Rarebits Annual Report 15/16

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A to the back of the Headmaster’s House on the evening of the traditional Senior Dinner, June 2016 A view Blossoming Tree on Campus

RAREBITS Annual Report 2015-2016

Director of Development

Photo Contributors

Carol M­­axwell P ’07, ’09, ’15, ’17

Special thanks to Randy O’Rourke,

OUR MISSION Rumsey Hall School is committed to a whole child approach to education and believes that teaching academics and teaching an attitude of mind are of equal importance. The School emphasizes effort as a criterion for success and is dedicated to helping each child develop toward his or her maximum stature as an educated person, a successful member of a family and a contributing member of a community.

Director of Communication Jessica Lewis

Rumsey Hall School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability in admission or employment in its programs and activities. COVER A Farewell to Farms Celebration under the tent at the Paul Lincoln Cornell Athletic Field

Design and Layout Administrative Assistant to Development Trish Silvernail

Phil Dutton of PhotoTrophies and Rumsey Faculty, Staff, Parents and Students who contributed photographs. Rumsey Hall School 201 Romford Road Washington, CT 06794 860.868.0535 www.rumseyhall.org

Annual Report 2015-2016


2 Letter from Headmaster Matthew S. Hoeniger ‘81, P ‘11, ‘15 4 116th Commencement Exercises 10 Happenings Around Campus 13 LETTERS

Board Chair Jon D. Neuhaus ‘87 Headmaster Emeritus Thomas W. Farmen P ‘97, ‘99

14 Department Reports 15 Spring Athletics 18 Dear Seniors—The Class of 2016’s Advice to Mr. and Mrs Hoeniger 24 Board of Trustees News 25 Solley House 26 A Farewell to Farms Celebration 30 Annual Giving Report 2015-2016 44 The Dorothy Rochon Anderson Administration Building 46 FACULTY PROFILES

Jane Darby, Pre-Primes (Ist Grade) Teacher Phil Perreault P ‘24, Assistant Dean of Students/Math Department Chair

48 Class Notes 55 Lower School News—Computer Science 56 Alumni Reunion 2016 58 Spring Student Art Show 60 The CAIS Accreditation Process 60 Faculty News

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2016-2017 Chairman Jon D. Neuhaus ’87 Vice Chairman Nicholas N. Solley ’64 Headmaster Matthew S. Hoeniger ‘81, P ’11, ‘15 Mary Barbour P ’14 Gary Cole P ’01 Tina Couch ’94 Gretchen Farmer P ’99, ’02 Dennis Fulling P ’16, ’16 Louis “Skip” Gardella ‘72, P ’09, ‘09

Frank Gavel ’78, P ’13, ’15 Dian Griesel P ’15, ’19 Craig Henrich P ’13, ‘14 Loren Kagan ‘01 Adrienne Lufkin P ‘12, ’20, ‘24 Gregory Matthews P ’18 Alexandra Miller ‘00 Murphy James J. Pates Jr. ’47, P ’86 Rosemary Sagar P ‘15, ‘17 Thomas Sheehy III P ’00 Everett Smith III P ’04, ’05 Elizabeth Schereschewsky ’56 Stout Monica Vogelstein P ’14, ‘19

EX OFFICIO Treasurer Karen Scodari Business Manager/CFO Secretary of the Corporation Julie Fredlund Executive Assistant Carol Maxwell P ‘07, ‘09, ‘15, ‘17 Director of Development


It is an honor and privilege to have been appointed by the Board of Trustees as Rumsey Hall’s next Headmaster. As an Alumnus from the Class of 1981 and a faculty member for the past 28 years, I have seen the tremendous impact the School has on its students. Rumsey is long in history, deep in traditions and strong in values. Through the leadership and dedication of Tom and Ashley Farmen over the past 31 years, Rumsey is in a healthy position. The key to building upon this foundation is maintaining the unique culture and vision of the School. Rumsey has touched the hearts of so many and has been a “home away from home” for its students. It will always be a priority to honor the School’s history, celebrate the traditions and uphold our shared values of honesty, kindness and respect. Rumsey is our family’s home. My wife Amy and I are grateful to be a part of such a special community. We are committed to sustaining the culture and supporting the mission of the School while we Keep Rumsey Moving Forward.

Matthew S. Hoeniger ’81, P ‘11, ‘15










through the years



116 Commencement Exercises th

June 4, 2016

Class of 2016

COMMENCEMENT AWARDS The Edward B. Whitney Prize for Excellence in Declamation Yuchen Cheng ’17 James Walsh ’16

The Prize for Boarding Scholars with the Best Conduct Record Mayela Lumban Gaol ’16 Spencer Crisson ’16

The Prize for Neatness in School Work Upper Forms: Seoyoung “Kara” Ro ’18 Lower Forms: Lily LaVigne ’20

The Prize for the Greatest Improvement in Athletics Andrea Porragas Elorduy ’16 Charles Reycroft ’16

The Annual Dining Hall Prefect Award Alejandra Sainz-Mondragon ’16 The Prize for the Greatest Improvement in Scholarship Reza Badiee ’16 The Richard M. Wachcic Junior Athletic Award Lily LaVigne ’20 Gabriel Mathews ’19 The Charlotte Underwood Library Award Yuchen Cheng ’17 The Prize for the Best All-Around Male and Female Athletes Sage Valente ’16 Jamel Smith ’16

The Cody Montana ‘08 Memorial ‘Paddle Out’ Award Thomas Mullin ’16 The Prize for Outstanding ScholarAthlete Shealyn Kennedy ’16 Grant Kneisel ’16 The David Loyd Memorial Prize Annie Lombardi ’16 The Lawrence Larkin ‘16 Computer Achievement Award James Walsh ’16 The J. Mitchell Magnoli ‘77 Memorial Award Elyse Ketchum ’17

The Scott Evans Seibert ’92 Memorial Scholarship John LaCasse ’17 The Faculty Cup Brad Ellis ’16 The Memorial Award Alfonso Elias-Bandala ’16 The Duff Community Service Cup Jianzhou “Danny” Cui ’16 The Alfred L. Hart II ‘65 Fine Arts Prize Charles Pottow ’16 The Ryan J. Whelan ‘89 Memorial Scholarship Prize Luke Rhoss ’17 The Award for Excellence Beau Root ’16 The Marjorie Hull Barr Prize Ryan Delmore ’20 The John F. Schereschewsky Jr. ‘47 Memorial Award Emily Lombardi ’18

The Gabriella Bass ‘94 Art Award Gabriel Liu ’16 The Rose Algrant Memorial Scholarship Award Grace LaVigne ’17 The Henry B. Van Sinderen Memorial Award Cameron Racevicius ’17 Prize for Perseverance and Worthy Endeavor Zoey Zheng ’16 Award for Leadership Mason von Jess ’16 Award for Merit Margaret Ryan ’16

Headmaster’s Cup Coleby Bunnell ’16 Rumsey Medal of Honor Headmaster Thomas W. and Ashley Farmen P ‘97, ‘99

L to R: VIth Form Baton Winners Front Row: William Finch, Grace LaVigne, Nick Kenerson, Yuka Masamura and Zach McGrew Back Row: Jack LaCasse, Harrison Rupp, Zack Traussi, Morgan Malcolm, Ellie Ketchum and Yuchen Cheng; Lower School Students sing Land of Hope and Glory at the 116th Commencement Exercises.

74 GRADUATES MATRICULATE TO 31 SECONDARY SCHOOLS Avon Old Farms, CT (7) Bard Academy, MA Berkshire School, MA (5) Blair Academy, NJ Brewster Academy, NH (2) Canterbury School, CT Choate Rosemary Hall, CT Forman School, CT (2) The Gunnery, CT Hebron Academy, ME The Hill School, PA Hong Kong International School, HK The Hotchkiss School, CT (2) Kent School, CT (3) Lawrenceville School, NJ (3) Loomis Chaffee School, CT (4) Middlesex School, MA New Hampton School, NH Northfield Mt. Hermon School, MA (2) Peddie School, NJ (3) Pomfret School, CT (2) Ridley College, Ontario St. Andrew’s School, DE Salisbury School, CT (2) Solebury School, PA Stevenson School, CA St. George’s School, RI (3) St. Mark’s School, MA Suffield Academy, CT (2) The Taft School, CT (3) Vermont Academy, VT Other & Local Public Schools (6)







1. Permanent Class President Coleby Bunnell ‘16 receives the Headmaster’s Cup from Master Teacher Rick Spooner. 2. Headmaster Tom and Ashley Farmen lead the procession to the Commencement Tent. 3. The Clef Club performs at Commencement 4. Zoey Zheng ‘16 delivers her Declamation Hands by Sarah Kay 5. A Cappella soloist Jamel Smith ‘16 6. Senior Charter Members who enrolled at Rumsey in the Lower School gather with the Kindergarten Class of 2025 under the Rumsey Bell. Annual Report 2015-16



EMMANUEL ‘81 AND SALVATOR ’81 XUEREB Message to the Seniors, Excerpt from their Remarks

“MADE AT RUMSEY. Why MADE AT RUMSEY? Because, you’ve been stamped. More than any other place you will go to after you leave here, Rumsey will have left its indelible mark on you. The teachers, staff, volunteers, parents, the Farmens—they have all helped imbue within you confidence, leadership skills, generosity, curiosity and the courage to do something...even if it scares you. And don’t forget honor, integrity, discipline, compassion and grit—being able to get back up after you fall. You don’t know this yet, but these gifts that you’ve received from Rumsey, you will pass them on to others. And they, in turn, will pass them on, and so on and so forth. Like a virus that spreads from one person to the next, only this virus is good. It makes the world a better place.”


Class Speaker, Excerpt from her Remarks “A trampoline. With a strong, stable sheet in the center, surrounded by springs to help and support it, and supported by a firm frame to keep the embodiment of the structure together. This is Rumsey—our student body valued and put first in the center, teachers like Mr. Spooner and a close-knit faculty always by our sides. And lastly, a frame, our traditions, values, and the natural, innocent beauty of our campus holding us up, carrying all of our weight for when We, the Class of 2016 decide to jump. A trampoline must constantly be resilient, always able to spring back into shape and exercise flexibility. Let’s say you didn’t achieve the marks one week you thought you could, you instantly have another chance to rise to your full potential. We know for a fact that if we jump too high on that trampoline, that safety sheet will always be there to break our fall.” “...Attending Rumsey is a gift. And, how do we take advantage of this gift? We soar full speed ahead. We use our creativity, our sportsmanship, our teamwork but most importantly we must never let that flame, that spirit inside of us burn out because no matter what, we will always have some Blue Dog inside of us.”

HEADMASTER TOM FARMEN Excerpt from his Remarks to the Graduates

“What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up? Hopefully your Rumsey experience makes the answer easier, especially when you consider the School values of Honesty, Kindness and Respect. Fold in the importance of Family and Community and the knowledge that your effort controls your destiny and you have a pretty good framework on which to build your answer. You may not be able to impact the world right now, but you can absolutely impact the experience of the people sitting next to you in extraordinary, positive ways. Right away, today, you can profoundly impact the people in your family, in your life. And if you do that with energy and commitment every day, you will move mountains, you will live a stunningly successful life and it will add incredible value to what you finally decide to do when you grow up.”







VARSITY BANQUET 1. Patricio Garcia-Muriel ‘18, Mason Conto ‘18, Colin Kennedy ‘18 and Alex Withers-Clarke ‘18 2. Monica Kim ‘16, Ellie Ketchum ‘17, Zoey Zheng ‘16 and Katie Jarvis ‘16 3. Grace LaVigne ‘17, Isabella Cotier ‘17, Juliette Gaggini ‘17 and Isabella Dubow ‘17 4. Seniors gather with Dean of Students Clayton Ketchum P ‘14, ‘17






SENIOR DINNER AT THE HEADMASTER’S HOUSE 5. Justin Ha, Carlos Fernandez, Nick Buonaiuto, Connor Angera and Ethan Ash 6. Sean Thrane, Nicole Ahn, Hollis Brown, Andrea Porragas, Alejandra Sainz-Mondragon, Carter Houldin, Casey Chizmazia, James Walsh and Kelsey Allen 7. Annie Lombardi and Charlie Pottow 8. Alex Marie-Ford, Ilya Prasolov, Zoey Zheng and Miranda Lu 9. David Rosenbaum, Neil van der Merwe and Charlie Reycroft Annual Report 2015-16 9







1. Students build a fire for an Upper School Book Club discussion during Book Fest ‘16 2. Spencer Crisson ‘16 takes aim at the dunk tank during Dorm Carnival 3. Upper Division Dorm Cup Winners—South Dorm 4. Lower Division Dorm Cup Winners—Fitch House 5. Headmaster and Varsity Baseball Coach Tom Farmen throws the ceremonial first pitch at the start of the Varsity Baseball Season.







10 6. Lower School Earth Day performance in The Maxwell A. Sarofim ‘05 Performing Arts Center by Sirius Coyote, a group of musicians who create and perform traditional and contemporary world music that addresses environmental issues and cultural inclusion. 7. A scene from the IIIrd Form Musical The Fight for Iris 8. Washington, CT Poet Laureate Davyne Verstandig P ‘97, ‘99 visits the Pre-Primes Class to celebrate National Poetry Month. 9. Upper and Lower School students collaborate on Community Service activities. 10. Upper School Students plant trees around campus on Earth Day. Annual Report 2015-16









11. Leo Rodriguez ‘18 with his father on Spring Parents’ Day 12. Katrina Zeng ‘17 and Yuchen Cheng ‘17 perform during the Talent Show. 13. Spectators on the Bantam River at the Spring Parents’ Day Annual Duck Derby 14. The Senior Class of 2016 at Camp HiRock in the Berkshire Mountains, MA during Senior Weekend 15. Rumsey-to-Rumsey Bike Ride from the site of the original campus in Cornwall, CT to Washington, CT 16. Lower Boat Regatta medal winners Chapin Pyne ‘16, CJ DeLuca ‘16, Mayela Lumban Gaol ‘16, Neil van der Merwe ‘16 and Jack You ‘16 at Lake Waramaug, CT 12


mentioned transition as one thing we would accomplish, it became readily evident how the Rumsey community would stretch beyond to accomplish much more. We move forward, together, having completed in short order what other schools may stretch out over years to do. This is our way.


hen we first discussed what my tenure as Board Chair might include, I thought Tom would suggest continued improvement of the physical plant or increasing our Endowment to supplement our financial reserve as we enhance the experience for current students through programs selected by the Board and Faculty. Perhaps, a new initiative altogether would come to the fore. With his knowing smile, Tom responded with one word: “Transition.”

We are a year beyond that conversation. Though Tom

Consider: We have successfully said “Thank You” to an iconic couple in Tom and Ashley Farmen, who have driven off (or ‘scootered’) to New Hampshire. The Board bestowed upon Tom the honorary title Headmaster Emeritus and Tom and Ashley will take on the role of advisors to Rumsey. Rumsey also thanked Master Teacher Rick Spooner for his influential leadership spanning 47 years. In October 2015, the Board unanimously elected Matt Hoeniger ’81 to serve as our next Headmaster. Matt and his wife, Amy, have since taken on the

mantle of leadership. We are fortunate to have Matt, a product of Rumsey and as Director of Admission one who has championed the Rumsey experience to inquiring families for the past 20 years, leading us forward. A new administration building that will welcome prospective families and house daily support functions will be completed in December 2016. Because of the generous donations of many, led by The Dan W. Lufkin’s P ’12, ’20, ’24 Challenge Match, the Endowment has increased by over $2MM, in a year when over $3.5MM was raised, collectively. All the while, Rumsey graduated its 116th class of exceptional students, under the thoughtful and caring guidance of our treasured Faculty.

few years. An important aspect of the process prevailed—how we accomplish things at Rumsey. Everyone spoke of “We.” Rumsey is a “We” community, not a “Me” community. Further, after checking off our list from our 2012 Board Retreat, the list is now replenished. We have more to build; to accomplish in the classroom and on the fields; to develop to benefit our Community. Our strength remains cemented in our culture and values and is embodied in our remarkable students and families, our tireless and dedicated Faculty and Staff and a supportive Alumni. With these things intact we look forward to our next chapter together.

In June, our Trustees, Faculty and Staff completed a two-day retreat, wherein we identified priorities to accomplish within the next

Jon D. Neuhaus ’87 Board Chair

Onward and Forward

Change is invigorating and eye-opening, especially when it rests on strong bedrock. Rumsey was sustained. Yes, the Board really did get this right.

A year ago this letter in the Annual Report was titled, “Transition—The Board will get this right.” The search process for a new Head of School was just underway and there was a question mark looming as September rolled around: Who will be the next Head? It speaks to the strength of the School that the process was handled so smoothly and the forward momentum of

The appointment of Matt Hoeniger was the perfect answer. Over the past year Matt has been attending Trustee meetings and observing first-hand the inner workings of a Headmaster’s role. Gradually, Matt will put his own stamp on Rumsey. Like a sturdy sailboat, the School will respond to a slight change in wind while keeping the same basic course. There is a hackneyed, overused expression: Change is good. Yes, change is invigorating, especially when it rests on solid bedrock. During Alumni Weekend, when over 800 visitors returned to campus, two

comments were heard most often, usually in tandem. “The campus has changed so much since the last time I visited,” was one repeated message. The other, “It’s encouraging to see the important elements of the School have been preserved and strengthened and that Rumsey is still Rumsey.” Bright, new leadership will preserve the best elements of our School while continuing to keep it moving forward. Today, Rumsey Hall is in the best shape of its long, distinguished history. We have consistent full enrollment, excellent facilities, a substantial endowment, extraordinary teachers and a devoted staff. We are financially strong and remain debt free. Matt and Amy Hoeniger will build on this

firm foundation. Ashley and I have been credited with much of the School’s advancement over the past 30 years. While we are humbly honored, this has truly been a concerted, team effort. A stonemason once shared his secret: Don’t find a stone for the place, find a place for the stone. So many have found their place at Rumsey and it has been our joy to caretake the School in the process. It will be our privilege to continue supporting Rumsey as the years ahead unfold. Thank you to all who help.

Thomas W. Farmen Headmaster Emeritus Annual Report 2015-16 13


In Our “We not Me” Culture, Rumsey Moves Forward



The Unique Rumsey Culture Continues to Support High Enrollment


Ben Tuff P ‘22, ‘24

Director of Admission

uccess in our Admissions Office is a collective effort from our Students, Faculty and Staff resulting in an enrollment of 336 students at the opening of the 2016-2017 School Year. When prospective families visit campus and meet our students and faculty members, they quickly learn that Rumsey Hall is a nurturing, family community. Students genuinely enjoy their experience at the School, evidenced by a low attrition rate of less than 5% this past year.

Our diverse student body hailing from 15 countries, 15 states and two US Territories, will fill dormitories this September. The rising 2017 Senior Class will be one of the largest in the School’s history, with 80 VIIth Form Students. Lower School enrollment continues at a steady pace with 87 K-IIIrd Form Students. The School awarded $1.1 million of financial aid among 22% of the student body.

Teacher Jennifer Kolpak P ’13, ’15, ’17, who assumes the role of Assistant Director of Admission. In the Admissions Office, every day is an open house. We look forward to introducing prospective students and their families to the people and culture of Rumsey Hall.

We welcome to the Admission Team former IIIrd Form


An Extraordinary Year: $3.5 Million Raised, Participation at Record Levels raised in a single 12-month period in the School’s history. Funds raised will help fuel innovative student programs and educational initiatives as well as improve Rumsey Hall facilities, the details of which are highlighted throughout this Annual Report issue of Rarebits.

Carol Maxwell P ‘07, ‘09, ‘15, ‘17 Director of Development


ollective ownership of the School’s advancement from loyal Parents, Alumni, Trustees and Friends inspired over $3.5 million in gifts during the 2015-16 fiscal year, the third largest amount

2016 was marked by many noteworthy triumphs: 96% of our Current Parents made it a priority to support the School; 37% of the School’s Alumni and 42% of Past Families participated in annual giving, a measure well exceeding the average support nationally from alumni in both secondary and college

level schools. The momentum created by The Dan W. Lufkin P ’12, ’20, ’24 Challenge Match was enthusiastically embraced, inspiring a record number of leadership gifts totaling over $2 million to fortify the School’s Endowment; Our Faculty and Staff remain devoted and active contributors in support of the School’s culture of giving.

Trustee Monica Vogelstein P ’14, ’19 chaired the Annual Benefit Auction As Time Goes By to remarkable success—a Fall Parents’ Weekend event that raised a record $429,000 rallying over 100 talented volunteers and 240 generous patrons. Throughout the year,

regional tributes to commemorate Headmaster Tom and Ashley Farmen’s 31 years of leadership were held across the US and abroad, culminating in A Farewell to Farms send-off. The event brought over 800 guests to campus to celebrate under the tent on the Paul Lincoln Cornell Athletic Field during this year’s historic Alumni Reunion Weekend. We are deeply appreciative for the ongoing collaboration of so many to Keep Rumsey Moving Forward with thoughtful contributions and unwavering support.


Strong Placement Endorses the Value of Rumsey’s Program


Fran Ryan P ‘12, ‘16

Assistant Headmaster/Director of Secondary School Placement



he value of the Rumsey Hall experience was confirmed again this year by the resulting range of schools where the Class of 2016 was admitted and will attend. In an ever-changing landscape of admissions, Rumsey Hall continues to offer program and preparation that make our students among the most sought after by secondary schools. With continued innovative programming in

our Senior School Search Seminar, we have been able to help develop excellent skills for school and life that have served our dynamic class well in the admissions process. We continue to welcome to campus over fifty schools from around the country and globe who seek to attract our students to enroll at their institutions. While affordability continues to be a driving factor in school

enrollments, Rumsey is able to offer current and accurate guidance through the entire admissions and financial aid process. We are already fully engaged in counseling the Class of 2017 to great future opportunities in secondary school. *See page 7 for the Class of 2016 Matriculation List



Annual Report 2015-16














1. Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse: Reza Badiee ‘16 2. Varsity B Baseball­­: Jason Silverman ‘17 3. Varsity B Softball Team 4. Varsity Baseball: Brad Ellis ‘16 5. Boys’ Varsity B Lacrosse Team 6. Junior Baseball Team 7. Varsity Softball: Sage Valente ‘16

8. Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse­: Grace LaVigne ‘17 9. Varsity B Tennis Team 10. Varsity Tennis: John Maxwell ‘17 11. Crew: Jack

LaCasse ‘17, Evan Kirkiles ‘17, Ilya Prasolov ‘16 and Harrison Rupp ‘17, Graham Nance ‘16 12. Equestrian Team: Phoenix Bernardin ‘18, Juliet Lin ‘19, Charlie Pottow ‘16, Amelia Marshall ‘17 and Miranda Lu ‘16



SPRING SCOREBOARD VARSITY BASEBALL Record: 11-1 Mr. Farmen Mr. Kolpak Captains: Coleby Bunnell ’16, Brad Ellis ’16 & Beau Root ’16 VARSITY B BASEBALL Record: 7-1 Mr. Dyball Mr. Perreault Captain: Do Won Chung ’17 JUNIOR BASEBALL No Record Mr. Buono Captain: Guanzhou Wang ’18


UPPER SCHOOL RECORDS BEST TRACK ATHLETES Sebastian Sagar ‘17 and Isabella Cotier ‘17 NEW RECORD SET IN BOYS’ 440 RELAY with Jamel Smith ‘16, Miles Wotorson ‘16, Gabriel Liu ‘16 and Sebastian Sagar ‘17 (51.6 sec.), beating the 2002 relay team of Nick Lahoud ‘02, Hunter Gifford ‘02, Deji Ifafore ‘03 and Tom Piacenza ‘03 (52 sec.)


Hezekiah Benson ‘22 (B) ran the 50-Yard Dash in 7.28 sec. Phoebe Kinsella ‘22 (B) set a record of 4.56 sec. in the 25-Yard Dash Hezekiah Benson ‘22 (B) set a record of 4.19 sec. in the 25-Yard Dash Alexander Kenerson ‘20 (R) set a record of 11’ 17” in the Long Jump. Lily LaVigne ‘20 (B) set a record of 18’ 04” in the Shot Put 8 lb Jake Newman ‘22 (R) set a record in the Long Jump of 11’

LOWER SCHOOL RECORDS Caroline Traina ‘22 (B) ran the 50-Yard Dash in 7.96 sec.

VARSITY SOFTBALL Record: 7-2 Mr. Kinsella Captain: Sage Valente ’16 VARSITY B SOFTBALL Record: 3-7 Ms. King Captain: Ha Neul ‘Monica’ Kim ’16 VARSITY TENNIS Record: 2-11 Mr. Budd ‘05 Captain: Hollis Brown’16


VARSITY B TENNIS Record: 6-3 Ms. Bichrest Captain: Zi Shi ‘Connor’ Ding ’16 CREW Mr. Ryan Mrs. Butler Ms. Dufresne Mr. Mandl Mrs. Mandl Captain: Margaret Ryan ’16 Lower Boat Regatta Boys’: Two Gold Medals Girls’: One Gold Medal


GIRLS’ VARSITY LACROSSE Record: 10-2 Ms. Duff Ms. Moore Captains: Casey Chizmazia ’16 & Olivia Soukup ’16 BOYS’ VARSITY LACROSSE Record: 10-1 Mr. Geagan Mr. Naclerio ‘05 Captains: Grant Kneisel ’16 & Charlie Reycroft ’16 BOYS’ VARSITY B LACROSSE Record: 3-7 Mr. Moorin Mr. DiMauro Mr. Hale Captain: Charlie Bednar ’19




1. Jake Newman ‘22 sprints in the 50-yard dash. 2. Jamel Smith ‘16 clears the

High Jump. 3. Victoria Klemm ‘25 in the Long Jump 4. Abby Fort ‘17 throws the Shot Put. 5. Trevor Davis ‘16 wins the 50-yard dash.

Annual Report 2015-16


Dear Seniors...


SEKYUNG ‘NICOLE’ AHN Seoul, South Korea 3-year Boarder Carry on the traditions!

KELSEY ALLEN Litchfield, CT 10-year Day Student My advice to the Hoenigers is to keep the old traditions alive but incorporate ones of your own.

DYLAN AITKEN Paget, Bermuda 2-year Boarder Stay true to the traditional Rumsey values.

CONNOR ANGERA Middlebury, CT 5-year Day Student My advice would be to have more school community activities.

ETHAN ASH Litchfield, CT 4-year Day Student Try something new and exciting while keeping the traditions and values alive.

PAULA AYMES Mexico City, Mexico 1-year Boarder Be open to new traditions and ideas from students that can last forever.

REZA BADIEE La Jolla, CA 2-year Boarder Be sure to coach a sport and teach a class so that you can relate to the teachers and students.

ZACHARY BELLAS Stamford, CT 2-year Boarder Never overwork yourself and never forget to wear a smile on your face because if the Headmaster is happy he emits an aura of glee to everyone.

COLEBY BUNNELL Litchfield, CT 3-year Day Student Keep the traditions alive.

NICK BUONAIUTO Danbury, CT 2-year Day Student Treat all kids equally and fairly, even if they have a bad track record.

HOLLIS BROWN Hong Kong/New York, NY 2-year Boarder Care sincerely, cherish deeply, discipline justly, plan efficiently, imagine knowing no limits and change for the better of each.

CASEY CHIZMAZIA Fairfield, CT 4-year Boarder Find a way to connect with kids not just outside the classroom, but in.

VIRGINIA LEE CARDEN Princeton, NJ 3-year Boarder My advice to the Hoenigers is to lead in Mr. and Mrs. Farmen’s footsteps. They are the reason that Rumsey is the way it is today. Never settle.

IVAN CHUNG Seoul, South Korea 3-year Boarder Allow students to choose their own specials because some students have no interest in certain specials.

SUNG HYUK ‘CHRIS’ CHOI Seoul, South Korea 3-year Boarder Stay out of trouble. Don’t be too dramatic about everything. Make sure you have your hair on point and dress nice to show off the School.

JACK CLARK Newtown, CT 3-year Day Student Stay true to yourself.

JIANZHOU ‘DANNY’ CUI Beijing, China 3-year Boarder Be stricter with disciplinary issues.

SPENCER CRISSON South Hampton, Bermuda 2-year Boarder Keep most of the traditions going.

TREVOR DAVIS Southbury, CT 1-year Day Student When nothing goes right, go left.

CRESCENZO ‘CJ’ DELUCA Litchfield, CT 9-year Day Student Keep the traditions alive. They are what make Rumsey special.

BRAD ELLIS Morris, CT 10-year Day Student Have fun.

MICHAEL FULLING Roxbury, CT 4-year Day Student Never upset a student by showing a lot of anger if he/she commits a transgression. Try to be understanding and figure out what happened.

ZI SHI ‘CONNOR’ DING Nanjing, China 3-year Boarder Keep calm and be strong.

ALFONSO ELIAS-BANDALA Mexico City, Mexico 2-year Boarder Believe in yourselves. Be you.

CARLOS FERNANDEZ Caracas, Venezuela 1-year Boarder My advice would be to keep every single tradition and the School organized like it is now.

ALEX-MARI FORD Hampton, VA 3-year Boarder Be authentic.

Annual Report 2015-16


RACHEL GEAGAN Washington Depot, CT 10-year Day Student My advice to the Hoenigers for next year is to remember to tell the students that what they do matters.

PATRICK FULLING Roxbury, CT 4-year Day Student Keep an open mind when you meet interesting people.

SASHA GUZMAN New York, NY 2-year Boarder Don’t keep the cookies next to the onions!

JUNGHO ‘JUSTIN’ HA Seoul, South Korea 3-year Boarder I think the frozen yogurt machine should be used more often.

CARTER HOULDIN Roxbury, CT 9-year Day Student/Boarder The best possible outcome when someone makes a mistake is to trust and support them when they try to learn from it.

WEIYUN ‘WILLIAM’ HUANG Shanghai, China 3-year Boarder Air conditioners are needed for each dorm.

HA NEUL ‘MONICA’ KIM Seoul, South Korea 3-year Boarder Have fun.

CATHERINE ‘KATIE’ JARVIS Hartford, CT 2-year Boarder Try to interact with the students as much as possible.

GRANT KNEISEL Woodbury, CT 3-year Day Student Keep the good times rolling.

SHEALYN KENNEDY Roxbury, CT 4-year Day Student While continuing past traditions, always keep and create your own. ANDREY KRAVETS Moscow, Russia 2-Year Boarder You should stay with the School values.

MICHAEL LEESFIELD Miami, FL 2-year Boarder Remember to be thoughtful with every decision you make next year and the years after.

GABRIEL LIU Oakland, CA 2-year Boarder I think the most important thing to remember is to honor the School traditions. However, I also think it’s good to be open to innovation and marking your own path.

EVAN LIPSET Westport, CT 2-year Boarder I hope you have many great years at Rumsey. Keep up the great traditions!

ANNIE LOMBARDI Litchfield, CT 6-year Day Student Honesty, kindness and respect should not just be words. They should be habit.

XINYI ‘MIRANDA’ LU Shenzhen, China 3-year Boarder Stand in kids’ shoes.

MAYELA LUMBAN-GAOL Jakarta, Indonesia 3-year Boarder Mr. and Mrs. Hoeniger – Please remember to keep our traditions next year, remember to keep the School alive, remember to know each child and love them for who they are, remember to keep the spirit of Rumsey’s qualities and remember that change is good but change for the better.

PABLO MAALOUF Mexico City, Mexico 2-year Boarder My advice to Mr. and Mrs. Hoeniger for next year is to build a trophy room because we only have trophies in the gym and in the weight room. So, I’d say that it would be good to have a room only for Rumsey victories. Good luck next year!

LUCAS MALONEY Scarsdale, NY 2-year Boarder At the end of the day, you just have to remember to trust your instincts.

TOM MULLIN Darien, CT 2-year Boarder Make sure that kids both respect and adore you. Be a figure for people to look up to.

GRAHAM NANCE West Cornwall, CT 3.5-year Boarder Give Mr. Kinsella a raise!

SHAO YANG ‘NAIVEE’ NI Shanghai, China 3-year Boarder I hope that you will be a responsible Headmaster and that everything will be the same as last year.

FERNANDA ORTIZ DE MONTELLANO Mexico City, Mexico 1-year Boarder Keep the diversity among students.

ANDREA PORRAGAS Mexico City, Mexico 2-year Boarder Change your routine a little. Make every day special. Don’t go too fast. Everything will come when it’s supposed to.

ILYA PRASOLOV Moscow, Russia 2-year Boarder Be liberal yet don’t forget traditions.

CHARLES POTTOW Greenwich, CT 4-year Boarder Life is a series of habits. If you can do something for a week then you can do it for a month and then three months. If you can do it for a year it is a habit and you can do it forever. Annual Report 2015-16


CHARLES REYCROFT Bethlehem, CT 10-year Day Student Please remember to keep our burning rivalry with Indian Mountain School alive and well. Thank you.

CHAPIN PYNE Dixmont, ME 4-year Boarder End meals when 95% of the people are done eating.

BEAU ROOT Roxbury, CT 3-year Day Student As technology grows and becomes an even bigger part of our life and, Mr. Hoeniger, as you take on a necessary and powerful role in the School, don’t let your good friends and especially your family get too far away because of it for they will always be there when you need them.

MAGGIE RYAN Washington Depot, CT 10-year Day Student Don’t paraphrase. Put your own spin on it.

DAVID ROSENBAUM Wilton, CT 2-year Boarder To be a master, one who is a Principal, be a leader, not a boss. A boss orders. A leader follows the people and leads them through their troubles.

DYLAN ‘LISA’ RUSSELL Brooklyn, NY 3-year Boarder Don’t forget that there are always two sides to a story.

ALEJANDRA SAINZ-MONDRAGON Mexico City, Mexico 2-year Boarder Keep following the values that represent the School.

JAMEL SMITH Spring Valley, NY 3-year Boarder Keep the Rumsey traditions but start some new ones.

TREVOR SIEMON Woodbury, CT 4-year Day Student Be an active part of the community.

OLIVIA SOUKUP Philadelphia, PA 2-year Boarder Make a strong connection with the student body, keep the family feeling, and support each child as an individual, not a group.

ALEXANDER STEPNEY Morris, CT 4-year Day Student Always keep your positive attitude and don’t lose that firm handshake. 22


FRIEDRICH SCHREIBER New Orleans, LA 2-year Boarder By solving a problem the amount of energy spent on complaining about it won’t decrease, it will just be more focused on other issues. If wifi is fixed, everyone will seem twice as unhappy about the food and vice versa.

SEAN THRANE Greenwich, CT 2-year Boarder Remember to get to know each and every student to help them throughout the year.

SAGE VALENTE Watertown, CT 3-year Day Student Keep all of our traditions going!

PHAT TAN ‘DAVID’ TRAN Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2-year Boarder “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” – Theodore Roosevelt. Be authentic but keep tradition.

MASON VON JESS Lakeville, CT 5-year Day Student Congratulations on being the next leaders of Rumsey! I cannot wait to come back to visit and see the footprint you both make. Keep tying your bowties the same way, trusting the process, and don’t be afraid to adjust the silk at the end. I wish the best of luck to the both of you and will not forget the importance of a firm handshake and to look people in the eye.

NEIL VAN DER MERWE Roxbury, CT 5-year Day Student Do not rush things and remember to carry on the traditions.

JAMES WALSH Greenwich, CT 3-year Boarder Beat IMS.

NACHUAN ‘JACK’ YOU Nanjing China 3-year Boarder Fall crew! MILES WOTORSON Bowie, MD 3-year Boarder Keep Rumsey’s principles running. Continue to push each student to reach his or her full potential.

ZOEY ZHENG Shenzhen, China 3-year Boarder Bowties still have to be on point. JENNIE YOUNG Jakarta, Indonesia 4-year Boarder Be strong and spread joy. And be happy! Good luck!

Annual Report 2015-16


BOARD OF TRUSTEES NEWS JAMIE BAKER IV P ‘10 Rumsey Hall extends its deepest appreciation for the dedicated work of Trustee Jamie Baker IV. After five years of thoughtful and esteemed service, Jamie retired from the board in April 2016. His contributions as Endowment Advisory Committee Member have been vital to the success of the School.

TOM GORDON ‘82, P ‘14 Tom Gordon retired from the Board in April 2016. A devoted Alumnus who served on the Finance and Investment Committees, his generosity of spirit has been an inspiration to his colleagues. A native of CT, Tom and his family have relocated to Hong Kong.


Greg Matthews oversees fixed income investments at Starr Insurance Holdings, Inc. in New York City. Previously, Greg held positions at AIG Investments, Hyperion Capital Management, the Centeq Companies, Prudential Mortgage Capital Company, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette and Chase Manhattan Bank. A graduate of The Taft School, CT, Greg received a BA in Psychology from Middlebury College, VT and an MBA in Finance from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, NY. He is a CFA charterholder and member of CFA Institute and the New York Society of Security Analysts. He also served on the Board of Governors of the Commercial Mortgage Securities Association.

Greg, his wife Anne Elise, and their family live in New Preston, CT. Their son Easton, is a member of Rumsey’s Class of 2018.

ADRIENNE LUFKIN P ‘12, ‘20, ‘24

Adrienne is a full-time mother to Rumsey students Aster Lee ’20 and Daniel Patrick ’24, living in Washington, CT with husband Dan (and their six dogs). Adrienne received her BS with a concentration in Marketing from Fordham University, NY and was professionally trained as a chef at the International Culinary Center in NYC. She previously owned a catering business in Westchester, NY and later worked extensively as a private chef. Additionally, Adrienne spent several years working at a non-profit school for wellness, further advancing her knowledge of food sensitivities and healthy eating. She was recruited to contribute to a seasonal, gluten/dairy/sugar-free cookbook reflecting emerging methods of food preparation. Adrienne remains a leader in the healthy cooking and lifestyle movement, taking full advantage of local Litchfield County farms in her own kitchen cooking with her kids.

The Headmaster’s residence, named Solley House in June 2016, honors Trustee Nick Solley ‘64 24


Solley House

A tribute to an extraordinary, selfless volunteer, Trustee Nicholas Solley ’64


here are thousands of students and dozens of faculty members whose lives have been directly impacted by Nicholas Solley ’64, and yet few, if any, of these people know who Nick is. That is the beauty of his volunteerism; it is so low-key that it almost goes unnoticed. Not any longer. During the June 2016 Board Retreat, Nick was presented with the Rumsey Medal of Honor for his 29 years of devoted service on the Board of Trustees. At the same time, it was announced that the residence previously referred to as the Headmaster’s House would be renamed Solley House.

Once a major construction project is initiated, bidding companies are vetted for their efficiency and capability to meet high design, construction and safety standards. Nick is an expert at this process. This then translates into dozens of on-site meetings throughout the life of a project, each one filled with a myriad of decisions that ensure successful completion. Capital projects at a school carry precise deadlines, which add pressure to each undertaking. Nick is a master at balancing the parameters of the school calendar with a critical eye for maintaining quality, managing both with accumulated wisdom and good humor. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Nick’s work is his expertise in a Rumsey Medal of Honor

Headmaster Tom Farmen, Trustee Nick Solley ’64 and Board Chair Jon Neuhaus ’87

plethora of construction situations. Whether discussing the engineering aspects of a building’s foundation or the millwork in a conference room, Nick is informed and involved.

Nick’s dedication to Rumsey is reflective of the volunteerism that has been the backbone of the School’s success. His selfless dedication guiding building projects large and small has improved the School for Rumsey Families—past, present and future. —Board Chair Jon Neuhaus ’87

Years from now when visitors ask the origin of this important moniker, here is what they will hear: Nick Solley’s roots at the School run deep. He was a student at Rumsey from 1956 to 1964. His sister Nancy Teller ’56, brother Stephen Solley ’68 and three cousins also attended the School. His mother, Nonnie, taught at Rumsey for 19 years and Nick’s aunt, Ginny Byerly, headed the Language Retraining Department for 31 years. A willing and natural volunteer, Nick first offered his time and talent to the Development Committee and formally joined the Board of Trustees in 1989 and helped indoctrinate the first Long Range Planning Committee. As Chair of Buildings and Grounds he has had a direct impact on the transformation of the Rumsey Campus ever since. Each major capital project from the renovations that created the Dane W. Dicke Family Library to the more recent construction of the Campus Center, North and South Dorms and now the new Administration Building reflect Nick’s long-term vision and attention to detail.

It is not just the showcase of new facilities that reflect Nick’s devotion to Rumsey Hall. Most of the School’s infrastructure has been modernized under his watchful eye, too. The above ground projects are exciting, but the invisible below-the-ground work is equally crucial and Nick understands this. It is safe to say that if you walk into a new building on the Rumsey Campus, it carries Nick Solley’s signature. Now, there will be a building on campus that honors his uncommon commitment to the people and programs of Rumsey Hall. Solley House appropriately surrenders Nick’s anonymity with its graceful, New England charm. The School honors his contributions with this permanent and important tribute. Annual Report 2015-16


A Farewell to Farms Under the tent on the Paul Lincoln Cornell Athletic Field, A Farewell to Farms gala festively celebrated

Headmaster Tom and Ashley Farmen for their 31 years of leadership. The event brought together over 800

guests, the single largest gathering of its kind in Rumsey’s history. The fourteen speakers who shared stories, tributes and advice to the retiring couple included Board Chair Jon Neuhaus ’87, Former Faculty and Current Parent Scott Schereschewsky ’73, P ’20, '23, Taft Head of School Willy MacMullen P ’10, '12, Trustee and Former Board Chair Gary Cole P ’01; Faculty Members Chris Dyball, Sean Kinsella P '22, '23 and Cynthia

Hill P '04; Alumni Eric Falkenstein ‘84, Sarah Payne ‘85, Drennon Kimpton ‘08, Jimmy Connor ’10; Executive Assistant Julie Fredlund and son and Faculty Member Tyler Farmen ’97. 2

1 3






12 13






1. Trustee and Former Board Chair Everett and Liz Smith with sons Harrison ’05 and Everett ’04 2. Headmaster Tom and Ashley Farmen P ’97, ’99 3. Stirling Levy ‘86, Former Trustee Sarah Payne ’85, John Salvatore ’86, P ’18 and Albert Laverge ’85 4. Board Chair Jon Neuhaus ’87 5. Ashley Farmen with Former Faculty Alan Addley and wife Pamela 6. Executive Assistant to the Headmaster Julie Fredlund 7. Alumni from the Class of 2011 (L-R) CC Borzilleri, Mackenzie Zehring, Scott Carusillo, Luke Hoeniger, Alec Cornell, Skyler Clark, Sydney O’Connor and Alexis Sarris 8. Headmaster Elect/Director of Admission Matt Hoeniger ’81 and Language Skills Teacher Amy Hoeniger P ’11, ’15 9. Eric Falkenstein ’84 and Kendra Falkenstein ’89 with husband David Cohen 10. John Stout, Deborah Schereschewsky ‘64 Hiltz and Trustee Lisa Schereschewsky ’56 Stout 11. Faculty Member Cynthia and Hugh Hill P ’04 12. Taylor Finkelson ’03 and Thayer Clark ’03 13. Former Trustee Paul Trask P ’01, ’03, ’06 14. Former Faculty Member Scott Schereschewsky ’73, P ’20, ’23 15. Anant ’06, Staff Member Ratna and Vinayek Singh P ’05, ’06, ‘15
























16. Trustee Gretchen Farmer P ’99, ’02 and son Austin ’99 17. Over 800 guests gathered under the tent 18. Willy and Pam MacMullen P ’10, ’12 and son John ’10 19. Felix ’95 and Jennifer ’97 Chuang 20. Former Assistant Director of Admission Betsy Johnson P ’06, ’09, ’15 with son Clark ’06 21. Edward Buncamper ’88 and Matt Mogol ’88 22. Drew Murphy ’00, Trustee Alex Miller ’00 Murphy and Ryan Murphy '98 23. Eric Genden ’81 and wife Audrey 24. Former Trustee Lynette and Linc Cornell P ’72, ’74, ’84, ’86 GP ’06, ’08, ’11, ’17 25. Sebastian Tillinger ’89, wife Pilar and Hayden Smith ’83 26. Deji Ifafore ’03 and daughter 27. Trustee and Former Board Chair Gary Cole P ’01 28. Former Trustee Judith and George Auchincloss P ’87 29. Former Director of Development Nancy Van Deusen and husband Hoby 30. Art Department Chair Tyler Farmen ’97 31. Drennon Kimpton ’08 and Erica Yard ‘08 32. Trustee Skip Gardella ’72, P ’09, ’09 and Karen Rockey 33. Alumni from the Class of 2014: (L-R) Delando Clarke, Brad Henrich, David Vogelstein and Toby Ketchum 34. Nick Solley ‘64 and Mary Anne Greene 35. Russ DeGrazia ’07 with parents Russ Sr. and Charlene DeGrazia P ’07, ‘09 and friend Caroline Uhlein 36. Trustee Dian Griesel and Rory McAdam P ‘15, ‘19 Annual Report 2015-16


Annual Giving Report 2015 - 2016 Rumsey Circle Officers PRESIDENT

Jessica Dell’Aera P ‘23, ‘25 VICE PRESIDENT

Danielle Young P ’22, ‘23 SECRETARY

Kristin Browne P ‘18, ‘22

AUCTION DONORS AND PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Aitken Mr. Andrea A. Angera Jr. and Ms. Barbara A. Sabia Arethusa Farm ASAP Mr. and Mrs. George Auchincloss Mr and Mrs. James A. Baker IV Mr. Bucky Ball Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Chris E. Bednar Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Belcastro Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bellas Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bender Mrs. Shengzhu C. Bernardin Bike Xpress Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Block Boston Red Sox Mr. Frederic A. Bouchard and Mrs. France M. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Brenner Bridgeport Bluefish Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Brode Mr. and Mrs. Truman H. Brooks '89 Mr. P.W. Tate Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Browne Mr. Christian M. Budd '05 Mr. Frederick B. Bunnell and Mrs. Helen Ruwet Bunnell Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Butler Ms. Deborah A. Weinberger and Mr. Thomas R. Candrick Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Carden Jr. '88

Mr. Graydon Carter Charles Heaven and Company Mr. Yong Cheng and Mrs. Jie Chen Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt Choate Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Cole Connecticut Tigers Ms. Abby K. Conroy '03 Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Conto Mr. and Mrs. L. Paul Cornell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Cornell '84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cotier Ms. Tami L. Couch '01 Mr. Chris Desiderio and Mrs. Tina A. E. Couch '94 County Wine and Spirits Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Cox III Dr. Rosalind and Mr. John Craft Mr. James J. Cramphin and Ms. Amanda Hellen Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Crisson CulinArt Group Ms. Rebecca D. D'Alessio Dagwoods/American Comfort Foods, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Darer Mr. Michael Dell'Aera and Mrs. Jessica E. Marullo-Dell'Aera Dr. Donald C. Demas Ms. Martha Demas ’99 Irving Dick's Sporting Goods Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dodge Mr. Donald S. Dowden and Mrs. Tina E. Kim-Dowden Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dufour Ms. Jillian L. Dufresne Mr. James E. Duys Mr. Nicholas Benson and Mrs. Natalie S. Dyer '80 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ekstrand Elite Painting LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Jr. Mr. Kirk Englund Mr. Barry S. Enis and Mrs. M. B. Knight Ms. Alecia D. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Falkenstein '84

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Farmen Mr. Trevor Farmen ’99 Mr. Tyler W. Farmen '97 Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Philip Farmer Figue LLC Mr. Mike Fiorito Flight Trampoline Park Forman School Ms. Vesta Fort Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Foster Foxwoods Casino Ms. Joanne Frantzis Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Fulling Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo G. Gaggini Ms. Deborah S. Galant Mr. Louis N. Gardella '72 and Ms. Karen Rockey Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Jr. '78 Mr. Thomas M. Geagan Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Genovese Ms. Rebecca L. Gerlin Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Giese Mr. Richard B. Giles and Ms. Ashley Brokaw Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gleason Good Hill Mechanical Contractors Good360 Grace Medical Aesthetics Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Grullon Ms. Sara Guillemette Mr. Frank E. Gustafson III and Mrs. Xhevrije Krosi Ms. Dorota A. Habib Mr. and Atty. John T. Hanson Hartford Wolf Pack Hartford Yard Goats Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hawley Mr. Craig W. Henrich Hermitage Club Hickory Stick Bookshop Hidden Valley Bed & Breakfast Hidden Valley Eatery Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hill Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hill Ms. Felicia Hoeniger '78 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger '81

Mr. Dan Morrissey and Mrs. Cynthia Hogan Ms. Joan Horton-Iattoni Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin '88 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer M. Houldin Housatonic Trading Company Mr. Xiaojun Hu and Ms. Weiyin Ma Ingersoll Auto of Danbury Inn @ Kent Falls J. McLaughlin J. Seitz & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jankowski Joe's Salon and Spa Joyful Cup KP Events Group Mr. Loren S. Kagan '01 Dr. Richard L. Kagan and Dr. Shreve Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Alexandros Kedros KEE Enterprises and I'll Drive Livery Service Mr. William K. Kelly '87 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Kennedy Kent School Mr. and Mrs. Clayton S. Ketchum Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Kimmel Mr. Sean Kinsella and Ms. Alicia M. Mordenti Mr. Peter D. Kirkiles and Ms. Melissa L. Holcombe Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kneisel Dr. Thomas Kocienda and Dr. Dana L. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Kolpak Mr. Richard L. Kramer Mr. Andrey Kravets Mr. and Mrs. D. Jeremy LaCasse Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Lahoud Jr. Ms. Regine Laverge Schade Mr. Joshua Stoner and Ms. Jennifer Leesfield Lennie's Flower Shop Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard Mr. Jordan S. Leventhal '05 Ms. Jessica Lewis Mr. Jin Li and Mrs. Yun Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Feng Lin

Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner '90 Linley Mr. Peter W. Linn and Mrs. Pilar Santos Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Lipset Litchfield Distillery Litchfield Hills Wine Market Mr. Yuesheng Liu and Mrs. Fangying Yuan Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gian Matteo Lo Faro Mr. Nicholas M. Logothetis '03 The Logothetis Family Lower School Parents Mr. Dan W. and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Mrs. Nitya A. Machribie Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mallon III Mr. David P. Kleeman and Ms. Palmer Marrin '70 Marty’s Café Master Brands Wine Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mastrianno Mattatuck Museum Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Matthews Ms. Hope I. Mauran Mrs. Carol B. and Mr. John C. Maxwell III Mayflower Grace Inn & Spa Mrs. Dian Griesel and Mr. Rory S. McAdam McGowan’s Pizzaland Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillen III Meraki LLC Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Meyer III Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell Ms. April M. Montgomery Mr. Ted Moore Mr. and Mrs. J. Woody Mosch Jr. '62 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Mulhern Ms. Kirby Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mullin Attys James F. Murdica and Anne B. Murdica

Mrs. Alexandra A. Miller ‘00 Murphy and Mr. Drew R. Murphy ‘00 Mr. Jon D. Neuhaus '87 New Jersey Devils New York Football Giants Inc. New York Jets New York Yankees Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Newman Mr. Jian Ni and Mrs. Hai Yi Lu Mr. Robert B. Nicholas '79 and Mrs. Nell Hardee-Nicholas '80 Nordica Toys Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Novak Nutmeg Olive Oil Mr. and Mrs. Brendan K. O'Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ober III Mr. and Mrs. William F. Okesson III Oliphant Oliver Rubbish Removal LLC Mr. Craig Ough Outerwall Ovens of France Mr. James J. Pates Jr. '47 Mr. Louis and Mrs. Jennifer Jankowski '92 Persico Personal Touch Car Wash Ms. Sarah P. Pickard Mrs. Maryann Pierzga Mr. Luis Pietrini and Mrs. Tania Topete Mr. Charles Pigott Mr. and Mrs. V. Frank Pottow Mr. and Mrs. James M. Powers Pratt Nature Center Mr. Jay Przygocki and Ms. Suzanne LaVoie Dr. and Mrs. John I. B. Pyne Quassy Amusement Park R. Derwin Clothiers Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Racevicius Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Ramee Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Regalbuto Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rehnberg Mr. and Mrs. Benton D. Reichenau Reynolds Team Sales Inc.

Julia ‘20 and Liam ‘23 Schereschewsky with their parents Former Faculty Member Scott ‘73 and Emma at Commencement

Senior Theme 2016

Mrs. Gwendolyn Rhoss Road Trip Oregon Mr. Eric C. Rook and Mrs. Renee E. Carnes-Rook Mr. Matthew L. Root Mr. Andrew W. Roraback and Ms. Kara L. Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ryan Ms. Rosemary Sagar Mr. Alejandro Sainz and Mrs. Luz-Cecilia Mondragon Mr. and Mrs. John C. Salvatore '86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sarris Mr. and Mrs. Todd Saxe Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schaab Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schechter Mr. Scott F. Schereschewsky '73 and Mrs. Emma J. Risley Mrs. Karen Scodari and Mr. Robert Scodari Segalla's Turnkey Housing Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Seibert Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehy III Ms. Patricia J. Silvernail Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Silvester Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Garrison W. Smith Mr. Hayden N. Smith '83 Mr. Winthrop Smith Soccer Extreme Inc. Mr. Nicholas N. Solley '64 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Soukup Spa at Litchfield Hills Mr. and Mrs. Rick Spooner Sports Center of Connecticut Sportsmen's of Litchfield Ms. Tara M. St. Amand '03 Mr. Lawrence Romer and Mrs. Carol A. St. Amand Romer Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Sterling Stone Horse Farm LLC Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky '56 Stout Mr. and Mrs. George L. Taylor The Gallery

The Gunnery The Pantry The Silly Sprout LLC Ms. Kimberly Thorn Thorncrest Farm and Creamery Ms. Paula J. Tocci Mr. and Mrs. Brett P. Traussi Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tuff Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Turner '80 U.S. Trust Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik J. van der Merwe Mrs. Monica and Mr. Andrew W. Vogelstein Mr. and Mrs. John Vogelstein Ms. Sara Walbridge Walk In Balance Massage Walt Disney World Mr. Zhangwei Wang and Mrs. Tian Chen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Warner Ms. Tracy A. Warner Warner Theatre Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Warren Washington Food Market Washington Liquor Washington Supply Company Inc Ms. Linda Gavel '76 Webb Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Weiss Wesco Sports Center Mr. and Mrs. Brett Wheeler William Pitt Sotheby’s – Patricia Kennedy Lahoud WINVIAN Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Wishek Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Withers-Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wutzl Mr. Maxwell B. Yang and Mrs. Huan Wen Lu Mr. and Mrs. Shannon B. Young '89 Attys. Victor Zabaneh and Maria F. Campos Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Zehring '00 Mr. Jie Zeng and Ms. Qingtao Tu Ms. Aili Zhang Annual Report 2015-16


Mr. Lei Zhang and Mrs. Jinmei Yu Mr. Xiaoyang K. Zheng and Mrs. Lili Xie

AMBASSADOR Mr. and Mrs. Feng Lin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Fulling Mr. Richard L. Kramer Mrs. Monica and Mr. Andrew W. Vogelstein

SPECIAL ENVOY Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Philip Farmer Mr. Loren S. Kagan ‘01 Mr. Jon D. Neuhaus ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor

ATTACHÉ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Barbour Mr. Xiaojun Hu and Ms. Weiyin Ma Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schechter Mr. Nicholas N. Solley ‘64

PATRIOT Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Brock Mr. Yong Cheng and Mrs. Jie Chen Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Cox III Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Grullon Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mallon III Mrs. Dian Griesel and Mr. Rory McAdam Mr. Luis Pietrini and Mrs. Tania Topete Mr. Scott F. Schereschewsky ‘73 and Mrs. Emma J. Risley Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Soukup U.S. Trust Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Warner Ms. Aili Zhang

FRIENDS OF THE AUCTION Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Aitken Mr. Andrea A. Angera Jr. and Ms. Barbara A. Sabia Mr and Mrs. James A. Baker IV Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Brode Ms. Deborah A. Weinberger and Mr. Thomas R. Candrick Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Cole Mr. Donald S. Dowden and Mrs. Tina E. Kim-Dowden Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Farmen Ms. Vesta Fort Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Giese Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Alexandros Kedros Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Kimmel Ms. Jessica Lewis Mrs. Dan W. and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Matthews Mrs. Carol B. and Mr. John C. Maxwell III Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell Mrs. Alexandra A. Miller ‘00 Murphy and Mr. Drew R. Murphy ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan K. O’Dwyer Oliver Rubbish Removal LLC Lower School Parents Mr. James J. Pates Jr. ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. V. Frank Pottow Dr. and Mrs. John I. B. Pyne Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rehnberg Mr. and Mrs. Benton D. Reichenau Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Rupp Mr. Alejandro Sainz and Mrs. Luz-Cecilia Mondragon Ms. Patricia Silvernail Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Sterling

Headmaster Elect/Director of Admission Matt Hoeniger ‘81 with parents of Chinese students at the Senior Parent Reception



Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky ‘56 Stout Mr. and Mrs. John Vogelstein Ms. Tracy A. Warner Atty. Victor Zabaneh and Atty. Maria F. Campos Mr. Xiaoyang K. Zheng and Mrs. Lili Xie

VOLUNTEERS Mr and Mrs. James A. Baker IV Mr. George R. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bate Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bender Mr. and Mrs. John A. Benson II Ms. Tiffany J. Bichrest Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Block Mr. J. Kenneth Boehm ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Brenner Mrs. Deborah Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Browne Mr. Christian M. Budd ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Buono Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Calore Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Castro Mrs. Valeria Castro Ms. Kaitlyn Cervero Ms. Theresa Cervero Mr. and Mrs. Joel Clark ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Cole Mrs. Lynette Cornell Mr. Chris Desiderio and Mrs. Tina A. E. Couch ‘94 Dr. Rosalind and Mr. John Craft Mr. and Mrs. David Darby Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dell’Aera Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. DiLorenzo Mr. Nate DiMauro Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dodge Mr. Donald S. Dowden and Mrs. Tina E. Kim-Dowden Ms. Georgina W. Duff Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dufour Ms. Jillian L. Dufresne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Dumont Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Durhager Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dyball Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ekstrand Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Farmen Mr. Trevor N. Farmen ‘99 Mr. Tyler W. Farmen ‘97 Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Philip Farmer Mr. Francis and Mrs. Virginia Boynton ‘55 Fishburne

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fredlund Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Frisbie Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Fulling Mr. Louis N. Gardella ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Jr. ‘78 Mr. Thomas M. Geagan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gedraitis Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Genovese Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Giese Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Giles Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Gordon ‘82 Ms. Lauren Goulet ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Goulet Mrs. Patrice J. Griffing Mr. Geordy Hale Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hennessy Mr. Craig W. Henrich Mr. David Hewson Jr. ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger ‘81 Mr. Dan Morrissey and Mrs. Cynthia Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Jamieson Mr. Loren S. Kagan ‘01 Mr. Matthew A. Kandel and Ms. Grace N. Pennington Ms. Isabella N. Katzenberg ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Clayton S. Ketchum Ms. Alexandra N. King Mr. Sean Kinsella and Ms. Alicia M. Mordenti Mr. Geoffrey S. Knauth ‘75 Dr. Thomas Kocienda and Dr. Dana L. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Kolpak Mr. Wayne Kowalski and Ms. Sage Witkoski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard Mr. Jordan S. Leventhal ‘05 Ms. Jessica Lewis Mr. Jin Li and Mrs. Yun Zhang Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner ‘90 Linley Mr. Dan W. and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Magnoli ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mallon III Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mandl Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Matthews Mrs. Carol B. Maxwell Ms. Jaymie McCanna Mrs. Christine M. McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. McGrew ‘89 Ms. Elibet Moore Mr. Ted Moore Mr. Daniel Moorin Ms. Kirby Mullen Attys James F. Murdica and Anne B. Murdica

Senior Committee Members welcome families on Spring Parents’ Day

Mrs. Alexandra A. Miller ‘00 Murphy and Mr. Drew R. Murphy ‘00 Mr. Craig J. Naclerio ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Fredric C. Nelson Mr. Jon D. Neuhaus ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Newman Mr. Robert B. Nicholas ‘79 and Mrs. Nell Hardee-Nicholas ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell Mr. Craig Ough Mr. James J. Pates Jr. ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Perreault Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pilch Mr. James A. Pollock ’41 Mr. Jay Przygocki Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Racevicius Mr. and Mrs. George L. Rogg Rumsey Hall Maintenance Staff Ms. Kaitlyn Cervero Ms. Theresa Cervero Mr. Trevor Farmen ’99 Mr. Jacob Linley Mr. Gary Lord Mr. Edward Mastrianno Mr. Angus McDonald Mr. George Rogg Mr. James Verrastro Mr. Keith Vidic Mr. Kenneth Young Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ryan Ms. Rosemary Sagar Mr. and Mrs. John C. Salvatore ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Saxe Mr. Scott F. Schereschewsky ‘73 and Mrs. Emma J. Risley Mrs. Karen Scodari Ms. Chelsea M. Searles Ms. Palma Shea Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehy III Ms. Jessica A. Sherrod ‘05 Ms. Patricia J. Silvernail Mr. and Mrs. Vinayek K. Singh Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Mr. Nicholas N. Solley ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Sorosiak Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Souza Jr. Mr. Jason P. Spooner ‘88

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Spooner Mr. Robert L. Stern ‘41 Ms. Linda Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Steven Stirbl Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky ‘56 Stout Mr. Hugh Hill and Mrs. Cynthia Stubbs-Hill Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Stukshis Mr. and Mrs. George L. Taylor Mrs. Sara Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Thibodeau Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tuff Mr. Enrique Villar and Mrs. Maria Lizette Abud Mrs. Monica and Mr. Andrew W. Vogelstein Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Shannon B. Young ‘89

FOUNDERS’ CIRCLE Named in honor of the School’s forbearers, to pay tribute to each donor who has contributed gifts of $20,000 or more. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Barbour Mr. Paul T. Cappuccio Mr. Yong Cheng and Mrs. Jie Chen Mr. Yoon Sung Cho and Mrs. Sung Mi Lee Mr. Sunwon Choi and Mrs. Joohee Ahn Mr. Minsoo Chung and Mrs. Hyuna Kim Mrs. Gretchen and Mr. Philip Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Jr. ‘78 Mr. Bruce S. Gelb ’41 Mr. Xiaojun Hu and Ms. Weiyin Ma Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Feng Lin Mr. Yuesheng Liu and Mrs. Fangying Yuan Mr. and Mrs. Gian Matteo Lo Faro

Mr. Hailiang Lu and Mrs. Yuhong Yao Mr. Dan W. and Mrs. Adrienne Lufkin Mrs. Nitya A. Machribie Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Matthews Mr. Jon D. Neuhaus ‘87 Mr. Eden T. Ng and Mrs. Fiona W. To Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Regalbuto Mr. Gye Hwan Ro and Mrs. Sumi Kim Mr. Min Sha and Mrs. Yu Du Mr. Nicholas N. Solley ‘64 Ms. Virginia Lopez Mrs. Monica and Mr. Andrew W. Vogelstein Mr. Zhangwei Wang and Mrs. Tian Chen Mr. Kwan Woon Yang and Mrs. Eunhee No Mr. Maxwell B. Yang and Mrs. Huan Wen Lu Mr. Yubang You and Mrs. Hua Jiang Mr. Xiaoyang K. Zheng and Mrs. Lili Xie

THE HEADMASTERS’ COUNCIL Named in honor of the Headmasters who have served Rumsey, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $10,000 to $19,999 to the School. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Aitken Mr and Mrs. James A. Baker IV Mr. Hunter Brown and Ms. Tillie P. Laird Mr. Jung Min Choi and Mrs. Shin Hyung You Mr. Kuiyuan Cui and Mrs. Xin Li Mr. James F. Dicke Mr. Ji Su Ding and Mrs. Xiaoning Zhou Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dufour Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Fulling Ms. Deborah S. Galant Mr. Xiaoping Geng and Mrs. Yan Qian Mr. and Mrs. Adam P. Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jamieson Mr. Loren S. Kagan ‘01 Dr. Richard L. Kagan and Dr. Shreve Simpson Mr. Yeongoo Kang and Mrs. Jilim Kim Ms. Marcia Kimpton

Mr. Richard L. Kramer Mr. Donghoon Lee and Mrs. Junghye Bae Mr. Huk Jae Lee and Mrs. Eunah Hur Mr. Jin Li and Mrs. Yun Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Liu Mr. Shenjie Mei and Mrs. Li Sun Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mullin Mr. Joo Won Park and Dr. Weon Young Lee Mr. Harold A. Salo ‘59 Mr. Gyeong Ho Seo and Mrs. Sung Mi Jeon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Silvester Mr. Yingbin Sun and Mrs. Xiaohong Wang Mr. Enrique Villar and Mrs. Maria Lizette Abud Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring Mr. Jie Zeng and Ms. Qingtao Tu Ms. Aili Zhang

THE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Named in honor of those who have served Rumsey, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $5,000-$9,999 to the School. Ms. Elena I. Arredondo ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Arthur Mr. George R. Baldwin Mr. Donald H. Beskind and Ms. Wendy A. Robineau Dr. Sang Yong Chung and Dr. Hyun Ju Um Ms. Elizabeth R. Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Cox III Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Crisson Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Durhager Mr. and Mrs. Allen Finkelson Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Genovese Mr. Frederick M. Genung Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Gordon ‘82 Mr. Cal Groton and Mrs. Louise Mauran Mr. Xiaofeng Gu and Mrs. Fei Xu Mr. Carl G. Hilgenberg ‘52 Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin ‘88 Mr. Ping Huang and Mrs. Ning Wang Mr. Fraser L. Hunter Jr. ‘81 and Mrs. Nina Huffman Mr. Joshua Stoner and Ms. Jennifer Leesfield Mr. and Mrs. Ira Leesfield Annual Report 2015-16 33

Mr. Peter W. Linn and Mrs. Pilar Santos Mr. Jian Ni and Mrs. Hai Yi Lu Mr. Luis Pietrini and Mrs. Tania Topete Ms. Rosemary Sagar Mr. Alejandro Sainz and Mrs. Luz-Cecilia Mondragon Mr. Scott F. Schereschewsky ‘73 and Mrs. Emma J. Risley Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid N. Schlumberger Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik J. van der Merwe Mr. and Mrs. Brian Worrell Mr. Lei Zhang and Mrs. Jinmei Yu

SANFORD SOCIETY Named in honor of Mrs. Lillias Rumsey Sanford, founder of Rumsey Hall School, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $3,000-$4,999 to the School. Mrs. Lois Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Akio Hirato Mr. John C. Hover II Mr. Mark and Mrs. Margaret Hover ’88 McCooey Mr. Sung Hwan Hwang and Mrs. Kyoung Hwa Lee Mr. Andrey Kravets Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehy III Mr. Hayden N. Smith ‘83 Ms. Tracy A. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Zehring ‘00

THE 1900 SOCIETY Named in honor of the year Rumsey Hall School was founded, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $1,000-$2,999 to the School. Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Adams Jr. ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bellas Mr. Thomas R. Bernard ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Block Mr. Frederic A. Bouchard and Mrs. France M. Harvey 34 Rarebits

ECHO CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan F. Boucher Mr. and Mrs. Dung Nguyen Named in honor of the historic Mr. and Mrs. Truman H. Brooks ‘89 Mr. Mariano A. Osorio Murillo and Student yearbook, to pay tribute Ms. Deborah A. Weinberger and Mrs. Maria T. Mijangos Montalban to each donor who contributed Mr. Thomas R. Candrick Mr. James J. Pates Jr. ‘47 $500-$999 to the School. Atty. Leslie D. Corwin Mr. Louis and Mr. Chris Desiderio and Mrs. Jennifer Jankowski ‘92 Persico Mr. Walter R. Addicks ‘65 Mrs. Tina A. E. Couch ‘94 Mr. Charles Pigott Mr. Peter D. Aeschliman ‘86 Mrs. Elaine Crocker Mr. James A. Pollock ‘41 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Belcastro Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Darer Mr. and Mrs. V. Frank Pottow Mr. Richard A. Bennett ‘58 Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James M. Powers Mr. Miles Berger Mrs. Sherman E. Davis III ‘84 Dr. and Mrs. John I. B. Pyne Mr. and Dr. Robert W. Bogue Ms. Angela D. de Lara ‘62 Mr. Dong Sheng Qin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Brode Mr. Michael Dell’Aera and Mrs. Yue Min Liang Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Brown Mrs. Jessica E. Marullo-Dell’Aera Mr. Matthew L. Root Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler Dr. Donald C. Demas Mr. Andrew W. Roraback and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buttrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Farmen Ms. Kara L. Dowling Mr. and Mrs. L. Paul Cornell Jr. Mr. Rodrigo Fernandez and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Cronin Mrs. Alejandra V. Zingg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo G. Gaggini Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gagnon Mrs. Karen and Mr. Robert Scodari Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gleason Mr. Louis N. Gardella ‘72 and Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Seibert Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gundry ‘55 Ms. Karen Rockey Mr. and Mrs. C.K. Tripp Siemon Col. Robert H. Harmon ‘55 Mr. Daniel L. Dolgin and Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Silverman Mr. David Hewson Jr. ‘77 Ms. Loraine F. Gardner Mr. Paul G. Slocum ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hill Mr. Richard B. Giles and Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Soukup Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger ‘81 Ms. Ashley Brokaw Ms. Tara M. St. Amand ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer M. Houldin Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Grullon Mr. Patrick Staffaroni Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Keeshan ‘72 Mr. William B. Haskell ‘63 Mr. Gang Su and Mrs. Xuemei Bai Mr. Christopher M. Keppelman ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Herbst Mr. Leith Paul Trask Jr. and Mr. Jim Mulray Mr. Ji Yong Huang and Mrs. Jing Lin Mr. Andrew J. Vadnais and Dr. Thomas Kocienda and Mr. Daniel Hubbard Mrs. Nancy A. Lyon Dr. Dana L. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jankowski Mrs. Marnie Vallely Mr. and Mrs. James Krause Mr. Nancheng Jiang and Mr. Joseph P. Wanag Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Lahoud Jr. Dr. Junmei Jin Mr. Shaorong Wang and Mr. Jiahao Liu ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Hongli Li Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Magnoli Mrs. Stephen P. Kavanewsky ’72 Mrs. Constance O. White Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Martinelli Ms. Linda Kenerson Mr. and Mrs. Carol B. and Mr. William J. King Jr. ‘78 Mrs. Charles A. Withers-Clarke Mr. John C. Maxwell III Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kohn Mr. Emmanuel G. Xuereb ‘81 Mrs. Katharine Mowbray ‘69 Michie Mr. Jonathan Lamb and Mr. David M. Molder ‘80 Mrs. Susan Toni Scherrer Mr. Jordan S. Leventhal ‘05 Dr. Terrence H. Liu Mr. Roger M. Low Mr. Peter S. Lubans ‘98 Mr. Javier Macaya Mr. and Mrs. William R. MacMullen Atty. Denise Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mallo III Mr and Mrs. Andrew G. Matthes Mr. Edward E. Matthews and Ms. Vilma Keri Mr. Rory S. McAdam and Mrs. Dian Griesel Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillen III Atty. And Mrs. Brian H. Mellstrom Mr. and Mrs. David A. Meyer Jorge ‘11, Diego ‘12 and Pablo ‘16 Maalouf with their parents after Mrs. Alexandra A. Miller ‘00 and Commencement Mr. Drew R. Murphy ‘00

The May 2016 Greenwich Reception at the home of Former Trustee Doug and Jean Marie Jamieson P ‘05, ‘11

Dr. Gerard J. Murphy and Dr. Dawn E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John H. Payne III ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Irving Redel Mr. Stephen D. Richard ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rydingsword Mr. Robert Segalla Ms. Patricia J. Silvernail Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Sopher ‘54 Mr. Lawrence Romer and Mrs. Carol A. St. Amand Romer Ms. Cynthia F. Steer Drs. Donnell and Kathe Stern Mr. Michael F. Stern ‘11 Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky ‘56 Stout Mr. and Mrs. John Strawbridge II Mr. and Mrs. George L. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Brett P. Traussi Mr. William O. Tuttle ‘70 Dr. Thor and Mrs. Bradaigh Flor ‘90 Wagner Ms. Sara Walbridge Atty. Victor Zabaneh and Atty. Maria F. Campos

THE EFFORT LIST Named in honor of Rumsey Hall’s philosophy that effort is as important as academic achievement, to pay tribute to each donor who contributed $250-$499 to the School. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Addley Mr. Andrea A. Angera Jr. and Ms. Barbara A. Sabia Mr. and Mrs. Wilton E. Bland Dr. and Mrs. Egils K. Bogdanovics Dr. and Mrs. Alan Braverman Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brokaw Mr. John M. Campbell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Carden Jr. ‘88 Mr. Hyunsoo Cho ‘15 Mr. Edward G. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cotier Mr. Otis R. Damslet ‘83 Dr. Charles J. De Sieyes and Dr. Carol Ward Mr. Michael Dell’Aera and Mrs. Jessica E. Marullo-Dell’Aera Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dexheimer Mr. Brickson E. Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. DiLorenzo Mr. and Mrs. George Doubleday Mr. Donald S. Dowden and Mrs. Tina E. Kim-Dowden Mrs. Natalie Hubbard ‘53 Dyer Mr. Nicholas Benson and Mrs. Natalie S. Dyer ‘80 Mr. Bruce W. Edmands ‘58 and Mrs. Geline W. Williams Edmands

Mrs. Barbara Ensign Mr. Austin Farmer ‘99 Ms. Mallory M. Farmer ‘02 Atty. and Mrs. Brian W. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Kiernan P. Flynn ‘85 Mr. Steven M. Foote ‘54 Mr. Bill Fore Ms. Vesta Fort Ms. Hudson Fuller ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Kanemasa Furuya Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Giese Mr. Eric Goldstein Mr. Martin Greenblatt ‘75 Ms. Dorota A. Habib Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hawley Dr. and Mrs. Witold J. Henisz ‘83 Ms. Joan Horton-Iattoni Mr. and Mrs. Alexandros Kedros Mr. Xuan Hung Kieu and Mrs. Dieu Huong Dinh Mr. and Mrs. Euan F. King Mrs. Reah A. Mopsik ‘80 Kittelberger Mr. Loring and Mrs. Diana Dyer ‘83 Knoblauch Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Lipset Mrs. Melissa A. Massimi-Cobuzzi Ms. Hope I. Mauran Mrs. Nancy McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. McGowan Ms. Audrey H. McLean ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Meyer III Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Moreau Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Mulhern Mrs. Cecilia K. Mullen Mr. H. Tomkins O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan K. O’Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. William F. Okesson III Mrs. Deborah Onorato Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pape II Ms. Sarah S. Payne ‘85 and Mr. Bliksem Tobey Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Michelle Parent ‘01 Perry Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Pyne Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rehnberg Mr. and Mrs. Benton D. Reichenau Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Roraback Mr. and Mrs. John C. Salvatore ‘86 Mr. Theodore G. Sarant ‘70 Dr. and Mrs. Alan B. Sherman Mr. Harold Wilkinson and Mrs. Sandra L. Sparrow Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Sterling Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Thompson ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Turner ‘80 Dr. Henry W. Vaillant ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Hobart D. Van Deusen Mr. and Mrs. George Verrastro Dr. Jonathan A. Woodhall Mrs. Sally C. Woodhall

Annual Report 2015-16


Headmaster Tom Farmen and Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli with Commencement Speakers Emmanuel ‘81 and Salvator ‘81 Xuereb

THE RED AND THE BLUE Named in honor of the School’s traditional color teams, to pay tribute to those donors who contributed up to $250 to the School. Mr. and Mrs. Luis Abella Mr. Christopher M. Aberger ’04 Mr. Frank B. Adams Mr. David Ahouse Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Aita Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Aitken II ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Allessio Mr. Mark R. Averill and Ms. Jane Conn Mr. Andres E. Aymes and Mrs. Ximena De Oteyza Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Baker Jr. Ms. Caroline R. Banfield ‘05 Mr. Alexander Banfield ’08 Mrs. Martha Barhydt Mr. Tyler W. Barhydt ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Myron Benson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Benson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Benson II Mr. Albert H. Bergeret and Ms. Gail J. Wofford Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bergeret ’01 Mrs. Shengzhu C. Bernardin Ms. Tiffany J. Bichrest Mr. Dana and Mrs. Lucia Bryant ‘61 Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bossarelli Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bratz Mrs. Isabella Breckinridge Mr. Alexander L. Brighenti ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Browne 36


Mrs. Marian K. Browning Mr. Viacheslav A. Browning ‘13 Mrs. Carol-Ann Bruen Mr. Jay H. Bu and Ms. Hae Young Lee Mr. Christian M. Budd ‘05 Mr. Thomas M. Budd ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Buono Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Butler Ms. Karla Butterfield Ms. Melissa Carey Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cargill Mrs. Dorothy R. Cass Dr. Roger C. Cawley ‘62 Mr. Sangwon Cho and Mrs. Eunjung Kim Ms. Elyse L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark Ms. Chloe R. Coffin ‘20 Dr. Eileen T. Consorti Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cooper Mr. Nicholas M. Cornell ‘08 Mr. Antonio Correa and Mrs. Alma Gonzalez-Ortega Ms. Tami L. Couch ‘01 Mrs. Eleanor Cox Mr. James M. Cropsey ‘72 Mr. Dougald A. Currie ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Daly Mr. and Mrs. David Darby Mr. Peter Dattilo and Mrs. Ellen O’Meara Mr. Emerson P. Davis ‘08 Ms. Jennifer P. Davlin Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Dayton Mr. Christopher R. DePaola ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeSantis Mrs. April L. Devereux Mr. and Mrs. Phillip deVries Mr. Nate DiMauro Mrs. Diane L. Dodge Mr. Austin S. Donnelly ‘12

Ms. Colette A. Donnelly ‘09 Ms. Danielle S. Donnelly ‘07 Mr. Geoffrey H. Doughty Mr. James M. Doyle ‘75 Mr. Robert W. Doyle Jr. ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Dumont Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ekstrand Mr. Alfonso Elias Bornacini and Atty. Marcela E. Bandala Alanis Ms. Shelley Emmer Mr. and Mrs. G. Emmet Ms. Janet L. Engle ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Eren ‘97 Mr. Andres M. Estrada ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Falkenstein ‘84 Mr. Trevor N. Farmen ‘99 Mr. Tyler W. Farmen ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E. Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. James F. Finn Mr. Francis and Mrs. Virginia Boynton ‘55 Fishburne Mr. Robert L. Fisher Jr. Mrs. Emily FitzHugh Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Franey Mr. and Mrs. Gus M. Franklin III ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fredlund Mr. Garnett M. Frew ‘06 Ms. Francoise Frey-Weindling Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fulford Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaines Sr. Ms. Lisbeth M. Garassino ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gardella Mr. Paul Garrigue Jr. ‘45 Mr. Gary R. Gates ‘51 Mr. Thomas M. Geagan Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Gillespie Jr. ‘59 Ms. Judith Gorra Mr. and Mrs. Randall Gouveia Mr. David J. Ha and Mrs. Hui Chon Choi Mr. Geordy Hale Mr. and Mrs. Kyle P. Halloran ‘02 Mr. Gregory B. Hawes and Ms. Rachael A. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Herbst ‘62 Mr. Thomas Hewes II ‘62 Ms. Alyson S. Hill ‘04 Ms. Ashley E. Hill ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinman Dr. Calvin H. Hirsch ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hirsch ‘46 Mr. William R. Holligan IV ‘93 Mr. Chandler W. Houldin ‘13 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Houldin Mrs. Kathleen Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jankowski ‘93 Mrs. Dana Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. Marc Jayson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kahn

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kavanagh Mr. Paul W. Keeshan ‘07 Ms. Nancy F. Walker ‘72 Keiter Ms. Laura Keith ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kelso Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kenerson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy Mr. Richard T. Keppelman ‘57 Mr. Cheng Young Kim and Mrs. Mun Suk You Mr. and Mrs. Jonghyuk Kim Ms. Drennon R. Kimpton ‘08 Mr. Adam H. King ‘03 Mr. Sean Kinsella and Ms. Alicia M. Mordenti Mr. John F. Klein-Robbenhaar ‘82 Mr. Geoffrey S. Knauth ‘75 Mr. Timothy P. Knauth ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kneisel Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kott Ms. Jacqueline H. Kuhn ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. D. Jeremy LaCasse Mr. and Mrs. John A. LaCasse Mr. and Mrs. M. Willard Lampe Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Laverge ‘85 Ms. Regine Laverge Schade Mr. James H. Lee ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard Mr. Cristopher A. Levy ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Levy Mr. Stirling B. Levy ‘86 Mrs. Caroline B. Lewis ‘63 Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner ‘90 Linley Mr. Gordon W. Loery ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Long Jr. Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Beth Nolan ‘90 Lovallo Mr. Mark R. Maloney Mr. Jacob I. Mandl ‘11 Ms. Lily A. Mandl ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mandl Mr. Samuel T. Mandl ‘07 Mr. David P. Kleeman and Ms. Palmer Marrin ‘70 Ms. Sarah S. Maxwell ‘07 Ms. Margaux M. Maxwell ‘09 Ms. Anna T. Maxwell ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. McGrew ‘89 Mrs. Elsie McTiernan Mr. Raul R. Mendoza ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Miller ‘50 Mr. Dwight D. Miller ‘51 Rev. and Mrs. James S. Miner II Mr. Ted Moore Mr. Robert Morris Ms. Kathleen S. Morton

Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodrow Mosch Jr. ‘62 Ms. Kirby Mullen Ms. Kimberly A. Munn Atty James F. Murdica and Atty Anne B. Murdica Mr. Ryan M. Murphy ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Nance Mrs. Kathy Neuhaus Mrs. Patricia T. Nolan Mrs. Joanne Nykaza Mrs. Elizabeth D. Duus ‘72 O’Connor Ms. Gillian F. O’Connor ‘13 Ms. Sydney C. O’Connor ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ober Jr. Mr. Jacob R. Oliver Dr. Denise M. Olson Mrs. Cynthia Oneglia Mr. Rodrigo Ortiz de Montellano and Mrs. Fernanda Corredor Dr. Raymond L. Osborne Jr. Mr. Craig Ough Mr. Gerry Panzu Konde ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Roger I. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pasch Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Ledlie Mosch ‘92 Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Francis Patnaude Jr. Mr. Jeffrey D. Pavek ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Perreault Mrs. Elizabeth Foote ‘61 Pope Mr. Charles F. Porter ‘94 and Mrs. Candice Tab Porter

Mr. John Powers Drs. Steven and Priscilla Price Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Priest Mr. Diantu Qi and Mrs. Yanling Li Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Racevicius Mr. John P. Rafferty Mrs. Whitney M. Raith Mrs. Caroline Reid Sorell Mr. Owen M. Reighard ‘13 Mr. Louis M. Reycroft Mrs. Gwendolyn Rhoss Ms. Margaret M. Richard Mr. Ward B. Ricke and Mrs. Katina J. Dorton Mr. Wolf Roller Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro A. Romano Mr. Eric C. Rook and Mrs. Renee E. Carnes-Rook Mrs. Lee B. Rosati ‘57 Mr. Peter D. Rowan ‘73 and Mrs. June Hammond Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sandulli Mr. and Mrs. Todd Saxe Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Schemm Mr. Peter F. Schreiber and Ms. Dianne Anderson Ms. Annemarie Schutz Mr. Randall B. Schwartz ‘77 Ms. Chelsea M. Searles Dr. and Mrs. Mark Sebetic Mr. Patrick S. Sheehy ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehy III

Ms. Angela A. Hart ‘76 Smith Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Smith Mr. Harrison P. Smith ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Spooner Mr. and Mrs. Downey Stancs Mrs. Ann Steele Atty. and Mrs. John-Henry M. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Steers Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Stepney Mr. Oliver F. Sterlacci ‘96 Mr. Robert L. Stern ‘41 Mr. Hugh Hill and Mrs. Cynthia Stubbs-Hill Mr. Francis A. Sutherland ‘54 Mrs. Debbie Swigart Mr. and Mrs. Peter Talbot ‘70 Mrs. Sara Taylor Mrs. Nancy S. Teller ‘56 Mr. Michael A. Tessel ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thompson Ms. Patricia Thrane Mr. and Mrs. Werner W. Tiedmann Mr. Randolph G. Titsworth ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Toth Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tuff Mr. Alexander G. Turrentine ‘03 and Mr. Joseph Lomeli Ms. Elizabeth A. Ullman ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Ullman Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ullram Mr. Nicholas V. Urban ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. David Valente

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Van Sickle Mrs. Jodi von Jess Mr. Timothy J. von Jess Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Waller Mrs. Carol Ward Mr. Joshua A. Warren ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Warren Washington Liquor Mr. Jamie P. Watkins ‘97 Mr. Moacir P. Weirich and Mrs. Maristela L. Freiberg Mrs. Patricia K. Whelan Mr. Alan R. White ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. White ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Whittle Mr. Hyung Bin Wie ‘10 Mrs. Janet Wildman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Wishek Mr. Gary T. Wolff ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Wolff ‘66 Dr. George D. Wrightson III ‘59 Mr. Salvator J. Xuereb ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Zampiello ‘91

ALUMNI 1940s

Mr. Bruce S. Gelb ’41 Mr. James A. Pollock ‘41 Mr. Robert L. Stern ‘41 Mr. Paul Garrigue Jr. ‘45

Summer Session 2016

Annual Report 2015-16


Mr. David Hewson Jr. ‘77 Mr. Randall B. Schwartz ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Jr. ‘78 Ms. Felicia Hoeniger ‘78 Mr. William J. King Jr. ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Adams Jr. ‘79 Mr. Robert B. Nicholas ‘79 and Mrs. Nell Hardee-Nicholas ‘80


Neil van der Merwe ‘16 with his parents at the Senior Parent Reception

Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hirsch ‘46 Mr. James J. Pates Jr. ‘47


Mr. David P. Miller ‘50 and Mrs. Gertrude Beebe ’53 Miller Dr. Henry W. Vaillant ‘50 Mr. Gary R. Gates ‘51 Mr. Dwight D. Miller ‘51 Mr. Carl G. Hilgenberg ‘52 Mrs. Natalie Hubbard ‘53 Dyer Mr. Steven M. Foote ‘54 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Sopher ‘54 Mr. Francis A. Sutherland ‘54 Mr. Francis and Mrs. Virginia Boynton ‘55 Fishburne Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gundry ‘55 Col. Robert H. Harmon ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Payne III ‘55 Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Schereschewsky ‘56 Stout Mrs. Nancy S. Teller ‘56 Mr. Alan R. White ‘56 Mr. Richard T. Keppelman ‘57 Mrs. Lee B. Rosati ‘57 Mr. Richard A. Bennett ‘58 Mr. Bruce W. Edmands ‘58 and Mrs. Geline W. Williams Edmands Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Gillespie Jr. ‘59 Mr. Harold A. Salo ‘59 Dr. George D. Wrightson III ‘59


Mr. Jeffrey D. Pavek ‘60 Mr. Dana and Mrs. Lucia Bryant ‘61 Blanchard Mrs. Elizabeth Foote ‘61 Pope Dr. Roger C. Cawley ‘62 Ms. Angela D. de Lara ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Gus M. Franklin III ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Herbst ‘62 Mr. Thomas Hewes II ‘62 38 Rarebits

Mr. Christopher M. Keppelman ‘62 and Mr. Jim Mulray Mr. James H. Lee ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodrow Mosch Jr. ‘62 Mr. William B. Haskell ‘63 Mrs. Caroline B. Lewis ‘63 Mr. Nicholas N. Solley ‘64 Mr. Walter R. Addicks ‘65 Mr. Randolph G. Titsworth ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. White ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Wolff ‘66 Mr. Dougald A. Currie ‘68 Dr. Calvin H. Hirsch ‘68 Mr. Gary T. Wolff ‘68 Mr. Thomas R. Bernard ‘69 Mrs. Katharine Mowbray ‘69 Michie


Mr. David P. Kleeman and Ms. Palmer Marrin ‘70 Mr. Theodore G. Sarant ‘70 Mr. Paul G. Slocum ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Talbot ‘70 Mr. William O. Tuttle ‘70 Mr. James M. Cropsey ‘72 Mr. Louis N. Gardella ‘72 and Ms. Karen Rockey Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Keeshan ‘72 Ms. Nancy F. Walker ‘72 Keiter Mrs. Elizabeth D. Duus ‘72 O’Connor Mr. Peter D. Rowan ‘73 and Mrs. June Hammond Rowan Mr. Scott F. Schereschewsky ‘73 and Mrs. Emma J. Risley Mr. James M. Doyle ‘75 Mr. Martin Greenblatt ‘75 Mr. Geoffrey S. Knauth ‘75 Ms. Jacqueline H. Kuhn ‘75 Mr. Timothy P. Knauth ‘76 Mr. Gordon W. Loery ‘76 Ms. Angela A. Hart ‘76 Smith Ms. Linda Gavel ‘76 Webb

Mrs. Nell Hardee-Nicholas ‘80 and Mr. Robert B. Nicholas ‘79 Mr. Nicholas Benson and Mrs. Natalie S. Dyer ‘80 Mrs. Reah A. Mopsik ‘80 Kittelberger Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Turner ‘80 Ms. Hudson Fuller ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger ‘81 Mr. Fraser L. Hunter Jr. ‘81 and Mrs. Nina Huffman Mr. Cristopher A. Levy ‘81 Mr. Emmanuel G. Xuereb ‘81 Mr. Salvator J. Xuereb ‘81 Mr. Andres M. Estrada ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Gordon ‘82 Mr. John F. Klein-Robbenhaar ‘82 Mr. Otis R. Damslet ‘83 Dr. and Mrs. Witold J. Henisz ‘83 Mr. Loring and Mrs. Diana Dyer ‘83 Knoblauch Mr. Hayden N. Smith ‘83 Ms. Elena I. Arredondo ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Cornell ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Sherman E. Davis III ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Falkenstein ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Aitken II ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Kiernan P. Flynn ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Laverge ‘85 Ms. Sarah S. Payne ‘85 and Mr. Bliksem Tobey Mr. Peter D. Aeschliman ‘86 Mr. Stirling B. Levy ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Salvatore ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Thompson ‘86 Mr. William K. Kelly ‘87 Mr. Jon D. Neuhaus ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Carden Jr. ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Truman H. Brooks ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. McGrew ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Shannon B. Young ‘89


Ms. Laura Keith ‘90 Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner ‘90 Linley

Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Beth Nolan ‘90 Lovallo Dr. Thor and Mrs. Bradaigh Flor ‘90 Wagner Mr. Joshua A. Warren ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Zampiello ‘91 Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Ledlie Mosch ‘92 Pastor Mr. Louis and Mrs. Jennifer Jankowski ‘92 Persico Mr. William R. Holligan IV ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jankowski ‘93 Mr. Chris Desiderio and Mrs. Tina A. E. Couch ‘94 Mr. Charles F. Porter ‘94 and Mrs. Candice Tab Porter Mr. Stephen D. Richard ‘95 Mr. Oliver F. Sterlacci ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Eren ‘97 Mr. Tyler W. Farmen ‘97 Ms. Lisbeth M. Garassino ‘97 Mr. Michael A. Tessel ‘97 Mr. Jamie P. Watkins ‘97 Mr. Peter S. Lubans ‘98 Mr. Ryan M. Murphy ‘98 Mr. Trevor N. Farmen ‘99 Mr. Austin Farmer ‘99 Ms. Elizabeth A. Ullman ‘99


Mrs. Alexandra A. Miller ‘00 and Mr. Drew R. Murphy ‘00 Mr. Patrick S. Sheehy ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Zehring ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bergeret ’01 Ms. Tami L. Couch ‘01 Mr. Loren S. Kagan ‘01 Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Michelle Parent ‘01 Perry Ms. Mallory M. Farmer ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Kyle P. Halloran ‘02 Ms. Abby K. Conroy ‘03 Mr. Adam H. King ‘03 Mr. Nicholas M. Logothetis ‘03 Mr. Raul R. Mendoza ‘03 Ms. Tara M. St. Amand ‘03 Mr. Alexander G. Turrentine ‘03 and Mr. Joseph Lomeli Ms. Alyson S. Hill ‘04 Ms. Audrey H. McLean ‘04 Mr. Tyler W. Barhydt ‘05 Mr. Christian M. Budd ‘05 Ms. Janet L. Engle ‘05 Mr. Jordan S. Leventhal ‘05 Mr. Gerry Panzu Konde ‘05 Mr. Harrison P. Smith ‘05 Mr. Garnett M. Frew ‘06 Mr. Christopher R. DePaola ‘07










Ms. Danielle S. Donnelly ‘07 Ms. Ashley E. Hill ‘07 Mr. Paul W. Keeshan ‘07 Mr. Samuel T. Mandl ‘07 Ms. Sarah S. Maxwell ’07 Mr. Nicholas M. Cornell ‘08 Mr. Emerson P. Davis ‘08 Ms. Drennon R. Kimpton ‘08 Mr. Thomas M. Budd ‘09 Ms. Colette A. Donnelly ‘09 Ms. Margaux M. Maxwell ‘09 Mr. Nicholas V. Urban ‘09


Mr. Hyung Bin Wie ‘10 Mr. Alexander L. Brighenti ‘11 Mr. Jacob I. Mandl ‘11 Ms. Sydney C. O’Connor ‘11 Mr. Michael F. Stern ‘11 Mr. Austin S. Donnelly ‘12 Mr. Viacheslav A. Browning ‘13 Mr. Chandler W. Houldin ‘13 Ms. Gillian F. O’Connor ‘13 Mr. Owen M. Reighard ‘13 Mr. Hyunsoo Cho ‘15 Ms. Lily A. Mandl ‘15 Ms. Anna Talmage Maxwell ’15 Mr. Jiahao Liu ‘17 Ms. Chloe R. Coffin ‘20

CURRENT PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Aita Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Aitken Mr. Andrea A. Angera Jr. and Ms. Barbara A. Sabia Mr. Andres E. Aymes and Mrs. Ximena De Oteyza Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Baker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Belcastro Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bellas Mrs. Shengzhu C. Bernardin Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Block Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Brock

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Brode Mr. and Mrs. Truman H. Brooks ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Browne Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Carden Jr. ‘88 Mr. Yong Cheng and Mrs. Jie Chen Mr. Yoon Sung Cho and Mrs. Sung Mi Lee Mr. Jung Min Choi and Mrs. Shin Hyung You Mr. Sunwon Choi and Mrs. Joohee Ahn Mr. Minsoo Chung and Mrs. Hyuna Kim Dr. Sang Yong Chung and Dr. Hyun Ju Um Ms. Elyse L. Clark Dr. Eileen T. Consorti Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cotier Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Cox III Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Crisson Mr. Kuiyuan Cui and Mrs. Xin Li Mr. Michael Dell’Aera and Mrs. Jessica E. Marullo-Dell’Aera Mrs. April L. Devereux Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. DiLorenzo Mr. Ji Su Ding and Mrs. Xiaoning Zhou Mr. Donald S. Dowden and Mrs. Tina E. Kim-Dowden Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dufour Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Dumont Mr. Nicholas Benson and Mrs. Natalie S. Dyer ‘80 Mr. Alfonso Elias Bornacini and Atty. Marcela E. Bandala Alanis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Jr. Mr. Rodrigo Fernandez and Mrs. Alejandra V. Zingg Ms. Vesta Fort Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Fulling Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo G. Gaggini Ms. Deborah S. Galant

Mr. Thomas M. Geagan Mr. Xiaoping Geng and Mrs. Yan Qian Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Genovese Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Giese Mr. Richard B. Giles and Ms. Ashley Brokaw Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gleason Mr. David J. Ha and Mrs. Hui Chon Choi Mr. Gregory B. Hawes and Ms. Rachael A. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer M. Houldin Mr. Xiaojun Hu and Ms. Weiyin Ma Mr. Ji Yong Huang and Mrs. Jing Lin Mr. Ping Huang and Mrs. Ning Wang Mr. Sung Hwan Hwang and Mrs. Kyoung Hwa Lee Mrs. Dana Jarvis Mr. Nancheng Jiang and Dr. Junmei Jin Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kenerson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Kennedy Mr. Cheng Young Kim and Mrs. Mun Suk You Mr. Yeongoo Kang and Mrs. Jilim Kim Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Kimmel Mr. Sean Kinsella and Ms. Alicia M. Mordenti Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kneisel Dr. Thomas Kocienda and Dr. Dana L. Martinez Mr. Andrey Kravets Mr. and Mrs. D. Jeremy LaCasse Mr. Donghoon Lee and Mrs. Junghye Bae Mr. Huk Jae Lee and Mrs. Eunah Hur Mr. Joshua Stoner and Ms. Jennifer Leesfield Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard Mr. Jin Li and Mrs. Yun Zhang

Mr. and Mrs. Feng Lin Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Allison Spooner ‘90 Linley Mr. Peter W. Linn and Mrs. Pilar Santos Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Lipset Dr. Terrence H. Liu Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Liu Mr. Yuesheng Liu and Mrs. Fangying Yuan Mr. and Mrs. Gian Matteo Lo Faro Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Beth Nolan ‘90 Lovallo Mr. Hailiang Lu and Mrs. Yuhong Yao Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Lufkin Mrs. Nitya A. Machribie Mr. Javier Macaya Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mallon III Mr. Mark R. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Matthews Ms. Hope I. Mauran Mrs. Carol B. and Mr. John C. Maxwell III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. McGrew ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillen III Mr. Shenjie Mei and Mrs. Li Sun Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Meyer III Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Mulhern Ms. Kirby Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Mullin Ms. Kimberly A. Munn Atty James F. Murdica and Atty Anne B. Murdica Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Nance Mr. Eden T. Ng and Mrs. Fiona W. To Mr. and Mrs. Dung Nguyen Mr. Jian Ni and Mrs. Hai Yi Lu Mr. and Mrs. Brendan K. O’Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. William F. Okesson III Mr. Rodrigo Ortiz de Montellano and Mrs. Fernanda Corredor Mr. Craig Ough Mr. Joo Won Park and Dr. Weon Young Lee Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Perreault Mr. Luis Pietrini and Mrs. Tania Topete Mr. Charles Pigott Mr. and Mrs. V. Frank Pottow Mr. and Mrs. James M. Powers Dr. and Mrs. John I. B. Pyne Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Racevicius Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Regalbuto Mr. and Mrs. Benton D. Reichenau Mr. Louis M. Reycroft Mrs. Gwendolyn Rhoss Annual Report 2015-16 39

Rumsey Circle Quilt 1980 to be displayed in the dorothoy rochon anderson administration building

From a note that accompanied quilt: PATTERN NAME “Barn Door” to remind us of New England QUILTED DESIGNS “Braids” to represent the intertwining and closeness of lives at Rumsey “Interlocking Triangles” represent arms locked in friendship “Straight Lines” represent the straight roads that the children hopefully will follow once they leave Rumsey “The Embroidered Heart” of course, represents our love for each other and our School Please love and cherish our quilt. We made it with great care in appreciation for a wonderful place in Washington, CT. Signed, Twenty-five Parents, Friends and Faculty of Rumsey, 1980

The Rumsey Circle volunteers who helped create the Rumsey Quilt. Standing L to R: Former Faculty Member Jacqueline Ostrander P ‘79, ‘80, Diana Hardee P ‘79, ‘80, ‘82, ‘84 GP ‘01, ‘20, ‘23, Nancy Craig P ‘79, ‘80, Deborah Swigart P ‘76, ‘79, ‘84, Doris Hoeniger P ‘78, ‘81 GP ‘11, ‘15, and Paulette Bellin. Sitting: Former Faculty Members Virginia Berberian, Bonnie Haberle P ‘80, ‘84 and Jan Magnoli P ‘71, ‘72, ‘74, ‘77 GP ‘01, ‘02, ‘07; Nancy Ware P ‘82, Diana Tagley P ‘81, GP ‘15 and Former Faculty Member Martha Poskas P ‘84, GP ‘18

Mr. Gye Hwan Ro and Mrs. Sumi Kim Mr. Eric C. Rook and Mrs. Renee E. Carnes-Rook Mr. Matthew L. Root Mr. Andrew W. Roraback and Ms. Kara L. Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ryan Ms. Rosemary Sagar Mr. Alejandro Sainz and Mrs. Luz-Cecilia Mondragon Mr. and Mrs. John C. Salvatore ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Schemm Mr. Scott F. Schereschewsky ‘73 and Mrs. Emma J. Risley Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid N. Schlumberger Mr. Peter F. Schreiber and Ms. Dianne Anderson Mr. Gyeong Ho Seo and Mrs. Sung Mi Jeon Mr. and Mrs. C.K. Tripp Siemon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Silvester Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Soukup Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Stepney Mr. Yingbin Sun and Mrs. Xiaohong Wang Mr. and Mrs. George L. Taylor Ms. Patricia Thrane Mr. and Mrs. Brett P. Traussi Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tuff Mr. and Mrs. David Valente Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik J. van der Merwe Mrs. Jodi von Jess Mr. Timothy J. von Jess Mr. Zhangwei Wang and Mrs. Tian Chen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Warner

Ms. Tracy A. Warner Mr. Moacir P. Weirich and Mrs. Maristela L. Freiberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Wishek Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Withers-Clarke Mr. Kwan Woon Yang and Mrs. Eunhee No Mr. Maxwell B. Yang and Mrs. Huan Wen Lu Mr. Yubang You and Mrs. Hua Jiang Atty. Victor Zabaneh and Atty. Maria F. Campos Mr. Jie Zeng and Ms. Qingtao Tu Ms. Aili Zhang Mr. Lei Zhang and Mrs. Jinmei Yu Mr. Xiaoyang K. Zheng and Mrs. Lili Xie

PAST PARENTS Mr. Frank B. Adams Mr. David Ahouse Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Allessio Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Bailey Mr and Mrs. James A. Baker IV Mr. George R. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Barbour Mr. Albert H. Bergeret and Ms. Gail J. Wofford Mr. and Mrs. Wilton E. Bland Dr. and Mrs. Egils K. Bogdanovics Mr. Frederic A. Bouchard and Mrs. France M. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan F. Boucher Dr. and Mrs. Alan Braverman Mrs. Marian K. Browning Mrs. Carol-Ann Bruen Mr. Jay H. Bu and Ms. Hae Young Lee

Michael ‘16 and Patrick ‘16 Fulling with their parents Trustee Dennis and Julie Fulling and brother Alex

Ms. Karla Butterfield Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buttrick Mr. John M. Campbell Jr. Ms. Deborah A. Weinberger and Mr. Thomas R. Candrick Ms. Melissa Carey Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cargill Mrs. Dorothy R. Cass Mr. Sangwon Cho and Mrs. Eunjung Kim Mr. Edward G. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cooper Mr. Antonio Correa and Mrs. Alma Gonzalez-Ortega Atty. Leslie D. Corwin Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Daly Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Darer Mr. Peter Dattilo and Mrs. Ellen O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. Sherman E. Davis III ‘84 Ms. Jennifer P. Davlin Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Dayton Dr. Donald C. Demas Mr. Brickson E. Diamond Mrs. Natalie Hubbard ‘53 Dyer Ms. Shelley Emmer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Farmen Mr. and Mrs. Philip Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E. Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Allen Finkelson Mr. and Mrs. James F. Finn Atty. and Mrs. Brian W. Fitzgerald Mrs. Emily FitzHugh Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Franey Ms. Francoise Frey-Weindling Mr. and Mrs. Kanemasa Furuya Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gagnon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaines, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gardella Mr. Louis N. Gardella ‘72 Mr. Daniel L. Dolgin and Ms. Loraine F. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Jr. ‘78 Mr. Frederick M. Genung Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Gordon ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Grullon Mr. Xiaofeng Gu and Mrs. Fei Xu Ms. Dorota A. Habib Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Herbst Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hoeniger ‘81 Ms. Joan Horton-Iattoni Mr. John C. Hover II Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jankowski

Dr. Richard L. Kagan and Dr. Shreve Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Alexandros Kedros Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Keeshan ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kelso Mr. Xuan Hung Kieu and Mrs. Dieu Huong Dinh Mr. and Mrs. Jonghyuk Kim Mr. and Mrs. Euan F. King Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kott Mr. Richard L. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. James Krause Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Lahoud Jr. Ms. Regine Laverge Schade Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Levy Mr. Roger M. Low Mr. and Mrs. William R. MacMullen Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Magnoli Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mandl Mr. David P. Kleeman and Ms. Palmer Marrin ‘70 Mrs. Melissa A. Massimi-Cobuzzi Mr. Rory S. McAdam and Mrs. Dian Griesel Mrs. Nancy McFadden Atty. and Mrs. Brian H. Mellstrom Mr. and Mrs. David A. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Moreau Ms. Kathleen S. Morton Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodrow Mosch Jr. ‘62 Dr. Gerard J. Murphy and Dr. Dawn E. Murphy Mrs. Kathy Neuhaus Mrs. Patricia T. Nolan Mrs. Elizabeth D. Duus ‘72 O’Connor Mr. H. Tomkins O’Connor Dr. Denise M. Olson Mrs. Cynthia Oneglia Dr. Raymond L. Osborne Jr. Mr. Mariano A. Osorio Murillo and Mrs. Maria T. Mijangos Montalban Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pape II Mr. and Mrs. Roger I. Parker Mr. James J. Pates Jr. ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Patnaude Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Payne III ‘55 Drs. Steven and Priscilla Price Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Priest Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Pyne Mr. Dong Sheng Qin and Mrs. Yue Min Liang Mr. John P. Rafferty Mrs. Whitney M. Raith Mr. and Mrs. Irving Redel Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rehnberg Mrs. Caroline Reid Sorell Ms. Margaret M. Richard

Natalie ‘23 and Victoria ‘25 Klemm with their parents Christina and Peter ‘87, grandmother Carolyn P ‘87, ‘89, GP ‘23, ‘25 and sister Diana at Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day

Mr. Ward B. Ricke and Mrs. Katina J. Dorton Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro A. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sandulli Ms. Annemarie Schutz Dr. and Mrs. Mark Sebetic Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Seibert Jr. Mr. Min Sha and Mrs. Yu Du Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehy III Dr. and Mrs. Alan B. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith III Mr. Harold Wilkinson and Mrs. Sandra L. Sparrow Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Spooner Mr. Lawrence Romer and Mrs. Carol A. St. Amand Romer Mr. and Mrs. Downey Stancs Atty. and Mrs. John-Henry M. Steele Ms. Cynthia F. Steer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Steers Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Sterling Mr. and Mrs. John Strawbridge II Mr. Hugh Hill and Mrs. Cynthia Stubbs-Hill Mr. Gang Su and Mrs. Xuemei Bai Mrs. Debbie Swigart

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Werner W. Tiedmann Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Toth Mr. Leith Paul Trask Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Turner ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Ullman Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ullram Mr. Andrew J. Vadnais and Mrs. Nancy A. Lyon Mrs Monica and Mr. Andrew W. Vogelstein Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Waller Mr. Joseph P. Wanag Mr. Shaorong Wang and Mrs. Hongli Li Mrs. Carol Ward Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Warren Mrs. Constance O. White Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Whittle Mrs. Janet Wildman Dr. Jonathan A. Woodhall Mrs. Sally C. Woodhall Mr. and Mrs. Brian Worrell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zehring

Annual Report 2015-16


FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. Luis Abella Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bossarelli Mr. Hunter Brown and Ms. Tillie P. Laird Mr. Paul T. Cappuccio Ms. Elizabeth R. Coffin Drs. Charles J. De Sieyes and Carol Ward Ms. Tory Dodge Mr. Robert L. Fisher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kahn Mrs. Elsie McTiernan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pasch Mrs. Patricia K. Whelan

GRANDPARENTS AND RELATIVES Mrs. Lois Abrams In Honor of Stuart W. Abrams ‘11 Mr. Mark R. Averill and Ms. Jane Conn In Honor of William K. Ensign ‘14 Grace J. Federle ‘15 Jack W. Mayers ‘17 Mrs. Martha Barhydt In Honor of Tyler W. Barhydt ‘05 Charles E. Ryan ‘12 Margaret W. Ryan ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Myron Benson In Honor of Beck E. Curtis ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Benson In Honor of Katharine D. Benson ‘19 Hezekiah Benson ‘22

Mr. and Dr. Robert W. Bogue In Honor of Peter E. Kenerson ‘15 Nicholas L. Kenerson ‘17 Alexander R. Kenerson ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bratz In Honor of Hunter N. Ramee ‘14 Owen P. Ramee ‘17 Oliver C. Ramee ‘21 Mrs. Isabella Breckinridge In Honor of Isabella Dubow ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brokaw In Honor of Jack B. Giles ‘22 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler In Honor of Erin R. Butler ‘20 Abigail Butler ‘23 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark In Honor of Tripp S. Clark ‘22 Ms. Elizabeth R. Coffin In Honor of Chloe R. Coffin ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. P. Lincoln Cornell Jr. In Honor of Christina H. Cornell ‘06 Nicholas M. Cornell ‘08 Alexander H. Cornell ‘11 Sarah S. Maxwell ‘07 Margaux M. Maxwell ‘09 Anna T. Maxwell ‘15 John C. Maxwell IV ‘17 Colby D. Moran ‘17 Mrs. Eleanor Cox In Honor of Tyler F. Cox ‘17 Mrs. Elaine Crocker In Honor of Claire R. Powers ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeSantis In Honor of Beck E. Curtis ‘17

Jack ‘13 and Shealyn ‘16 (center) Kennedy with their parents and Coco Booth ‘15 at A Farewell to Farms Celebration June 2016



Mr. and Mrs. George Doubleday In Honor of Hollis B. Brown ‘16 Mrs. Natalie Hubbard ‘53 Dyer In Honor of Katharine D. Benson ‘19 Hezekiah Benson ‘22 Mr. and Mrs. G. Emmet In Honor of Hollis B. Brown ‘16 Mrs. Barbara Ensign In Honor of Robert W. Ensign ‘04 Timothy F. Ensign ‘07 William K. Ensign ‘14 Grace J. Federle ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fulford In Honor of John C. LaCasse ‘17 Eleanor D. LaCasse ‘19 Finnegan C. LaCasse ‘24 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaines Sr. In Honor of Raymond E. Gaines ‘13 Mr. Eric Goldstein In Honor of Mason J. von Jess ‘16 Sawyer von Jess ‘19 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Gouveia In Honor of Troy J. Gouveia ‘19 Jack H. Gouveia ‘21 Mr. Cal Groton and Mrs. Louise Mauran In Honor of James A. Walsh ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinman In Honor of Charlotte J. Hinman ‘14 George W. Hinman ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Akio Hirato In Honor of Yuka Masamura ‘17 Haruka Masamura ‘18 Ms. Linda Kenerson In Honor of Peter E. Kenerson ‘15 Nicholas L. Kenerson ‘17 Alexander R. Kenerson ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy In Honor of Jack Kennedy ‘13 Shealyn Kennedy ‘16 Colin J. Kennedy ‘18 Quinn Kennedy ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kohn In Honor of Isabella Dubow ‘17

Mr. and Mrs. John A. LaCasse In Honor of John C. LaCasse ‘17 Eleanor D. LaCasse ‘19 Finnegan C. LaCasse ‘24 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Leesfield In Honor of Michael A. Leesfield ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Long Jr. In Honor of Daniel H. Byrnes ‘00 Margaret M. Byrnes ‘01 Sadie M. Lukos ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Magnoli In Honor of Nicole A. Magnoli ‘01 Connor L. Magnoli ‘02 Skyler R. Magnoli ‘07 Mr. Edward E. Matthews and Ms. Vilma Keri In Honor of Edward E. Matthews ‘18 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell In Honor of Anne E. Lombardi ‘16 Emily L. Lombardi ‘18 Lucas R. Lombardi ‘21 Mrs. Cecilia K. Mullen In Honor of Daniel C. White ‘15 Ian T. White ‘17 Mrs. Patricia T. Nolan In Honor of Hailey M. Lovallo ‘18 Mrs. Joanne Nykaza In Honor of Michael G. Foster ‘17 Brett J. Foster ‘19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ober Jr. In Honor of Robert F. Ober ‘20 Mrs. Deborah Onorato In Honor of Owen M. Reighard ‘13 Mari H. Leonard ‘18 Mr. John Powers In Honor of Claire R. Powers ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Irving Redel In Honor of Jessica A. Sherrod ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rehnberg In Honor of Alexis A. Delmore ‘18 Ryan J. Delmore ‘20 Jackson Delmore ‘23 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Roraback In Honor of Andrew K. Roraback ‘24

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rosenbaum In Honor of David B. Rosenbaum ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rydingsword In Honor of Evan P. Rydingsword ‘20 Leah A. Rydingsword ‘23 Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Smith Jr. In Honor of Elizabeth H. Lawrence ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. Downey Stancs In Honor of Sabina Stancs ‘08 Luke Stancs ‘11 Mrs. Ann Steele In Honor of Benjamin P. Steele ‘12 Mrs. Marnie Vallely In Honor of Margaux ‘Daisy’ Vallely ‘13 Tyler F. Cox ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Van Sickle In Honor of Robert F. Ober ‘20 Dr. Jonathan A. Woodhall In Honor of Charles L. Reycroft ‘16 Mrs. Sally C. Woodhall In Honor of Charles L. Reycroft ‘16

CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, AND MATCHING GIFTS Alliance Video and Post, Inc. Aquarion Water Company Arthur and Elizabeth Godbout Family Foundation Assured Guaranty Corporation Bank of America Barrie O. Vanderpoel Family Charitable Trust Berger Family Foundation Beskind - Robineau Family Fund Ceres Foundation Charles Evans Hughes Memorial Foundation Charles Heaven and Company County Wine and Spirits CulinArt Group Denise Shea Malcolm Family Foundation Dicke Family Foundation E & R Cleaners Edward E. & Marie L. Matthews Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Forman School GE Foundation Good Hill Mechanical Contractors Harriet F. Dickenson Foundation IBM-International Business Machines Jewish Communal Fund John C. Hover Foundation Kavanewsky Family Foundation Kent School Kingdon Capital Management LLC Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation Leesfield Family Foundation Locanda Verde Restaurant Matthes Family Foundation Mental Insight Foundation Molder Family Foundation Morgan Stanley National Life Group Charitable Foundation The New York Community Trust Sharp Fund Oliver Rubbish Removal LLC Phillip Stone Group Sarah Worden Natural Design Schools to Know Schwab Charitable Fund Segalla’s Turnkey Housing Shutters on the Beach Signarama Stone Horse Farm LLC Target The Gunnery The Silly Sprout LLC Time Warner Inc. ‘21’ Club Virginia Lopez Foundation U.S. Trust Washington Food Market Washington Liquor

Planned Giving The Rumsey Hall School Heritage Society­

Create a Lasting Legacy That Enriches the Lives of Rumsey Students Today and Tomorrrow Planned gifts to Rumsey Hall School enable you to create a legacy contribution that will have a powerful impact beyond your lifetime—securing the chance for a new generation of students to experience a Rumsey education. Bequests and other forms of planned philanthropy invested in the Endowment remain a permanent part of the School’s financial foundation. A growing number of constituents in the Rumsey Family are including the School in their longrange planning to make a lasting difference. Bequests or gifts may be made through your estate by including a provision in your will or living trust, or by naming Rumsey as a beneficiary of a Retirement Plan or Life Insurance Policy. The amount gifted to the School can be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the assets to be allocated. No bequest is too small. A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) provides donors as beneficiaries of annual income payments during their lifetimes. The remaining assets will be invested in Rumsey’s Endowment in perpetuity, or for a designated restricted purpose of scholarship.

A CRT is an excellent vehicle for gifts of

appreciated stock or property, since the trust is tax exempt and does not incur capital gains tax when assets are sold. Please let us know if you have included Rumsey in your estate plans. We would like to thank you for your generosity, make sure the purpose of your gift is understood by the School, and acknowledge your wishes by welcoming you to the Rumsey Hall School Heritage Society. Choosing the right planned gift depends on your personal financial goals as determined by consultation with your financial, tax or legal advisor.

Please contact Director

of Development Carol Maxwell to explore your options, cmaxwell@rumseyhall.org or 860.868.0535 Thank you for your consideration.

Annual Report 2015-16


The Dorothy Rochon Anderson Administration Building Recognizing a Lifetime of Devoted Service to Rumsey Hall floor. The Secondary School Placement and Development/ Communication/Alumni Offices will be located on the upper level. Spreading out the locations of the various administrative offices will greatly enhance the smooth running of operations—in turn improving the daily experience for our students. This new and much needed facility will be named in honor of Former Staff Member Dorothy Rochon Anderson whose life was devoted to Rumsey in a broad range of capacities. In 1949 Dorothy joined the Office Staff and advanced rapidly to the position of Business Manager. She was also a dorm parent for Rumsey’s youngest boarding students in Dorothy pictured with French Teacher Madame Algrant


hero in the evolution of Rumsey Hall. Working alongside

ust days after the campus quieted down in mid-

the Schereschewskys, Lou Magnoli and in the early years

June, demolition crews arrived on campus to raze

of Tom Farmen’s tenure as Headmaster, Dorothy kept a

the School’s Main Office, making way for construction

steady hand on the finances of Rumsey at a time when

to begin on a new facility. As the central hub of office

the School’s health was not as robust. Her diligence and

and admission activity, the previous structure, built in

resilience helped lay the foundation for the excellent fiscal

the early 1960s and enlarged in the early 1980s, served

strength the School currently enjoys.

the School well. With increasing demands for technology updates and the growth of the School’s enrollment, a modern administration building was mandated. Fundraising toward the $1.8 million project will ensure Rumsey remains debt free while completing the new building, slated for occupancy at the start of December 2016.

At Dorothy’s retirement in 1994, Tom Farmen wrote “I have seen Dorothy negotiate a major contract and hem a student’s graduation trousers all in the same day… her character and dedication have impacted generations of Students, Teachers, Parents and Trustees.” During her 45 years at the School, Dorothy’s attention to detail was legendary. As quiet guardian of much of the School’s

The footprint of the new building will be nearly identical

oral history and keeper of its institutional memory,

to the previous structure, however with the addition

Dorothy compiled a chronicle of Rumsey’s history, a “go-to”

of a second floor the new space has been designed for

narrative that is referenced as an invaluable archive to

improved functionality. To accommodate the increased

this day.

size of the community, mail and package delivery in the thoughtfully planned, student-friendly building will be greatly enhanced. The Admissions Office, including two conference spaces, will provide a more welcoming presentation for the swell in admission visitors, serving as a gateway for subsequent generations of Rumsey Students. The Headmaster’s Office will remain proximate to student activity, also occupying the ground 44

her early years with the School. Dorothy is a true unsung


Naming Rumsey’s newest facility The Dorothy Rochon Anderson Administration Building is an appropriate and fitting way to honor the extraordinary contributions Dorothy made to insure Rumsey’s permanence. A commemorative plaque in the foyer of the building will recognize Dorothy and name the Alumni and Trustees who made special contributions to make this new building possible.

The Dorothy Rochon Anderson Administration Building to open December 2016

Perspective - Looking East

Proposed Administration Building January 13, 2016

Main Office Renovation 1980s

Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli and Dorothy Rochon Anderson

Main Office Staff 2016

Main Office 2016

Headmaster Tom Farmen and Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli reminisce at the site of the Main Office Demolition 2016.

Annual Report 2015-16




Pre-Primes (Ist Grade) Teacher

WHAT LED YOU TO WORK AT A PRIVATE SCHOOL, RUMSEY IN PARTICULAR? Prior to working at Rumsey, I had worked in independent schools in New York since 1990. That’s where I saw how independent schools fostered creativity and innovation in teaching. In other words, I found I could teach the way I wanted to teach. When my family and I moved up to Connecticut, I found Rumsey. I arranged a professional visit with Amy Hoeniger, who was the Director of the Lower School at the time. It must have been on a Thursday, because everyone was wearing formal school dress. I watched all of these kids at recess (ages 5 and up), running around like mad in their khakis, blazers and ties. I remember thinking at the time, ‘I’m home.’ There was oxygen here. Due to fortuitous timing and good luck, I was able to apply for an opening in Pre-Primes. WHAT MAKES THE RUMSEY EXPERIENCE SO UNIQUE AND SPECIAL? I like the time we take with our kids. Parents may not realize this, but we, as teachers and administrators, spend a lot of time thinking about, talking about and figuring out our students. And of course, all of this happens within the context of the Rumsey Community, where the students themselves are thinking about talking about and figuring out who they are. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR TEACHING STYLE? I never thought of myself as having a teaching style. Honestly, I think the sheer force of the teacher’s personality plays a major role in determining what it feels like for students to be in a particular class. And I’ve always believed that if I want my students to respect me, I have to respect them. So I listen to them, and from there, we work together to create our place.

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE MOMENTS FROM A DAY IN THE LIFE AT RUMSEY? It’s always the unexpected moments, when a student says something hilarious and yet so true, when we watch the snapping turtles hatch and waddle down to the pond, when the classroom simply hums. WHAT TECHNOLOGY DEVICE DO YOU FIND MOST USEFUL AT SCHOOL? OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL? My personal life is not very technology-based. Last year at school, through the generosity of the Board of Trustees, I received a projector and white board. It changed everything. Every year during the Spring Term, we incubate chicken eggs. This year we were able to access and watch videos on incubation and hatching, how to candle eggs and chick development. I was able to take my students’ questions, extend them and find materials that continued the discussion. WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR HOBBIES AND INTERESTS OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM? By design, I live a very quiet life. I read, garden, raise two dogs, two chickens, write, cook, draw, hike, travel when I can, and so on. TELL US SOMETHING WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU. I spent the better part of a year in high school learning how to cluck like a chicken. It has actually come in handy more often than you would think. WHAT WOULD BE THE ONE BOOK YOU WOULD RECOMMEND EVERY STUDENT SHOULD READ? I’m going to go with The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster (with Jules Feiffer illustrations). It’s witty, imaginative, funny, full of wordplay and twists in logic, but most of all, it asks the question of ‘how to live.’

“Rumsey Questionnaire” What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear Rumsey Hall? Madras Who would you have on your guest list for your ideal dinner party (living or deceased)? Hmmm. This is going to take some time. What was the last app you used? What’s an app? What is your idea of perfect happiness? Not to be rude, but finishing this questionnaire. What is your greatest fear? Tragedy befalling people I love. Which historical figure do you most identify with? There was a peasant woman in 17th century tsarist Russia who could make a mean borscht. I see myself in her.



What is your favorite journey? The imaginative kind, in the hands of a good storyteller. Which talent would you most like to have? I’d love to play Cuban jazz piano. What is your current state of mind? Not telling... What do you consider your greatest achievement? Learning how to read. I mean it. What do you most value in your friends? Humor, Curiosity and Kindness Who are your real-life heroes? I don’t believe in such things.

PHIL PERREAULT P ‘24 Assistant Dean of Students Math Department Chair

WHAT LED YOU TO WORK AT A PRIVATE SCHOOL, RUMSEY IN PARTICULAR? One of the requirements to finish my degree at the University of New Hampshire was to work a semester in a high school. I happened to be assigned to a private school and ended up taking a job there as an intern the following year. From then on I was determined to work in a private school. The following year, during my job search, Rumsey was the last school I went to interview. It was actually the drive on campus that had me originally hooked. It reminded me of where I grew up in New Hampshire. WHAT MAKES THE RUMSEY EXPERIENCE SO UNIQUE AND SPECIAL? School traditions are definitely something that make Rumsey unique. Each student and teacher has traditions they love and others that they might not like as much. You can’t spend a day at Rumsey without being exposed to these traditions. All of them make Rumsey special and are woven into the culture of the School. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR TEACHING STYLE? I try to be flexible when it comes to the classroom. Each class and each student has different needs and every year is different. As a teacher, I try to keep an open mind and let the needs of the class and students give me direction. I would also like to think that my classes are fun for my students, but you would have to ask them.

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE MOMENTS FROM A DAY IN THE LIFE AT RUMSEY? I always enjoy hearing the bell ring when teams return to campus victorious after an away game. Whether it is watching one of my teams ring the bell or hearing it during dinner or study hall, it is one of the traditions that I love. Also cookie line. Who doesn’t enjoy a chocolate chip cookie at 10:30 in the morning? WHAT TECHNOLOGY DEVICE DO YOU FIND MOST USEFUL AT SCHOOL? OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL? In school, my SmartBoard is the device I use daily and find the most helpful. Outside of school, my smartphone. WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR HOBBIES AND INTERESTS OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM? I am a big sports fan. I love watching, attending and competing in anything sports related. TELL US SOMETHING WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU. I used to have really long hair. I was actually voted “best hair” in my senior yearbook. Ask my wife, she will be happy to show you pictures. WHAT WOULD BE THE ONE BOOK YOU WOULD RECOMMEND EVERY STUDENT SHOULD READ? I don’t really think there is “one book.” I think whatever gets a student interested enough to read is what they should read.

“Rumsey Questionnaire” What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear Rumsey Hall? Family Who would you have on your guest list for your ideal dinner party (living or deceased)? My extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews). I come from a VERY big family but as a kid everyone lived in the same town so we would have huge family gatherings on a regular basis. Now that everyone is older and starting their own families it is rare to have everyone together in the same place. What was the last app you used? Pandora What is your idea of perfect happiness? Sitting on the beach playing with my kids. What is your greatest fear? Running out of time. What is your favorite journey? When I was growing up my family would take a camping trip every summer to a small lake in northern NH. As I got older I would take fishing trips to the same spot with a good friend. That drive along the Androscoggin River is still one of my favorites.

Which talent would you most like to have? I would love to be able to sing. What is your current state of mind? Relaxed. It’s summer vacation! What do you consider your greatest achievement? Getting my wife Heather to say yes to marrying me. She was way out of my league 15 years ago and probably still is now. What do you most value in your friends? A good sense of humor and honesty are the most important. I like to have a good time and joke around but also want to surround myself with people who are straightforward. Nothing is more important than knowing where you stand with someone, good, bad or otherwise. Who are your real-life heroes? My grandfather and father. They are the example I strive to match in my family life, professional life, and in the relationships I form with the people I meet. I cannot begin to explain the influence they have had on me. I am lucky to continue to learn from both of them.

Annual Report 2015-16



Commencement, Circa 1990 48


At their 75th Reunion in June 2016, members of the Class of 1941, Bruce Gelb, Jim Pollock and Bob Stern, some of the last students to graduate from the Cornwall campus before the School moved to Washington, CT.



Tim Prentice ‘44 is living in Cornwall, CT

Steven Foote ‘54 recently retired from his

and continues to create kinetic sculptures.

architectural practice in Boston, MA. He

His most recent installation was at the new

lives in Cambridge, MA with his wife Josie

Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CT. He

and spends most of his time painting in

will soon be installing a sculpture at the

watercolor and travelling.

Tampa International Airport, FL. In 2014 Tim received the Connecticut Governors’ Arts Award in recognition of his lifetime achievement in the arts. Paul Garrigue ‘45 is retired and living in Mount Kisco, NY. Father to three children and two grandchildren, he and his wife, Susie, travel and do volunteer work. After Rumsey Hall he attended Exeter Academy, NH and

John McDonald ‘59 has been living in West Yarmouth, MA for the past 30 years. In 2001 he retired from the United States Merchant Marine as a ship’s master and marine pilot at the Steamship Authority, MA. He also has been operating Masscot Internet since 1988, one of the oldest website services companies in the country.

Harvard College, MA. Julian Padowicz ‘46 recently published Mrs.


Margaret Parsley of Mrs. Parsley Makes a

Denis L. Tanney ‘64 recently created

Delivery and Other Stories, a collection of

HeadZup Photography, a firm in New York

whimsical stories for children and adults. He

specializing in actor, corporate and student

and his wife, Donna, have relocated from

headshots. Previously, his expertise had been

their New England farmhouse in Connecticut

photographing race car drivers.

to a bungalow in Hampton, VA.

William Lefferts ‘66 is currently retired. He and wife Pamela live in their dream log home in the woods in Woodstock, CT.

Annual Report 2015-16


1970s Jeff Hugel ‘70 retired in June 2016 after working for General Motors’ IT organization for almost 32 years where he was last responsible for security and access control in GM’s SAP environment. He and his wife Susan recently relocated to New Hampshire. David Hewson ‘77 is a Boeing 747-8 airline captain for a major

Julian ‘46 and Donna Padowicz

airline. He is married and has two children.

1990s Charles Porter ‘94 married Candice Tab in March 2016 at the Sherwood Country Club in Los Angeles. He is currently working on his third book of poems and coaching football defense at Malibu High School, CA. Matthew Allessio ‘95 is working in the portfolio management group at TPG Growth, a private equity fund based in San Francisco, CA. Matt and his wife Allison are expecting their third child in November,

Jim Appleyard ‘55 visited campus in May 2016 to present Headmaster Tom Farmen with a copy of his book, A Lincolnshire Legacy.

2016 joining daughters Annabelle, age five and Alexandra, age three. Dave Soady ‘95 received his culinary arts degree in 2010. After working as a sous and head chef at various restaurants in and around Washington DC, he and his wife moved to El Salvador in 2014 where he managed kitchens throughout Central and South America. Currently, Dave is the executive chef at Hotel Anselmo in Buenos Aires, Argentina where he also coaches youth ice hockey. Meghan Capozzi ‘96 Rowe and husband Keith recently started White Leaf Provisions, an online informational center and marketplace that sources and offers organic and biodynamic baby/ toddler foods, fair trade coffees and household products. They live

William ‘66 and Pamela Lefferts

in Charleston, SC with their three-year-old son, Keegan.

2000s Briana “Breezy” Grenier ‘03 recently served on the NOAA Okeanos Explorer-in-Training program working as a mapping watch stander in the deep water of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. Her next voyage will be to the Geographic North Pole where she will attend training to become a Polar Expedition Leader with Poseidon Expeditions.

Pilot David Hewson ‘77



Tyler Barhydt ‘05 is living in Washington, DC where he is serving as an active duty member of the United States Navy.

Peter Aeschliman ‘86, and his parents Richard and Frances with Ashley Farmen and Director of Athletics Jay Przygocki; Debbie Prieger ‘80 and Ophira Herman ‘80 spent time with Ashley Farmen, Headmaster Tom Farmen, Master Teacher Rick Spooner and Former Headmaster Lou and Jan Magnoli in June 2016; “Cornwall Gothic” by Tim Prentice ‘44, depicts Tim and his wife Marie

Brianna Carusillo ‘05 publicly defended her PhD dissertation in neuroscience at the University of Maryland in April 2016. Former Staff Member Jordan Leventhal ‘05 is

2010s After Devin Gardner '10 attended Rumsey, he studied at Kent School, CT, graduating in 2013. He then went on to study filmmaking at Emerson College in Boston, MA, where he is

living in Orlanda, FL working as a paramedic at

currently writer and director on his thesis film,

Universal Orlando Resort Theme Parks.

Get a Way.

Nathaniel Fifer ’05 and brother Sam ’07

Luke Stancs ‘11 is planning on entering

currently live in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

Quinnipiac University, CT in the fall to pursue a

where they both captain boats.

career in the allied health sciences.

Sabina Stancs ‘08 graduated from the Royal

E-Yeon Chang ‘12 received a Tory Dent

College of Music in London, UK in July 2016. Emily Allen ‘09 graduated with a degree in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

Research Scholarship in Creative Writing from New York University, NY in March 2016 in support of her first chapter book, tentatively titled Bear Woman: the Mother of Korea.

from the University of New Hampshire in May 2016. Zach Karlan ‘09 graduated from Rhodes College, TN in May 2016 and will be attending University of Miami Law School, FL in the fall. Carl Solik ‘09 plays doubles on the Varsity

Will Fitzgerald ‘12 will be attending the College of Charleston, SC in September 2016. Calvin Bouchard ‘13 will be attending the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada in the Fall 2016.

Tennis Team for University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

Emma Sinclair ‘90 reunited with classmate and Assistant Dean of Students Ali Spooner ‘90 Linley during a campus visit in May 2016; Alan White ‘56 and his son AJ visited with Former Staff Member Jordan Leventhal ‘05 in May 2016; Christina Hemming’s ‘79 10-year old son; Jim Lewis ‘80 toured campus with Athletic Director Jay Przygocki in March 2016

Annual Report 2015-16


Raymond Gaines ‘13 recently graduated from Joel Barlow High School in Redding, CT where he set records in track in the 100 and 200 yard dash, placing in the top ten in the Southwestern Connecticut State Championships. Thomas Gavel ‘13 graduated from Canterbury School, CT in May 2016 where he was named Varsity Golf Team Captain and Lead Ambassador to the Admission Office. During the summer of 2016, he spent time traveling throughout China and interned at a NYC law firm. Thomas will attend College of Charleston, SC in the Fall 2016.

Charles Porter ‘94 with wife Candice Tab at their March 2016 wedding

Chandler Houldin '13 graduated from The Taft School, CT in May 2016 and will be attending Bucknell University, PA in the Fall 2016. Yuya Kawakami ‘13 is preparing to enter Grinnell College, IA in the Fall 2016. Reagan Ketchum ’13 led his High School Varsity lacrosse team in Lancaster, PA to a 23-4 record and PA State Final appearance while scoring 126 pts (72 goals, 54 assists) and ranking 4th overall in the Eastern/Central Pennsylvania region. He was named 1st Team All-League and honored by US Lacrosse as a 2016 High School All American. He will be attending Ursinus College, PA in the Fall

David Soady ‘95 (center) working as a chef in Buenos Aires, Argentina

2016 where he will study Media Communications/Business and play lacrosse. Caroline Ricke ‘13 was accepted to the University of Colorado’s Class of 2020 where she will be majoring in Criminology. Rebecca Gavel ‘15 was voted MVP of the first Varsity Girls’ Golf Team at Westminster School, CT. During the summer of 2016 she travelled with People to People International Student Travel visiting Fiji, Australia and New Zealand.

Charlie Kleeman ‘99 with his family in Martha’s Vineyard, MA

Reagan Ketchum ‘13 52





















1. Sam Burns ‘86 with Tom and Ashley Farmen 2. Melinda Cornell ‘86 Moran hiking and camping in the Grand Canyon with sons Colby ‘17 and Logan and husband Kevin 3. Kelly Owens ‘01 and Taylor Finkelson ‘03 at the Governors’ Ball Music Festival in NYC 4. Jaeden Jefferson ‘16 visited with Director of Technology Steve Dodge while on campus in May 2016 5. Anna Maxwell ‘15, Louise van Tartwijk ‘16, Margot Gaggini ‘14 and Grace van Tartwijk ‘13 at Commencement 2016. 6. Tom Farmen and Dylan Crittenden ‘05 7. Chandler ‘13 and Carter ‘16 Houldin at Chandler’s graduation from the The Taft School in 2016. 8. Associate Director of Admission Ben Tuff P ‘22, ‘24, Ray Gaines ‘13, and Faculty Member Carmine Buono in April 2016 9. Students from the Class of 2015 at Commencement 2016 10. Samantha Bisignano ‘10 and friend with Jay Przygocki and Headmaster Elect/Director of Admission Matt Hoeinger ‘81 11. Abbey Turner ‘14, Sydney Racevicius ‘14 and Will Ensign ‘14 at Commencement 2016 12. Lily McGrew ‘15 and Young Gun Lee ‘15 at Commencement 2016 13. Tom Farmen and Taff Wadda ‘12 14. Caroline Ricke ‘13 in Boulder, CO 15. Rebecca Gavel ‘15 at a local school in Fiji 16. Michael ‘16 and Patrick ‘16 Fulling with Dean of Students Clayton Ketchum P ‘14, ‘17 at Dartmouth College, NH July 2016 17. Michael Stern ‘11, Alexander Bedrossian ‘11 and Will Jamieson ‘11 at Commencement 2016 18. Yuya Kawakami ‘13 and Calvin Bouchard ‘13 at their graduation from Upper Canada College in Toronto in 2016 19. Haley Cass ‘15, Ines Bu ‘15 and Chloe Lo Faro ‘15 visited campus on Spring Parents’ Day 2016




23 24


20. Rumsey Alumni Summer Session Faculty Members and rumseysummer! Recreation Program counselors 21. Lizzy Ullman ‘99 (center) coxswained a four-boat with Ji Woo Kang ’17, Kelly Hill ’17, Lizzy Pigott ’17 and Mari Leonard ’18 during a practice at Lake Waramaug, CT in May 2016 22. James Cheng ‘13 with Ashley Farmen during a visit to campus in May 2016 23. Audrey, Jameson and Declan, children of Trustee Alex Miller ‘00 Murphy 24. Manuel Grullon ‘00 with his family and children rumseysummer! campers Penelope, Mario and Manuel, with Headmaster Matt Hoeniger ‘81 25. Sang-Won Koo ‘06 and Jin Pyo Rha ‘09 with Secondary School Placement/Assistant Headmaster Fran Ryan P ‘12, ‘16 in Shanghai, China July 2016.

L to R: John Eren ‘97 and wife Kate welcomed their second daughter, Alexandra Frances in May 2016; Danny Neil ‘92 and wife Nadia welcomed Kyle Albert Neil in March 2016; Laura Compton ‘00 Treleven and husband Ross welcomed daughter Sloan Ashbrook Loyal in June 2016; William “Billy” Cutler ‘02 and his wife Gillian welcomed twin boys William and Michael in the Spring 2016, joining sister Mariana.

IN MEMORIAM John Strong ‘34 passed away in May 2015 at the age of 96. Barry Gillette ‘99 passed away in June 2015 at the age of 31. John G. Noble ‘03 passed away in March 2016 at the age of 28. 54



COMPUTER SCIENCE An Integral Part of the IInd Form Experience


umsey’s new IInd Form

Pi microcomputer designed

possibilities as future computer

computer science unit

to allow students to harness


actively teaches students the

computer power. Students

concepts of code using the

began the Spring Term making

credit card sized Raspberry

their own devices and learning the basics of code. They then used sensors, screens, buttons, switches, lights and other items to allow their computers to interact with the real world. Through this in-depth, interactive study, IInd Form students now speak the language of computers— creating applications that entertain, improve efficiency, solve problems and/or answer questions. Much like an apprentice carpenter who has

As IInd Form students walked to Farmen Hall for lunch they could be heard debating the complexities and code of the Amazon Alexa device. Broad exposure to concepts in computer science, exciting challenges in a supportive environment, coupled with ample time to explore and play, instill IInd Form students with the confidence to say, "I can do that!" The next ‘must-have’ app or device might just be taking shape in the mind of a Rumsey Hall Lower School Student.

just learned to use a hammer, they are learning to see the

Annual Report 2015-16


ALUMNI REUNION 2016 On Saturday, June 11th Alumni Reunion brought back over 325 Alumni, Family and Friends, from points abroad to Farmen Hall for a special luncheon in honor of Associate Headmaster/Master Teacher Rick Spooner for his distinguished career spanning nearly five decades. Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli P ’71, ’72, ’74, ’77 GP ’01, ’02, ’07, Trustee Tina Couch ’94, son Jason Spooner ’88 and Headmaster Tom Farmen delivered heartfelt and humorous remarks commemorating “Sensei” Spooner’s inspirational influence on the School and generations of students. After the luncheon, guests gathered in The Maxwell A. Sarofim ’05 Performing Arts Center for the “Rumsey Today” presentation centering on the fiscal health of the School. Jim Pollock and Bruce Gelb, Alumni from the Class of 1941, captivated the audience regaling stories from Rumsey’s Cornwall era. The presentation ended with a video featuring yearbook photos from all Alumni in attendance, bringing laughter as they viewed the younger version of themselves. The morning’s stormy skies gave way to a beautiful afternoon for the annual Reds vs. Blues softball game umpired by Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli, a time-honored tradition. Although the Reds eked out a 5-3 win, highlighted by a diving catch from Dylan Carpenter ’08, everyone shared in the excitement during the relaxing afternoon on Seibert Field. ALUMNI REUNION 2017 IS SLATED FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 10TH

SPOONER LUNCHEON L to R: Master Teacher Rick Spooner and Former Staff Member Dorothy Rochon Anderson; Former Headmaster Lou Magnoli; Trustee Tina Couch ’94; Headmaster Elect/ Director of Admission Matt ’81 and Amy Hoeniger with Rick Spooner




























1. Miranda Lu ’16 2. Yuchen Cheng ’17 3. Daniel Wang ’16 4. Annie Lombardi ’16 5. Phat Tran ’16 6. Nicole Ahn ’16

7. Graham Brock ’17 8. Michael Leesfield ’16 9. Robyn Young ’18 10. Katie Jarvis ’16 11. Miranda Lu ’16 12. Vth Form Collaboration with Shapecrete™ 13. Vth Form Collaboration with Shapecrete™ 14. Daniel Wang ’16 15. ICreate Class Collaboration 16. ICreate Class Collaboration with Shapecrete™ 17. Jennie Young ’16

Annual Report 2015-16



Foreign Language Chair Georgina Duff was awarded a Master’s Degree from Southern Oregon University Language Institute in Angers, France. In June 2016 Executive Assistant to the Headmaster Julie Fredlund was named the first recipient of The Diane D. Diane Award, an endowed grant to acknowledge her daily contributions in sustaining and strengthening the School’s culture and modeling the core values of Honesty, Kindness and Respect.

The CAIS Accreditation Process The Connecticut Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) provides leadership and support for independent schools throughout the state. It also serves as the accrediting body that grants recognition to member schools to ensure each maintains suitable educational standards by providing a benchmark of accountability in upholding its mission. Rumsey Hall’s first CAIS evaluation visit was in October 1967 when John F. Schereschewsky Jr. was the School’s Director. The School gained CAIS membership status shortly thereafter. In its continual pursuit of excellence, Rumsey undergoes a re-accreditation process every ten years with two important purposes in mind—to meet and exceed quality assurance standards and strive for ongoing improvement. Throughout the Spring Term and summer months of 2016, a team of select Faculty and Administrators have been leading this process once again. During Phase I of the accreditation process, Rumsey authors an introspective self-study report, documenting the ways in which it adheres to 15 specific standards ranging from enrollment, programs and communications, to faculty, facilities and campus infrastructure. The selfstudy is created with supporting documentation in the form of survey results, statistics, policy and regulatory certificates as well as a thorough financial review to verify Rumsey’s compliance with established CAIS standards.

As recipient of a Lopez Low Foundation Faculty Enrichment Grant, Ist Form Teacher and Coordinator of the Afternoon Enrichment Program Karen Saxe traveled to the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, MA during Summer 2016 to attend Radiant Child Yoga, an innovative 30-hour training program on the methods of teaching yoga to children—developed by pioneer Shakta Khalsa.

(L to R) Athletic Director Jay Przygocki married Suzanne LaVoie in June 2016 in Washington, CT. Their reception was held in Farmen Hall; Maintenance Staff Member Keith Vidic and Sarah Woytach welcomed Stella Patricia Lynn Vidic in April 2016; Faculty Member Carmine Buono and wife, Nicole, welcomed Christian Alexander in March 2016.

Former Faculty Member Dominic Susi at his June 2016 wedding to Lindsay Baiko with Current and Former Faculty Members.

Phase II of the process is devoted to drafting an action plan to formulate goals and plans for the future by embracing a spirit of thoughtful self improvement. These recurring themes and ideas form the basis of determining overarching priorities and help to chart a road map for the next decade.

Faculty Member Christine McCarty P ‘98, ‘02 passed away in June 2016. The garden outside of the Dane W. Dicke Family Library has been named in Christine’s honor. In September 2016, a memorial service attended by Faculty and Staff was held in the garden.

In October 2016 a CAIS visiting committee, comprised of teachers and administrators from other Connecticut schools, will independently assess Rumsey’s self-study report and action plan and add its perspective and recommendations to craft a comprehensive vision for the future of Rumsey Hall School.

Christine McCarty P ’98, ’02



In Memory of

Beloved Friend Who Served as Devoted Teacher and Mentor to Rumsey Hall Students From 1994 - 2016

UPCOMING EVENTS 32ND Annual Benefit Auction

October 7, 2016

Fall Parents’ Day

October 8, 2016

NYC Reception

November 9, 2016

Korea Reception

November 2016

Holiday Gathering

at the Solley House

Alumni Games/

December 17, 2016

Young Alums Gathering

February 4, 2017

Bromley Ski Trip

February 5-7, 2017

36” x 48”

This oil painting of Headmaster Tom and Ashley Farmen by local portrait artist Edward Martinez will be displayed alongside portraits of Rumsey’s former Heads of School in the conference room of the Dorothy Rochon Anderson Administration Building.

Annual Report 2015-16


Rumsey Hall School 201 Romford Road Washington, CT 06794

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