Depression and genetics is there any relationship

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Depression And G enetics- Is There A ny Relationship?

Depression is very common in today’s world. Life has become unpredictable a nd complicated. If you are not dealing with the loss of jobs, you may be dealin g with a stressful employer or employe e.

If you have paid your bills, the governm ent may decide to increase taxes, whic h means that there is less income for c onsumption. Still, as the life becomes h arder, many people are isolated into th eir own cocoons of misery and pain.

Whereas, the environment around the majority is very stressful and depressin g, there are some people who may be li ving in a perfect environment yet very d epressed.

They may not be dealing with financial, social, emotional or spiritual problems, yet have been diagnosed with depressi on. What causes such circumstances? Is it possible that depression can be ca used by genetically related factors?

What Studies Reveal

According to a recent study conducted i n UK and made available in some popu lar publications, there is evidence that depression can result from genetically r elated factors.

People who come from families of people with the tendency towards depression ar e likely to experience depression than tho se who do not. The study reveals that reg ion on chromosome 3 is highly linked to d epression, which means that the children born with such chromosomes may be de pressed at some point in life.

It was also established that 60% of dep ression cases are related to environme ntal and other issues while 40% of the depression cases are genetic.

Some doctors are convinced that there is chance that many other genes can c ontribute towards depression, and studi es are still being conducted to establish such facts. It is also evident that many metal illnesses are always resulting fro m a combination of genes rather than o ne of them.

There is a group of scientists who belie ve that the link between depression an d genes is the serotonin. This hormone is responsible for mood boosting. It is a lso known as the feel good hormone.

Researchers indicate that there is a ten dency of some genetically related famili es to have serotonin imbalances as co mpared to other families. This imbalanc e is to be related to the issues related t o serotonin transporter gene in the bod y.

Environmental Factors versu s Genetics

Genetic depression can be triggered by th e environmental factors. This makes it har d for the scientists to link depression direc tly to the genetics. The environment within the same family can cause depression a mongst all the family members, especially if the environment is not changed.

On the other hand there is no scientist who can dispute the fact that some fam ilies experience such illnesses as comp ared to others. The only hope is that m ore research can be conducted on the subject so that proper conclusions can be made.

Many people are however advised to w atch out for signs of depression in case they find these cases being prevalent i n their families.

They should watch out for symptoms s uch as feeling helpless, hopeless, lonel y and experiencing unexplained sadne ss, anger and sleeplessness. Once suc h symptoms are identified, the way forw ard can be suggested, ranging from the rapies, use of supplements such as Sy stem Serene and counseling.

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