Mukai - Vukani No:78

Page 6

‘Truth Telling - Moral Implications’

Fr Peter Paul Musekiwa SJ

Africans to look at ourselves again and

intolerance being the cause for many


know that we ought to be proud of our

African societies’ failure to democratise,

elling the truth has moral

ancestors and the wealth of knowledge

it has equally been the cause of many

that they built for us” (Rukuni

conflicts since the 1950s and in our day as

society. Zimbabwe has been saddled by

Mandivamba, Being Afrikan, 2007,


6). The encouragement in the words of

In the case of Zimbabwe, it seems that the

Professor Rukuni as quoted above should

cause of our quandaries is compounded.

vibrate the positive frequency and raise

Our problems are a combination of both

the spirit of a longing for an authentic

intolerance from both within and outside

self-expression for us Africans. We need

the country, and lack of truth telling,

to examine our national conscience

which are in my view two sides of the

as Zimbabweans with regards to truth

same coin. For instance, since the year

telling and its moral implications.

2000, the ZANU-PF led government has

The general problem that one sees

blamed all the calamities that bedevil

in our society today is intolerance.

the country on the sanctions imposed

media instigated violence.

James L. Gibson in his article Political

by the United States of America and its

Intolerance in the Context of Democratic

allies in the West against individuals and

In his book entitled Being Afrikan,

Theory, describes intolerance as the

companies that belong to the governing

unwillingness to put up with disagreeable

ZANU-PF party and others who support

ideas and groups (Gibson L. James,

the activities of that political party

Political Intolerance…2013). Besides

financially. However, the government

implications on the actor and on a intolerance, corruption, misgovernance and misinformation, depending on the side of the political divide that one stands. We all have a role to play to enhance communicate truthfully regardless on the media through which we do so. There is no need to weaponise the media to foment intolerance. Countries that have done so have experienced a terrible loss of life through

Professor Mandivamba Rukuni emphasised that one of his objectives for writing the book is that he “wants us as

Mukai - Vukani No.78 | October 2020 |


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