the most experienced roller in Havana’s El Laguito factory. The outer leaves have the seal of approval of three of Cuba’s most prestigious tobacco growers who took it upon themselves to personally select them. For communist Cuba, the Behike is a great example of the most extravagant in capitalism. At £250 for an individual cigar and £9,000 for a box (humidor) of 40 you would expect the humidor to be something special, which being made from mother of pearl, ebony, sycamore, cedar and ox bone, indeed it is. Only 100 boxes have been made and each is individually numbered, as are the cigars, which according to the manufacturers, makes each one a ‘unique and unforgettable experience that captures the spirit of Cohiba’. One thing about the Behike is certain, it has gone down in the record books as the most expensive cigar in the world. Marketing blurb aside, if you enjoy indulging in the best of Cuban cigars then the Behike really is an experience to go out of your way for. On the other hand, it will also make the perfect gift for the cigar lover in your life.

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In the

Laptop of luxury Technology is usually about making things smaller, faster and cheaper as quickly as possible. Well, that’s how most manufacturers market their products and stay ahead of the game. Most, but not all, manufacturers. Luvaglio, the luxury items firm with an ‘appointments only’ website has bucked this trend and created a bit of a stir with its one million dollar laptop. Yes, of course it comes with a ridiculous number of diamond encrusted buttons and decorations but the manufacturers assure us that there is more to this than just bling. The computer comes with a 128GB solid state disk drive and Blu-ray drive, as well as a self-cleaning screen. Rohan Sinclair, Luvaglio’s CEO, insists that this is an individualised item for the more discerning customer: ‘We’ve put thought in from the keyboard down to the power charger. There is an integrated screen cleaning device and a very rare coloured diamond piece of jewellery that doubles up as the power button when placed into the laptop and also acts as security identification. We have used diamonds elsewhere but have given them purpose.’ Beyond Luvaglio’s highly targeted marketing, they also claim to be putting the customer in control by letting them create their own designs to which the computer will be made. The only problem of course, if you want to spend a million on a computer, is getting an appointment to the website! See for yourself at www.luvaglio.com

Words: Kirsten Morel, images: Courtesy of Deep Ocean expeditions, Luvaglio, Cohiba Behike

There is an integrated screen cleaning device and a very rare coloured diamond piece of jewellery that doubles up as the power button when placed into the laptop and also acts as security identification. We have used diamonds elsewhere but have given them purpose.

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Britain’s leading network of independent estate agencies specialising in fine and country property. Fine & Country offers a refreshing approach to effectively marketing individual, period and exclusive property, combining individual flair and attention with the local expertise of an independent estate agency to create a strong national network with a powerful marketing ability. Known for its professional blend of intelligent and creative marketing, Fine & Country offers a unique approach to the sale of individual and country property.


Fine & Country’s selected independent property professional in Jersey. Thompson Estates is the Channel Islands sole agent for Fine & Country, Britain’s leading network of independent estate agencies specialising in the sale of fine and country properties. With its head office in London’s Park Lane, the Fine & Country network stretches throughout the UK and gives Thompson Estates a strong UK presence that perfectly complements its established Jersey status.






Chris Shelton, founder of refreshonline.com

t’s a word that people use without thinking about its origins. It’s obviously French and comes from the same root as enterprise, which has been embraced more fully by the English language, to the extent of being anglicised both in spelling and pronunciation. An entrepreneur is someone who can spot and exploit a business opportunity. It does not need to be something particularly close to his heart or even within his capabilities to actually do. He simply takes the idea or product and delivers it to a market. >>

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The Channel Islands is seen as a good place for entrepreneurs to flourish and succeed‌


nd it’s a risky business. What if the market isn’t interested?

Nick trained in accountancy, which he believes is a definite advantage for any

What if the idea falls flat on its face? Well, that’s what

budding businessman, and says the entrepreneurial spirit is in his blood, his

distinguishes the entrepreneur from the rest of us: if he has any

father having set up Ashburton, the investment management company.

sense - and he’ll be a short-lived entrepreneur if he doesn’t he will have researched the market first, assessing the need for the product or service. Normal business principles, in fact.

But sometimes no amount of market research can give you the answer. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling.

Nick Hannah of the Guernsey-based Marlborough Trust spends a fair part of his working life with entrepreneurs, even though the company didn’t set out to specialise in this particular field. ‘Our clients include a fair number of entrepreneurs, yes,’ he said. And one thing leads to another. ‘They each have a network of contacts and we tend to pick up new

Chris Shelton would be many people’s idea of an entrepreneur - even though

business through word of mouth. It sometimes turns out that clients of ours end up

it is not a term he would apply to himself. In his eyes he is just a businessman

doing deals together.

who has not been content with setting up just one company.

It makes sense. You’ve got things in common, you’ve heard about one another

The 31-year-old Jerseyman worked in London for several years before

through a third party with who knows what he’s talking about. Some people just

deciding that he actually didn’t really like the place - or working for other

enjoy doing deals and are good at it.’

people. He came back to the island for a couple of weeks, not intending to stay, but, as he puts it, ‘I just kind of got stuck here. There comes a time when the things you thought were negative about Jersey as a kid turn out to be not so bad after all.’

The Channel Islands is seen as a good place for entrepreneurs to flourish and succeed, the friendly tax laws being an attractive starting point, Geography is key too, as Nick explained: ‘Most of our clients are based in the UK but find it advantageous to do business through the Channel Islands. They prefer this area

The internet has famously made geographical location irrelevant , a fact that

rather than others such as the Caribbean because, for one thing, it’s close and if there

Chris was quick to see and act upon, correctly predicting the way of the future:

is something that needs to be sorted out they can just hop on a plane and be here in

online marketing.

45 minutes. Other jurisdictions have time zone issues to consider and also perceived

Two-and-a-half years ago he set up refreshonline.com, which offers beauty products but also has links to financial services, employment and other sites. When this venture became a hit, rather than dedicating himself solely to it, Chris began thinking of other ideas, one of which was funkystrawberry.com, suppliers of skincare products, and then ratedoffshore.com, which operates in the completely different world of finance products, providing instant comparisons of rates offered by banks and other providers.

service issues.’ One of the islands’ most successful businessmen is entrepreneur, Derek Coates. The Healthspan founder returned to his Guernsey homeland after a career in advertising, only to buy a small agency in the island and run it successfully before seeking a new challenge. He then cleaned up in the personalised stationery market that was all over the weekend supplements for several years in the 1990s, before spotting that the vitamins and supplements market was ripe for development and quickly establishing Healthspan as Britain’s leader in the field.

The difference between potions for women’s faces and big-money investment

Then came his venture into airlines, taking over Rockhopper and rebranding it as

sums up perfectly the mind of the entrepreneur: if an idea is going to work and

Blue Islands, and on to hotels, with the luxury redevelopment of Fermain Valley

be profitable, why not get involved? You can bring in any expertise you need

in Guernsey and Braye Beach in Alderney.

from outside.

Coates is the embodiment of the entrepreneur, displaying all the qualities needed

While there are obviously other people involved in these companies, they all

to succeed - vision, enthusiasm and drive. Teamwork too is key to his philosophy.

make demands on Chris’ time. Fortunately he is an early riser, getting up at

‘If a business is to succeed, then everyone must believe in the corporate dream and

six every morning to begin a day of devoting as much time as necessary to each

join together to make it happen. The leader must believe more than everyone else

of his ventures, which often keeps him occupied well into the evening.

if he is to convince the team. He must therefore possess a large pair of rose tinted

Nick Bettany, on the other hand, is perfectly happy to be called an entrepreneur. Born in London, but brought to Jersey at the age of one, Nick’s business world

spectacles. Even ideas that are only 75% right can then still become hugely successful if everybody believes in them and works towards them.’

has broad horizons, not just virtually through his partnership with Chris Shelton

No two entrepreneurs are the same and each will have done his or her own thing

in ratedoffshore.com, but also through a property development company in

to climb their particular ladder or ladders of success. Do you have it in you to take

Portugal and the Mozambique-based Azure Hotels.

that first step and put your foot on the first rung?

Words: Chris Morvan, images: Peter Trenchard

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Poor little rich kids

What your wealth could mean to your children.


ou’re enjoying a good life and the trappings of a successful career. And surely, one of the greatest pleasures imaginable is being able to help your children and give them a great start in life. But, we’ve all seen stories of people who have come into a substantial amount of money at an early age and have not been able to cope. Whether it’s the sudden windfall of a winning lottery ticket or a large inheritance, this supposed good fortune can, quite literally, ruin lives. In his book, ‘Choking on the Silver Spoon’, psychologist, Gary Buffone, writes that large inheritances can ‘devastate otherwise healthy children, even children who are adults before they find out they have been made rich.’ This can manifest itself in any number of ways, including drug abuse, an inability to work, a low self-esteem, incarceration and, sometimes, a tragic and premature death. We all want to do the best for our children, so how can we avoid turning an inheritance into a poisoned chalice? You’ve spent years drumming into them the value of things and instilling them with a sense of responsibility, but how do you follow this through? Remember, making sure your children know how much goods are services cost in itself is not enough. They need to learn and appreciate that the lifestyle you - and they - are enjoying has come about through your hard work and acumen. When it comes to raising the kids to be rich, while much is just sound common sense, there’s also a major role to be played by financial advisers who can help us make our children financially savvy. Both ways, it’s never too early to start. >>

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Let’s start with the common sense. And it all begins with education. The importance of giving our children the very best education we possibly can is a given. This does not simply mean the most expensive schools but finding the one with the education and format that suits their individual learning style, ambition and level of intelligence. As with all good parenting skills, this requires involvement and communication. We must encourage our children to do their best in everything they do and instil in them a feeling of satisfaction and sense of achievement. It is important that not too much emphasis is placed on the value of accumulating money, though of course you should teach your children the art of budgeting at an early stage. As your children grow, discuss your financial plans with them and involve them in your planning. There have been cases where children, while being aware that their parents were wealthy, did not understand the magnitude of the money they were coming into and, not being prepared, failed to handle it. Equally, a child could be expecting to inherit considerably more than they do, with equally calamitous results. When educating children about wealth, as with most things, it pays to be open, upfront and candid. Clearly there are different things you can do at different stages of your child’s life. Start talking to them and converse with them about money early on. This can be in the form of play - how many children love playing shopkeeper and most kids these days will own a toy cash register. A word of warning. As children get older, things don’t get easier, and it can be uncomfortable discussing family wealth. One way of introducing this potentially difficult subject could be to discuss helping others. Explain to your children about how you as a family have enough money to enjoy a more than comfortable life and encourage them to think about how giving away some of the family could help various causes. Why not, for example, encourage your children to pay attention to the news, current events and their own local community and identify causes and issues that they are interested in and would like to support. As well as teaching them that they can help make a difference, this also demonstrates to them that you trust them and believe them to be sufficiently grown up to take on such levels of responsibility.

A word of warning. As children get older, things don’t get easier, and it can be uncomfortable discussing family wealth.

As stated earlier, you can use different techniques depending on the age of the child. One obvious starting point is a piggy bank, where your child can choose how much to save, how much to spend and how much to donate to their chosen cause(s). As they get older you can build in such things as pocket money, allowances and opening a savings account. At this stage, try to involve them in discussions about the financial news and perhaps create a fantasy (or real!) investment portfolio. >>

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Like most aspects of raising children, the teen years can be some of the most trying and bring with them a wealth of issues. As they begin to think of tertiary education, you could consider making it clear that they must expect to bear at least some of the costs this will incur. Encouraging children to make a contribution to their education can be an opportunity to transfer an appreciation for wealth at a deeper level. Of course, it’s not just money that you might be leaving. There will be property and, perhaps, a business, and leaving children shared ownership can create enormous complications if not handled carefully. Parents and children should discuss estate planning together. With tax planning playing a vital part of this process it’s nigh on essential to get outside help from a professional adviser. As Ryan Lewis of Jersey-based independent advisers, Orbital, explains, trusts are one of the most commonly used vehicles in succession planning. ‘When you create a trust you transfer the legal ownership of a person’s assets to the control of a trustee who will manage the assets to the benefit of the chosen beneficiaries. It’s not just money that you can put into a trust, but also investments and property.’ One obvious way to avoid children going off the rails is not to give them

and education. This can easily be achieved by making someone else the beneficiary, a school or tutor perhaps.’ Lewis stresses the importance of appointing of the right trustee: ‘Let’s say, for example, that a couple come into a large inheritance and they want to ensure that, were anything to happen to them, their children are taken care of. That’s why it’s crucial to appoint other trustee - if both were to die at the same time, there is another person left to administer the trust. You should, ideally, be looking for someone who is younger, and therefore likely to live longer than you. This could be a family member or a professional such as an accountant or solicitor with whom you already have a long-standing relationship. The other route, especially where substantial wealth is concerned, is to appoint the services of a professional trust company, and you will find no shortage of these in Jersey. Using professional trust services will, of course, incur extra expenses, but could have many advantages, not least being that the trust can be held indefinitely.’

Of course, it’s not just money that you might be leaving. There will be property and, perhaps, a business…

all their inheritance in one go, and this can be achieved by leaving money in trust and specifying when the child has access to it, for example one quarter at 25 and the rest when they reach 50. Lee Hausner, author of ‘Children of Paradise: Successful Parenting for Prosperous Families’, suggests that children should not receive the vast majority of their inheritance until they are well into their thirties. She does list certain exceptions, however, namely money to pay for education, medical care, housing and business start-ups. This view is supported by Ryan Lewis: ‘One way of ensuring that the money is not frittered away is have some mechanism to cover such things as school fees

Trusts aside, there are other things we need to consider. One that cannot be overlooked is making sure your wills are written properly. Important for us all but especially crucial for high net worth individuals, is the need to regularly review your wills and your tax position. Lewis continues: ‘Even though you may be resident in Jersey, you could be liable to UK inheritance tax if you are deemed as domiciled in the UK, and this can make a significant dent into your estate. Another suggestion is for couples to put their investments into joint ownership on a ‘joint life, second death’ basis and then, on the second death, the investment is put into trust for the children. If you are exposed to potential inheritance tax, you can take out life cover to protect against this liability, but you should note that this needs to be written in trust so that it is not deemed to be part of your estate.’ At the end of the day, one fundamental question we all need to ask is just how much should we leave our children and what is deemed to be an appropriate inheritance? This is an increasingly relevant topic as, especially in the United States, we are witnessing a trend towards philanthropy, the biggest and most famous example of this being Warren Buffet’s pledge of $31 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in June 2006. Buffet’s view is clear. Describing heirs of the rich as members of the ‘lucky sperm club’, his belief is that parents should leave their children with enough money to do anything they want but not so much that they are doomed to do nothing at all. With this in mind you may want to look at other places where some of your inheritance could make a difference and, again, it pays to be open and upfront with your children and elicit their thoughts and ideas. With the correct upbringing and a good helping of common sense, accompanied by the financial guidance and acumen of a professional adviser, inheritance does not have to be a curse. You’ve enjoyed your wealth - make sure your kids do too.

Words: Rob Jefferson-Brown, images: istock.com

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‘Rags to riches? Rags are, quite something I hav had a hand in.’

simply, e never


or years, Lesley Wickings has been helping Jersey’s ladies find the right outfits for all occasions. Here, the personal dresser and owner of Marc Cain and Renaissance, tells LESS about the secrets of her success.

To suggest that Lesley’s story is a ‘rags to riches’ tale would probably attract an immediate look of disdain from a woman who has dedicated her life to selecting and providing women with stylish, exclusive, high quality clothes. Rags are, quite simply, something that she has never had a hand in. It’s true that, as we meet in her stunningly decorated apartment overlooking Jersey’s extraordinary south-east coast, Lesley has come a long way from the indoor market in Bournemouth where, at just 20 years old, she started her first business. To be honest, the signs pointing to her future career were there from a young age, although she admits that being dragged around fabric shops with her mum, who was a dressmaker, was exceptionally boring as a child. It was this experience that was to play a major role in developing Lesley’s love of fabrics and understanding of their properties, which today are essential elements of her passion for work. Alongside her mum’s influence, it was a job working in a boutique in Poole that gave Lesley the ‘best training of my life.’ She started selling jeans and t-shirts before being asked by her boss to run the first ‘super-boutique’ in the Arndale Centre in Poole. She was discovering a real passion for fabrics and fashion and the excitement of buying trips to London provided the icing on the cake. >>

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Lesley found her way to Jersey on a visit to her mum, having closed the market stall in favour of travel and adventures overseas. She never intended to stay in the island but, as with all successful entrepreneurs, she never misses an opportunity and at just 22 years old, she opened Lesley’s in Waterloo Street. Within just seven years, she had turned her first boutique into a resounding success, closing it only to start a family. Spotting an opportunity and having an eye for buying the right items are just two of the pillars upon which she has built her businesses. Another is having a deep understanding of how clothes can bring the best out of a woman. She passionately believes that being well-dressed can transform a person, giving her confidence and energy, but also understands that not everyone always chooses the best clothes for themselves. ‘I personally see a lot of successful and high powered women who don’t have the time to spend hours browsing shops, looking for the right clothes. I take the time to understand them, get to know them and, ultimately, choose the perfect clothes for the right occasion. When a regular customer makes an appointment to see me, I’ll have a selection ready and I know that they’ll be happy with what I’ve chosen.’ >>

This page and next: just some of Lesley’s favourite items from her vast personal collection.

“ I’m a perfectionist and my staff have to be as well.”

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26 Hilgrove Street, St Helier, Jersey • Telephone 01534 873626

There are ladies who fly in from Russia, Monaco and even London and Italy, eschewing the wide choice available in their home cities in favour of the personal touch Lesley can offer. ‘I build strong relationships with my customers, gaining a client’s trust is critical if they are going to let you dress them. Often you have to break down their preconceptions of what they can wear and build their confidence in order to bring them out of themselves, letting their personalities shine!’ The time and effort Lesley puts in to getting to know her customers’ needs makes her business stand out from regular retail shops. There are ladies who fly in from Russia, Monaco and even London and Italy, eschewing the wide choice available in their home cities in favour of the personal touch that Lesley and her team can offer. Lesley is convinced that it is by delivering the highest quality service that she and her Marc Cain and Renaissance shops have been so successful. ‘Providing the best service is identified by getting all of the details right. I’m a perfectionist and my staff have to be as well. For instance, we do all alterations in-house and our couturier is amazing, she’s even more of a perfectionist than I am! My team is great, well qualified and dedicated to our customers. Although I like to know what is going on in both boutiques, I have fantastic managers who are totally committed. They accompany me on buying trips and their input is very important for the business.’ Selecting the right clothes is essential, as Lesley explains, ‘I don’t have a favourite designer, anyone of them can have good years or bad. I buy with my customers in mind and have even been known to buy a particular piece for a specific client. ‘Ladies in Jersey have a European element to their taste, which we cater for and which makes the collections that we offer quite unique.’ It is not only the clothes she chooses that are exclusive. Lesley’s deep understanding and response to her clients’ needs have made her businesses just as unique. The combination of service, knowledge and consideration for customers ensures that they stand apart from so many other shops and boutiques, setting benchmarks in service and attention to detail whilst providing women with fashion that is perfectly suited to them.

Words: Less magazine, images: Peter Trenchard

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Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 9299BO07

Advertising space donated by Less magazine.

Change your clothes as often as we change ours?

Barnardo’s has over 330 shops throughout the UK, including two on Jersey. Come and view the latest stock in our exclusive ladies-only store at 6 Broad Street or our general store at 56/57 Halkett Place, St Helier. Your purchases and donations will help to give children a brighter future.



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hat’s so special about Jersey? Is it the sun, the sea, the friendly community, the beautiful countryside or just the fact that the daily commute takes minutes? Those of us who live here already, we each have our own ideas about what makes it so special. But for people looking at it as a place to settle down, what makes the island so special that they would choose Jersey over, say, Monaco or Bermuda? The truth is, that for people of a high net worth who are thinking of moving to the island, it has nothing particularly unique to offer over and above what is available in other offshore jurisdictions. Which is why the island has Nigel Philpott to point out the things that make Jersey exceptional. As Director of High Value Residency - part of the Economic Development Department - it’s his job to promote the island to wealthy individuals and their families, helping them with all the stages of moving to the island. Whether he is inspiring them to make the initial decision of choosing the island over its rivals or providing more day-to-day information about schools or getting the car registered, he is tireless in helping his clients. Nigel is definitely a people person, as he walks into the rather swish executive meeting room above King Street, he’s immediately at ease, greeting everyone as old friends. His thick, silver hair frames his tanned, smiling face and before he’s even sat down, the room itself seems to relax around him. >>


OTER LESS talks to Nigel Philpott, the man who promotes the island to potential 1(1)ks

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‘I don’t need

to sell the island to anybody…’ ‘The people who are interested in moving to Jersey are looking to settle in a peaceful, attractive place that will become their home. If their move is successful, they don’t just bring their families, but potentially also their business. They have to declare their worldwide income for tax purposes, which means that Jersey benefits directly. As for driving up prices, with only a handful of such residents in a community of approximately 90,000, how could this possibly be the case? ‘People who have had such success in their business life are very self-assured in who they are and what they have achieved. Their main priority is often to regain their privacy and to enjoy the aspects of Jersey that we all love. They are also often very generous and give a great deal to charities and other local community causes.’ According to Nigel, Jersey does not have the one unique selling point that sets it apart from other offshore jurisdictions but it does have the whole package that makes it perfect for living in Jersey. The beaches and the countryside are great but so is the education system, the health service and the island’s transport links.

These first impressions suggest that Nigel is definitely the right choice to represent Jersey to prospective high value residents and listening to him talking about the work he does confirms this even further. Immediately, he makes one important assertion - that he doesn’t need to sell the island to anybody, it virtually sells itself. His own enthusiasm and love for Jersey are more than enough to capture the attention of most prospects and, in any case, because this is such a major life change that these people are considering, the last thing they want is the hard sell. ‘I only tell them the facts about Jersey, it is for them to make their own decision. It’s my role to be their single point of contact for information about the island and it’s one that continues long after they’ve moved over here.’ Locally, ‘high value residents’ are referred to as ‘1(1)Ks’, after the relevant part of the housing law that confers residential qualifications on them. Nigel is aware that their have been questions in the past about the benefits of such residents

Jersey’s position south of the UK is a great bonus, as Nigel points out, ‘generally, people want to move south, so it tends to be people from the countries north of Jersey who are interested in finding out about the island as a place to live.’ Interestingly, Nigel also points out that Jersey’s history as a difficult place to get into actually makes it more desirable. Other jurisdictions tend not to have an official selection process, meaning that Jersey is seen by some as having the cachet of an exclusive club. Ultimately, people want to live where they feel safe, comfortable and valued and whilst Jersey has to speak for itself as far safety and comfort are concerned, Nigel is the person who adds the value. The relationships he builds with prospective high value residents are crucial to them finally choosing to make a home in Jersey instead of elsewhere. By going out of his way to make them feel wanted, even being on call and able to meet with short notice, Nigel offers the type of personal and confidential service that makes a crucial difference. Even when someone decides that it’s not the right time to move, the impression that Nigel makes can be crucial to them choosing Jersey later on. As one businessman in his mid-thirties put it, ‘When I grow up, I’m going to move to Jersey!’

moving to the island, and is adamant that the mystery that once surrounded the granting of these qualifications has gone forever.

Words: Less magazine, images: Peter Trenchard

‘There is a clear set of social and economic criteria that a prospective resident must measure up against before they are granted the residential qualifications. These include particular income requirements as well as being able to prove a solid economic background that won’t suddenly disappear overnight. They must also be able to prove the legal origin of their wealth and possess a clear criminal record. ‘Whilst it is my job to help prospective residents with their applications, I play no part in the decision making process. The initial application is submitted to the Comptroller of income tax, who looks for a sound economic background and then onto the Housing Minister who makes the final decision.’ However, controversy over the value of these residents was never limited to the way in which they were selected, it has stretched as far as questioning whether high value residents are of any value to the island at all. Nigel is certain that the accusations of driving up inflation and pushing people out of the housing market, are entirely unfounded.

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Buying or selling your home? We provide the focal point.

Voisin, one of Jersey’s longest established legal practices, has a wealth of experience and knowledge of Jersey property transactions. We advise on purchases, sales and leases of residential and commercial property, commercial and residential developments, loans and securities and general property law matters. Combining efficiency and expertise we provide solutions to suit the needs of every individual and corporate client. For expert assistance on any property related matter, please contact our Property Law Team on 500351.


Templar House, Don Road, St Helier, Jersey JE1 1AW, Channel Islands. Tel: +44 (0)1534 500300 Fax: +44 (0)1534 500350 mail@voisinlaw.com Voisin, Advocates, Solicitors and Notaries Public is a law firm regulated by the Law Society of Jersey.

To complement our award winning offices in King Street, we have refurbished our second floor to create a ‘Confidential Suite’ that gives us the ability to showcase some of the island’s most exclusive residences. This ‘by appointment only’ service ensures the confidentiality of both the vendor and purchaser. If you are considering the sale or purchase of a property within the regions of £2-£10 million, please contact Margaret Thompson directly on 707910.

t: 01534 888855 f: 01534 707999 e: sales@thompsonestates.com w: www.thompsonestates.com 5 King Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4WF


hether you are looking for an unrivalled location, breathtaking views, privacy or something just a little bit different, Jersey offers properties to suit all tastes in a place like no other. Thompson Estates offer a dedicated Confidential Service to discerning customers who are searching for property in the island. Whether you are seeking a traditional granite farmhouse or a modern, striking home in an exclusive apartment block, you are sure to find what you are looking for. LESS brings you a through the keyhole look at a small selection of what is on offer.

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Property images: ŠCorey Littlefair

Property Profile p.o.a.

Villa de Pas, St Helier Exquisite taste is evident in this stunning four bedroom house, situated in a prime area a short distance from the beach and within easy walking distance of the town centre. This home is complemented by two generous-sized reception rooms of exceptional quality decorated in a contemporary style. This property is double glazed, has gas fired central heating and features wood flooring throughout the ground floor. Outside there is a private enclosed south facing walled garden laid lawn with surrounding patios, parking and an integral garage.

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Villa de Pas, Green Street, St Helier Enquiries can be made to Margaret Thompson through the Confidential Service on 888855 or email: Margaret@thompsonestates.com

Villa de Pas images: ŠCorey Littlefair

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Property Profile p.o.a.

Chateau Royale, Grouville I

f you are seeking a home which is easy to maintain, quiet and secure, the luxury development of Chateau Royale will appeal. It overlooks the

island’s exclusive golf course, home of the Royal Jersey Golf Club, and is on the market with the option of buying all furniture. This penthouse apartment enjoys wonderful sea views and has been worked on by craftsmen to offer everything to the discerning buyer. The unusual living and dining area is L shaped, with a light, airy feel. Two sets of double doors lead to balconies and another door leads to an atrium.

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Within the property, a fine Mark Wilkinson kitchen has been created featuring a centre island and granite worktops. Two of the three bedrooms within the apartment are both ensuite and

Chateau Royale, Le Chemin Au Greves, Grouville is available to view by private appointment only through Thompson Estates.

have access to a balcony, overlooking communal gardens. The third

Enquiries can be made to Margaret Thompson through the Confidential Service

bedroom is also ensuite. The master bedroom’s ensuite bathroom features

on 888855 or email: Margaret@thompsonestates.com

beautiful Villeroy and Boch units and a beautiful Jacuzzi bath. Outside, there is a conservatory and rooftop garden for ultimate privacy and relaxation which can be easily cultivated and maintained. The sandy golden beaches of Grouville Bay are only a few minutes away. The property has three secure parking spaces in the basement plus a secure storeroom.

Chateau Royale images: ŠCorey Littlefair

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Property Profile ÂŁ5 Million

La Hougue, St Peter L

a Hougue in St Peter is a perfect home for a discerning buyer seeking luxury, tranquility and a home which is simply breathtaking.

This elegant Georgian property in the west of the island is situated in its own grounds and is approached by a sweeping driveway offering complete privacy. Inside, no expense has been spared in making it a home to be proud of which allows the owner to enjoy leisure time with friends and family. There is plenty of room for entertaining as La Hougue features both a drawing room and extensive dining room, a games room and a snug, while the kitchen allows for dining in a more relaxed and informal setting.

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‘ The house has been sympathetically renovated and in addition boasts a beautiful shaped indoor pool with a Jacuzzi and bar area’

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An imposing staircase leads to the first floor which houses three bedrooms, all with ensuite bathrooms. The master bedroom has been fitted with maple units whilst one of the two adjoining bathrooms features a Jacuzzi bath and a Spa shower cubicle. The house has been sympathetically renovated and in addition boasts beautiful shaped indoor pool with a Jacuzzi and bar area, with separate changing rooms for men and women plus showers. Two sets of glass doors lead to a sun-trap courtyard which is a perfect location for a summer barbecue. Nearby is a wood panelled games room, and the grounds have been designed to allow part of them to be used as a putting green. La Hougue also benefits from several properties on the same site, including a self contained one bedroom apartment within the main house. The separate properties on the same site include a two bedroom cottage, a three bedroom house with a beamed ceiling, and a one and two bedroom apartment over a set of garages.

La Hougue, La Grande Route de St Pierre, St Peter is available to view by private appointment only through Thompson Estates. Enquiries can be made to Margaret Thompson through the Confidential Service on 888855 or email: Margaret@thompsonestates.com

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La Hougue images: ŠCorey Littlefair

Property Profile ÂŁ1.95 Million Sold

Blue Vista, St Lawrence S

et in a lovely country parish in the heart of the island, Blue Vista offers privacy and breathtaking views plus a one bedroom staff flat.

The bold exterior of the detached house is Mediterranean in style, and the views from the panoramic location show the island at its best. The luxury property overlooks St Aubins Bay and offers a modern and comfortable home which is ready to move into. The views can be enjoyed all year round from a large decked terrace. Inside the home, care has been taken to make it unique. The breathtaking kitchen was designed by Christians, and features stunning cream units with a walk in pantry and a centre island, an oil fired Aga stove and granite work tops. Four reception rooms mean that guests can enjoy privacy, with a choice of a light and airy sun room, a living room with decked balcony facing St Aubins Bay or the more relaxed snug.

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For entertaining, the dining room offers a wonderful ambience. Mirrors have been used in the ceilings to reflect the polished marble floor and the space. One of the more unusual features of the room is a bespoke bar which has been handmade by a craftsman for the room. Upstairs, three bedroom suites have been created. The elegant master bedroom enjoys its own decked balcony and the room features furniture designed by Versace. The ensuite bathroom features ornate vanity units and a large spa bath set in granite, plus a walk in shower. Both the other bedroom suites feature ensuite bathrooms and all three suites have immediate access to an outdoor infinity swimming pool and spa, situated on the lower level of the house. In addition, the property benefits from an extensive garden to the west.

Blue Vista, La Rue de La Vista, St Lawrence is available to view by private appointment only through Thompson Estates. Enquiries can be made to Margaret Thompson through the Confidential Service on 888855 or email: Margaret@thompsonestates.com

Blue Vista images: ŠCorey Littlefair

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Property Profile ÂŁ3.5 Million

Chateau La Rocque, Grouville A

Neolithic Martello Tower is part of the reason why Chateau La Rocque will appeal to a buyer looking for something a little bit different.

The tower stands in the grounds of this attractive large five bedroom home which is in complete isolation overlooking the sea at La Rocque in the east of the island, making it a perfect family home. Chateau La Rocque dates from the nineteenth century standing on two acres of land and enjoys uninterrupted sea views to the south, west and east and a large south west facing garden.

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‘ Spectacular views astound the eye in this £3.5 million residence.’

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Chateau La Rocque images: ŠCorey Littlefair

Inside are three large reception rooms and original features such as a balustrade staircase and exposed oak beams on the ceilings. The property comes complete with an integral one bedroom flat. Upstairs, two glazed observation areas provide access to the roof and spectacular views, plus five bedrooms, two of which are ensuite. A separate property within the grounds houses two bedroom staff accommodation.

Chateau La Rocque, La Grande Route des Sablons, Grouville is available to view by private appointment only through Thompson Estates. Enquiries can be made to Margaret Thompson through the Confidential Service on 888855 or email: Margaret@thompsonestates.com

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Property Profile p.o.a.

La Grange, St Ouen F

OR the discerning buyer who is looking for unparalleled privacy and luxury, Jersey offers a location like no other.

Sandy beaches, beautiful green fields, friendly people and advantageous tax regulations mean that the island, just 40 minutes from London by air, is highly attractive. A select range of properties are available for non-Jersey residents to purchase without being subjected to the usual stringent entry requirements, otherwise know as unqualified or non-qualified property. La Grange, based in the northerly parish of St Ouen, is one such property of a number currently available through the exclusive Confidential Service offered by Thompson Estates in Jersey.

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The house is deceptively spacious and has been styled by an interior designer to offer a beautiful, relaxing home. It is only a few minutes drive away from Jersey Airport in the neighbouring parish of St Peter, and the breathtaking scenery of St Ouen’s Bay. St Helier, Jersey’s town centre, can be reached in 20 minutes while the pretty harbour town of St Aubin, boasting excellent restaurants and picture postcard views, is a ten minute drive away. Situated in a tranquil country lane, La Grange is ready to move into. The house has a welcoming calm atmosphere. From the front door, the wooden floored hall is flooded with light with doors looking out onto an attractive garden, which includes bay trees imported from Italy. The present owners are selling La Grange after buying the house five years ago. They found it after a two year search for the perfect home. Its quirky design means that downstairs, four ensuite bedrooms and a gym occupy the ground floor and lower ground floors, while upstairs, there is a wonderful large open-plan space to entertain in. An open plan fitted kitchen looks over an informal seating area with a view of green fields. There is a study, formal living and dining room with an imposing fire place beyond.

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The way the accommodation flows offers penthouse style living, which means that different groups can easily enjoy the space at the same time. The house has been sympathetically renovated and extended; the formal dining and living area was previously a barn. The ceilings, which house huge exposed beams, are testimony to this. The upstairs section of La Grange also houses the large master bedroom suite, which, with a separate seating area, doubles as a sitting room. The furniture in the property has been sourced from all over the world, and helps create a striking contemporary look within La Grange. Bold colours and themes contrast with neutral floor and wall coverings, and care has been taken to create separate areas within the home through the clever placing of furniture. Downstairs, four bedroom suites create perfect havens for guests, one of which has French doors which lead to the garden, and a separate

La Grange, Route des Landes, St Ouen is available to view by private

seating area. The four bathrooms are all of the highest quality with

appointment only through Thompson Estates.

marble surfaces. The present owners would consider selling the house contents,

Enquiries can be made to Margaret Thompson through the Confidential Service on 888855 or email: Margaret@thompsonestates.com

making La Grange ready to move into. The perfect hideaway home.

La Grange images: ŠCorey Littlefair

‘ Unqualified properties such as La Grange make living in Jersey a realistic proposition.’

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ersey continues to be an attractive destination

means that we can afford high net worth individuals the level of privacy

for high net worth individuals looking to purchase

that they expect.

property, and leading local estate agency Thompson Estates is committed to offering a bespoke service aimed

‘We knew it was important to have somewhere away from the public viewing

at this important sector of the market.

area. It gives potential buyers the opportunity to preview properties without having to arrange a formal viewing, as we have a large LCD TV where plans

‘It was with this important client group in mind that we launched the

and photographs can be shown. This is advantageous for potential buyers as it

Confidential Suite earlier this year,’ explained Margaret Thompson, director

means they do not have to formally arrange to visit a property, but gives them

of Thompson Estates.

the flexibility to see the large selection of homes we have on offer.

The agency already enjoys a privileged position in King Street, St Helier, and

‘We think it is an arrangement which works for both buyers and house owners

is now complemented by The Confidential Suite within the same building. ‘The Confidential Suite was launched as a new service designed to cater for property

The Confidential Suite was launched as a new service designed to cater for property buyers and vendors at the higher end of the market

wishing to sell properties at the higher end of the market. For the buyer it means that they can achieve an insight of a property at an early stage, allowing them to short-list their choices prior to an onsite inspection.

buyers and vendors at the higher end of the market,’ explained Margaret.

For vendors, on the other hand, the service ensures that privacy is maintained

‘We knew it was important to offer a dedicated space where clients can

and only serious buyers are invited to view their property.’

be assured of complete privacy and discretion and are able to view the island’s most prestigious properties. The addition of The Confidential Suite

As well as having the perfect space for private property sales, the availability



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of large display screens also provides developers with the opportunity to

Professional Membership of Associations

showcase their new developments.

Jersey has no statutory law regarding the operation of estate agencies, unlike the UK where the Estate Agents Act 1979 provides statutory obligations and responsibilities. As there is also no consumer legislation, problems that arise through the use of estate agents must be solved through negotiation or by legal means.

‘Giving developers the ability to show large scale plans and even animated fly-throughs of new developments provides a fantastic opportunity for potential purchasers or investors to visualise the project at an early stage,’ added Margaret. ‘This has been an important year for us. In June 2007 Thompson Estates became the Fine & Country agent for the Channel Islands. Fine & Country is Britain’s leading network of independent estate agencies specialising in the sale of fine and country properties, as the name suggests. ‘Their head office is in London’s Park Lane, and the network stretches throughout the UK. Joining the Fine & Country network has given us the opportunity to have a UK brand presence whilst maintaining our local status within the Jersey property market,’ said Margaret. • Th ompson Estates currently has a list of high net-worth individuals wishing to buy or sell properties and would welcome enquiries from both vendors and purchasers looking in the £1 - £10 million bracket.

Thompson Estates are members and/or regulated by the relevant industry professional bodies. These provide clients with assurance of professional service standards, protection and recourse where relevant. The Jersey Estate Agency Association JEAA Membership of this association is open to estate agents’ firms, rather than individuals. There is a code of conduct and Rules of the Association which must be complied with. Should there be a complaint from a client or member of the public concerning the business operation of a member firm, the Association can be asked to intervene. A Council meeting is held to address the complaint. A member could be expelled from the Association, or required to try to put matters right. The National Association of Estate Agents Membership of this Association is available to suitably experienced and qualified individuals, rather than firms. There is, however, a responsibility for members’ employees and co-directors to abide also by the Rules of conduct, and Code of Practice. Both directors Margaret Thompson MNAEA and Richard Hollick MNAEA are members of the association. Further information on the association can be found at www.naea.co.uk The Guild of Professional Estate Agents Guild members are independent estate agents who are experts in your local market place and able to advise you on local valuations, specific market trends, and a wealth of other local information and contacts. Members of the Guild are ethical, professional and adhering to a Code of Conduct - providing you with quality assurance of their service, a valuable reassurance. For further information, please visit www.gpea.co.uk

• Enquiries can be directed in confidence to Margaret Thompson on 888855 or via email: Margaret@thompsonestates.com


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