Mrs. Beals Nonfiction Animal Magazine

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Mrs. Beals’ First Grade Nonfiction Animal Project

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Manatee

My Information Came From: Website:

natinoal geographic kids

Magazine Article: Book:


My Article: my













like wotr from




Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Elephant

My Information Came From: Website:

National Geographic Kids

Magazine Article: Book:


My Article: Elephants are amazing. Some elephants are not amazing. my animal eat plants. my animal do they eat and sleep and fite. my animal home look like in africaqn jugll. my animal look like they are big and gray. my animal hide from puedidrs like lion and chedes

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Raccoon

My Information Came From: Website:

National Geographic Kids

Magazine Article: Book:

Common Racoon


My Article: I am lrning adout raccoons eat from the chrash. raccoons live in difrint homes.Theylike to climd thees. raccoons are gray and blake.raccoons hide from deers.

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Bear

My Information Came From: Website:

natlonal egographic kids

Magazine Article: Book:

beras in peril

black beras

My Article: bear eat fish.bears catch

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Kangaroo

My Information Came From: Website: Magazine Article: Book:

pocket babies


My Article: my animal eat`s grass. they can jump nine feet high. gras tres. brown big feet long tail. eagles an wild dogs

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Rabbit

My Information Came From: Website:

National Geographic Kids

Magazine Article: Book:


My Article: My Animal eats bread and grain and grass my animal lays in the flowers my animal coler can be brown white and black my animal s home looks like brown and white my animal hides from a cage

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Koala

My Information Came From: Website:

national geoggraphic kids

Magazine Article: Book:

koala crisis


My Article my animal eats tree leafs. my animal scraches. my animals home look like my animals home is the forest. my animal looks like a gray koalas

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal – Sea Lion

My Information Came From: Website:

national graphic kids

Magazine Article: Sea Book:




My Article: I


Sea Sea like

Sea lions lions





lions eat all kinds of anchovies,salmon, and even small

brown. fish sharks

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Whale

My Information Came From: Website:

The Marine mammel

Magazine Article: Book:

The Blue whale is the biggest whale

Blue whales

My Article: My animal is the blue whale it eats krill and fish. My animals heart is as big as a small car. My animal is as big as 3 elephants.There 4 kinds of blue whales sperm,becked,white, and rorquals. Blue whales are amazing.

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Zebra

My Information Came From: Website:

National Geographic Kids

Magazine Article: Book:

Why Do Zebras Have Stripes


My Article: My animal is a zebra Zebras eat green grass my animal runs and plays my animal lives in africa my animal looks like a horse with strips my animal hides from hyenas and lions.

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Gorilla

My Information Came From: Website:

National Geographic Kids

Magazine Article: Book:



My Article: My anmal eats flowers,and plants. Gorillas hide from some humans that hunt them they also hide from other fearsom animals. My anmal gives there baby a piggy back ride for 18 months.Gorillas watch after there babys so they don't get into truble.

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Cheetah

My Information Came From: Website:

National Geographic Kids

Magazine Article: Book:

a need for speed


My Article: i love cheetah cheetah love grass. y animal eat meat. my animal find food . it look like grass. it ls mean. mean animal.

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Tiger

My Information Came From: Website:

National Geographic Kids

Magazine Article: Tigerrr Book: tigers My Article:

First my animal eats antelopes and deer it can hold up to 50 pouns in it's stomch. Next my animal like's to gard it home and hunt for food. Finally my animal's habatat looks like it has tall grass and tall trees. I love my animal.

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Panda

My Information Came From: Website:

national geographic kids

Magazine Article: Book:

Plight of the Pandas

Giant Pandas

My Article: pandas eat woody grass then pandas eat and sit bsid a tree oh and thay sleep and bamboo forests riany mountains in summer pandas have thick whit and black fur. pandas have a large heads it is a predator.

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal – Tasmanian Devil

My Information Came From: Website:

national geographic kids

Magazine Article: Book:

tasmanian devil

My Article: my animale is the tasmanian devil some are white and some are black.they eat bug,s and spierspiderspider spider.leefs and durt grass does nothighd from ineedag

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Hyena

My Information Came From: Website:


Magazine Article: Book:

spotted hyenas


My Article:

henas are grat because they are gooed hided hyenas are traed to cats. cats have meet so does dogs lones and tigers like to eat hyenas. hyenas home looks like ahole and mom hyenas

Beals' Class Animal Articles My Animal - Dolphin

My Information Came From: Website:science kids Magazine Article: Book:comon dolphins My Article: my animal is amazing! back then pepole who fished got the dolphins in nets. dolphins can swim realy fast and jump in the air! you can go to the beach and see woon and you can pet it! dolphins swim and eat small fish and sqiud. yum!

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