Mukai - Vukani No:78

Page 18

Direct Participatory Democracy and Tolerance in Mozambique Manuel Mario Chingole SJ


emocracy has been one of the most

active participation in promoting the

be diminished or eliminated as appropriate

common good of the state and obeying

(Levinas, Emmanuel., Totality and Infinity,

preferred political systems around the

the laws and rules that the community

1967). This can lead to responsibility

world. Yet there are different kinds of

has set. Also, this kind of democracy

and respect towards the other. In a society

democracies. This article makes a brief

helps people to be more tolerant of each

where tolerance is promoted, people would

focus on direct participatory democracy

other. In this kind of system, people are

be able to tolerate the ideologies of others

and tolerance, using Mozambique as a

not divided according to their colour,

and engage one another in productive di-

case in point.

ethnic groups or social class. Everyone

alogue. This helps people to have a better

Direct participatory democracy “is a state

receives equal treatment.

understanding of others. The more people

in which the people themselves play a

Following Emmanuel Levinas’ ideas we

focus on the external, the more intolerant

more direct role in running the State,

can say that tolerance is a deep under-

they become because of judgments based

in making laws and taking decisions”

standing of the other person. It is not the

on the external features or factors only.

(Munroe, Trevor., An Introduction to

external understanding where we come

That is problematic for societal cohesion

Politics: Lectures for First-year Students,

to understand and judge the other be-

and coexistence.

2002). This is a kind of democracy

cause of his or her background, culture,

Direct participatory democracy and toler-

that emphasizes the participation of the

social status, ethnic group, appearance

ance have a way of dealing with poverty,

individuals in building their society in its

etc. Tolerance goes beyond the accidents

inequality and corruption. Since it in-

political, social, and economic aspects.

that have been mentioned. It is about the

volves everyone in the state’s affairs there

Here, action is not only for the govern-

essence of the person which is discov-

is a possibility of knowing the needs of the

ment. Rather, people are encouraged to

ered by listening carefully and responsi-

citizens in order to justly respond to them.

be active, especially in accomplishing

bly to that person. When people are sin-

It also leads to more transparency and

their duties such as paying taxes in order

cerely listened to, a large percentage of

accountability to the people. The citizens

to sustain the economy of the state,

the problems that our societies face can

should know the economic status of their

Mukai - Vukani No.78 | October 2020 |


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