Rarebits Annual Report 16_17

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RUMSEY HALL SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Interim Chairman Nicholas N. Solley ’64 Headmaster Matthew S. Hoeniger ‘81, P ’11, ‘15 Mary Barbour P ’14 Gary Cole P ’01 Tina Couch ’94 Gretchen Farmer P ’99, ’02 Dennis Fulling P ’16, ’16 Louis “Skip” Gardella ‘72, P ’09, ‘09 Frank Gavel ’78, P ’13, ’15 Craig Henrich P ’13, ‘14 Jeffrey Hugel ‘70 Nicholas Logothetis ‘03 Adrienne Lufkin P ’20, ‘24 William MacMullen P ‘10, ‘12 Gregory Matthews P ’18 Alexandra Murphy ‘00 James J. Pates Jr. ’47, P ’86 Rosemary Sagar P ‘15, ‘17 Thomas Sheehy III P ’00 Elizabeth Schereschewsky ’56 Stout Monica Vogelstein P ’14, ‘19 Gregory Warner P ‘17 Ex Officio Treasurer Karen Scodari Business Manager/CFO Assistant Treasurer Brooke Giese P ‘23, ‘27 Assistant Head of School, Director of Studies Secretary of the Corporation Julie Fredlund Executive Assistant Carol Maxwell P ‘07, ‘09, ‘15, ‘17 Director of Development

A painting that appears in the 1960 Echo depicting the “Cheer for Old Rumsey” during Commencement

RAREBITS Annual Report 2016-2017

ON CAMPUS 2 117th Commencement Exercises 8 Senior Traditions

OUR MISSION Rumsey Hall School is committed to a whole child approach to education and believes that teaching academics and teaching an attitude of mind are of equal importance. The School emphasizes effort as a criterion for success and is dedicated to helping each child develop toward his or her maximum stature as an educated person, a successful member of a family and a contributing member of a community. Rumsey Hall School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability in admission or employment in its programs and activities. Cover: Seniors gather on Lower School Street before the 117th Commencement Exercises processional, June 2017

EDITORS/CONTENT Director of Development Carol M­­axwell P ’07, ’09, ’15, ’17 Director of Communications Jessica Lewis ART & DESIGN DIRECTOR Jessica Lewis ALUMNI COORDINATOR Emily Kalis ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO DEVELOPMENT Trish Silvernail PHOTO CONTRIBUTORS Special thanks to Phil Dutton of PhotoTrophies, Rick Giles P ‘22, ‘26 and Rumsey faculty and staff who contributed photographs.

12 Letter from the Headmaster 13 Department Reports 14 Board of Trustees News 16 Around Campus 18 Spring Athletics 21 Annual Report 2016-17 52 Faculty News 53 Lopez Low Faculty Enrichment Program

FEATURES 10 Preparing VIIth Form Students for Secondary School and Beyond 19 IIIrd Form Musical 33 The Power of Endowment 34 Faculty Profile: Amanda McGrew P ‘14, ‘17 35 Faculty Profile: Chris Dyball P ‘27

ALUMNI 36 Alumni Reunion 2017: Returning Home 39 Class Notes

rumseyhall.org Rumsey Hall School 201 Romford Road Washington, CT 06794 860.868.0535

51 In Memoriam

117th Commencement Exercises June 3, 2017

Class of 2017

William Finch ’17 — Class Speaker


n old bell, a blue dog and the value of community. These seemingly unrelated things, along with many others, have one thing in common: They are what make up the spirit of Rumsey.


Traditions are what give this school its own personality, its own way of life. Rumsey is a family, a community and a home. A place where students feel comfortable to take risks and aren’t afraid to fail because they know there will always be someone there to help them get back on their feet. No matter how big or small, there will be a part of Rumsey in us, forever. You will tackle whatever is out there head-on, because Rumsey has taught you that risk and failure are okay, but what reveals your true character is how you bounce back from failure. That’s what Rumsey does for you—it instills in you the drive to be the best that you can be. A drive to make you want to hear your name called on the Dean’s

List every Tuesday morning, because you know that if you are called, the hard work you put in all week was recognized. What you also realize at Rumsey is that the effort you put in outside the classroom is just as meaningful as the effort you put into your studies. Holding the door for someone, offering to carry someone’s backpack because they’re on crutches, and saying please and thank you are as important as getting a good grade on a history test. Rumsey is a special place, and it always will be. Though time goes on, Rumsey’s values never falter. Rumsey will always be Rumsey, and that will never change.

Students sing Land of Hope and Glory

Sam Nelson ‘17 delivers his Declamation, I Don’t Do Ups

VIth Form Baton winners

Seniors in the Clef Club perform during Commencement

Seniors walk in the processional to the Commencement Tent

Yuchen Cheng ‘17 receives the Headmaster’s Cup from Assistant Head of School/Director of Studies Brooke Giese P ‘23, ‘27

Senior Charter Members who enrolled at Rumsey in the Lower School with the Kindergarten Class of 2026

Dr. Eric Genden ’80 — Commencement Speaker


uring your Rumsey years, this is where you develop something that I would argue, is much more important than what you will learn in high school or college. You develop something that

will stay with you for the rest of your life. You develop your character. Perseverance is an important component of character; it may be one of the most important determinants of your success. Perseverance separates those who have dreams, from those who live their dreams. Perseverance is not innate; it is not something that you are born with. It’s something that you decide on. It’s a decision. You hear stories about people, kids who were born with extraordinary talents. Some kids were born as mathematicians; others were born to run cross country. Some were born great hockey players while others were born to write poetry. It’s true, to some degree, that there are people who are simply born with a gift. But if you look carefully at the high achievers,

the great scientists, the top athletes, computer scientists—some were talented, but all of them persevered. All of them failed before they became successful. All of them had setbacks. Yet all of them learned from their setbacks, and they persevered forward. They were optimistic. And they were successful. Social scientists, who study human behavior, call this grit. It is exactly what you’re being taught here and what you’ve been taught since you entered Rumsey. Set the bar high, not just a little high, very high. And then stretch and reach and don’t give up. It is what gives you an advantage; you know what it means to have grit—to stretch, to persevere.

CLASS OF 2017 MATRICULATION LIST 79 Students Matriculate to 36 Schools


American Hebrew Academy, NC

The Gunnery, CT (4)

The Pine School, FL

Avon Old Farms, CT (5)

Hawaii Preparatory, HI

Proctor Academy, NH

Bergen Catholic High School, NJ

Hotchkiss School, CT (2)

St. Andrew’s School, DE

Berkshire School, MA (3)

Kent School, CT (2)

Salisbury School, CT

Blair Academy, NJ (3)

Lawrenceville School, NJ

South Kent School, CT (2)

Brewster Academy, NH

Marvelwood School, CT

St. George’s School, RI (2)

Brooks School, MA (2)

The Masters School, NY

St. Mark’s School, MA

Canterbury School, CT (4)

Mercersburg Academy, PA (2)

Suffield Academy, CT (6)

Choate Rosemary Hall School, CT

Miss Porter’s School, CT

Tabor Academy, MA

Episcopal High School, VA

Northfield Mt. Hermon School, MA

Taft School, CT (6)

Forman School, CT

Peddie School, NJ (2)

The Winston School San Antonio, TX

Governor’s Academy, MA

Phillips Exeter Academy, NH

Woodberry Forest School, VA

2017 COMMENCEMENT AWARDS The Edward B. Whitney Prize for Excellence in Declamation Samuel Nelson ’17

The Prize for The Boarding Scholars with the Best Conduct Record Tanya George ’17 & Cole Brode ’17

The J. Mitchell Magnoli ’77 Memorial Award Blake Rossiter ’18

The John F. Schereschewsky Jr. ’47 Memorial Award Hunter Guillet ’18

The Prize for Neatness in School Work Upper Forms: Wakaba Aihara ’19 Lower Forms: Charleigh Newman ’21

The Prize for the Greatest Improvement in Athletics Lorenza Pietrini-Topete ’17 Colby Moran ’17

The Scott Evans Seibert ’92 Memorial Scholarship Alexander Salvatore ’18

The Gabriella Bass ’94 Art Award Daiqiao “Rebecca” Sun ’17

The Annual Dining Hall Prefect Award Paula Guerrero-Somohano ’17

The Cody Montana ’08 Memorial ‘Paddle Out’ Award Ruoqi “Katrina” Zeng ’17

The Prize for the Greatest Improvement in Scholarship John LaCasse ’17

The Prize for Outstanding Scholar-Athlete Yuka Masamura ’17 Jason Silverman ’17

The Richard M. Wachcic Junior Athletic Award Victoria Weirich-Freiberg ’20 William Kirkiles ’20 The Charlotte Underwood Library Award Guanzhou “David” Wang ’18 The Prize for the Best All-Around Male & Female Athletes Shaina Fuente ’17 & Tyler Cox ’17

The David Loyd Memorial Prize Samuel Nelson ’17 The Marjorie Hull Barr Prize Sophia Rousseau ’21 The Lawrence Larkin ’16 Computer Achievement Award Amelia Marshall ’17

The Faculty Cup Alexander Lo Faro ’17 The Memorial Award Zachary McGrew ’17 The Duff Community Service Cup Yuchen Cheng ’17 The Alfred L. Hart II ’65 Fine Arts Prize Yunyi “Daniel” Wang ’17 The Ryan J. Whelan ’89 Memorial Scholarship Prize MacQuarrie Stone-Folmar ’18 The Award for Excellence Jiahao “Tony” Liu ’17

The Rose Algrant Memorial Scholarship Award Katharine Benson ’19 The Henry B. Van Sinderen Memorial Award Hannah Hanson ’18 Prize for Perseverance and Worthy Endeavor Walker Regalbuto ’17 Award for Leadership Grace LaVigne ’17 Award for Merit Elyse Ketchum ’17 Headmaster’s Cup Yuchen Cheng ’17

Matt Hoeniger ’81 — The Headmaster’s Remarks


ur memories are our greatest treasures. If we could capture the essence of Rumsey, bottle a moment in time and preserve it, what would be the key ingre-

dients? What sights, sounds and smells of your time at Rumsey would you need to transport yourself back in time to this place, to this experience? What would be the jet fuel to get you there? Some of our Seniors answered: “...the way sound echoes in the Blue Dog Gym during a basketball game; the freshly cut grass of Seibert Field just after it rains; the smell of costumes, laundry and wet paint back stage in The MAX just before a big performance; spectators cheering us at a football game; the hum of the 3D printer in the STEAM Lab; hot chocolate with marshmallows and minty candy canes at Solley House; runny ink on wet notebook paper after leaving my backpack outside of study hall in the rain; fishing in the ponds; crossing the green bridge on our way to

sports but lingering just long enough to listen to the river; the still, flat water and the sun coming up over Lake Waramaug at 5am crew practice; cookie line even if they are serving pretzels; the noisy chatter of study hall just before the Effort List is read; a ringing bell…” And this last answer is a bit more, philosophical. “Rumsey reminds me of airplane flights– because there are ups and there are downs, but whether you’re coming or going you are always headed home.” Keep your Rumsey memories, lock them away in your heart, guard them closely, and every so often give them air, a little water and some sunshine. Take them out on a day when you need them most and remember this place with pride.

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17










Traditions 10


End-of-year traditions mark the culmination of their Rumsey careers





Pictured: (1-4) Seniors Paint the Rock (5-10) Senior Trip to Camp Hi-Rock, MA (11-15) Varsity Banquet (16-19) Senior Reception at Solley House (21-22) Senior Family Reception at Solley House










Preparing VIIth Form Students for Secondary School and Beyond “Do you want to check out for honors third period?” “No, I have 4S and a couple of school Admission Directors are coming in today that I am interested in seeing.” “4S,” a relatively young program, addresses the unique needs of VIIth Form students. Originally titled “Senior School Search Seminar,” the class is dedicated to exploring issues surrounding the search for a secondary school – navigating the admission process, school life and other developmentally targeted issues. Most of the senior class, which typically averages seventy-five students, engages in a competitive school search for life after Rumsey Hall. The class, taught by Assistant Headmaster and Director of Secondary School Placement Fran Ryan P ’12,’16, meets weekly during the Fall and Winter Terms providing time for seniors to explore topics designed specifically for their age group. The year begins by setting goals applicable to situations seniors currently face or circumstances they may encounter at some point during their lives. Students track their progress and are held accountable through the curriculum and the school search process. The course is fashioned to steward seniors through the exploration of choosing a secondary school, a decision for which students have, for the first time in their lives, significant input. Up to this point in their educations most members of the senior class have had their educational careers decided by their parents and family members. Now, “Life after Rumsey,” is in the hands of the VIIth Formers themselves. The students in 4S examine abstract topics including the nature of leadership, the paradox of choice in decisionmaking, the value of grit and other practical life skills such as the composition of a proper ‘thank you’ note. Birthday gifts will never again go unrecognized by a thank you note. More directly, 4S class time is used to welcome visiting Admission Directors from secondary schools across the


“Rumsey candidates are great. They are so polite… to stand when an adult enters the room? You find that nowhere else! They are insightful kids who are do-ers, taking chances and exploring new things!”

—Hotchkiss Admission Representative

United States and around the world. School representatives describe the value of an education at their schools, whether they are large schools in Florida or Switzerland or small, supportive schools in Vermont or California. Savvy students inquire about the possibilities at traditional Harkness table schools as well as the benefits at progressive schools where meditation and mindfulness are at the core of instruction. Seniors consistently impress the various schools’ admission staff and are aggressively recruited. The goal at Rumsey Hall is to guide each family toward the best fit for future living and study. As students navigate the search for a secondary school they are ultimately faced with the interview and application processes. The support that students and their families receive is extraordinary as they are shepherded through preparation for standardized testing and mock interviews as well as managing the online portals of the admission process. “4S helped me approach the art of thinking, learning and planning in different ways through various discussions and activities,” said Yuchen Cheng ’17. As Rumsey prepares students for engagement in the admission process, they are also preparing them for life as they explore and process their passions and the appropriate environment where they can be developed. Fran Ryan explains, “We also coach students to take control of the school visitation process, acting with greater independence. We ask parents to take a back seat, letting their children carry the conversations, introducing them to admission

Admission representatives from Stevenson School, CA and St. Margaret’s School, VA visit a 4S class

folks, coaches and program leaders. Given the support and practice they experience in 4S, and at Rumsey in general, the seniors perform wonderfully and create extraordinary opportunities for themselves.” Adolescence is a time of never ending exploration as students discover new things about themselves by the minute. At the apex of middle school development, the physical, intellectual and emotional changes in students are tremendous. Helping families manage this growth, discovery and mastery is a valuable part of the partnership at Rumsey. The school placement process begins in the spring of the VIth Form year, a full sixteen months prior to setting foot on a secondary school campus as a newly enrolled student. Having the senior class meet in 4S regularly each week to engage in self-discovery, goal setting and

educational planning is an enriching opportunity. It is dedicated time spent well organized and planned. Emerging from 4S on any given day a senior may be considering whether to visit a school four time zones away, contemplating a possible leadership role or whether it is possible to accomplish the goal of leading six community service efforts during the term. At the conclusion of the course, most secondary school admission office decisions are a week away. Seniors at Rumsey are uniquely well prepared and positioned to make thoughtful decisions in choosing schools that provide stimulating cultures most suited to their needs.

4S gave us a sense of what we would be going through in the process of applying to secondary schools. Particularly, Mr. Ryan was a great mentor in that he taught us how to act in all kinds of situations. We reviewed the process of our school visits and the kinds of things we would talk about during interviews, which made me feel less nervous. We also learned how to properly fill out applications and about the SSAT process. But to me, the most helpful aspect of this course was the many visits from various admissions teams to Rumsey. We were able to get a feel for different schools, ask many questions and learn about life on other campuses. Overall, 4S was a very entertaining and beneficial course that assisted me through the process of finding, touring and applying to a new school.

—Zach McGrew ’17

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17



A CULTURE OF GIVING—Strengthens Our Community, Affirms Our Mission


s I think back on

this past year and

all that we accomplished together, an important aspect that defines the

Rumsey community is

graduation achievements, supporting and hosting

regional events, and attending Alumni Day each June. Some act as class agents. Others whose own children become Rumsey students, pass along their School experience to future generations.

The extraordinary work of our volunteers is one of

our distinct culture of

our greatest treasures. The leadership and wisdom of our

share can be found in

our parents lend their time and creativity to the Annual

giving. An eagerness to our daily practices and is rooted in our long held

traditions and beliefs. Giving can be observed in many

forms and surrounds us in both tangible and sometimes, less obvious ways.

Visitors often remark feeling welcomed and warmly

embraced by the Rumsey family the moment they step on campus. This is our culture of giving naturally at work.

Our faculty give well beyond a 40-minute class

period or practice session on the athletic field, nurturing and guiding students during the times in between. A

Trustees guide the School through changing tides, and

Benefit Auction, shaping the success of our fundraising

efforts and forging lifelong friendships with the School. From every corner of the community, with resources

large and small, gifts to the School show faith in our

future, secure our financial health, and enable us to fuel

new ideas and meet the changing needs of our students. Since 2000, over $40 million has been contributed to

support new facilities and infrastructure improvements on campus; our Endowment has steadily grown,

reaching $16.4 million of permanently invested funds that also help enrich student programs.

The extraordinary list of gifts named in this Annual

seed of an idea during a small-group discussion about

Report by those who made Rumsey their priority is

equipment evolved into a Community Service pilot

momentum behind Rumsey’s advancement into the

what to do with outgrown clothing, shoes, and athletic program to serve local families in need. Breaking from a walk with friends to pick up a piece of trash shows students’ stewardship for the natural beauty of our

a testament to the strong culture of giving and the future.

Thank you for your unwavering support.

campus. Before a meal, our students pause for a moment of silence to collect their thoughts and give thanks. The

new Lower School Playdome exercises mind and spirit, providing hours of joy for our young students.

Alumni give back by sharing news of their post-


Matthew Hoeniger ’81 Headmaster


The Unique Rumsey Culture Continues to Support High Enrollment

Success in our Admissions Office is a collective effort from

our students, faculty and staff resulting in an enrollment of 335 students at the opening of the 2017-2018 School Year. When prospective families visit campus and meet our students and faculty members, they quickly learn that Rumsey Hall is a nurturing, family community. Students genuinely enjoy their experience at the School, evidenced by a low

attrition rate of 7% this past year. Our diverse student body hail from 26 local communities, 12 countries and 12 states. The rising 2018 Senior Class will be one of the largest in the School’s history, with 76 VIIth Form Students. Lower School opened with a record enrollment of 95 K-IIIrd Form students. The School awarded

$1.1 million of financial aid to 22% of the student body. In the Admissions Office, every day is an open house. We look forward to introducing prospective students and their families to the people and culture of Rumsey Hall. Ben Tuff P ’22, ’24 Director of Admission


A Triumphant Fundraising Year Advances the School Forward in support of growing the School’s Endowment, which reached $16.4 million, ensuring vibrant student programs continue to flourish. Noteworthy is the inspiring leadership from our devoted Board of Trustees, participation from 35% of our alumni and past parents and the magnetic power of our Engaged partnership in the current families, who chose to School’s forward momentum make giving to the School their was evidenced by robust support priority. from every corner of the Rumsey Spirited auction bidding community during the 2016-17 at the Fall Parents’ Weekend fiscal year. Over $2.25 million in Annual Benefit Chez Rumsey: gifts were generously contributed Bistro Parisian raised $439,000,

the highest record in the 32-year history of the event. With the leadership of Auction Chair Trustee Monica Vogelstein P ’14, ’19 and Rumsey Circle Officers Jessica Dell’Aera P ’23, ’25, Danielle Young P ’22, ’23, ’26 and Anne Block P ’23, the event rallied together the creativity and care of our special corps of volunteers and the 243 patrons who generously shared in the stunning success of the evening. A wellspring of tributes and gifts from alumni, past and present Trustees, parents and faculty honoring former business

manager Dorothy Rochon Anderson P ’82, ’82, ’86, was a testimony to her memory and the tremendous impact she had on Rumsey during her 45-years of service. We are deeply appreciative for the collective investment in Rumsey by so many, poising the School for continued success. Carol Maxwell P ’07, ’09, ’15, ’17 Director of Development


Rumsey Students Continue to be the Most Sought after by Secondary Schools

With ever shifting sands of the independent school landscape facing our families, we are proud to report that the added value of the Rumsey Hall experience was confirmed again this year. One way to measure the success of a school is by the list of schools to

which the alumni matriculate. The resulting range of schools where the Class of 2017 was admitted and will attend is broad and impressive. Rumsey Hall continues to offer program and preparation that make our students among the most sought after by secondary schools. With continued innovative programming in our Senior School Search Seminar, (4S) we have been able to help develop excellent skills for school and life that have served our dynamic class well in the admissions process. Additionally, we are at the forefront of the admissions

*See page 6 for the Class of 2017 Matriculation List

profession and understand the emerging trends and challenges that admissions offices face. The rising seniors will enter the admission process at a time that will see two major initiatives in our schools. The North American Boarding Initiative, a project being launched by The Association of Boarding Schools, and the Character Skills Snapshot, an admission tool measuring student character, will affect the class of 2018 in new and exciting ways. We continue to welcome over fifty schools from around the country and globe who seek to attract

our students to enroll at their institutions. While affordability continues to be a driving factor in school enrollments, Rumsey is able to offer current and accurate guidance through the entire admissions/financial aid process. We are fully engaged in the school searches for the Class of 2018 Blue Dogs! Fran Ryan P ’12, ’16 Assistant Headmaster, Director of Secondary School Placement

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17



It is a rare privilege and good fortune to have a single individual’s involvement with Rumsey Hall School grow increasingly more active with time. From a high achieving student, alumnus and enthusiastic volunteer, to his leadership role as Board Chair, Jon Neuhaus ’87 passionately devoted countless hours and energy over the past decades “giving back to a school that gave him so much.” Jon served as a Trustee for over six years, most recently [2015-2017] as Board Chair, through a successful Headmaster selection process and leadership transition, with a mindful eye to sustaining Rumsey’s distinct culture. Jon was the driving force behind guiding the School through the review of policy and procedures related to mandated reporting. He helped oversee the successful ten-year reaccreditation process by the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools, while emphasizing the School’s generational successes. Jon further laid the groundwork for articulating priorities and the strategic ambitions for the next decade. He was an enthusiastic champion for the long-term financial strength of the School; the Endowment grew by over 50 percent during his tenure. Additionally, the Dorothy Rochon Anderson Memorial Building was constructed under his leadership. Jon’s roots at Rumsey run deep; the Neuhaus family’s involvement with the School spans generations. We are honored by Jon’s generous and loyal commitment.


Over the past six years of service on the Board, Dian brought a generosity of spirit and peerless energy to her thoughtful stewardship of Rumsey. In all of her many contributions, Dian’s innovative ideas and strategic thinking as an informative public relations business leader and entrepreneur have been invaluable. Former next door neighbors, Dian and husband Rory’s recent departure from the Bantam River Valley to live full time in Manhattan has been deeply felt. Everett Smith pictured with fellow Trustees in April 2017 at Solley House, seated in his Trustee Chair, a traditional gift presented by the Headmaster upon retirement from Rumsey’s Board


After 12 years of service, Everett Smith leaves a legacy of lasting contributions during a period of dynamic transformation for Rumsey Hall. Under his leadership as Board Chair (2011-2015), the Campus Center, Farmen Hall, Health Center, faculty residences and the North and South Dormitories were constructed. Actionable plans to significantly expand the Endowment were forged. Everett and his wife, Liz, hosted numerous receptions at their home, graciously sharing in their affinity for the School. Known for his steady hand, charming sense of humor and humility, Everett built on the good work of his predecessors to sustain the School’s culture and help secure its future. After his term as Board Chair, Everett continued to lend his wisdom and guidance throughout the Headmaster transition. We are deeply grateful for his service.



Loren Kagan (2013-2017) has been a tremendous asset to the Board. His commitment in his role as partner on the Finance, Development and Investment Committees is matched only by his genuine care for the people and programs at Rumsey. His initiation of the first-ever reception in his hometown of Philadelphia is one of many examples of Loren’s generosity and good-hearted enthusiasm for Rumsey’s success. We look forward to his continued involvement as an active and loyal alumnus.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES NEWS WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS JEFFREY HUGEL ‘70 Jeff Hugel is an alumnus from the Class of 1970 and former member of the Rumsey faculty. Retired from his professional career as a Global Manager of SAP Access Control for General Motors, Jeff now serves as coach of the Men’s Heavyweight Rowing Team at the University of Delaware. He holds a BA in Psychology from Marietta College, OH. Jeff and his wife, Susan, reside in Melvin Village, NH.

NICK LOGOTHETIS ’03 Nick Logothetis is co-founder and Chairman of Concordia, a non-profit thought leader in the partnership building space promoting public-private partnerships around global issues. Nick is a board member of the Libra Group, a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs London, the National Press Club Washington DC and the Overseas Press Club. Nick’s previous professional experiences include positions with Fox News Channel, British Sky Broadcasting, Bryan Cave LLP, Husch Blackwell Sanders and News Corporation. After graduating from Rumsey in 2003 he attended Salisbury School, CT and the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, DC. He and his wife, Monica, reside in New York City.

WILLY MACMULLEN P ‘10, ‘12 Since 2001, Willy has served as the Taft School’s fifth Headmaster. For many years he served as Chair of the Commission on Independent Schools and Chair of the Accreditation Visiting Committee for numerous New England boarding schools. He has participated in the Institute for Experienced Heads, was a member of the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) Board, been a keynote speaker at numerous organizations, and has been published in professional journals. A 1978 Taft graduate, Willy received his BA from Yale University, CT and his MA from Middlebury College, VT. Willy and his wife Pamela reside on the Taft campus in Watertown, CT. Their sons, John ’10 and Tom ’12, are Rumsey alumni.

GREG WARNER P ‘17 Greg is President at Ingleside Investors overseeing all aspects of the firm’s investment and operating activities. Before becoming President, Greg was a principal in Ingleside’s direct private equity activities. Previously Greg worked as a consultant for McKinsey & Company in its New York, LA and Hong Kong offices, advising companies in the financial services industry. Greg serves as a Director of AC Israel Enterprises, Gautier Steel and Street Diligence and serves on several advisory boards. Greg is a member of the NYC Chapter of the Young President’s Organization (YPO) and serves on the boards of the Josiah Macy Foundation and Carnegie Hill Neighbors. Greg received a BS in Engineering from the University of California at San Diego and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He resides with his family in Manhattan, NY and locally in New Preston, CT. His daughter, Amanda, is a graduate of the Class of 2017.

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17






6 16













1. Upper School students participate in Earth Day activities at the Livingston Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy in Litchfield, CT 2. Rebecca Sun ‘17 plays guitar at the Talent Show 3. Spring Parents’ Day Annual Duck Derby on Upper Pond 4. Carlos Rodriguez-Jassan ‘18 and Patricio Alvarez-Morphy ‘18 prepare a meal for the Mexican ESL Dinner at Solley House 5. McKenzie Doyle ‘18 with her parents and sister during Spring Parents’ Day 6. An Upper School Book Club meets during Book Fest ‘17 7. Riley Greene ‘22 and Liam Schereschewsky ‘23 play the bongos during Lower School After School Enrichment 8. Lower School students mulch the gardens on Lower School Street in celebration of Earth Day. 9. Students perform in the IIIrd Form Musical, The Sleepover: Or How a Board Game Ruined My Life 10. Upper School students gather for a photo at Varsity Banquet 11. Children Around the World, an annual project in Mrs. Hill’s Primes class 12. Faculty Member Alex King with Upper School Latin students who successfully completed the National Latin Exam 13. VIth Form students Mack Segalas and Aaron DiLorenzo perform a science experiment for Aaron’s grandparents during Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day 14. Cole Brode ‘17 plays KanJam Ultimate Frisbee Game at Dorm Carnival on Seibert Field 15. Lower Boat Regatta Gold Medal winners Alex Salvatore ‘18, Alex Lo Faro ‘17, Will Duys ‘17, Leo Rodriguez ‘18 and Richard Li ‘18 at Lake Waramaug, CT

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17










8 1. Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse: Breese Burlingame ‘18 2. Varsity B Baseball: Michael Barnett ‘19 3. Jr. Baseball Team 4. Crew: Elina Choi ‘19, Kelly Hill ‘17, Ellie Ketchum ‘17, Lizzy Pigott ‘17 and Jane Huang ‘17 5. Equestrian Team: Juliet Lin ‘19, Ava Anton ‘20 and Amelia Marshall ‘17 6. Varsity B Tennis: Erin Loss ‘19 7. Varsity B Softball: Wakaba Aihara ‘19 8. Rumsey Outdoor Adventure (ROA) 9. Varsity B Lacrosse: Aaron DiLorenzo ‘18 10. Varsity Baseball: Zach Traussi ‘17 Opposite Page (top to bottom): Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse: Luke Rhoss ‘17; Varsity Softball: MacQuarrie Stone-Folmar ‘18; Varsity Tennis: Patricio Garcia-Muriel ‘18


10 Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


VARSITY BASEBALL Record: 10-1 Mr. Perreault Mr. Dyball Captain: Zachary McGrew ’17


VARSITY B BASEBALL Record: 5-3 Mr. Kolpak Mr. Anderson Captains: Michael Barnett ’19 & Lachlan Hawes ’19 JUNIOR BASEBALL No Record Mr. Buono Captain: Andy Jiang ’18

REDS—155 BLUES—190 50 YARD DASH: 7.61 sec. Caroline Schlumberger ‘23 (B)


440 YARD RELAY: 1 min. 5 sec. Jake Newman ‘22, Noah Young ‘22, Quinn Mulhern ‘22, Kip Stone ‘21 (R)

220 YARD RUN: 34.43 sec. Jake Newman ‘22 (R)

VARSITY SOFTBALL Record: 10-1 Mr. Kinsella Mr. Hoeniger ‘81 Captain: Skylar Schaab ’17 VARSITY B SOFTBALL Record: 2-5 Ms. King Ms. Keech Captain: Hannah Hanson ’18 VARSITY TENNIS Record: 12-1 Mr. Tuff Captain: Patricio Garcia-Muriel ’18



VARSITY B TENNIS Record: 3-7 Mr. Fuhrman Captain: Abby Fort ’17 CREW Mr. Ryan Mrs. Butler Ms. Dufresne Mr. Mandl Mrs. Mandl Captain: Herbert Liu ’17 Lower Boat Regatta Boys’: Two Gold Medals Girls’: One Gold Medal



GIRLS’ VARSITY LACROSSE Record: 13-0-1 Ms. Duff Ms. Bichrest Captain: Natalie Lee ’17 BOYS’ VARSITY LACROSSE Record: 8-2 Mr. Geagan Mr. Naclerio ‘05 Captain: Tyler Cox ’17 BOYS’ VARSITY B LACROSSE Record: 5-4-1 Mr. Budd ‘05 Mr. Hale Mr. Miranda Mr. Simonelli Captain: Max Scapachini ’17





1. Harrison Tillou ‘17 and Jason Silverman ‘17 2. Abby Dell’Aera ‘25 3. Jiwoo Kang ‘17 throws the shot put 4. Upper School Girls’ 50-yard dash 5. Patricio Garcia-Muriel ‘18 in the 880-yard run 6. Sawyer von Jess ‘19 clears the high jump


Annual Giving Report

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


Rumsey Circle Officers PRESIDENT Jessica Dell’Aera P ’23, ’25

VICE PRESIDENT Danielle Young P ’22, ’23, ‘26

SECRETARY Anne Block P ‘23

AUCTION DONORS AND PATRONS Mr. Luis Alvarez and Mrs. Sharon Holden Adam Broderick Salon and Spa American Girl Mr. Christian Anderson Atty. and Mrs. Joseph Anton Arethusa Farm ASAP Mr. and Mrs. George Auchincloss Mr. and Mrs. Adam Backman Mr. Bucky Ball Mrs. Mary Barbour and Mr. Al Barbour Mrs. Debi Bender Beyond Yoga Ms. Aimee Bida Mr. Richard and Mrs. Anne Block Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Boyle Mr. Rob and Mrs. Willow Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brock Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brode Mr. and Mrs. Truman Brooks '89 Mr. P.W. Tate Brown Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Browne Mr. Seth and Mrs. Jodi Brufsky Mr. Christian Budd '05 Mr. and Mrs. William Budd Jr. Ms. Kirby Bunnell Bunnell Farm Mr. Richard and Mrs. Liz Butler Mrs. Patricia Caicedo and Mr. Eduardo Salazar Cameron House Canine Styles Canterbury School Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cantor Mr. David Carrick Mrs. Skarlett Casco-LaPlaca and Mr. John Paul LaPlaca CFK Interiors Charles Heaven and Company Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cherosnick Chuck's Steak House Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clark Mr. ans Mrs. Gary Cole Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conroy Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Amy Conto Mr. Chad Conway and Mr. Mark Drendel Mr. and Mrs. L. Paul Cornell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cornell '84 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cornell '74 County Wines Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cox III Mr. John and Dr. Rosalind Craft


Mr. Wilson Cuba and Mrs. Julia King-Cuba Mr. Kuiyuan Cui and Mrs. Xin Li CulinArt Daniel Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Darer Dawn Hill Antiques Mr. Mark DeCruccio Mr. Michael and Mrs. Jessica Dell'Aera Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeMague Dr. and Mrs. Donald Demas DK Schulman Design/Calligraphy Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dodge Mr. Donald Dowden and Mrs. Tina Kim-Dowden Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dubow Mr. Benjamin Duell '78 Mr. and Mrs. John Dufour Ms. Jillian Dufresne Mr. James Duys Mr. Nicholas Benson and Mrs. Natalie Dyer '80 Earth Sports LLC Elizabeth Richard Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farmen Mr. Tyler Farmen '97 and Ms. Jessica Lewis Grace Mykonos Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Philip Farmer Mr. and Atty. Richard Farrington Mr. Mike Fiorito Flight Trampoline Park Ms. Debbie Forese Forman School Ms. Vesta Fort Joanne Frantzis Therapeutic Massage Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Frisbie Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fulling Ms. Deborah Galant Mr. Louis Gardella '72 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gavel Jr. '78 Mr. Thomas Geagan Mr. and Mrs. Marc Genovese Mr. Gary and Mrs. Brooke Giese Mr. Richard Giles and Ms. Ashley Brokaw Good Hill Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Greene Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grullon Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grullon '00 The Gunnery The Gym Atty Piper Hanson Hartford Wolf Pack Mr. and Mrs. David Hawley Mr. Craig Henrich The Hermitage Club at Haystack Mountain The Hickory Stick Bookshop High Performance Energy Solutions, LLC Highfield Club Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hill Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hill Mr. James Hock and Mrs. Kellie Meiman Hock Ms. Felicia Hoeniger '78 Mr. Matthew ‘81 and Mrs. Amy Hoeniger

Rumsey Circle Vice President Danielle Young P ‘22, ‘23, ‘26 with volunteers Annette and Dean DeMague P ‘24, ‘25 at the 32nd Annual Benefit Auction Chez Rumsey: Bistro Parisian, October 2016

Mr. Dan Morrissey and Mrs. Cynthia Hogan Home Depot Mr. Xiaojun Hu and Ms. Weiyin Ma Ingersoll Auto of Pawling J. McLaughlin J. Seitz & Company Gregory James Gallery Joe's Salon and Spa John's Cafe Mr. Loren Kagan '01 and Mrs. Nicole Russo Kagan Ms. Emily Kalis Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kalur KEE Enterprises and I'll Drive Livery Service Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keeshan '72 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kennedy Kent Greenhouse & Gardens Kent School Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ketchum Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kimmel Mr. Sean Kinsella and Ms. Alicia Mordenti Mr. Petros Kirkiles and Ms. Melissa Holcombe Kitchenworks & Gourmet Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klemm '87 Klemm Real Estate Dr. Thomas Kocienda and Dr. Dana Martinez Mr. Doug and Mrs. Jennifer Kolpak Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kowalchick KP Events Group Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kreisberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy LaCasse Ms. Regine Laverge-Schade Mr. Huk Jae Lee and Mrs. Eunah Hur Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard Mr. Jin Li and Mrs. Yun Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Feng Lin Ms. Patience Lindholm Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner '90 Linley Mr. Peter Linn and Mrs. Pilar Santos Litchfield Candy Co. Mr. Yuesheng Liu and Mrs. Fangying Yuan Mr. and Mrs. Gian Matteo Lo Faro LLoyd Bedford Cox Inc.

Mr. Nicholas Logothetis '03 and Mrs. Monica Gray Logothetis The Logothetis Family Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lombardi Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lord Atty. Gregory Loss and Dr. Eileen Mulrenin Mr. Steve Louie and Mrs. Jennifer Wu Love Heart's Bakery Mr. Dan Lufkin and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Mr. and Mrs. David Lyon Maildirect Associates Ms. Denise Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mallon III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mandl Market Place Kitchen and Bar Master Brands Wine Mr. Gregory Matthews and Ms. Anne Elise Mumford The Matthews Group Mrs. Carol Barrett Maxwell Mayflower Grace Inn and Spa Ms. Kathleen McCann Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McGowan McGowan's Pizzaland Mr. Jason ‘89 and Mrs. Amanda McGrew Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillen III McMillen Yachts Mr. Shenjie Mei and Mrs. Li Sun Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyer III Mr. Christian Miranda Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell Mockingbird Kitchen & Bar Mr. and Mrs. Claus Moller Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Melinda Cornell '86 Moran Mr. and Ms. Thomas Mott '98 Attys. James and Anne Murdica Mrs. Alexandra Murphy ‘00 and Mr. Drew Murphy '00 Mr. Jon Neuhaus '87 New Preston Kitchen Goods Newbury Place Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newman Mr. Robert Nicholas '79 and Mrs. Nell Hardee-Nicholas '80 Nordica Toys Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O'Dwyer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ober III Oh Snap Productions Oliphant Oliver Rubbish Removal LLC Dr. Thomas Olsen and Mrs. Mary Boosalis Mr. Craig Ough Ovens of France Mr. James Pates Jr. '47 Mrs. Maryann Pierzga Mr. Charles Pigott Pottery Factory Portland's White House Bed & Breakfast Pratt Nature Center Privet House Mr. Jay Przygocki and Ms. Suzanne LaVoie Quassy Amusement Park R. Derwin Clothiers Mr. and Mrs. Jason Regalbuto Mr. and Mrs. Benton Reichenau Ridgefield Playhouse Ridgewood Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rieffel Road Trip Oregon Mr. Eric Rook and Mrs. Renee Carnes-Rook Mr. Matthew Root Mr. Andrew Roraback and Ms. Kara Dowling Rustic Country Barn Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rydingsword Ms. Rosemary Sagar Salt of the Earth Mr. and Mrs. John Salvatore '86 Mr. Todd and Mrs. Karen Saxe Mr. and Mrs. James Schechter Katie Ré Scheidt Mr. Scott Schereschewsky '73 and Ms. Emma Risley Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Schlumberger Mrs. Karen Scodari and Mr. Robert Scodari Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segalas Segalla's Turnkey Housing Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seibert Jr. Mr. Christopher Shattuck and Mrs. Barbara Reyes de Shattuck The Silly Sprout Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheehy III

Ms. Patricia Silvernail Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Silvester Simpson and Vail, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simonelli Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Mr. Hayden Smith '83 Soccer Extreme Mr. Vikramjeet Sodhi and Mrs. Honey Sachdeva Mr. Nicholas Solley '64 Sportsmen's of Litchfield Ms. Juliet Sproul Mr. Jared Stein and Mrs. Lisa Stein Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sterling Ms. Linda Stevens Mr. and Mrs. James Stone Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky '56 Stout Mrs. Cynthia Stubbs-Hill and Mr. Hugh Hill Mr. and Mrs. Toby Symonds Mr. Will Talbot Mrs. Amanda Taylor and Mr. Clifford Brokaw Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor Mr. and Dr. Mark Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton Mrs. Paula Tocci The Toy Room Mr. and Mrs. Brett Traussi Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Gretchen Tuff U.S. Trust Bank of America Private Wealth Management U.S. Trust Bank of America Corp. Ms. Kate Uhry Mr. George and Mrs. Jocelyne Verrastro Mrs. Monica Vogelstein and Mr. Andrew Vogelstein Mr. Zhangwei Wang and Mrs. Tian Chen Ms. Victoria Ward Mr. Greg and Mrs. Leslie Warner Washington Food Market Washington Liquor Store Washington Supply Winvian Mr. and Mrs. Charles Withers-Clarke Woodbury Pet Commons Woodbury Pewter Mr. Shannon ‘89 and Mrs. Danielle Young Zaragoza

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring '00 Zero Prophet Coffee


Mrs. Mary Barbour and Mr. Al Barbour Mr. Jon Neuhaus '87 Mrs. Monica and Mr. Andrew Vogelstein


Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grullon Mr. Loren '01 and Mrs. Nicole Russo Kagan Mr. Nicholas Solley '64


Mr. Seth and Mrs. Jodi Brufsky Mr. Matt and Mrs. Kimberly Cantor


Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Diane Anton Mr. Cliff and Mrs. Amanda Brokaw Mrs. Patricia Caicedo and Mr. Eduardo Salazar Mr. Chad Conway and Mr. Mark Drendel Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cox III Mr. Peter Doyle and Mrs. Vanessa Martinez-Doyle Mr. Richard and Mrs. Sarah Farrington Mr. Frank '78 and Mrs. Laurie Gavel Mr. Jim and Mrs. Kellie Hock Mr. Louis and Mrs. Annie Kreisberg Mr. Tom and Mrs. Alicia Lyon Mr. Gregory Matthews and Ms. Anne Elise Mumford Mr. Claus and Mrs. Tiffany Moller Mr. Michael and Mrs. Julie O'Connor Mr. Scott Schereschewsky '73 and Ms. Emma Risley Mr. Harry and Mrs. Lisa Segalas Mr. Chris and Mrs. Catherine Silvester Mr. Toby and Mrs. Katherine Symonds Mr. Mark and Mrs. Cyndi Thompson Mr. Greg and Mrs. Leslie Warner


Trustee Tom Sheehy P ‘00, Meg Gardella ‘09 and Trustee Skip Gardella ‘72 P ‘09, ‘09 at the 32nd Annual Benefit Auction, October 2016

Mrs. Mary Barbour and Mr. Al Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bender Mr. and Mrs. Richard Block Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brock Mrs. Skarlett Casco-LaPlaca and Mr. John Paul LaPlaca Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole Mr. Chad Conway and Mr. Mark Drendel Mr. Wilson Cuba and Mrs. Julia King-Cuba Mr. Benjamin Duell '78

Former Trustee Judy Auchincloss P ‘87 with Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 P ‘11, ‘15 at the 32nd Annual Benefit Auction, October 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farmen Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Philip Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fulling Mr. and Mrs. Marc Genovese Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hill Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger '81 Mr. Loren Kagan '01 and Mrs. Nicole Russo Kagan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keeshan '72 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klemm '87 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kowalchick Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kreisberg Mr. Huk Jae Lee and Mrs. Eunah Hur Mr. and Mrs. Feng Lin Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lombardi Atty. Gregory Loss and Dr. Eileen Mulrenin Mr. Dan Lufkin and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Mrs. Carol Barrett Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell Attys. James and Anne Murdica Mr. Jon Neuhaus '87 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O'Dwyer Oliver Rubbish Removal LLC Dr. Thomas Olsen and Mrs. Mary Boosalis Mr. James Pates Jr. '47 Mr. and Mrs. Benton Reichenau Mr. Andrew Roraback and Ms. Kara Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rydingsword Mr. and Mrs. James Schechter Mr. Scott Schereschewsky '73 and Ms. Emma Risley Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Schlumberger Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segalas Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sterling Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky '56 Stout Mrs. Monica Vogelstein and Mr. Andrew Vogelstein

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


VOLUNTEERS We thank our many volunteers, who demonstrate the values and mission of the School, for their invaluable contributions. Mr. David Alexander ‘87 Mr. Christian Anderson Mrs. Mary and Mr. Al Barbour Ms. Sharon Bassett Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Debi Bender Mrs. Shelly Benson Ms. Tiffany Bichrest Mrs. Aimee Bida Mr. Richard and Mrs. Anne Block Mr. Scott Blum Mrs. Ann Borzilleri Mr. Rob and Mrs. Willow Brenner Mr. Truman ‘89 and Mrs. Scarlett Brooks Mr. Jamie and Mrs. Kristen Browne Mrs. Cheryl Bucknam Mr. Christian Budd ‘05 Ms. Kirby Bunnell Mr. Carmine Buono Mr. Rick and Mrs. Liz Butler Mr. Dan and Mrs. Andrea Calore Mrs. Skarlett Casco-LaPlaca Ms. Theresa Cervero Mr. Jung Min Choi and Mrs. Shin Hyung You Ms. Athena Christodoulatos Mr. Gary and Mrs. Donna Cole Mr. Chris and Mrs. Amy Conto Mrs. Tina Couch ‘94 and Mr. Chris Desiderio Mr. John and Dr. Ros Craft CulinArt Staff Mrs. Jane Darby Mrs. Jessica and Mr. Micheal Dell’Aera Mr. Dean and Mrs. Annette DeMague Mrs. Valerie DiLorenzo Mr. Steve Dodge Mrs. Tina Kim-Dowden Ms. Georgina Duff Mr. John and Mrs. Jacquie Dufour Ms. Jillian Dufresne Mrs. Camille Dumont Mr. Chris and Mrs. Chrissy Dyball Mr. Nick Benson and Mrs. Natalie Dyer ‘80 Ms. Jo-Ellen Dzamko Ms. Kristen Eaton Mrs. Susan Ekstrand Mr. Tom and Mrs. Ashley Farmen Mr. Tyler Farmen ‘97 and Ms. Jessica Lewis Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Phil Farmer Mr. Richard and Atty. Sarah Farrington Mr. Mike Fiorito Mrs. Julie Fredlund Mr. Jay Fuhrman Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Julie Fulling Mrs. Deborah Galant Mr. Skip Gardella ‘72 Mr. Frank Gavel ‘78 Jr. and


Rumsey Circle volunteers meet at Solley House to assemble Holiday Cookie Boxes, an annual tradition for faculty and staff

Mrs. Laurie Gavel Mr. Tom Geagan Mrs. Beth Gedraitis Mr. Gary and Mrs. Brooke Giese Mr. John and Mrs. Gerri Gleason Ms. Lauren Goulet ‘01 Mr. Roland and Mrs. Linda Goulet Mr. Peter and Mrs. Marci Gouveia Ms. Patrice Griffing Mrs. Dian Griesel and Mr. Rory McAdam Mr. Geordy Hale Mr. Craig Henrich Mr. David Hewson Jr. ‘77 Mr. Matthew ‘81 and Mrs. Amy Hoeniger Mr. Dan Morrissey and Mrs. Cynthia Hogan Mr. Jeffrey ‘70 and Mrs. Susan Hugel Mr. Loren Kagan ‘01 and Mrs. Nicole Russo Kagan Ms. Emily Kalis Mr. Matthew Kandel and Mrs. Grace Pennington Ms. Emily Keech Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Stacey Kennedy Mr. Clayton and Mrs. Claire Ketchum Mr. Roger and Mrs. Marie Kimmel Ms. Alexandra King Mr. Sean Kinsella and Mrs. Alicia Mordenti Mr. Geoffrey Knauth ‘75 Mr. Tom Kocienda and Mrs. Dana Martinez Mr. Doug and Mrs. Jennifer Kolpak Mrs. Sage Witkoski Mr. Jeremy and Mrs. Diana LaCasse Mr. Huk Jae Lee and Mrs. Eunah Hur Mr. Donghoon Lee and Mrs. Junghye Bae Mr. Michael and Mrs. Heather Leonard

Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Ali Spooner ‘90 Linley Mr. Nicholas Logothetis ‘03 and Mrs. Monica Gray Logothetis Mr. Gary and Mrs. Ann Lord Mrs. Beth Nolan ‘90 Lovallo Mr. Dan and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Mr. Willy and Mrs. Pamela MacMullen Mr. Robert and Mrs. Kim Mandl Mr. Edward Mallon III and Mrs. Kelly Mallon Mr. Ed Mastrianno Mr. Greg Matthews Mrs. Carol Barrett Maxwell Mr. Angus McDonald Mr. Jason ‘89 and Mrs. Amanda McGrew Mr. Christian Miranda Mr. Ted Moore and Mrs. Rebecca Moore Ms. Anne Elise Mumford Attys. Jim and Ann Murdica Mrs. Alexandra Murphy ‘00 and Mr. Drew Murphy ‘00 Mr. Craig ‘05 and Mrs. Jaymie Naclerio Mr. Jon Neuhaus ‘87 Ms. Sara Neuhaus ‘90 Mrs. Gena Newman Ms. Melissa Nowak Mr. Tim and Mrs. Cheryl O’Donnell Mr. Craig Ough Mr. James Pates Jr. ‘47 Mrs. Mary Peck Mr. Phil and Mrs. Heather Perreault Ms. Melissa Phelan Ms. Claudia Pilch Mrs. Amy Pottbecker Mr. Jay Przygocki and Ms. Suzanne LaVoie Mr. Peter and Mrs. Pamela Racevicius Mr. Gye Hwan Ro and Mrs. Sumi Kim Mr. Paul and Mrs. Tracey Ramee Mr. George and Mrs. Darlene Rogg Mr. Fran and Mrs. Whitney Ryan

Mrs. Rosemary Sagar Mr. Bryan Saltz Mrs. Rachel SanFanAndre Mr. Todd and Mrs. Karen Saxe Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Karina Scapachini Mrs. Karen Scodari Ms. Chelsea Searles Mrs. Barbara Reyes de Shattuck Mrs. Palma Shea Mr. Tom Sheehy III and Mrs. Betsy Sheehy Ms. Trish Silvernail Mr. Mark and Mrs. Sara Simonelli Mr. Vinayek and Mrs. Ratna Singh Mr. Everett and Mrs. Liz Smith Mr. Hayden Smith ‘83 Mr. Nicholas Solley ‘64 Mr. Mark and Mrs. Barbara Sorosiak Mr. Richard and Mrs. Doreen Souza Mr. Stephen Spooner ‘94 Mrs. Linda Stevens Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky ‘56 Stout Mr. Hugh Hill and Mrs. Cynthia Stubbs-Hill Mr. Ed and Mrs. Joyce Stukshis Mrs. Lisa Tanno Mrs. Tracy Tietz Mr. Ben and Mrs. Gretchen Tuff Mr. Dean ‘80 and Mrs. Crystal Turner Mr. Hennie and Mrs. Carla van der Merwe Mr. Jim Verrastro Mr. Keith Vidic Mrs. Monica and Mr. Andrew Vogelstein Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Leslie Warner Dr. Richard and Mrs. Robin Weiss Pastor Linda Williams Mr. Shannon ‘89 and Mrs. Danielle Young Mr. Ken Young Mrs. Sophy Zhang


Named in honor of the School's forebears, to pay tribute to each donor who has contributed gifts of $20,000 or more. P.W. Tate Brown Ben-Dov Brufsky Family Mr. Yong Cheng and Mrs. Jie Chen Mr. Yoon Sung Cho and Mrs. Sung Mi Lee Mr. Jung Min Choi and Mrs. Shin Hyung You Mr. Sunwon Choi and Mrs. Joohee Ahn Mr. Benjamin Duell '78 Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Philip Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fulling Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gavel Jr. '78 Mr. Xiaoping Geng and Mrs. Yan Qian Mr. Ping Huang and Mrs. Ning Wang Mr. Sung Hwan Hwang and Mrs. Kyoung Hwa Lee Mr. Shusen Jia and Mrs. Fengxia Xu Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kimmel Mr. Huk Jae Lee and Mrs. Eunah Hur Mr. and Mrs. Feng Lin Mr. Yuesheng Liu and Mrs. Fangying Yuan Mr. Gregory Matthews and Ms. Anne Elise Mumford Mr. Shenjie Mei and Mrs. Li Sun Mr. Jon D. Neuhaus '87 Ms. Hyun Kyung Oh Mr. and Mrs. Jason Regalbuto Mr. Jai Rhee and Mrs. Eun Kim Mr. Gye Hwan Ro and Mrs. Sumi Kim Mr. Lairong Ruan and Mrs. Benlin Liu Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segalas Mr. Gyeong Ho Seo and Mrs. Sung Mi Jeon Mr. Nicholas Solley '64 Mrs. Monica Vogelstein and Mr. Andrew Vogelstein Mr. Zhangwei Wang and Mrs. Tian Chen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Warner Mr. Kwan Woon Yang and Mrs. Eunhee No Ms. Aili Zhang Mr. Lei Zhang and Mrs. Jinmei Yu Mr. Yonggang Zhang and Mrs. Na Jia


Named in honor of the Headmasters who have served Rumsey, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $10,000 to $19,999 to the School. Anonymous Mrs. Mary Barbour and Mr. Al Barbour Mr. HongBing Cao and Mrs. Fan Yang Dr. Sang Yong Chung and Dr. Hyun Ju Um Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doyle Mr. and Atty. Richard Farrington Mr. Xiaojun Hu and Ms. Weiyin Ma Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hugel '70 Mr. Loren Kagan '01 and Mrs. Nicole Russo Kagan Kazilionis Charitable Trust Charitable Lead Annuity Trust-C Mr. Seung-Il Kim and Mrs. Junghwa Kim Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kreisberg Mr. Donghoon Lee and Mrs. Junghye Bae Mr. Jin Li and Mrs. Yun Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Liu Atty. Gregory Loss and Dr. Eileen Mulrenin Mr. Dan Lufkin and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Ms. Rosemary Sagar Mr. Harold Salo '59 Mr. Scott Schereschewsky '73 and Ms. Emma Risley Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seibert, Jr. Mrs. Amanda Taylor and Mr. Clifford Brokaw Mr. and Dr. Mark Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton Ms. Victoria Ward Mr. Xiaoyang K. Zheng and Mrs. Lili Xie

Walker Regalbuto ‘17 with his father Jason at the Senior Parent Reception, June 2017



Named in honor of those who have served Rumsey, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $5,000-$9,999 to the School. Atty. and Mrs. Joseph Anton Mr. George Baldwin Mr. Thomas Bernard '69 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Biddle Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brown '89 Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Browne Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cox III Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Davis III '84 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Finkelson Ms. Deborah Galant Mr. Stephen Green Mr. Xiaofeng Gu and Mrs. Fei Xu Mr. and Mrs. Gian Matteo Lo Faro Mr. Frank Gallipoli and Ms. Christine Mastro Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyer III Mr. and Mrs. Claus Moller Mr. Russell Patterson Patterson Oil Co Mr. Charles Pigott Mr. and Mrs. James Powers Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Schlumberger Ms. Juliet Sproul Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor Mrs. Margaretta Taylor Mr. Zhangping Wu and Mrs. Jie Zhang


Named in honor of Lillias Rumsey Sanford, founder of Rumsey Hall School, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $3,000-$4,999 to the School. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Backman Mr. and Mrs. Truman Brooks '89 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Conto Mr. Chad Conway and Mr. Mark Drendel Mr. Marvin Davidson and Mrs. Mary Davidson Mr. Michael and Mrs. Jessica Dell'Aera Mr. Louis Gardella '72 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Goodman Mr. Stuart Ivimey '79 and Mrs. Christine Woodward Mr. Peter Linn and Mrs. Pilar Santos Mr. Steve Louie and Mrs. Jennifer Wu Mr. and Mrs. David Lyon Ms. Denise Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. James Schechter Mr. Yingbin Sun and Mrs. Xiaohong Wang Mr. Jie Zeng and Ms. Qingtao Tu

Named in honor of the year Rumsey Hall School was founded, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $1,000-$2,999 to the School. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams Jr. '79 Anonymous Ms. Aimee Bida Mr. and Mrs. Richard Block Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Boucher Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brandin Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brown Mr. Zuping Cai and Mrs. Xinli Chen Mr. David Carrick Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cherosnick Ms. Elizabeth Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole Mr. and Mrs. L. Paul Cornell Jr. Mrs. Tina Couch '94 and Mr. Chris Desiderio Mrs. Elaine Crocker Ms. Angela de Lara '62 Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. DeMague Mr. Donald Dowden and Mrs. Tina Kim-Dowden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dubow Ms. Shelley Emmer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farmen Mr. Austin Farmer '99 Ms. Grace Badger Phoenix Gallaway Mr. and Mrs. Marc Genovese Mr. Richard Giles and Ms. Ashley Brokaw Mr. and Mrs. Adam Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Goodman Grace Badger Murphy Fund In Remembrance of Ms. Grace Murphy '09 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grullon Atty Piper Hanson Mr. and Mrs. David Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hirsch '46 Mr. James Hock and Mrs. Kellie Meiman Hock Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger '81 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Houldin '88 Mr. Fraser Hunter Jr. '81 and Mrs. Nina Huffman Ingersoll Auto of Danbury Mr. William Kelly '87 Mr. William King Jr. '78 Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Klemm '87 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Kowalchick Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Littman Mr. Peter Lubans '98 Mr. Javier Macaya Ms. Denise Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mallon III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Matthes Mr. Edward Matthews and Ms. Vilma Keri Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillen III Atty. and Mrs. Brian Mellstrom Attys. James and Anne Murdica Mr. Gordon Murphy Ms. Nancy Mygatt Mrs. Xin Nie Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O'Dwyer

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


2017 Summer Academic Enrichment Program

Dr. Thomas Olsen and Mrs. Mary Boosalis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pesce Dr. and Mrs. John Pyne Mr. and Mrs. Benton Reichenau Mr. Eric Rook and Mrs. Renee Carnes-Rook Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan Mr. Alejandro Sainz and Mrs. Luz-Cecilia Mondragon Mrs. Patricia Caicedo and Mr. Eduardo Salazar Mrs. Karen Scodari and Mr. Robert Scodari Mr. Christopher Shattuck and Mrs. Barbara Reyes de Shattuck Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Silvester Mr. Paul Slocum '70 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Ms. Laura Steben '79 Mr. and Mrs. Toby Symonds Mr. and Mrs. Allan Turner Dr. Henry Vaillant '50 Mrs. Marnie Vallely Mrs. Constance White Mr. and Mrs. Charles Withers-Clarke Mr. Thomas '61 and Mrs. Elaine Witherspoon Jr. In Remembrance of Mr. William Middlebrook Goss Jr. '36 Mr. Chadwick Bourne Nelson '90 Mr. Thomas Winfrey Witherspoon III '94 Ms. Katherine Goss Witherspoon '97 Mr. and Mrs. Boris Yablonovsky Mr. Haotian Zhu '11



Named in honor of the historic student yearbook, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $500-$999 to the School. Mr. Walter Addicks '65 Mr. Peter Aeschliman '86 Mr. and Mrs. David Alexander '87 Mr. and Dr. Robert Bogue Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brock Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brode Mr. and Mrs. John Buck III '51 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buttrick Mr. John Campbell Jr. Ms. Deborah Weinberger and Mr. Thomas Candrick Charles Heaven and Company Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clark Mrs. Jaymel Connor Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cornell '74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cronin Mr. Wilson Cuba and Mrs. Julia King-Cuba Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Darer Mr. Michael Devino '94 and Mrs. Alexa Geovanos Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Frisbie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon Mr. Martin Greenblatt '75 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gundry '55 Col. Robert Harmon '55 Mr. Craig Henrich Mr. David Hewson Jr. '77 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hill Mr. William Holligan IV '93 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Houldin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kagan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keeshan '72 Ms. Linda Kenerson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kennedy Mr. Jiahao Liu '17 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Magnoli Mr. and Mrs. Pels Matthews Ms. Hope Mauran

Mr. and Mrs. David Meyer Mrs. Katharine Mowbray '69 Michie Mr. Nicolas Mosko '84 Mr. Syungyoun Nam '96 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Novak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Toole Mr. James Pates Jr. '47 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pottow Ms. Berit Randall '14 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Randall III '62 Mr. Andrew Roraback and Ms. Kara Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roraback Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rydingsword Mr. and Mrs. John Salvatore '86 Mr. Theodore Sarant '70 Mr. Robert Segalla Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheehy III Mr. Hayden Smith '83 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Sopher '54 Mr. and Mrs. Jared Stein Mrs. Margie Stockton Mr. and Mrs. John Strawbridge II Mr. William Tuttle '70 Mr. and Mrs. George Verrastro Mrs. Kelly Carr '83 Zitzmann


Named in honor of Rumsey Hall's philosophy that effort is as important as academic achievement, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $250-$499 to the School. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Anderson Mr. Richard Bennett '58 Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brokaw Mr. and Mrs. William Budd Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler Mr. Edward Cole

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conroy Mr. Otis Damslet '83 Mr. Mark DeCruccio Mr. Rosario DeGrazia Jr. '07 Dr. and Mrs. Donald Demas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DiLorenzo Mr. David and Mrs. Jane Schick '58 Dobbins Mrs. Natalie Hubbard '53 Dyer Mr. Bruce Edmands '58 and Mrs. Geline Williams Edmands Mrs. Barbara Ensign Mr. Rodrigo Fernandez and Mrs. Alejandra Zingg Mr. Steven Foote '54 Ms. Vesta Fort Mr. and Mrs. Gary Giese Dr. and Mrs. Witold Henisz '83 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hill Dr. Jey Jeyapalan Mr. Olivier Joanin '89 Mr. Richard Keppelman '57 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Laverge '85 Mr. Peter Luca and Mrs. Katrina Luca Mrs. Carol Barrett Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McGowan Mr. James Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Melinda Cornell '86 Moran Mr. and Ms. Thomas Mott '98 Mrs. Alexandra Murphy '00 and Mr. Drew Murphy '00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ober III Mrs. Deborah Onorato Mr. and Mrs. John Payne III '55 Mr. James Pollock '41 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pottbecker Mr. Dong Sheng Qin and Mrs. Yue Min Liang Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ryan Mr. Harrison Smith '05 Steinbrecher & Partners Mr. Donald Stroud Jr. '69

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Thompson '86 Mr. Jeffrey Eller Tillou '85 Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Van Deusen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Sickle Ms. Tracy Warner Dr. Jonathan Woodhall Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring '00


Named in honor of the School's traditional color teams, to pay tribute to those donors who contributed up to $249 to the School. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Addley Mr. David Ahouse Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aitken II '85 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Allessio Mrs. Carol Aloe Mr. Christian Anderson Mr. Reif Anderson and Ms. Betty Carr Mr. Mark Averill and Mrs. Jane Conn Ms. Meg Badolato Mrs. Alison Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barbieri CPA Mr. and Mrs. Dirck Barhydt Jr. Mrs. Martha Barhydt Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bender Mr. and Mrs. John Benson II Mr. Albert Bergeret and Ms. Gail Wofford Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bergeret '01 Mrs. Amber Berry Mr. Peter and Mrs. Catherine Cherniske '99 Bertazzoni Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bida Ms. Samantha Bisignano '10 Mr. Dana and Mrs. Lucia Bryant '61 Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Bland Ms. Elizabeth Blank '02 Mr. and Mrs. Miles Borzilleri Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bossarelli Mr. Robert Boyle '05 Mrs. Isabella Breckinridge Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brenner Mr. Justin Brooks Mr. Christian Budd '05 Mr. Thomas Budd '09 Mr. Coleby Bunnell '16 Ms. Kirby Bunnell Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Buono Mr. Eric Burlingame Mr. Riley Burns '15 Mr. Kip Burns and Ms. Samantha Burns '86 Mr. Charles Burton '60 Ms. Karla Butterfield Mr. David Byerly '60 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cahn III Mrs. Maricarmen Cano Mrs. Skarlett Casco-LaPlaca and Mr. John Paul LaPlaca Dr. Roger Cawley '62

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark Class of 2017 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Cloutier Ms. Chloe Coffin '20 Mr. Peter Coffin Dr. and Mrs. Peter Collis Mr. James Connor '10 Mr. Ryan Conroy '98 Mr. Nicholas Cornell '08 Mr. Paul Cornell III '72 Mrs. Eleanor Cox Mr. James Cropsey '72 Mr. Dougald Currie '68 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Daly Mr. and Mrs. David Darby Mr. Emerson Davis '08 Mr. Christopher DePaola '07 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore DePaola Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Desjardins Mr. and Mrs. Phillip deVries Mr. Brickson Diamond Mr. Ji Su Ding and Mrs. Xiaoning Zhou Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dodge Mr. Austin Donnelly '12 Mr. Geoffrey Doughty Mr. James Doyle '75 Ms. Jillian Dufresne Mr. James Duys Mr. Nicholas Benson and Mrs. Natalie Dyer '80 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Egnew Mr. David Ellis '77 Mr. and Mrs. John Eren '97 Mr. Andres Estrada '82 Mr. Trevor Farmen '99 Mr. Tyler Farmen '97 and Ms. Jessica Lewis Ms. Mallory Farmer '02 Mr. Samuel Fifer '07 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Finch Mr. and Mrs. James Finn Mr. Francis and Mrs. Virginia Boynton '55 Fishburne Mr. Robert Fisher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Kiernan Flynn '85 Ms. Debbie Forese Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Foster Mr. and Mrs. Gus M. Franklin III '62 Mrs. Joseph Fredlund Mr. and Mrs. David Fuente Mrs. Linda Fuerst '60 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fulford Ms. Hudson Fuller '81 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaines Sr. Ms. Lisbeth Garassino '97 Mr. Gary Gates '51 Mr. Leland Gates III '70 Dr. and Mrs. John Gevinski Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Gillespie Jr. '59 Mr. Philip Goiran '55 Ms. Louise Guion '70 Mr. Geordy Hale Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Halloran '02 Mrs. Diana Hardee Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hart Jr. '62 Mr. William Haskell '63 Mr. Hozefa Haveliwala '85 Mr. Gregory Hawes and Ms. Rachael Ryan Mr. Michael Hayes II '81

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herbst '62 Mr. Javier Hernandez and Mrs. Lynn Coulon Mr. Thomas Hewes II '62 Ms. Alyson Hill '04 Ms. Ashley Hill '07 Mr. Donald and Mrs. Deborah Schereschewsky '64 Hiltz Dr. Calvin Hirsch '68 Ms. Felicia Hoeniger '78 Mr. Chandler Houldin '13 Mr. and Mrs. William Houldin Ms. Ellen Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hylwa Mr. Michael James '62 Mrs. Dana Jarvis Mrs. Jo-Ann Jayne Ms. SuYeone Jeon '03 Ms. Emily Kalis Mr. Allan Karan '55 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kavanagh Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kay '72 Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Nancy Del Percio '88 Kaye Ms. Emily Keech Mr. Paul Keeshan '07 Ms. Laura Keith '90 Mr. and Mrs. John Kenerson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ketchum Ms. Drennon Kimpton '08 Mr. Adam King '03 Dr. Larry Kirstein and Dr. Jane Karp Mr. John Klein-Robbenhaar '82 Mr. Geoffrey Knauth '75 Mr. Timothy Knauth '76 Mr. Edward Kowalchick '24 Ms. Kaitlin Kowalchick '26 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy LaCasse Mr. and Mrs. John LaCasse Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lampe Mr. James Lee '62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard Ms. Amy Levenson Mr. Jordan Leventhal '05 Mr. Cristopher Levy '81 Ms. Patience Lindholm Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner '90 Linley Mr. Gordon Loery '76 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lombardi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Long Jr. Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Beth Nolan '90 Lovallo Mrs. Patricia Lyon Mr. Mark Lyon-Vadnais '15 Ms. Victoria Malloy '10 Mr. Jacob Mandl '11 Ms. Lily Mandl '15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mandl Mr. Samuel Mandl '07 Mr. Anthony Maselli and Mrs. Theresa Maselli Ms. Sarah Maxwell '07 Ms. Margaux Maxwell '09 Ms. Anna Maxwell '15 Mr. John Maxwell IV '17 Mr. Frank McCann and Mrs. Carol McCann Ms. Kathleen McCann Mr. Scott McCarty '72

Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Jason McGrew '89 Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Mendoza Mr. Dwight Miller '51 Rev. and Mrs. James Miner II Ms. April Montgomery Mr. Harold Montgomery and Mrs. LaDonna Montgomery Mr. and Mrs Woodrow Mosch Jr. '62 Mr. Ryan Murphy '98 Mrs. Kathy Neuhaus Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newman Mr. Eden Ng and Mrs. Fiona To Mrs. Patricia Nolan Mr. Carlton Norton '52 Mrs. Joanne Nykaza Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Cheryl O'Donnell Dr. Denise Olson Dr. Raymond Osborne Jr. Mr. Craig Ough Mrs. Monica Parisi Mr. Joo Won Park and Dr. Weon Young Lee Mrs. Jane Parker '54 Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Ledlie Mosch '92 Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Francis Patnaude Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Pavek '60 Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Payson Mrs. Mary Peck Mrs. Marion Pennell Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perreault Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Michelle Parent '01 Perry Mr. Louis and Mrs. Jennifer Jankowski '92 Persico Mr. Peter and Mrs. Claire Laverge '87 Petitt Mr. Luis Pietrini and Mrs. Tania Topete Mr. Joshua Pizzo '06 Mrs. Elizabeth Foote '61 Pope Mr. Charles Porter '94 and Mrs. Candice Tab Porter Mr. Denis Prasolov and Mrs. Olga Sorokina Drs. Steven and Priscilla Price Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Priest Mr. Jay Przygocki and Ms. Suzanne LaVoie Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pyne Mr. and Mrs. John Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramee Mr. TJ and Mrs. Tami Couch '01 Rance Mr. William Reid III '58 Mrs. Caroline Reid Thompson Mr. Owen M. Reighard '13 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reycroft Ms. Margaret M. Richard Mr. Stephen D. Richard '95 Mr. Ward B. Ricke and Mrs. Katina J. Dorton Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Rieffel Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro A. Romano Mrs. Lee B. Rosati '57 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rossiter Mr. Peter Rowan '73 and Mrs. June Hammond Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rupp Mr. Waldo Salazar-Gomez '53 Ms. Briahna Savage

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


Mr. and Mrs. Todd Saxe Mr. Luis Sayeg and Mrs. Ana Anaya Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Dolly Patterson '88 Scarpati Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schaab Mr. John Schwabacher '54 Mr. Randall Schwartz '77 Mr. Bradford Sedito Sr. Mr. Patrick Sheehy '00 Mrs. Keiko Shimizu Ms. Patricia Silvernail Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simonelli Mrs. Carol Smith Mr. and Mrs. Philip Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Spooner Mr. and Mrs. Downey Stancs Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Steers

Mr. Moacir Weirich and Mrs. Maristela Freiberg Dr. and Mrs. Richard Weiss Mrs. Patricia Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Whittle Ms. Marguerite Williams '62 Mr. and Mrs. Jere Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wishek Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wolff '66 Mrs. Sally Woodhall Ms. Robin Woods '73 Dr. George Wrightson III '59 Mr. William Wurts '54 Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Young '89 Mr. Geoffrey R. Zampiello '91 and Mrs. Amanda Barnes

Col. Robert Harmon '55 Mr. Allan Karan '55 Mr. and Mrs. John Payne III '55 Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky '56 Stout Mrs. Nancy Teller '56 Mr. Richard Keppelman '57 Mrs. Lee Rosati '57 Mr. Richard Bennett '58 Mr. David and Mrs. Jane Schick '58 Dobbins Mr. Bruce Edmands '58 and Mrs. Geline Williams Edmands Mr. William Reid III '58 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Gillespie Jr. '59 Mr. Harold Salo '59 Dr. George Wrightson III '59

1960s Mr. Charles Burton '60 Mr. David Byerly '60 Mrs. Linda Fuerst '60 Mr. Jeffrey Pavek '60 Mr. Dana and Mrs. Lucia Bryant '61 Blanchard Mrs. Elizabeth Foote '61 Pope Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Witherspoon Jr. '61 Dr. Roger Cawley '62 Ms. Angela de Lara '62 Mr. and Mrs. Gus Franklin III '62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hart Jr. '62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herbst '62 Mr. Thomas Hewes II '62 Mr. Michael James '62 Mr. James Lee '62 Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Mosch Jr. '62 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Randall III '62 Cameron ‘17 with sister Sydney ‘14, parents Peter and Pam Racevicius P ‘10, ‘14, ‘17 Ms. Marguerite Williams '62 and grandmother, Marie, at Commencement, June 2017 Mr. William Haskell '63 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leever '64 Mr. Donald and Mr. Oliver F. Sterlacci '96 Mrs. Deborah Schereschewsky '64 Hiltz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sterling Mr. Nicholas Solley '64 Drs. Donnel and Kathe Stern 1930s Mr. and Mrs. Denis Tanney '64 Mr. Kevin Stokes and In Remembrance of Mrs. Lisa DiMichele-Stokes Mr. William Middlebrook Goss Jr. '36 Mr. Walter Addicks '65 Mr. Randolph Titsworth '66 Mr. and Mrs. James Stone Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wolff '66 Mr. John and 1940s Mr. Dougald Currie '68 Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky '56 Stout Mr. Bruce Gelb '41 Dr. Calvin Hirsch '68 Mr. Francis Sutherland '54 Mr. James Pollock '41 Mr. Thomas Bernard '69 Mrs. Deborah Swigart Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hirsch '46 Mrs. Katharine Mowbray '69 Michie Mr. and Mrs. Denis Tanney '64 Mr. James Pates Jr. '47 Mr. Donald Stroud Jr. '69 Mrs. Sara Taylor Mr. Jon Utley '48 Mr. Paul Underwood '69 Mrs. Nancy Teller '56 Mr. Michael Tessel '97 1950s 1970s Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Dr. Henry Vaillant '50 Mr. Leland Gates III '70 Mr. and Mrs. Werner Tiedmann Mr. and Mrs. John Buck III '51 Ms. Louise Guion '70 Mr. Randolph Titsworth '66 Mr. Gary Gates '51 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hugel '70 Mr. Thomas Topalian '02 Mr. Dwight Miller '51 Mr. Theodore Sarant '70 Mr. and Mrs. Brett Traussi Mr. Carlton Norton '52 Mr. Paul Slocum '70 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tuff Mrs. Natalie Hubbard '53 Dyer Mr. William Tuttle '70 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ullman Mr. Waldo Salazar-Gomez '53 Mr. Paul L. Cornell III '72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ullram Mr. Steven Foote '54 Mr. James Cropsey '72 Mr. Paul Underwood '69 Mrs. Jane Parker '54 Mr. Louis Gardella '72 Mr. Nicholas Urban '09 Mr. John Schwabacher '54 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kay '72 Mr. Jon Utley '48 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Sopher '54 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keeshan '72 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Utting Mr. Francis Sutherland '54 Mr. Scott McCarty '72 Mr. and Mrs. David Valente Mr. William Wurts '54 Mr. Peter Rowan '73 and Mr. Timothy von Jess Mr. Francis and Mrs. June Hammond Rowan Mr. Christian Waechter '81 Mrs. Virginia Boynton '55 Fishburne Mr. Scott Schereschewsky '73 and Mr. Jamie Watkins '97 Mr. Philip Goiran '55 Ms. Emma Risley Mr. and Mrs. Roland Weil Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gundry '55



Ms. Robin Woods '73 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cornell '74 Mr. James Doyle '75 Mr. Martin Greenblatt '75 Mr. Geoffrey Knauth '75 Mr. Timothy Knauth '76 Mr. Gordon Loery '76 Mr. David Ellis '77 Mr. David Hewson Jr. '77 Mr. Randall Schwartz '77 Mr. Benjamin Duell '78 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gavel Jr. '78 Ms. Felicia Hoeniger '78 Mr. William King Jr. '78 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams Jr. '79 Mr. Stuart Ivimey '79 and Mrs. Christine Woodward Ms. Laura Steben '79 1980s Mr. Nicholas Benson and Mrs. Natalie Dyer '80 Ms. Samantha Burns ‘86 and Mr. Kip Burns Ms. Hudson Fuller '81 Mr. Michael Hayes II '81 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger '81 Mr. Fraser Hunter Jr. '81 and Mrs. Nina Huffman Mr. Cristopher Levy '81 Mr. Christian Waechter '81 Mr. Andres Estrada '82 Mr. John Klein-Robbenhaar '82 Mr. Otis Damslet '83 Dr. and Mrs. Witold Henisz '83 Mr. Hayden Smith '83 Mrs. Kelly Carr '83 Zitzmann Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Davis III '84 Mr. Nicolas Mosko '84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aitken II '85 Mr. and Mrs. Kiernan Flynn '85 Mr. Hozefa Haveliwala '85 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Laverge '85 Mr. Jeffrey Eller Tillou '85 Mr. Peter Aeschliman '86 Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Melinda Cornell '86 Moran Mr. and Mrs. John Salvatore '86 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Thompson '86 Mr. and Mrs. David Alexander '87 Mr. William Kelly '87 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klemm '87 Mr. Jon Neuhaus '87 Mr. Peter and Mrs. Claire Laverge '87 Petitt Mr. and Mrs. Peter Houldin '88 Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Nancy Del Percio '88 Kaye Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Dolly Patterson '88 Scarpati Mr. and Mrs. Truman Brooks '89 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brown '89 Mr. Olivier Joanin '89 Mr. and Mrs. Jason McGrew '89 Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Young '89 1990s Ms. Laura Keith '90 Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner '90 Linley

Trustees, current and past parents, alumni and faculty gather at the home of Roger and Marie Kimmel P ‘17 for the May 2017 Greenwich Reception Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Beth Nolan '90 Lovallo Mr. Geoffrey Zampiello '91 and Mrs. Amanda Barnes Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Ledlie Mosch '92 Pastor Mr. Louis and Mrs. Jennifer Jankowski '92 Persico Mr. William Holligan IV '93 Mrs. Tina Couch '94 and Mr. Chris Desiderio Mr. Michael Devino '94 and Mrs. Alexa Geovanos Mr. Charles Porter '94 and Mrs. Candice Tab Porter Mr. Stephen Richard '95 Mr. Syungyoun Nam '96 Mr. Oliver Sterlacci '96 Mr. and Mrs. John Eren '97 Mr. Tyler Farmen '97 Ms. Lisbeth Garassino '97 Mr. Michael Tessel '97 Mr. Jamie Watkins '97 Mr. Ryan Conroy '98 Mr. Peter Lubans '98 Mr. and Ms. Thomas Mott '98 Mr. Ryan Murphy '98 Mr. Peter and Mrs. Catherine Cherniske '99 Bertazzoni Mr. Trevor Farmen '99 Mr. Austin Farmer '99 2000s Mrs. Alexandra Murphy '00 and Mr. Drew Murphy '00 Mr. Patrick Sheehy '00 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring '00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bergeret '01 Mr. Loren Kagan '01 and Mrs. Nicole Russo Kagan Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Michelle Parent '01 Perry Mr. TJ and Mrs. Tami Couch '01 Rance Ms. Elizabeth Blank '02 Ms. Mallory Farmer '02 Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Halloran '02 Mr. Thomas Topalian '02 Ms. SuYeone Jeon '03 Mr. Adam King '03 Ms. Alyson Hill '04

Mr. Robert Boyle '05 Mr. Christian Budd '05 Mr. Jordan Leventhal '05 Mr. Harrison Smith '05 Mr. Joshua Pizzo '06 Mr. Rosario DeGrazia, Jr. '07 Mr. Christopher DePaola '07 Mr. Samuel Fifer '07 Ms. Ashley Hill '07 Mr. Paul Keeshan '07 Mr. Samuel Mandl '07 Ms. Sarah Maxwell '07 Mr. Nicholas Cornell '08 Mr. Emerson Davis '08 Ms. Drennon Kimpton '08 Mr. Thomas Budd '09 Ms. Margaux Maxwell '09 Mr. Nicholas Urban '09 2010s Ms. Samantha Bisignano '10 Mr. James Connor '10 Ms. Victoria Malloy '10 Mr. Jacob Mandl '11 Mr. Haotian Zhu '11 Mr. Austin Donnelly '12 Mr. Chandler Houldin '13 Mr. Owen Reighard '13 Ms. Berit Randall '14 Mr. Riley Burns '15 Mr. Mark Lyon-Vadnais '15 Ms. Lily Mandl '15 Ms. Anna Maxwell '15 Mr. Coleby Bunnell '16 Class of 2017

CURRENT PARENTS Atty. and Mrs. Joseph Anton Mr. and Mrs. Adam Backman Mrs. Alison Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barbieri Mrs. Tamar Ben-Dov Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bender Ms. Aimee Bida Mr. and Mrs. Eric Biddle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Block Mr. and Mrs. Miles Borzilleri

Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brock Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brode Mr. Justin Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Truman Brooks '89 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Browne Mr. Seth Brufsky Mr. Eric Burlingame Mr. Zuping Cai and Mrs. Xinli Chen Mrs. Patricia Caicedo and Mr. Eduardo Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cantor Mr. HongBing Cao and Mrs. Fan Yang Mrs. Skarlett Casco-LaPlaca and Mr. John Paul LaPlaca Mr. Yong Cheng and Mrs. Jie Chen Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cherosnick Mr. Yoon Sung Cho and Mrs. Sung Mi Lee Mr. Jung Min Choi and Mrs. Shin Hyung You Mr. Sunwon Choi and Mrs. Joohee Ahn Dr. Sang Yong Chung and Dr. Hyun Ju Um Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clark Mr. Peter Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Conto Mr. Chad Conway and Mr. Mark Drendel Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cox III Mr. Wilson Cuba and Mrs. Julia King-Cuba Mr. Michael and Mrs. Jessica Dell’Aera Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeMague Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DiLorenzo Mr. Donald Dowden and Mrs. Tina Kim-Dowden Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dubow Mr. Benjamin Duell '78 Mr. James Duys Mr. Nicholas Benson and Mrs. Natalie Dyer '80 Mr. and Atty. Richard Farrington Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Finch Ms. Vesta Fort

Mr. Geoffrey Foster and Mrs. Kara Foster Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Frisbie Ms. Deborah Galant Mr. Xiaoping Geng and Mrs. Yan Qian Mr. and Mrs. Marc Genovese Mr. and Mrs. Gary Giese Mr. Richard Giles and Ms. Ashley Brokaw Mr. Christopher Goodman and Mrs. Tanya Goodman Atty Piper Hanson Mr. Gregory Hawes and Ms. Rachael Ryan Mr. and Mrs. David Hawley Mr. Javier Hernandez and Mrs. Lynn Coulon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hill Mr. and Mrs. Peter Houldin '88 Mr. Xiaojun Hu and Ms. Weiyin Ma Mr. Ping Huang and Mrs. Ning Wang Mr. Sung Hwan Hwang and Mrs. Kyoung Hwa Lee Mrs. Dana Jarvis Mr. Shusen Jia and Mrs. Fengxia Xu Mr. and Mrs. John Kenerson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ketchum Mr. Seung-Il Kim and Mrs. Junghwa Kim Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klemm '87 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kowalchick Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kreisberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy LaCasse Mr. Donghoon Lee and Mrs. Junghye Bae Mr. Huk Jae Lee and Mrs. Eunah Hur Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard Ms. Amy Levenson Mr. Jin Li and Mrs. Yun Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Feng Lin Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner '90 Linley Mr. Peter Linn and Mrs. Pilar Santos Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Liu Mr. Yuesheng Liu and Mrs. Fangying Yuan Mr. and Mrs. Gian Matteo Lo Faro

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


Headmaster Matt ‘81 and Amy Hoeniger P ‘11, ‘15, Dr. Eric Genden ‘80, Director of Athletics Jay Przygocki P ‘00, ‘03 and Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli P ’71, ’72, ’74, ’77, GP ’01, ’02, ’07 at Commencement, June 2017

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lombardi Atty. Gregory Loss and Dr. Eileen Mulrenin Mr. Steve Louie and Mrs. Jennifer Wu Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Beth Nolan '90 Lovallo Mr. Peter Luca and Mrs. Katrina Luca Mr. Dan Lufkin and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Mr. and Mrs. David Lyon Mr. Javier Macaya Ms. Denise S. Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mallon II Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maselli Mr. Frank Gallipoli and Ms. Christine M. Mastro Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Matthes Mr. Gregory Matthews and Ms. Anne Elise Mumford Mrs. Carol Barrett Maxwell Ms. Kathleen McCann Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Jason McGrew '89 Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillen III Mr. Shenjie Mei and Mrs. Li Sun Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyer III Mr. James Miller Mr. and Mrs. Claus Moller Ms. April Montgomery Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Melinda Cornell '86 Moran Attys. James and Anne Murdica Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newman Mr. Eden Ng and Mrs. Fiona To Mrs. Xin Nie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Novak Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O'Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ober III Ms. Hyun Kyung Oh Mr. Craig Ough Mr. Joo Won Park and Dr. Weon Young Lee Mrs. Mary Peck Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perreault Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pesce Mr. Luis Pietrini and Mrs. Tania Topete


Mr. Charles Pigott Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pottbecker Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pottow Mr. and Mrs. James Powers Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramee Mr. and Mrs. Jason Regalbuto Mr. and Mrs. Benton Reichenau Mr. Jai Rhee and Mrs. Eun Kim Mr. and Mrs. Marc Rieffel Mr. Gye Hwan Ro and Mrs. Sumi Kim Mr. Eric Rook and Mrs. Renee Carnes-Rook Mr. Andrew Roraback and Ms. Kara Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rossiter Mr. Lairong Ruan and Mrs. Benlin Liu Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rydingsword Ms. Rosemary Sagar Mr. Alejandro Sainz and Mrs. Luz-Cecilia Mondragon Mr. and Mrs. John Salvatore '86 Mr. Luis Sayeg and Mrs. Ana Anaya Mr. Steve Schaab and Mrs. Megan Schaab Mr. and Mrs. James Schechter Mr. Scott Schereschewsky '73 and Ms. Emma Risley Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Schlumberger Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segalas Mr. Gyeong Ho Seo and Mrs. Sung Mi Jeon Mr. Christopher Shattuck and Mrs. Barbara Reyes de Shattuck Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Silvester Ms. Juliet A. Sproul Mr. and Mrs. James Stone Mr. Yingbin Sun and Mrs. Xiaohong Wang Mr. and Mrs. Toby Symonds Mrs. Amanda Taylor and Mr. Clifford Brokaw Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor Mr. and Dr. Mark Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton Mr. Jeffrey Eller Tillou '85 Mr. and Mrs. Brett Traussi Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tuff

Mrs. Monica Vogelstein and Mr. Andrew Vogelstein Mr. Timothy von Jess Mr. Zhangwei Wang and Mrs. Tian Chen Ms. Victoria Ward Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Warner Ms. Tracy Warner Mr. Moacir Weirich and Mrs. Maristela Freiberg Dr. and Mrs. Richard Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wishek Mr. and Mrs. Charles Withers-Clarke Mr. Zhangping Wu and Mrs. Jie Zhang Mr. Kwan Woon Yang and Mrs. Eunhee No Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Young '89 Mr. Jie Zeng and Ms. Qingtao Tu Ms. Aili Zhang Mr. Lei Zhang and Mrs. Jinmei Yu Mr. Yonggang Zhang and Mrs. Na Jia

PAST PARENTS Mr. David Ahouse Mr. and Mrs. Victor Allessio Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Dirck Barhydt Jr. Mr. Albert Bergeret and Ms. Gail Wofford Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Bland Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Boucher Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brandin Mr. and Mrs. William Budd Jr. Ms. Karla Butterfield Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buttrick Mr. John Campbell Jr. Ms. Deborah Weinberger and Mr. Thomas Candrick Mrs. Maricarmen Cano Mr. Edward Cole Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole Dr. and Mrs. Peter Collis Mrs. Jaymel Connor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conroy

Mr. and Mrs. L. Paul Cornell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cornell '74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Daly Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Darer Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Davis III '84 Dr. and Mrs. Donald Demas Mr. and Mrs. Theodore DePaola Jr. Mr. Brickson Diamond Mr. Ji Su Ding and Mrs. Xiaoning Zhou Mrs. Natalie Hubbard '53 Dyer Ms. Shelley Emmer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farmen Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Philip Farmer Mr. Rodrigo Fernandez and Mrs. Alejandra Zingg Mr. and Mrs. Allen Finkelson Mr. and Mrs. James Finn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fulling Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaines Sr. Mr. Louis Gardella '72 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gavel Jr. '78 Dr. and Mrs. John Gevinski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grullon Mr. Xiaofeng Gu and Mrs. Fei Xu Mrs. Diana Hardee Mr. Craig W. Henrich Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hill Mr. James Hock and Mrs. Kellie Meiman Hock Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger '81 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Houldin Mr. and Mrs. William Houldin Ms. Ellen Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hylwa Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kagan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keeshan '72 Dr. Larry Kirstein and Dr. Jane Karp Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Littman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Magnoli Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mandl Ms. Hope Mauran Mr. Scott McCarty '72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean Atty. and Mrs. Brian Mellstrom Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. David Meyer Rev. and Mrs. James Miner II Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Mosch Jr. '62 Mr. Gordon Murphy Ms. Nancy Mygatt Mrs. Kathy Neuhaus Mr. Jian Ni and Mrs. Hai Yi Lu Mrs. Patricia Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Toole Dr. Thomas Olsen and Mrs. Mary Boosalis Dr. Denise Olson Dr. Raymond Osborne Jr. Mr. James Pates Jr. '47 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Patnaude Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Payne III '55 Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Payson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pottow Mr. Denis Prasolov and Mrs. Olga Sorokina Drs. Steven and Priscilla Price Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Priest Mr. Jay Przygocki Dr. and Mrs. John Pyne

From the Archives “Qui Non Proficit Deficit” Rumsey Hall’s Motto Motivates our Community

Qui Non Proficit Deficit has served as Rumsey Hall’s motto since the Cornwall Years in the early 1900s. Translated from Latin it means “He who does not advance falls behind.” While the meaning of the phrase can vary for each person, Former Director John F. Schereschewsky Jr. ’47 interpreted Qui Non Proficit Deficit as a daily, personal reflection and self-evaluation: “In the end, the only opinion of yourself that really matters is your own. If you can look in the mirror each night and say, ‘I’ve used what I have in a better way than I did yesterday,’ you will have done the job and done it well.” When asked what the phrase means to her, Assistant Head of School/Director of Studies Brooke Giese P ’23, ’27 said “By utilizing the right tools and with the support of teachers, coaches, dorm parents and advisors, students are able to face challenges and progress toward goals.” Although these interpretations of Qui Non Proficit Deficit seem different, they both have the underlying message of achieving personal goals through effort, a rewarding triumph at the end of each day. As students and faculty exercise the School’s values of Honesty, Kindness and Respect to better the community, they are also striving to uphold the motto of Qui Non Proficit Deficit to better themselves. Scribed in the Rumsey Hall crest and etched in stone above the fireplace in Farmen Hall, these words are a daily reminder to motivate members of our community to work hard and put forward their best effort. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pyne Mr. Dong Sheng Qin and Mrs. Yue Min Liang Mr. and Mrs. John Rafferty Mrs. Caroline Reid Thompson Ms. Margaret Richard Mr. Ward Ricke and Mrs. Katina Dorton Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro Romano Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ryan Mr. Bradford Sedito Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seibert Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheehy III Mrs. Keiko Shimizu Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Rick Spooner Mr. and Mrs. Downey Stancs Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Steers Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sterling Drs. Donnel and Kathe Stern Mr. Kevin Stokes and

Mrs. Lisa DiMichele-Stokes Mr. and Mrs. John Strawbridge II Mrs. Deborah Swigart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Werner Tiedmann Mr. and Mrs. Allan Turner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ullman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ullram Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Utting Mr. and Mrs. David Valente Mrs. Constance White Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Whittle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Witherspoon Jr. '61 Dr. Jonathan Woodhall Mrs. Sally Woodhall Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring Mr. Xiaoyang Zheng and Mrs. Lili Xie

GRANDPARENTS AND RELATIVES Mrs. Carol Aloe In Honor of Caroline Traina ‘22 Louise Traina ‘24 Mr. Mark Averill and Mrs. Jane Conn In Honor of William Ensign ‘14 Grace Federle ‘15 Jack Mayers ‘17 Mrs. Martha Barhydt In Honor of Tyler Barhydt ‘05 Charles Ryan ‘12 Margaret Ryan ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bida In Honor of Maximillian Bida ‘20 Mr. and Dr. Robert Bogue In Honor of Peter Kenerson ‘15 Nicholas Kenerson ‘17 Alexander Kenerson ‘20 Mrs. Isabella Breckinridge In Honor of Isabella Dubow ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brokaw In Honor of Jack B. Giles ‘22 Ripley Giles ‘26 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler In Honor of Erin Butler ‘20 Abigail Butler ‘23 Mr. David Carrick In Honor of Peter Silvester ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark In Honor of Tripp Clark ‘22 Ms. Elizabeth Coffin In Honor of Chloe Coffin ‘20 Grace Federle ‘15 Jack Mayers ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. L. Paul Cornell Jr. In Honor of Christina Cornell ‘06 Nicholas Cornell ‘08 Alexander Cornell ‘11 Sarah Maxwell ‘07 Margaux Maxwell ‘09 Anna Maxwell ‘15 John Maxwell ‘17 Colby Moran ‘17 Mrs. Eleanor Cox In Honor of Tyler Cox ‘17 Mrs. Elaine Crocker In Honor of Claire Powers ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Davidson In Honor of Henry Boyle ‘18 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Desjardins In Honor of Sean Desjardins ‘17

Mrs. Natalie Hubbard ‘53 Dyer In Honor of Katharine Benson ‘19 Hezekiah Benson ‘22 Mrs. Barbara Ensign In Honor of Timothy Ensign ‘07 Robert Ensign ‘04 William Ensign ‘14 Grace Federle ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. David Fuente In Honor of Shaina Fuente ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fulford In Honor of John LaCasse ‘17 Eleanor LaCasse ‘19 Finnegan LaCasse ‘24 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaines Sr. In Honor of Raymond Gaines ‘13 Mr. Stephen Green In Honor of Nicholas Peck ‘19 Mrs. Diana Hardee In Honor of Caitlin Meeks ‘01 Julia Schereschewsky ‘20 Liam Schereschewsky ‘23 Mr. and Mrs. William Houldin In Honor of Christina Cornell ‘06 Nicholas Cornell ‘08 Alexander Cornell ‘11 William Houldin ‘07 James Houldin ‘12 Carter Houldin ‘16 Chandler Houldin ‘13 John Houldin ‘18 Mary Louise Houldin ‘18 Ms. Linda Kenerson In Honor of Peter Kenerson ‘15 Nicholas Kenerson ‘17 Alexander Kenerson ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy In Honor of Jack Kennedy ‘13 Shealyn Kennedy ‘16 Colin Kennedy ‘18 Quinn Kennedy ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. John LaCasse In Honor of John LaCasse ‘17 Eleanor LaCasse ‘19 Finnegan LaCasse ‘24 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Long Jr. In Honor of Daniel Byrnes ‘00 Margaret Byrnes ‘01 Sadie Lukos ‘06 Mrs. Patricia Lyon In Honor of Peter Lyon ‘18 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Magnoli In Honor of Nicole Magnoli ‘01 Connor Magnoli ‘02 Skyler Magnoli ‘07

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17 31

Mr. Edward Matthews and Ms. Vilma Keri In Honor of Edward Matthews ‘18 Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCann In Honor of Slade Begley ‘19 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell In Honor of Anne Lombardi ‘16 Emily Lombardi ‘18 Lucas Lombardi ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Montgomery In Honor of Claire Powers ‘20 Mrs. Patricia Nolan In Honor of Hailey Lovallo ‘18 Mrs. Joanne Nykaza In Honor of Michael Foster ‘17 Brett Foster ‘19 Mrs. Deborah Onorato In Honor of Owen Reighard ‘13 Mari Leonard ‘18 Mrs. Monica Parisi In Honor of Elizabeth Bender ‘26 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roraback In Honor of Andrew Roraback ‘24 Ms. Briahna Savage In Honor of Luke Rhoss ‘17 Mrs. Carol Smith In Honor of Evan Smith ‘26 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Smith Jr. In Honor of Elizabeth Lawrence ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. Downey Stancs In Honor of Sabina Stancs ‘08 Luke Stancs ‘11 Mrs. Margie Stockton In Honor of Nelson McMillen ‘17 Mrs. Margaretta Taylor In Honor of Katie Konjevod ‘19 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Turner In Honor of Bradley Turner ‘08 Cody Turner ‘10

Colby Moran ‘17 with his parents Kevin and Former Faculty Member Melinda Cornell ‘86 Moran, brother Logan and grandparents Linc and Former Trustee Lynette Cornell P ‘74, ‘84, ‘86, GP ‘06, ‘08, ‘11, ‘17 at the Senior Family Reception, June 2017

Abbey Turner ‘14 Mrs. Marnie Vallely In Honor of Margaux ‘Daisy’ Vallely ‘13 Tyler Cox ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Sickle In Honor of Robert Ober ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Weil In Honor of Evan Rydingsword ‘20 Leah Rydingsword ‘23 Mr. and Mrs. Jere Wilson In Honor of Erin Butler ‘20 Abigail Butler ‘23 Dr. Jonathan Woodhall In Honor of Charles Reycroft ‘16 Mrs. Sally Woodhall In Honor of Charles Reycroft ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Boris Yablonovsky In Honor of Michael Barnett ‘19

CURRENT AND FORMER FACULTY AND STAFF Mr. and Mrs. Alan Addley Mr. Christian Anderson Mr. Reif Anderson and Ms. Betty Carr Ms. Meg Badolato

Amanda Warner ‘17 with her parents Trustee Greg and Tracey Warner at the Senior Family Reception, June 2017


Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Debi Bender Mr. John and Mrs. Shelly Benson II Mr. Robert and Mrs. Willow Brenner Mr. Christian Budd '05 Ms. Kirby Bunnell Mr. Carmine and Mrs. Nicole Buono Mrs. Skarlett Casco-LaPlaca and Mr. John Paul LaPlaca Mr. and Mrs. Marc Cloutier Mrs. Jane Darby and Mr. David Darby Mr. and Mrs. Phillip deVries Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Valerie DiLorenzo Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dodge Mr. Geoffrey Doughty Ms. Jillian Dufresne Mrs. Natalie Hubbard '53 Dyer Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Ashley Farmen Mr. Tyler Farmen '97 and Ms. Jessica Lewis Mr. Trevor Farmen ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flanagan Mrs. Julie Fredlund Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gavel Jr. '78 Mr. Gary and Mrs. Brooke Giese Mr. Geordy Hale Mr. Matthew ‘81 and Mrs Amy Hoeniger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hugel '70 Mrs. Jo-Ann Jayne Ms. Emily Kalis Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kavanagh Ms. Emily Keech Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ketchum Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lampe Mr. Michael and Mrs. Heather Leonard Mr. Jordan Leventhal '05 Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner '90 Linley Mr. Louis and Mrs. Janice Magnoli Mr. Robert and Mrs. Kim Mandl Mrs. Carol Barrett Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald Mr. Jason ‘89 and Mrs. Amanda McGrew Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Melinda Cornell '86 Moran Mr. Richard and Mrs. Gena Newman Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Cheryl O'Donnell Mr. Craig Ough Mr. and Mrs. Francis Patnaude Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perreault Mr. Louis and Mrs. Jennifer Jankowski '92 Persico

Mr. Jay Przygocki and Ms. Suzanne LaVoie Mr. Francis and Mrs. Whitney Ryan Mr. Todd and Mrs. Karen Saxe Mr. Scott Schereschewsky '73 and Ms. Emma Risley Mrs. Karen Scodari and Mr. Robert Scodari Ms. Patricia Silvernail Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simonelli Mr. and Mrs. Rick Spooner Mrs. Sara Taylor Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Gretchen Tuff Mr. Hobart and Mrs. Nancy Van Deusen

CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS AND MATCHING GIFTS Assured Guaranty Corporation Bank of America Barrie O. Vanderpoel Family Charitable Trust BlackRock Inc. Ceres Foundation Inc. Charles Evans Hughes Memorial Foundation, Inc. Colgate—Palmolive Company Collier Family Fund Denise Shea Malcolm Family Foundation Dudley and Constance Godfrey Foundation, Inc. GE Foundation The Goodman Foundation Grace Badger Murphy Fund IBM—International Business Machines Kazilionis Charitable Trust Lilac Foundation Matthes Foundation The Edward E. & Marie L. Matthews Foundation Mental Insight Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Starr Insurance Holdings, Inc.

THE POWER OF ENDOWMENT A Robust Endowment Allows the School to Balance its Long-Standing Traditions with Innovation A School’s endowment is the bedrock of its financial health. Rumsey's Endowment continues to grow and today is funded with $16.4 million, ensuring the School's deep roots and strong foundation remain. Endowment gifts are unique in that they are not spent but held in perpetuity and invested, becoming a permanent part of the fiber of the School. A portion of this investment income is designated to directly fund forward-thinking curriculum and help the School respond creatively to student programming initiatives. This valuable source of enrichment funding makes way for fresh approaches to the whole-child learning experience at the core of Rumsey’s mission. A larger endowment will

continually benefit Rumsey’s vibrant campus life well into the future.

Since 2012 over 500 gifts from current and past parents, alumni, grandparents and friends have been made specifically in support of the Endowment. In the fall of 2015, current parent Dan Lufkin P ’12, ’20, ’24 posed a significant challenge to the Rumsey community. The goal was simple—to inspire $1 million in new gifts by matching each contribution to the Endowment dollar for dollar, resulting in a $2 million infusion into the Endowment. This motivated an additional $1.9 million from the generously supportive Rumsey community. Endowment growth continues to be a central focus of the School’s long-term strategic plan. With the generous support from the Rumsey community, the Endowment Enrichment Fund will nurture student programs substantially throughout the coming years.

THE ENDOWMENT FUNDS INNOVATIONS IN STUDENT PROGRAMMING 2015-17 • Lower School Chromebooks • Foreign Language Projector • STEAM LAB

• Robotics Program • iLAB Workspace • Outdoor Learning Classroom


Enrollment: 335 Tuition: $55,665 (B) $26,040 (D)


Enrollment: 337 Tuition: $51,465 (B) $24,190 (D)

Enrollment: 306 Tuition: $30,500 (B) $14,665 (D)




Enrollment: 283 Tuition: $24,024 (B) $11,804 (D)

Enrollment: 185 Tuition: $15,300 (B) $7,200 (D)

$16,400,000 $14,000,000

Enrollment: 333 Tuition: $45,100 (B) $21,400 (D)


• Expanded Arts Program • Guest Speakers • Weekend Programs


Enrollment: 217 Tuition: $5,100 (B) $2,650 (D)


Enrollment: 168 Tuition: $2,800 (B) $1,200 (D)

$8,500,000 $3,500,000 $2,350,000 $750,000 $350,000

$78,000 endowment growth

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17 33



BS Gordon College, MA MA Lesley University, MA What led you to work at a private school, Rumsey in particular? I learned about Rumsey through my mother, Edie Galusha, who began teaching Latin and Greek here when I was in college. After graduation from college and throughout graduate school, I worked in an independent school north of Boston, MA. I have been drawn to independent schools in particular because they offer more opportunity to be flexible and creative with one’s methods, and to respond more personally to the needs of the students. What makes the Rumsey experience so unique and special? Right from the get-go, it’s been the students. When you work in a setting like Rumsey, where the informal and almost familial connection is available to you, it means you a) have more fun and b) are able to have a special kind of authenticity in your relationships. I’ve loved this aspect throughout the years in the dorms as well as the classroom. I also enjoy the fact that I can be spontaneous here—that my curriculum can follow the interests and instincts of the kids, and not vice versa. How would you describe your teaching style? I hope that I am creative and responsive. What are some of your favorite moments from a day in the life at Rumsey? Over the 23 years I’ve been at Rumsey, it’s recess, hands down. It’s when we get a little breathing room to enjoy the lives that are bubbling up around us, have odd little conversations with kids, take


a walk to the dining hall for a cup of coffee, absorb Mother Nature, contemplate the morning...otherwise, any moment with poetry is also a standing favorite, as are the times when we are learning outside. What technology device do you find most useful at school? Outside of school? I use my iPhone to take pictures throughout the day. The link between my phone and my Macbook is efficient for culling through the photos of Treasure Island, block towers, funky Kindie moments, etc. The picture collages document our classroom life through the years and students seem to enjoy perusing the collection that sits beside the entrance to the classroom. What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of the classroom? Reading, gardening, paddleboarding and poetry. Tell us something we don’t know about you. I was inspired to be a teacher from my amazing first grade teacher Ms. Carpenter. In 1973 she drove a yellow Volkswagon bug, taught us how to feed mice to our class pet boa constrictor, and motivated me to learn all of my “key” words with the promise of a shiny perfect golden key. Years later when I saw the same golden keys hanging by the True Value checkout, my heart took a leap! What would be the one book you would recommend every student should read? Any book to which one is drawn.

What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear Rumsey Hall?

that way. My current reading on the teenage brain is not helping! What is your

(living or deceased)? My husband, Jason, my children, Lily and Zach, and some

day. Which talent would you most like to have? An ongoing wish I have is to

River Who would you have on your guest list for your ideal dinner party

current companions by way of their works are: Jimi Hendrix, E.E. Cummings, Mary Oliver, the Avett Brothers, Rumi, Bob Dylan, Jesus, Rosanne Cash, Leo Tolstoy and Krista Tippett. Maybe just for kicks, I’d toss in all the pets I’ve ever had and my great-grandfather?! What was the last app you used? 1010. It

helps with patience, discipline and organization. What is your idea of perfect happiness? A combination of family, ocean, sky and sunshine. What is your

greatest fear? Most fears I have are for my kids. Motherhood can be brutal in

favorite journey? Paddleboarding around any of our local lakes on the fringes of be able to play the guitar well. What is your current state of mind? Green. It’s a summer thing. Relaxed and growing. What do you consider your greatest

achievement? The day-in-day-out gift/challenge of raising kids, so far... What do you most value in your friends? Loyalty, humor and guts. Who are your

heroes in real life? Anyone I know who stands up for what is right, especially in a difficult moment, is my hero. This often includes my students, in a moment when they actualize their best self. Those transformative moments blow me away.



Endowment Advisory Committee Member BS University of Glamorgan, UK What led you to work at a private school, Rumsey in particular? I worked in public schools before I came to Rumsey. I was an elementary teacher in the UK for five years and I found that, although there was room for some elements of creativity, I felt stifled. I spent a lot of time in meetings or trying to fulfill the needs of administrators and government requirements rather than being with the students. Rumsey focuses on what is best for the students—all of the time. Most meetings we have are for the good of the child. What makes the Rumsey experience so unique and special? I love the fact that we get to have a more connected experience with the students. It’s not just about seeing them in the classroom and then going home. We interact on the athletic fields, during meals, on trips and outside the classroom. How would you describe your teaching style? I have a pretty traditional style of teaching in the classroom. I like to include some more modern tools in my teaching like new Smartboard features, iPhone apps, or YouTube videos to help support learning, but for the most part it’s business as usual in the classroom. What are some of your favorite moments from a day in the life at Rumsey? I love game days at Rumsey. Whether we are walking out past the rock on Seibert Field or loading up the busses to an away game, I love the buzz. It’s something special that brings a group of people together for positive reasons and something our students care

What technology device do you find most useful at school? Outside of school? At school I love my Smartboard. I can’t function without it. I like pulling up graphs, images, videos, or referring back to lessons and work we did previously. Outside of the classroom, I use my phone. At odd times I get struck with thoughts and ideas so I like to put them in Notes or search for ideas on the web. What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of the classroom? I like building things. It started when I lived in New Dorm and I made an Adirondack chair from scratch. I was pleased with how it turned out so I made another. I am most proud of the dining room table I built three years ago. We have had 10 people at a time sitting around it for big meals, and I get a sense of pride that I created it from a pile of lumber. Tell us something we don’t know about you. I like to cook. Indian food is very popular in the UK, and I cook a mean curry. I also like growing plants. What would be the one book you would recommend every student should read? The Coral Island by R. M. Ballantyne. There is a sense of adventure, friendship and survival that is told in such a way that you can’t help but be drawn into the book. It is the reason we have story books. greatest achievement. I am very lucky that I found the love of my life at a relatively early age. We have been together for 17 years and we share the same values and passions in life. We have three boys, and she is a perfect mother to them. They are lovely young men, and we love getting compliments about how well they behave or how polite they are or how nicely they play together. It’s still early yet, but I think we’re doing a good job! What do you most value in your friends? I value good conversation with people I respect. I don’t get to see some of my friends from the UK very often, but when I do it’s as if no time has passed at all. We just pick up where we left off and have effortless conversations. I think that’s how I know people are my true friends. Who are your heroes in real life? My parents. My dad’s work ethic is something that sticks with me every day. He never missed a day of work in his life and I think it is such an important trait to have. It’s something that he never mentioned, we never talk about it, but it was instilled in me from the first job I ever had. My mum’s family values are something I admire. She holds our family together, is an organizer and a feeder! Whether it’s me, my wife, my boys, my brother or my nephews there is always something to eat at her house. Both my parents are regular visitors to Rumsey and might hold the world’s largest collection of Rumsey apparel!

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear Rumsey Hall? Community Who would you have on your guest list for your ideal dinner party (living or deceased)? Winston Churchill, Ray Mears, Goldie, Brad Pitt and George Clooney (as a pair), Pete Oldfield What was the last app you used? Pinterest. My mind races with ideas and Pinterest helps me to discover new ones and organize them. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Sitting around a huge table in Spain with my family overlooking the Mediterranean, eating, drinking and talking. We try to do it every year and it never gets old. What is your greatest fear? Losing someone close to me. What is your favorite journey? Just before I moved to America, my wife, Chrissy, and I drove around Europe in a Volkswagon Golf with just a tent. We met up with friends and family along the way and had some truly unique experiences. Which talent would you most like to have? I would like to be able play the piano really well. I am somewhat musical but I would love to sit at a piano and play anything to get people singing or dancing or just having a good time. What is your current state of mind? Busy. A good busy though! Although it’s summer vacation my mind is swirling with ideas for next year. I am taking one of my final graduate school classes right now and raising two toddlers and an infant, so there is always something to occupy my mind. What do you consider your greatest achievement? My family is my

about. There’s nothing like coming together after a game to do the Rumsey chant, or leaving the field after digging out a win.


Alumni Reunion 2017

RETURNING HOME Saturday, June 10, 2017 blended annual traditions with new favorites, from competing in the Annual Reds vs. Blues softball game to enjoying brick oven pizza from a food truck parked at Solley House. Changes since alumni have graduated can be expected, but the feeling of stepping on campus, seeing the new buildings seamlessly woven in with the old, and reconnecting with former classmates, teachers, coaches and advisors can only be experienced by returning to Rumsey. Ron Medina ’07 stated that “A recent visit to Rumsey for my 10-year Reunion reminded me how much of a special place it is. While some of the buildings and people have changed, the School's character and values have not, which was refreshing to see firsthand.” Alumni Reunion brought together more than 120 alumni and friends from all over the country, as far as the Virgin Islands, back to their Rumsey roots. The event kicked off with Director of Admission Ben Tuff P ’22, ’24 guiding alumni and their families on a tour of campus. Guests admired the newest additions to campus including the Dorothy Rochon Anderson Memorial Building and compared the previously known New Dorm to the new North and South Dorms. Alumni with families told their kids stories about the Study Hall, playing sports on the fields and attending Saturday morning classes. More alumni arrived as the day progressed and by lunchtime, Farmen Hall was bustling with excitement as alumni reunited and reconnected with former

classmates and teachers. The sense of community was truly evident during the Dorothy Rochon Anderson Memorial Building Dedication Ceremony, honoring Rumsey’s beloved former Business Manager. Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ’81, Headmaster Emeritus Tom Farmen P ’97, ’99 and Former Faculty Member Reif Anderson, Dorothy’s son, shared fond memories of Dorothy and the legacy she left at Rumsey. Alumni tuned in to updates about the continued success of the School from Matt Hoeniger ’81 during the “Rumsey Past and Present” presentation held in The Maxwell A. Sarofim ’05 Performing Arts Center. Highlights included Rumsey’s strong enrollment, the growth of the Endowment, the tenure of our current faculty and staff and a summary of noteworthy CAIS accreditation commendations. Many alumni and families ventured to the Magnoli Gymnasium where Director of Residential Life Rick and Assistant Athletic Director Liz Butler P ’20, ’23 led an indoor rock climbing wall challenge. Reunion would not be complete without the annual Reds vs. Blues softball game. As is tradition, Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli P ’71, ’72, ’74, ’77, GP ’01, ’02, ’07 umpired the game, which ended in a 9-7 victory for the Blues. Attendees of all ages participated, and spectators cheered vivaciously from the sidelines until the final inning. After dinner, stories were exchanged under the tent until the sky darkened and another successful reunion came to a close. The day provided alumni with the opportunity to revisit the place where their journeys began, reconnect with their former classmates, teachers, coaches and advisors, and witness Rumsey’s continued growth.

Save the date for Alumni Reunion on June 9, 2018


Alumni Reunion 2017











1. The Annual Reds vs. Blues Softball Game 2. Mark Lokey ‘86 up at bat 3. Board Chair Jon Neuhaus ‘87 arrives at the softball game 4. Russ DeGrazia ‘07 fields a ball 5. Craig Gordon ‘72 reaches the top of the indoor climbing wall 6. Former Faculty Member Reif Anderson, Dorothy’s son, cuts the ribbon at the Dedication Ceremony for the Dorothy Rochon Anderson Memorial Building 7. Headmaster Emeritus Tom Farmen P ‘97, ‘99 speaks at the Dedication Ceremony 8. Reif Anderson and his fiancée, Betty Carr, with the portrait she painted of Dorothy, currently on display in the building 9. Director of Technology Steve Dodge, Athletic Director Jay Przygocki P ‘00, ‘03, Sifiso Chapman ‘12 and Former Associate Headmaster Rick Spooner P ‘88, ‘90, ‘94, GP ‘23 10. Headmaster Matt ‘81 and Amy Hoeniger with Tom Witherspoon ‘61 and daughter, Katie ‘97 11. Carter Mosch ‘97 with his wife, Lauren Henry, and son, Jack


Alumni Reunion 2017

As I have grown older, I have always taken Rumsey along—a weekly assignment sheet, making the Effort List, self-assigned weekly grades, points for my team and most importantly, the chance to start fresh again next week. So while I enjoy returning to Alumni Reunion for updates,

John Payne ‘55, Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli P ‘71, ‘72, ‘74, ‘77, GP ‘01, ‘02, ‘07 and Former Associate Headmaster Rick Spooner P ’88, ’90, ’94, GP ’23



2000s 38

the truth is, I have never really left.

—John Payne ’55





A Good Conduct Tea at the Main House in 1960 Back (L to R): Robert Hare ‘63 with French Teacher Madame Rose Algrant (seated), Alan Temkin ‘60, Tom Witherspoon ‘61, Ross Emmett ‘61, James Hamilton ‘60, James Lee ‘62, Peter Johnson ‘60, Linda Walker ‘60, Charlie Burton ‘60, Charlie Burton ‘60, John Herbst ‘61 Front: Peter Herbst ‘62 with Faculty Member Betty Schereschewsky

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


L to R: Trustee Dennis Fulling P ‘16 ‘16 and Scott Schereschewsky ‘73 P ‘20, ‘23 at the New Parent Reception in August 2017; Joe Hall ‘78 holding up the Fall/Winter 2016-17 edition of Rarebits, which featured a picture of him as a student at Rumsey; Laura Steben ‘79 and Keith Van Velkinburgh were married in Lakewood, CO, May 2017; Director of Lower School Rob Brenner P ‘14, ‘17, ‘19 and Ferdinando Bruno ‘82 at Saratoga Springs, NY in April 2017.

1940’s BOB STERN ’41 “I can still remember the year I graduated, although not much after that. My wife, Brenda, and I have lived in Winston-Salem, NC for the past 60 years. In my professional career I was the lead reporter for the Winston-Salem Journal, the local radio and TV stations, Old Salem and Forsyth Tech. I still volunteer for Meals on Wheels every week. I used to sing in a couple of groups until I stopped hearing my own voice in song. What a bummer!”

1950’s JAMES H. BEAL, JR. ’56 is a retired Liability Claims Manager living in Scituate, MA where he volunteers at the Shriners Hospital for Children and the YMCA. RICHARD BENNETT ’58 “What are the chances that two Rumsey classmates meet unexpectedly after not having any contact since graduating in 1958? I was at a recent gathering at a friend’s summer house in Groton


Long Point, CT. While having a casual conversation with a couple from Pennsylvania, the subject of Litchfield Hills, CT came up, followed by a casual mention of Washington, CT. William Reid ‘58 and I not only discovered that both of us attended Rumsey Hall, but that we were both graduates of the Class of 1958. Remarkable for a class size of 19 students!” CLARE SMITH-BENNETT ’59 “Happiness begins in your heart. A recent visit to Rumsey Hall gave me happiness that abounds when I brought my granddaughter there about three years ago. I live in Woodbury, CT with my husband, Craig, to whom I’ve been married for 13 years. I live about an eighth of a mile from where I used to take the bus to go to Rumsey Hall. If it weren’t for Rumsey, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

1960’s LUCIA BRYANT ’61 BLANCHARD “I live in Branford, CT with my husband, Dana, and we just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. We spend our winters in Naples, FL and enjoy visiting

our three grandchildren as much as possible. I guess I would call myself a devoted grandma.” MICHAEL JAMES ’62 “After 33 years with the Department of Developmental Service for the State of Connecticut, I am now fully retired and enjoying it wonderfully! My wife, Elise, and I live in Bethlehem, CT. The last time I was on campus, the Big Top was the only building up on the hill. I was flabbergasted when I pulled onto campus on Alumni Day in June 2017. The tour amazed me, and I was extremely impressed by the School’s expansion. It was just a little tiny school in the sixties, and now it’s so sophisticated. A fond recent memory was a visit with Woody Mosch ’62, where I recited my VIth Form declamation, ‘The Deacon’s Masterpiece,’ a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes.” DEBORAH SCHERESCHEWSKY ’64 HILTZ “We’re in the process of selling our family business, Hiltz Waste Disposal, which my husband started back in 1973. I’m hoping to retire very soon! We live in Gloucester, MA where I grew up in the summertime when I was a kid. We also have a place in Alton Bay, NH and have enjoyed having the grandchildren up there.”

1970’s JEFFREY HUGEL ’70 “I recently received an offer to coach the Varsity Heavyweight Men’s Crew at the University of Delaware for the 2017-2018 School Year. I thought about it for a day, and my wife, Susan, encouraged me to take them up on their offer. So, I moved to Wilmington, DE in September 2017.”

1980’s PAUL PAPPAS ’83 “I have been living in Portland, OR for 33 years. It’s absolutely amazing here. I used to work for Senator Mark Hatfield and for the State Senator’s office for years but I am now working at Newberg Ford. I have the Rumsey values posted in my office—Honesty, Kindness and Respect. If you attend Rumsey at any level, you represent the School forever because you had the privilege to attend. I always carry Rumsey with me.” MARK LOKEY ’86 “I started taking flying lessons at the Danbury Airport while I was a student at Rumsey in 1985. I’ve been a pilot with American Airlines for 21 years and currently fly the Boeing 737. Matthew and William, my two sons, keep my wife, Stacey, and I very busy with sports. Baseball is their favorite.” LARRY MILBURN ’87 “I had a blast reuniting with some old friends at Alumni Day this past June. I haven’t seen Shawn Titcomb ’87 in years, and it was really great to connect. It’s always good to see Mr. Jon Neuhaus ’87 as well, looking sharp and running for office as usual. My wife, Amanda Seitz, and I have been busy raising our son, Dakota, who joined me at Rumsey on Alumni Day, and we had a great time going on the tour. He just turned 2 years old and is the sweetest kid. I’ve been very busy with my production company, Milburn Media Arts, and my podcast, Roadie Free Radio, is picking up new listeners every week. I hope to see many of you again soon!”



1. Eric Jacobson ‘84 and his two daughters in Oslo, Norway 2. Larry Milburn ‘87 and wife Amanda’s, 2-year old son, Dakota, on a firetruck in August 2017 3. Sarah Payne ‘85 with her mom, Susan Payne P ‘83 ‘85, and daughter, Lily, on a three generation girls’ trip to Paris in April 2017 4. Stephen Brown ‘89 P ‘20 ‘22 and Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 P ‘11, ‘15 during the New Parent Reception in August 2017 5. Nicolas Mosko ‘84 with Director of Admission Ben Tuff P ‘22, ‘24 during a visit to the Bahamas in May 2017




Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17




John Eren ’97 (R) and Ryan Conroy ’98 (L) are working

JAMES HAGERTY ’90 “It’s a crazy and small world. My children were starting at Savannah Country Day School, GA two years ago, and I received a letter from the new Headmaster named Kef Wilson. With a name like Kef, it had to be the same person. I sent him an email, and he immediately called me. We were both shocked by the coincidence. He was my Assistant Dorm Master, math teacher and JV Soccer coach during my VIth Form year at Rumsey, but somehow, we both ended up in Savannah. Rumsey was his first teaching job right out of school; he couldn’t have been more than 23 years old at the time. Now he’s the Headmaster, and we both have kids the same age. He seemed so much older at the time. Funny how that happens.”

together at Classic Turf Company, based in Woodbury, CT. Classic Turf Company has been designing and building sports facilities for nearly 40 years and specializes in the construction of post tensioned concrete tennis courts, basketball courts and running tracks. They recently completed a six tennis court facility for the University of New Haven, seven indoor tennis courts at Cary Tennis Park in North Carolina, 10 outdoor tennis courts in Plymouth, Indiana as well as numerous indoor and outdoor facilities around the Northeastern United States. “We build courts and running tracks that require almost no maintenance and have patented surfacing systems that provide players with consistency and comfort,” said John.“ “John and I are fortunate to have maintained a

Tennis and Basketball Courts at Berlin High School, CT

close friendship ever since we were Lower School students at Rumsey. Now we’re building some of the best sports facilities in the country together,” said Ryan.


2000’s DAVID STUKSHIS ’02 “After graduating from University of Miami Law School, FL, I was admitted to the Connecticut and Massachusetts Bars. I’m currently practicing with a focus on litigation and work at the Law Offices of Alexander G. Snyder in Waterbury, CT.” DAVID MARTIN ’03 “This summer has been something out of a dream. I went to Italy and biked 300 miles in four days throughout the Piedmont region and it was unforgettable. Since then, I’ve been competing in races with incredible results. I won the overall at the Pawling, NY triathlon among a field of 260 competitors and placed first at the Stamford Triathlon, CT. I also finished first in my age group and seventh overall at the Pat Griskus Triathlon Series in Middlebury, CT. I recently saw Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 and just love how friendly he is as well as the rest of the Rumsey community. I couldn’t be doing this well without such a great community behind me.” SHINELLE BAKER ’07 “Oftentimes when I’m asked about the most memorable or impactful time in my life I respond by saying, ‘Rumsey.’ I would relive those three

L to R top row: Chris Rehnberg ‘94 with wife, Stephanie, daughter, Mary, niece, Alexis Delmore ‘18 and nephew, Ryan Delmore ‘20; James Hagerty ‘90 and Former Faculty Member Kef Wilson; Joe Lahoud ‘97, John Eren ‘97, Nick Lahoud ‘02 and Tyler Farmen ‘97 at a lobster bake on Lake Waramaug in Washington, CT in July 2017; L to R bottom row: David Martin ‘03 was the first to cross the finish line in the Pawling Triathlon in July 2017; Greg Snow ‘02 visits Rumsey on Spirit Day and catches up with Coordinator of Girls’ and Women’s Issues Ali Spooner ‘90 Linley P ‘23 and Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 P ‘11, ‘15; Shinelle Baker ‘07 in Chiang Rai, Thailand at the Baan Dam House, February 2016

years over and over again. I also thank my parents for allowing me to go there at a young age and opening my eyes to such a magical place. While it was some of the most important years of my development, I am thankful to have created memories and grown with Rumsey’s melting pot of greatness, filled with endless opportunities. Following graduation from Rumsey, I attended Suffield Academy, CT and then graduated from Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore. A few days

after graduation, I moved to Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok was my home base for about two years where I was an English teacher at an international university and traveled throughout Asia and Europe. Now I’m working in Manhattan, NY as a recruiter for Crewforce.” ASHLEY HILL ’07 “Reunion this year was so much fun! I hadn’t seen most of my classmates who came to Reunion since graduating 10

years ago. They haven’t changed a bit. I currently live in Bethlehem, CT and am a preschool teacher at St. Joseph School in Bristol, CT. Over the summer, I worked at rumseysummer! Recreation Program as the Assistant Director and Head of the 3 to 5 year-old program. I started working here when I was 15 years old as a Counselor in Training, and this past summer was my last summer working at Rumsey. Coming back to Rumsey was very rewarding, and I’m going to miss it very much.”

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


GENEVIEVE ZASADA ’05 NATE HOPKINS ’07 “I recently earned my Master’s in Education from Hunter College, NY and am currently teaching in the South Bronx, NY at Mott Hall 3/M.S.128 public school. I teach all subjects (English and language arts, math, social studies and science) to 6th through 8th graders and coach 8th grade basketball. In my free time, I play basketball with friends on the weekends and enjoy exploring the food milieu in Queens, NY. I attended Alumni Reunion in June 2017 and hope more of our crew from the Class of 2007 will return next year.”

Genevieve Zasada ’05 is attending Officer Training School for the Air National Guard’s F-15C flight program in Montgomery, AL. The F-15C is flown in air defense missions that protect the United States airspace from aerial attacks and surveillance. Genevieve graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a Bachelors of Business Administration in Finance. She unlocked her passion for flight after graduating from college when she was approached by a young woman dressed as Amelia Earhart at an Open Cockpit Day hosted by the Pacific Aviation Museum at Pearl Harbor. Sarah Hudgins, President of the NinetyNines Hawaii Chapter, invited Genevieve to a meeting with other female pilots. Genevieve was inspired, and Sarah became one of her mentors, motivating her through her flight education. After being awarded sixteen flight scholarships to various competitive training programs, Genevieve attended the United States Air Force (USAF) Flight Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO, where she worked the summer of 2017 as a civilian flight instructor. After being commissioned as an officer, she will begin the sixteenmonth Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program (ENJJPT) in Texas, the Air Force program which trains NATO pilots alongside U.S. Air Force pilots. Following this program, she will relocate to Oregon for eight months to be specially trained to fly the F-15C Eagle before finally heading to her permanent station in Jacksonville, FL.

SAM MANDL ’07 “I am working at the National Geographic Society in Washington DC, which I really enjoy. I serve on the Operations Team as the Project Coordinator for the Pristine Seas Program, which is dedicated to protecting the last wild places in the ocean. We work together with a core team of scientists, policy consultants and filmmakers to present scientific data and compelling media to US leaders in hopes that they will protect these ‘pristine’ locations in no-take marine reserves.” RON MEDINA ’07 “I am currently living in the West Village, NYC working in Midtown East at JP Morgan in the Real Estate Americas group of Asset Management, covering commercial office, industrial and retail assets around the country. I travel often to see properties, mostly located in Chicago, Los Angeles and Texas. On the weekends, I either take advantage of the city’s activities or head home to New Milford, CT—sometimes even taking a drive through Washington, CT and Rumsey’s campus. I’m looking forward to the next reunion and hope my teachers and classmates are in good health.” SARAH RUDKIN ’07 “I moved to Manchester, CT from Florida on June 24th and am engaged! In Florida, I volunteered with the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League in the Adoptions Department. What I missed about Connecticut were all of the oak and maple trees and the typical New England houses. Florida was mostly palms and one level hurricane-proof ranch-style houses. I also missed the fall; I can’t wait to go apple picking bundled in a scarf and vest again.”





1. Richard Crane ‘08 posed with a co-worker in front of the Falcon 9, a recovered first stage rocket, at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, CA 2. Diego Hernandez-Sampelayo ‘09 with his brother, Max Scapachini ‘17, at the 117th Commencement Exercises in June 2017 3. Russ DeGrazia ‘07, Eric Naclerio ‘07, Mark Naclerio ‘07

and Faculty Members Craig ‘05 and Jaymie Naclerio at a concert in Hartford, CT in May 2017 4. John Laeri ‘05 visited Genevieve Zasada ‘05 in Hawaii 5. Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 P ‘11, ‘15 and Trustee Nick

Logothetis ‘03 during a campus tour in May 2017 6. Former Staff Member Jordan Leventhal ‘05 and Dean of Students Clayton Ketchum P ‘14, ‘17 during a campus visit in April 2017 7. Peter Linn ‘10 and Connor Mitchell ‘10 graduated from St. Michael’s College in Colchester, VT in May 2017




ANDREW SIMPSON ’07 “I’m living in Austin, TX working for Smaller Earth. I work on the Camp Leaders Program, which brings young people from all around the world to work at summer camps in the United States on the J-1 Visa. As the Relationship Manager for the Camp Leaders Program, I work with the camp Director/Owner to help staff the program over the summer. I think it’s safe to say that my experience as a member of the Rumsey community gave me a passion for cultural exchange (Mr. Geagan’s European Spring Recess Trips too).” RICHARD CRANE ’08 “I work at SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA as an Integration and Testing Engineer in the Vehicle’s Engineering Department. My responsibilities include testing the re-entry sub-assemblies and overseeing their integration to the Falcon 9 rocket’s pre-flight. My interest in space and rockets began while a student at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA where, after obtaining several internships in various industries, I scored a 6-month internship opportunity at SpaceX. After graduation, the internship developed into a full-time position in December 2016. I’m enjoying the Southern Californian weather and recently picked up surfing, remembering the School Theme ‘Paddle Out.’”

Top to Bottom: Ander ‘16 and Jeronimo ‘19 Dunand in Mexico City with Director of Admission Ben Tuff P ‘22, ‘24 in February 2017; Stephen Cho ‘15 and Ines Bu ‘15 with Art Department Chair Tyler Farmen ‘97; Elaine Ma ‘18, Kara Ro ‘18, Michelle Ro ‘13 and Coordinator of Special Events Amy Hoeniger P ‘11, ‘15 during a visit to New York City in May 2017; Mimi Dattilo ‘15, Katie Stonecipher ‘12 and Emmalyn Brenner ‘14 (not pictured) visit Former Associate Headmaster Rick Spooner P ‘88, ‘90, ‘94, GP ‘23 in Thomaston, CT in July 2017


ERICA YARD ’08 “I’m currently living in the West Village, NY with my best friend, Drennon Kimpton ‘08, and am lucky enough to have my other best friend, Ron Medina ‘07, living across the street. I work in Ad Tech at YellowHammer Media Group as an Advertising Operations Manager. I hope to see all of my classmates at our 10-year Reunion next year!”

2010’s JOHN MACMULLEN ’10 “I studied in Australia over the spring semester in North East Queensland at James Cook University and focused on Environmental Studies. I didn’t go through any program; rather, I got a student visa and rented a room in a shared house that was a ten-minute bike ride from the school’s campus. I roomed with three Australians, a Canadian and a Frenchman. I concentrated on Conservation Policy and Biology, and took a class on Aboriginals. While abroad, I was lucky enough to dive on the Great Barrier Reef and off the waters of Bali. Additionally, I visited New Zealand with some friends and my brother, Tom ’12.” LOGAN ADAMS ’11 “For the past two years I have worked as a counselor at rumseysummer! Recreation Camp and loved it. I graduated from The Gunnery, CT in 2015 where I served as a prefect and was awarded the Headmaster’s Prize. I’m now playing Division I Lacrosse at Lynchburg College, VA where I am majoring in Communications. My Rumsey lacrosse coach, Mr. Geagan, had a huge impact on my pursuit to play lacrosse in high school and college.” TAYLOR POTTBECKER ’11 “I graduated from Western New England University in Springfield, MA within three years with a major in Finance and a minor in Economics. For the past three summers, I directed a water ski show with my sister, Kayla ’05, at the Bantam Lake Ski Club, CT. People from the ages of 3 to 60 participated in the show—even us!”

TAYLOR RUCK ’12 “‘Many voices, one song.’ That’s what Mr. Farmen announced as one of our School Themes. In my case, many journeys, one story. As a college student at Green Mountain College in Poultney, VT, I’m majoring in Animal Care and Conservation with a minor in Music Theory and Literature and Natural Resource Management. One of the passions I maintained after Rumsey was wrestling. I now compete in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in Vermont and New York. During summer breaks, I serve as a wildlife caretaker at Wildlife Sanctuaries, NJ.” MICHELLE RO ’13 graduated from The Taft School, CT in May 2017 and is attending New York University in the Fall of 2017. TOBY KETCHUM ’14 “After Rumsey, I continued playing lacrosse at Pomfret School, CT. I also joined a club team called the Fighting Clams and was able to play throughout the summer. I recently committed to Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA and am excited to play for their program.” LILY MCGREW ’14 “I graduated from The Taft School, CT but am still in touch with my best friends from Rumsey. They are the best friends I’ve ever had. I’m going to the University of Maine in Orono, ME in the fall as a student in the Honors College. I’m majoring in Psychology and minoring in Neuroscience and Pre-Med and hope to be a psychiatrist.” ABBEY TURNER ’14 “I made my best friends at Rumsey and believe that I will be friends with them for the rest of my life. I just graduated from Berkshire School,

MA where I won the Citizenship Award at graduation. I was also a tri-captain for volleyball, basketball and tennis. I am a freshman at the University of Colorado, Boulder this year where I want to start my career as a veterinarian.” LEAH SOHN ’14 graduated from The Hotchkiss School, CT in June 2017 and began her seven-year program at the New York University College of Dentistry, NY in August 2017. DELANEY STOKES ’14 “I just graduated from Vermont Academy and loved it! I was a proctor and a member of the Orange Key Society, which consisted of specific tour guides who communicated with Alumni. In the Spring 2017, I studied abroad in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. While there, we hiked El Camino de Santiago­—it was my favorite part! I’m currently playing field hockey at Wheaton College in Norton, MA.” MIMI DATTILO ’15 “There’s always a group of us who enjoy coming out to Alumni events such as the Alumni Games and Reunion together. I’m still playing volleyball at Canterbury School, CT with this year being my 9th year. I also play squash and am a coxswain on the crew team. Over the summer, I attended Rumsey’s Summer Volleyball Camp. It’s fun to teach the younger girls everything I learned about volleyball from Mr. Spooner.” BRYAN ELLIS ’15 “Alumni Games back in February were really fun! It was great to see old friends and coaches. I’m playing football this fall at Avon Old Farms, CT. I can’t believe I’m graduating from high school this year.”

Top to Bottom: John ‘10 and Tom ‘12 MacMullen in New Zealand during Tom’s study abroad semester in Australia, Spring 2017; Antonia Bascombe ‘13 is a coxswain for the Women’s Crew Team at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT; Emiliano Sainz ‘14 with Director of Admission Ben Tuff P ‘22, ‘24 during a trip to Mexico City in February 2017; Skyler Clark ‘11 was a tour guide for Toby Ketchum ‘14 during a college visit at Washington College in Chestertown, MD in June 2017

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17












1. Top row, left to right: Hunter Kolpak ‘17, Brad Ellis ‘16, Coleby Bunnell ‘16, Bryan Ellis ‘15, Logan Adams ‘11, Craig Naclerio ‘05, Jack Kolpak ‘13, Peter Linn ‘10 Bottom row, left to right: Eleni Kolpak ‘15, Ashley Hill ‘07, Lily McGrew ‘14, Delaney Stokes ‘14, Abbey Turner ‘14, Katie Stonecipher ‘12 and Claire Geagan ‘13 worked at Rumsey Summer Academic Enrichment Program and rumseysummer! Recreation Program 2017 2. Charlie Webb ‘15 and Idris Traore ‘15 at a Mercersburg vs. St James football game at St. James School, MD in September 2017 3. Sydney Racevicius ‘14, Toby Ketchum ‘14 and Peter Kenerson ‘15 4. Andrea Ibarra-Rocha ‘15 with Assistant Head of School Fran Ryan P ‘12 ‘16 on campus in September 2017 5. Ellie Frisbie ‘19, Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 P ‘11, ‘15, Nolan Frisbie ‘15 and parents, Gordan and Tina Frisbie, at the Founders Day Regatta in May 2017 6. Patrick Fulling ‘16, Neil van der Merwe ‘16, Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 P ‘11, ‘15, Michael Fulling ‘16 and Carter Houldin ‘16 at the New Parent Reception in August 2017 7. Greg Snow ‘02 married Kathryn Kenney in August 2017 in New Haven, CT 8. Stephen Dayton ‘07 and his wife, Ashley, were married in February 2016 in Brookfield, CT 9. Winona Fenimore ‘04 married Sergio Sandoval in July 2016 in Breckenridge, CO 10. Ryan Uljua ‘06 and his wife, Ally, were married in Vermont, August 2017


LUIS VALLS-MARTINEZ ’02 ELENI KOLPAK ’15 “Growing up on Rumsey’s campus provided me with so many fabulous opportunities. Coming back to work at rumseysummer! Recreation Program gave me the opportunity to give back to the community that means so much to me. I’m currently at The Gunnery, CT in my senior year and looking at colleges. I was selected to be a head tour guide and captain of my field hockey team. Spending my summer with other Rumsey alums helps me stay connected with all of my Rumsey friends.” LILY MANDL ’15 This past summer, as part of her Senior Service Project at The Gunnery, CT, Lily Mandl ‘15 trained to be an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) at the New Britain Emergency Medical Services Academy, CT where she earned her state-level certification. The program consisted of 180+ hours of instructive, lab and simulation experience. She will join the Washington Ambulance Association, CT and serve her home community while finishing school this year.

Luis Valls-Martinez ’02 (pictured bottom right) is the Founder and CEO of Growler, a global athletic agency focused on connecting current and past professional athletes with companies through endorsements and investments. As a

COLEBY BUNNELL ’16 “I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I graduated from Rumsey! This year has been full of many new experiences for me, including being the varsity goalie for the soccer team and playing third base for the varsity baseball team at Litchfield High School, CT. I was also inducted into the National Honor Society May 2017. This past summer, I worked at rumseysummer! Recreation Program for the second year in a row and enjoyed being back on campus to reconnect with so many teachers and friends.”

venture development start-up, Growler’s mission is

BRAD ELLIS ’16 “Returning to Rumsey to work at rumseysummer! Recreation Program has been such a fun way to spend my summers because I’m a very proud Rumsey alum. I go to Avon Old Farms, CT with my older brother, Bryan ’15, and am on the baseball team, serve as a dormitory monitor and hope to play baseball in college.”

building relationships between companies and

ALEJANDRA SAINZ ’16 In January 2017, Alejandra Sainz ‘16 traveled to New Zealand where she studied for two months on an exchange program through her high school in Mexico City, Mexico. This summer, she traveled to Cancun, Mexico with her family including her brother, Pato Sainz ’17, and cousin, Alex Sainz ’19. She also made her way back to the States where she visited Rumsey’s campus and New York City in early August 2017.

to help companies and athletes grow their brands and expand sales worldwide. After spending six years in the banking and consulting industry, he was inspired to help talented athletes connect with companies to develop their own global brand. Growler is currently working on developing partnerships with the international clothing brand, Uniqlo, and has provided financial advisory for professional soccer players. In addition to professional athletes, Growler has also had success in developing partnerships between companies with similar interests. On July 15, 2017, Growler closed Times Square in New York City for a social inclusion soccer tournament sponsored by the Spanish Soccer Player Association (AFE) and Street Soccer USA. This promotional event celebrated the mission of the companies’ partnership to provide an alternative to the pay-to-play model of youth sports with a focus on social impact across the United States and beyond, and to fight poverty and empower underserved communities through soccer.

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17













1. Taylor ‘11 and Sage ‘18 with their mother Amy Pottbecker P ‘05, ‘08, ‘11, ‘18 at Rumsey’s 117th Commencement Exercises in June 2017 2. Grace ‘17, Mary ‘12 and Lily ‘20 LaVigne after the Spring Parents’ Day Girls’ Lacrosse game in May 2017 3. Former Faculty Member Geordy Hale with Alfonso Elias-Bandala ‘16 at Commencement in June 2017 4. Graham Nance ‘16 and Athletic Director Jay Przygocki P ‘00, ‘03 at the Founder’s Day Regatta at Lake Waramaug in May 2017 5. Leah Sohn ‘14 with Director of Technology Steve Dodge and Coordinator of Girls’ and Women’s Issues Ali Spooner ‘90 Linley P ‘23 during a campus visit in June 2017 6. Huy Do ‘17 and Faculty Member Christian Anderson in Vung Tau, Vietnam in August 2017 7. Mackenzie ‘11 with mother Donna Zehring P ‘00, ‘01, ‘03, ‘05, ‘09, ‘11 and Assistant Director of Admission Jennifer Kolpak P ‘13, ‘15, ‘17 during a campus visit in June 2017 8. Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 P ‘11, ‘15 at a Varsity Football Game during Parents’ Weekend at Avon Old Farms with Phat Tran ‘16, Miles Wotorson ‘16 and Reza Badiee ‘16 in October 2016 9. Levi Mercier ‘15, Anna Maxwell ‘15 and Sam Johnson ‘15 at The Gunnery’s Prom in May 2017 10. Mayela Lumban-Gaol ‘16, Faculty Member Jillian Dufresne and Alejandra Sainz ‘16 during a trip to Brooklyn, NY in August 2017 11. Morgan Malcolm ‘17, Ellie Ketchum ‘17, Shealyn Kennedy ‘16, Beau Root ‘16 and Alex Lo Faro ‘17 at Taft School, CT




3. (1) Charles Porter ’94 and wife, Candice A girl on July 15, 2017 | Layla Rose (2) Stephen Dayton ’07 and wife, Ashley A boy on May 3, 2017 | Brantley Alexander (3) Lora Post ’91 Voycik and husband, Frank A girl on July 18, 2017 | Rosalie (4) Kyle Halloran ’02 and wife, Amanda A girl on March 8, 2017 | Adeline (R)



IN MEMORIAM Rumsey Hall Fondly Remembers these Alumni 1.

(1) William Farley ’29 1913 - 2003


(2) William Coleman ’57 1943 - 2017 (3) Marc Blain ’75 1959 - 2017 2.

(4) Carla Gray ’80 1965 - 2017


(5) Nick Kearney ’83 1967 - 2017


(6) Matthew Davis ’08 1992 - 2015


Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


Faculty News




1. History Department Chair Tom Geagan P ‘13, ‘16 at the Street Soccer USA event in Times Square, NYC with Luis Valls-Martinez ‘02 in July 2017 2. Community Service/

Service Learning Chair and Math Teacher Craig Ough P ’23 and History Teacher Sean

Kinsella P ’22, ’23, ’26 participated in the 14th Annual Tour of Litchfield Hills, CT, a 100-

mile bike ride to benefit the Cancer Care Fund of the Litchfield Hills in August 2017

3. Faculty Members Chris and Chrissy Dyball P ’27, welcomed their third son, Henry

Thomas, born in May 2017 4. Dean of Students Clayton Ketchum P ‘14, ‘17 and Former


Faculty and Staff Member Jake Linley P ‘23 paddled for 9.5 hours in the Cape Cod Bay Challenge, MA in July 2017 5. Director of Admission Ben and Language Skills Teacher

Gretchen Tuff P ‘22, ‘24 with current parent Rick Giles P ‘22, ‘26 after the Ironman 70.3

Maine Triathlon in Old Orchard Beach, ME in August 2017 6. Over the summer, Language Skills Department Chair Beth Gedraitis visited former student Spencer Crisson ’16 and

his family while vacationing in Bermuda 7. Former Community Service/Service Learning and Foreign Language Department Chair Georgina Duff is now a full-time doctoral

student at Teachers College at Columbia University in New York, NY in the Curriculum

& Teaching Department. During her 15 years at Rumsey, she coached 45 sport seasons,

including Rumsey’s first undefeated Girls’ Lacrosse team in Spring 2017, and started the


Community Service Program in 2008. 8. After 2017 Commencement, Faculty Members Christian Anderson, Carmine Buono, Tom Geagan, Rob Mandl, Chris Dyball, Christian Miranda, Geordy Hale, Craig Ough, Steve Dodge, Jillian Dufresne and Sean Kinsella

traveled to Waterford, CT for the 5th Annual Faculty Fishing Trip where they fished The Race, a Connecticut hot spot for stripers and blues 9. Director of Development Carol Maxwell P ’07, ’09, ’15, ’17 ran in the RunVermont Half Marathon in Burlington, VT in

April 2017 [with Former Assistant Director of Admission Betsy Johnson P ’06, ’09, ’15]

Not Pictured: Software Specialist Mark and Sara Simonelli welcomed their second child, Claire, in April 2017






SUMMER STATE OF MIND The Endowed Lopez Low Foundation Enrichment Program provides summer opportunities for Rumsey faculty to enhance their areas of expertise and enjoy experiences that bring fresh perspectives to their classrooms.

Assistant Headmaster/ Director of Secondary School Placement Fran Ryan P ‘12, ‘16 traveled to Havana, Cuba with his son, Charlie ‘12, in July 2017 to explore the capital city. The highlight of the trip was the homestay they did with a family of three generations. Fran utilized years of Spanish study, honed in Spanish speaking countries, to connect with the local people. It is Fran’s hope to visit again in the future to escort members of the Rumsey Hall community to visit this island paradise of juxtaposition and be amongst people with extraordinary generosity of spirit.

Faculty Members Kim and Robert Mandl P ’07 ’11 ’15 traveled the Northeast with daughter Lily ‘15 exploring several US historical sites and museums throughout Washington DC, Philadelphia and Vermont. During their tour of New Hampshire, the Mandl’s stopped at Wolfeboro: The Summer Boarding School to visit their son Jake ‘11 and Former Faculty Members Christian Budd ‘05, Ellie Moore and Will Eberle.

Director of Residential Life Rick and Science Department Chair/Assistant Athletic Director Liz Butler P ‘20, ‘23 spent two weeks during Spring Recess 2017 with their daughters Erin ‘20 and Abby ‘23 exploring the geology and ocean life of the Hawaiian islands. They hiked the Big Island’s Volcano National Park to see the active eruption of Kilauea Volcano and snorkeled at various spots, swimming with the state fish of Hawaii, humuhumunukunukuapua’a. In Kauai, they spotted humpback whales and spinner dolphins, and swam with sea turtles.

Assistant Head of School/Director of Studies Brooke Giese P ‘23, ‘27 and her son Carter ‘23 hiked the Southern Presidentials in New Hampshire’s White Mountains, summiting Mount Washington.

Art Department Chair Tyler Farmen ‘97 and Director of Communications Jessica Lewis traveled to Maui, Hawaii immersing themselves in the rich and vibrant Polynesian culture by visiting art galleries, museums and ancient historical sites. This trip enhanced their passion for the arts which will reflect in their contributions to the Rumsey community. They also frequented a nearby professional skate park where Mr. T honed his skateboarding skills, which he plans to share with his Monday Activity Skate Club.

Rarebits | Annual Report 2016-17


Rumsey Hall School 201 Romford Road Washington, CT 06794

Parents of Alumni: If this publication is addressed to your child and they no longer maintain this address, please send the correct address to ekalis@rumseyhall.org (860) 868-0535 Thank you!










-P RO F I C I T- D


New York City Reception

Alumni Games

Union League Club

Rumsey Hall School

November 8, 2017

February 3, 2018

Korea Reception Young Alums Brunch November 16, 2017

Holiday Open House December 16, 2017

Solley House

February 3, 2018

Rumsey Hall School

Bromley Ski Trip February 4-6, 2018 Peru, VT

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