JESS Secondary Clubs & Activities

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Secondary Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Activities Term 1 – 2022/23
Page | 3 CO CURRICULAR AND ECAS Co Curricular Sport Drama Music Dance Duke of Edinburgh Award Extra Curricular Recreational Sport Mathematics Computer Science Art Design & Technology Science Literature & Debating Activities & Societies Sign Up Information Contents


The Co Curricullar program is a central part of a students journey through the Senior School. Music, sport, dance and drama all play an integral part in school life, both within the curriculum and beyond. JESS also has a long tradition within the Duke of Edinburgh Award which sees numerous expeditions, charitable initiatives and other ways of serving the community.

Involvement within a variety of stimulating activities also enhances physical and mental wellbeing and provides opportunities to explore passions and interests that will remain in their lives beyond school. Students involvement will be encouraged across the school and reinforced by form tutors and Heads of Year.

Our Core Values of Curiosity and Commitment guide us to ensure that every student should discover and then pursue their passion. The ever changing and expanding list of clubs and societies is proof of the success of that policy.

Co Curricular Sport Music Drama Dance DofE Service


Sport plays a major role in many of the students’ lives at JESS. The aim is to discover and develop the potential within students through practice, training and competition. Sport also develops confidence and resilience through physical, technical and mental stimulus, and exposure to success and failure in order to develop resilience.

At JESS, we pride ourselves on the number of teams on offer and amount of opportunity to represent the school through DASSA leagues, regional invitational tournaments and international competitions. The main sports at JESS are Basketball, Football, Netball, Rugby and Swimming. Athletics, Cricket, Cross Country, Golf and Water polo are also popular and operate through the diverse ECA programme.

A JESS athlete is confident, calm under pressure, coachable and physically conditioned. JESS athletes are comfortable in the chaos of Sport. They are versatile; attackers can play as defenders and defenders as attackers. Everyone can play everywhere. They develop into fast thinkers, with fast feet and fast hands. As such our style of play is high intensity, entertaining, risk taking, cavalier (at times) and the team ethic is to never give up. This transfers into individual performance sports such as Swimming, Cross Country, Multi Discipline and Athletics.

Success might not always happen, but the willingness to work hard and to improve is always the aim. Effort is simply the most important element of anything any boy or girl does when training or representing JESS.


Boys and girls are to be aware that by playing for a school team, they are representing the school and should give their full commitment, remembering that their behaviour will reflect on themselves and their school.

Selection for a team is an ongoing process across the whole season, as such, players can be moved across teams and positions from week to week. The expectation is that pupils prioritise school sport for both training and fixture commitments should they wish to represent the school. Selection is based around what it means to be JESS athlete. On occasion when players do change teams the coach will explain the reasons behind the decision and give the individual things to work on. Parents are asked to refrain from questioning team selection and instead encourage their son or daughter to speak their coach and seek direction.

On certain occasions internal clashes between sports do occur and the Sports department will do their upmost to keep these to a minimum. However, when this does happen the decision will lie with Head of Secondary Sport. The priority will always be given to what is decided as the more important event / fixture. The greater good will always be at the heart of the decision over the individual preference.

‘Success does not lie in ‘Results’ but in ‘Efforts’, ‘Being’ the best is not so important, ‘Doing’ your best is what matters…’

Likewise, clashes between extracurricular activities (Sport, Music and Drama) are kept to a minimum, however when they do occur it will be up to the Director of Co Curricular to oversee the priority and what the pupil is expected to do. Compromise will always be sought, but it is the responsibility of the school to make the decision and to what is the priority on that occasion.


Communication about team selection and fixture details are published on Fixtures Pro and on team sheets via the Games noticeboards. It is the responsibility of the pupil to ensure that they are aware of dates, venues and timings.

In the event of a clash an email or letter from parents outlining the reason for the clash must be presented. If a player becomes ill prior to a match they must let the coach or Head of Sport know ASAP. Under no circumstances should a message be passed on by another pupil. Any player letting his or her team down without prior notification or agreement with their coach will see the Head of Sport. In serious circumstances the Director of Sport will be informed and parents will be contacted. It only takes one member of a team not to turn up for the whole team and school to be affected.


All pupils selected to represent the school are expected to be available for every fixture, during the week and on weekends. In exceptional circumstances unavailability should be discussed with the coach giving at least 1 weeks’ notice: on no account must thoughtlessness lead to a team being short.


All start and finish times will depend on several factors and can change. In principle most home games should start by 4.15pm and away fixtures should return to school by 6.15pm. All information is published on Fixtures Pro ( and on team sheets once the details are known. Further details about the app for this will follow.

Attendance (Practices and Fixtures)

Practice and training are an essential part of team preparation and are an important part of the selection procedure. If unable to participate due to injury or illness students must communicate with their coach or member of staff as soon as possible.

Dress Code (fixtures)

Once selected students are expected to be in the correct team kit.

DASSA Evenings & Fixture Timings

Please note that on occasion fixtures can change night due to cancellations, postponements and clashes. All home fixtures should start by 4.15pm and all away fixtures should be back by 6.30pm. Details of venues, dates, kick offs and selections are all on the Team noticeboards and Fixtures Pro. 1st Team refers to the Senior Under 19 team. Term 3 may change due to Ramadan dates. Further details to follow.


Sports on Offer


Athletics is one of JESS’s major activities in term 2 with over 200 keen students participating at the DASSA and World School Games Championships. Our athletes have also excelled across the UAE and at home in both track and field events, gaining national recognition and going on to represent their country. Most of those involved use the training as a valuable part of their fitness and conditioning for other sports but the buzz of individual competition and a strong team ethos helps to make this an enjoyable sport for many.


Basketball has become one of the fastest growing sports at JESS. At senior level there are now 12 teams and at junior level 20, which means well over 200 students are now competing within regular fixtures. This helps to ensure that those who enjoy this sport are given an equal opportunity to represent the school within competitive matches and tournaments. The basketball programme aims to provide an opportunity for individuals to be part of a team and develop a passion for an exciting, fast paced and physically demanding sport where teamwork is more important than individual ability. In addition, our world class indoor facilities (5 courts) and qualified coaches ensure that every pupil has the means to maximise their skills and fulfil their potential.

Cross Country

Cross country running is a very popular activity at JESS with training and competition taking place throughout terms 1 and 2. The school has an excellent record in DASSA events and has one of the best running clubs in Dubai. Squads are run at under 13, 15 and senior level and can often ben seen training around the Alma lake from September to April.

Football Football is the main sport played in the first term with over 40 teams across all age groups. This is the most of any school in Dubai. Our Football Programme provides opportunities for children of all ability levels to play in teams from A to C who all compete in the DASSA Secondary league and cup competitions. By providing opportunities for all ability levels students enjoy a diverse programme, where they not only develop their technical skills but learn values such as integrity, responsibility and respect which they need for the challenges they face not just on the pitch but in all areas of school life.

There are also strong links with external academies, providing pathways for students to continue their development outside of school. There is an extensive group of well trained staff, including UEFA A & B Licence holders. The aim of the staff is to provide an enjoyable and challenging environment that enables students to enjoy their sport, access competitive provision while pushing those who have ambitions to progress their football careers. As a result many of our footballers continue to play after JESS. Several have signed for English academy teams, competing within the UAE Professional leagues and achieving scholarships at American Universities.



Netball is one of the major sports at JESS, with over 200 girls taking the opportunity to represent the school across 18 teams at secondary level. A typical week consists of 20 fixtures played from U12 through to the Blues. The extensive fixture list gives girls of all ages many opportunities to compete, from A to D team. The squads compete in the DASSA leagues, DASSA tournaments and often travel to tournaments across the UAE and UK. There is also the popular pre season tour to Abu Dhabi which acts as a bonding trip ahead of the season. Preparation begins in Term 1 with all players participating in training and the strength and conditioning programme. Through the year there is opportunity to represent JESS, in June there is the annual trip to the world school games in Loughborough for the under 13, 15 and 17 squads. The international festival at Dubai College also gives the A & B teams the opportunity to play teams from the UK, including Epsom and Brighton College. As ever there is the popular Dubai 7s weekend giving the senior girls the chance to play teams from all over the world.

The facilities are world class with five indoor air conditioned netball courts and the coaching staff include former Super league and Internationals players.

In 2019 the under 13 team attended the World School Games in Loughborough University finishes runners up in the cup competition. Current and former JESS students often represent the under 17 and Senior Women’s UAE squad. In 2022, two JESS students helped the UAE to win silver at the European under 17 Championships in Newcastle.


JESS has a proud rugby tradition with the ‘white and blue’ jersey becoming synonymous with rugby in the UAE. The school sides have enjoyed much success in recent years both in the UAE and abroad, however, the real measure of success lies in the number of girls and boys who regularity represent the 20 teams in the three formats of the game (15s,10s, 7s).

The ethos of JESS rugby is that every boy or girls, no matter their standard, has the opportunity to play for the school. The aim is to cultivate an enjoyable environment where all can maximize their personal development. Each team has excellent provision from an outstanding group of truly knowledgeable staff with international experience, allowing participation at the appropriate level and to take pride when playing for JESS.

Trips and tours are also an important part of the programme. The destinations have ranged from Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, Lisbon and to the National Schools Rosslyn Park 7s tournament in the UK where notably our U14s created history in 2019 by reaching the final if this prestigious competition.

Several former JESS players have gone on to represent the UAE at under 17, under 19 and the senior men’s side. Former students have also return to their home countries and have gone on to represent them at England under 18 and Scotland under 18s.



Swimming is one of the most successful sports at JESS and has a thriving swimming programme in which students can pursue their passion and fulfil their potential. The provision caters for students ranging from learn to swim, swim fit, club swimmers through to elite performance. The successful programme gives swimmers a variety of experiences whether through swimming itself, water polo, galas, aquathlons or relays all students have the chance to enjoy the aquatics provision whilst developing integrity, discipline, and sportsmanship.

Swimmers can attend daily morning, lunchtime or after school training sessions throughout the year. JESS organises numerous inter school swim galas for A, B and C teams alongside the Water Polo teams. JESS is also extremely well resourced and has a 25m, 9 lane swimming pool.

Strength and Conditioning

The aim of the strength and conditioning programme at JESS is to develop all aspects of students’ strength and conditioning requirements, including, strength, power, and speed development, whilst making sure it is age and stage specific. The training sessions also provide an opportunity for students to switch off from academic and sporting pressures and channel their energy in a different direction.

Water polo

Water polo is an emerging sport at JESS. Its popularity has grown in recent years is played as part of the aquatics programme all the way through the secondary school in term 3. Water polo is open to all pupils as a competitive sport for both boys and girls. Teams compete from under 13 to blues, with weekly training and matches against all the leading school’s in Dubai. Many of the students enjoy water polo training as it blends swimming fitness with strategic game skills, promoting a strong team orientated ethos.

Contacts for Secondary Sports

Director of Sport, Head of Cross Country & Athletics Mr Nicholson

Head of Secondary Sport Mr Wernham

Head of Rugby Mr Elliott

Head of Football (Boys and Girls) Mr Main & Mr Gallagher

Head of Netball Miss Tuckey

Head of Aquatics (Swimming, Waterpolo, Aquathlon) Miss Pardoe

Head of Basketball (Boys & Girls) Miss Hankin Term 1 Timetable

can be accessed by using the link below.
JESS Sport Schedule Term 1 22/23


Drama at JESS places value on creative curiosity and fostering brilliance in every one of our students. Drama and the Performing Arts are an integral aspect of life at JESS. Diverse ranges of co curricular opportunities are provided for students each academic year enabling students to take part in small and large scale performances. Students can also opt to take London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) examinations in Acting and Public Speaking and specialised workshops or courses are offered.

Innovation and growth are at the heart of the co curricular Drama programme design to ensure it remains exciting and current. Underpinning the JESS Performing Arts values are the demonstrable benefits of an education in the Arts. Students in the Drama programme can enhance their personal development and life skills in innumerable ways including gaining confidence and self esteem, understanding effective collaboration and leadership.

All students at JESS are encouraged and welcome to take part in the co curricular Arts programmes on offer regardless of whether they are following the academic curriculum or not. There is also a core technical team of students that are trained in lighting, sound, projection mapping, stage management and props design who support productions and events.

Spotlight Club

An opportunity to become proficient in technical theatre skills. Join the spotlight team to learn about lighting, sound and projection mapping.

Where: Auditorium When: Tuesday 12:20 1:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Williams Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Year 7 Drama Club

A Drama club for anyone in Year 7 interested in acting! We will work on developing a full range of performance skills in workshop sessions, building to a showcase of our work in November.

Where: DR1 When: Monday & Wednesday 12:20 1:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Williams Year Groups: Year 7 Max Capacity: 24

Fast & Fresh Year 10

Fast & Fresh is an offshoot of the popular Short + Sweet Theatre Festival, created especially for performers 18 years and younger. It is a 10 minute play festival to foster and present emerging regional talent, whilst making performing arts more accessible

Open to Year 10 students. Audition details to follow

Festival Dates: Saturday 29th October 2022 to Sunday 6th November 2022


Show Dates:

Saturday 29th October 2022 7pm Preliminary Round 1

Sunday 30th October 2022 7pm Preliminary Round 2

Saturday 5th November 2022 7pm Preliminary Round 3

Sunday 6th November 2022 7pm Finals

Where: DR 1 When: Tuesday & Thursday 12:20 1:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Williams Year Groups: Y10 Max Capacity: 30

Key Stage 3 Drama Production

An innovative and exciting ensemble based performance for production in November.

This production has already been cast. Miss Williams will be in touch with those students for rehearsal details.

Keep an eye out for details of Props and Set design opportunities through Art and DT.

The Addams Family Musical Production:

The Drama, Music and Dance departments are excited to start rehearsals for the Term 2 musical.

This production has already been cast. Miss Williams will be in touch with those students for rehearsal details. Keep an eye out for details of Props and Set design opportunities through Art and DT.

Student Leadership Opportunities

Are you interested in being an Assistant Director? Marketing manager? Theatre designer or stage manager? If so, we have a range of student leadership opportunities on offer for our projects and events this term. Contact Miss Williams if you would like to apply.

For up to date notices and information please see the JESS Performing Arts Team.

Head of Drama

Jane Williams



Our music department provides opportunities for students of all ages to enjoy the unique benefits of learning an instrument and playing in an ensemble. Our students have access to a highly qualified and experienced team of instrumental teachers who offer individual and group lessons on almost every instrument. Whether studying for an ABRSM or Trinity exam, or playing just for fun, our teachers offer a tailored and structured programme to support students in their musical development. Students from JESS have gone on to study music at NYU, Berklee and the Royal Schools of Music in the UK.

Instrumental Programme

Individual and small group lessons are offered on the following instruments and take place each week throughout the school day:

Violin Viola Cello Double Bass Flute Clarinet Saxophone Trumpet Trombone French Horn Tuba Drums & Percussion Classical Guitar Electric Guitar Piano Voice

Lessons are scheduled using SOCS which both parents and students can access. Secondary students are expected to check SOCS each week to ensure they attend their lesson at the correct time. If you would like to learn more about the instrumental programme, please email the Director of Music;


We are proud to offer an ensemble opportunity for every musician of every age, whether they are just starting out on their musical journey or are at an advanced level. There are numerous performance opportunities throughout the year including major concerts and productions every term both in and out of school, as well as smaller concerts, recitals and informal events throughout the year. Every student, no matter their musical ability, will be given an opportunity to perform.

Students who are taking lessons in our instrumental programme must ensure that they are a member of an ensemble throughout the year as it is a vital part of their musical development and will ensure they progress and reach their potential on their instrument.


All of our ensembles rehearse weekly throughout the year and students are expected to commit to the ensemble for the full year.


Our secondary orchestra is one of our flagship ensembles that rehearse weekly and play a variety of repertoire from film music to classical and popular styles. The orchestra is open to any instrumentalist who has reached approximately grade 2 standard.

Where: MC1

When: Tuesday 3:20 4:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Big Band

Our Big Band play a variety of different jazz styles including swing, funk and Latin American. Big Band is open to any instrumentalists who play trumpet, trombone and saxophone and have reached approximately grade 3 standard.

Where: MC2

When: Thursday 12:20 1:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24


Singing is a huge part of the musical life at JESS and our choirs are always a central part of concerts, productions, events and assemblies. Our main choir is open to any student in secondary regardless of experience or age and no invite is needed!

Where: MC2

When: Wednesday 12:20 1:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Chamber Choir

Our smaller Chamber Choir is made up of students who have gained a place through auditions. The choir sing a variety of styles and tackle more challenging repertoire. The choir have a high profile within the school and have also won various prizes and awards over the years in regional competitions. Details of how to audition for the choir will be shared with students during their music lessons.

When: Monday 12:20 1:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Where: MC1


Sapphire String Quartet

Another of our flagship ensembles, this group which is through invite, tackle some very challenging string repertoire and play at some very high profile events.

Where: MC2 When: Thursday 12:20 1:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

String Group

This group is open to any students who play violin, viola, cello or double bass and is an excellent way for players to progress in their musicianship.

Where: MC1 When: Thursday 12:20 1:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Classical Guitar Group

This ensemble is a chance for our classical guitarists to come together and play a variety of guitar ensemble repertoire and is run by our amazing guitar teacher Mr Valentin Spasov.

Where: MC1 When: Wednesday 12:20 1:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr V. Spasov Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Flute Ensemble

Open to flute players of any age and standard, this ensemble provides a fantastic way for flute players to hone their ensemble skills and become confident musical performers.

Where: MC2 When: Thursday 7:00 7:40am Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24


Musical Theatre (Audition only)

We have a thriving and growing performing arts culture at JESS and strive to give students opportunities to collaborate across all of the performing arts. Every year, we put on a musical theatre production in collaboration with the drama and dance departments. These productions normally take place in term 2 and auditions take place in term 3 for the following year.

Where: Auditorium

When: Monday & Thursday 3:20 4:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Musical Theory

Music theory club is open to students who would like to work towards passing their ABRSM Grade 5 theory exam. GCSE and IB music students are also encouraged to take part in this club.

Where: MC1

When: Thursday7:00 7:40am

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Music Production Club

Music Production Club is offered on an invite basis and covers all aspect of sound recording and production.

Where: MC1

When: Thursday 3:20 4:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Price Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Contacts for Secondary Music

Director of Music

Head of Strings

Mr Price

Ms Keeley

Head of Woodwind Mr MacCloy

Head of Brass Mr McCoy

Head of Voice Mrs Brown

Director of Music

Matthew Price



Dance is a new addition to JESS and we are extremely excited to see the impact this will make to the student learning experiences and the wider JESS community. The aim is for students to develop performance skills and technique; to explore their creativity through guided improvisation and choreographic forms; for us to provide an inclusive and diverse learning environment, where students will thrive to become confident, creative and diligent people, ready to reach their fullest potentials.


The majority of ECA’s offered will be inclusive sessions for students to further enrich their curriculum dance experiences. However, as Dance grows across the school, there will be opportunities for students with greater dance experience to be selected. This is to ensure all students can be challenged and supported, to flourish both as technicians, performers, and where appropriate, to encourage student leadership opportunities through choreography based projects and production support.

Details of upcoming opportunities will be shared during Dance lessons and through ECA channel on Teams.

Dance related enquires should be sent to:

Dance Teacher

Ms Keltie Tomlinson

‘When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.’
‘There are shortcuts to happiness and dance is one of them.’

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is an incredible experience and qualification, but it takes commitment in order to gain an Award. The participant must take ownership for their Award.

Firstly, this introduction gives a taster of ‘The Award’. Full details can be found by following this link

Since the Award began in 1956, its aim has been to help young people plan and undertake their own programme of activities to develop themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is widely recognised by employers and education providers as the definitive qualification for demonstrating self reliance, commitment and dedication. All this, and a lot of fun along the way. Some of the benefits to young people include:

developing self confidence and self reliance gaining a sense of achievement and a sense of responsibility discovering new skills, interests and talents developing leadership skills and abilities.

This is achieved through young people undertaking a range of activities for the four different Award sections: Physical, Skill, Volunteering and the Expeditions. The after school ECA takes them through selecting their activities writing goals and meaningful logs to help them reflect. The ECA also includes the training program for the expeditions which includes: emergency procedures, first aid, nutrition, navigation, teamwork, planning, presenting and HAVING FUN.

Bronze Award (Y10): Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday after school 3:20 4:20pm

Leaders: Mr. Ian Lazenbury and Ms. Ciara Pinnington

Silver Award (Y11): Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday after school 3:20 4:20pm

Leaders: Ms. Nadia Skirka and Mr. Tijani Souaissi

Gold Award (Y12 & Y13): Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday after school 3:20 4:20pm

Leader: Mr. Chris Andrews

International Award Coordinator

Mr Ian Lazenbury:



These clubs represent much of what is best about JESS enthusiasm, diversity, innovation and provide a forum for all ages to come together to share their interests and ideas.

Some meet to explore academic subjects further, while others focus on hobbies and interests beyond the curriculum. A number of clubs have been set up to campaign and develop awareness within the community around social issues, such as Period Empowerment.

Although members of staff are actively involved, many of the societies are run by the students for the students; they remain the driving force.

Can I draw you attention towards the sign up information at the end of the document. This will give all information on how to register and sign up via SOCS.

Extra-Curricular Coordinator



Recreational Sport

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High intensity workout (HIIT) takes your cardio workout to another level, as you push your pace out of your comfort zone. You’ll work up a sweat fast, working at a very intense level and then backing off for a slower recovery period, followed by another round of high intensity.

That strategy can save you time: You do no't have to work out as long as you would if you were keeping a steady pace. You’ll lose weight, build muscle, and boost your metabolism. Plus there’s a post workout bonus: Your body will burn calories for about 2 hours after you exercise.

Where: Gym When: Tuesday 3:30 4:30pm

Teacher in Charge: Mrs R. Rahman Year Groups: Y11 13 Max Capacity:24

Street Dance

In a previous life, Mrs Dela Cruz was a professional dancer. Come get active, get out of your form rooms and dance with your friends. Music is a mix of Hip Hop/ R&B/ Afrobeats.

Where: Dance Studio When: Tuesday 12:30 1:00pm

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Dela Cruz Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

Tennis @ Rackets Academy

The return of a popular club at JESS! Rackets Academy are based in The Green Community, Motor City, and offer top of the range brand new tennis facilities and Coaching. Rackets Academy will be working with JESS this term, where students can sign up to specialist Tennis Coaching. This is open to all abilities!

This activity is based off site. A bus will be provided from school and return to JESS following the lesson for around 5:30pm. Cost will 800aed for 8 lessons, paid directly to Rackets on the first session.

Where: Racket Academy, Motor City When: Wednesday 4:00pm 5:00pm

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Pedder Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24


Golf lessons @ Arabian Ranches Golf Club

JESS have had a partnership with Arabian Ranches Golf Academy for a number of years. Our students have the opportunity to build on their previous golfing ability, and learn the game with specialist coaches.

Students are to make their own way to the lessons for a 4pm start. Students will be supervised by a JESS member of staff. Students are to be collected or are free to leave the venue following the lessons.

Where: Arabian Ranches Golf Club

When: Thursday 4:00 5:00pm

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Annand Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: TBC

Padel @ Sports City

JESS have access to the new indoor Padel courts based in Dubai Sports City. This is a fantastic opportunity to try the fastest growing sport in the region or challenge your friends to a match.

This activity is based off site. A bus will be provided from school and return to JESS following the lesson for around 5:30pm. Cost 861aed for 12 sessions. This includes Racket hire. Payment made directly to Sports City on the first session

Where: Sports City When: Thursday 4:00 5:00pm

Teacher in Charge: Mr S. Lee Year Groups: Y10 13 Max Capacity: 12

MyGolf – Indoor Golf Simulators

MyGolf is a new indoor interactive golf facility located in Dragon Mart 2, they have state of the art simulators that can be used for coaching as well as recreational play. Golfers will be able to record their progress using the Golfzon app and track their performance as well as areas to improve on from their own personal profile. We feel this will be a great experience for our students and be a useful training tool from beginners to even the most competitive of golfers.

MyGolf have been kind enough to offer a free summer introductory session to ALL JESS students and parents, this is a great opportunity for you to experience their facilities and see the benefits of using modern technology for practice and improvements. Parents can contact to arrange your free session or if you require any further details regarding the ECA contact

This activity is based off site. A bus will be provided from school and return to JESS following the lesson for around 5:20pm

Where: MyGolf, DragonMart 2

Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Musleh

When: Tuesday 3:20 5:20pm

Year Groups: Y10 13 Max Capacity: 16



Throughout their mathematical education, all students will be engaged in activities that develop their JESS learner profile. The Mathematics Department encourages all students to become effective inquirers, critical thinkers, and communicators, also helping them to become reflective risk takers. We aim to set challenging but achievable targets for all students at all levels. The ultimate target is to promote independent student learning. Absolutely crucial to the success of these aims is the creation of a positive learning environment, in which students are able to take controlled risks in their attempt to improve their understanding.

UKMT Mathematics Problem Solving Year 7 10

Do you love problem solving? Join this club which encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. We welcome students from all year groups from 7 to 10, both who enjoy mathematics but also those who wish to prepare for the external UKMT challenges. These challenges have the potential to gain certificates and invites to further worldwide challenges. This term we will offer two sessions during the week. Students should only sign up to one.

Dates for this academic year challenges:

1st February 2023 (Year 9 & 10) & 26th April 2023 (Year 7 & 8)

Where: M18/M19

When: Wednesdays 3.30 4.30pm OR Thursday 12:30 1:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mr Underhill Year Groups: Y7 10 Max Capacity: 25

Maths Clinic

Do you have a burning question about something you have learnt in class and want to know more? Is there something that you haven’t yet fully understood in Maths that you would like to? Every Thursday lunchtime there will be support available from Maths teachers and members of the JESS Maths Squad. We welcome students from all year groups with any questions they may have.

Where: M19/M18 When: Thursday 12.30 1.20pm

Teacher in Charge: Maths Team Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: No sign up required

Head of Mathematics

Carla Stevens


Computer Science

The Secondary Computer Science department at JESS aims to provide students with the necessary skills and provisions to use digital technology in all aspects of their daily lives and work. There are dedicated digital labs each equipped with 24 desktop computers and subject specific software such as Balsamiq, Python, Kodu, as well as school wide software such as Microsoft Office 2016.

KS3 Coding Club

This is an opportunity to develop coding skills, in both block coding and python.

Where: M21 When: Tuesday 3:20 4:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Lightbody Year Groups: Y7&8 Max Capacity: 24

KS4 Advanced Programming GCSE Support club

Where: M21 When: Monday Lunchtime Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Lightbody Year Groups: Y9 11 Max Capacity: 24

KS5 Imagine Cup – (over 16’s) only.

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to create positive change using new tools and resources. What better place to start than with technology? The Imagine Cup is your chance to bring your ideas to life, build your skills, and win prizes along the way. Sign up today and help shape our world for the future.

Where: M21 When: Thursday Lunchtime Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Lightbody Year Groups: Y12 & 13 Max Capacity: 24

Computer Science Society

Come and listen to talks and seminars on the latest technologies and how they work both theoretically and also from businesses to gain a real life insight into their use. Where: Times and locaton will vary. Mr Lightbody will inform via ECA Team Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Lightbody Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: 24

KS5 Computer Science Enrichment for University applications (BTEC in AI and Harvard CS50 course)

Where: M21 When: Thursday 3:30 4:30pm Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Lightbody Year Groups: Y12 & 13 Max Capacity: 24

Head of Computing

Alasdair Lightbody


We are very lucky at JESS with our Art Department. We have 4 large spacious rooms, an exhibiting and KS5 work space corridor, a print room and darkroom and the resources to offer Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics, Textiles, printmaking, photography as well as design, architecture and VR. The clubs we offer differ each term, we have amazing artwork produced each year and our students have won prizes, progressed to the best art courses in the world and have worked with some of the best talents in their fields. Our ECAs are a chance to enjoy creativity and excel in your talents or learn new ones.

Oil Painting Club

Learn how to oil paint. Bring your images and learn from start to finish on the process of oil painting. Or, if you are already experienced, you will be able to advance your skills even further. Where: AR2 When: Monday 12:20 1:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr T. Carrigan Year Groups: Y12 & 13 Max Capacity: 10

KS3 Art Club

Open to all KS3 students, this club offers a variety of activities to enjoy, using a broad range of media.

Where: AR1

When: Tuesday 3:20 4:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Wallace Year Groups: Y7 9 Max Capacity: 20

KS4 Art Club

An opportunity to develop your artistic skills. A broad range of materials will be used exploring more complex and innovative artistic ideas.

Where: AR1 When: Wednesday 3:20 4:20pm Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Wallace & Mr T. Carrigan Year Groups: Y10 & 11 Max Capacity: 20

Craft Club

A fun opportunity to produce creative things that are not usually taught in Art lessons. These activities will include such skills as paper making and ceramics.

Where: AR2 When: Thursday 12:20 1:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Ms R. Skerne Year Groups: Y7 9 Max Capacity:15


School Production Prop Design

A teams that Liaises with Drama, DT and Art. To get involved, speak to the drama team and you can work with us with a list of what needs to be done.

Where: AR1

When: Thursday 3:20 4:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Wallace Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity:TBC

Photography Club

In joining this club, you will work with film and digital photography. Learning how to use the dark room, develop film and hone your photoshop skills. You will have the opportunity to document sports fixtures, drama rehearsals, school events as well as learn how to take still life and portraiture

Where: AR1

When: Tuesday 12:20 1:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Wallace Year Groups: Y9 11 Max Capacity:TBC

Head of Art

Mr Russell Wallace


Design & Technology

The Design and Technology (D&T) Department at JESS provides students with a range of opportunities through a rich and varied curriculum. D&T is designed to give students the skills and abilities to engage positively with the designed and made world and harness the benefits of technology. The KS3 programme in JESS has a wide variety of projects, including; 3D printed architecture, ergonomic games controllers, electronic operation game etc.

At KS4 and KS5 students can opt to study D&T for their GCSE and IB, where they will learn how products and systems are designs and manufactured, how to be innovative and to make creative use of a variety of resources including digital technologies, to improve the world around them.

Here at JESS we are passionate about the unless opportunities D&T provides our students, this is reiterated by designer and entrepreneur Sir James Dyson; “Design and technology is a phenomenally important subject. Logical, creative and practical, it’s the only opportunity students have to apply what they learn in maths and science directly preparing them for a career in engineering.”

Formula 1 in Schools

F1 in Schools is an international STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) competition which is offered to students year 7 11. Within the club students will work in groups of between 3 6 to design and manufacture a miniature F1 car using CAD/CAM technology. Students are all assigned specific roles which reflects a real life F1 team, roles include Team Manager, Design Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Resource Manager & Graphic Designer. We encourage students to get involved with this exciting new club and work towards securing a place at the National Finals.

Where: DT1

When: Tuesday 12:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Leacy Year Groups:Y7 11 Max Capacity: 16

Cultural Creations ( Will begin in Term 2)

Cultural Creations club sets out to explore crafts from different cultures throughout the world and embrace the rich international school community here at JESS. The club was first introduced in 2021 and it was a fantastic success, where students explored traditional skills and created their own projects. The most recent project included exploring the Irish skills of weaving to create a Sugan Chair.

Where: DT2

When: Tuesday 3:30pm Term 2

Teacher in Charge: Mr. D. Leacy Year Groups: Y9 Max Capacity: 10


Jewellery Making: (Will begin in Term 3)

Jewellery making has been a significant part of many cultures and traditions for many centuries and this club will provide students with an opportunity to create their own bespoke piece of Jewellery using various materials and processes.

Where: TBC When: TBC Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Lacey Year Groups: Y7&8 Max Capacity: TBC

School Production Prop Design

The club will design and make props for the school production. Students will work together to collaborate with the Drama department to design props that are appropriate for the different performances.

Where: TBC When: TBC Teacher in Charge: TBC Year Groups: TBC Max Capacity:TBC

Head of Design & Technology

Mr David Leacy



The aim of the JESS Science department is to create future leaders in the field of science. Students at JESS cover a broad range of scientific concepts, facts, principles and theories, while also engage with and challenge the science the meet in everyday life.

We are committed to encouraging our students to adopt a critical, questioning frame of mind, going ‘behind the scenes’ to understand the workings of Science and how it shapes their lives. The emphasis is on ‘learning by discovery’ and, as a result, practical work, investigation skills and ICR are the focal points of many lesson.

KS3 Science Club

Come and join science club for some more interesting experiments and activities to try at home!

Where: S3

When: Tuesday 3:20 4:20pm Teacher in Charge: Ms T. Curran Year Groups: 7&8 Max Capacity: 24

Crest Bronze Award in Science Bronze Awards introduce students to project work empowering them to work like real scientists, technologists, engineers or mathematicians. Students choose their own topic and methodologies, giving them complete freedom over their work.

Where: S3

When: Tuesday 12:30 1:10pm Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Langworthy Year Groups: Y7 9 Max Capacity: 15

Head of Science

Mrs Patricia Coffey


Literature & Debating

We seek to develop in our students the ability to think critically and creatively, to express themselves with confidence and coherence, and to combine deep understanding with personal engagement in their responses to language and literature. Extra Curricular activities are aimed to support excellent achievement within all three skills areas of speaking and listening, reading, and writing.

Challenging and enjoyable activities give students of all aptitudes the opportunity to employ a range of communication strategies, which support their cross curricular achievement and provide an excellent skills base for lifelong learning.

Model United Nations

Model United Nations is a club that focuses on developing the skills of research, debate and diplomacy in the context of a mock UN conference. The club’s aim is to take students to a conference to practice these skills in a formal debating setting. This is an academic club and will require students to complete research and writing of papers in their own time. Conferences will also incur an additional cost to attend of between 600 and 700 AED and will take place on a weekend. Students must therefore be committed to these requirements before signing up to the club,

Where: M11/M12

When: Tuesday Lunch

Teacher in Charge: Mrs K. Carolan & Mrs L. Flynn

Year Groups: Y12&13 Max Capacity: 30


Debate Society

Anyone ranging from an absolute beginner to an experienced debater is welcome to join this club! We will teach those new to debating all the basic skills required to become professional debaters, while senior debaters will begin discussions and mock debates in preparation for the Dubai Debate League, which is a prestigious competition held amongst schools in the UAE. Both seniors and juniors will have a chance to participate in many such competitions like Gulf debates, DDL and many more! This is also a great opportunity for anyone looking to add meaningful ECA’s onto their CV or CAS

Where: M11

When: Thursday 3:20 4:20pm

Teacher in Charge: Mrs R. Sim Year Groups: Y7 12 Max Capacity: 24

UAE Writing Anthology Project

In December 2021, all JESS secondary students completed a range of writing tasks to celebrate and commemorate the 50th Year of the UAE. In this club activity, we will be working with 6th form students who have an interest in editing and publishing to create an official anthology which will serve as a permanent record of the events. We will meet weekly to edit and collate the selected entries and will design the final digital publication. There are plenty of opportunities to be creative and collaborative, and this will provide a valuable CAS opportunity for students with a current or future inclination to develop writing, editing and publishing skills.

Where: M13 When: Tuesday 12:30 1:10

Teacher in Charge: Ms J. Lawton & Mrs A. McEllin Year Groups: All Year Groups Max Capacity: 24

Head of English

Mrs Johanna O’Hanlon


Activities & Societies

JESS Investment Club

JESS Investment Club is a run by Mr. Raj of secondary. This is his third year of running this club where students learn about the importance of saving and investing. A lot of emphasis is given on the power of compounding not just in finance but in real life too. Students learn both fundamental and technical analysis of stocks. In the past students of this club have participated in the prestigious Wharton Global High School Investment Competition, Student Investor Challenge of London Institute of Banking and Finance and many more.

Disclaimer: This club is meant for educational purposes only and though the app used to manage this challenge is free and relies on a virtual marketplace it may send out promotional offers asking to open an actual account or invest real money (using a valid credit card). Under NO circumstances should you do this.

Where: Lecture Theatre When: Wednesdy 12:20 1:00pm Year Groups: Year 8 to Year 13 Max Capacity: 40

Teacher in Charge

Mr Amit Raj

VR Club

Come and experience using Virtual Reality. You can explore a new immersive experience, draw in 3D or even play games. This club is a first come, first served basis on each session.

Where: S8,9 & 10

When: Monday & Tuesday 12:40 1:20pm Year Groups: Y7 9 Max Capacity: 16

Mr C. Gibson

Teacher in Charge


JESS Entrepreneurs

As entrepreneurs you will be a shareholder of this exciting profitable venture! You will invest 100 AED and take a lead role in the operations of this successful little business provided to the school local community. This venture will see those that choose this ECA go through the motions of a business how to create a product, market and advertise it effectively, provide excellent customer service, produce a profit and loss, budget, and other financial analysis. Moreover you will make and sell the product to the school community using marketing research to set the price, how to sell and where to sell. Lastly you will earn a percentage of the profits as well as your initial investment, however the majority of the revenue earned will go to Dubai Cares.

Where: FC7

When: Thursday 3:20 4:00pm Year Groups: 10 12 Max Capacity: 24

Teacher in Charge

Mrs F. McCarthy

History Bee & Bowl

An international competition testing student's general history knowledge. Students can enter either as individuals (Bee) or as a team (Bowl). Question practise sessions will take place weekly during a lunchtime and students showing flare will have the opportunity to represent the school at city and then national level. Previously, we have had a team that made it as far as competing for the Asian title!

Where: C5

When: Thursday 12:45 1:20pm Year Groups: Y7 12 Max Capacity : 24

Teacher in Charge

Mrs J. Gale

RAK Club

The Random Acts of Kindness Club (RAK club) is your chance to make the world a better place. You will commit random acts of kindness for both students and staff every week. It is also an opportunity to get creative. As a ‘Raktivist’ you will take part in weekly ‘kindness raids’ of your own making.

Come along and find out how much fun being kind is!

Where: M12

When: Thursday 3:20 4:20 Year Groups: All Year Groups Max Capacity: 24

Teacher in Charge

Ms R. D’Annunzio


Creative Media

Students who are considering career paths in Media and Film and are interested in the BTEC International Extended Diploma in Creative Media (2023) are warmly invited to attend Creative Media. This activity will prepare students for studies in Media and Film in Year 12, whether at JESS or elsewhere. As well as developing key practical skills in film and photography, we aim to explore production through short media projects in a relaxed and fun environment.

Where: M3

When: Wednesday 3:25 4:15pm Year Groups: Y9 12 Max Capacity: 15

Teacher in Charge

Mrs M. Guidera

Period Empowerment

Continuing on the powerful work in which JESS students work alongside the sixth Form leaders in order to meet their aim of making 2500 sustainable sanitary towels for the 2 orphanages in Kenya

If you are interested in supporting this venture please sign up. Miss Richardson and the sixth form team will be in touch with details of support sessions over next several weeks. These will take place at lunchtime or straight after school. Any questions at all please contact Mrs Richardson.

Where: TBC When: TBC Year Groups: All Years Max Capacity: N/A

Teacher in Charge

Mrs J. Richardson

Puzzle Club

An opportunity to have fun with words and puzzles, either independently or in team games such as Boggle and Scrabble. A focus on having fun with words and numbers through games and puzzles such as Boggle, Wordle, Sudoku, word searches and at the same time improving literacy and basic number skills. This club takes place in the Oasis a beautiful, serene environment for those students who like a quiet, supportive safe haven and a little challenge amongst like minded puzzlers.

Where: Oasis When: Tuesday Lucnhtime Year Groups: Y7 13 Max Capacity: 12

Teacher in Charge

Mrs A. Hand


Sign Up

Dear Parents,

We will continue to use our calendar booking system called SOCS to sign up to activities this term. This system is being implemented across the school and will eventually have all sports, music, ECAs and school events in one place. Please read this letter carefully for all the information regarding Term 1 ECAs including key dates, instructions on using SOCS, and days and timings of all activities on offer.

Information is being shared during form time this week. All students also have access to the ECA channel on Microsoft Teams where details can also be found.

Key Dates

• Monday 29th August at 4:00pm – signup opens.

• Thursday 2nd September at 3:00 pm – signup closes.

• Monday 5th September – Clubs start.

• Monday 17th – Friday 21st October – Half Term Holidays

• Wednesday 30th November – Clubs end.

Information on using SOCS

· Parents can select a club on a first come, first served basis.

· SOCS is linked to our school system so will only show those clubs that are applicable to your child’s year group.

· You can make changes to your choices on the website whilst the sign up is open.

· You do not need to sign up online for ‘Selected’ clubs; they are printed on the schedule for your information only.


1. Click on this LINK to activate your SOCS account. We recommended setting this up prior to the ECA schedule going live. Please note that when activating your account the activation email may take a couple of minutes to arrive.

2. Study the ECA schedule and select your clubs.


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