Rumsey Hall School Viewbook

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Welcome to

Rumsey Hall!

Our mission: Rumsey Hall School is committed to a whole-child approach to education and believes that teaching academics and teaching an attitude of mind are of equal importance. The School emphasizes effort as a criterion for success and is dedicated to helping each child develop toward his or her maximum stature as an educated person, a successful member of a family and a contributing member of a community.


A Tradition Of...


EFFORT Doing one’s best becomes more than an objective at Rumsey — it becomes a habit for life. Effort does not start and end with the student. It is a shared responsibility between the student and each faculty member. The result is an environment where everyone shares in the achievement of success. Students on the Effort and Dean’s Lists earn privileges that reinforce the idea that greater independence and autonomy are the rewards for diligent effort. Recognition for effort builds a respect for self-discipline and personal responsibility. This emphasis on effort becomes an integral part of the student’s everyday life. Effort is the Key to Success; Effort Controls your Destiny.

FAMILY The close relationships between faculty and students are the core of the family atmosphere. Students build key relationships grounded in trust and know they can be themselves without need for pretense. Our nurturing environment includes family-style meals and daily interactions with adults who care. At Rumsey Hall, formative experiences are strengthened by familial relationships. Everyone comes together under one roof. Sustained by traditions, the strong culture and spirit of the School are rooted in the family atmosphere.

COMMUNITY In our School community we know each other by name and appreciate every person’s individual talents and qualities. Our sense of community is anchored by shared values of honesty, kindness and respect. Inspiring and guiding students to become valuable, contributing members of the community through involvement in all aspects of life on campus are key elements of Rumsey’s whole-child education. Our students enjoy individual opportunities, a satisfying sense of community, and both independence and guidance as they strive for personal growth.


Lower School Children in grades K–IIIrd Form (5th Grade) at Rumsey Hall thrive in a small, nurturing environment that emphasizes inquiry, interconnection and the development of independence with a balance of structure and freedom. Role models abound and School values are lived. Lower School students enjoy the wonder of today and anticipate the promise of tomorrow.



A place where students create and hold onto the best moments of their childhood.


Rumsey’s Lower School embraces a variety of approaches to best nurture students’ innate enthusiasm and curiosity. The classroom experience emphasizes a response to students’ interests, personalities and learning styles. Rumsey Hall provides foundational learning in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, with co-curricular classes in foreign language, art, music, library/information literacy, health and physical education. Small class sizes ensure that each student receives personal attention, particularly in reading, writing and math instruction. The Rumsey setting in the Bantam River Valley provides a wonderful natural laboratory for studying the environment.


Hands-on activities integrated into interdisciplinary units allow children to practice critical thinking, problem solving, public speaking and other fundamental skills across the curriculum.



The Lower School has self-contained classrooms located on the first floor of the Sanford House and in the M. Joseph Garassino ’99 Classroom Building. After Morning Meeting there are eight academic periods, Monday through Friday, from 8am – 3pm. English, reading, math, science and social studies are taught by the homeroom teachers. Classes in music, art, foreign languages, language skills, health and physical education vary the students’ schedules by requiring them to change classrooms with specialized teachers. Lunch is served family style in Farmen Hall in the Campus Center. After classes, students participate in the Afternoon Enrichment Program until 4:30pm. Activities include daily athletic and art options that vary seasonally. IIIrd Form (5th Grade) students have the opportunity to participate in the Upper School Athletic Program, which includes various teams that compete with other schools.



Each winter Rumsey’s Kindergartners pursue a child-directed unit deciding what they will study. After listing, grouping and categorizing their numerous ideas, the class chooses one topic or phenomenon to pursue, such as “humans in space” or “buildings and architecture.” A “things with wings” study prompts students to examine wing form and function in birds, insects and airplanes.


Self-confidence, courtesy and a strong work ethic are strongly emphasized at Rumsey Hall. Lower School students are guided in developing these life skills in age appropriate ways. At Morning Meeting, children work on poise and public speaking. Family-style meals help promote good manners while developing social skills. Throughout the day, all children are encouraged to do their best. Beginning in the Ist Form (3rd Grade) they receive effort grades and may be recognized on the Effort List.

IIIrd Form (5th Grade) is both the culmination of the elementary experience and the beginning of a purposeful transition to the Upper School. IIIrd Formers enjoy the responsibility of serving as prefects at lunch tables. They also have the opportunity to play interscholastic sports and attend some Upper School Morning Meetings as they form connections with Upper School students and faculty members. To ensure a smooth academic transition, IIIrd Form teachers meet with Upper School colleagues to discuss placement recommendations, as well as students’ individual learning styles, strengths and weaknesses.

Afternoon Enrichment Program (AEP) Activities: Rocketry Young Chefs’ Club Poets’ Café Knitting Legomania

Guitar Drumming Piano Ceramics Decoupage

Drawing Theater Martial Arts Journal Writing Flag Football

Soccer Baseball Sports Mania Circus Arts Sculpture

Painting Outdoor Adventures


Upper School Rumsey Hall provides students with a supportive, family environment to grow intellectually and personally. In the Upper School, boarding and day students engage in a variety of fulfilling learning experiences that help shape character and increase confidence and independence in preparation for secondary school and life’s journeys.



Rumsey is a haven for deep thinking and reflection in a fast-paced world, as well as a place of productive activity and healthy fun.


Upper School students pursue a balanced curricula that includes math, science, English, foreign language, history, art and music. Classes are held Monday through Saturday with three Activity Weekends (no Saturday classes) per term. A bi-weekly report card is sent to parents and is reviewed with each student by the advisor. Average class size is 12 students. This makes for a dynamic learning environment where everyone’s voice is heard and encouraged.


Effort is graded on class involvement, extra credit projects and submitting homework on time. The Effort List is designed to encourage students to meet academic expectations. Students make the Dean’s List by demonstrating superior effort in three or more classes. This positive reinforcement helps students develop internal motivation, laying the foundation for both achievement in academics and success in other areas of life.



Each student has a faculty advisor who serves as that student’s advocate in all aspects of School life. The advisor/advisee connection is one of the most important relationships at Rumsey.


Rumsey’s educational experience incorporates technology that creates diverse opportunities for learning while fostering appropriate and thoughtful use of technological resources. Rumsey continually adapts its technology to advance with the changing needs of students and their connectivity to the world.


Community Service is part of School life and can take the form of a classroom project, a grade-wide endeavor or a school-wide activity. Every weekend brings service learning opportunities—from visiting the elderly, stocking a food bank or taking part in a charity run or “walkathon.” Participation is optional, but the majority of Rumsey students choose to spend some of their free time helping others.


Teacher, coach, advisor, mentor, role model: these responsibilities are embraced by our faculty. Rumsey Hall attracts and retains professional educators who thrive in our School culture that recognizes the importance of educating the whole child in a community emphasizing effort as the key to success. Our faculty balance the traditional structure of our School with the understanding that children learn differently. Teachers are encouraged to be innovative and flexible. They enthusiastically accept their responsibility as role models. The strong teacher-student relationships that develop are the core of the family atmosphere that is so prevalent on our campus.


English as a Second Language Language Skills • 20/20 Challenge: Collaborative research program with partner schools • Community Living Skills • Boys’ Atlas • Girls’ World • 4S: Senior School Search Seminar • Health Education • •

GROWING UP RUMSEY Rumsey Hall helps students find answers to quintessential

adolescent questions and discover their best selves through

the Boys’ Atlas and Girls’ World programs. In these single-sex classes for each grade level, students consider such topics

as friendship, risk-taking, group dynamics and stereotypical representations in the media. Role-playing, journal writing and other activities encourage critical thinking and moral

reasoning to help students develop a sense of self-identity and community responsibility.



Rumsey’s VIIth Form academic program offers appropriate challenges and preparation for the curricula at secondary schools around the world. Our VIIth Form program allows students to enter secondary school fully grounded with a sense of purpose and energy. Buoyed by their successful experiences in leadership and the School’s mission to be a successful and contributing member of the community, students move forward as confident, adventurous young people who are self-assured and resilient.


A full-time Director of Secondary School Placement works closely with the seniors and their parents providing extensive guidance to insure appropriate school placement. A Senior School Search Seminar (4S) hosts Secondary School Admission Representatives during the Fall Term and explores topics of leadership, responsibility and community living.

Rumsey Traditions Effort and Dean’s Lists Leadership Baton Blue Dog Parade Friendship Senior Square Honesty, Kindness & Respect Declamations Dorm Cup Bromley Cookie Line

The Giving Tree Winter Musical Bizarre & Extreme Day Reds vs. Blues Haircuts Dorm Carnival Pavek Cup Varsity Athletic Banquet Academic Ribbons The School Bell

Upper School Clubs and Activities: Archery Art Club Build a Siege Machine Chuck It Golf Classic Movies Fantasy Baseball Fishing Fundamentals of Baseball Grillin’ and Chillin’ 12

Improv Lower School Connection Indoor Wall Climbing Running Street Hockey Soccer Volleyball Weight Lifting Yearbook

Morning Meeting Senior Sleep-In Bantam River Air Band Hot Chocolate at Headmaster’s House Honors Study Hall Rumsey Cheer Pond Hockey

Dorm Life Rumsey Hall students are nurtured and well cared for. Residing in small, comfortable dormitories, boarders are supervised by dorm parents who treat them like members of their own families. Having a place to relax, getting enough sleep, developing community living skills and enjoying dorm life and weekend activities are all part of the boarding experience.

The goals of the Dorm Life Program include educating students to become contributing members of the School community, encouraging positive peer relationships, promoting health and wellness and developing a sense of dorm spirit. “Dorm Nights� are scheduled every other week throughout the year and include activities such as intramural competition in volleyball, basketball, broomball and indoor wall climbing. A talent show, an air band contest, spelling and math competitions and a chess tournament are annual dorm life traditions. Holiday celebrations and birthday parties enhance the family atmosphere in the dormitories. During weekends students can choose from on-campus activities such as games in the gym, art projects, skating and spending time with friends.

Off-campus trips and a variety of activities are also offered each weekend. The Rumsey campus is close to New Haven, Hartford, Boston and New York City to take advantage of entertainment and cultural offerings.

WEEKEND ACTIVITIES INCLUDE TRIPS TO: Museums Broadway Shows Plays Cultural Events Sports Complexes Carnivals/Fairs Amusement Parks Water Parks

Restaurants Movie Theaters Outdoor Adventures Sporting Events Ski Areas Bowling Alleys Paintball Parks


Arts 14

“At Rumsey there are so many different ways to express yourself. I never thought I could perform in front of the whole school but when I did it gave me so much confidence. I am very shy and it changed my life at Rumsey.�


In visual art courses, students are introduced to fundamental concepts and have the opportunity to experiment with a variety of media. Elective offerings include portrait and landscape painting and drawing, digital photography, architecture, industrial design and ceramics.


Every year brings a host of performing arts opportunities. The major theatrical productions include the Fall Drama and the Winter Musical. A highlight of the spring is the Talent Show, which features a variety of student-generated acts. A course in Stage Ready Performance Skills is also offered.


Student musicians perform for concerts, assemblies, and other special events as members of the Orchestral Ensemble, the Clef Club (chorus), Passing Notes (a cappella group, chosen from Clef Club), IVth Form (6th Grade) Chorus, History of Rock and Roll, Songwriting and Composition and Electronic Music.




Sports at Rumsey Hall Basketball (boys & girls) Baseball Crew (coed) Cross Country (coed) Field Hockey Football Hockey (boys & girls) Horseback Riding (coed) Instructional Tennis (girls) Lacrosse (boys & girls)


Rumsey Hall believes that interscholastic athletics exist as an essential phase of the student’s full education. Each student is required to participate in afternoon athletics, Monday through Friday and sometimes on weekends. Most activities use on-campus facilities. The hockey teams skate at our own Lufkin Rink as well as on Rumsey’s ponds. The ski/snowboard programs travel to Mohawk Mountain, CT. The crew program rows on Lake Waramaug, CT and the riding program is held at Fox Crossing Equestrian, CT.


The sound of a bell ringing throughout campus can only mean one thing: one of Rumsey’s athletic teams has won a competition! Rumsey offers more than 30 interscholastic teams.

Recreational Skiing/ Snowboarding (coed) Rumsey Outdoor Adventure (coed) Skiing (coed) Soccer (coed) Softball Tennis (coed) Volleyball (girls) Wrestling

Everyone has the chance to play, whether they’ve played the sport before or are trying it for the first time. Our coaches are all members of our faculty, and their goals are to teach the game, to help each student improve and to foster an environment that emphasizes effort, teamwork and sportsmanship.


Rumsey Hall’s wooded campus and rural location provide many opportunities for healthy outdoor fun in the Bantam River Valley. A highlight of our recreational options is Rumsey Outdoor Adventure (ROA), which includes hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, mastering the low ropes course, canoeing, archery and learning wilderness skills.

Go Blue Dogs!


A Day in

the Life 7:00 am

7:40 am

8:00 am

The nourishing start of a busy and productive day

Students make their beds and tidy their rooms, acquiring organizational habits.

The community gathers for general announcements, a daily news report and Captains’ Reports.

1:55 pm

3:00 pm

5:00 pm


Extra Help During this daily period, teachers offer individualized extra help or extra challenge.


Dorm Check Off


Every Rumsey student participates in afternoon athletics or activities.

Morning Meeting

Free Time

Students relax after a busy day.

8:30 am

10:36 am

12:23 pm

Students attend eight 40-minute periods.

The School community takes a break to enjoy a snack and socialize.

Meals are served family style with a student prefect leading each table. Seating assignments change every two weeks.

6:00 pm

7:00 pm

9:30-10:30 pm

Faculty families dine with students and encourage conversation and good table manners, helping each student develop important social skills.

This 90-minute proctored study hall ensures students have ample time and structure to complete their homework.

After free time, dorm parents oversee preparation for bedtime to ensure students get the rest they need.

Start of Classes



Study Hall


Lights Out


A Letter from the Headmaster Dear Friends, At the start of each day, our students and faculty join together in The Sanford House Study Hall for Morning Meeting when our School community connects and sets the tone for the day ahead. This daily ritual preserves the deep sense of camaraderie and School spirit that our founder, Lillias Rumsey Sanford, first envisioned over 100 years ago. At Rumsey you will find a School balanced by its longstanding traditions and innovation. The spirit of the School is rooted in its family atmosphere, a nurturing home away from home. Rumsey’s unique culture is anchored by the important life values of Honesty, Kindness, and Respect. We strive to provide the necessary structure, support and guidance to our students, while challenging and preparing them for Secondary School by embracing a whole child approach toward education. Our dedicated faculty has also made Rumsey their home. They have a passion for working with children, encouraging students to take risks, discover new talents and become contributing members of our community. By fostering confidence and self-esteem in each child, students learn to become self-advocates and independent thinkers. Students understand that their individual effort, more than their achievement, is the key to success. Doing one’s best is more than an objective at Rumsey—it becomes a habit for life. As a Rumsey Alumnus, it is my privilege to lead the School that I have held close to my heart since I was a student. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus, introducing you to our teachers and staff and sharing the vibrant energy on campus known as Blue Dog Spirit. Enter as visitors, leave as family.

Matthew S. Hoeniger ’81 Headmaster

Qui Non Proficit Deficit

“He who is not advancing falls behind.”

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