"What we do" talking points

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What we do Student Life & Leadership Cross-Cultural Center relevant programs: The Cultural Wellness and Personal Development program provides opportunities for students, particularly students of color to explore their personal, social, cultural, academic, and career identities. The opportunities focus on the development of one’s identities, as well as the relationship between one’s personal development, the health of one’s community, and the health of one’s cultural group. The Celebrating Our Community Series are opportunities for students to celebrate the different cultural communities present at UC Irvine. This is also an opportunity to come together with different cultural organizations and get to know each other on a more personal way in order to develop a strong community at the Cross-Cultural Center. Additional relevant programs in Student Life & Leadership include: Greek Life Campus Climate Series Passport to Leadership Program International Students Transitioning to Educational and Personal Success (I-STEPS) English Conversation Program (ECP) Administrative Intern Program Transgender students’ attendance at T-Camp

International Student Orientation (ISO) Winter Leadership Identity Series Summer Multicultural Leadership Institute Alternative Break Women & Gender Education Series Reaffirming Ethnic Awareness And Community Harmony (REACH)

Enrollment Services California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP), which works to offer opportunity and support for students within the UCI academic community and beyond. w w w. c fe p. uc i. e du/ca mp Student Achievement Guided by Experience (SAGE), which provides undergraduates who have significant financial need with the tools to invest in their future through leadership training, career and graduate school planning, and access to internship and scholarship opportunities. w w w. s age s chol a rs . uci. e du Student Outreach and Retention Center (SOAR), which provides support and enrichment opportunities for students. s o a r. uc i. e du Dreamer Student Support Programs planned for fall quarter: • • • • • • • • •

Dreamer Welcome Day Workshops Study Abroad sessions Advance Parole DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) Informational Sessions GRADD (Graduates Reaching A Dream Deferred) Panel Dreamers Immigration Lectures Scholarship Jam Holistic Success CA Dream Act x5

What we do Auxiliary Services Campus Connections for First Generation College Students Middle Earth Housing This hall is designed to assist first generation college students with the transition to college life, providing information about campus resources, services and opportunities as well as a supportive community of peers. 2014-2015 will launch a special collaboration with the Composition Program, where Campus Connections residents will be encouraged to take Writing 39A together in fall quarter. This will give residents the opportunity to work on class assignments together in an environment that is especially conducive to academic success. Studies have shown that students who live and take class together can have greater academic success! Peer Writing Tutor support will also be provided along with tutoring in areas such as Chemistry, Math, Physics and BioSci. Campus Connections residents will also receive a free copy of “First Semester Success” by Arden B. Hammer and other resources to help them prepare for and make the most of the college experience.

Wellness, Health & Counseling Services The Career Center helps students gain career clarity and confidence as well as realize their career potential through: • • • • • • •

one-on-one career counseling career assessments job shadowing opportunities internship opportunities, including the summer UCDC and Sacramento Internship Programs career options panels career classes career support groups

Support is provided to campus units through customized workshops, career panels, orientation and outreach events, and conducting on-site drop-ins. Common partners include: •

ACCESS Social Ecology Program, an innovative peer mentoring and retention program for new students in the School of Social Ecology.

Antleater Mentorship Program, which provides a foundational network consisting of current students who are deeply involved in different facets of the campus to incoming and transfer students.

SAGE (Student Achievement Guided by Experience) Scholars

SOAR (Student Outreach And Retention Center)

Transfer Student Center, which provides programs and services for transfer students that affirms their value to the UCI community and increases their visibility on campus.

Student Housing

Student Support Services

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