Proposed Work Plan for Columbus WOW Steering Committee (Specific dates for monthly meetings TBD locally) Meeting Date 1. Sept 3
Topic a) Affirmation of Guiding Principles b) Begin discussion About Outcomes
Homework/Advance Prep/Materials • Review draft guiding principles
Review draft outcomes (SMART/HARD goals)1
a) Affirmation of Outcomes b) Work arenas for achieving Outcomes
Committee members submit emendations in advance via email/shared Google doc (depending on comfort of members) Review finalized Guiding Principles and Outcomes
Idit: • Map summit ideas into Outcomes list for working draft of work arenas
Achieving Consensus About Promising “1st Arenas” for Achieving Outcomes
JESNA + Idit & Chairs: • identify possible options to present • anticipate directions that group will go re 1st arenas. • Create guiding materials & rubrics for working groups
Suggested Activity/MO
Meeting Outcomes/ Deliverables
Employ an activity such as those described in the link below to achieve group consensus about guiding principles and outcomes for Columbus WOW
a) Guiding Principles of Columbus WOW
Working Group Check-In
Working groups conduct research
Review Principles and Outcomes for final approval
Work groups review 3 outcomes each to modify and expand summit lists of how to achieve Outcomes
Circulate documents for Steering Committee approval b) Draft of Achievable Outcomes
a) Clear articulation of Columbus WOW Outcomes b) Increased knowledge and awareness of Steering Committee members re options
Presentation by Idit and/or JESNA staff of options and innovations that community may wish to explore (e.g., MetroWest NJ teen engagement approach; LA concierge; alternative complementary/BM/JFE models; community-wide PD, etc.) to illustrate options and different approaches Committee achieve consensus on +/- 3 areas they wish to explore and divide into work groups
Presentations from working groups about what they are learning
SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely; HARD – heartfelt, animated, required difficult)
Develop and communicate guiding principles & outcomes to stakeholders/broader community JESNA and Idit create webinar to guide work groups to non-programmatic based ideas achieve their Outcomes Working groups develop lists for achieving Outcomes
c) Organization into working groups
Clarifying questions and suggestions about additional necessary info from other groups
Wordsmith documents by sub-committee s/profdevl/pd2reach.htm
d) Increased knowledge and awareness of Steering Committee members re options
Communication plan: ensure voices of stakeholders (traditional institutions and CONSUMERS) in feedback and buy-in to plans; keep potential funders (including Federation, Foundation, private funders) in loop JESNA and Idit create materials and guide coach/direct working groups to resources and individuals to research promising approaches to achieve their goals Working groups collect information on promising approaches
e) Decision re 1st arenas for exploration and action
Organization into working groups
g) Orientation re how working groups will work Cross pollination of information
JESNA and Idit help working groups use decision-making tools and rubrics to develop recommendations to the Steering Committee Communication plan: ensure voices of stakeholders (traditional institutions and CONSUMERS) in feedback and buy-in to plans; keep potential funders (including Federation, Foundation, private funders) in loop Working groups use feedback to guide additional research and development of recommendations/proposals to Steering Group Communication plan: (See Above)
Proposed Work Plan for Columbus WOW Steering Committee (Specific dates for monthly meetings TBD locally) Meeting Date 5.
Topic Working Groups presentations of recommendations/ proposals
Homework/Advance Prep/Materials Working groups develop recommendations
Suggested Activity/MO Presentations from working groups of recommendations Clarifying questions and suggestions about additional necessary info from other groups
Decision-making re overall plan for Columbus WOW
Creation of “logic models” to align goals, activities and needed inputs for each proposed initiative
Employ an activity such as those described in the link below to achieve group consensus overall plan for Columbus WOW /profdevl/pd2reach.htm
Consensus re lowhanging fruit
Creation of “logic models” to align goals, activities and needed inputs for each proposed initiative
Employ an activity such as those described in the link below to achieve group consensus about “low hanging fruit” for Columbus WOW that will not only be beneficial, but lead to big picture of transformative change /profdevl/pd2reach.htm
Meeting Outcomes/ Deliverables Familiarization of Steering Committee with breadth of research, and creating foundation for decision-making Preliminary discussion of prioritization Consensus re overall plan for Columbus WOW
Consensus re low hanging fruit for Columbus WOW
Follow-up Develop and circulate prioritization and decision-making criteria Communication plan - ensure voices of stakeholders (traditional institutions and CONSUMERS) in feedback and buy-in to plans; keep potential funders (including Federation, Foundation, private funders) in loop Developing funding proposal for Foundation/Federation
Developing funding proposal for Foundation/Federation Communication plan - ensure voices of stakeholders (traditional institutions and CONSUMERS) in feedback and buy-in to plans; keep potential funders (including Federation, Foundation, private funders) in loop Implementation plan to be developed by staff