Mukai - Vukani No:78

Page 11

Zimbabwe’s Strained Intra and Extra Relations

Fr Anold Moyo SJ


imbabwe is a hurting polarised

state. Zimbabwe’s Strained Intra and Extra Relations Zimbabwe is a hurting polarised state. The nation’s atrophying socio-economic conditions and internecine political struggles (inter-party and intra-party) are worsening humanitarian distress and threaten the security not only of the state but of the region at large. New and old multi-layered challenges are at the centre of the strains being witnessed today. At the heart of the challenges is politics. The government thrust on power expansion has been accompanied by clampdown on dissenting voices. Opposition political figures, activists, authors, journalists, student representatives, the Church and other critics have been at the bitter end of government abuse. Government has resorted to quashing dissenting voices using violence, jailing, abductions and killings. Government critics have been labelled ‘terrorist’, ‘western sponsored’ ‘evil’

and ‘genocidal’. The nation’s body-pol-

ment No 2 Bill 29 by the government,

itick is characterised by intolerance and

points to failure of constitutionalism

bruising discourse. Non-political vio-

in the country. The central thrust of the

lence in form of gender-based violence

constitutional changes is to expand and

and Mashurugwi is equally pervasive.

cement the powers of the executive.

The justice system has been a potent

Partisan operations of the key arms of

weapon against those who are regarded

the start, such as the military, police,

as ‘enemies of the state’.

intelligence, prison services, judiciary

A zero-sum political culture has man-

and other government entities points to

ifested itself in parochial policies that

a deteriorating quality of governance

are anchored on power maximisation

and regard for rule of law. In short,

ahead of national development. Simi-

partisan institutions inculcate a partisan

larly, internal strains abound because

and divided nation.

policies and state institutions are not

Since the 2017 coup, domestic politi-

inclusive, consultative and accountable.

cal dynamics have soiled the nation’s

Little attention has been paid on defeat-

international rebranding efforts. In the

ing inequality in all its forms over the

wake of the disputations around the

years. For example, key sectors such as

2018 harmonised presidential elections,

the healthcare system could have com-

6 people were shot dead, and in January

pletely collapsed were it not for the 70

2019 about 17 people were killed by the

per cent financial support from external

security forces .2 No one has been held

players .1

accountable to date. Heinous crimes

Other domestic challenges in Zimba-

committed in the past in the country

bwe centre around constitutionalism

have not been accounted for. In other

and the rule of law. Currently, the

words, the nation has many fissures:

proposed amendments to the 2013 Con-

particularly politically, generationally

stitution of Zimbabwe through Amend-

and ethnically. The government’s reluc-

1.British Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Melanie Robinson, 9 September 2020.

2.Human Rights Watch; Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, January 2019.

Mukai - Vukani No.78 | October 2020 |


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