Rarebits Spring 2019

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RAREBITS 2 Letter from Headmaster Matthew S. Hoeniger ‘81 P’11, P’15 7 119th Commencement 10 Around Campus 16 Alumni Reunion 18 Faculty Profile: Craig Ough P’23 20 Tribute to Rick Spooner P’88, ‘90, ‘94, GP’23 24 Senior Trip 26 Class & Faculty Notes

from the headmaster When I reflect back on my childhood days here at Rumsey, I do so with a smile on my face and a true sense of warmth in my heart. Middle school years are some of the most challenging for adolescents. It is a time of various stages of growth, of trying to figure out one’s identity, and certainly a time of testing limits. It is a time when children need the adult figures in their lives to support, guide, and center them. The faculty members who took care of me during my three years here at the School had a life changing impact on me. As a young man, I found the classroom work challenging. My successes came easier on the athletic fields, on the ice, and with the friendships I formed. It was, however, through the guidance and support of Rumsey’s faculty that I understood the importance of finding success in the classroom as well. I developed structure around my study habits and grew significantly as a student. However, what stands out in my memory the most are the lessons learned outside the classroom, spending time in the dormitory before going to dinner or on the ponds in the winter, or walking back from the practice fields after sports. It was dorm parents saying good night, and for those alumni who are old enough to recall, having that front seat in the van. There is something special about being part of this close knit supportive family. Students may not fully realize the impact Rumsey’s values will have on their lives until they journey through life beyond Rumsey; only then will they begin to appreciate the foundation that was laid here. I recall the summer before my senior year in college, I’d made the decision to work at Rumsey’s Summer School. While I did not teach, I was given many other responsibilities that provided me the opportunity to begin giving back to a place that was so pivotal in my life and helped shape the person I am today. Many years later, I remain just as committed and thankful to this special place. I am certainly not the only alumnus to feel this way, as there are ten of us here at Rumsey. It is inevitable that all schools must evolve in order to stay relevant. As we embark on a comprehensive strategic planning process, I am personally thrilled to create a roadmap to identify areas of need and growth. This process will highlight all that we have done and will continue to do well, while providing a clear framework on which to help guide the future plans of Rumsey. I look forward to sharing more about this process as the year continues. It is important to note, that we would not be where we are today without the dedication, leadership, and support of all those who came before us. While we must always look to our future, we must also honor our 119-year history of effort, family, and community as the core of who we are as a school. As you read through this Spring edition of Rarebits you will see traditions, celebrations, recognitions, remembrances and moments of daily life here on campus. Thank you to families from all over the world, and down the road, for giving us the opportunity to work with your children, and thank you to our faithful Alumni who keep in touch or who have the chance to return to this beautiful valley and school family that provided them the opportunity to preserve their childhoods. Sincerely,

Matthew Hoeniger ’81 P’11, ’15 Headmaster



Rumsey Hall School is committed to a whole child approach to education and believes that teaching academics and teaching an attitude of mind are of equal importance. The School emphasizes effort as a criterion for success and is dedicated to helping each child develop toward his or her maximum stature as an educated person, a successful member of a family and a contributing member of a community.

RAREBITS TEAM DESIGN AND LAYOUT Frankie Winter P’19, Director of Communications EDITORS The Advancement Office Amy Hoeniger P’11, ‘15 Julie Fredlund Cynthia Hogan Jennifer Kolpak P’13, ‘15, ‘17 PHOTOGRAPHY Robert Mandl P'07, '11, '15 Phil Dutton/Photo Trophies Jordan Hollender/HollenderX2 Photography Faculty & Staff Cover Photo: Robert Mandl P’07, ‘11, ‘15 Crew: Andy Qin ’19, Sophie Tibbats ’21, Evan Rydingsword ’20

Rumsey Hall School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability in admission or employment in its programs and activities.

rumseyhall.org Rumsey Hall School 201 Romford Road Washington Depot, CT 06794 860.868.0535

FSC This book was printed with solar power, using LED UV process ink on recycled paper.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2018/19 Chairman Nicholas N. Solley ’64 Vice Chairman Gregory Warner P’17 Headmaster Matthew S. Hoeniger ‘81 P’11, ‘15 Gretchen Farmer P’99, ’02 Dennis Fulling P’16, ’16 Louis “Skip” Gardella ’72 P’09, ’09 Manuel Grullon ’00 Craig Henrich P’13, ’14 Jeffrey Hugel ’70 Amie Kreisberg P’18 Nicholas Logothetis ’03 Adrienne Lufkin P’20, ’24 William MacMullen P’10, ’12 Gregory Matthews P’18 Alexandra Miller ’00 Murphy James J. Pates Jr. ’47 P’86 Rosemary Sagar P’15, ’17 Thomas Sheehy III P’00 Elizabeth Schereschewsky ’56 Stout Monica Vogelstein P’14, ’19 Ex Officio Treasurer Karen Scodari Business Manager/CFO Assistant Treasurer Brooke Giese P‘23, ‘27 Assistant Head of School, Director of Studies Secretary of the Corporation Julie Fredlund Executive Assistant Director of Advancement Tina Couch ‘94 P‘28 Spring 2019 3


Commencement 2019 Spring 2019 5

Previous page: The Senior Class lining up for the Commencement processional. This page, top left: Class of 2020 Baton Winners L-R: William Kirkiles, Morgan Clarke, Evan Rydingsword, Erin Butler, Edward ‘Quillan’ Oberto, Sierra Cortes, Edoardo Cassano, Victoria Weirich-Freiberg, Jacques van der Merwe, Fangyan ‘Wendy’ Huo. Above: Charter Club: Kindergarten Class of 2028 and the Graduating Senior Class Left: Former Trustee and past parent Susan Shulman Katzenberg, Commencement Speaker Andrew Katzenberg ’09, Isabella Katzenberg ’10, Headmaster Matthew Hoeniger ’81. Bottom left: Catalina LaPlaca ’28, Patricia Bender ’28 Below: Seniors Gabe Matthews, Oscar Iannone, and Will Jackson


Commencement Speaker : Andrew Katzenberg ‘09 “I want you to think of a time at Rumsey where you felt too uncomfortable or nervous to try something new. We have all been there, but at Rumsey, it’s different. Rumsey made me want to try something new and be out of my comfort zone; to paddle out…that was one of the class themes while I was at Rumsey and it still remains true in my life. Rumsey is like that good friend who you don’t talk to for years, but then you’re back together and everything falls right back into place… In the Rumsey Hall Mission Statement, there is a section that reads ‘The School emphasizes effort as a criterion for success and is dedicated to helping each child develop toward his or her maximum stature’. I truly believe this to be a big part of Rumsey’s character… It is because of Rumsey’s fundamentals that I was able to pursue what I love to do, give it all my effort, and create a network of people I wanted to surround myself with… I encourage you all to get out of your comfort zone, paddle out, and whatever path you take, give it your all, like you’re trying to make the Effort List.”

Class Speaker : Katie Gleason “We remember all the Cookie Lines, dances, Track & Field Days, Monday Activities, Airbands, advisory meetings, Bizarre & Extreme Days, and the countless Morning Meetings that we will miss the most. Most of us are probably looking back to the first time we went through this process. Whether you’ve repeated this tradition through ten years or two years, it holds the same value to all of us. Rumsey has changed my life. It taught me, and countless others, so many important lessons. Most schools share the common purpose of educating their students, but thanks to Rumsey, we’ve gotten much more than an education. Rumsey has created so many unbreakable bonds and given us such unforgettable memories… For the past ten years of my life, I’ve always known that this was my place… The difference between Rumsey and other schools is that when we leave, we will still remain a Blue Dog. We will always be either a Blue or a Red, and we can always come back to the first place we learned to be ourselves…This is where we learned to be a part of a team and how to truly put others above ourselves and make working together a priority. This is where we learned to live by honesty, kindness, and respect and to carry those three values with us wherever we go.” Spring 2019 7

Above L to R: Kindies Simon Dyball and Matthew Desiderio • Athletic Director Jay Przygocki receiving the “Medal of Honor” for 44 years of service from Amy Hoeniger and Headmaster Matthew Hoeniger ‘81 • Seniors: Marcelo Ramirez, Chenyu ‘Lisa’ Ji, Seyun ‘Joy’ Bang, Zijian ‘Kenny’ Zhang, Yoonji ‘Kelsie’ Choi Below: Senior Class Photo Bottom row L to R: Director of Lower School Rob Brenner and Sagely Brenner ’19 • Andrew Vogelstein P’14, ‘19, Matthew Vogelstein ’19, and Trustee Monica Vogelstein P’14, ‘19 • Jodi von Jess, Sawyer von Jess ’19, and Headmaster Matthew Hoeniger ’81


commencement prizes 2019 The Edward B. Whitney Prize for Excellence in Declamation: “My Year of Saying Yes to Everything” Cyrus Marco Booth ’19 The Annual Dining Hall Prefect Award: Alex Sainz Goldstein ’19

The Ryan J. Whelan ’89 Memorial Scholarship Prize: Morgan Ashley Clarke ’20 The Award for Excellence: Yoonji Kelsie Choi ’19 The John F. Schereschewsky, Jr. ’47 Memorial Award: Samantha Ellie Kaufman ’20

The Prize for the Greatest Improvement in Scholarship: William Taylor Jackson ’19

The Gabriella Bass ’94 Art Award: Yun (Rose) Shen ’19

The Richard M. Wachcic Junior Athletic Award: Caroline Fair Traina ’22 Charles Eugene Cosgriff, III ‘22

The Rose Algrant Memorial Scholarship Award: Alexander Robert Kenerson ‘20

The Charlotte Underwood Library Award: Kyra Charlize Rook ’19

The Henry B. Van Sinderen Memorial Award: Chloe Roberts Coffin ’20

The Best All-Around Male and Female Athletes: Chandler Frederick Coe ’19 Kori Jordan Meissner ’19 The Prize for The Boarding Scholars with the Best Conduct Record: Ben (Joonhyoung) Kim ’19 Eleanor Ann Frisbie ’19

Norm Couch Fishing Prize (first awarded 1963): Christopher Clancy ’21 Greatest Improvement in Athletics: Seyun Joy Bang ’19 Harrison Watkins Schopp ’19 The Cody Montana ’08 Memorial Paddle Out Award: Marcus J. Duell ’18 The Prize for Outstanding Scholar-Athlete: Samantha Rose Hill ’19 Brett Joseph Foster ’19

The David Loyd Memorial Prize: Katharine Natalie Dyer Benson ’19 The Marjorie Hull Barr Prize: Natalie Elizabeth Klemm ’23 The J. Mitchell Magnoli ’77 Memorial Award: Edoardo Carlo Cassano ’19 The Scott Evans Seibert ’92 Memorial Scholarship: Aubrey Swan ’20 The Faculty Cup: Yang Cao ’19 The Memorial Award: Matthew Hans Vogelstein ’19 The Duff Community Service Cup: Seongha (Elina) Choi ’19

Prize for Perseverance and Worthy Endeavor: Ava Eliana Wishkoff ’19 Award for Leadership: Sagely Anna Brenner ’19

Award for Merit: Seongha (Elina) Choi ’19 Headmaster’s Cup: Sawyer Cole von Jess ’19 Class Speaker: Katie Anne Gleason ’19 Permanent 2019 Class President: Brett Joseph Foster ’19

The Alfred L. Hart II ’65 Fine Arts Prize: Kenny Zhang ’19

CLASS OF 2019 SECONDARY SCHOOL MATRICULATION Avon Old Farms, CT Berkshire School, MA (4) Brewster Academy, NH (2) Canterbury School, CT (4) Chase Collegiate, CT Choate Rosemary Hall, CT (3) Cushing Academy, MA Dublin School, NH Emma Willard, NY Governor’s Academy, MA Greens Farms Academy, CT The Gunnery, CT (3)

Horace Mann School, NY Hotchkiss School, CT (3) Kent School, CT (3) Lawrenceville School, NJ Loomis Chaffee School, CT (3) Milton Academy, MA Miss Porter’s School, CT New Hampton School, NH Northfield Mt. Hermon School, MA Peddie School, NJ Phillips Academy, MA Pomfret School, CT

Putney School, VT St. Andrew’s School, DE St. George’s School, RI St. Mark’s School, MA St. Paul’s School, NH Salisbury School, CT (4) San Domenico School, CA South Kent School, CT Suffield Academy, CT (6) Taft School, CT (7) Westminster School, CT (2) Westtown School, PA Spring 2019 9

around campus






1. IIIrd Formers at a writer’s workshop with visiting author Ann Braden 2. Book Club: Back row Junting ‘Justin’ Wang ’21, Hezekiah Benson ’22, Jack Giles ’22, Wyatt Tuff ’22, Annaleise Booth ’20, Kyra Rook ’20, Faculty Member Alexandra King, Aster Lee Lufkin ‘20 Front row L-R: Morgan Brown ’22, Hanna Gleason ’22, Melanie Rundall ’22, Sierra Cortes ’20, Caroline Traina ’22, Charlie Zimmerman ’20, Samantha Brooks ‘22 3. Having fun at Lower School Carnival: James ‘Frankie’ McAloon ’27, Sadie Borken ’27 4. More fun at Lower School Carnival, Phoebe Kinsella ’23 5. Upper School Carnival: Pattaranunt ‘Elle’ Poonsornsiri ’21, Cindy Jiang ’21, Gexuan ‘Chris’ Liu ’21 6. Mrs. Hill’s Class of 2026: Back row L-R: Emma Shannon, Faculty Member Cynthia Hill, Ripley Giles, Sonya Kinsella, Charles Murdica, Alicia Komaritskaya, Mia Foley, Elizabeth Bender






Front row L-R: Kaitlin Kowalchick, John Donald Craft, Noah Nicksa, Walker Young, Saoirse Craft, Evan Smith, Griffin Bailey 7. ESL Dinner L to R: Ruida ‘Dylan’ Qiu ’22, Junting ‘Justin’ Wang ’21, Gexuan ‘Chris’ Liu ’21, Kainan ‘Jerry’ Wang ’21, Zimo Liu ’21, Shelley Huang ’22, Gracie Shen ’22, Jinru ‘Cecilia’ Li ’21, Yuxi ‘Sissi’ Zhen ’21 8. Earth Day: Vesper Wheeler ’27, Tommy Perreault ’27, Atticus Wheeler ’27, Pearson Nadeau ’27, Bennett Maguire ’27, Peter Dyball ’27 9. L to R: Jayden Choi ’21, Zijian ‘Kenny’ Zhang ’19, Jiaqing ‘Jason’ Zeng ’19, Chenyu ‘Lisa’ Ji ’19, Yuzhe ‘Kevin’ Zhang ’20, Yoonji ‘Kelsie’ Choi ’19, Annaleise Booth ’20, Yun ‘Rose’ Shen ’19, Shannon Meng ’19, Kainan ‘Jerry’ Wang ’21

Spring 2019 11

around campus






10. Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day: George Couch, Tina Couch ’94 P’28, Jung Couch, and Matthew Desiderio ’28 11. Arriving at the Spring Varsity Banquet 12. Parents’ Day: Taran Davies, Rowan Davies ’21, Natalie Munk 13. Track and Field Day: Raegan Bertuglia ’23, Lucy Ober ’23, Faculty Member Alex King, Levi Cherosnick ’24 14. IIIrd Form Play, Willy Wonka: Madeline Scheidt ‘23, Noah Linley ‘23, Abby Butler ‘23






15. Getting ready to say goodbye at the Senior Dinner at Solley House 16. Painting the Senior Rock: Alex Sainz-Goldberg ’19, Seongha ‘Elina’ Choi ’19, Nande Cuba ’19 17. Talent Show: Zijian ‘Kenny’ Zhang ’19, Joonhyoung ‘Ben’ Kim ’19 perform a duet on the piano 18. Visiting author Paul Acampora presents to Lower School

Spring 2019 13









1. Varsity Baseball: Tim Huber ‘19 2. Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse: Parker Davis ‘19 3. Varsity Softball Team with coaches Mr. Kinsella and Ms. Dufresne 4. Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse: Charleigh Newman ‘21 5. Varsity Tennis: Alfonso Garcia-Muriel ‘20 6. Varsity Baseball: Travis Proteau ‘19 7. Rumsey Crew Team with coaches Mr. Ryan, Mrs. Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Mandl, Mr. Pratt 8. Mountain

SPRING SCOREBOARD BOYS’ VARSITY BASEBALL Record: 11-2 Coaches: Mr. Perreault, Mr. Dyball Captains: Chandler Coe ’19 & Lachlan Hawes ’19 BOYS’ VARSITY B BASEBALL Record: 5-3 Coaches: Mr. Kolpak, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Linn ‘10 Captain: Theo Mercier ‘19 BOYS’ JUNIOR BASEBALL No record Coaches: Mr. Buono, Mr. Kolpak Captain: Liam Kinsella ’22


GIRLS’ VARSITY SOFTBALL Record 2-6 Coaches: Mr. Kinsella, Ms. Dufresne Captain: Kori Meissner ‘19 GIRLS’ VARSITY B SOFTBALL Record 0-4 Coaches: Mrs. Carney, Ms. King Captain: Maria Pia Visoso ‘21 VARSITY TENNIS Record 12-1 Coach: Mr. Tuff Captain: Matthew Vogelstein ‘19 VARSITY B TENNIS Record 9-0 Coaches: Mr. Lord, Ms. Tallent Captain: Henry Shattuck ‘22 CREW Coaches: Mr. Ryan, Mrs. Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Mandl, Mr. Pratt Captain: Seongha Elina Choi ’19


GIRLS’ VARSITY LACROSSE Record 15-0-1 Coaches: Mrs. Kappler, Ms. DeGrazia ‘09 Captains: Sagely Brenner ’19 & Melody Howe ’19 BOYS’ VARSITY LACROSSE Record 6-5 Coaches: Mr. Geagan, Mr. Naclerio ‘05 Captain: Brett Foster ‘19 BOYS’ VARSITY B LACROSSE Record 2-7 Coaches: Mr. Simonelli, Mr. Scheidt Captains: Kip Stone ‘21 NEW VARSITY CLUB MEMBERS AS OF SPRING TERM Alexis Aita ’20 Rigby Begley ’19 Thomas Bethel ’20 Seongha Elina Choi ’19 Morgan Clarke ’20 Quinn Kennedy ’20 William Kirkiles ’20


Katie Konjevod ’19 Robert Ober ’20 Quillan Oberto ’20 Travis Proteau ’19 Julia Schereschewsky ’20 Cullen Stone ’19


Bike Team: Grayson Gordon ‘22, Lorcan Doull ‘19, Dylan Qiu ‘22, Rowan Davies ‘21, Ben Bo ‘20, Owen Wang ‘20, Aubrey Swan ‘20, David Spencer ‘20, and coach Mr. Ough 9. Varsity B Lacrosse: Alonso Munoz ‘19 10. Girls’ Varsity Softball: Wendy Huo ‘20

Spring 2019 15





Alumni Reunion 2019

1. Alumni arriving for the day! 2. Class of 1990’s 3. Class of 1970’s 4. Class of 1960’s 5. Matt White ‘93 catches up with Director of Advancement Tina Couch ‘94 P’28 6. Class of 2010’s 7. Class of 1980’s 8. Class of 2000’s 9. Matthew Hoeniger ‘81 and Peter Lyon ‘18 10. Director of Technology Steve Dodge up at bat with former Headmaster Lou Magnoli umping the annual softball game. 11. Kaycee Dodge, Matthew Desiderio ‘28, Anna Giese ‘27, Olivia Desiderio 12. Matt White ‘93 returns to campus for a special musical performance 13. Lauren Henry, Carter Mosch ‘97, Michael Devino ‘94 and Alexa Geovanos, Kathryn Eren, John Eren ‘97









13 Spring 2019 17

FACULTY PROFILE I started at Rumsey Hall teaching math for the summer program in 2011 and was officially asked to join the permanent faculty the following summer. Since then, I’ve become Director of Outdoor Education, Director of Community Service/Service Learning, and also teach the Challenge 20/20 elective, in which students develop team-building skills and discuss our most pivotal roles as global citizens. Additionally, I help out as a coach for Boys Varsity B Hockey and have established Blue Dog Bikes, our biking program which is slowly growing into the Rumsey Hall Mountain Biking Team. Much of my spare time is spent rebuilding bikes for kids, camping, and trying to keep up with my son, Gunnar (11) who wants to try every sport and learn magic tricks. Gunnar and I currently live in South Dorm, where I am a dorm parent.


Community Service Leader

What were some of the very first Cummunity Service

events you organized for RHS students? And do you have recipients and businesses that the students interact with

on a regular basis?

The initiatives that are most unique to my time as steward of the program would be our connection with Sanctuary Kitchen and the Rumsey Hall Card Project. Sanctuary Kitchen was the first effort to deliberately connect community service events to our annual school theme, which at the time was “Stand Up Together.” Sanctuary Kitchen employs refugee chefs who host meals that inspire conversation and inclusion. The Rumsey Hall Card Project was a student idea that’s become our most attended event with almost 600 cards now sent to permanently hospitalized children. The program has grown so much we now have an appointed student position for coordinating community service events such as these. What are the biggest challenges you have faced since starting this program at Rumsey?

Finding meaningful initiatives is an ongoing process. We are limited to a distance radius, working on weekends, and also have to honor the needs of the different agencies we work with. The other challenge is fending off the demands for us to be a solely fundraising resource. While supporting agencies monetarily is important for their overall success, one of the core philosophies of Rumsey’s Community Service Program is to inspire students to be the boots on the ground and educate them about the physical work that needs to be done. What advice would you give to students thinking about

getting involved in Community Service?

My advice would be to not hesitate. Just get involved. You’ll learn a lot about yourself. 18 RAREBITS

What are your goals for the School in terms of Outreach? The role I play is as an ambassador to the school. I have to expect the best of my volunteers as they represent themselves and their communities. I need each team to be amply prepared for the work expected of them. Simultaneously, I have a chance to speak with the agencies about our community service programming and our school overall. The agencies we’ve established relationships with speak highly of our teams and are willing to act as references should they be needed when we are able to add in new initiatives. Tell us about an event or an experience along the way that was especially rewarding for you.

I sent a group off to Church Street Eats, a soup kitchen in Hartford that we have a long relationship with. I generally save this work for our older students, as the labor and emotional demands are high. There was a IVth Form boy really begging to go. I hesitated, but decided to give him a try. The students prepare meals, then go into the dining area to serve sandwiches and soups to people either living in extreme poverty or who are homeless. Part of the briefing for the experience is to not expect gratitude, but to give it instead. Thank them for attending. Thank them for being there. Just say ‘Hello’ and ‘Please enjoy the meal.’ I leave it to them to decide how conversational they wish to be as they are still just developing social skills in their own lives. I didn’t hear anything unique about that specific trip until a few days later. The director of the soup kitchen called with extensive praise for the IVth Form student for being so kind to so many people. He took my advice to another level, asking questions of the attendees and saying kind words. The director said he had one table in tears just because he took the time to sit with them and ask about them, not speak of himself. It’s in one of these moments that you experience selfdiscovery through serving others.

Some recent Community Service trips: Top photo Annual faculty orientation service trip to build garden boxes for Judea’s Garden and Steep Rock Association. Middle Students from the developmental hockey team helped sort food for local shelters at the CT Food Bank. Bottom International Coastal Clean Up is an annual global initiative to remove small debris from beaches.

RUMSEY QUESTIONNAIRE What are the first words that come to

to try everything. A student can try

make mistakes, dust off and try again.

mind when you think of Rumsey Hall?

football having never played before,

If you were to be given a superlative here

Grass stains on khakis, pond hockey,

learn to ride a bike, and go on trips

at Rumsey, what would you be awarded?

Bromley, and trails. What do you treasure

to so many unique destinations. I also

Optimistic. I’m probably the “most likely

most about Rumsey? I appreciate the

like the undercurrent philosophy of my

to find the silver lining in bad news”.

fact that the School encourages kids

colleagues that it is completely okay to

Spring 2019 19

Rick Spooner 1947 – 2019


Spring 2019 21

After a three year battle with pancreatic cancer, Rick Spooner passed away peacefully at his home in Thomaston with his family at his side on June 8, 2019. Rick was the longest standing faculty member in the School’s history working in many capacities during those 47 years and ending his Rumsey career as Associate Headmaster. He was a teacher, mentor, coach, and friend to both students and adults. Rick was an honest, genuine and compassionate man who thought of others and dedicated his life to helping adolescents navigate middle school years and beyond. For information on a Tribute Fund set up in Rick’s honor, please visit our Giving tab at rumseyhall/giving/giftsofrecognition

“If you pile up all of Rick’s thoughtful gestures and comments, all of the noble deeds and decisions he offered daily, they form a tall mountain of goodwill. And as word of Rick’s death spreads, and his former students, colleagues and friends share memories, the mountain will grow taller and taller. His life of exceptional, lasting value will echo again and again off that mountain.” – Tom Farmen, from his eulogy at Rick’s memorial service

“One of my favorite memories of being with Rick was a beautiful moonlit evening in Cape Cod off of Race Point. We fished off the shore for blues and stripers. Rick stood to my right and a gentleman by the name of John Jane stood to my left. It was a special night I’ll never forget. Rick was one of the most honest, sincere, and compassionate men I have ever met. He taught me so much and I will cherish the values that he helped to incorporate into my life forever. ” – Matthew Hoeniger ‘81, Headmaster

“He was a kind, gentle, thoughtful soul whose concern and love for family, friends, colleagues and students was genuine. He was a gift to us all and we are enriched and better for having known and loved him. Farewell Dad, may you encounter calm seas and warm breezes on your journey. I love you. You were and will always be my hero.” – Jason Spooner

“Rick Spooner had a profound impact on my life. I would not be the

person I am today without decades of his wisdom, support, and most

importantly, his love. I am so grateful that moving back to CT last year

afforded me the ability to be a small part of Rick’s journey this past year.

Every day I come to work here at Rumsey and walk through this beautiful campus, I am reminded that Rick is with me and will always be smiling down on me. I miss you and love you dear friend.” 22 RAREBITS

– Tina Couch ‘94, Director of Advancement

At this time of reflection and sadness after the recent passing of our wonderful and loving father, we would like to express our deepest appreciation, gratitude and love to the members of our second family; the members of the extended Rumsey Community. The outpouring of support, concern, sympathy and compassion recently shown to our family was nothing short of inspiring and uplifting and provided all of us with much needed light at a time when it was needed most. The calls, emails, texts, posts, stories, memories and expressions of shared loss did not go unnoticed and we cannot thank you all enough. Hearing from you and seeing so many of your familiar faces at Dad’s service in June in Litchfield reminded us of the vast number of lives in which our father had played a formative and overwhelmingly positive role. Whether you knew him as a teacher, coach, counselor, mentor, administrator, colleague, friend or “sensei”, you were all positively buoyed by his warm, caring nature and his keen ability to see the best in all of us and to help us to develop the tools to reach our inherent potential. He was a consummate educator and a “gentle giant” in the purest sense of the expression. He always provided encouragement and inspiration when we needed it most, a sly joke and a wink when we needed a laugh, a strong shoulder when we needed support and an open ear when we needed to be heard. With that said, he had a demonstrated, signature ability to help us yield growth from challenging times, never letting us forget that we were ultimately in control of our own trajectories and destinies as students, as teachers and as people in general. He led by example and always encouraged us to do the work honestly, free of shortcuts or excuses. He held us to higher standards and helped us to emerge as better people. Family was always his top priority and his dedication to the Rumsey family was, ultimately, his life’s work. The school meant the world to him and he personified the long-lasting values that Rumsey instilled in each and every one of us. The spirit of Rumsey Hall was in his heart and his soul and, in many ways, he was a crucial and foundational part of the soul of Rumsey. We miss him dearly and are proud to have shared a great man with all of you – Celine, Jason, Allison & Stephen Spring 2019 23


Senior Trip 2019 Left page: Thomas Botts, Alonso Munoz, Hyun Woong ‘Mike’ Yang • Faculty Member Sean Kinsella • Seongha ‘Elina’ Choi and Seyun ‘Joy’ Bang • Senior Class and Faculty • Basketball in the sunshine • Mariana Rovalo, Melody Howe • Pedro Pablo Trevino • This page, above: Oscar Iannone, Henry Doerge, Alexander Jacobs, Samantha Hill, William Jackson, Kori Meissner • Elliot Cantor, Michael Jemiolo, Damien Crain, Lachlan Hawes • Parker Davis, Matthew Vogelstein, Oscar Iannone, Cooper Choate • Director of Residential Life Rick Butler, Yoyo Cao, Kelsie Choi • Ava Wishkoff, Yun ‘Rose’ Shen, Katharine Benson, Maegann Thompson, Seyun ‘Joy’ Bang, Shannon Meng, Jinsong ‘Teddy’ Hwang, Chaeryeong ‘Chelsea’ Hong, Zijian ‘Kenny’ Zhang • Eleanor LaCasse, Seongha ‘Elina’ Choi, Samantha Hill, Nicholas Alin-Hvidsten

Spring 2019 25

class notes 26 RAREBITS

“My latest project here in Hampton, Virginia is a children’s book, entitled Wendy. The book is about a unicorn who is upset because she has heard that unicorns do not really exist, but she finds happiness with a Unitarian Universalist congregation that doesn’t find unicorns to be so out of place.”


“I am still working full time running my web hosting and development business based on Cape Cod, although I have customers in several countries. Last year, I went to California and visited some customers and old friends who were in music groups I worked with and managed in the 1960s.”


“My company Bravo Sports Tours had the pleasure of recreating Rumsey’s March Break ski trip to Europe this past winter. With the support of Matt Hoeniger, Jay Przygocki, Rick and Liz Butler, and the encouragement of Michael Cornell and Scott Schereschewsky, the trip became a reality and this Rumsey tradition was reborn. 22 of us had a wonderful time skiing Bormio in the Valtellina region, enjoying great food and wine, and sitting in 2000-year-old Roman hot springs! Jack Kreisberg ’18, Nick Conway-Drendel ’18, and Alexander Salvatore ’18 came with their fathers. Current teachers, students, and their parents joined as well.”


“I moved to California to be near children and grandchildren. Tough to leave a lifetime in New England and a lifelong association with Rumsey that started when my father was a student at Pessendium School.”

CHARLES “KELLY” NYE ’68 “Thanks for including the nice picture of me and Lou in the last issue of Rarebits. It meant a lot! My lab is now a certified therapy animal and will soon be accepted into the Alliance Therapy Registry. I’ll also be heading off to Moon Palace in Cancun for the Dead & Company concert in January 2020… Don’t let your children grow up to be Dead Heads!”



Rebecca and her family traveled to Rome, Italy in July to take a Mediterranean Cruise. After docking at the Port of Cartagena, Spain, they spent a wonderful day with Carmen Valls-Martinez ‘87 and her family.

“I had the wonderful opportunity to meet up with Al Styron ’80 on Martha’s Vineyard this summer. Even though it was the first time we’ve seen each other in nearly 40 years, ninth grade seems like yesterday!”


“I am now a Senior Member of the IEEE. Senior Membership to the IEEE is an honor bestowed only to those who have made significant contributions to the profession of electronic and electrical engineering. I have also been recently included in Marquis Who’s Who. Individuals profiled for this publication are selected on the basis of current reference value. Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process.”

Spring 2019 27

class notes


class notes


“Life is going great. I was married last December in Costa Rica, and my wife and I recently honeymooned across Europe for three weeks. I met her while living in California. She was courageous enough to move with me to my hometown of Louisville, KY, where I work for the government as a major crimes prosecutor. She is an entrepreneur working on launching a business. She jokes that we resemble a real life Dharma and Greg. (Generation X will understand that reference.) I wish everybody the best, and I hope life has turned out well for all my Rumsey classmates.”



“I graduated as valedictorian of my class at Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism in 2018, where I had the opportunity to be published as a student in various magazines and news organizations. Starting in August 2019, I’ll be pursuing a law degree at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law in Chicago! I’m very excited to see where this new chapter takes me.”

CLASS OF 2016/17

From Rumsey Hall to Avon Old Farms: Reza Badiee ’16, Jamel Smith ’16, Clayton Ketchum, and Tyler Cox ’17

“I celebrated my 40th birthday in the Galápagos Islands with family and friends.”


Former Alumni Coordinator Jordan Leventhal ’05 is graduating from Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY with an M.A. in Integrated Marketing Communications in May 2019. He currently works on the Product Brand Management team at Universal Orlando Resort in Orlando, FL, aiding in marketing strategy development for Halloween Horror Nights and some of the park’s newest attractions.


Claire and Clayton Ketchum visit with Will Jamieson ‘11



Faculty Members Liz Butler and Kim Mandl cheered on Yuchen Cheng ’17 and Herbert Liu ’17 as they raced at Lake Quinsigamond in Massachusetts in April.

Isabella Dubow ’17 and Alexis Delmore ’18 represented the Kent School Boat Club at the Read Amateur Regatta and the Henley Women’s Regatta in England in June 2018.

TIM PRENTICE ‘43 “I’m still living in Cornwall, CT and making kinetic sculpture for public spaces around the country. I just had a show (inside and outside) at the Cornwall Library titled Gone with the Wind. My wife Marie died just over a year ago, but I have two daughters and two grandchildren who visit frequently.” Photos below: The Cornwall Library, Michelle Rittler and Trish Silvernail from the Advancement Office on a field trip to meet Tim and see his Cornwall show.


Mari Leonard ’18 played in the 2019 USA Hockey Girls Tier II 16U National Tournament in Amherst, New York with her travel team, the Connecticut Northern Lights.

Liz Butler catches up with Chris Novak ‘13

Spring 2019 29

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CLASS OF 2017/18

class notes


1) “This photo is of my son, Wonjun at his first birthday party on March 26, 2019. I wanted to share the traditional Korean way of celebrating a baby’s first birthday.” – Yoonwoo Hwang ’03 2) Ayda James Naclerio, born May 1, 2019 to faculty members Jaymie & Craig Naclerio ‘05 3) “I’m still living and working in North Carolina as an attorney. My daughter Annabella Beskind, pictured here with me, was born in February.” – Emilia “Emmy” Beskind ’95 4) Hayley Ahouse ‘10 visits campus with her baby, Leo David. Pictured here with Julie Fredlund. 5) “My wife Ashley Lynch and I just had our daughter, Cora Anne Huntington, on June 1 of this year. I am a chef and we currently live in Vancouver but we will be moving back to Louisville, KY this summer.” – Arthur Huntington ’96







Katie Swiderski ‘93 and family with Matthew Hoeniger ‘81.

Asst. Director of Admission Jennifer Kolpak, Lili Xie P’16, Zoey Zheng ‘16, and Director of Girls’ & Women’s Issues Ali Spooner ‘90 Linley

Visual Arts Department Chair at The Gunnery Andy Richards ‘81 generously donated his Pod painting which is now hung in The MAX. Andy is pictured here with Matthew Hoeniger ‘81, Tina Couch ‘94 P’28, and one of Andy’s students. Director of Advancement Tina Couch ‘94 P’28 with Hardy Helburn ‘94

Kevin Yuan ‘13 with his friend Josie and Dean of Students Clayton Ketchum Erica Yard ‘08 and Director of Residential Life Rick Butler

Spring 2019 31

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Rumsey Hall Ski Trip to Bormio, Italy MARCH 8TH - MARCH 17TH, 2020

Come experience the Italian Alps with Rumsey families, alumni, and friends!



Gordon Ringer joined Rumsey Hall School on July 1, 2019 as Chief Financial Officer. Previously CFO at Kirby School in CA, Gordon relocated back to Washington, Connecticut not only for this opportunity at Rumsey but also to be where his family roots are. His grandparents lived on Calhoun Street.

With over 25 years experience in financial administration in the non-profit sector, and 15 years in independent schools, Gordon has a leadership style that is positive, energetic, and collaborative. Gordon attended UCONN for his undergraduate studies (go Huskies!) and received his MBA from Golden

Gate University in California. He is an avid runner and skier and enjoys cooking, reading, and spending time with his two children (ages 16 and 18). Gordon has coached both cross-country and lacrosse (his favorite sport) for the last 12-years at his previous schools.

In Memoriam RICK SPOONER | 1947 – 2019 DAVID TROWBRIDGE ’64 | 1949 – 2019 JOHN VAN DUYL ‘67 | 1951 – 2019 1ST Lt . MATTHEW CHARLES KRAFT ‘09 | 1994 – 2019

We’d love to hear from you!


Rumsey Hall School

201 Romford Road Washington Depot, CT 06794 Parents of Alumni: If this publication is addressed to your child and they no longer maintain this address, please send updated information to alumni@rumseyhall.org 860.868.0535 Thank you!

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