Wholesale Ecig Tips: Getting The Most out of Electric Cigarette Coils
Unlike the tobacco cigarettes where everything is about the sticks and the cigar packs, electric cigarettes are more than just the vapor. From batteries to Box Mods and tanks, there is much more to consider when it comes to e-cigs. Did we mention coils somewhere? Well, the list couldn’t be complete without atomizers. For anyone handling wholesale e-cig business, there is much more you might want to learn beyond the electronic cigarette basics.
If one customer were to ask you for how long the atomizers should last, you would probably forge a smile, check through the labeling, and shout an answer. What if a client were to ask you how he can reap the most out of his electric cigarette coil; what answers would you give him or her? You do not have to scratch your head because, for today, we are going to bail you out!
Prime Coil Prior to Vaping It might sound so simple and well, so ordinary. However, it serves as one of the most important tips when it comes to extending the lives of atomizer heads. Every time you screw a new coil to fill the tank, it is proper waiting a couple of minutes for the juice to saturate the wick before lighting it up. Waiting for six minutes before vaping might be painful but it is a necessary step in lengthening the lifespan of your coil.
The reason is simple. A new coil has a dry wick and to vape without burning; the coil requires the wick to be soaked completely in juice. This cannot be achieved immediately you fill up the tank because there will be some sections not in immediate contact with the e-juice. Waiting for further five or seven minutes ensures the wick is completely soaked in the e-juice. The result is a lasting coil.
Go slow on chain vaping
Some people, especially ardent smokers, you wouldn’t want to let go the ecigarette the moment you have it in your hands. Instead, you would opt for deeper puffs, one after the other. do not draw in deeply for longer.
Over time, research has shown that chain vaping affects the ability of the atomizer to quickly replenish the e-juice. Carried out continually, the coil will be spoilt. The solution is so simple, simply keep your e-cig down for a while, and
Keep an eye on the e-juice One of the easiest ways of shortening the life of a coil, way before its due time, is vaping when the e-juice level is low. With low e-juice, there wouldn’t be too much juice soaked in the wick. Consequently, there will be a significant rise in temperatures when you, to the point of risking the burning of the wick.
You do not want to screw up your coil by hitting the fire button when the juice level is low. As expected, the remedy is simple; keep an eye on the e-juice and refill the tank whenever the level goes down!
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