Vintage Beer Book

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A S ur vey of B e er C a ns from 19 50 to To day limited to o ne fathe r’s collectio n By Jes sic a Byrd


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The Official Collection of Richard & Robert L. Byrd The collection of vintage beer cans surveyed in this book belong to my father, Robert L. Byrd(photographed above), and his father, Richard. Richard passed away when my father was 12 years old. He left behind a few cigarettestained beer cans on the old, dusty bar shelves in their Louisville home. It was this small collection that sparked my father’s interest in 1978 to start adding to the collection. As one can tell from the viewing photo of my father on this page, he has always loved beer. Over the years, collecting the cans was easy for him. The collection has grown to become a cherished family heirloom.


Lager originates from the Czech Republic. It is a very broadly produced beer type. It is usually distinguished by its light color and taste.

7 OERTELS ‘92 , 1949 Oertel Brewing Co. Louisville, KY lager

OERTELS ‘92 , 1952 Oertel Brewing Co. Louisville, KY lager

OERTELS ‘92 , 1959 Oertel Brewing Co. Louisville, KY lager

MILLER HIGH LIFE , 1966 Miller Brewing Co. Milwaukee, WI american adjunct lager


KRONENBOURG 1664 Kronenbourg Breweries Strasbourg, France pale lager

9 COORS BANQUET Adolph Coors Co. Golden, CO pale lager

HAMM’S Olympia Brewing Co. Tumwater, WA american adjunct lager

PA B S T B LU E R I B B O N Pabst Brewing Co. Milwaukee, WI american adjunct lager

H U D E P O H L , 1 975 Hudepohl Brewing Co. Cincinnati, OH american amber lager

10 B I L LY, 1 97 7 Falls City Brewing Co. Louisville, KY american light lager

H U DY D E L I G H T Hudepohl Brewing Co. Cincinnati, OH light lager

S C H M I DT G. Heileman Brewing Co. Sheboygan, WI american adjunct lager

H A R L E Y DAV I D S O N , 1 9 8 4 Pabst Brewing Co. Milwaukee, WI american adjunct lager


FA L L S C I T Y, 1 9 4 9 Falls City Brewing Co. Louisville, KY pale lager

BUSCH Anheuser-Busch Inc. St. Louis, MO pale lager


Bock is a type of lager created in Germany. It is known for its strong, dark flavor. Traditionally, it is brewed in th fall season and enjoyed in the spring.


O L D C R OW N Centlivre Brewing Corp. Fort Wayne, IN bock


Malt liquor’s higher alcohol content is made possible by using malted barley during the brewing process. It usually has a light color and flavor.


C O LT 4 5 National Brewing Co. Baltimore, MD malt liquor


MILLER Miller Brewing Co. Milwaukee, WI malt liquor

SCHLITZ Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co. Milwaukee, WI malt liquor

17 C O U N T RY C LU B Pearl Brewing Co. San Antonio, TX malt liquor

RED BULL Stroh Brewery Co. Lehigh Valley, PA malt liquor

M AG N U M Miller Brewing Co. Milwaukee, WI malt liquor

KING COBR A Anheuser-Busch Inc. St. Louis, MO malt liquor


Pilsner is the lightest of all lagers. It is marked by its light color and flavor. It also originates from the Czech Republic.


PETER HAND EX TRA LIGHT Peter Hand Brewing Co. Chicago, IL pilsner

STERLING Sterling Brewers Inc. Eavansville, IN pilsner


Traditionally, ale is brewed without the use of hops. The brewing process results in a sweet, fruity flavor.


O L D E F R OT H I N G S LO S H , Pittsburgh Brewing Co. Pittsburgh, PA pale stale ale

22 R O B I N H O O D, 1 9 4 9 Pittsburgh Brewing Co. Pittsburgh, PA cream ale

GILLEY’S, 19 Spoetzl Brewery Inc. Shiner, TX texas blonde ale

O L D E F R OT H I N G S LO S H , 1 9 5 9 Pittsburgh Brewing Co. Pittsburgh, PA pale stale ale

C O U G A R B A I T, 2 0 17 Country Boy Brewing Georgetown, KY american blonde ale


B LU E M O O N , 2 0 17 Blue Moon Brewing Co. Golden, CO belgian-style wheat ale

M AG N A C A R TA , Magna Carta Brewing Co. Pittsburgh, PA cream ale


Weissbier translates to “wheat beer�. This type of beer comes from Germany. It is brewed with high wheat and barley content.


D U Q U E S N E , 1 970 Duquesne Brewing Co. Pittsburgh, PA bavarian weissbier


L E I N E N K U G E L’ S , 2 0 17 Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co. Chippewa Falls, WI lemonade weissbier

E D E LW E I S S , 1 975 Joseph S. Pickett & Sons Inc. Dubuque, IA light weissbier


N ut ri t i o n Fac t s Š Fa l l 2 017

C re a te d u n d e r d i re c t i o n o f P ro fe s s o r M e e n a Ka h l i l i , U n i v e r s i t y o f Lo u i s v i l l e , H i te A r t I n s t i t u te .

A l l p h o to g ra p h y a n d i l l u s t ra t i o n w a s d o n e b y


J e s s i c a B y rd .

A l l c a n s w e re m a d e a v a i l a b l e by The Official Collection of R i c h a rd & R o b e r t L . B y rd .

A l l te x t i s s e t i n R a l e w a y.

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