David Carson - Publication Design

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what made sense to me, without knowing any rules or schools of thought or famous people. American graphic designer, art director, 9th best surfer in the world (1989) and the "Godfather of Grunge", David CarsonAmerican graphic designer, art director, 9th best surfer in the world holds these titles for being(1989) and the "Godfather of Grunge", David Carson holds these titles an incredible, unconventional,for being an incredible, unconventional, graphic designer, disintegrating graphic designer, disintegratingthe notions of design boundaries and rules. Throughout his career, the notions of design boundariesCarson has contributed to several magazine companies. He designed and rules. Throughout his career,a skateboard magazine (Transworld Skateboarding), surf magazine Carson has contributed to(Surfer), a coastal lifestyle magazine (Beach Culture) and rock 'n' roll several magazine companies. Hemagazine that brought more attention to his work (RayGun). Growing designed a skateboard magazineup in Southern California and immersed in the surfing and skateboarding (Transworld Skateboarding),culture, Carson felt that his liberal way of life, played a significant role surf magazine (Surfer), ain influencing his outrageous (at the time) and unique style. Carson coastal lifestyle magazineconsiders that breaking design guidelines were easy for him, because he (Beach Culture) and rock 'n' rolldidn't know any. "I've said it a lot, but I really never did learn all the magazine that brought morethings I wasn't supposed to do. I started with no experience and just attention to his work (RayGun).tried to do what made sense to me, without knowing any rules or schools Growing up in Southern Californiaof thought or famous people". and immersed in the surfing and skateboarding culture, Carson felt Graphic design wasn't even a thought in the mind of Carson. He had that his liberal way of life, played graduated with a degree in sociology and was studying to become a a significant role in influencing teacher, during his professional surfing career. With no formal training, his outrageous (at the time) and he had only taken a two-week long summer workshop at the University unique style. Carson considers of Arizona. Mid 1980s, Carson experimentations with graphic design that breaking design guidelines inevitably initiated the development of his successful career, which were easy for him, because he had such varying and opposing responses. Carson believes that "People didn't know any. "I've said it a lot, read what they're interested in reading" and that is the reason why but I really never did learn all the legibility doesn't always mean you are communicating the message that things I wasn't supposed to do. is displayed. He knew nothing about grids or formulas or any systems I started with no experience and of graphic design, however he always tried to "reinforce visually just tried to do what made sense what's written, spoken or sung", as he felt the most effective way to to me, without knowing any rules communicate was through connecting with his audience on an emotional or schools of thought or famous level, creating a stronger impression of his work. people".


wasn't even a thought in the mind of Carson. He had graduated with a degree in sociology and was studying to become a teacher, during his professional surfing career. With no formal training, he had only taken a two-week long summer workshop at the University of Arizona (Pawle, 2014). Mid 1980s, Carson experimentations with graphic design inevitably initiated the development of his successful career, which had such varying and opposing responses. Carson believes that "People read what they're interested in reading" and that is the reason why legibility doesn't always mean you are communicating the message that is displayed. He knew nothing about grids or formulas or any systems of graphic design, however he always tried to "reinforce visually what's written, spoken or sung", as he felt the most effective way to communicate was through connecting with his audience on an emotional level, creating a stronger impression of his work.

ating his most renowned pieces RayGun (rock 'n' roll magazine). d him experimenting with the ting and changing its purposes g photography, digital effects tography and typography. One of d for RayGun would have to have Apparently Carson was bored to chose to set the


Carson at the peak of his career was creating his most renowned pieces during his position as the art director of RayGun (rock 'n' roll magazine). The work he produced at this time had him experimenting with the fundamentals of typography, deconstructing and changing its purposes to suit his designs, and incorporating photography, digital effects (through Photoshop) and layering of photography and typography. One of the most memorable articles he designed for RayGun would have to have been the Bryan Ferry article from 1994. Apparently Carson was bored to death with the article, and with that he chose to set the

mer workshop at the University entations with graphic design his successful career, which s. Carson believes that "People g" and that is the reason why ommunicating the message that ds or formulas or any systems s tried to "reinforce visually felt the most effective way to th his audience on an emotional his work.

art director, 9th best surfer in the world (1989) and the "Godfather of Grunge", holds these titles for being an incredible, unconventional, graphic designer, disintegrating the notions of design I've said it a lot, but I really     boundaries and rules. Throughoutdid learn his career, Carson has contributed several supposed magazine companies. all the things Ito wasn't do. He I started designed a skateboard tomagazine (Transworld Skateboarding), surf (Surfer), ajustcoastal with     magazine experience tried to do lifestyle magazineand (Beach Culture)

American graphic designer, art director, 9th best surfer in the world (1989) and the "Godfather of Grunge", David Carson holds these titles for being an incredible, unconventional, graphic designer, disintegrating the notions of design boundaries and rules. Throughout his career, Carson has contributed to several magazine companies. He designed a skateboard magazine (Transworld Skateboarding), surf magazine (Surfer), a coastal lifestyle magazine (Beach Culture) and rock 'n' roll magazine that brought more attention to his work (RayGun). Growing up in Southern California and immersed in the surfing and skateboarding culture, Carson felt that his liberal way of life, played a significant role in influencing his outrageous (at the time) and unique sn't

ypeface for ll the text other than the itle) to Zapf ingbats. His nconventional se of typography nd his choice o ignore the , 9th best surfer in the world rinciples of David Carson holds these titles graphic designer, disintegrating he rules. grid Throughoutsystem his career, gazine companies. He designed c o l u surf m nmagazine s, Skateboarding), Beach Culture) and rock 'n' roll eadlines and to his work (RayGun). Growing n the surfing and skateboarding ven page of life, played a significant role time) and unique style. Carson u measy bfor him, e rbecause s )he s were I really never did learn all the esulted in andthe ed with no experience just out knowing any rules or schools opularisation e nticipating in the mind of Carson. Hehis had and was studying to become a ext With move. career. no formal training,

at the peak of his career was creating his most renowned pieces Graphic design wasn'tCarson during his position as the art director of RayGun (rock 'n' roll magazine).

even a thought in the mind of The work he produced at this time had him experimenting with the Carson. He had graduated with a fundamentals of typography, deconstructing and changing its purposes degree in sociology and was to suit his designs, and incorporating photography, digital effects (through Photoshop) and layering of photography and typography. One of the most memorable articles he designed for RayGun would have to have been the Bryan Ferry article from 1994. Apparently Carson was bored to death with the article, and with that he chose to set the serif | David Carson

Graphic design


As years and decades pass, design tends to change and so do the creative approaches. Carson thoughts towards the grid system s that though it does speed up the work process, it has "killed graphic design in the last decade" and that designers are no longer basing design choice by eye, but allowing the software on the computers to do all that work for them. Along with that, Carson feels that the reason why there is a lack of great design is due to that fact that everything The significance of Carson and his work during looks the same, and nothing stands out. "Designers the 1990s, wasn't only that it was something that seem to have gotten really lazy. But there are would make you turn your head twice at, with some signs that people are yearning again for a all the layers, slightly illegible grunge typography little more expressive experimentation, rather (at first glance) or the sense of his work being than perfect and boring." Carson's perspective of confronting and unapologetic. It sent a message designers and their work seem to be that they about doing something different, breaking out of aren't taking risks but doing something different, the shells that were created, not only in graphic as from his past experience, creating work that design, but the life that you were born into. It exactly influenced by current trends, but inspired was the time to rebel, making your voice heard, to set new trends in the future. and Carson with his motto of "why not?" just stimulated the movement.

why not?

typeface for all the text (other than the title) to Zapf Dingbats. His unconventional use of typography and his choice to ignore the principles of the grid system (columns, headlines and even page numbers) resulted in the popularisation of his extremely abstract style (Michelle, 2007). Though most times it was initially difficult to read, it excited his audience, angered the critics and had everyone anticipating his next move.


serif | David Carson


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